[GRIAN] We’re playing another Guess The Build and we’re going to do a theme this time and I want all of you to come up with a prompt that matches this description. Unlikely Situations. [GRIAN] Alright? [JOEL] Interesting. [GRIAN] And when I say unlikely, I mean it can be impossible. Alright, write on your book what you want to do, choose where you wanna go and we’ll start. Alright so, my unlikely scenario is Jimmy’s hair becomes sentient and it’s cooler than he is. Done. [IMPULSE] This is what I’m doing. Sorry Jimmy! [laughs] Unlikely scenarios…. [JIMMY] I’ll go right on the end Impulse. [IMPULSE] Alright. Ooo. [GRIAN] Have we all written down our prompt? [JIMMY] I’ve written down. [GRIAN] Right, everyone take a minute to choose your blocks. [SKIZZ] What have I done to myself? [IMPULSE] You can’t screw this part up, Skizz. [SKIZZ] Yes, I can. [GRIAN] What? Choosing the blocks? Choosing the blocks is challenging. [IMPULSE] I’m done for guys, it’s over for me. [SKIZZ] Shut up! [GRIAN] Right, everyone ready? [SKIZZ] No! [JOEL] Yes. [SKIZZ] Not ready! [GRIAN] Three, two, [SKIZZ] Dangit! [GRIAN] One… [GRIAN] [laughs] Go! [SKIZZ] No, I hate you! [GRIAN laughs] It doesn’t matter if he’s ready or not, we’re going. Okay, we’re just gonna do a chest and head of Jimmy because I can’t remember what his trousers look like. [GEM] I’ve decided to take on the project of building a snail defeating a dragon because that seems extremely unlikely to me. I am going to have to give the snail a little boost in order to make this more realistic so I’m gonna put the snail on this rock. Luckily I actually have a lot of practice building snails at this point. [SKIZZ] First we’re gonna do… Let’s make a big old thing here… This is- We got- I don’t know what to do! [JOEL] So let’s first start out by doing some sand like this and then we’re gonna do this and we’re gonna do //set water. Lovely! Now we have to build a deck chair which we’re gonna build out some orange wool like so, there we go. That’s a deck chair. There we go, perfect! [JIMMY] Little T-shirt here. Give him some little arms. We’ll get his hair in here as well. There he is! Got his hair in here. That looks like Joel, doesn’t it? [IMPULSE] Oh man, okay. So we got to somehow build a Jimmy here. I am gonna try to build smaller than I’ve done in the past because I keep running out of time because it’s just too many blocks to place. Something like that like he’s celebrating triumphantly his first place win of the Life series which unlikely scenario! Sorry! [SKIZZ] We’re gonna make a blackboard here. Right? This is like the dry erase board or the chalk board and what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna put some Minecraft up on it so we can get it clear that this is a classroom to learn Minecraft. Oh! Oo! You know what I should do? I should do this. Look, watch this! See? The tray. This thing’s got a tray, whatsup! [JOEL] So let’s do the koala with its feet down like that maybe. Let’s just build a head or try and build a head. I’ll have it like sat up like this. [GRIAN] Right so, he has got this palette. He wears a denim jacket and a white shirt on his skin. We really need people to understand that this is Jimmy, okay? And therefore we need the full eyes. [GEM] Snail. Uh-huh. Perfect. Now I have to build a dragon. You know, I may not have thought this through. [IMPULSE] Up next, we should build the actual trophy. Okay, yeah that should be enough and we will go up, just up. I’ll give it like some tallness too. Wanna get the the hearts in here to make it super obvious. Keep moving, keep moving. [GRIAN] Right so, here we got Jim and he’s like "What’s up?" Actually, do you know what? We need to make him really upset because I mean, if your hair became sentient and was cooler than you were I think you’d be a bit upset. [GEM] Okay, as long as we get the basic wing shape in it actually should be pretty doable. Yeah. Perfect! [laughs] Yeah yeah yeah, it’s a dragon with no legs at the moment but that’s okay, I can fix it. [JOEL] Add a nose, they got quite big noses like that, haven’t they and then mouth like so and then beady eyes kind of? That’s kind of like a koala face, I guess. We’ll build its ears like this. Perfect! That’s a koala face I’ve ever seen it. [JIMMY] I’m gonna have everyone down here as like little humans but I don’t know if it looks like viewers or not. Little arms. Right listen, you’re the viewers, okay? [GRIAN] We got Jim here and what we need to do is now on the back make his hair sentient. Now sentient means obviously it can think for itself but I would say that it also needs to like, you know, have a mouth and a way to communicate so we’re gonna make him supercool with some shades like that, there we go. Sunnies all the way around. [JIMMY] I want to get a little heart going. Yeah, that’s a heart, that’s a heart. [GRIAN] Why don’t we get a lighter yellow. There we go, so it contrasts and we’re gonna have to have hair doing a bit of a thumbs up to show that the hair- Ah there we go! Ah look at that! [SKIZZ] We’re learning stuff here and- Oh! Oh! Oh! Ah okay, first of all, time to do the teacher. We got to do the teacher now. What have I done, man? Okay there’s the- I made the teacher so big! Ah! [JIMMY] I was thinking making the TV, you know the Youtube screen again. So we’re gonna get some Minecraft in here. Yeah. [IMPULSE] Red heart’s over here. We’ll go bop, bop, bop. Bop. And the green one. The hearts are bigger than the room! Oh noo! [GEM] Perfect! I like it, we’ll give it a nice red stomach. You know? A little bit of shading never hurt anybody. And then all we need is the snail… The snail needs to have a sword, I guess. [SKIZZ] Okay, that’s a perso- [laughs] Okay, now we got to do Etho somehow. Is this clear if I do it like this? Probably not. That does not look like Etho! [JIMMY] These just don’t look like people, do they? How do I do the audience? They look like aliens but you know what? We’ll take it. [JOEL] Right okay. And then this one is gonna be the soup being handed by Mumbo Jumbo so we need to add a bowl like this. and then we’ll put like- What colour is soup? Oh gosh! This! That can be soup. Oh gosh, I got like a minute and a half. [GRIAN] I’m gonna move this whole thing that way. There we go, my unlikely situation is that Tim’s hair becomes sentient and it’s cooler than he is. How else can I show this? Because I’ve got some time to spare. Apart from making his- Yeah apart from that, I don’t know what else I can do. I think it kind of says it all, really. [JIMMY] [laughs] [JOEL] And then… Oh gosh, that’s not how legs work! Put his eyes in… Slabs, we need to make a moustache. Mouth. Black wool for hair. We’ve got about 30 seconds left I’m pretty sure. [IMPULSE] You can do it Jimmy! I know one of these seasons it’s got your name on it buddy, you got this. [GRIAN] That is the coolest hair I’ve ever seen. Maybe the hair has a hairdo? Like that? Oh yeah! Cool! Okay, that’s it. I’m done. I’m happy with that. Honestly I think they should be able to get that’s that Jim just from this. Cool. I’m done. Easy peasy. And I’m the first done. 30 seconds. [JOEL] 30 seconds, there we go! Okay. Alright. Mumbo Jumbo’s hair. And then we’re gonna make him have that in one hand. [GEM] So I’ve got the snail and the dragon and I think it actually looks pretty good so I’m moving on to the details now. Oh I have 30 seconds! Okay, it’s fine. It’s fine. [SKIZZ] Is that good, does that look like Etho? That looks like Etho, dude! 30 seconds?! Oh no! [JIMMY] How does he know that they’re the viewers? How? This is bad! I’ve- Yeah right. We’re gonna go with it. [alarm ringing] [GRIAN] Oh time is up. [GRIAN] Everyone get ready, close it up. As with the other episodes, we’re all gonna shift along to the right. [GEM] Oh boy! I’m excited Skizz! I can’t wait to see what you built. [GRIAN] Okay… Oh are you trailing Skizz, Gem? What a treat! What a treat. [JOEL] Oh look at you Gem. [GRIAN] Yeah alright go on Jim. Let’s go and see a quick look and what we’re working with. You have to go around the other side Jim. [JIMMY] What? Wait. What?! This looks funky, I like this. [JOEL] You got to go in Grian, you got to go in. [GRIAN] Yeah I’m going in, I’m going in. I’m impressed to start with, I’m impressed. You only had a few minutes. Go on, you guys continue. I’m gonna digest this for a second. [JOEL] Oh my gosh Gem. [JOEL] What the heck? [GEM] Uh-huh! [JOEL] Ah this is- [SKIZZ] You guys in WorldEdit. [laughing] [SKIZZ] You got to go in, You really got to get in there Gem. [GEM] No you don’t Skizz, no you don’t. It’s half done! Did you finish? [SKIZZ] I ran out of time! [GEM] Yeah I can tell! [GRIAN] Is there enough there to continue with it? [SKIZZ] Yes there is! Ohh… What?? [IMPULSE] You better get this Skizz. [SKIZZ] How did you… Don’t sit there and tell me you’re not doing WorldEdit. I’m really impressed dude and I know what this is, well done. [GRIAN] Alright, and Impulse, take a look. [IMPULSE] Alright, this was Jimmy’s. [GRIAN] Yeah. [IMPULSE] Okay, let’s see what he’s got for me. Er… [laughing] [GRIAN] Alright everyone, mute up, grab a book and write down what on earth you think you’re dealing with. [GRIAN] We’re gonna take this at face value. so we’re gonna go for Mumbo serving what? Soup? No. It’s a bowl of something. – beetroot soup to a koala on holiday. [IMPULSE] Oh shoot, I have no idea! Are these… Aliens? These look like one eyed aliens. Joel loves the movie Aliens? [GEM] So… I’m gonna take some creative liberties here because I don’t know who this is but I think it’s somebody trying to teach redstone or learn redstone? I’m not sure. I’m just gonna try to get into Skizz’s brain and make something up. That’s the best that I got. [SKIZZ] Okay so I am super impressed with Impulse on- This is very, very clearly Jimmy wins the Life series. I mean come on. [JIMMY] I have no idea. It’s a person crying with hair but then on the other side it’s someone with glasses on with their thumbs up. Genuinely no ide- Oh gosh. This is gonna go bad. [JOEL] This has got to be a snail stabbing a dragon in the knee. What else could it be? [GRIAN] Click your next clue and then take a look. [chuckles] Alright, if you’re ready start grabbing your blocks. [GEM] This one’s really funny. I am so excited for this one! Jimmy wins the Life series! Okay. [SKIZZ] This theme is Joel loves the movie Aliens. [JOEL] So I have to build Joel attempting to learn redstone from Etho. [JIMMY] My prompt is Mumbo serving a beetroot soup to a koala on a holiday, a beach holiday. [IMPULSE] Crying person with a cool man with glasses. [JOEL] I thought the theme was unlikely scenarios. [JOEL] This isn’t unlikely. [GEM] It’s an unlikely scenario, Joel. [GRIAN] What do you mean? Is one of them a likely scenario? [JOEL] I mean, I could definitely see this happening in the future. [GRIAN] Alright, everyone ready-ish? [SKIZZ] Ready! [GRIAN] Ready? Three, two, one, go! Alright, we got a snail stabbing a dragon in the knee. Okay, not what I expected today but I’m going to do my best and we’re gonna build our best boy snail over here. So big ol’ snail, big ol’ antenna. I should really know what these are called, I don’t think I know what these called. [GEM] So first of all, we need to establish that it’s the Life series. So hearts. Uh-huh. And then we got to build Jimmy. [JIMMY] Just a nice couple of layers of sand. and we’re gonna build Mumbo here. [IMPULSE] Okay, let’s do some pants. Yeah, I’m gonna keep this nice and short. We got a little Steve guy here. Make them tiny, make them tiny. Okay and get a little head. Okay so this is gonna be our crying guy and what do we need? Buttons for the eyes since we’re building this kind of small. Yeah okay, that looks like a guy. Now we just have to make it look like he’s crying only way I know how to do is ghast tear. Okay, there’s our crying man. Okay, the next one is a cool, cool person. What would a cool person wear? Purple pants probably? [SKIZZ] Alright, we’re gonna make his face and we’re gonna have over there- Ah! Over here is gonna be a TV and I put aliens on it and a heart above his head. That’s a lot of face. He doesn’t need that much face, that’s too much face. [JOEL] Oh I’ve done me like a weird width again, oh well. Let’s just do it like that. Gold buttons. I seem to have to build myself quite a lot recently. [GRIAN] There we go, so we got our snail-ish. See? This is the bit- I should have started with the dragon to be honest because this is the bit that’s super easy to build and I could’ve built this at any scale with time left but I really don’t want to build the dragon. They’ve made me put a real amount of effort into this. Alright so, we’ve got ourselves a snail. [GEM] Actually I’m gonna go for quite a large Jimmy since I have five minutes and, you know, lot of space to fill. I feel like Jimmy comes up so often in this that I actually kind of remember exactly how to build his skin. [GRIAN] I guess for me to demonstrate that there is a a dragon, a knee that’s being stabbed, I need to show that there’s a big enough dragon for a knee to exist because I was hoping to do something small but I don’t think I can so there’s the leg and that’s gonna set pretty much everything else into scale. So there we go, there’s the dragon. Leg and then we need to go ahead and build a big old dragon face. [JOEL] Alright, let’s do my hair like so. It’s a bit fluffier than that. Get some brown. I’ll try and make it so I’m scratching my head. Am I gonna be able to do that? Let’s see. Holding a redstone block maybe? [IMPULSE] Okay, this one had sunglasses in the back, I guess? And coming from behind the ears to across here. Oh no, this doesn’t look good. At all. [SKIZZ] Oh! I’m the worst! Oh we got to do the green, do the green. [GEM] I’m not sure how to do like a winning pose? Minecraft arms are always so silly. [laughs] That just looks silly! [JIMMY] This is supposed to look like Mumbo by the way guys. You can probably tell it doesn’t. [GRIAN] I’ll be honest, I’ve never been that good at building dragons. They’re pretty tough things to build. I don’t know why Gem has decided to make this so difficult. [GEM] The classic Jimmy blonde hair of course. Let’s make it a bit more unlikely. We’ll have him winning PvP with a stone sword. [GRIAN] Right, so we got a rounded, rounded snout maybe with a couple of nostrils there. Eyes. Like that. [IMPULSE] I think I nailed it. [GRIAN] Now one of my favourite modern techniques at the moment is to use dripstone as teeth. So we’re definitely gonna do that. You can show that it’s a big old dragon. If you were done in by a snail, you’d be pretty angry so I’m gonna give it some angry eyes and I’m gonna go for some banners. He looks happy. He looks super happy. It’s not quite- How do I make him angrier? Let’s make him intensely angry. [SKIZZ] Eh eh eh! Eh eh eh. And I’m gonna just do a quick antenna just so we know we got some antenna go up. [JIMMY] How am I supposed to do this? Oh my god, right. Ehm… Do you know what? I’m gonna do him with no hair. Oh my gosh. Right. [GEM] Okay, and I gave him a medal to signify that he’s won. I hope that that does it. [laughs] Not really sure. I’ll add a little trophy as well. You know, just to make sure it’s very clear that he’s won. [JOEL] Oh gosh. Running out of time, probably got like a minute left. Let’s do that, there we go. [JIMMY] This- This is bad. Oh I feel so embarrassed. I feel so embarrassed. There we go. How am I supposed to make a koala? [GRIAN] I don’t like where this has gone. How do I show this is a dragon? Maybe we will do ears? I’ve really messed up this dragon! Think think think think think think. You’ve only got a minute left so we need to do some wings just to show that its a dragon. I don’t know why I’ve attached it to the wall. There’s so many things I’ve done wrong here. I could have done this better on so many levels. Alright er… Yeah! Okay okay okay. I might be able to salvage this. I might be able to salvage this just maybe. I’m really annoyed at Gem for this because she didn’t need to make this tough but she did. Quick! I’ve got 30 seconds. How do I- How I make this sharp? [SKIZZ] Eh. There we go! Eh eh. That looks like an alien. Alright, that’s like kind of an alien. Okay, we got to get the heart before we’re done here we got to make sure we at least get a heart right up here. Right? This works, doesn’t it? Doesn’t that kind of work? [laughs] [GRIAN] Here we go I think. Got 15 seconds. [GEM] And of course every winner needs the splattering of their opponents’ blood on the floor. [JIMMY] I can’t make a koala. I can’t make a koala! What does even a koala look like? [JOEL] That kind of looks like it and let’s have him coming out like this. That- Ahh! Okay, I need to add some redstone in. There we go. Oh gosh we haven’t got long left. Done! Oh my gosh. That is awful. [GRIAN] Yeah that- [laughs] I don’t know how to do it. [laughs] I mean, that is- That is unfortunate as a build but I have met it, we’re done. We’re done. [JIMMY] How long we got? Done?! Not a chance. [GRIAN] I don’t like what’s happened here. [GRIAN] Gem. [GEM] Skizz made me guess it. [GRIAN] I’m really annoyed that you’ve done what you’ve done because I hated that. [GEM] Sorry. Sorry. [laughing] [GRIAN] Skizz, let’s see what you got. [GRIAN] See what you’re dealing with. [SKIZZ] Let’s see what [SKIZZ] Dippledops got here. Er…. [SKIZZ] Okay… [IMPULSE] Good luck. [IMPULSE] I’m gonna open mine. [laughs] Oh I feel like I’ve seen this before. I can do something with this. [GRIAN] Go on, Jim. Also, blame Gem for this one. [JIMMY] What? [GRIAN] Yeah. [JIMMY] I know what one- Wait. [GEM] It’s not that bad! [JOEL] Yeah, good luck Grian. [GRIAN] How have you ended up- [JOEL] Shut up! Gem- It was Gem! [GEM] Not everything can be Gem’s fault. [GRIAN] This is- I see what you mean Joel. [JOEL] Ah! Oh! I know this! Well done, Gem! [GEM] Ya-ah! Uh-huh! I knew you’d know it. [GRIAN] Right, go on then. [JOEL] That’s good. [GEM] Uh-huh. [SKIZZ] You like it. [GEM] Skizz. It wasn’t done. [SKIZZ] You know what it is! [GEM] I don’t. [GRIAN] Grab a book. [GRIAN] Grab a book, mute up. This unlikely situation is Etho teaching Joel how to redstone. Why is this unlikely? [JOEL] Alright so this is the unlikely scenario where Jimmy wins the Life serie- Wins a Life series. Let’s put a easy peasy guess number 2. [IMPULSE] I do think this is Mumbo? I think so? I mean, he’s got the stache. Maybe it’s just a waiter. I’m gonna say Mumbo serving soup to a mouse. [GEM] I have no idea what this is. This is Joel! There’s a green bit. What is that? What is that? Is it a snake? What is it? [SKIZZ] What is it?! Guy cries over princess Leia. That can’t be right. [JIMMY] This is a snail holding a knife killing a dragon. [GEM] Joel loving a snake TV program? [GRIAN] You’re getting there Gem? You’re getting it? [GEM] I am suffering. [GEM] I am suffering. I am suffering. [SKIZZ] No you’re not! [SKIZZ] Mumbo serving soup to a mouse. [JOEL] Ours is Joel loving a snake TV program. [GEM] Princess Leia… A man crying over princess Leia. [JIMMY] My book is Etho teaching Joel how to redstone which is unlikely. [JOEL] What’s going on? [GEM] I don’t know! [GRIAN] Alright, are we ready everybody? [SKIZZ] No! [GEM] Nooo! [GRIAN] Good, we are starting in three, two, one… [protesting in the background] Gooo! [laughs] Alright so, Jimmy winning a Life series. So we’re gonna start off with the hearts. So they know where we are. So we start with the red, the green and the yellow hearts. It should be yellow next. I don’t know my own series. [JOEL] I’ve got to build myself again, man. What the heck? [JIMMY] One, two, mm mm mm! I reckon this one’s easy. This one is easy. [GEM] Oh okay. I’m gonna try to make princess Leia without googling it and just for reference I have never seen Star Wars. So… [IMPULSE] Okay. Oh… This is terrible. Mm… Aren’t there like eyeballs that come out the sides or something? I don’t know how to make this! [SKIZZ] I wanna make it very clear that this is Mumbo. Okay? I wanna be very clear that this is Mumbo. I don’t know why I keep trying to play this game. [JOEL] Get my face in. I’ll just do it this big, that’s probably fine. Each time I’m building like a slightly different version of myself. So that’s fun. [GRIAN] Next Life series cooking up. Right there we go. Life series. Then we need to build Jim again. I’m gonna go for a smaller version of Jim this time. Just a really dainty version because I don’t need anything fancy because all I’m gonna need is to show that it’s Jim and we can do that just through eye colour, hair colour and outfit, he looks like- That’s if if Jimmy was Mickey Mouse? Whoops! [GEM] I think she has like the hair things? Okay! Princess Leia! And now I think I’m gonna try to make the man be Scar because I think that would be funny. And in order to make Scar everybody knows you start with some booty shorts. [SKIZZ] I- [laughs] Here I got to make a head for- [laughs] This is Mumbo! Well, it is! That’s his moustache. Let’s er… Let’s change the tune a little bit here. That’s- That’s bad news right there. [JIMMY] Okay, Joel done. Now let’s get Etho. Right I was going for- I don’t really know what colour his skin is. Oh wait. I think I’ve got it. It’s kind of like that, right? [SKIZZ] There he is! Here let me- No! We got to keep going! I don’t know how to do a mouse. [GRIAN] There we go, oh that looks pretty good! Okay, keep that. All we got to do is have our boy holding up the Life series cup. He’s won gold, that’s what he’s done. He’s won gold. First place. Tada! I don’t know how else you’re gonna show this. Maybe a red ribbon? You can’t put any like numbers or anything on it but a red ribbon maybe? [IMPULSE] [laughs] This is the worst. Yes-ish? Okay, I think- I think that passes. [JIMMY] Oh gosh, no that looks bad, doesn’t it? That looks bad. Maybe I do like a band up here? Oh. [laughs] [JOEL] Alright, there’s a chair sorted. [SKIZZ] Little beady eyes. This is looking like a cat! [GRIAN] There we go, he’s got gold and he’s got to be super smiley. He’s got to be super happy about this but because of the small scale that I’ve done here in this unlikely scenario. There we go, he’s super happy but I’m gonna have to use slabs because that’s- Yeah there we go! [laughs] [JIMMY] We’re gonna have him holding redstone. Him holding redstone, a couple of redstone blocks in like piles. [IMPULSE] So we’re gonna give him hands, I guess. Oh jeez… We don’t have any time for this part so so this is kind of like its wings I guess? This is gonna actually somewhat look like what it is. Oh it needs to move! It’s very bad. [GEM] I’m gonna need tears. Okay. Sure. Also I don’t know how this is Scar other than the fact that I’ve given him booty shorts but you know what? It will do. [GRIAN] Oh that’s it. That is it. Alright, so what I’m gonna do now is I’m just gonna tidy up the rest. You never know how much time you’re gonna- I finished this whole thing in 2.5 minutes. I think that does the trick. He’s won. Alright, yeah that’s it. That’s all I’m gonna do. I’ve got loads of time spare but I don’t need it. Sometimes I don’t. It’s happened again though, I’m the only one done. I always get a little peak of what Joel’s doing. [JOEL] Let’s build a snake, I guess? We’ll give it an eye and then we’ll use a lightning rod for the tongue. Like so. There we go. [SKIZZ] There’s your tail and then there’s some feet. Little claws, little rat claws. Okay, there’s your soup and then Mumbo’s like I have a bigger one and I am giving it to you. [IMPULSE] I think we got it! Snail. Check. Knife? Check. Dragon? Yeap! [GEM] That’s mission accomplished I think. I’ll make some stars in the sky for fun. [GRIAN] Pfff… Just maybe I should not give them five minutes, I don’t think I- Don’t think I normally need the five minutes. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Oo! One min left. [SKIZZ] Here’s his arm. One minute?! Okay. His arm comes all the way down here, okay? I- [laughs] [JIMMY] That’s nice! I kind of like that! Oh no, I really like that. That’s really nice. I think I’ve done an alright job there. [GRIAN] I think this one might stay pretty consistent all the way through. [JOEL] There we go. Let’s put a red light to show it’s a TV and add some buttons maybe and then a little TV stand. [SKIZZ] No! I don’t wanna play anymore. Bop! Bop! Spin it! [JOEL] There we go, done! Perfect timing. [SKIZZ] What looks like soup? Oh! Jeez. [GRIAN] We’re all done everybody so it’s just gonna be the final guess. I can see that Skizz is cheating. [IMPULSE] [laughs] Is he? [GEM] I can’t wait to see what he’s done with that extra time. [SKIZZ] I’m sorry! [JIMMY] Pencils down, pencils down. [GRIAN] [laughs] Gem! Alright, everyone meet back at the first one on the left. [GEM] I can’t wait to see what the actual themes were for what Skizz was doing. [laughing] [GEM] Let me tell you. [GRIAN] This is gonna be fun. This is my unlikely situation and the thing is Jimmy’s hair has become sentient and is cooler than he is. [JIMMY] Oh! [JOEL] Oh that’s cool at the back. That’s very good. [IMPULSE] Oh no. [JOEL] That’s very good. [GEM] I know what I just built and I don’t know how it got there. [JOEL] I just guessed the last thing and yes. [JIMMY] Basically I guessed this one which I went very literal with it and just went with… [GRIAN] Crying person with a cool man with sunglasses in the back of their head. Did you just- Did you choose to ignore the fact that it was you or did you not recognise yourself? [JIMMY] I- Do you know what? A part of me thought it was me but then I was thinking about it too much and thinking that can’t be me! So. [GRIAN] Right so, if we just take another look at this. [JOEL] That looks just like you. [GEM] Yeah, blue shirt, white shirt, blonde hair. [JIMMY] I know! I know! I know! [JOEL] The fact you haven’t guessed yourself in this Jimmy is a crime. [GRIAN] I’m a bit worried. Then let’s move on to the grammar of this. Crying person with a cool man [JIMMY] Shut up! [GRIAN] is two people for a start with glasses in the back of the head. So this has gone. [JOEL] So these are the glasses which- Who built these? Who built these? [IMPULSE] I did. I did. [JOEL] These are glasses, are they Impulse? [GRIAN] There’s the tear. Okay. [GEM] Five minutes, Impulse? [GRIAN] We lost Jimmy right away in that. [IMPULSE] Yeah yeah. [JIMMY] Sorry about that guys. [IMPULSE] I had a problem running out of time so I’m trying to bank time. [GRIAN] Man crying over princess Leia. Where did Leia come into this?! [JIMMY] [laughs] The glasses. Aw…. [JOEL] This is so cute. [JIMMY] Alright. [GEM] That’s Scar specifically by the way. [JOEL] I guessed this. [JIMMY] That’s not unlikely. That’s likely. [JOEL] Gem, you did a great job. [GRIAN] So princess Leia doesn’t want to be with Han Solo in space. [JIMMY] Nowhere near the start but- [GRIAN] I think it happened in the movies. [JIMMY] It actually happened in the movies so that’s why I was confused when it was- [GEM] Well it was supposed to be Scar! [GRIAN] There’s a lot of this one that went quite wrong to be honest. [JOEL] From the start. [GRIAN] There’s only the crying that’s managed to stay in this so that’s interesting. Alright, let’s head back. [JOEL] This is mine and the prompt was a koala bear on the beach being served a bowl of soup by Mumbo Jumbo. Unlikely situation. [IMPULSE] Oh! [JOEL] So we got a koala bear on the beach being served some soup by Mumbo Jumbo. [GRIAN] Yeah! [GEM] Really good. [GRIAN] I’m pretty sure I guessed that right. [JOEL] And Grian’s guessed [JOEL] Mumbo serving beetroot soup to a koala on holiday, beach holiday. [JIMMY] Listen, listen. Before you judge- [GRIAN] Oh no. Open it up. [JIMMY] I just couldn’t get Mumbo right. [GRIAN laughs] Oh! Mumbo! Noo! [JOEL] Mumbo, where’s your hair, Mumbo? [GEM] Why is he bald? [JIMMY] I just couldn’t get him right. [GRIAN] Well you just, look. [JOEL] He’s got the beetroot soup though. [GRIAN] Here you go. [IMPULSE] I’m a bit more worried about the koala… [GRIAN] Yeah that’s- [JIMMY] Right, he was a last minute. He was a last minute adjustment. [GRIAN] Okay right. [JOEL] Mumbo serving soup to a mouse. [JIMMY] Ah… So close. Where’s the beach? [GRIAN] Oh the beach has been lost. The beach has been lost. [JOEL] So Skizz built this right? [GRIAN] Mumbo’s not that much better. [JOEL] What is going on with Mumbo’s arms? [GEM] What is the arm doing?! [JIMMY] Wait you said mine was worse than that? [GEM] What is the arm doing? [JOEL] Alright, do you wanna hear what Gem guessed? [JIMMY] Oh gosh. [JOEL] Mumbo watering his dog through his arm which is a hose. God Skizz, you are killing. [laughing] [JIMMY] That- That’s unlikely. [GEM] Well I’ve decided to build a snail slaying a dragon. [JIMMY] Ah! [GRIAN] Oh it’s the best snail as well. [JIMMY] That’s a good snail. [GRIAN] That is a really good snail. [GEM] Inspired by Grian, of course. [GRIAN] I had a really horrible time with this. [GEM] A snail stabbing a dragon in the knee. [JOEL] It was hitting him in the knee to be fair. [GRIAN] That was Joel’s guess. [JIMMY] Dude, this is good, man. [JOEL] Woah! This is good. [GEM] Wow! [GRIAN] I didn’t have enough space for my dragon. [JOEL] His wings are a bit small. [laughing] [GEM] This is the funniest dragon. [GRIAN] I had a really hard time, I had to add the wings because he looked like Clifford the big red dog. [JOEL] It is pretty similar to the first build. Even the same colours though, what the heck? [SKIZZ] God, it’s good. [JIMMY] Yeah I didn’t guess the knee bit. [GEM] I like it. So the guess was a snail holding a knife killing a dragon. [GRIAN] Oooh! [JOEL] That’s pretty close, pretty close. [JIMMY] Yeah that’s me, yeah. [GEM] That’s good. [laughs] [IMPULSE] There we go. [GRIAN] Whose dragon is this? [IMPULSE] I mean… [JIMMY] The snail looks amazing. I like the snail. [GRIAN] Why is it humanoid? Why is the snail so human like? [IMPULSE] How the heck is a snail supposed to hold a knife without an arm? [SKIZZ] You know what? You know what? [JIMMY] He’s not wrong, he’s not wrong. [SKIZZ] Let’s bring it home. What’s that final guess? [SKIZZ] That was my final guess. [GEM] Final guess is [GEM] snail slays the dragon. [cheering] [GRIAN] We got a win. That dragon definitely had a bit of a glow down. Alright Skizz. [SKIZZ] In a classroom for Minecraft, Etho is the teacher’s actual pet. [SKIZZ] I really ran out of time. [IMPULSE] Oh jeez. [GEM] You ran out of time and I could not tell who were these meant to be! [IMPULSE] Oh no! [JIMMY] What? Wait what? [GRIAN] Oh is this Etho? [JOEL] Wait, this is Etho? [GEM] You’ll never believe me but I actually understood that this was meant to be Etho. [GRIAN] What?! [JOEL] How did you get that’s Etho, Gem? [GRIAN] How did you understand that was Etho? [JOEL] How could you tell that that was a person? [GEM] Did you see how long it took me to guess? I had to get into Skizz’s brain and I had to be like which pixel is he gonna think is a person. [laughing] [GRIAN] Gem, that’s incredible. There’s nothing about that that suggests Etho. [JOEL] But Gem also add someone else by the way. [SKIZZ] Then the guess for that was Joel attempting to learn redstone from Etho. So there’s the Etho piece. [GRIAN] See why is this unlikely? [JOEL] I didn’t think this was that unlikely Gem, to be honest. [JIMMY] Wow! Oh he’s on his little knees. Look at him! Aww… What is going on with that arm? That is… Euh?! [GRIAN] That’s an insanely good Etho. [JIMMY] That is so good. [GEM] Really good. [JOEL] I had to google his skin, trust me I’m not obsessed. [laughing] [JOEL] I looked at my phone background. [SKIZZ] So who had to guess that last image? Who had to guess it? [GRIAN] Me. [SKIZZ] You did? Okay so you guessed Etho teaching Joel how to redstone. Why is this unlikely? [laughs] [JOEL] Oh… [GEM] Oh! [GRIAN] Oh no. [JOEL] Oh it’s kind of cute. [GEM] The little mushroom heads! [SKIZZ] Jiggles, you and I are the two dimension guys. [GRIAN] Joel has had a bit of a simplification of his skin. [JOEL] Yeah. That’s fine, Etho’s teaching me still. [GRIAN] Yeah yeah. [SKIZZ] The final guess. [IMPULSE] Alright, I had to guess this. [SKIZZ] Final guess is Joel giving his redstone to Etho. [JOEL] That’s pretty close, pretty close. [IMPULSE] Why does it look like he’s handing it over. [GRIAN] Yeah, I don’t see how you would be able to know that Etho was teaching Joel in this. or that that’s Joel. I am astounded that you managed to work out that that is Etho. [IMPULSE] Seriously. [GRIAN] That’s really impressive. [GEM] The belt really gave it away here. [JOEL] Who is the one that’s actually obsessed, really Gem. [GRIAN] Right who’s up? [IMPULSE] This is me, this is my prompt. Jimmy winning a Life series. [JOEL] Ey! [GRIAN] This is more unlikely- [JIMMY] Ahh! You’ve practised that. You’ve practised that! [JOEL] Look how big that cup is. [JIMMY] Look at that. That’s unreal dude. [IMPULSE] Get that trophy. From that the guess was Jimmy wins the Life series. [JIMMY] Ey! [IMPULSE] Okay. [JIMMY] Wow! [SKIZZ] Ey! [IMPULSE] Okay. Good good good. [GRIAN] I built this last one. [IMPULSE] This one’s- [IMPULSE] Got to be on track. [GRIAN] Somehow the second Jimmy that I built today. [IMPULSE] Jimmy wins a Life series! [JIMMY] Ah! Wow! Look at my smile! [JOEL] He’s got a big smile. [IMPULSE] Okay, this was too easy. Jimmy winning the Life series! [cheering] [GRIAN] Straight away through. [JIMMY] That was good. My prompt was Joel actually being nice to his audience and not calling them losers or morons. Here we go. [SKIZZ] Wow. [JIMMY] These are people on the floor, alright? [JOEL] Oh my gosh. What? [JIMMY] These are people. [laughing] [IMPULSE] People… [JIMMY] These are people. [GRIAN] No they’re not, Jim. [JOEL] No they’re not. [GRIAN] At best, they are thumbs. [JOEL] What? That is an insult to all my viewers right now. [GRIAN] So Joel, this is what Jim thinks of your viewership that they are walking thumbs. [JOEL] Just an eyeball with some arms. [JIMMY] Guys, I don’t think they’re thumbs, alright? I don’t. [GRIAN] Jim, why did you think that was okay? [JIMMY] Joel loves the movie Aliens. [GRIAN] Joel loves the movie aliens. [laughing] [JOEL] [laughs] Why do I look like that? Why do I look like I’m hollow? [GRIAN] Why is this unlikely?! [JIMMY] Who guessed next? [JOEL] Gem? [GEM] Me, it took forever! I could not figure it out. [JIMMY] Joel loving a snake TV program? [JOEL] I also had to build myself twice. So I built this. [JIMMY] Aw… [SKIZZ] Wow! [GRIAN] That is really good. [GEM] That’s really good! [GRIAN] I got basically what you were building. [JOEL] I was very confused by this. I don’t have anything against snakes so I was not sure why it was unlikely. [JIMMY] The final guess was Joel watching snake TV. [laughing] [JIMMY] That’s unlikely, that is unlikely. [JOEL] It kind of is in a way. [GRIAN] He could’ve been scared of snakes, I don’t know. [JIMMY] There it is. [GRIAN] I feel like… Yeah. I feel like maybe the audience deserve an apology. [JOEL] From Skizz. [SKIZZ] No I did great! [JIMMY] From me! What do you mean? [GRIAN] Didn’t you build the audience at the start? [JOEL] Yeah the audience deserves- [SKIZZ] Oh that audience. [JIMMY] They’ll look at them and go ah yeah. [GRIAN] Oh that’s me! Oh look at me, there’s me at the back! [JIMMY] That’s me at the back, I remember me. Yeah there I am. [GEM] Draw an arrow on which one you are. [GRIAN] Alright, thank you very much everyone. [GEM] GG! [GRIAN] Somehow unlikely scenarios that turned into likely scenarios apart from Jimmy winning the Life series. [laughing]

Today we are playing a building minigame (with Jimmy, Impulse, Gem, Skizz and Joel) where we build something, the next person guesses that build and we build someone else’s guess in a cycle until we have swapped 3 times.. and we see what the build looks like. Ever played whispers, telestrations or telephone? It’s like that but with Minecraft builds. This time with THEMES! My theme: Unlikely situations.

Everyones POV for this round is on this video. We recorded a unique episode each.

This was super fun and if you want more then you need to let me know in the comments!

Edited by LeeRy30: https://leery30.com/

Skizz’s video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utrBkqZMn30
Joel’s Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cm7RJ_UOapU
Jimmys Video: https://youtu.be/LYLqqOVRH9A
Gems Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GA0va9BAC4c
Impulses Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mm7PFduFDns


  1. From ChatGPT:
    Snail's antennas are called tentacles. Snails have two pairs of tentacles on their heads:

    Upper Pair (Longer Tentacles): These are the eye stalks or optical tentacles. They contain the snail's eyes and are used for sensing light and movement.

    Lower Pair (Shorter Tentacles): These are the sensory tentacles, used for feeling and tasting the environment. XD

  2. Those blue snails grew on me so much. I was confused for a second when impusle went for brown ish snail. Until i realisied snails are kinda brown normally

  3. I know this is inspired from another comment but it would be hilarious if there was a life series where the goal was to protect Jimmy (and those with red lives need to assassinate Jimmy)

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