Mikey POOR vs JJ RICH Longest House in Minecraft (Maizen)

look Mikey these are very long houses H what are they doing here we need to get closer oh these houses look very unusual I wonder why they are so long H hi we need your help something strange is happening with our houses there are ghosts in them oh please come to our houses try to chase away the ghosts well I’ll go to this rich house and you Mikey go to the poor house yep oh okay but it’s not fair why are you going to the rich house and I to the poor house if you can get to the end of the house you will get treasure good luck I have a really bad feeling about this H I wonder if there really are ghosts in this house I can’t wait to find out so Mikey you ready yep I’m sure you can’t go all the way home wonder how they villagers could build such an unusual house under the house is a cliff with lava H why is this this place so unusual here is so strange and unusual Furniture why are they so long and Tall I’ve never seen anything like this before H it’s like a lever it’s written spider in poor house why is there so many cobwebs I must hurry I cannot lose to JJ what is that sound it’s spiders I knew they would be here how I hate these insects why are these spiders so big h what is wrong with these spiders why are they so big but very slow it seems the villagers were right this house is cursed get out of here before I Crush you I’ll let you go at last they’re gone how scared I am of them how do I hate spiders they are so nasty what is this lover it is written ghost in rich house interesting it really works I wonder what will happen next it’s like a ghost where it came from immediately there was no one need to run like a ghost gone great now I’m safe is that a parkour test uhoh it’s that ghost again I thought it was gone get out of here H it’s a strange order why doesn’t he attack me maybe I need this ghost to scare me H honestly at first I thought this ghost was just a hologram but it takes damage from the fire could it be a doll hm the Villager said this house was cursed and he also said that if I could get to the end of the house I would get the treasure I hit a ghost on the head who knew I could defeat a scary ghost using the door I wonder if I’d meet any more monsters in this house H maybe the Villager specifically said that to scare me so that I could not reach the end of the house this is again the lever it says L rat in Poor House interesting this will really work hm I wonder what will be waiting for me further woohoo why is this house so many spiders I hope I will not meet any more spiders H this house is definitely cursed why is this web so unusual this is the house that JJ went to there’s lava spilled I wonder JJ has already passed this test H okay we need to move on I don’t want to lose to JJ what is that noise it’s a huge mous why is it so big what is wrong with this house why are the monsters here so unusual get out of here I don’t have any cheese why won’t that Mouse attack me he came so close to me and didn’t even touch me H maybe it’s a mouse it’s a doll or some hologram the Villager said this house was strange and haunted but he also said if I could make it to the end of the house I’d get the treasure did he specifically say there were ghosts out there to scare me and all those monsters were just supposed to scare me all right we need to close the door so this big mouse doesn’t come back I hope I don’t see any more big mice or spiders H it’s a lever it says poison and rich house H I wonder if it really works I guess I figured every time I pulled a lever at JJ’s House something happens H I have to move on I don’t want to lose to Mikey this is green water and why does it smell so bad is it poisonous H I think I figured it out now there’s a ‘s a lever in the house that Mikey’s in now too and when he pushes the lever something’s happening in my house H what is this place why is there a record player who is this is that a huge zombie uh-oh I guess now I know it’s a test cuz if I step on one of those plates I activate the music column and then a giant scary zombie wakes up H well like it’s nothing you just need to reach the end of the room you need to look under your feet to not step great I’ve already been through most of this room I hope the zombies don’t wake up it’ll be funny if this zombie just wakes up cuz he had to pee it’s like a lever it is written update skeleton in poor house all right I hope Mikey likes my surprise I think I figured out that the house where JJ is right now has leverage too and every time something happens in my house that that’s why skeletons are so big maybe skeletons won’t notice ouch ouch now I knew they weren’t dolls I thought maybe I could go quietly so they wouldn’t notice me what about the skeleton leg it’s so big and scary H how am I supposed to get through all these skeletons seems like there are no other ideas you have to run straight hope I can run to the door ouch it seems like it was no better idea ouch it’s a lever I need to activate it I can’t even see what it says great here’s the door I got it woohoo I think I was able to pass the test to the end what’s Mikey doing now I think he’s stuck in the front of the house I wonder if the zombies woke up or not H oh no I think I stepped on the record player I think I made a big mistake why I stepped on the column we have to get out of here uh-oh how big is this zombie I don’t think he’s noticed me yet oh no he ran after me we need to get through this room quickly why is this zombie so big we need to get out that door faster now I’m safe I got to the end is that Mikey is it simply impossible that he passed this test before I did yep how could he have such a huge sword is this a chest interesting what is in it h so a long sword I have never used such a weapon before H it is very strange by the way this weapon is as light as a regular sword well now I can fight back Mikey you know what we have to do now we have to go back to the villagers and get the treasure so we were given these swords the real trials will begin only now I hope I can defeat a huge zombie with this sword I wonder if there might be new monsters or something why is this zombie standing still all right it will be even easier this zombie looks big but very stupid I think he is annoyed by loud noises well nothing I can beat him quietly I think if we were given weapons then there will be a huge number of monsters I’m sure Mikey tried to stop me you have to be very careful how come this zombie doesn’t die great I beat that giant zombie it wasn’t easy but I can beat this huge zombie I have to move forward wonder what will be waiting for me next this is the lever I think we should activate it a few times to get as many skeletons as possible I’m sure Mikey won’t be able to beat so many skeletons H it seems JJ was able to defeat the zombies he was able to pass the first test I have to hurry too I don’t want to lose to JJ it seems to me for some reason it seems to me that there will be even more skeletons I can’t stand still I can’t let JJ come before me how many skeletons are there why are they so big and scary ouch okay now I have a sword so I can defeat the skeletons it will be easy I hope the winnings will be good it was easier than I thought it looks like the skeletons got bigger but they didn’t get any brains we have to move on there’s spammers in here so there’s going to be skeletons all the time and I need to break spawns but I don’t have a pickaxe ouch maybe I can turn off these spawners somehow but I don’t think I can maybe try to break these spawners with a sword or something okay I don’t think I can break them H I wonder how far JJ has come I’m sure his trials have been easier than mine all right we got to get out of here but first we need to activate the lever I want JJ to fail the test I can already imagine a tsunami of poison pouring down on him I wonder if Mikey could pass the test with a skeleton is that poisonous water what is it doing here a second ago this water was not here H I think I know Mikey was able to pass the test and activated the lever that’s the only explanation for the poisonous water and why does this poison smell so bad I have to hurry I don’t want to lose to Mikey H I wonder what treasure I’ll have when I pass this test to the end I have almost walked one room you can assume that I play the floor is lava I cannot touch the floor it seems nothing difficult you just need to move forward a little I seem to have jumped to conclusions in vain I thought that poisonous grass could extinguish the lava H it’s okay I can pass this parkour test anyway there’s just poison everywhere I think I’m doing pretty well all I have to do is pass this test I think now I’ve overtaken Mikey but he may catch up with me soon so I have to hurry so here too we’ll spread poison well it’s okay I’ve already walked two rooms so I can go through this room too all right this is the lever we need to activate it I wonder if Mikey can pass the test great now I have a pickaxe so I can easily break the spawners I wonder if JJ was able to pass the poison test I need to hurry up I don’t want JJ to win I need to be very careful there may be either a big mouse or spiders ahead I’m sure JJ has activated the lever too I need to move on now I have a huge sword so Victory will be easy so there are also spiders this test is very easy I thought that there will be some terrible monsters well or maybe some major big spider we need to go back and get rid of all this cobwebs while there are new spiders on the wall OU they do it right in front of me I have to kill them all to win how many cobwebs there are how good it is that I have a sword I can quickly tear a web I wonder if JJ was able to pass this test or if he’s still passing it h how many spiders there are we need to kill them all faster great I was able to defeat all the spiders now I have to tear up the whole web before new spiders appeared how many webs are there it’s not fair while I’m cleaning up this web JJ is moving forward who knows if JJ is out of the house and now he’s getting a reward I have to hurry I wonder what Mikey’s doing now could he beat all the spiders that I made a noble lever okay I have to move on there’s still a little bit left and I can get out of this long house I wonder what treasure I’ll get that’s the way out I have to go a little longer I did it I was able to pass the test to the very end you did good JJ get your prize all these resources to me I can build a very cool house well or buy a car though I think I have enough for whatever I want it was quite difficult but I could do it H has Mikey yet passed the test in the meantime I’ll make myself a diamond armor and of course more Tools H I think when Mikey is able to pass the test he will be incredibly angry that he couldn’t defeat me so he can just attack me it’s so cool that I won diamonds I always wanted to have diamond armor I wonder if I have enough money to build a huge house with a swimming pool in a stable H well where’s Mikey he’s been gone for a long long time maybe he just couldn’t handle the trials H I think I should help Mikey I can’t leave him alone I think he can’t beat all these spiders by himself hi Mikey I came to help you why did you take so long you had to defeat these spiders all the time come quickly from this house wait JJ I have to kill all these spiders first I can’t let that spider come into this house hurry up Mikey you don’t have to kill those spiders you’re not going to beat me before you so I won H whether you’re coming or not why did you spend so much time killing insects why is Mikey so weak is that leverage so all this time my theory was true H all these ghosts or toxic water it was all Mikey well nothing I’ll get him back but first I want to break all the levers I think we need to do one more test so Mikey can’t exactly pass come on you stinking spiders you’re getting bigger every second it’s a good thing I have a very long sword I could run to the house where I pass the test and activate all the levers but I’m lazy if I do one more little test Mikey will have to get through this little barrier now Mikey definitely cannot pass it seems he almost beat all spiders I feel like he doesn’t even notice me I’m trying to give him a hard time and he’s not even listening okay I think I need a little help huh finally now you can pass this test stop why did you help me I would have done it myself it was a lot of fun why Mikey passed this test so long well it doesn’t matter you need to throw all the unnecessary garbage into the lava too bad Mikey didn’t get the treasure I think I can share some of my treasure I still have a lot of it and I can’t spend it all alone H where’s Mikey why he’s been gone so long I wonder if he’s fighting spiders again and why he’s doing it if his job was to get through this long house quickly where are my treasures you finally showed up why were you gone so long Mikey huh I’ve got a surprise for you oh unfortunately since you didn’t come first I got the treasure but the good news is there’s so many diamonds that we both have enough

Mikey POOR vs JJ RICH Longest House in Minecraft (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg

WARDENS vs. The Most Secure House – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7AhPzV6yi8


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