Explaining the Stardew Valley WAR || Stardew Valley 1.6 Lore and Theory

meow y’all welcome back to another video in the wonderful world of stardo Valley we Face trials and tribulations related to restoring our farm Conquering the minds reestablishing the community center and helping the town’s people resolve deeply concerning issues the lore is Rich and diverse and it all helps make stardo Valley a truly immersive game and with immersion comes World building in today’s video we’ll be covering a somewhat hid ins side the stardo Valley’s world and its lore the fer Gill Republic and Toro Empire War if you don’t know me I’m solder I make stardo Valley YouTube videos featuring Game challenges lore Theory crafting and analyses so if you’ve got any feedback or suggestions for the next video feel free to leave a comment below and hit that subscribe button for more now this issue really isn’t covered a lot in the game so we’ll need to make do with what information that we do have firstly feril Republic is the nation in which stard Valley is located there is a plaque in the waiting room of Harvey’s Clinic that reads this Clinic is licensed for Medical Practice by the fingo Republic health authority the goo Empire is the opposing Force located south of the gem sea in Harvey’s bedroom a poster can be found comparing the fighter Plains of the Goro Empire and fill Republic let’s look at one of the most prominent characters for this subject Kent Kent is married to jod and is the father of Sam and Vincent we don’t meet him until spring of year 2 in which he knocks on your door and introduces himself explaining that he was away serving the Army until now we’re not exactly sure just how long he has has been away though he does State Sam has really grown up since I left he’s a man now I wish I could have been there for him and are you friends with my son you probably know him better than I do now for that second quote I do think that we can assume that he’s referring to Vincent rather than Sam since Vincent is rather young during his three-heart event we can enter jod and Kent’s house and we get a cut scene where jod is making popcorn Kent runs into the kitchen screaming and states that sound you should have known that sound would remind me of the war he calms down and we can say to him for plus 50 friendship points I know you’re hurting but don’t blame your wife afterwards he apologizes to jod and the cut scene ends when we become closer friends with Kent at six hearts he States I lost a lot of friends in battle what’s sad is that I can’t even remember their faces A8 Hearts he States I have trouble sleeping so please excuse me if I seem tired I’m sure you understand during the flower dance he also States this open field it makes me nervous happy thoughts Kent happy thoughts if you give Kent a gift that he hates he’ll State this they gave this to me in Goro prison camp I’ve been trying to forget about that it is obvious that Kent struggles with PTSD and is having trouble adjusting to civilian life with this information we’re given a better idea on the severity of the war going on in the background of stardo Valley Sam has a few dialogues about his father in the war he can randomly say to us I’ve heard some terrible things about the Goro Empire Empire dad was telling me about our national enemy the Goro Empire they sound like a ruthless bunch in the Museum library there are two books found that you can only read the title of is the war with the Goro Empire necessary a unique perspective by PW kronauer and a history of the Goro Empire now when speaking to the traveling Merchant she says to us I smuggled these Goods out of the Goro Empire why do you think they’re so expensive we’re not sure on what the traveling Merchants lore is but her dialogue gives a little more insight into the goor Empire she has to smuggle out what spaghetti and Bug meat she sells a variety of items each week with the rarest being furniture cataloges and skill books as of 1.6 is update mostly she just sells seeds fertilizer fish forgea bles resources and cooked food it all just seems like really common items that aren’t big enough of a deal to smuggle out of a country at War unless the traveling Merchant is running away from the country trying to escape trying to start a new life in the ferng Gill Republic at this point in the video I am going to share with you a theory that my friend beex Valentine has proposed and posted online I have linked their YouTube and twitch channel in the description of the video notice how the traveling Merchant has bright green hair there’s someone else in Pelican town with a similar hair color Caroline Caroline has a lot of theories and drama surrounding her concerning the paternity of Abigail and a possible Secret Love Affair between Caroline and The Wizard but what if there were even more secrets surrounding her Caroline can randomly say to us don’t you think Abby would look better with her natural hair color she used to have light chestnut colored hair Caroline fusses over her daughter Abigail’s appearance quite a bit and even makes some comments about her lifestyle stating is it just me or does Abigail play way too many video games maybe I’m just a little oldfashioned is it just me or does Abigail look a little pale maybe I’m just worrying about her too much I think these dialogues can add F to the fire of is the wizard Abigail’s father but let’s look at it from another angle why would someone that is supposedly so old-fashioned with green hair think that purple hair is so unnatural because green hair is a natural color in the stardo valley World specifically the guro Empire I had theorized that maybe the traveling Merchant dyed her hair green in order to take on a different identity while on the run from the goo Empire but I don’t know wouldn’t you dye your hair a less bold and eye-catching color it might be possible that those born in the Goro Empire just have a natural green hair color which is why Caroline’s oldfashioned dislike of Abigail’s purple hair makes sense if Abigail’s hair used to be chestnut colored then we can assume that she has Pierre’s natural hair color not Caroline’s we can even see in concerned Apes devlogs that Abigail was initially going to have greenish hair but later changed it to purple Caroline also states is it just me or does Abigail have an unhealthy interest in Doom and Gloom maybe I’m just too old to understand this could be because of Carol ‘s oldfashioned ways or is it because she’s from a country that’s currently at War and her daughter being so interested in death is a little off pudding Caroline can also state if you are married to Abigail Abby was taking online classes here but I don’t think her heart was really in it she’s a free spirit like I was before I met Pierre she’s probably having the time of her life on your farm could this imply that when Caroline was younger she traveled a lot perhaps around the Goro Empire and eventually to the fill Republic after a hearts with Caroline she opens up even more to us when we first moved to Pelican town I would take secret walks to the Wizard’s Tower don’t tell Pier he has jealousy issues Abigail was born about a year after we moved to pelicant town I wonder if she’ll ever experience life outside the valley dialogues given after aarts are obviously going to reveal more about a character as they’ve become very close to us the question I wonder if she’ll ever experience life outside the valley could be interpreted as I wonder if she’ll ever get to see the rest of the world like the Goro Empire one final thought if dialogues given after certain heart levels show us more intimate sides of characters then surely what gifts characters like or even hate can tell us a lot about them as well right I mean that’s how we’re told that Kent was in a Goro prison camp by gifting him algae soup Holly Sashimi or tortilla I think it’s really interesting that the only two characters that absolutely hate tortilla are Kent and Pierre H the war between the fill Republic and the gor Empire is something that isn’t in the Forefront of the game but heavily influences many characters perhaps in ways we cannot see yet with that said I hope you all enjoyed this video and thank you so much for watching I stream pixel art and starter Valley on Twitch so if you’d like to check that out Link in description and if you’ve got a suggestion for the next character analyses or some head canons that yall have or any subjects be sure to leave a comment down below and make sure to subscribe to catch my next video I’ll be making more starder Valley videos so keep an eye out see yall next time bye

In today’s video, we’re going to talk about the ongoing war in Stardew Valley: The Ferngill Republic and Gotoro Empire war. If you’ve got some theories or headcanons of your own, lemme know in the comments :))

Thank you so much to @BexValentine for sharing your theory! Please check out their work :))


Be sure to leave a comment if you’d like to suggest the next video or challenge :3c

If you’d like to follow me on Twitch for pixel art and Stardew Valley streams, here’s the link:



  1. Oh certainly interesting with the connection of Caroline. Certainly seems an interesting connection. Maybe the travelling merchant simply said that to hype up the products they sell. Add some mystery. Then again they do sell the Rare Seed and the Coffee bean that can only otherwise be found by dust spirits. A mythical monster in the mines. Maybe the Rare Seed and Coffee beans are home in the Empire.
    As for Caroline. Maybe when she was young. Could have been before the war. She could have been part of some "New Age" group that travelled around and maybe she escaped the country before the War started. Like we do see some interest in some esoteric things when we consider visits to a wizard and her whole tea cutscene (We do see some sort of city in the background). Though maybe she decided to grow out of that aspect after settling down more and taking care of her child.

    Also would be interesting to see how she encountered pierre first. We know he used to be a boxer. Though maybe not as high earning. Both coming to the big city cause they got dreams. Dreams of being a boxer and dreams of freedom. They met and maybe thanks to some trouble or such decided to settle in a small town.

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