MEDUSA vs The Most Secure House in Minecraft!

daddy daddy where are you take that oh yeah the heck are you doing take that Johnny oh yeah hey are you pretending that this punching bag is my face h no sounds like he says that Johnny boom boom boom I heard it too daddy that’s really messed up it’s not messed up okay I’m getting a good sweating I’m working out well Daddy me Gooby and Daisy wanted to ask you a question and you can’t say no what happens if I say no Daddy just promised that you won’t say no fine fine I promise I won’t say no what is it all right daddy could we get a pet what’s wrong with you guys you guys are not allowed a pet why come on you’re not allowed to say no I didn’t say that word I said you can’t have one I never said the the the no word that’s basically no nope I didn’t say it you said I didn’t have to say the word no and I did not say no I said you can’t have a pet you guys are not allowed because you’ll probably kill it you won’t take care of it and it’ll probably poop and pee everywhere a but Daddy come on let us just get like a little doggy or a kitty cat that’d be awesome oh yeah I want a kitty E I want a bunny webbit no no and no it will pee and poop on my bed and it will want to sleep with me at night and I don’t want to sleep with anything at night but we’ll take care of it please yeah we’ll take it for walks and we’ll like wash them in the bathtub and give it lots of food yeah we’ll make it really fat daddy great I’m going to have a fat cat walking around the house it’s like Garfield and guess what I hate Garfield so now we are not having any pets in this house okay how about this you guys go outside and you find a pet rock uhhuh yeah you guys can name it a rocky a pet rock rocks don’t move exactly they don’t do anything and you can paint like a face on it no that’s not fun we want a wheel pack okay uh why don’t you go find the fly outside yeah go find a fly wait daddy you’re saying we can find a pet outside and bring it inside if you could find the pet outside then sure yeah you can keep it yeah I’m going to find a pet Raff have fun finding a giraffe they’re only in Africa I’m finding an iguana all right guys everyone let’s start searching around and let’s see what animals we can find there got to be a wild kitty around here somewhere look look I just found something what is it what is it Gooby it’s a tree wait Gooby a tree is not a pet it’s not no a tree doesn’t move it’s like a rock it doesn’t move or it doesn’t do anything it’s stupid e e what about this bush right here no that’s the same thing it doesn’t do anything no you killed him it wasn’t alive in the first place goo Gooby it’s got to be an animal oh man some get pet animal all right Gooby look you check by the water over there I’ll check by these trees and Daisy you check behind the house okay all right everyone split up go find something really good and bring it back okay yes there has to be a little pet somewhere around here o maybe I can find something really cool um let’s see no oh wait let me check in this cave oh gosh nope there’s nothing down here besides iron and Stone I need to keep searching by the trees and all this grass that’s where the animals like to stay wo what is this wo it’s a worm oh my goodness I found a pet worm okay this could be really good come here pet worm I’m going to take you back this way and show you to all my friends guys guys I found my pet where are you guys wait I found one too oh yeah well I bet my pet’s better I got the best pet at all what the what is that thing Gooby it’s a pet blobfish name is Bob a blob fish really Gooby you know these things can’t be out of the water whoa what’s you that you that like a gummy worm yeah it’s a pet worm that I found no no no B I told you I found a fly uh-oh Daisy I think your fly is flying away no come back here Mr fly that is not a good pet that’s stupid well you brought us this spicy noodle what are we supposed to do with that this is not a spicy noodle look oh it’s a pet wormy where’s he going hi Mr wormy this is the best pet here you bought a stupid blobfish and you bought a fly those are terrible pets you brought us a worm that’s so much better it’s way better daisy look look how cute he is guys we need to come up with a name for a new pet uh what about Frank Frank that’s boring Gooby what if it was uh long hot dog 72 I like that name oh yeah that’s really good I’m just going to call him long hot dog for short maybe his actual nickname is just hot dog uh come on guys let’s bring him inside we need to make him a little home oh yeah H what’s a good room that we could turn into his own room maybe the kitchen it’s not like Marty Cooks anyways o yeah that’s a good idea all right let’s just convert the kitchen into a habitat whoa whoa whoa whoo wao hot dog going now that P not for you all right guys the first thing we need to do is add a bunch of fence all right just going to get some of this fence we got to lock them in here so we can’t escape I’m going to break the ovens too just so he doesn’t get burned yeah oh yeah that’s a good idea all right also I’m going to convert this little middle thing to like a branch this will remind him of outside so he’s really going to love it it’s a good idea he can just sit on it ooh I’m pretty sure that warms like dir so I’m going to put some dir on the ground ooh good idea okay let’s do that let’s put dirt everywhere guys I think he’s getting excited he can’t wait to get in we should put him in there so we can enjoy it while we build it all right come here hot dog come here get in here you like it yeah he’s really awesome right okay I think you pretty much loves this wa Daisy what is that it’s a tree wow that’s super awesome I’m going to add some water too okay guys I think I’m going to go get my daddy and show him our new pet that we found he’s going to be so happy that we found a pet yep and look we already taking care of him exactly Gooby cuz we’re good pet owners all right guys I’ll be right back daddy daddy where are you I need to show you something I’m in here looking for my glasses I needed to read the computer I can’t see well Daddy me maybe your glasses are in your butt cuz you sat on it I I did not sit on my glasses I would have broke them with my big butt well Daddy I came up here to tell you that we found a pet oh yeah you actually you actually found a pet outside what’ you find well Daddy we found a little pet worm and you’re going to love it oh I was just going to say it better not be a bug it’s not a bug daddy and his name is hot dog so don’t be mean to him hot hot dog the worm what a dumb name for for a pet okay well where is he all right daddy follow me why why you running like that come on Daddy follow me this way you look stupid all right daddy check it out what did you do to my kitchen T it’s now a warm habitat guys worms live in the ground why’ you do this you could have just kept them in like a a bottle of dirt well that’s why we have dirt so we can live in here well get rid of it I don’t like it yes water and yes grass and some eggs yeah Daddy this is way better than the kitchen we had in here before no it looks horrible guys you can’t be doing this in the house well Daddy at least say hi to hot dog first where is hot dog oh God oh God it attacked me it’s attacking me help me he was hiding Daddy he was hiding on this little ceiling thing it’s not a worm it’s a snake it’s a snake what that’s a snake you dummy yeah oh God he’s after me you can’t get me you’re stuck in there you stupid little snake oh god daddy just jumped over oh God help me Daddy run some kill it step on it get it Daddy come here Daddy this is a worm this is not even a snake right guys this is a worm yeah he’s just a hot dog no he’s not a hot dog you dummies he is a snake and he can bite you and kill you he can’t bite or kill anyone I don’t even know what you’re talking about look at him oh God help me he’s going to B me in the butt the only thing he killed was the blob I’m going to FL down the toilet yeah come over here come over here go on the toilet he no daddy no breaking that toilet get in the sick get in the sick no no he’s CED me guys he’s going to eat me he’s cornered me he’s just friendly he wants you to pet him no I’m not petting no snake Daddy I think you’re a big chicken I will call animal right now I’ll do it you’re a chicken yeah well guess what sakky chicken fck fck chicken guys that’s not helping me all right Daddy come on come on Tod put him back in his cage let’s just get some fresh air and let’s bring hot dog out here too okay well we need to talk about uh Hot Dog’s future here because he’s not living here yes he is Daddy we already made him a habitat yeah well hot dog run hot dog run go somewhere else you’re going to have to learn to love hot dog daddy you don’t want to be with these kids they’re going to kill you they’re going to feed you a a turkey with poison in it and then you’re going to die no don’t listen to him uh little snaky if you’re not going to leave I’m going to have to ask you to leave uh very aggressively like with a sword hey Daddy put that sword down I will cut you in half I will I will turn you into a snake Hot Dog yeah hey daddy where’s he going no keep it moving keep it moving yeah no no no no where’s he going to what he’s swimming in the water daddy look what you did you made him ran away good he’s not going to be living in my house pooping and and peeing everywhere we have to go save him he looks fine look at at me swimming he’s doing good no Daddy I am going out there and I’m going to get Mr hot dog hey no no Johnny coming Mr hot dog you get back here right now Mr hot dog come back bye daddy we’ll see you later no you guys you guys can’t leave hey come back here Oh Daddy you want to come on a little trip with us no I do not want to go on a little trip with you I am bringing you back to the house well I guess if we get Mr hot dog then you’re going to be bringing him back too no I’m going to kill him come on guys we need to swim faster I’m catching up no no uh guys this place looks so weird what is this but guys look over the duck there’s Mr hot dog hey come back here oh no where is he going he’s rning up stairs can you guys please slow down I can’t swim much longer come on Moy daddy Mr hot dog was right here we got to get him and then we can go back home let’s just go back now we don’t need this stupid little noodle no Daddy we got to get the worm I see land I see land let’s go back no we be grabbing you let’s go no no no hey Daddy come on I see something up here Daddy come here what do you see better not be any more snakes everyone follow me this way this is where Mr hot dog went he went in this direction wa guys it looks like there’s some Parkour no don’t you dare start parkouring yes daddy we need to go up here this is where our pet went no no no everybody let’s help about this I’m really bad to parkour let me seal the deal with giving you guys McDonald’s when we go home right let’s go to McDonald’s right now let’s go get a McFlurry or something no what you guys don’t want MF flurry we want hot dog it’s the wrong food Daisy mcf flurry Daddy this is just showing how much of a pet hater you are you don’t like animals no I love animals but I don’t like them in my house nope you’re a pet hater no I’m not how about this all you shut up and come on with me right now you know what Daddy when we post this video no one’s going to like you cuz you’re a pet hater well they’re going to say Marty’s the best dad ever because he doesn’t allow his kids to play with stupid snakes come on Daddy if you want to get roasted in the comments then you better follow us well then I don’t want to follow you I don’t want to get roasted in the comments no Daddy the opposite if you don’t follow us you’re going to get roasted oh well then I have to do the parkour up Gooby just he fell off the first jump hey I’m not getting parkour what a dummy all right speed it up Gooby come on now guys look I’m already up on this tree hey go off the tree oh no I fell off Gooby is not going to meet Mr Noodle his name is not Mr Noodle it’s actually Mr hot dog I just fell how did you fall I slipped I was thinking about Mr hot dog okay you know what if I actually beat you guys to the top maybe I can kill him no you can’t kill him I can get rid of him once and for all looks like I’m in the lead Daddy I just use ladders to go up this tree I just use ladders I’m not cheating I use ladders oh looks like I’m at the top daddy wait for me yeah yeah I made it to the top hey Daddy put me down stop it Daddy stop it no I’m going to do it Daddy stop don’t worry Daddy I’m coming are you actually crying right now yes d daddy put me down thank you how did that even happen come on Gooby come on Daisy hurry up I’m coming yeah okay here I come my go are so close yes all right now we just got to wait for Daisy Daisy where are you I’m over here what Daisy cheated Daisy you literally cheated and used ladders these ladders were already here you guys just took the hard way wait what oh my goodness really I did not see that that’s so stupid well where is this little hot dog guys look behind us where where are we wa this looks crazy maybe this is hot dog’s house it’s like a snake W this is really scary there’s a big andaconda on this on this building in front of us what’s an andaconda Daddy it’s like the biggest snake of all time like 20 ft long and they can kill an elephant an elephant they can kill you Daddy yep and they eat giraffes for dinner so they can kill you daddy cuz you’re as big as an elephant and aeta raffe basically yeah that’s like a really big noodle oh that’s why don’t like snakes moldy what what what do you mean that’s why I don’t like snakes cuz they can eat me yeah they can eat you too oh God I’m really scared look at this one he’s got blood coming out of him the statue DD that’s fake that’s not real that’s real blood that that’s the the blood of all of noodles uh Vic food D it is food D no no you’re a little hot dog like sucking the blood out of all his animals and he puts them in here in his pool of lava that’s probably Fruit Punch Yeah Dad let me try it I’ll I’ll I’ll drink some no no no no no you are not looking that come on Daddy give me a little sip no sips no sips let’s just find hot dog and get out of here how about that all right guys come on everyone follow me up these staircases this looks super scary wa Mr hot dog what are you doing hi Mr hot dog trying to bite me yay we found him this is awesome we actually found him I guess this is your house Mr hot dog okay Mr hot dog let’s just take a tour of your house oh yeah we see where Mr hot dog guys it’s not a smart idea he just tried killing us he did not try to kill us yes he did and look there’s weird statues wa guys guys look there’s more Mr hot dogs I think it’s his family wait May hot dogas zondas everybody hide everyone hide where sff my goodness there’s big snakes guys oh God it’s look at me in the eyes I think those are the mommy and daddies of Mr hot dog well we got to get out of here uh this thing is kind of scary looking oh God look at the way he’s moving it want to e me they don’t be scared this is Mr hot dog family wait guys um who is that I think that might be Mr hot dog’s mom and why does she have snakes coming out of her head I don’t know Daisy guys this is a little creepy now oh my goodness guys I think I know who that is who is who is it Daddy it’s Medusa who’s Medusa Medusa is a snake goddess and and she’s really really scary and if you look her in the eye she turns you into stone wait daddy look behind you ah oh God it’s a stone person it’s a statue there’s a bunch of them they’re everywhere wait so these were real people yes they were and these poor people will never get turned back cuz they’re dead Who Dares enter my temple oh gosh guys I think she’s talking to us wait where’d she go she disappeared oh no oh no Medusa Show Yourself where are you I’m behind you oh gosh daddy behind you don’t look at her the eyeballs how’d she get there come on I know one of you wants to look at me no no she’s slithering around me guys I don’t like this oh gosh oh just open your eyes so creepy oh I’m looking I’m looking oh gotcha I wasn’t looking oh I’m looking at you now too oh no now I’m not looking oh come on Marty I know you want to look into my beautiful eyes right now no I don’t they’re really scary and you have snakes coming out of your head that’s very uh ugly well Marty how about this instead of turning into stone if you look me in the eyes you’ll get unlimited Big Max oh I kind of like that idea a lot hold on D don’t do it do not fall into her trap she’s going to turn you into stone you know you want to do it oh you know what Medusa I want the deal I want the deal you’re such a fool Marty I can’t believe you fell for that no guys look my daddy turned into stone this is not fair daddy daddy can you hear us oh no Daddy uh you bald and fat oh guys you didn’t yell at us oh this is definitely not good oh no it’s mean magici just told him into a stue you guys have officially been warned now leave my Palace and don’t ever come back oh no guys we just lost my Daddy forever can we just like take him with us no he’s really heavy oh I can’t pick it up at least you still have Mr hot dog let’s get out of here oh yeah I guess you’re right Gooby all right bye Medusa bye daddy wait you cannot take one of my minions and if you do I’m coming for you oh no quick everybody just run come on Daisy run hot dog’s ours you’re not going to get them Mia I will find you oh gosh guys this is not good I think we just made Medusa super angry I think so too you know what she made me angry by freezing my daddy and turning him into stone yeah the least she could do is give us Mr hot dog yeah she had like a thousand other snakes in there we’re just going to take one of them yeah but that means she’s coming after us so we might need to protect ourselves oh gosh Gooby I think you might be right guys I think we need to make our house super secure especially for Mr hot dog you’re right but we need to get going wait guys and also if we defeat Medusa then maybe all the people that got turned into stone will get released and then we’ll get my daddy back are we sure we want to do that yes Daisy we need to okay fine I’m not going to have my daddy’s stay at stone for the rest of my life okay fine but only because he buys us McDonald’s all right guys come on quick everyone follow me this way all right guys we made it back home the first thing we should do is put Mr hot dog back into his habitat that way he’ll be safe exactly but maybe we can make this a little bit more safe for him just make the fence taller exactly Daisy all right Gooby put him in I’m just going to put this and go all the way like this going around there we go this is looking better already yes what if we do this too wait what are you doing oh this is actually a good idea okay let’s do that instead that way he can’t climb up the fence all right there we go this is looking amazing all right Mr hot dog you stay in there and we’re going to secure the rest of this house all right guys what should be the first thing that we do I think we need a mo all around it because um snakes can’t slime oo you’re right snakes don’t have any legs or arms so that would be really genius let’s start by just breaking a bunch of blocks like this there we go this is looking pretty good what do we want to fill it with um obviously lava oh yeah lava’s kind of scary no it is not okay it’s only going to be scary for the snakes cuz they’re going to be the ones that are going to be swimming in it true guys this is looking really really good keep going and I’ll place the lava I’m going all around the house nice Gooby nice wao this is looking really good all right guys we just got to put down a little bit more lava back here and then it is completed I think we need to start working on a wall too wait a wall where are we going to put a wall just R around the moat so that if they can’t get away from it then they just fall in the RO wait guys look in the back we already kind of have a wall back here what if we just extend this to all the other parts but the snakes can climb through this oh gosh yeah okay you might be right maybe we just don’t do a wall we do something different oh yeah like cactuses cuz they’re spiky wait yeah we should have cactuses that’s a good idea all right so let’s get a bunch of sand and then we’re going to place the cactuses like this boom this is going to be the pattern and now we’re just going to add the cactuses check this out yes this looks way good yeah Gooby this is a good idea you actually came up with a good idea for once but I always have really good ideas that’s not true everyone knows that I have the best ideas here I think I have the best ideas okay Daisy no you do not yes I do well at least I’m the smartest one here okay now we know that’s not true what about idea I had to just cut off all the crusts from a peanut butter and jelly sandwich Gooby you didn’t come up with that idea I came up with that idea well I I said it was a good idea so that makes it m too no I’m the inventor here okay I come up with the new stuff and people just follow me neither of you invented that oh yeah well I invented breathing I’m the first one that did it o that was a good invention thank you you’re welcome Gooby you guys are a bunch of dummies all right just know that you’re always going to be using my invention every day of your life you can’t invent breathing just did Tas wall is almost done oh yeah yep we’re getting super close to the end we got to fill in this part we we’re super close all right the back is looking pretty good this side’s looking pretty good nice guys this is looking amazing wait Daisy what is this what are you adding here I was just making way that we can stand on top I mean I guess that makes sense if we can get a cool bow and arrow we can like shoot snakes from all the way up here that’s exactly what I was thinking all right let’s add this going all the way around ooh guys I still have another good idea what if we make it so it’s connected to the roof of the house connected to the roof of the house yes so you can just jump on it from now exactly Gooby all right I’m doing it right now this is actually coming out so good all right I’m going to make a secret entrance oh yeah this is so freaking secret right now don’t make it see secret cuz we need to still know how to get there wait this is actually so cool I just added a little area where we could see Mr hot dog hey Mr hot dog o and then in here we can make like a secret room yes this is going to work out so good guys I’m making the coolest thing right now wa this could be like an armor where we put all of our armor and weapons exactly Gooby exactly what I was thinking of Gooby did you give up helping me well I already made some just whing Parts but yeah we only did one side do we need the other side to no I’m doing it now oh my gosh Gooby you need to finish everything that you start okay I want to help with the Army all right fine help me with the Armory nope now I got to help with this we need to make this look a little bit better I got to help Daisy thanks Gooby okay now I help you I like this purple thing yeah it was already in here from the house but maybe we could add to it and make it really cool hi Mr hard dog all right going to do something like this there we go I’m just replacing all the poopy blocks and putting better blocks look S I can just put this here and it’s like spikes boy look these are real spikes you got to use these oh but then if we step on them it’s going to hurt so we don’t reset with well Gooby look we could put some of these real life spikes out in the front of the cactuses oh God never mind it’s breaking the cactus oh no oh no wait we need to do it right we got to put it in between like this oh gosh this is really hard okay I’ll help you with that yeah yeah let’s put these spikes going all the way around all right guys I think the outside of our secure base is officially completed now we just got to get a bunch of armor and a bunch of weapons I’m working on the guns right now wa this is looking sick in here but guys we have one major issue if Medusa looks at us or we look at Medusa we turn into stone we need to figure out how to stop that well how can we look at her without looking at her what if we just put stones over our eyeballs so that if she looks at them then she just looks at walks Gooby but then if we look out we can’t see anything oh yeah oops wait but that kind of leads me to a good idea what if we just wore sunglasses that protect this from the Sun Gooby it doesn’t just protect you from the Sun she won’t be able to look in your eyeballs okay look I’m going to get you some glasses right now okay all right Gooby put those on tell me what you see wao I I see green Gooby they’re not even over your eyes uh-oh I think they’re walking oh gosh okay Gooby take those off we got to get some new ones for you well sometimes Gooby sees out of his cheeks wait what out of his cheeks how is that even possible that’s not even possible Daisy I don’t believe that it’s like a super power I got seek Vision all right guys I’m about to get us all glasses right now all right oh yeah guys check out my glasses I look so cool I got them shades on Gooby you’re wearing a blindfold oh yeah that way I will never see Medusa oh my gosh Gooby you’re blind you literally can’t even look out of that thing oops what are you doing you’re hitting stuff now I’m just trying to find the exit somewhere oh my gosh goopy use your hands and feel the walls okay yes I’m feeling the walls hey Gooby stop Gooby now you ruined all of our base look what you did Gooby gooby maybe those will not be good for you I’ll just put them down until she gets you okay fine I guess that works all right guys now now that we figured out how to not get turned into stone we need to get a bunch of armor weapons to actually kill Medusa I need to finish making our guns all right so you work on making the guns uh I’ll work on getting us armor and Gooby you get us some swords and weapons yeah okay all right team go okay I got to get armor armor armor armor armor Gooby I need you to try some armor on for me all right okay all right try that on oh gosh oh gosh Gooby your head is a horse yay what the heck okay Gooby try uh try this one now Ah Ah Ah wao that’s kind of cool it’s like a demon on my head okay now try this one and try this one wa you turned into a cool zombie I’m like a squid man wow okay so far that’s my favorite one W you’re a silverfish okay stop making that sound get away from me Daisy help me Gooby turned into a psycho Gooby take that thing off what are you doing yeah what are you doing where didd you even get that Gooby you’re so stupid what you gave it to me no I didn’t I would never give you something stupid like that looks like you have a squish mellow on your head I got the coolest weapon ever boom wow oh my God that’s the biggest sword I’ve ever seen it’s my giant sword wait Gooby how much attack damage does it do uh it says 12 all right I want that Gooby give it to me what but I found it for me oh my gosh I want the big sword it’s no fair all right you that sword yeah oh yeah this thing is awesome it’s so cool thanks Gooby look I have other swords over here too all right I’m going to finish getting all of our armor I finished making our guns all right guys well all the armor is now completed so I’m going to be uh this person oh yeah let me go side so I can see how cool I look oh yeah I look so awesome oh my goodness this short is so huge and my hat is so awesome D look if I we the silver then I just get protected from Medusa wait really really yes cuz he can’t see me oh you’re right there’s like little holes in the eyes that’s so good all right Gooby let’s go inside and get some guns yeah Daisy can I steal a gun yeah you can take as many as you want okay I’m going to use the pistol oh yeah this thing’s awesome o I want a minigun right here all right I’m going to get a bunch of these basic bullets where are you guys my Army is coming for you oh my goodness guys I think Medusa is here with her Army everyone get ready to fight I don’t want to go out there okay I’ll go out there first come on guys I’m ready we got to protect Miss hot dog oh my goodness I see her Medusa get away from us right now we are prepared and we have weapons oh children you’re so funny I’m just here to turn you to Stone okay yeah well good luck doing that when we have cool helmets on and sunglasses yeah you can’t even see your eyes my minions will pry them off your head minions attack oh my goodness oh my goodness what is happening guys get ready to fight oh oh oh God they’re snakes oh God ah ah stupid snakes Guys these are hot dog’s Brothers I don’t care who they are okay if it’s not hot dog then I don’t care about them oh God everything’s going on fire oh no guys there’s so many snakes wait who’s burning them that’s actually so genius it’s me I put it on our guns I got the fire sword too take that take that I’m shooting them you like that stupid snakes H get off of our Roof oh God guys they’re everywhere there’s so many of them get them off our wall how are there so many snakes it’s because Medusa’s spawning them in from her head that’s so gross yeah it’s pretty gross I got a bunch of rattlesnake Tails as well oh no they keep multiplying oh my gosh oh my gosh ah die die die guys we’re doing a really good job keep going keep going we got to defend our house ow one bit me oops oops I thought you were a snake oh you guys think that was easy well that was only round one wait round one there’s different rounds to this ohow I’m poisoned I am actually getting poisoned does that mean there’s going to be bigger snakes I think so Daisy oh wait I see these snakes are biting me big snake big snake oh gosh oh gosh no oh no they’re coming into our base I think they want Mr hot dog oh gosh Gooby they’re in our house they are in our house kill them oh go oh go I need help got to keep eating golden apples now get to the right Gooby watch out oh God get off of me get out of you you giant snake take this yeah I’m going to shoot you with my pistol you like that ow ow ow this one’s attacking me guys the snakes are everywhere ow one bit me he’s got me wrapped up he’s got me wrapped up I you oh no oh that’s really bad guys help me I’m wrapped up where I fell down oh gosh this is not good I actually fell down oh Noy he saw you okay Gooby we killed him K everywh okay I’m coming back up guys don’t worry guys I’m going to use my giant sword oh yeah take that stupid snake a giant sword to the face I need to get more ammo no it bit me again it bit me oh this is not good guys I think we need to work together as a team and and uh defend me defend you defend me okay okay okay I’ll defend you where are they Daisy I already killed them oh gosh one right here run right here oh oh yeah you like that uh-huh take that oh I’m going to start putting out these fires on the roof yeah good idea these fires are keep burning me and it’s actually really annoying well well well now that was impressive but now can you guys avoid my poison bombs wait poison bombs what is she talking about guys hey what the heck oh God she’s shooting grenades at us ow ow hey that’s not nice wait this hurts oh my gosh guys run run run keep running around she can’t hit us if you’re running oh I’m poisoned I am too oh no oh no this is not good guys it’s just hiding our base she can’t throw them in there how about this shoot our boat shoot her boat take that you like that oh God okay it’s doing nothing hey Medusa stop it you can’t kill us guys boat doesn’t break oh no this is not good ow ow this is really painful yeah guys I’m taking on a lot of Hearts we got to go inside our base go inside our base Qui we got to get in here go go go go yes I think we’re protected in here I think we’re safe too Medusa’s poison bombs can’t get us from inside she’s so stupid you guys can run but you can’t hide and I’m coming in to get my minion you call hot dog oh no she’s going to come in and get hot dog we got to stop her guys we can’t allow this to happen come on we need to defeat her meder we’re going to come kill you where is she oh my gosh oh my gosh she’s huge oh Medusa is huge how was she so big you guys have left me no choice and now you have to fight me guys quick everyone shoot her take that take this you monster guys I’m going in there with the big sword all take the big shord take the big shord get her oh my goodness yes guys we’re doing good damage we’re doing really good damage she’s halfway Health oh my god oh yeah you like that you guys will not be able to kill me I am to strong I don’t think so Medusa we’re about to kill you how did you guys know my weakness is fire yes yeah take that ow ow snakes she’s spawning in snakes guys is not good minions help kill her guys kill her they’re going to kill all the snakes if you kill her kill her yes yes we did it let’s go we defeated Medusa and all of our snakes went away as well wo wait guys if all of our snakes went away does that mean Mr hot dog went away as well oh I think so check I got check everyone go inside go inside Mr hot dog Mr hot dog where are you guys I don’t see him I think he died with her no not Mr hot dog he was my favorite it Johnny it’s okay now that we don’t have hot dog and your daddy’s turned to stone we can get any animal we want yeah I guess you’re right we’ll just have to find another Mr wormy no I think we should get a kitty this time wait I want a bunny wabbit or we can get like a lion that would be awesome that’s basically a kitty wait what is that my daddy guys you’re alive the stone melted around me I’m back I’m free daddy that’s because we defeated Medusa she came here and she tried to break down our house but we killed her it looks so ugly what do you mean Daddy we added a bunch of secure defenses well I want you guys to get rid of it right now no I think we’re just going to go get a kitty no you’re not you’re not getting any more pets no more pets after Mr uh noodle or whatever you call them Mr hot dog Daddy and guess what Mr hot dog is dead he died when we killed Medusa so now we got to get another Mr wormy no you’re not I’m glad that little noodles dead how dare you say that about him well you know what he wasn’t good he was a bad snake oh yeah Daddy oh take that take that like that my daddy’s not going to tell us what to do guys come on let’s go get another pet yeah well if you want to watch another video then everyone click one on the screen right now and also make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe bye

Today, Johnny, Gooby, Marty and Daisy have to build a secure house against MEDUSA! Will Medusa turn them into a stone? Or will they be able to defeat her? Watch to find out!

#johnny #minecraft #minecraftmod


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