Terraria’s WORST Enemies… #terraria #shorts

Terraria has a plethora of enemies but what are the most annoying ones well if you’re a cultured person you probably think the giant tortoise oh you want to do some jungle exploration well not anymore or how about let’s say you’re fighting a boss and then you fly too high and go into space and on your way down you’re being tra by a wyvern whoopy do I despise wyverns and ones you get wings they’re useless but they don’t even pale and comparison to the Moss Hornets oh my God so you’re in the jungle having a good time perhaps you’re making in a boss fight arena for planta and in that moment you realize making the arena for planta is harder than fighting the actual boss itself all right but the last two enemies don’t even compare to every single bat in the game every single bat in the game I hate them all subscribe for more

Terraria has a LOT of enemies. But what are the most annoying ones…?


  1. It is even worse when playing mods like Fargo's that makes all wasp like enemy have a debuff that spawns even more wasps

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