NOOB vs PRO: TITANIC HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft

we’ve been challenged to a new vess’s Pro Titanic house build in Minecraft can we build a ship strong enough to survive this giant Iceberg or will we sink to the bottom of the ocean this is the funnest day ever in the ocean yeah I totally agree Milo and wait we’re not going very fast right now yeah that’s really annoying why is the RO going FL yeah it’s going so slow uh-oh Milo we don’t have an engine on this thing what no engine what you mean oh my gosh we forgot to build an engine on our Roth no wonder it’s taking so long to get here the Wonder must be way too cold for this left yeah you’re right Milo oh my gosh we’re never going to get out of here we need to build Titanic houses to get out of here otherwise we’re never going to make it and we’ll get stranded and uh-oh is this rocked on Fire Ship jump ship no Milo don’t the wood is going to be cold yeah that’s okay I don’t want to burn to death oh my gosh Milo is it swimmable oh yeah the water’s actually fing oh my gosh quick Milo get back on the raft right now we need to get red black and white materials to make our Titanic what red black and white n the Titanic is blue what no Milo the Titanic isn’t blue it’s red black and white come on we got to be building it now no it’s the blue I’m building a blue Titanic Oh My Gosh okay fine I’ll build a red black and white Titanic I guess we’re going to build different Titanics Milo yeah that’s fine mine’s going to be better anyway no way mine’s going to be way better better all right let’s see who can build the better Titanic I’m going to build the shape of my Titanic like this I’m going to use the red black and white so well I think the red can go down on the bottom level then we can have a lot of it be black and then white can be up the top just like this yeah I’m sure your stupid red black and white Titanic is going to look real lovely hey it definitely will look lovely and uh-oh Milo I think the build is starting to freeze because the water is so cold oh man that means we got to build pretty quickly yeah we need to build these things really quickly before the water freeze is solid and we can’t move at all oh chip okay this is really stressing me out but I think I’ve got a really good idea of what I’m going to do okay what’s your idea Milo blue Titanic blue Titan Milo that’s been your idea this whole time and it’s a terrible one and oh no I keep having to destroy all the ice that’s forming around my build well my build’s fine maybe because I built it in the right color what Milo it’s because your build is really tiny the ice hasn’t even had any time to form yet well if I see the ice I’m just going to shout at it Milo ice doesn’t break from yelling that’s singing and breaking glosses oh Milo you have so much to learn are you sure you’re going to be able to build a boat oh no chip we got a fast bit of ice over here yeah Milo that’s just the start the more ice there is the quicker it will form and oh no it’s already starting to form along my ship guys that’s actually really funny I might go and place some more rce over there if you’re lucky no way Milo I’m going to grab campfires and put them along my ship my ship ship is going to have built-in warming systems all right I’ll place them everywhere that there is ice to make sure it doesn’t form in the same spots again I’m actually pretty annoyed that we’re in the Antarctica ocean because it’s really freezing here I know I can’t believe we just wanted to go on holiday to Antarctica and we got stuck building Titanics that’s crazy yeah I wanted to see all the penguin fanss yeah I know you’re really close to the Penguins aren’t you Milo yeah that’s pretty much my besties because we hang out and we slide around on the ice what no I thought I was your best yeah yeah that’s a j hey Milo don’t be mean okay well maybe once we get these builds done we’ll be able to go visit your Penguin friends yeah I hope so because this is making me sad yeah okay don’t worry Milo come on I’m just going to place more campfires down although I think torches might actually be better yeah these will make a lot less smoke but they’ll still do the warming that I really want them to be able to do hey this is going so well I’m really glad I have warming systems on my boat ship I just had a thought what’s the Thought mil well you know how our Ro just crashed yeah I definitely remember that it was so recent and so horrible I think I might know why what why did our rft crash Milo well do you remember when you told me to build something cool on the raft yeah I do remember that was such a while ago now but hey what did you end up making well I put a little campfire underneath and that’s what I thought was going to fuel the ship Milo you’re joking right everybody knows you can’t put fire on a piece of wood mom no I’m not jerking Milo oh my goodness is that why we crashed oh no that’s terrible is that also why the engine wasn’t working yeah pretty much oh my gosh Milo you can’t just set something on fire and call it an engine that’s not how engines work at all well I did not I thought I was doing the good thing oh my gosh no Milo that was not a good thing although I guess it’s going to be fun trying to build Titanics I just hope we can build them before they totally freeze or before any icebergs come and get us yeah and also my Titanic is what no way my Titanic is definitely going to be the pro one it can cut through any icebergs and speaking of which Milo I swear these icebergs weren’t this big or this close before they’re actually getting closer to us oh man the water is freezing and making the ice BS huge Milo did you just call the icebergs an ice big yeah because they’re getting big Milo they’re called icebergs and I don’t know I don’t think it’s just the water freezing more ice they’re actually moving closer that’s how the ice bgs hit the original Titanic they floated closer to it and boom there was no time for anybody to steer away oh man that’s scaring me chip oh don’t be scared Milo I don’t think they’ll come and get us right surely we’ve learned from the past Titanics and now we’ll be really good at building ones that don’t get hit by icebergs what all right we just have to be really careful look I’m almost done building the front of my Titanic and it’s looking pretty cool actually I’m making the white the red and the black and these are definitely the colors that the real tit Titanic is or at least the colors that it was I don’t think the real Titanic’s doing too well but hey maybe we can totally bring it back yeah that’s bring it back Myer’s Titanic for the win yeah exactly although wait a minute no my Titanic for the win I don’t want your Titanic to be better than mine mine’s going to be the best one by far ha you disagreed with me no Milo oh my gosh okay I guess I did agree with you but only for a second now I definitely know that my Titanic will be the best oh no this ice is coming really quickly and oh no it’s starting to freeze around our original raft oh man that raft is really done for yeah it’s toast and what’s even going to be toastier is how warm my Titanic will be I’m going to have some pretty awesome heating let’s Place torches all the way along the side like this this way there is no chance that any ice can form at all hey I think this is actually a really good idea and it’ll make sure my Titanic does not ever get super duper swamped by all the coldness yeah and my Titanic is actually going to be Lava Hot what hot Milo that sounds like a bad idea didn’t your last raft burn down a couple seconds ago that is true you got to make sure you build it in all right temperature otherwise you might just boil all the water around you and you won’t be able to go at all oh y okay yeah I don’t want my Titanic to be too hot I just want it to be medium hot yeah exactly that’s why my Titanic is going to be nice and warm and toasty without being absolutely boiling hey that’s water inside my Titanic already what Milo that’s terrible water only got inside the real Titanic after it was hit by an iceberg if your Titanic hasn’t even been hit by an iceberg yet and it’s already filling with water how are you going to go going through the real icebergs I’m going to need some sponges over here Milo are you sure carrying sponges around your Titanic is the best idea sponges are kind of weird well it’s the best idea I’ve had by the way H okay I just don’t know if you’re going to be able to carry all of them around sponges can be kind of heavy well let me just get the sponge and I’ll see how heavy it is um it is not very heavy oh okay I guess you can use sponge but I just think warmth is a much better idea that’s why I’m almost done placing my torches down look the ice is going way slower on the sides where I’ve already put down the Torches this is great it means my idea is really working hey it’s even melting the ice that’s already there let me make sure I put torches on the inside as well that way all of the ice can properly melt and none conform even on the inside I think it’s even worse to have ice on the inside of the Titanic because then when it melts oh boy my Titanic might start sinking W CH what is it Milo your Titanic looks insane thanks Milo and I’ve only made a little bit of it once I start making the rest of it it’s going to look so cool oh man I’m really going to up my game if I’m going to beat you at this oh yeah you definitely do Milo that’s why I’m definitely the pro I think you might actually be a little bit of a noob oh I’m going to prove myself that I’m not the NB I don’t know my look good luck proving that against a pro like me oh you’re making me angry sorry Milo I don’t mean to make you angry I only want to get excited about how cool this Titanic’s going to look look I’ll destroy all the ice on the inside and then I can get started on building the floor this is about to look so amazing I can’t wait to start now that I’ve destroyed so much of the ice I think it’s time to actually start placing down all this concrete this is going to be the bottom floor of my Titanic I’m going to have some pretty cool stuff in here it’s going to be very useful for making this Titanic work I might have some bedrooms and of course we need to build a working engine room it’s going to have some seriously cool engine pots that will really work and go up and down and have fire in everything what about you Milo what’s your Titanic going to have well pretty much it’s not going to have anything like that because I haven’t decided yet what Milo you haven’t even decided yet how’s your Titanic going to work if you can’t even decide what to put on it I’m still building the structure oh my gosh Milo but your structure is so tiny how are you still going on it well because I kind of got lost the ocean for a second there oh my gosh Milo the ocean is a pretty big place you better make sure you keep a really good eye out for where your Titanic is so you don’t get lost especially out here the Antarctic ocean is one of the biggest oceans ever and all the icebergs around can get pretty confusing yeah I’m already confused oh my gosh mil Lord don’t get confused okay uh if you ever get lost I’ll play a really loud sound on my ship’s horn to make sure you know exactly where to come back okay that’s pretty good what kind of sound will it be H it’ll probably sound like or something really deep wait I can actually give you an example all right here I think this will be exactly what I want it to sound like that’s a funny sound I’ll probably be laughing when I come back to see you hey okay well maybe this will be a lot less funny I think this is the one I meant to grab um Dad want the creeping me out yeah that’s going to be my official ship horn it’s going to sound so cool I just know it I’m also going to place lots more concrete all throughout this place just like this this is about to be so cool all right we’ll make make sure it goes along the floor like this oh Milo you’re going to be so impressed when you see how my Titanic turns out more like depressed wao Milo no you’re not going to be depressed you’re going to be so impressed and maybe even flabbergasted flabbergasted I don’t want to be that at all what Milo flaged is a good thing it means like super amazed oh really I thought it means when you get squashed by a car wa no Milo that’s getting run over wait if you thought flabber did meant run over what did you think run over meant I thought it meant when you run really fast get the ice creams what no Milo that’s not what it means at all oh no have you been telling people that you got run over yeah oh my gosh Milo you’ve got a lot of people to call up and tell them that you’re actually fine yeah I’m going to start those calls right after I finish this Bild yeah true there’s no phone reception in the middle of the Antarctic ocean it kind of sucks here oh boy I really hope we get to Antarctica soon before those icebergs keep coming closer to us but the good news is my penguin friends know how to call on the phone uh yeah that is really good news but you still still can’t call on the phone if you don’t have a signal Milo well they have a signal they built a big satellite in the house in the Antarctic W that’s pretty cool but Milo we haven’t built one here we still can’t use our phones what oh yeah I forgot oh Milo you’re so forgetful sometimes but it’s okay you’ll be able to use it once we get to the Antarctic but not if we crash Milo the original Titanic is very famous for not working very well exactly it actually crashed on its very first voyage the first one dang that’s Sly yeah and it hit an iceberg of all things Milo we’ve got to be very careful we don’t hit any of these icebergs around here otherwise we could really go down don’t worry chip I would never build something to breaks uh Milo everything you build breaks that’s why I always build something that’s big enough to take both of us in just in case you need to come along what that is rude I haven’t built anything that broken in the last 3 months Milo more like 3 minutes didn’t you build the campfire on the raft that just broke down oh yeah I totally did do that oh my gosh Milo you’re so silly I really hope this Titanic your building doesn’t break down if it did that would be so awful don’t worry because mil’s good now yeah okay I really hope so because you know the old saying the captain goes down with the ship if your Titanic fails you’ll probably have to go down with it yeah right buddy I’ll be escaping real fast what Milo okay well if my Titanic fails I’m going to go down with it it’s because I’m so confident my Titanic will work I just really hope it actually does now otherwise I could be in some serious trouble hey look though I’m almost done with the back of my ship this is going so well so quickly oh wow Milo I really think my Titanic is going to work out perfectly I just have a really good feeling about it what are you going to name it Milo I’m going to name it the Titanic what else would you call it I’m calling my ship the milot tanic the milot tanic oh my goodness now it’s going to double crash what hey sorry Milo sorry Milo I didn’t mean to be mean but I don’t know you builds normally crash and since you’re building a Titanic something that’s famous for crashing I just get the feeling it’s not going to go very well well maybe it will cancel itself that yeah maybe it’ll crash so hard that it crashes into land at the Antarctic and you’ll be fine exactly okay maybe that’ll happen I’m really Holding Out For You Milo I hope this works out well but look I’m already at my final layer of building the Hall of my ship then I can start building the engine room and the bedrooms and some other really cool fun rooms as well how are you building so quick what Milo it’s really easy since I built heat on the bottom of my Titanic I don’t have to spend the whole time breaking ice I can focus all my energy on building and boom I’ve done one full side of the hole and wa that’s looking so good already well have you even looked at mine recently uh yeah Milo I have it kind of is hard to see though it Blends in really well with the sky and the water exactly it’s a disguise so that the iceberg doesn’t see me uh Milo the ice is one block away from touching your Titan tanic yeah but that’s just a freezy water ice it’s not the big Iceberg that’s going to kill me Milo the Freezy water ice is what makes it really hard to move so that the big Iceberg makes its way right to you yeah think about that later oh my gosh okay you’re kind of crazy but Milo I’m going to build the second half of my Titanic and then I can make the inside rooms the first step in making a bunch of rooms on the Titanic is to add a bunch of Windows look we’ll make sure the windows go really really nicely along the ship hey I think this is perfect we’ve also got to make sure to add some windows on the other floors as well they can kind of be staggered like this this way the rooms won’t line up perfectly and in case any icebergs hit the side there is no way they’ll be able to break all the rooms this is a really good design idea that will help keep my Titanic super safe maybe I should call mine a cruise chip because that’s my name and it kind of sounds like cruise ship thanks Milo you really think it’s funny yeah that was the funny one thanks Milo I’m really glad you think it’s funny that’s so nice of you to say yeah I’m nice yeah you totally are and look my Titanic’s looking really good I like adding the different Windows to it it makes it looks so epic and I really think we need to give different amounts of space for each of the rooms hey look I can even see you out some of these windows Milo that’s pretty cool yeah I’m out here just been the way I really think we need to have some bedrooms I say the bedroom areas can be over here like this yeah we’ll add a little section for them right over here I think the bedroom can end about here it needs to be pretty big because there will be two parts to it one of them will be your room Milo and the other one will be mine my room why do I have a room well Milo cuz everyone is welcome on my Titanic it’s so big that everyone can fit inside even you well I’m suspicious now what suspicious of what Milo just you’re trying to sabotage me so I go on your chair what no Milo I’m not trying to sabotage you at all I just want to make sure that just in case things go wrong you can still be safe well things won’t go long what uh I don’t know if that’s true Mila but okay I like your confidence H next to the bedrooms I’m going to add some bathrooms I’ll add it to the spots that don’t have any Windows because that way we get some nice privacy each all right I think the bathroom can go about to here yeah that’s a perfect length for a bathroom okay next we’ll also definitely need to add some kind of kitchen as well H oh I know the kitchen can definitely go here in the middle this is where a lot of the cooking will take place so it’s very important that we make it really really nice okay this will have to be a great kitchen and the bedrooms can even be so many stories high that’s because the ceilings have to be super duper tall on my Titanic H what else can I build oh I know over here we can have a giant storage room oh wow this storage room is going to be massive maybe I’ll even make the kitchen a little bit bigger like this so that then I can make it flatter that way we’ll have even more space for the storage room oh boy this is about to be so cool we can keep some epic stuff inside it like cars and crates and riches as well did you just say cause yeah CA Milo the Titanic actually had cause on on it that it moved across the ocean how cool is that that is bunkers I want to have the cause what no Milo you can’t have the cause than mine you can enjoy the TV room though which I will be building h right over here it can be opposite the hallway from our bedrooms oh yeah that’s going to be awesome because I like to watch the TV but I have a feeling they didn’t have the TVs back in that day uh no they definitely didn’t but my Titanic can be super duper modern it’s about to be so epic now the first best part of building any bedrooms is to grab the beds now because my favorite color is orange and your favorite color is blue we’ll need to use those colors for the bedroom H I’ll put my orange bed here and we’ll put your blue bed all the way over here on this side yep that’ll look perfect actually I’ll move my orange bed over to here that way we can add another door that lets us into our bathrooms oh this is so cool I really like this now we’ll also need to grab carpets one for each of us of course I don’t want to miss out on any of the colors right you can have your blue carpet right over here inside your room and I’ll just have my orange cfet over here hey my room’s a little bit bigger Milo I hope you don’t mind yeah well I do mind what Milo but I’m kind of giving you a room for free here are you really sure you’re going to complain about it well I don’t even want a room now so forget it what Milo I think you’re definitely going to want a room on my Titanic it’s pretty good and it’s going to be pretty safe yeah my place is safe as well uh Milo you’re building your Titanic out of wool and oh wait never mind you’re building it out of concrete I swear I saw wool here before n just the concrete oh okay well never mind then your Titanic’s actually not looking bad but uh-oh mil Lord that ice is getting really close I don’t care about it what Milo you don’t care about the ice that seems like a really bad idea are you sure yeah I don’t care and I want it there um Milo why do you want the ice on the side of your Titanic because it reminds me of the really scary situation Milo why do you want to be reminded of a scary situation should I build better get to grind Zone oh my gosh okay Milo well if you want to be reminded of scariness and times where you’re not happy I guess I can make your room really small Mom oh okay sorry Milo I won’t make your room really small but what do you want me to do I I can’t tell I don’t know chip stop bothering me I know you’re just trying to make my really bad Milo that doesn’t make sense how am I making yours bad by bothering you I’m just trying to help so that we both survive and can visit our Penguin friends in the Antarctic yeah whatever my brain’s trying to think about mats right now oh okay sorry Milo have fun thinking of M now we also definitely need both robes and some bathtubs too they’re so fancy and because this is such a fancy ship we definitely both need them all right here you go Milo and I also think you definitely deserve a mirror wao these are about to look so cool here you go you can have one right here it’s so shiny as well and I need to make sure I give me one as well I don’t want your bathroom to be the only one with a mirror that just wouldn’t be fair stop talking smack what Milo I’m not talking smack oh my goodness well at least I’m going to have a big mirror than you then you’re being so mean to me Milo so I think I’m going to be a little bit mean back I put the winds screen in my ship wao windscreen hey that’s actually pretty good now if it starts to snow it won’t get all up in your eyes because it’ll totally stop before it reaches you yeah and that’s why my ship’s better because I’m thinking of the smart stuff uh I don’t know Milo I think my ship is really really good look I’m already adding the roof to your bathroom I have a couple extra really awesome things I need to add otherwise I’m toast maybe at the back here I can have my storage room and up here I can have the engines oh yeah this is going to be so good I’m going to move the kitchen all the way to the back I think this is perfect the kitchen doesn’t even need to be that big oh yeah Milo just wait my engines are about to be so huge and impressive everybody’s going to want to see them especially you and all your Penguin friends oh man I didn’t even think about the engine situation what Milo your boat doesn’t have an engine not yet oh my goodness Milo that’s terrible no wonder the ice is forming around it it’s going to freeze soon look the Torches around my boat are stopping the ice from even getting close it’s got a perfect little force field bubble mine them I’m going to copy your idea what okay Milo sure you can totally copy me as long as it makes sure that we’re both safe stop being so nice oh sorry Milo I can be mean if you want yeah I’m trying to beat you at the Cal hey Milo you’re not going to beat me there’s no way I think I’m going to do a little bit better of a job building a Titanic than you look I’ve already moved on to making the roof of our rooms although wait a second in I totally forgot to add any paintings in oh I’m so silly let me grab some quartz slabs to properly frame them I think this is perfect all right what painting do I even want here all right let’s just place it down and see what painting it gives us who the skull one uh-uh people died on the Titanic that’s really Grim fighting one hey that one’s actually pretty cool you know what I say we keep this one I’ll make my bookshelf a little bit shorter and we’ll just frame it up to the roof this is a really cool painting and wao it looks absolutely perfect I’m glad when I placed it down again it didn’t end up being a skull one then that would have been really scary hey this is super duper cool I really like this actually I also kind of want a painting in my bathroom let’s make it one of the fancy ones now because bathrooms oh wait what happens I think the fire is definitely right it kind of makes it feel really nice and cozy and toasty do you want me to add a painting inside your bathroom too Milo no oh okay that’s fine do you want anything inside your bathroom I don’t want a bathroom on your ship cuz I’m going to be on my ship what okay I guess I’ll get rid of your bathroom on my ship though but Milo if you need to go to the toilet and you end up on my ship I’m not letting you use my bathroom well I have one here and it’s beautiful I don’t know you might not have it for long if your ship crashes Milo or if it fails to start entirely my sh porn crash I don’t know Milo you’re kind of already covered in ice it wouldn’t take much more for an iceberg to form and just totally Crash Into You nuh-uh cuz I put the Torches down now oh okay that’s actually pretty good I’m really happy to hear about that Milo now you’ll be a lot safer and there’s way less chance that you’ll totally just die yeah I won’t die ever yeah that’s the spirit Milo all right now I’m just going to make my kitchen over here the kitchen is going to be opposite the rooms that way in case we ever get a little hungry in the middle of the night we can quickly just walk over and make a really yummy snack H what’s my favorite snack though I don’t really want to eat fish there’s going to be so much fish surrounding us because we’re on the Titanic but I have a feeling there’s some better stuff to eat instead oh I know like cookies in the real Titanic they had so many fancy pastries like cookies and cakes and all sorts of things that’s why in my kitchen we’re only going to have super fancy stuff let’s grab some kitchen cabinets H I think these white ones are perfect now let’s also make sure we grab some sinks as well and they should also probably be white let’s grab the sink just like that okay this is actually looking really good I’ll also grab some glass so that we can add some windows to the kitchen and make it feel a lot nicer hey this actually looks really nice all right now let’s place even more windows here and we can also Place Windows just on this side wow this looks so cool let’s get rid of some of these torches and place down a bunch of kitchen en counters just like this wao this looks epic I really like this kitchen Milo do you have a kitchen on your Titanic well I just build in the bedroom right now uh okay that’s pretty good but Milo my bedrooms are pretty big and I’ve already finished them yeah good for you oh my gosh Milo if your Titanic takes too long to build you could be stuck by the time the ice sets in and those icebergs drift closer oh I don’t want that to happen yeah neither do I don’t worry Milo I’m sure you’ll be totally fine all right I’ve added in some furnaces to my kitchen just like this and we’ll add some walls to hold up the ceiling a little better and now we need to add some chests this is where we will keep a lot of the ingredients for cooking with yep I think we need a bunch of them this way they can go all the way up the walls and we’ll never run out of ingredients even though we will be in the middle of the ocean I’m going to grab some cake and wait a minute Milo my kitchen’s about to have the coolest feature ever what is it doors made out of cake wo this looks so nice well I’ve got a Jam Jar in my place oh a Jam Jar that’s a great idea Milo thanks for the reminder no don’t steal my jam idea sorry Milo my Titanic is Jam jawz too now does it have a little puffer fish trophy Milo what’s a puffa fish trophy well it’s just something for me to know not for you oh my gosh okay Milo I really hope you’re not keeping puffer fish inside your Titanic you know puffer fish have spikes right yeah but I have a trophy of the puffer fish so it’s made out of metal that’s even worse metal spikes are way harder than puffer fish spikes well I don’t need your NE every okay Milo sorry I didn’t mean to be negative all right I’m just going to fill my chest with cookies because that’s my favorite food and if all we have to eat on my Titanic is cookies I’ll actually be happy about that because cookies are so delicious I think I also deserve a bunch of cookies it’s going to be pretty tough sailing through the Antarctic sea around these ice bags and I should not be doing that on an empty stomach all right now I need to add some Oak planks just to add a roof to this kitchen I don’t want it being super cold in there the more outside air we let into the kitchen the colder it will be and the hotter it will be to cook anything that’s why adding these Oak planks is absolutely critical okay this is looking really good wo next I think we should definitely move on to a little room where we can sit and eat the real Titanic had a really fancy dining room and mine will be no different out the back here we’ll have two really big fancy Windows wao these already look so fancy but they’re about to look so much cooler We’ll add some windows on the sides here like that and we’ll also make sure to match them symmetrically hey this already looks really cool all right now I’ll add a little bit of an area where your bathroom used to be Milo and I might just add something in here maybe a little extra storage room could be perfect yeah that would be good actually what am I saying I don’t want any stuff on your sh oh Milo you just admitted it you want a room on my ship are you worried that something will go wrong with your Titanic Milo well I’ve been thinking about it yeah it’s pretty good you’ve been thinking about it I’ve been thinking about it too Milo and I don’t know are you sure your Titanic’s going to work I is just troll you just then because it’s definitely going to work and it’s going to go faster as well what faster than mine Milo mine’s going to have a real engine yours is still getting surrounded by Ice I wouldn’t call that fast oh I’ve got an engine idea now oh wow really oh I’m so proud of you Milo this is definitely going to be better than the campfire you put under our old raft yeah much better oh wow I’m really excited to see what it is good job Milo this is going to go really well thanks chip you’re welcome Milo although don’t be too grateful it still won’t go as well as mine will because mine’s about to look so cool I’m even going to add a really fancy dining room as well all right now that the roof is done it is time to get started on the dining room let’s just make this wall here so that we can block it up like this oh yeah this is about to be so nice and fancy let’s get some chairs but not just any chairs we need to make sure we choose a really fancy one oh I know we can make sure we pick these super cool dining diorite chairs or even better these dining Lightwood chairs they’re so fancy they have different kinds of wood on them or they just have one kind of wood and a bunch of quartz quartz is very rare and very expensive so by adding it to my cruise ship we make it look super duper fancy hey this is looking good although H I don’t like the Torches they’re not nice at all let’s grab a table that we can put down so that we can change this from some torches to something a little better we’ll grab a Darkwood table and we’ll put it in the middle just like this this is about to be so fancy Milo you’re not going to believe your eyes I am believing my eyes because I’m looking at a really really nice bedroom on my ship wo Milo you’re already making your bedrooms nice on your ship that’s pretty cool although I don’t see your name tag where exactly are you making this bedroom W just in the water what in the water Milo you can’t build a bedroom in the water that’s a terrible idea no silly I’m not in the water I’m just in the section of the ship that’s under the water Milo why is part of your ship underwater that’s a big problem when it comes to ships you know n it’s not a problem it’s just smart ideas oh my gosh okay Milo I really hope this goes well I’m going to add some lanterns to the top of my ship just like this wao they fit really well in the dining room now I can get rid of some of these torches and if it gets too cold in here I might be able to add some other form of light and heat definitely not torches or campfires or lanterns oh I know exactly what will go well in here let’s add a bunch of candles I say orange candles are definitely the best We’ll add them all along the table because it’s about to make it look so fancy hey this looks really cool we’ll definitely need to light these up though otherwise they would just be sticks of wax and ow uh-oh I kind of set myself on fire that was really silly of me oh no I set the table on fire as well I need to be really careful with this flint and steel I don’t want to repeat of that campfire rft disaster now I’ll also grab some nice little flowers I think these corn flowers match the blue of the sea they’ll remind everybody here exactly where we are now I’m just going to grab some nice little equipment that we can all eat our beautiful food off of hey this is epic and I also really want to add some cushions next to the seats this way the people resting on my Titanic can stick that feet up and have a really relaxing time now I’ll put some super cool cups down and wao these are really fancy you can even stack them Milo this is so cool wow the people in my Titanic are going to have an absolute Feast yeah I’m going to have a feast on my Titanic as well I’m going to have a feast of winning a feast of winning Milo that doesn’t even make sense what’s a feast of winning it’s when I beat you with everything Milo that’s not a feast that’s a victory although it makes sense you wouldn’t know what it’s called because I don’t think you get them very much y That’s what really crazy yeah it is pretty crazy Milo maybe you can win something once in a while then you’ll be able to know what victory is like CH if you keep talking smack I’m going to blow up your ship waa Milo don’t blow up my Titanic I already have to fight off icebergs and this ice that’s freezing around me I don’t want to have to fight off TNT as well well that’s just how I’ve been feeling lately also Milo are you wearing pants what yes Milo when did you stop wearing pants that’s awfully fancy of you yeah just before because I’m feeling like a fancy guy I’m my new Bo hey that’s pretty cool I’m glad your Titanic is making you feel fancy mine’s also going to make me feel pretty fancy because I’m about to add a bunch of classic cars wo there are really cool ones we can have a bunch with different colors and made out of different materials I really like all these choices we have we can have some copper ones and wooden ones and oh boy this is about to look so cool we’ll have the cars nicely lined up here just like this wao this looks epic just like real cwood in the actual Titanic Let’s make sure we have them on both sides too and wait we can even drive them this is so cool Milo my Titanic is about to be so fun except uh oh I need to park this properly I want all the cars to be nicely lined up this is looking really epic but I’ll just add a nice little modern car at the end here yep I think that’s something that my ship was definitely missing but not anymore look at that we now have some proper automobiles now I’m going to add some barrels in and I can also add some crates in as well this is about to look so cool Milo what about you how is your car car room looking if you even have a car room at all that is well I don’t have one and I’m not going to have one what Milo why aren’t you going to have a car room it makes your Titanic look so much fancier if you do it’s not necessary what a Milo a car room is always necessary it’s so great look mine already even has barrels as well it’s looking so cool like an official storage area well I’m just focusing on other important stuff like my dining room like your dining room oh okay um what’s in your dining room some on a table uh Milo it’s taking you this long to put down a chairs and a table Milo the icebergs they’re coming towards us you’re not going to be able to do it in time I’m trying to do it really carefully so it looks good okay I really hope you can do that Milo but H I think I need to section off a little bit of my car room I’m leaving way too much space for storage and if I had too many things my Titanic could sink from being too heavy that would be really bad so instead of just having a storage room we also need an engine room room H I’ll build that in just a second though first we need to finish this car storage room all right we’ll build the walls up all the way to here I think that’s a really good height and we also need to add in some chests this is because we can’t just have barrels and crates chests are a very important type of storage otherwise it just wouldn’t fit now we also need to have some other form of lighting these torches are nice and they’re very warm but there’s way too many of them and if these torches catch anything on fire oh boy my entire Titanic could go down in flames that’s why it’s pretty important I picked something else to use as lighting hey maybe like a lantern yeah that could be perfect let’s add the oak planks to the top of my car storage room then I can add some lanterns hanging down and it will look really perfect oh Yep this is going to be so cool I’m really excited to add this in let’s make sure we add more of these Oak flanks just like this hey this is looking epic wow this car storage room is pretty massive I did not realize it would be this huge I’ll also leave another section of space at the front just in case want to add anything here I’m not sure if we even will even if we don’t add anything up here this room could still be really useful as an air room because this is a boat it needs lots of air inside it to float on the ocean the ocean can be pretty deadly at times there’s waves and not to mention icebergs that is why we need to make sure this ship is super duper good at floating and the real Titanic had some air rooms but definitely not enough that’s why my Titanic is going to be way better and have so many airs it’ll be crazy who are you going to get to even let your Titanic Milo well just me what oh hey that’s pretty cool when did you get your boating license well I haven’t got it yet wait what Milo you can’t even drive a little jet ski without a boating license how are you going to drive the biggest ship ever made at the time across the Antarctic ocean through icebergs because I’m building it so I know how it works oh my gosh Milo that’s still doesn’t mean you’re going to be a good driver remember when you stuck together all that mud and twigs and you tried to drive it and cold it a car yeah that was a good idea no Milo it went terribly you got mud and sticks all over my room it took me weeks to clean that up yeah well I’m coming over to scare you wait what Milo why would you announce that because B Milo I didn’t get scared because you told me you were coming that’s like the rule one of scaring people you got to be surprising well I didn’t think about that hey why is that cake on the wall Milo this is my cake door I told you about this and hey stop looking at my Titanic this isn’t ready yet CH you copied my jam hey Milo don’t break my jam Jaws please I only have seven of them bye Milo did you just break a hole through the side of my Titanic yeah I did and what you going to do about it buddy well I’m going to plug up the hle first and then I’m going to make sure you can’t ever come back around here I can’t believe you’re being so mean oh no I also have torches still in these bedrooms oh boy I better replace them with oh no there’s a car here I better quickly get rid of this car I think we can just leave it at the bottom of the ocean and it should be fine okay this is good nobody will ever know but I definitely need to add some sort of lighting in here that’s not torches I think the lanterns are absolutely perfect they’re really nice and fancy and they also keep all the heat inside or at least all the Flames inside the heat nicely goes around the room while there’s no fire risk at all it’s a pretty good best of both World situation wa I really like that now let’s make sure we add one inside my bathroom otherwise it might get pretty dark in here especially at night time now Milo I know you’re not even coming back around because you’re banned from my ship right now but if you went I would probably let you in this room so just in case I’m going to add some lighting to this room as well no don’t okay I won’t sorry Milo I already placed them don’t tell Milo all right now I’m going to place some lights inside this room I’ll count three blocks apart to make sure that each is similar distance and oh I already ruined that okay maybe they can be two blocks apart yeah that’s better now that they’re two blocks apart I can fit even more hanging lights in this room it can be even more well lit and even toastier that’s important to make sure the cars engines don’t freeze just like the old raft engine did although to be fair the old raft engine made by Milo with the campfire didn’t even work in the first place that was so crazy I can’t believe that even happened no wonder we got stuck out here oh boy I better make this room really quickly otherwise we could get stuck out here again and again and over and over until we never leave I’ve just down my ma idea wa Milo already that’s amazing what was your major idea it’s a big pull on the deck uh Milo I must have heard you wrong did you say a big pool yeah and it’s so that if any of my little friends want to come and hang out and swim around they can come up here Milo you do realize pools are full of water right yes obviously uh and Milo the one thing you want to keep outside of your ship is water you know that right as well yes Milo if you put water inside your ship it might get too heavy and it might sink also who wants a pool in the middle of the ocean it’s freezing the second anybody gets out of the pool they’ll freeze don’t worry I’ll put something in that will make it warm but Milo what about once they step out they’ll still be really cold cuz they’ll be surrounded by freezing air and they’ll be soaking wet I don’t want to hear all these smart words okay I’m done okay Milo sorry for being smart I didn’t mean to do that on the bright side or on the really bright side my torches now can be destroyed because I’ve got so many lanterns here by torches you’ve served me very well but I actually don’t need you anymore it’s becoming dangerous to keep all these torches around so I’m just going to get rid of them perfect now we’ve got to make sure we break all the torches on this side too oh look at that this is incredible let’s make sure we don’t forget a single one that could be bad it only takes one forgotten torch to burn down the entire ship and when you’re stranded in the Antarctic ocean burning down is not an option here we won’t make it back if we burn down our ships that is why I’ve got to make sure I take this very seriously and it’s extra important for me Milo if you burn down your ship you can always just come on mine but if my Titanic burns down y boat’s really small so I don’t think there’ll be any space for me on it yeah that’s right I haven’t built any space for you what Milo that’s so mean are you even going to build a little thing for me no but I have a drum kit for myself wait a drum kit Milo why do you have a drum kit and not an extra room cuz I’m learning how to play the drum oh that’s pretty cool actually how’s it going yeah good it goes like wo that is how the drum sound good job Milo I’m very impressed thanks and I’ve got a painting section as as well wa a painting section no way okay your Titanic’s actually sounding really impressive Milo I can’t wait to see it it’s going to be a fun time for sure yeah I think it definitely will now I’ve already built the storage room the bedroom the kitchen room and the dining room but there is one room that every boat needs that I actually haven’t made yet that I’m going to get started on right now what is it well it’s going to be an engine room a massive one as well these engines are going to be some of the most powerful ever made they’re going to generate enough thrust to push this entire boat forward and it’s going to push it so fast that it’ll basically break through the icebergs or at least the faster we steer I’m sure the faster we’ll be able to move past them I’ll also make the top section of this boat out of white concrete just like this oh y this is looking epic come on I’m got to place as much of it as possible here we go this is looking really good my engines are going to be pretty big so this room needs to be two stories tall a lot bigger than the one stories all these other rooms are all these other rooms are nowh near as important these engines won’t just make sure we go forward they’ll also help keep the entire Titanic warm and stop it from freezing that’s a pretty important job if you ask me oh wow this is looking really really good let’s make this doorway a little bigger and let’s also add a doorway on this side this way both of these top sections can be reached really easily but Milo I’m actually going to make my engine right now so don’t be alarmed if you hear a lot of really loud noises i w because I’m actually doing something cool here myself okay I’m excited to see what it is right let’s stop placing my engines down right now on the real Titanic they had actual steam engines and I think that’s exactly what I need to put here first we’ll need to put down a bunch of campfires and then we’ll add some fluid tanks on top it’s pretty important that we fill these fluid tanks with water so they can actually work like real steam engines all right this is going good look you can see it totally filling up this is epic all right now it’s completely full we can’t even add any more water to it now we’ll put a steam engine on and look it’s totally becoming a steam engine let let’s add a shaft to the side of it like this and wo that looks really really epic hey I bet it’s totally going to start turning soon all right now this is looking pretty good but I think we can even get this taller W look how tall the fluid tank is getting now if we fill this thing with water we should start generating some real Steam and waa look the steam engine is actually working this is so cool although hm it’s pretty slow it’s definitely not as quick as it needs to be let’s make sure we can make it even stronger if we grab a blaze burner or oh boy this is about to be so cool we can replace the campfires underneath with them instead now if we add water to this thing it will go even quicker H we’ll need to give these Blaze burners some cakes there we go now they should be super duper burny now let’s try adding some water again and wo that is going so quickly this is so epic I really like this now because we don’t want to run out of water we’ll also need to add a little water pipe on the side like this we’ll fill this thing with water just like that so that the steam engine can always be running okay now if I turn this crank everything should start working and W that’s working really well this is so epic now I can start on the next part of my super cool steam engine although uh-oh we definitely will need to keep adding more fuel like water in here now we’ll need to add some more spinning wheels just like this W this looks so cool now we’ll need to add a couple more encased fans Yep this is going to be really really useful wo those are totally going the right way this is so amazing now we’ll be able to use that air and use it to power the engines oh boy let’s make sure we add a couple copper wires linking them together this way the steam will be able to travel and we should also probably add some pipes as well we’ll add the pipes to the sides of these and we can use this supercool steam power to make all the engines spin this is about to be so amazing I can’t wait now let’s make sure we move these pipes all around and we can even add a rent to make sure they can go next to each other without totally interfering it’s about to look so cool look let me turn this into a clear pip just like that how epic does that look oh Milo if only you could see what I’m doing right now you’d be so impressed if only you could see what I’m doing now uh would I be impressed or horrified you be impressed cuz I got the friends here wait what Milo you have friends how are your friends here I thought they were in Antarctica yeah they’re here with me now I’ve got all the snow golems oh Milo by friends do you mean snow golems that you just spawned yeah they’re my besties and they’re going to help me defend my place uh Milo I nowhere in Antarctica but Milo if you put snowmen down aren’t they just going to make your ship even colder yeah they are but it’s worth it for the friendship and we have lots of fun activities to do here as well oh my gosh Milo you’re crazy oh boy Milo we’re definitely going to need my engines to work otherwise we’re never getting out of here oh I am not at this right you’re not Milo if your snowman are too cold they could make the icebergs come quicker and if the icebergs come too quickly for you Milo your entire ship will freeze and sink don’t you talk about my snowman like that sorry Milo I don’t mean to scare you but you should be scared I’m not scared I’m brave and I’m going to survive this whole Titanic situation okay Milo I wish you the best of luck with that now at the very back of my Titanic over here I need to actually add in the propellers and a Rudder of course okay this is going to make my Titanic look absolutely perfect all right we’ll add the little steering Rudder here and we’ll need to make sure the propellers go down and outwards like this they are also powered by the steam because I’ve linked up the entire ship with it now every single one of these propellers will be working and it’s about to look so cool Milo you’re definitely going to be so jealous yay one of the Snowman is in my pumpkin car help me oh my gosh Milo your snowman are hijacking your pumpkin cars they probably want to use it to make pumpkins to make more snow golems get out this is my car oh my gosh Milo you just stole it from him P Snow Golem yeah look now I’m driving like a cool guy yeah you do look like a cool guy and is that a whole drum set and DJ equipment yep that’s what we do on my cruise ship we have a good time oh my gosh Milo you’re insane I really hope nothing goes wrong with your DJing though good one I’m going to play really ret music okay sure I’m excited to see how this goes now at the back of my ship we are going to add in the propellers we’re going to need to add some flywheels just like this and we’ll also need to make sure we add some spinning equipment this is about to look really really cool all right we’ll need to grab some walls oh yeah this is about to look epic okay I’ve placed down my different propellers and now I’m excited to see once we link them up to the steam if they actually spin all right we’ll just link them up like this and we’ll make sure we link up this other one as well oh boy I really hope this works and wao it really does work Milo my propellers are really spinning yeah congratulations thanks Milo I’m really really happy I’m so glad my steam engines and propeller are working now I can get started at the front and wao that ice is huge wow chip I think it’s coming right for us wait let me take a closer look H oh yeah that is definitely closer than it ever was before I didn’t even notice an iceberg there Milo I reckon it has about 10 minutes until it hits us a man that’s freaking me out come on don’t freak out Milo we just need to finish out Titanics in time quick hurry okay I’m going quickly me too Milo we got this I’m going to build the best Titanic ever look I’m just going to place these Oak planks at the front then I can start building the actual chimneys to my Titanic every Titanic needs a bunch of chimneys it’s a super important part of it and my Titanic’s chimneys are going to be the classic red and black colors this is also where a lot of the smoke from the steam engines is going to come up all right I’ll need to make sure I put the chimneys right in the middle though otherwise they would not be correct the chimneys on the Titanic also kind of go backwards a little bit they tilt slightly it’s a pretty cool part of their design but it’s a little crazy looking all right this actually fits really really well now we’ll just make sure I add this on the other sides and oh boy Milo how are you doing after figuring out that that Iceberg up there is coming closer I’m a bit nervous but I’m feeling really good about my ship except everything’s covered in snow oh my gosh Milo you can’t have a ship covered in snow in the middle of Antartica that’s a recipe for disaster well it doesn’t matter because these snowmen are helping me defend my ship uh Milo defend your ship from what from the bad things and also the ice bag what Milo snowman can’t defend against an iceberg snowmen are made of snow and the iceberg is made of ice isn’t that kind of the worst possible thing ever we’re going to shoot down the iceberg with the Snowballs wait a minute Milo I can see you throwing the Snowballs and they’re not even reaching they’re just Landing in the water and making it colder too yeah but if I gets closer I’m going to go b b b oh my goodness Milo you’re crazy okay I’m going to keep building these Chimneys in my engine section I really hope your plan of throwing snowballs at the iceberg is just a joke and isn’t actually real it’s real oh my gosh Milo don’t tell me that that makes me so nervous you know what it’s fine I’m sure you definitely will make it and even though you’re being crazy in throwing SNES I’m sure everything will work out fine boom these chimneys are now complete and it’s looking so epic now I also definitely need to build some kind of defense and I think I know the perfect thing I’m going to make a TNT cannon on the front of my ship it’s going to be very very cool and it’s also going to help blast its way through the iceberg W chip that’s a crazy idea yeah it is pretty crazy but it’s so crazy it just might work okay I’ll need to use obsidian for this because obsidian is blast proof Yep this is pretty cool I like this a lot right now all right now we’ll make sure this obsidian is really closely tied down okay this is looking pretty good we’ll just make these obsidians a little closer to the floor like that and perfect now we’ll need to grab some dispensers too not to mention we will also need some Redstone and some Redstone repeaters as well finally we’ll definitely need a button and we’ll also need to grab some water oh yeah this is about to be so perfect first we’ll need to add the water and we’ll need to make sure it doesn’t go all the way off the edge H we can add two more blocks and then Place one more water bucket beyond that any further is a little too far okay perfect now we’ll break these two obsidians and instead We’ll add a little bit of dispensers here all right we can have three dispensers here like that and we’ll also add one dispenser up the back like this although hm that might accidentally trigger the water you know what I think it’s fine next over here we’ll add one more dispenser at at the very end but before that we’ll need to add a bunch of repeaters okay this is looking pretty good actually although H I think it might work better if we do this instead yes that’s perfect now each of these repeaters is much more protected from the effects of the TNT explosion all right now we just have to place our obsidian here and we just need to put a button over on this side we’ll also add a staircase going up so that we can pretty easily press the button in case we need to oh Yep this is amazing all right I’m ready to test this thing out I really hope this works but first we need to add some TNT all right we’ll add TNT to each of these dispensers like this it’s very important we don’t forget one otherwise this whole thing could blow up and it could destroy my whole Titanic I’ve already worked so hard on it so I really don’t want it to be destroyed that would be a disaster almost as bad as this Titanic hitting the iceberg all right once I place the TNT in this dispenser it’ll be time to test this thing out all right let’s see if this works look the TNT is going and I really hope this actually Works wo that launch is so far this is pretty epic I really think it’s working so far hey Milo my TNT launch is looking amazing wow I just watched that I can’t believe it actually works and it might blow up the iceberg yeah I just need to make sure I don’t accidentally launch anything near you that would be really bad yeah if you hit my ship I’m going to scam hey okay I promise I won’t Milo who what is that noise CH did you hear that yes I did oh my goodness I can now see the iceberg from the back of my ship it’s getting closer oh man this is not good this is really really bad come on Milo we need to get building on even more defenses there is no time to waste no time at all Milo earlier we were talking about not being able to contact any of your Penguin friends in Antarctica and that just gave me an idea what is a chip well if we want to be able to call for help in an emergency we going to need a really big radio tower and I think I’m going to build one on my Titanic hey that’s great that means I can come over and call my penguin friends exactly Milo but you got to make sure you call them about important things don’t just call and tell them about all the bird seeds you’ve been eating okay why Milo because the important things will help us survive bed seeds will not fine I guess I’ll tell them about how you a poo poo head no Milo not that important thing you need to tell them about the fact that we might be stuck here with icebergs okay fine all right now I definitely will need to make this radio satellite tower first okay I think we’ll need to make the Satellite Dish about like this Yep this is going to look very very good and it’s also going to work super duper well okay we’ll make the Satellite Dish going like this wao this is about to get so many signals and we also need to make another radio tower this one will actually be able to send the signals that it receives all right we’ll make that one back here like this okay now we just need to make sure we actually build this thing we just need to add diorite walls out like this and we also should probably add that to here as well Yep this is looking a lot better and more realistic too hey that looks really great now we’ll add some really cool things to make sure that the signal that we get is so good it can’t possibly be missed all right this is looking so cool we’ll also grab some horizontal grab bars that way this thing can be climbed in an emergency we’ll also add a little iron bar section so that we can stand here and do repairs on it if we need to oh yeah this is looking so good now let’s also make sure we add the andesite B below and we can even add some Redstone torches above like this oh yep these Redstone torches are really going to help get the signal sent super duper far away otherwise I don’t know how far the signal would even go hey this is looking really cool the satellite tower is looking epic Milo luy now we’ll also need to reinforce the front of the ship with a bunch of iron blocks this ice is going to be pretty difficult to break but if we can zoom through it with a bunch of iron on the front of our ship oh we will be totally fine there will be nothing the ice could even do against us Milo we’ just be so strong or at least I would be so strong do you have anything like that on your boat yes but I just found this car under the water and I’m driving it around oh I remember putting that there oh Milo you shouldn’t be getting distracted by the car the iceberg is almost here but I’m going so fast down here oh my gosh Milo it’s not about going fast on a car you’re going to freeze in that water oh yeah I should probably get out Hy yeah definitely Milo oh my goodness I don’t know what you’d be doing if if I wasn’t here to help save you from stuff like this probably having a really good time what no Milo you’d probably be frozen under the ocean that doesn’t sound like a good time to me well I’m going so fast right now I might crash oh my goodness Milo I don’t even see you where are you I’m under the water I’m near your ship okay oh Milo I found you and well you are going fast careful don’t crash no I just crashed into one of the boards oh my gosh Milo don’t do that those are going to help keep our Titanic stable until we’re ready to go sailing okay now I’m concentrating on trying to get out of this situation yeah good idea Milo all right I’m also concentrating on that too hey I’m adding some pretty cool spikes to the front of my Titanic these are really going to help me slice through any ice that might want to stop me from getting out of here all right now that my spikes are done my ship is now super well defended against the iceberg hey Milo what about yours um Milo chip look oh no the iceberg is so close now it’s basically only only 50 blocks away Milo we got to get moving right now all right everyone to the defenses let’s do this come on TNT cannons activate let’s go we’re going to get them with the Snowballs wo look my TNT is launching this is so crazy but oh no it’s totally missing CH what are we going to do H I’m not sure we’ll have to think of something though Milo oh I definitely know what what they’re a blaze powering my steam engines I bet if I go down and grab some Blaze burners I can use them to help melt the iceberg what that’s genius thanks Milo all right come on this has to work all right be free Blaze okay Milo now they’re are actual Blaze on my Titanic they’re not doing anything right now but we need to give them something to attack yeah we need to like a snow golem Milo if I make another obsidian platform at the front of my Titanic and you come here and spawn a Snow Golem we should be able to trick The Blaze into igniting that Iceberg and melting it so we can go through I don’t want the snow golem to die Milo come on it’s the only way here I’ll even give you a Lifeboat in case you need to escape at the last second fine that’s good I’m going to do it now all right Milo you got this I’m going to put one down I hope we survived me too all right I’m just going to block it off so he can’t leave and that way so he can only fight the blaze come on Blaze what are they doing oh my goodness come on you guys they’re not seeing the snow golem wait a minute I think I can help by using one of the life boats I should be able to come over and trap some of the blaze oh boy I really hope this works all right now I need to push him into the boat and boom okay now if I bring this blaze in the boat over to where the snow golem is he should get really really angry all right come on come on what’s Happening why aren’t they attacking the snow golem well the snow Golem’s definitely attacking them all right oh look the snow golem just hit Milo now the blaze are really angry and look some of the fire is making its way over to the iceberg W they just shot him in the ice bag’s on Fire come on Milo spawn another Snow Golem okay I guess this is kind of working all right come on come on they need to attack him again oh my goodness hey look that one’s getting angry come on this Blaze just needs to shoot at him and oh yep that one definitely made its way to the iceberg as well let’s go we can keep doing this yeah we definitely can all right come on Blaze wait I’ll give the blaze some health potions that way they won’t ever run out of Health all right he’s getting healed and he’s getting healed too come on why is the snow golem not attacking them come on Snow Golem you got to shoot them all right I’ll move this blaze a little bit closer oh boy I really hope this works we don’t have a lot of time a work it’s happening all right come on wait maybe I can spawn even more Blaze all right this should definitely works this is about to get crazy wa this is about to be the most insane Titanic ever come on Miley you got to keep spawning these guys M I keep forgetting about my job yeah that’s okay Milo don’t worry once you do a good job at this and we both manag to get this Iceberg on fire we should be able to sail through all right this is working keep going keep going chiplock all right come on this is really really working I’m going to try healing them as well oh my gosh look it’s all happening wait Maro only spawn one at a time otherwise the blaze just kill them after they jump off CH this just isn’t working I’ve got a better idea what a better idea oh no I’m really nervous what is this yeah watch me go buddy this is epic wait Milo why are you going back to your boat my boat’s the one with the TNT cannon in the blaze because I got to destroy this thing I got to save the day wao my Milo you’re going towards the ice bag yeah that’s right because I’m going to save the day I’m going to destroy the ice bag oh my gosh Milo there are snowballs going everywhere are you sure this is a good idea W this is crazy M you’re going really slow is everything okay we just Crush oh my goodness Milo this is terrible a this is horrible chip I don’t know what to do Milo are you stuck inside yeah I’m stuck inside oh I see you Milo you just made your way out yeah I just made my way out oh it’s sinking oh my gosh am Milo and now you’re in the ocean and it’s cold don’t worry luckily I have lifeboats I’m going to come and save you okay help me my ship is smoking I think it’s totally done for oh no oh no okay I’m going to make my way to you I’m going to go through the ice I just hope the path doesn’t close up before I can make it to you I’m about to make it to you Milo come on you got to get on quick and then we can get back to my Titanic before the ice closes up and we can’t get back at all the botom is so cold I was just trying to help by destroying the iceberg for you come on Milo get in the boat okay there we go all right now we need to make our way back and fast we don’t have a lot of time left my snowballs did nothing yeah they really didn’t Milo I told you they wouldn’t you can’t fight ice with snow yeah well I’m trying my best okay I’m trying to think of good ideas and stuff all right come on we’re almost back to my Titanic once we get there we need to get on and start moving look I can’t believe my ship is stuck in there I know me too come on Milo we got to go all right Milo we got to make sure the engines are running properly so that my Titanic can properly move and look they definitely are well chip I didn’t know how crazy your engine was I just put a bunch of stuff down and said it was the my engine oh my gosh Milo that’s crazy but all right we got to go right now let’s do it let’s move the Titanic I hope this works okay I think I heard something Milo we got to get out and check and make sure that everything’s all right I’m really hoping that your ship managed to get through it yeah come on let’s see oh my gosh Milo the Iceberg it’s to the back of the ship and there’s a huge Chasm through it w your ship cut straight through that’s insane yeah and look your boat’s still there oh it has a hole in the front as well my poor little boat but watch if you save the day we really made it through with your amazing Titanic yeah and we made it to Antarctica good job Milo oh yeah boy we did it hoay

A Huge ICEBERG is coming and now Milo and Chip need to build Noob vs Pro Titanic Houses to survive! But what happens when the Iceberg hits?

#minecraft #minecraftbuild #miloandchip


  1. Milo,chip,jj,mikey are the best 🫂🫂🫂🫂🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎈🎈🎈🎈🥰🥰🥰🥰🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂👌👌👌👌👌❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  2. Merhaba arkadaşlar ve milo chip❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😂🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤😂🎉😂❤😂🎉😂😅🎉😂❤😂🎉😅🎉😂❤😂🎉😅🎉😂❤

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