NOOB vs PRO: WORKING THEME PARK Build Challenge in Minecraft!

mutant zombies destroyed this playground and now these kids have nowhere to play if we don’t build something fast they’re going to burn in this fire Woodle what if we build a theme park guys the kids will love my roller coaster but it’s made of dirt monco and it’s super tiny come on axie let’s build a real roller coaster so we can save these kids it’s going to be so much better than what builds in his newbie theme park no way I’m going to start building mine right now all right axie the first part of our amazing roller coaster is going to be fire themed so let’s grab a bunch of cool magma blocks that we can build with hey you’re coping my theme I’m going to do fire first too nobody cares that you’re doing fire first because I know that our fire roller coaster will be way cooler that’s right it doesn’t matter what you build all our builds are going to be better than yours we’ll see about that guys what I’m going to do now axie is grab a flint and steel because I want to make a giant ring of fire that these kids are going to ride through wo are you sure that’s safe though roodo of course it’s safe axi I tested it exactly zero times for safety um that’s not reassuring what are you talking about we’ll just have be the test dummy and he’ll figure out if it’s safe or not hey I don’t want to be the test Dy of a goofy roller coaster this roller coaster is not going to be goofy it’s actually going to go underground and under a huge pool of lava can you beat that huh of course I can plus my theme park isn’t only going to have a roller coaster it’s going to have a bunch of other things too oh yeah I bet all the other things you’re going to have are just going to be bathrooms because of how many times you’re going to have to poop your pants e oh my gosh you’ll see woodo whenever all the kids come to my roller coaster and they laugh at your one you’re going to be crying axie this guy is such a jokester we should make him the leader of our joking club inside of our te Park we have a joking Club of course we do I’m going to make a circus and both of you guys are going to be the clowns in it hey no we’re not now that I have this entire pit emptied out though it’s time for me to put in the lava wo wood I’ll help in a sec right now I’m setting up the line and I set the fences to be really long cuz we’re going to have the longest line ever make sure you put a lot of space axie we’re going to have so many kids come to our amusement park that it is going to be backed up for hours I know woodo woodo no one’s coming to your poopy little amusement park trust me everybody who subscribes gets a free pass to my am Park so make sure you guys subscribe or else these magma monsters will eat you magma monsters that’s really scary axi I know you’re going to get eaten first really no you’re not axie he’s just trying to scare you I just have to contain all of these monsters inside the lava and you’ll be completely fine okay fine Woodle I better be safe but now that we’re done with with this what is next to do well axie I was thinking that we could go the opposite of something fiery and scary why don’t I grab some lime green blocks and what we can do is make a super awesome nature themed area a nature themed area I love nature and I love eating nature wait what does that mean you’re going to eat me aie yeah oh my goodness that means I have to make the first area in our nature area something a little bit chillier and do you know what cute little animal loves to live where it’s cold um I don’t know weird humans wait what a weird human would be and unfortunately monga’s too fat to live somewhere where it’s cold wo if mango is fat living somewhere cold would be perfect for him he has all that blubber restored under his skin Oh wait a second axi you might be a genius that is so smart hey do you want to live alongside our amazing Penguins we’re putting in our amazing roller coaster there’s nothing amazing about your poopy roller coaster wudo oh my gosh axie look at the Penguins this is actually the coolest part of our roller coaster so far I just have to extend the track all the way over here so our kids can go and look at them face to face they’re so cute I almost want to eat them well you can’t eat them axie because we need to put another animal inside of here and this animal likes it extremely cold can you guess what it is um is it an axel no silly it’s a polar bear and oh gosh the penguins are kind of scared of polar bears wo do you know what noise a polar bear makes I think it makes the same noise as your farts M that means they must be really loud wow that was so funny everyone comment woodo is dumb right now cuz that was the dumbest thing ever wait what that was the funniest thing ever everyone comment wudo is super funny and guess what axie because you’re the best person I’ve always wanted to build with I made you your very own Igloo you did wo I’m going to live in there right now go ahead and move in axie so you can take a look at all these cute penguins every single day yay H I bet you wish you had an glue well guess what some of your penguins are already migrating over to my side cuz they know how much better my theme park is going to be what in the world axie we can’t let do this to us what I’m going to do right now is grab some snow golems and other snowy decorations to make sure that they all come back to our side that’s a great idea Woodle make sure they don’t leave for that poopy guy don’t worry axie even if they do try to leave I still have a super amazing backup the only nature thing isn’t just icy themes we also need something that’s foresty and jungle themes and do you know what animal loves to live in the forest um I don’t know worms worms axie really they’re not worms they’re pandas and pandas love eating bamboo so what I’m going to do is grab a bunch of it to make sure that these pandas will be very well fed a I thought they’d be worms wait what axie we don’t even have worms in Minecraft and if there were I think I would actually kind of be scared of them I wish there were worms in Minecraft they’re really delicious in real life of course you eat worms axie hey don’t you literally eat doooo what no I don’t I eat steaks every day cuz I’m fancy and Rich um no you don’t I saw you eating potato chips yesterday hey don’t tell anyone about that seriously you just got exposed but check this out this area looks almost done for our cute little pandas I’m just going to add a nice big bamboo bed along with some really cute cushions so that they have a place to sleep too yay but what about me woodo where do I sleep well AI you own this theme park so you can technically sleep wherever you want the only thing axi owns is a Japanese toilet where she poops every day wait what oh my gosh a see is that actually true did Monga just expose you for only having a toilet no little that toilet on my Amazon Wish List I’m too broke to afford it oh my gosh axie well hopefully we make enough money from this theme park so you can buy a better one but now it’s time to spawn in our pise yay they’re so adorable woodo and do you know what’s even cuter than just a p hand up but looks just as chubby baby no they’re called hamsters and they literally just look like mini pandas oh my gosh woodo I’m taking this panda with me over here I’m going to train it to be Kung Fu Panda wait what you’re stealing one of our pandas bring it back oh my gosh this guy keeps messing up our amusement park hi feel so bad for that Panda axie but come on we can’t just have pandas either what I want to also do is add in a couple of llamas because they live in the forest too I don’t like llamas woodo they always spit at me well axie if you didn’t bully them then maybe they wouldn’t spit in your face but come on now I think an animal that you love way better than llamas is something a little bit more blue and something a little bit more ocean likee do you know what it is axles this time exactly axie so come on I’m going to make the roller coaster the color blue and what we can do is grab a bunch of pieces of glass to make a giant tank a giant tank that sounds awesome check this out axie it’s huge but guess what roller coasters can actually go under the water the newest Minecraft update so why don’t we make it an underwater aquatic experience and the kids will absolutely love it they better love it Woodle otherwise I’m going to roller coaster wait what you should come over to my roller coaster even without that axie that sounds like a death wish axie you do not want to go to manga’s roller coaster whatever you do I just have to put some blocks over here like like this and oh my gosh this underwater area is going to be awesome oh my gosh when can I put the Axel in woodo well first we need to decorate the underwater area axie and in order to do that we’re going to need corals so let me go ahead and grab a bunch of super duper awesome colors and then we can start building them out like this oh wo they’re so vibrant I want to make an an entire coal Reef under here axi that way it’ll look way more beautiful than whatever ugly thing Mongo’s probably building no way woodo I not only have a ferris wheel but I also have a roller coaster and I also have a fishing pond a fishing pond are you kidding me you probably just want to eat axelos don’t you no this is just a fishing game if you get a fish you get a prize can you fish up a turtle and eat it in your area okay fine turtles are the only things I’ll eat yay wait what that sounds like a terrible game mango we’re not going to be playing that axy instead I think what we should do is grab our fancy wand and now that we have our Coral decorations down we can replace it with water water wo this place is looking so cool Woodle I know all right and now what I can do is grab some bone meal and start adding that to the sand on the bottom and now look at everything axie it looks super decorative just like a real underwater aquarium now let’s grab a mine cart and quickly test it out to make sure it works and wo it’s awesome wo a turtle going on a roller coaster underwater is crazy well not just that axie because we’re going to add Turtles and axel in the water right now do we have to add Turtles don’t add Turtles you guys should add sharks and killer whs instead wait what sharks are so scary you’re just trying to get all of us Axel and turtles killed huh no I just wanted some lunch oh my gosh it’s literally so hard to find axie amongst all of these axelos but there she is hey axie we need to continue our track now and for this one I want to use a block that’s a little bit different than the others it’s going to be out of chocolate chip cookies oh my gosh can this whole area be edible oh yes axi because we’re going to go to Candyland so now we have a fire themed area a snow themed area nature themed water themed and candy themed Howard mus Park is literally going to have more five-star reviews than Mongo’s mom’s house wait what my mom’s house has 1,000 fstar reviews there’s no way you’re beating that wait what who’s leaving all those five star reviews all the people who love her cooking oh my gosh if you guys love Mongo’s mom then comment I love Mongo’s Mom I love Mongo’s mom well I love you guys more a thank thanks but we’re not here to make alliances with you we want to destroy you so check out what I’m adding right now axie what I’m going to do axie is grab a huge bucket of liquid chocolate and I’m going to make ourselves a liquidy chocolate River wo this looks so tasty I’m going to jump in and drink it all oh gosh axi don’t contaminate it please you can drink from it but just be very careful not to fall in okay I’m scared of your germs oh I’m already taking a bath in here Woodle oh gosh it’s already too late we’ll just make sure you guys are extra careful when you drink the chocolate from inside this chocolate River and now that we have this axi we need to bake a giant cake that will be the centerpiece of our amazing Candy Land so let me just grab some white wool blocks and we can make it three tiers tall tall three tar tall that cake sounds awesome that cake is going to be expired wait what are you talking about it’s not going to be expired your cakes are probably 30 days old ew ew I don’t even sell cakes oh yeah I forgot you don’t even sell them because your musement Park is super duper lame you’re so lame he hey no I’m not take that back hey a check out what I just did I just put a birthday cand on top of our cake because it’s probably one of those kids birthdays oh yeah it probably is woodle and now check it out I’m putting all the different strawberries inside this cake and oh my goodness it looks beautiful I’m going to add a bunch of mini cakes all around it you do that Woodle I’m putting more candy canes everywhere ooh candy canes sound delicious axie let me just put some of these mushroom cakes and Creeper cakes and how about some delicious cookie cakes or three tiered cakes everyone comment what your favorite cake is to eat they all look so delicious inside of our Candy Land my favorite cake is all cake wait what axie you couldn’t possibly eat every single cake in the world you would get so sick just try me woodo oh okay fine ax actually I Chang my mind because there’s someone who is actually able to eat all the cake in the world and that is fat MCO look at that big belly wo you thought that was so funny this is why your theme park sucks compared to mine my Ferris wheel is going to have so many different customers there’s no way your Ferris wheel could be that cool you’re probably just saying that how roller coaster already looks so cool oh yeah voo well guess what no one wants to go to a poopy smelly theme park like yours axie did you just hear what said he called our theme park poopy it’s smelly does it look poopy or smelly to you no it smells amazing I think what we have to do is go over to side and mess with him a little bit I like the sound of that axie let me search for an invisibility potion so we can go undercover and figure out what fat is doing on his SED oh my gosh it looks like he didn’t even start what in the world is this man I love this theme park it’s my greatest creation this is like the ugliest creation known to man axi look at his tiny little roller coaster it looks like someone just diarrhe out all over his build I know this is so lame and what is this even supposed to be I think that’s his Ferris wheel but it looks garbage so I think what we should do instead axie is grief it by putting a bunch of different blocks everywhere and making his Ferris wheel look like our Ferris wheel I’m putting pink I’m putting in green oh man I love my fairest wheel in what in the world why does a suddenly looks so ugly hey he’s calling our favorite colors ugly axie that is unacceptable I don’t think it’s ugly I think we’ve improved it for him you know what if he doesn’t like our colors then what will he think when I put every color what in the world my theme park is so cool that a bunch of colors are coming all over the place wait what this doesn’t make it cool it made it a huge mess now theme park looks like a giant cake with a bunch of ugly sprinkles ugly sprinkles that you can’t even eat what a loser these kids are going to love my theme park it’s like there’s a bunch of Skittles everywhere wait what no they’re not oh my gosh aie this guy is just way too dumb so maybe we need to punish him a little bit do you see how he added his little fishing pond over here it’d be a shame if we instead turned it into a shark Pond oh my gosh that’s really scary wood I don’t think Mongo’s going to like that oh man it’s been such a long day building my theme park I can’t wait to go fishing and wait what is that are those sharks these are sharks that are going to bite your butt oh no at this rate the kids aren’t going to come over to my theme park quickly I need to move these sharks over to woodo side hey axi he’s trying to sabotage us quick we need to stop him yeah what do we do Woodle I know what to do let me just grab this one real quick and we’re going to lock up in a giant cage with with these sharks so he understands not to mess with us ever again oh wo you even grabbed him oh no this is not good I’m stuck in a prison now oh gosh wo axi save me this is awesome now what I’m going to do is just put a sign in there with a very scary message axi it’s going to say we are going to eat you sincerely sharks oh my gosh he is actually going to poop his pants so hardcore now wait no there’s also a sign that says we are going to eat you dash sharks oh no the sharks are going to eat me oh God take that lightning now you know what it feels like to mess with wudo and axie come on axie we can’t waste our time on that fat guy though let’s pretend like nothing even happened okay hey how are things going on your newbie build well there’s some scary things on my side but I know that your tee Park is way scarier you guys definitely don’t have anything that’s fun for everyone what are you talking about I’m actually going to add something super fun right now hey axie what do you think about trampolin I love trampolines I know me too so what I was thinking is that we could make a super giant mega trampoline that connects to our roller coaster so that when the kids get off of it they can bounce up super high in our giant jumpy castle that sounds awesome woodo let me just add all these trampolines can you help me out there’s kind of a lot to place down okay but why are they all green because green is the best color for a trampoline duh ew okay fine come on axie we don’t have time but look what happens the more trampolines you add the higher you can jump look at how high I’m jumping right now woodo are you sure that’s a good thing what if the kids jump so high that they reach the moon and never come back to earth is that fat talking Woodle yeah I think that’s fat talking I don’t even know what he’s saying cuz of all the food in his mouth hey I’m not fat come on fat why don’t you bounce with us in the sky and oh my gosh axie we’re literally going to the Moon we’re way higher than Mongo’s feris wheel this is why our bouncy castle is literally going to be the best and now what I can do is I can set all the walls to this block made of clouds do you know why why Rood because when you hit you bounce off the edges it’s like a real bouncy castle and it is so awesome I don’t think we’re hitting this we’re bouncing way too high wee look at you go axie why don’t you try bouncing on this Cloud now you’ll bounce up even more wow this bouncy castle is awesome I know right hey do you have a cool bouncy castle like ours of course wudo I have everything you have but better mango that is absolutely not true because after you go through the super amazing bouncy castle axie the fun continues guess where you’re going to go next to the second bouncy castle wait what not the second bouncy castle silly we already have one amazing one instead you’re going to go to the super duper awesome mini games mini games woodo and axi will never see this coming axi hold on a second I’m looking at manga right now and he’s placing TT by our roller coasters get rid of it there you go it should blow up any second we saw that wait wait wait be quiet axie don’t tell him that we saw it let’s pretend like the TNT actually blew up so he thinks his little dumb prank works oh guys is there anything suspicious happening on your side oh my gosh axie a giant explosion happened in our theme park what will we do wow I wonder who did that that’s so sad guys I really hope everything works out for you guys oh my gosh are you kidding me axie come on we’re not going to let that guy mess with us why don’t we grab some of these super amazing dynamites and what we can do is make a little little bit of fun inside of his super lame amusement park I’m just going to grab some lightning dynamite and Lush dynamite and all these different dynamites and let’s see what happens okay Ludo hit him with all you’ve got let’s start with the snow dynamite and see what happens this area over here is way too hot for the kids so let’s just throw it down and wow wait why does my roller coaster suddenly feel so cold oh my gosh axi look it’s literally freezing how do you like that is it snowing or something oh my gosh yes this is perfect now I’m going to add a freeze Dynamite on top so his roller coaster literally gets frozen his butt’s going to freeze off oh no my roller Coaster’s gone it just turned to ice smoke so now that it turned all icy how would you like a couple of bees instead so you can make some honey wait a second why is there a bunch of beeswax here you know what someone is definitely doing this let me just look around and woodo what are you doing here oh gosh AI Escape we can’t let know that it was us right that’s it you guys have done way too much I’m going to make sure my theme parks mini games are way better than yours H you’re going to have a little bit more to clean up than just mini games good luck loser okay woodo we have to hurry up we don’t have much time left what are we making first well axi I was thinking that we could make one of the coolest mini games ever how about some target practice and if you beat the target practice you’ll win a prize wao really what kind of prize I want a prize Well we can do all sorts of prizes like plushies or cars or super awesome mansions but I want to make this target practice a little bit more difficult than usual can you put Mongo’s head on top of the target taxi so we can train the kids to destroy okay woodo let me just grab it from my pocket I know it’s in here somewhere wait what you keep Mongo’s head inside your pockets that’s kind of weird axie oh wait I just realized I don’t have pockets hey wait a second who has my head in their pocket um no one anyways let me just grab a bow real quick and test out my target practice I got in the head why would you use a bow when you can use a Minun oh my gosh that’s a genius idea axie quick let’s grab some pedestals and put the bow and the Minun right on top of them so the kids have a choice of either of them and when they shoot at and if they activate this dispenser with a firework inside they will win one free prize yay the price should definitely be cake wait what just cake would be way too lame we should offer the kids a prize to bring too and give them a bunch of dangerous explosives oh yeah that’s a really good idea giving kids explosives could never go wrong axie I was just kidding we’re not actually going to do that but now that our target practice does work we should make that priz table yay we need this priz table for all the mini games we’re going to have exactly so let me grab a nice big table over here and let’s make this platform out of gold and then can you choose some different Plushies that we can put on the prize table okay I want the best plushies ever AKA Axel a an axel plushies sounds pretty cute axie but what about some turtle plushies those are going to be the most popular with the kids okay fine we can have your stinky Turtle plushies yay thanks axie and then we’re going to have more Axel lles wait what no then I’m going to put a bunch of toilets in your mini gamees area so it’s no you’re not but we we do kind of need somewhere to poop Woodle I’ll work on that oh gosh axie come on we need to add a detour right over here on our amazing roller coaster with the bathroom because after having this much fun you’re definitely going to want to take a l where you got to poo it can’t just be a normal bathroom though it has to be a porta pooty oh yeah so let’s put inside a nice big toilet and a nice big plunger with plenty of toilet paper because sometimes Monga doesn’t clean himself after he poops um woodo that’s not how a porta potty works we don’t need a toilet just a hole in the ground wait what’s a hole in the ground axi that’s disgusting but it’s okay we can just have Monga poop in here by himself oh also we might need a sink but eh I don’t think it’s necessary it’s okay can just wash his hands inside the poooo water he does that all the time anyways this that woodo I’m really starting to think you’re my biggest fan oh yeah if I was your biggest fan then why does your roller coaster suck so bad that doesn’t even correlate wudo what are you talking about you’re just making fun of me because you know you’re so bad at building oh gosh axi I’m not going to let that guy bully us anymore after riding all the amazing different things inside of our roller coaster there’s still one station that’s really important that we’re missing and it’s something that kids need to survive and that is a restaurant a restaurant you’re right woodo food is the most important thing in life I’m going to make a kids restaurant with all sorts of different kid-friendly food like pizza and chocolate and pasta what else do kids like to eat I think that’s about it Woodle wait what I thought kids like to eat way more than just pizza and stuff we can even make sushi n kids are really lame they only want to eat pizza that’s not true everyone comment right now that you’re not lame because we’re going to make two different types of restaurants axi I’m going to work on the sushi one I’m going to we’re going a stinky yucky nasty Pizza one wait what a pizza one hold on axie that actually sounds kind of sick I think what I can do is actually make custom pizzas for the kids exactly Woodle that way I can put my pineapple and an chovies on my pizza and it will be kind of edible and now all I need to do axie is grab all the different ingredients from here and put down the ovens so check this out I’m going to put on top of this pizza some delicious tomato sauce ew I’m going to put on this pizza pineapples and anchel V ew this pizza is going to have ham and mushrooms tomatoes onions and peppers and now that I did all of that I’m putting on my chef’s hat so I can pick up this raw pizza and put it on top of the ovens to cook that’s so gross let me just put some peppers and onions on my anchovy pizza and it’ll be done oh my gosh axie I’m cooking your pizza right now and it smells terrible let me grab a table real quick and maybe a trash can so we can throw those away what do you mean my pizza looks beautiful no it doesn’t and just as a backup I’m going to put down some sushi in our sushi restaurant I’m afraid that the kids will be afraid of eating your food no they won’t woodo you’re so dramatic both your restaurants sound terrible and guess what I’m going to come over there to see everything you have oh gosh axie quickly grab all the disgusting pizzas and put them here and oh hey can you please not come and look at our pizzas I need you to start all the way from the start of our super amazing theme park you’re super amazing theme park wudo this is not amazing it’s thanks no it doesn’t Morongo get in line come on you got to go inside the mine cart and look at you go first stop is the fire pool wait what why is there fire here now you’re in the icy area oh gosh it’s so cold and now you’re going under the water wait a second there’s stinky Turtles here wait what these aren’t stinky Turtles they’re super cute turtles and now look where you’re going you’re heading into Candyland it smells like sugar and wait what woodo your roller Coaster’s broken that was probably me actually broken but check it out it’s going to break on purpose in this next area because this is the trampoline [Music] wee look at how high you can go I can literally see the entire park all the way from above here and I can even see the target practice we made to teach the kids how to blast your face down we that’s so mean I’m going to steal all the turtles and AEL you didn’t win the game you’re not allowed to take the prize come on axie shove him in the Porta poot hold on I got to use the bathroom real quick let me just pull up e oh gosh go toxic farts quick axie we need to eat some delicious food to get our noses away from his stinky smell let’s enjoy the delicious pizzas we made for these kids your pizzas look gross Woodle I only want pineapple and chovy it doesn’t even matter my theme park is way better than yours no it’s not come on guys let’s go bring these kids and save them thank you guys so much for watching this video If you enjoyed then watch another video on screen and don’t forget to subscribe bye

NOOB vs PRO: WORKING THEME PARK Build Challenge in Minecraft!
Our playground was DESTROYED by monsters! Wudo, Mongo, and Axy need to build a new AMUSEMENT PARK for all the kids before the fire burns everything down! It will have a sick ROLLER COASTER with all sorts of fun rides and games! Will they build it before the mutant monsters come back?

This video was inspired by Milo and Chip, Maizen, Mikey and JJ!

#Wudo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod


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