NOOB vs PRO: PRIME House Build Challenge in Minecraft!

today we’re going to be having a prime build battle in Minecraft guys what’s your favorite flavor of prime o ooh ooh mine’s ice pop ice pop ooh I like that one a lot Daisy it’s so good daddy did you just say boring that what’s your favorite flavor obviously strawberry banana oh yeah I’m so gross strawberry and bananas it’s only good for like a smoothie yeah it’s like smoothie flavored Prime it’s so good Gooby what’s your favorite flavor my favorite is the best flavor ever blue raspberry yes blue raspberry ooh that one is pretty good well guys you want to know what my favorite flavor is hey what is it um I can’t tell you wait what I can’t tell you because I’m going to be building it everyone needs to build their favorite flavor of prime and at the end of this video we’re going to see who built the best Prime oh wait should we just have to make the bottle and that’s it well you can make a house inside the bottle or you could add a bunch of liquid inside of it like actual Prime oo I’m going to do that be like a secret Bas now exactly Gooby yeah I can’t wait I want to do it let’s go let’s go let’s go all right guys everyone start building in three two wait wait wait daddy hold on I didn’t say one yet come back up here I’m starting to build no Daddy you have to come back up here or we’re not going to do this well how about this I’ll start building you guys can count down no Daddy come back up here I had to say one more thing oh my gosh I wasn’t done saying what I was going to say what are you going to say all right my daddy’s really fat and bald 3 2 1 go all right it’s time to build my amazing Prime but I need to pick the best flavor ever and I’m going to pick a flavor that nobody knows about it’s called glueberry so basically the bottle is black and it has a bunch of green slime coming out of it I think that I’m going to have the best flavor here so I’m going to start by actually making the bottle shape I want to make my Prime pretty giant all right one 2 3 4 5 six that’s looking pretty good now I got to go this way and then I’m going to do this oh I am going to have the best build here let’s go all right so in order to make this strawberry banana Prime I’m going to need a few flavors I’m going to need my pink and I’m going to need my yellow so the way the prime starts it’s starts off with a little yellow so I got to kind of figure out how big I want this to be and then once I do that I’ll come back and I’ll show you guys how big this thing is going to look it’s going to look incredible okay guys we have to build our favorite flavor of prime so I have to pick out my blocks right now and my favorite flavor is ice pop so I need red white and blue and I think we’re just going to use concrete cuz it’ll be super easy to build that way and I should probably grab black just so I can write Prime ooh and it’s kind of in a clear bottle so maybe we add some glass just at the top and the bottom still don’t know what flavor Johnny’s making I wonder what colors he’s using I’m going to start off by making a circle and I have to use blue because that’s where blue is on an ice pop this circle’s going to be really hard so what if you guys go check out gooy build while I make it okay I need to make the blue Prime batttle it’s going to be so good let got to find some really good Blue Block okay so we got some of that no no no ooh I can make it that of ice that could be kind of cool wait light blue concrete is perfect color o I need some of this blue ASA cloud and um o maybe just fold the tap oh yeah I’m going to make the best prime Bott the level all right my Prime bottle is actually coming together I just need to make the sides of this really really really tall this is going to be probably the biggest Prime bottle out of everyone’s builds I hope everyone else’s builds come out really terrible yeah so I could win I’m trying to win this all right how high should I make my bottle ooh it’s probably going to be like that high right now it’s looking pretty boring because I’m just using one color but trust me when I add the green slime this bottle is going to pop going to pop right into your face I just need a a little bit more time and my build will be the best literally the best build so I made the way the prime supposed to look I made a little circle and it looks kind of good I got to make it round because the way that the prime bottle has or is made it has like a little piece like this that goes out and then it curs back in So when you actually hold it you can actually hold on to something so I got to do this all the way around and I got to go up one two three four four times I got to do this four times up and I got to put Prime on the side then I have to blend it with some pink oh gosh I got a challenge ahead of me this is going to take me forever guys I finished making my circle okay now we just have to build it up like really really high I’m thinking like 7 blocks each color maybe even 10 so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ooh yeah I think Seven’s perfect okay so I’m just going to build this up oh yeah my pom bottle’s coming out really good I just got to make the walls really tall then inside put a secret base it’s going to be so cool oo my Prime bottle’s coming out really good I’m almost done making the outside just have to make it a couple more blocks higher maybe just one more all the way around yes this is going to be so good okay now I need to kind to make it like cved at the top little cve in here maybe like this is like where the cap goes okay let’s just make this a little tall this yeah and then need to Cove in a little bit more yes it kind of looks like a bottle okay now I need to put the cap on there it needs to be a little bigger oh yeah that’s looking like a bottle right there maybe I’ll just make wait think a good idea I put this like that then I put the cap right there oh yeah that looks really good okay now I need to put the ls cuz it need to say Prime on it all right this is actually starting to look insane so the top of every single Prime needs to look like a bottle shape so it needs to go up slightly um let’s see if I can make this actually look good oh gosh it’s so hard to see this color it’s all blending into each other my brain is being fried right now I don’t think my eyes are actually working okay okay so it needs to like slowly go into each other maybe I make this too big yep yep this is actually genius all right let me just fill all this up just like this there we go and now we’re going to go in by another block and I think inside my Prime drink I might make an entire house it’s literally going to be a secret base inside of prime that is going to be show crazy and look it’s actually coming together now all right I’m just going to go one more this is the final one and then on top of this I need to put the cap okay I’m actually kind of a genius I’m adding some of the bottle part on the bottom and now I need to add some bottle part up here cuz technically all this black that I’m adding is just like a big wrap all right so there we go I need to do something like this all right there we go and now I need to add a cap so I think I’m just going to do something like this and go out by one block this might be looking amazing right now I’m not sure okay let’s see what it looks like okay okay it’s coming together now I see to make it too big this will make it look way more like an actual cap and then also maybe I get rid of the corners guys trust me I’m an expert at building in Minecraft so whatever I do is going to be amazing see just like that that actually looks like Prime wait this is looking so good right now all right let’s just fill this in just like that and also I might replace this and make this a part of the cap as well let’s see if this looks any better or any worse I wonder what my daddy and Gooby builds are looking like and Daisy as well I hope that I’m just the best one here all right so I’m making the bottle of prime and I think it starting to look pretty good I got like the little handle bits and now all I got to do is bring it all the way up top and make a cap to it then try to spell Prime on the side now it’s going to be difficult cuz I made these little inlets but we’ll see what we could do but in the meantime I got to start making the top of this Prime this is going to be the best prime out of everybody’s I bet I bet goobies is horrible right now I bet Johnny is horrible I bet Daisy’s making the worst Prime of all time okay guys I just finished adding all of the blue so now we have to start on the white layer I’m just going to outline it and then I’m going to continue building it up okay now that I’ve done the white outline I still have to build it up another seven blocks and I have to do this all the way around okay guys the white is done and this is taking me so long and now I have to do all of the red and then I work on the very top and not to mention I still have to build a house on the inside I know mine’s absolutely going to look the best because attention to detail it seem to keep working wait a second does Gooby even know what a prime bottle looks like B’s coming out really good look at this it says Prime c r i m that spells Prime o I need to make it inside okay maybe o I have a good idea got to go through the bottom I mean through the top so I think I need to make an invisible block oh there it is the secret block now if you go in here suppos to supposed to go in there okay I need secret ooh secret STS that works yes I’m inside the prime bottle that’s actually so cool okay I need to make a secret base in here now it’s going to look really good check this out so I just made my floor and I put this little Cloud right here so that you can jump on it super high and go all the way out of the seid base so cool go in boom go out wao oops I hit my head on the roof yes so cool I’m going to have the best blinde bottle nobody else will have a good one above me okay the moment we have all been waiting for I am going to add green let’s just hope that I have enough room though wait how do I spell Prime okay I it’s actually looking like Prime now I need to add an M oh this is actually really hard to make an M oh god oh no I ran out of room this is not good okay okay I have an idea don’t worry I have an idea great Builders always have a second idea okay so this is what I’m going to do I’m just going to get rid of all this poopy and now I’m just going to start the prime actually up here there we go this is going to look really good trust me guys oh yeah oh yeah p r i and then we need the m let’s see if I have enough space this time and now we just need the e uhoh that’s an issue um my e is kind of looking like an F oh gosh I got to figure this out well it looks like there’s no fixing that e down there to make it look good but what I am doing is adding slime all around my Prime oh my goodness this is making it look so good you’re not even going to know that I didn’t even spell e all right I’m just going to add a few more of these clumps of slime and then I’m going to start working on the entrance and what I was thinking for the entrance is we could use one of these secret blocks check these out I could literally turn these into ghost blocks just like this there we go do something like this and now I can walk in and out of my Prime drink by just going through these pieces of glass this is actually genius all right let me add a few more slime and then I’m going to work on the inside okay so the actual bottle of prime is now done now what I need to try to figure out is how to put a Prime on this so let’s just ooh this is going to be difficult go like boop boop maybe we go like this do like a big PE maybe if we just do PE p for Prime maybe we put the pe’s around like the bottom like that or maybe I just start going hard with the prime I don’t know I don’t know what to do I don’t know what to do maybe I just put a bunch of peas everywhere I think that’s what I’m going to do I’m going to go like this I’m going to put it in the middle do one big PE like this keep a prime Hallelujah then what I’ll do maybe I’ll just put some peas around and maybe what I’ll do is I’ll start making a secret base inside this Prime bottle o it’s going to come out so good what I’m going to do to add some detail to my problem I just came over with it right now is I’m going to add some bucket of blood okay I know it’s blood and it’s disgusting I want to add some liquid in here to make like there’s actually something in the bottle even though there’s going to be secret base inside we’re going to go like this and just cover up all of the glass like that no one’s going to know all they’re going to do is think there’s a nice little Prime in here now’s see what it looks like out here oh that looks so good that actually looks incredible okay now that I finish the red I have to work on the hardest part ever I have to like make this go up to like where the cap is I don’t even know how to do that I’m just going to try and build it in like this and see how it turns out guys this is really confusing and hard cuz I want this to be perfect I just have to keep working maybe if I just keep adding blocks it’ll be exactly how it’s supposed to I think it’s finally time for me to add the glass to replicate the bottle so now I just need to build it up right here at the top and it doesn’t need to be too much either because I have to add the cap maybe I just fill this all in it’s not like someone’s actually going to be drinking out of it guys I finished the cap and now I have to make my Prime bottle actually save Prime my room is coming out pretty good I got my bed right here and I got a big TV and I think I need to make a computer setup that would be really good I need to put a desk so many desks which one should I use W this one looks pretty cool actually and I need to put my PC on it I need a pps5 okay yes now put my desk right here and oh where’s my computer my computer my jail whoa Y and I think I just need a tail needs to be a super cool tail o froggy tail so cute yes my room’s coming out really good I think I need to play a really good place for my friends okay yes I just made a so big second floor for all my friends to come over all right for the inside of my Prime I think I want to keep it pretty open cuz this looks awesome so I’m going to actually add more slime inside and give it a 3d effect and then maybe I could put a staircase that goes all the way up to the top somehow I don’t really know how I’m going to do that but I’m going to do it and it’s going to look amazing and also I need to add my own room and TV area cuz I need to watch TV inside my Prime this is going to take a long time so I need to hurry up so the color theme of inside of my Prime base obviously needs to be green look how good this is looking already all right I got a little couch I think this will look even better if I just cut some of that off there we go okay now I need to figure out where to put a bed H I don’t know if I’m going to put as many floors as I probably could in here I think I’m just going to keep it all on this main floor and then have a ladder going up to the top so what I need to do is put my beds on this side Yep this will look the best and I’ll put this next to it then I’ll do something like this and now I need some lamps obviously they need to be green lamps everything is going to be green inside here I literally cannot use any other blocks I could only use blocks that have green in it so I’m literally just going to search up green and take everything take take take take time to make the base let’s see what we’re working with ew that blood from the top that’s disgusting ew it’s dripping okay well we’re going to have to change that but look I can make certain floors like I could do uh maybe I could put a kitchen down here beds here like a hangout room up here so what I’m going to do is I’m going to start sectioning out all these floors and putting a staircase and I we can actually build something so cool all right all the floors are kind of done now all I got to do is fill them up so what I need first is a door for this front so let’s do uh let’s do this door ooh let’s do golden door let’s do a golden door let’s see how this looks oh yeah looks like it’s a million bucks what we got to do is a kitchen so I need to go find the kitchen Tab and let’s start making a kitchen so I can eat some donuts uh kitchen where are you kitchen food I need food found it what we need is stove dishes beer uh the stove fridge we need a microwave and we need a top let see let’s see let’s see what does this look doesn’t look bad doesn’t look bad okay we’re going to do a little bit of that and a fridge there cool cool let’s see what else we got you know what we just have so many little things I need to actually go through this and actually look to see what I want in this kitchen so I’m going to come back after I’m done making this kitchen guys we don’t have much time left so I need to really hurry and work on this inside cuz I was supposed to add a base and I haven’t done that yet I need to start off with the floor so I just need to do something that kind of matches my Prime bottle so I think I’m just going to do black and white Checker cuz I love Checker guys I’m speed running this right now because time’s almost up I really kind of could just add carpet and say that I’m done so I think that’s what I’m going to do grab my carpet really quickly I’m going to do blue and red it’ll be perfect wait I got plushies I’m going to grab plushies but look like my Prime bottle so we need blue and red and white and I’m just going to put them everywhere okay I’m completely finished with my Prime bottle now we just have to go check out everyone else’s so we got to go up the stairs right here I’m stuck over here okay then I got to put some like bun of snacks and some maybe some Nintendo switches more TVs going to put TVs everywhere going to be like the playroom when everybody comes over need a Nintendo switch some on each place like that I’ll just put them on like this okay yes yes o I’m going to put some plushies I need a sock and O an elephant that’s so cute those like our mascots then I think we need oh yeah maybe like some chocolate cake up here oh there’s so many cakes going to put a bunch of them my friends come over they’re going to love this okay the last thing we need is a toilet bowl so that people could take poops so I’m going to put it right here in this little place right here with some toilet paper then I put the in Cas I saw it with a big old poo po you can go in here and take a poop go right [Music] now yeah that was a good one think my place is Wai for my friends to come over can’t wait to show my friends my awesome Prime bottle super base it’s going to be so good wonder who’s going to have the best one all right so I think my kitchen is pretty much done we have a little seating area so we can eat some food we got a sink we got a a blender we got some uh we got some good drink up there and we have a nice little stove with a fridge I’m happy I’m happy about this I think this area is spacious and it looks good it looks detailed but now we should go up to the bedroom so this I think is where the first bedroom is going to be all right so I just finished this room and I think it actually came out really really nice we have a little PC we have a bed we got some paintings we got some puffer fish floating around with some plushies and you know what I think this is pretty much done I think what I might just do is I might just board this whole thing up up here I don’t know what I would add up here maybe a bathroom okay you know what I’m going to add a bathroom there going to be One Singular toilet right in the middle with some toilet paper be be like the poop and scoop room like this bunch of toilet paper all over the place and you know what we got to do too we got to do a plunger just in case you clog it up plunger plunger plunger plunger aha it’s done all right this base is definitely better than everybody else’s my Prime is definitely the best prime I think of the bat strawberry banana oh my God it’s so good it looks incredible all right the inside of my Prime is actually looking insane right now so now it’s time to add a ladder going all the way up to the top all right I’m probably just going to use some lime concrete and go all the way up all right here we go just going to place this ladder oh yeah all the way to the top and then we’re actually going to go outside there we go now we can go on top of our Prime bottle just like this I think the interior of my Prime is completed this is definitely the best interior I’ve ever seen inside of a prime bottle but it’s time to go see everyone else’s builds let’s see if anyone made a better Prime than mine come on all right guys time is up everyone come up here all right so who thinks they made the best prime bottle no I did well you guys are all wrong cuz I did and the way we’re going to decide to see whose Prime bottle first is to see where these bubbles go all right where are the bubbles going where are they going me they’re going to me oh they’re going to Gooby they’re going to Gooby okay we got to go see goobies first okay what did you see the Masterpiece all right let’s see this oh my goodness is this why is there a bunch of statues I had an extra time so I kind of made like a little Fountain of prime Fountain of prime yes it’s filled with blue wber the best flavor ever oh my goodness can jump in there this doesn’t seem safe tells if it’s safe it’s cool W oh yeah this is awesome ow Prime tastes horrible well let’s see the actual Prime bottle cuz this is what we were supposed to build wow this looks pretty awesome wait Gooby can we go inside yeah but you got to find the secret entrance Gooby oh my go you spelled Prime wrong no you forgot the e I spelled it right p r i m Prime yeah he spelled it right no there’s an e guys I found the entrance oh oh I found it it’s in here wait hold on let in Daddy watch out there we go oh you go right back out that’s kind of bad design right there Gooby no you have to know how to get in there so here’s my room I got my bed and my PC and the TV right here oh my goodness this looks awesome gooy then you can climb up the stairs right here there’s a bathroom on the side what the heck this is the smallest bathroom I’ve ever seen in my life yeah I kind of went out the room then if you go up here it’s a cake party woo oh yeah oh yeah this is awesome there’s so many cies too nice all right not that good mine’s a lot better no okay guys what do you wait mine super awesome Prime base two let’s see two daddy did you just give him a two it’s a big old two okay that’s mean first off and second off I think I’m going to give it like a seven I think it’s pretty good oh yeah I’m going to give it a five what five oh yep yep that’s why I’m giving it a two no well I I made a really cool Bas now and I even made a prime Fountain yeah but it’s about the prime bottle and you spelled Prime wrong I’m not good at spelling that doesn’t count it’s fine Gooby gooby it’s fine you could just give Daisy like a zero it doesn’t even matter yeah oop goopy if you do that then I’m going to get really angry and I’m going to tell Marty on you well go ahead tell him he some poooo heads anyway Marty called you a poooo head hey Gooby come down here right now now guess what I’m giving you your prime a zero Hey Daddy come on you lost them no now you only give me a five it only give me a five yeah but you said you were going to give me a zero so I’m giving you a zero no I never said that yes you did no I just was talking no take back SE no takeing back SE Daisy you game of five all right come on let’s move on to my daddy’s next what the heck is that prime it doesn’t look there’s no way you only put a pee you didn’t spell all prime strawberry banana yep you put a pee daddy that means you get a zero no it doesn’t no it doesn’t it’s like goobies e it’s leaky in here wo this is actually kind of cool because we’re surrounded by Prime so on the first level we got a little kitchen dining room area then we have a little bedro bedroom and then we have One Singular toilet with a lot of toilet paper and and uh gosh plungers just in case you know someone really clogs it up Daddy this is awesome I want to live in this Prime I know it’s good it’s good I like it CU it’s pink why is it whipping everywhere cuz if you go outside we actually have Prime in the bottle wow wait he’s right yep strawberry banana Prime daddy I’m going to give this one probably a nine because I like the bottom color floor it’s all yellow and I like yellow I like it cuz it’s pink so I’m going to give it an eight W yeah spell Prime doesn’t matter there’s a p on there and the p means Prime this is not fail this is very not fail what’s the r Gooby what are you going to give a gooby big zero a big zero cuz I’m a weenie I already know what he’s going to say yeah think you know what I’m going to say you never know what I’m going to say I say I give it a p you kind of K oh my God oh my God Gooby chill chill hey hey hey you come here you come here right now I’m going to put you time out didn’t even put an e but and then give me this St fa now you can’t see now you can’t see you can’t blow it up you are a loser you are a sore loser great now now the prime going everywhere that’s why I think about your Prime hurry someone drink it I still have a better score than you gooby I still have a better score than you all right all right everyone calm down um let’s just move on to Daisy’s Prime all right put that gun away okay no more bazooka wow look at this one actually spells Prime unlike Gooby this is my Prime bottle oh my goodness this actually looks really really good but uh Daisy how do you get inside there’s a secret door you you guys in this I found it I found it instantly it was not that secret I was about to show it to you the first thing I touched I didn’t have a lot of time so the inside’s a little poopy very poopy yeah this this inside sucks he has two TVs and a whole bunch of plushies I mean okay sure where’s your bed where do you even sleep oh right here yeah I don’t like it I don’t like it not my favorite nope I don’t like it I’ll give it a four five I’ll give it a five I’ll give it a five four but it actually says Prime yeah but it’s so boring and plain you know what Daisy I’ll be nice and I’ll give it a two that’s me being nice yeah that’s me being really nice you guys are not being nice to me right now um I’m going to have to give it a one Whatever whatever you guys are a bunch of Jelly Bellies because mine is better no no Jelly Bellies I’m not a Jelly Belly you’re a Jelly Belly what the heck is guys look at my Prime oh yeah it’s got slime on it it’s awesome SP Prime right well guys here’s the issue I don’t know where I was supposed to put the other e it could go right there how about that there you go what flavor R I did not use the wrong type of R that’s literally the same r no it’s supposed to be Capital oh my goodness really we’re going into the Nitty Gritty let me fix it no let me fix it real quick all right there we go boom fixed yeah Gooby is right what flavor is this this is a weird flavor it’s the most secret flavor ever it’s called The Glow Berry flavor what glow Berry it glows up in the dark yep it glows up in the dark Daddy and when you drink it your whole body glows up what the glow up that’s what happens all right everyone come inside this is the Secret Door W check it out it’s pretty awesome isn’t it oh this place is so cool it’s like a clam right here what it’s before my life clam Daddy and it’s blown bubbles we have a guitar hey Daisy don’t eat all my cake what the my favorite carks for the and then if you go up here you can actually go on top of my Prime bottle and see it from the top it’s really bad it’s really ugly hey there’s nothing ugly about this Prime okay I don’t know your interior is kind of basic like Daisy’s yeah you said mine was bad so I’m going to give you a one cuz yours is just the same oh my goodness mine’s so much better I think his flavor is a lot better than yours Daisy so I’m going to give this a seven out of 10 all let’s go that’s a good one I like that heard of this flavor before yeah but it’s Unique it’s Unique you’re is not unique all right Gooby gooby what are you going to give my flavor please give it like a 10 uh well uh it kind of looks weird and the interior is not really that good oh my goodness but um you’re my best friend so I give you a 10 yay let’s go yeah yeah let’s goow bubbles everywhere I’m the winner I’m the winner oh yeah I’m the bubble blown baby let’s go here guys to celebrate I’m going to give you all your own bubble blowers and we’re going to blow them together right all right since I’m the winner you didn’t I didn’t win all right blow it all on me since I’m the winner blow it go go go blow yeah yeah yeah hey goop I press the wrong button oops that was not a bubble blower that was a bazooka yeah see I got the blower of the Bazooka and mix up with a blble blble he awesome let’s go well if you want to watch another video just like this one then click one on your screen right now and also make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe bye everyone

Today, Johnny, Marty, Gooby, Daisy have a PRIME House Build Challenge in Minecraft! Who will make the best Prime bottle? Watch to find out!

#johnny #minecraftmod #minecraft


  1. Lemonade prime is so good it’s freshly squeezed lemons and it’s all yellow lol. The only person who would like this is Johnny but I’m not kind of a Johnny fan I’m a Marty fan because red is my favorite color.

  2. That looks so yummy go to Scooby’s and daisies but not Marty’s. I hate that flavor but I am a Marty fan but anyway that flavor just taste it when I got a lifetime supply of prime

  3. Well, since this video is about prime, I’m drinking prime do you want to know what flavor guess if you get it wrong then it sucks to be you. I’ll give you a hint though it’s either lemon, lemon lime or glow berry or blue raspberry or ice pop just now Johnny Daisy, Gooby, and Marty.😊

  4. Prime is so delicious. Tell Logan Paul, I said that.
    But Gatorade should be friends with prime. I’m a Gatorade, destroys Prine, but that’s not nice befriends Gatorade and prime.

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