It’s Impossible to Catch this Player

this is spoke a player who recently tried trapping me in a massive prison with a little bit of luck I managed to escape and I tried to kill him Banning him permanently off the server but he uses stasis chamber to teleport away to God knows where desperate for my revenge I flew all the way back to spawn to try and get some leads on where spoke could have possibly gone but with spook’s base completely abandoned my only option was to interview other players the first player I decided to ask was parrot who really good friends the spoke except a small detail what do you want uh parro is a not very fond of me at the moment since we don’t really have the best history on the server which may or may not be my fault so uh you wouldn’t happen to know where spoke is okay and you think I would tell you yeah okay fair point but you don’t know anything right no with that totally not suspicious answer I decided he was a lost cause for now bye parrot have a nice life the only other person on the server with connection to spoke is a player named jamano p a player who vanished along with spoke after the exploited item in I decided to explore his abandoned base to see if I could find any signs of him which is when [Music] jamato yo hey yo you’re actually here huh yeah I’m uh I’m supposed to be gone but I needed to tidy up a few loose ends first loose ends well that’s not ominous at all jamato and I had a nice little chat he denied still working with spoke saying that they split up after the the incident we we split up I haven’t seen him since and I don’t plan to H all right well it was clear to me that I wasn’t going to get anything out of jamato either since he also distrusted me from the prison incident I was stumped and I decided to just leave his base to try and think of another way to track spoke which is when I saw the tiniest pixel of another player entering the base Jam’s base had been completely abandoned for weeks at this point so I decided to dig into a wall and try and investigate why these players were even here and if this was somehow related to spoke I guess but like doesn’t really seem like be anything here I guess we can check but I feel like there’s not going to be anything here this Bas looks scary it’s a trap it’s a trap what what are these what are these containments what the heck oh do they have any items nothing yeah what look at this look at this look at this look at this oh that is 100% wait there’s blocks here what the oh these are new what oh wait they’re still wait I just saw a name y wait yo wait what are you yo wimo what are you doing wait what are you doing here why are you Bing wait do you know do you know some about spoke what I mean okay yo what the hell yo wait stop stop stop stop let me get let get let me get up let me get up let me get up bye wait no wait don’t get don’t let him get away this bro the first bit information oh shoot why did I Jam Jam Jam Jam jamam you’re going to PP right oh Jam’s here oh my God Jam’s here yo yo Jam’s actually here Jam bro no wh where smoke dud I don’t know where spoke that’s what I’m trying to figure out you’re not why are you trying to figure out where smoke is no no bro I’m not telling you why would I tell you why we’re looking forame flame stop stop stop stop stop y what knew Jam was down here what the hell is going on flame stop that doesn’t even make sense it does make sense bro if he knew jamato was down here then that means he he already down I was just talking to jam like 30 seconds ago that’s how I know he’s down here about smoke about smoke cuz I’m trying to find smoke and jam happens to be an accomplice of smokes why you want to try find smoke though are we allowed to tell him like I don’t really know no let’s just keep it uh actually I don’t know keep it rapser why this secretive all right whatever because we bro we don’t I don’t know you and I’m just giving you free information I give these players the rundown of the full explain incident apparently because they were representing the prince and Empire and we were sent here to find spoke but if you don’t know where he is then like I don’t I don’t really see what like we’re doing here I unless you know something cuz like what like I mean that’s all I know I was just trying to get leads from you know Bas is anything I do know where his base is actually we can go check that out if you want oh really do you think he’s going to be there probably not well I mean probably not I I checked that Bas but I can show it’s you I mean it wouldn’t hurt to look oh right you guys don’t have elytras we headed to Spokes base and just like before it was completely abandoned but at least I wasn’t getting actively murdered by these people so what are we supposed to do so like what we could take him back to too I mean what okay wait Got to Get Cozy bro yeah I mean I guess we can take him to Zam I mean I mean are you down for that yeah I’ll go I’ll go aside say hi to a prince so after agreeing to meet with their leader Zam we started heading to his Empire although tiny little detail most of the elijas on the server mysteriously vanished I I wonder who could have done that so they brought me to their flying machine to take me to the Empire I’m very glad that I have I stole the elyas is this is this it this is it all right do not fall please sain let it light it up bro all right bro all right I’m going to start it up all right well time to go don’t stand off the edges bro please do not fall the this thing is kind of takes a while to be honest yeah this is probably the slowest method of travel in the entire game no is not hey bro we weren’t TI on this bro take a while so I mean you might want to like AFK or something I might do all AFK all AFK so after tapping out for about 6 hours instead of just walking through the nether like a normal person we arrived at the prince Empire I just ate the most bestest Popeye sandwich ever bro it was too to be true you know [Music] what so on a sandwich what I got was a mayonnaise what I got was mayonnaise with Pickles right and I had to tell them I had to make sure to put the black and sauce the black and rench specifically on it because they have a black shut up up right now up we’re fighting right here right here we’re fighting bro we’re near the bro you guys need to lock in bro we’re finally about to do bro yeah S no more saying stupid stuff that no one cares about Luigi Tuan the underrated player bro he’s waiting for us hold on you got to do a little bit of Parkour here all boom I just made a crazy jump wait what how do you get out oh my God actually might be the best Minecraft they call me they call me Shut do dang bro the W just keep coming all right all right come on Main all right let’s go let’s go let’s go don’t touch anything either cuz this is a lot of redstone bro they’re soaring bro oh my God this kid let me go get him is it always like this here um look at the number one yeah oh my gosh I’m lighting him up y w be careful bro yo wimbo let’s not fall CU this Tak so long to get here please after we finally docked we made our way through the winding Castle to the throne room now even though they may not look it the players I’m currently surrounded by are incredibly skilled and powerful and it was becoming more and more clear to me that if I said the wrong thing in the coming conversation it would mean certain death for me I swear you tried on be so mad and we have the same motives I don’t think he would yeah I know I don’t think oh hey Prince oh he’s so powerful what the hell do you want woo the hell what do you want woo okay yeah so your guard people here said that you were you were looking for info on spoke and whatever mhm a little bit Yeah I um I’ve had my own encounters with spoke when he tried his whole exploited item thing on the server um I tried to kill him and whatever but then he like imprison me um yeah your guards here said you were looking for info about him well I am a little bit yeah I I I’d like I’d like to know a little bit more about what spokes up to you know this Empire means a lot to me okay I’ve put a lot of work into this place and I don’t want it destroyed for anything I really I wouldn’t want spoke to you know mess around and destroy it you know how he is but at the same time how can I how can I trust that you won’t get it destroyed how can I trust you uh that’s a really good question okay well when our interest align am I don’t I don’t betray people when my interest align with them and my interest right now is just kill spoke and get him off the server no matter what I don’t care what we have to do so yeah I’ve seen a little bit of what he’s done and I wouldn’t really want I wouldn’t want anything that he’s done to happen here I’ve put a lot of work into this place we just open up a Hos the other week you know I know these guys didn’t build it so all right seemed like I had gotten on zam’s good side and I gave him the whole lore update on backstory and on how parrot and jamano P could be involved but unfortunately neither of them neither of them really knew anything so I’m kind of kind of at a loss like you are he said that he didn’t know where spoke was okay that’s interesting another person to link to spoke yeah and then parir it off guys y yo guys I’m under attack I’m under attack yo yo yo yo yo wait locking plane there a plane there’s a plane there a plane I am being targeted right now what wait wait explosion what was that what was that what was that what was that what was that okay so we’re being bombed I didn’t die I didn’t die I didn’t die I didn’t even die okay now drop this map kid holy drop he per he the window what the oh are we making this bro I’m not turning my rer distance up that high bro so yo we’re getting dropped yo yo lock in yo what is happening go yo you know where he went wait what is I don’t see him I see him what everyone’s talking about a plane what plane there’s a plane over there what all oh my God wo the hell is this bro I don’t know okay but the second you show to my Empire a plane conveniently bro how am I supposed to okay just block it up it’s block it up it’s fine just no okay we’ll talk about this later just block it up guys are really slow they’re jumping out they’re jumping out they’re dropping down they’re dropping wait everyone get everyone get M everyone get mic oh my God we are ter I just took a screenshot good St who said that get him bro get him get him get him get him no he’s getting get over here wait hold on the plane the plane no no I’m done with you bro I’m getting pissed yo we should probably block up this yo I can’t break it I can’t break it oh [ __ ] okay so let’s not oh my God okay so let’s not we can we not be oh not fine kill jumper kill jumper please please oh my God the whole there’s a whole squad over there the TNT yeah okay okay okay yo E yo let’s break the plant wait does anyone have blocks anyone have actual blocks everything is blown up bro how is this how is this remotely my fault I don’t I I don’t know clear okay let’s break the plan bre I’ll drop water just okay okay okay here wait wait I’ll Place water rip tied up okay I’m trying I’m trying I’m here wait wait wait wait oh my god dude oh wait yo I’m kind of dumb okay I forgot how elyra okay bye [Music] okay let’s help people actually I broke the plate okay there’s a guy on me help me help me y someone come over here with me bro I can’t find this oh oh my God the TNT bro oh my God my TNT is my this is the most I can do I’m dead I’m freaking dead bro it’s over get jum get jum get jum go why am I one why where’s my team yo yo yo yo drop this kid drop this kid drop drop I’m not never mind no I’m here for you I’m here get out here get chance you don’t stand no chance against Sam Sam Sam oh my God get the get yo yo someone help me bro someone help me I’m in the has died what do I have to do get get right now get right now get right now my goodness oh my gosh my friend bro yeah okay so shoot you’re not escaping oh do not shoot on us do not so much damage okay so your ire is actually everything is destroyed dra wait yeah wait wait okay draa is a quick job we can drop it King it’s gone G guys our kingdom is it’s gone guys kill them they destroyed our kingdom okay dead AR dead shut up my bad my bad W’s back luck in get’s so many over here oh my God drop hurting oh my God there’s so many people fighting so dead bro yeah bro oh my God he I’m coming I’m coming oh you’re you’re actually Dead all of is dead all of you are TNT BR get him got fighting here at all n bro yeah no we got this Lu we got oh my God my friend my friend hello hey oh my te is dead done you’re done your teammates are all gone bro holy crap oh watch out watch out hold your sh guys oh my god oh where’d he go where did hequ behind us squid behind us stick squid stick [Music] squid no no I don’t no he didn’t PE he didn’t he didn’t he didn’t I thought he PE what the okay now he PE he PE he PE I’m out of pears uh we supposed to move the worst guys I’m stuck I’m stuck help they’re actually how many pearls did they have why is squid not Budd dude we actually have like are youed let me know oh okay did he just disappear did he no he where’d he go he’s stasis he stasis he’s stasis he he had to get back here I need more pears you’re not get I got stasis bro I got to St no way ohis away as well no so they attack and they these kids all have stasis no way at least we at least some of them died yeah we I mean we dropped Caleb but they’re all well he he dropped himself when did you actually you stopped the plane right yeah no no no I literally I literally led up to and broke it I still don’t know if I can trust you fully but I mean hey if you’re if you are going after spoke I’m willing to lend you I mean yeah he you know some some strength in this yeah this is messed up man I can’t believe this this isn’t even his full power like even even even close to his full power you know yeah well he wasn’t even here exactly it was just his minions just his little goons yeah wow there’s just literally yeah a chunk of your Castle is just taken out yeah so if your if your if your goal truly is to you know kill and B spoke then I’m I’m willing to help you in this even though Zam doesn’t fully trust me and I don’t fully trust him we decided that the only way we could beat spoke was by working together since during the attack spoke wasn’t even there himself he just sent his goons and even with zam’s entire Army every single one of spokes henchmen aside from one were able to stasis away before they died so we decided that instead of bringing zam’s entire Army to try and kill spoke it would just be me and Zam ideally so he wouldn’t stasis away and I have an idea of a lead really yeah who do you know the whereabouts of squido I know she for spoke she lives in the empire for real yeah oh tell me she’s Affiliated who spoke I mean she might be we could ask her okay I I say we go interrogate the squid person yeah okay follow me wo we’re going to the squ house man your city really got messed up I know right take a lot of hours for you to for you to fix this is it cool that you’re fighting M and row again shut up dude your damn mouth actually don’t think we’re fighting I hate you I hate you so much as soon as I’m done with that I’m cutting all ties with you I never want to talk to you again dude that’s really mean I know but it’s honest oh I keep it I keep it a buck 50 okay a buck 50 yeah you’re part of you’re part of my list now okay it should just be down this bridge should I go past this bridge mhm and we will be there at the squido residence squido Nation so you know about this person uh that they were involved with oh all right let’s just let’s just watch squid just don’t don’t make any louder sudden noises okay what did you Med peasant which I guess I am a medieval peasant now so it’s appropriate what the hell I think I just heard a bug die outside or something oh I had a diamond pickaxe the whole time oh why did I spend like 5 minutes hey it’s IRS squ we’re here to take your taxes what that’s not true my taxes the IRS is here squid it’s me Prince Prince M Empire what’s up uh hey what’s with the netherite swords boys can I interest you in a freshly picked pair a I know you’re a Harden Mastermind you can’t hold these games with me I just unplugged my headphones hold on has revealed a lot of things about you squid like what um that you worked with spoke to help like ruin the server or something I remember that time that you got hired by spoke and built The Monuments and then also built that prison that I got locked in yeah no who spoke all right squid out so don’t try to play squid squid we’re going to need we’re going to need some info out of you have you built anything else for spoke aside from The Monuments in the prisons no I’ve not built anything I’ve been in my house and I’ve been in hey woo squ don’t lie to me I’m not a liar man I’m a truther they call me the truther where I’m from the truther yeah and they call you the believer oh my God I’m going to beat you with a shovel until you give me the information I need Hey ow oh my God this is Harsh this this is a little harsh wo You’ got the wrong you’ve got the wrong come here come come over come let’s she can’t hear us right now yeah yeah she can’t hear us okay listen listen listen Okay you can’t kill her that’s not okay all right I don’t me personally when I talk about like you know wanting to ban spoke I don’t actually mean like killing him I mean I mean using one of these it’s a a it’s a special kind of box it’s a chunk band it’s a chunk B yeah can’t hear you um I’m just holding a Sher cool look okay if we chunk B her it doesn’t pop up in chat no one will know that we’ve gone to squid yet either so I just think it’s very you know it’s in our best favor use this we need we do need to get info out of her first if we’re going to do that though that’s a good point here okay all right give it back all right squid or dog I’m going you know I’m going to grief your entire house until you tell me what you built for spoke what don’t do that that’s really cruel your painting oh what the hell fine I’ll talk stop it how many hearts you on squid forgot I’m on uh eight wait s and a half hearts oh squid either you’re going to tell us the information we need you we we need to know or or we’re going to kill you ow okay okay all right all right fine if you’ll get if it’ll get you out my house I’ll I’ll talk okay we’ll be getting out house this why do you have 21 living daggers in here squid squid these are Contraband items squid squ what squid hey look get out of my house man stop raging my Stu no get out of get out of my house this is within my Empire you I built this Empire but with my own no you didn’t no you I’m going to kill you I’m going to kill you right now I take back everything I said I’m going to kill you right now I’m going to kill you right now I’m going to kill you right now full Apple PVP I think stop getting involved does these actually work what I wouldn’t test them I would not test them they don’t work they don’t work they don’t work okay so spok I you got imaginary imaginary toys in your in your D chest yeah yeah imaginary you definitely know something though if you have these I mean these are stack these are totem Stacks uh yeah like that’s that legitimately attained I just put them together all right how did you get these um so there’s this player named spoke and get this here oh yeah guess what we’re looking for him yeah so you’re going to tell us where to find him I don’t know where he is tell us exactly where to find him okay well okay okay he is well have you built anything for him recently maybe actually now that you mention it now that you me with swords oh mhm mhm and where would that be it’s uh well it’s somewhere in the end I’ll I’ll DM you the coordinates if you really need to know okay go message message me the coordin ORS I will I will I [Music] will there you go woo don’t don’t tell him I told you so are we yeah um so we you want a chunk B can you press F3 and G can you press F3 and G for me real quick woo should proba back up over here and Squid what byebye what oh wow that worked really well yeah I know it’s pretty cool right yeah it is pretty cool she did DM me the chords it’s like 40K out in the end yeah well we can just let her out one day we’re don’t worry we’re going to we’re going to turn this house into like a prison or something it’s a lot more Humane than you know permanent death you know okay no I don’t really care all right let’s go okay all right all right I don’t have a all right let’s go let’s go I hate you oh to the stronghold we go none none of our none of our people have elyas we don’t want to we don’t want to you don’t want to lose all our items you want to lose all your items yeah I mean the void void’s a little silly they’re probably in the end so cuz that’s what they that’s where they know you never look Sam that’s a good point that’s a really good point man yeah you don’t oh wait I know bro is this actually massive look around for the try find it it’s probably up here somewhere a code we’re looking for something we’re looking for a disc a disc a chest with a disc something yeah okay I’m going up yo parrot okay parrot par did I hear you parrot hello is that parrot parrot yeah yo yo what are you doing here know this guy I oh you’re up there um hello hello wees I don’t think we’ve spoken much do you how do you know parrot um so parrot yeah thanks manate that we had a interesting history it’s yeah wait wait wait why why are you here I SP I spoken into Zam a little bit about you and he he had some unsavory words about you yeah um no yeah we just here to [Music] uh we’re here to yeah we’re just looking around yeah is this off limits I mean you’re talking something about a disc or something I mean I don’t think it’s off limits but I don’t think it’s a good idea for you guys to be here because for per to be here I don’t know I don’t know if Sam cares about we but M what you do guy I heard something about a disc though I’m curious about that basically spoke left this thing at my base and he claims that there’s this server yeah he claims that there is the server secret and we are currently searching for the next clue that will eventually uncover the secret from what he claims from what it’s like a really contrived scavenger hunt oh have have you seen spoke no he just left like a disc in texture packs for us like physically or your yeah it’s interesting all right wey we let’s get out of here bro no wait wait wait wa wait wait I can help you guys a yeah wait a second par you know there’s a few players that I don’t look we didn’t want to come here we did not want to come here doesn’t matter I don’t you’re not supposed to be here and you know that that scavenger hun sounds really interesting I’ve been listening this whole time um maybe you’d want to like hand over some of the items that you have for that maybe like I don’t know all the progress you’ve made what I we can take it from here that makes zense I mean I think I don’t know I feel like it’s better in our hands don’t you think I agree as far as I’m concerned spoke dropped it off at parro’s Bas right we’re not really doing anything to you right now we’re doing guys we are literally here anything time the last time that Parr made an investigation I mean we all know how that ended so what you do what’ you do okay so we are just going to walk right by you guys we’re going to forget that this ever you can’t trespass into my Empire and then just leave all right yo we’re yeah F yeah go get out get out get out get out get out go go go go go go go go go go where go where dude okay so they just run just run just run just run oh my God go go go go go we are you behind me I I see you yeah I see you okay I flying now go go go dud he’s right on me he’s right on me y he’s right on me where’s the this way this way this way go go go go go hey get out get out get out go go go oh my gosh dude oh my this place is a maze this place is an actual maze where are we get out get out get out get get him off of me get him off yeah get him off get him off get him off you have a notch that’s insane I’m the goat don’t worry about it get out dude I can’t get up here bro get out get out get out up here up here up here up here up here ree reees help help help help help help run run run run run run run get out get out get out run okay on you dude we’re just in a bedroom par go where did this guy go you’re bird I I am bro just left bro up and left me parrot I’ll just kill you until he shows up again I don’t think he’d abandon you okay so so someone’s the sneaky snitch wait that’s a oh Sam hey hi uh where uh I may have I may have lost them actually you lost them yeah I did I popped parrot like six times though so um it was it wasn’t without effort but these kids ran to my castle is that their Escape Route yeah and then they didn’t even lose me in the castle too I liter wey literally just Elija around a corner and then I just lost him bro oh my God okay no I need to it’s time you get an Elija bro yeah no for sure this is so stupid Sam I’m a bit of an elytra collector myself um really but U here okay thank you wow I didn’t know that’s crazy I didn’t know you hadra I’m a bit of an elytra collector Zam okay that’s cool that why there still like okay yeah okay all right then interesting it was clear to us that parot and wey clearly knew more than they were letting on but considering that we had a lead on spoke the end base that squido told us about and no idea where to find parot and weees we decided to just pursue the end base and worry about parrot later will be arriving at the stronghold shortly okay you know their layers are on really yeah there three layers on now the fact that there were layers on meant that there would be three spoke henchmen at the stronghold we now had two options head to another stronghold or use this opportunity to try and chunk ban one of spoke pvpers how many chunk BS do you have uh I’ve got I’ve got one on me one on you okay all right I think let’s just let’s B one of them then we get one and then Retreat well if we get all three of them in one chunk then we get all of them oh it went back okay I guess it’s just down here just Dig Down Yay on this world when I was like 4 years old umon took me in uh yeah no idea might be like actually when’s the midlife crisis dropping 40 I don’t know you got to ask for TPS brought me in TPS ain’t even in this world bro died who’s twerps oh I have to water my sunflower I planted a sunflower take my window seal you got that it’s going to be so cool and it’s going to place the Sun so oh is it cuz I guess the sunflower got to face the sun okay right that’s how it works what why you I see I see names hello lock in hey mic don’t let him yo I’m dead no I’m de really I believed you don’t believe me one tap yeah blood is definitely one tap you good maybe oh yeah going into an even smaller room all right I see man Zam are you good uh of course someone’s not good I don’t have God apps bro I mean I definitely got us yeah I don’t do you noty go kill we go kill we go k hello stop lying okay not winning this 2v3 you are not wi you want me to be honest I’m sharill oh my okay you yeah that’s honesty there wait wait wait it’s not honesty it is not honesty somebody hit the pop button oh no I’m [ __ ] oh sh the pop again oh wi pop wi pop pop one BL pop Yo Lo in P into another cobweb Okay C wait Z on a web wait I’m cting Reon what am I doing yeah bro you’re betraying F focus focus Shar Focus Shar Focus shark kills no wait should I focus shark kills too or no yeah yeah yeah I’m running low on totems guys I need help yo I have no more TOS help me uh I’m getting I’m getting off you okay so w can you be a useful okay so I need to repair bro oh my God bro the stupid God apples Sam you’ve got apples bro you’re chilling I know it’s I am not chilling bro what the hell you live let’s kill one wait let’s just kill murder yeah can we can we do the wi touching challenge okay so I’m yo I’m down it’s what do I’m alone I’m I’m alone guys just leave you don’t need you don’t need to be here anymore you guys can not be this bro actually dropped right now might be oh I might be your guards here guys do we do we dip I I don’t know not yet not yet not yet yet not yet let’s ride it out let’s ride it out we ride it out will ride it out to the respawn screen no no no no no no no I have got apples too Prince okay Shar po sh sh get out get out get out get out go okay just head to the end head to the end head to the end go to the end just go no no no wait wait wait wait let me in wait body block body block them body block them dude body block body blockon bro the the chests are G I literally keep opening a chest wait actually block him actually block him actually block him Ron bro allop stop drop all drop everything drop everything or else we’re just going to ban you we’re just going to ban you we’re just going to kill you and ban you we’re literally just going to kill you and ban you if you don’t drop everything right now okay okay okay okay all right um damn do that I I don’t want to get killed and then um come with me come with me come with me come with me Ron please come into this corner right here please stand in this corner for no reason my teammate’s actually through please stand here for no reason in particular re okay my dude I can’t believe I like that three two one all right let’s go let’s go let’s go all right let’s go I got I got their stuff too yeah hit a restock on their stuff yeah I don’t have like restock boxes which is annoying XP box now I’m I mean hey go through the shers grab whatever you need oh thank you oh yeah wow okay that that is a lot of God apples I got a lot okay uh you are quite Rich it seems you have a pearl shoulder yeah I mean when you have like a bunch of goods no I don’t carry pearls I don’t use them okay I just get more in the end all right welcome to the end why is it so messed up here all right whatever my duck noidea we’ve been playing for a long time Zam yeah yeah you’re really bad at this dude I hate you wait wait I see them wait what here come here see who dude I see I don’t see anyone I saw theying shark kills look wait let me turn my around dude they’re going they’re going to the same place we are oh my God what was that noise oh my God hey I do see that are they even worth dealing with right now cuz like I want to kill M so bad we’re about to go B kill spoke bro we kind of need our kits I feel like okay spoke is more important you’re right okay let’s save resources even though it’s really not a big deal at all but whatever all right we’ll just fly past hope they do not spot us yeah I me who cares does matter they don’t have a lot I see them right now they’re just like little oh they definitely saw us they’re like little ants little little ants little ants you see in our travels spok had logged on meaning that he might be at the end base squido built so we couldn’t waste any time dealing with mapig and shark ills so we kept on traveling wait do you have invis though I really don’t oh wait there it is it’s rning no okay just wait I don’t see it yet get spotted I don’t see it yet oh you’ll see it in a minute really yeah it’ll it’ll load in any second it’s spread oh my God W my God okay hi jeez oh oh there he is he’s there he’s in the yo why is he shooting me bro where did you guys find me bro I was actually H like a ro yeah oh yeah yeah yeah mhm mhm I’m like a rock in the Sandy Shores man I missed di right Shores I want to see that place again these stairs just remind me my beautiful home yeah di showes yeah have I ever told you the story of how I was born no I’d love to know we got to build a Spoke theater for this one it was a it was how do I build a spoke it was a beautiful evening and it was on the rocky shores of diorite Shores and I I peered um that’s it you you just you just spawned in you just abolutely beautiful oh my God BR all right who’s next um dra you um me I dra you how were you born so it it was a a dark and stormy night of course yeah yeah yeah and and uh I I spawned on um you spawned on armor armor um what are those things called what thing behind you what is the what is that thing called only armor stands so to armor stand Shores or armor stand desert and I always get lost and my mom would be like like spoky here where’d you go but I just I just keep hiding but what she’ do is she’d start crying and’ be like oh no my my poor baby spoke is here is dead why did he have to die on me I guess I’m going to have to make another child and I’d be like no Mom no I’m here and then like that’s what happened well that was a good story about how you dude it’s crazy you were born in D Shores I was born in um aristan desert yeah all right what the you’re going to be going to aror St Shores for a long time yo yo yo yo guys do your job and kill him I’m working on it I’m working on it kill him I’m working on it I don’t have my I don’t have my gear on me right now bro okay well we’re working on it get them off of me all right blowing on my Empire don’t you you like blowing on my Empire um hey man yo get away from you’re going to die for that you can’t defeat me and my bow hello this bow is gift to bye-bye bye-bye dummy why are you so annoying bro this dude is actually the Master look I’m going to give you the chance to leave I’m okay oh f you’re good you’re good right okay okay good okay jump over your next why is there so many to aren you am I in a cop yo that ain’t going to work on me bucko I need that actually I can’t isn’t this crazy how this is how you’re going to die you’re going to die in my why don’t we drop the W first drop the W keeping these are my most I’m spoke this water water man like what you don’t need to kill someone you’re not going to drown how many enchanted golden apples does this kid have bro oh we have a lot we have a lot man bro where’s SP where are you are you going to help us I’m the archer in the sky bro some we’re joking I’m the archer in the sky you guys are skill players you just got okay okay he just got pranked all right no no I finished the staircase you can come up spoke you want is getting drained is draining dra is so drained I’m defending you oh my God you guys are The Killers I’m the one that’s supposed to look and like I’m like Zam I’m sorry your teammate is wo what does that mean I’m sorry about that too he actually suck bro yo wait you want to betrayed real quick like Loki it’s in your best interest wait drafts are paying draft is so I forgot I did that low key though okay we Dr I’m okay I’m okay I’m okay you gave me enough time not getting oh shoot oh strength harder okay I thought you spoke why just s when this is the end for you buddy oh my gosh bro okay yeah no I’m not do that I got XP for a second okay oh oh oh oh can we not hit the armor stands I don’t want to put them back bro destroy all of the do not guys get them get them stuck together where are you I’m getting my ready this kid bro I’m getting my trap ready bro what bro okay so a single block of TNT own base I’ll just rebuild it later my gosh it’s a small price to pay for your life just stand a little bit more still Zam oh wait who dropped this sword wait what no this is just a random sword I think I didn’t to blow my item you put that back’s XP I will not be putting back okay Zam doesn’t know that I have a trap ready for him no more lying oh rule number three no more popping rule number three no more popping spoke I really you have not paid me enough for this um T in my base on I I play TNT in your base help a no please oh my go okay I’m not going to lie I only have one strength left so we might need to PO up together teammate come back I can helped her out now you chance come back he body kill us yeah he’s done oh my God I have you I got ps’s dying okay guys guys guys quick quick oh wait is actually cooked oh yeah go wait uh this I get him guy my get him in the corner that corner oh my God oh my God wait I’m coming I fell I’m here I’m here I’m here dude get him what is it get him in the corner with the chunk por out thank good good get him out get him out bro bro bro bro bro you can’t stop I’m getting ping ponged like what is going on wait box you still down here get out get out get out get out I’m okay okay okay stay up here guys Zam Zam oh my God waam Zam Zam Zam Zam Zam Zam if we get him here we can do it see look good work everybody good work yeah I’m just going to mark it secreta alha wa I’m going to get him down wait you stay down here okay fine I got okay hold on all right d hold your own you got see for right yeah I got got open come down down to the X Corner we need weate it I got mind okay they got him they got what LO back on bro what are you doing wait okay that wait a minute okay wait don’t Zam just make sure you don’t go back thanks yeah just take take as much not you guys you guys are not allowed to have any of these fire okay okay so I’m just okay byebye yo I’m out of pearls no he’s not you’re dead now okay I’m down here again perfect awesome hold wait we can do to jumper wait wait wait wait wait wait wait over here right over here right over here right get over here you now why do you not have water what oh spoke you might not want to walk in this chunk where you chunk bandom why did you junk B my bro I actually liked them too D you do you do you PR can you bring them back okay okay um sorry guys I’m going to have to knock you off bro I’m going to kill this guy this is safe this is safe this is safe okay yeah we’re good we’re good I’m going to knock you into your little stupid trap wait do a smoke do a smoke D go wait wait follow him follow him yeah it’s probably best to fight over here oh spoke Hey spoke didn’t work you’re the hi okay here Z by the way wait you have to definit tell him you have to okay hey buddy what the hell are you for and you’re in the you guys are not feeding me oh my God nice fish yeah do you like him yeah dude we need to like get him in one of these on a border or something okay fine jeez get another get another another one yeah spoke I’m not letting you guys win this one buddy this is the end of the road for really not hitting us here yeah I don’t some of these might be chunk F yeah some of these might be chunk F I think you guys should walk towards me um I mean okay well his chunk has to be fine why is he typing that’s a good point no you’re not doing that okay okay W I’ve got it on me whenever okay nah n n n that’s not going to work on me I don’t fall for funny pranks I don’t fall for funny pranks I mean let’s see about that yeah he’s over there he’s over there [ __ ] oh you’re the Pearl [Music] monster goodness gracious okay wait can you drop it on there maybe wait [Music] looky we the Pearl monster okay why did he stop talking oh he just jumped in the wood wait he’s gone wait he’s just gone wait his layer just went off he just stopped talking to us he just started ignoring us and then his layer’s off dude he probably stasis you think he had a stasis setup in I mean that you’re living in the end I guess that’s crazy wow close I don’t see how we get him with a chunk though because he can just like the second he knows that we’re about to like like we could surprise him I guess but like probably a sneak attack yeah I feel like that’s the best bet I don’t know it seems too hard like I mean we could push if we got like a water stream or something we could push a chunk B into him but like I feel like every situation he just stasis is out I don’t know me personally I don’t even want to chunk ban him I just want to kill him well really you’d be fine with that I want see him dead dead yeah being dead dead oh wait but what about his other henchman you’re fine with that or are those people oh no not his henchman okay so you just want him that’s different that’s different I want spoke he’s the he’s the main guy well I have a bit of an idea if you have no moral reservations about one-shotting spoke okay yeah I don’t care I’m down for whatever very interesting spoke yeah all right well if we can get him without a totem then then we can One Tap him really well yeah but we need to we need to get certain item first and then boom cut to cut to we’re going to find one you’re just not looking in the right spot oh yeah all right we’re in Jungle now jungle temple dude I want to loot the jungle temple screw you six gold wow this was worth it why the why the hell are we stopping here I want to I hate you dude we got to dude we got to dude we got to get the code come on man can you shut up what do you think the code is let’s go oh I found one it’s literally right there wait wait wait wait wait you’re here there’s nothing to fear oh there it is all right so now we need to like get a map from a cartographer I think all right oh don’t worry all right you got a cog table in your Ender Chest yeah obviously why do you whyly let me just place this right oh my sweet sweet cartographer all right now I need to make my other sh we need to level them up no just just grind emeralds by hand bro this can’t only have okay hold on no you’re just wow you’re really broke you only have five stacks of emeralds shut the hell up no no all we’re trade with this guy all right now he’s when does he level up he levels up now you do not know anything about this game dude I really don’t man all right so now he levels up right stop play clicking on him yes wait there you go Tri trainer map really wow that was easy compass yeah it’s my very special Compass but you know what I’ll sacrifice it for this because I really want to see that m i see the map yeah sure here you go thank you right did you leave all my emeralds on the ground I actually hate you I’m taking them bro did you do you have it yeah but it’s like we’re off the map you have a map on you and you I hate you so much wait how do I know if we’re going the right way no the Villager scammed us we got to go back to how do you know he scammed us bro he scammed us I don’t think dud I don’t think that’s a okay well I don’t know I I I feel like he did we’re just going to dig straight down and hope we get lucky where else would it be oh trial chamber reveal yourself to us 3 2 1 my legs no I’m pretty sure they’re like exposed in caves we look caves things get covered they have a way to cover things really yeah it’s like a new little like generation and how were you supposed to find these skill okay well let’s let’s use some SK something you clearly La something you clearly lack too since you handed me back the map after giving up hey Diamonds oh trial chamber why won’t you reveal yourself to me there’s so many diamonds in this cave why are there so many diamonds in this cave I feel like I should be mining these dude what the dude Vin here what Vin here I found so many diamonds hello hi oh my God another vein bro like bro oh you’re down here dude there’s so many veins that die another one dude what the wow bro another you had no trial chamber bro I really don’t care that much I’m not going to lie bro I’ve actually found like a St of diamonds just here diamonds are of little value to me I hate you man you’re not old school Minecraft player nothing beats the rush of like seeing diamonds bro oh look when we diamonds stop wait do that again Watch why why you’re Watch What Happens Watch What Happens Watch What Happens okay stop I dude do that again dude I’m just shut up oh my God watch this watch this no no no watch this watch I want to find the stupid thing bro what are you watch this I don’t what nothing okay good for you man watch this there we go what stupid prank all right you got it bro I don’t think you even get it get what the prank that I just pulled no I I didn’t prank okay it’s the prank oh okay your lack of water no it was showing that I had actual water on my screen that entire time yeah and you don’t though is the issue I took your water all right man all right dude now I can C you out there’s literally nothing you can do about it by the way oh now you’re in lava can you not dude there’s so many diamonds bro look yeah I don’t care they don’t mean anything to me yeah I know you’re rich am waying characteristic oh shut up you’re defining an only characteristic it’s not my only characteristic I’m also 10 times better than you at PVP yeah save your ass like 10 times I I I’m pretty sure we’re going in circles you realize that right why are you leading the way why am I following you it’s got to be in the center hey wait let me look this up there’s got to be a way to look this up bro bro installs a seed cracker shut up okay yeah there is supposed to be a mark on it I told you we got scammed dude how do we get scammed bro he gave us a regular map I don’t know oh my God I found it see good job that was not I’m not going to lie I was not expecting to find it at all but hey we found it oh trial what theck is that dude I don’t know how any of this what the heck oh my God I’m being shot by poison things oh dude I just want a maze poison poison skeleton um we need ke we need the keys dude Splash oh wait this the moners yeah kill all the monsters mon wo and then we get the key why weak in dispensers though uh to shoot at us du so much copper I you want to collect this and build with it seems Oh I thought you were too rich to care about Mortal possessions shut the heck up dude I don’t have copper who the hell carries their own copper I have a stack in my eest but that’s it oh that’s healing oh I wasted a pearl damn how many oh this is coal yeah wait this is like layers do it it’s like windes down interesting I’m under attack I need help I’m like long gone kidding dude we’re in need your help obviously I was clearly joking I think we’re breaking the progression a little bit right now oh these guys Dro tipped arrows yeah they do how did you not notice that right away okay man it’s not like I’m like actively looking at like oh you’re not actively looking at the game right now okay what the heck else are you doing what are you so busy CU I’m trying to I don’t know maybe figure out where we get a key from for the mace trial thing killing the mobs spers why are you not helping me I literally am I’m on a different floor from you oh yeah well I just got um cooked chicken yeah good stuff bro where’s your key I found a key shut up yeah I literally got one oh wait let me come back up I’m opening the thing actually wait I think I can open these here watch watch watch watch boom Oh IR tipped arrows so that’s not what we’re here for watch this though wait I’m actually going to collect these tipped arrows oh is this a good bow no no wait it’s terrible what wait what we need an ominous potion what’s an ominous potion bro okay I feel like this is why do you have so many I’m going to drink one of these okay I’m going to drink one as well do something let get more keys do you have any more keys oh Keys hey so I still have a bucket of lava instead of water Isn’t that cool okay take your [ __ ] take your water bucket back dude whatever okay come on let’s go stop oh so we killed these and we used the key oh I’m understanding what oh trial Omen now we have trial Omen oh and these guys have actually Enchanted Bows Oh my God wait they’re stronger now yeah oh wait these yeah is actually doing damage like not much damage but a little bit what the heck kind of armor are these guys wearing why are there cobs everywhere cuz the potion of weaving bro oh potion of weaving yeah this seems course why do I have strength I don’t know how oh hey I got a key all right so now you just okay so two keys so what do I use these where the hell is the green Vault oh hey look oh hey look the green Vault oh wait what oh wait this is cool wait where are we look look look look look look we could we can open that I think that was I swear I just heard a terar S effect I want to fall down there oh no found snow half a heart of damage every tick how’d you fail cuz you watered also cuz netherite armor netherite armor embarrassing for you oh you you disabled their trap bro you washed away the snow I did I did wash away the snow oh no the The Vault turned orange I think we have to kill more mobs and it’ll turn green maybe all right I’m killing stuff keep killing stuff I’m killing Stu all right wait get up here okay might work cuz it might work up here oh this thing dropped golden carrots wait it’s orange now why is it orange I don’t a moment ago wait come close to it I’m going to try I’ll try and use these Keys No still doesn’t work oh my God how do we do this oh oh okay what was me let’s keep on searching let’s keep on searching yeah okay why don’t we just Google it okay Vault all right we need to find an ominous Vault oh my God an ominous Vault no it says that it is a vault with better Loot and can be opened with a trial key with no further description yeah ominous trial key two of we need an ominous Vault now okay all right find the Vault sniff it out what do they look like are they green like yeah a little bluish on the bottom okay this is not sniff it out sniff it out okay yeah I’m killing you dude I was find it God the only people we’ll be killing after this is z and spoke wait Ian spoke yeah thanks for correcting yourself I guess I’ll never betray you don’t worry okay that’s good not unless it benefits me Direct what does that mean you know how I work I guess I never thought you’d do that to me though I thought we had something special that’s what everyone thinks okay is this the thing oh my God is this it oh wait this is it just ate it it gave us a potion that we already had and a book I’m using it doesn’t let me use it again is it a actually good book or no it’s a wind verst one oh I mean save that that could be useful and also battman 4 which is guess oh hey it’s one of these guys Breeze I said oh Breeze rods wait what we these Yeah we actually do I got seven all good stuff all right we need to find more of these God we’re going to be able to craft the maze dude chares I just want the breeze charges man Breeze rods how do you oh they turn into wind oh wow that’s actually really generous they actually give a lot of wind charges hey oh my God there’s so many fog what wait whenever I mine oh oh trim oh can it be useful or no yeah I’m opening the chest I don’t know the thing we’re actually here for smithing template dude wait did you get it another trim but no heavy core noen show me yeah I’ll place the Shuler for you since we so needy thank you another one too oh my God I hate you why did you do that here we go get it get the thing stop hitting me y my go that’s it we got did we get two or I got it right there there we go we did it oh my God oh my bro finally oh my God finally God do you have any Breeze rods left mind all into wind charges I actually also did that okay we’ll go kill a breeze then cuz then now we have to go do the whole hunt all over again just to find a breeze and it’s all your fault cuz you didn’t keep one I didn’t think i’ need to keep one because chances are you’re going to keep the maze you know so it doesn’t even matter if I have now yep I hate you okay wait where do these things actually spawn though keep up the chamber yo what the hell wait I just heard a breeze Rod a wind Char hello what they’re below us they’re below us oh okay below below right liar no I’m not lying where down down wait what they they’re down look yeah they’ve been here hello hello wait these TRS are like solved there’s someone’s how can you solve all of them chat these trials are solved they’re in the wall somewhere are they crouching um yeah probably most definitely just mine arounds yeah just literally start mining through walls yeah yeah just just just try to find them oh crap [Music] I helped you when ban being quite Little M oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God they’re here they’re here they’re here they’re here lock lock lock lock yeah God apples yo so where are we running off to oh wouldn’t you like to know this good why there’s water right here look look at this oh just left you all alone wait Zam Zam just chill think you good hey Zam just don’t drop um things why the sound like that yeah they sound so weird what okay what if you where are you going you do something okay I don’t want to Reg entire team by myself you’ll be okay you’ll be okay you’ll be okay you’ll be okay you’ll be okay you’ll be okay yeah I’m sure I’ll be okay yeah sure thing man like you’re going to beat him look him bro bro where are the okay I’m just going to br got take an AR all right can you take that’s see let’s see we’ll find out just when about a zombie who wins dude wait I just heard so why is e got B okay oh you’re not going to win a One V one might as well just die to a 2 one okay so why are we 3 one okay so God wo Town wo town these trials are solved wmo hi Prince Sam Woo who the hell do you think I am okay oh my God finally oh bro there’s so many breezes that was I’m sure that would be useful right about now yeah light Breeze yeah him here that’s not what I meant hey Zam I’m going to leave you alone again why so uh have fun full Zone bro guys go ahead yeah go ahead hey Zam you’re okay right you you’re okay Zam why is wait guys there’s magma here what is their magma here oh Zam come here what oh hey Z Zam I hate you why did you leave me the [ __ ] no no just service service service just service just service service I am why is he crying freedom freedom freedom freedom okay no trust lock it lock it lock it everything will be okay Zam what do you mean lock in just lock in nothing okay wait wait wait wait wait wait right oh oh come on go away all right does this work how thing it does let’s find out stop thanks for theer I literally have it are you stupid okay I’m Fair give a chest we’re taking all that when he dies yo no you’re not all right where are they oh my God wait being an idiot that’s what he’s doing oh my god he has a maze oh my wait can he one shot us doing this he’s missing all dude I’m so bad you are dead I’ve decided okay okay everyone put on totems put on totems he’s I just I got popped I got popped I got popped oh my God leave leave leave leave leave leave oh my God leave leave leave leave leave leing holy I dropped limoo right here oh you actually might you Dr drop one drop one before you can fly up okay bom bom bom bom ready ready I thought sure was careful [Music] careful I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m leaving bye guys wait you [Music] got oh my sweet sweet yo this doesn’t take anymore everyone leave everyone leave this is not safe anymore if you don’t have a totem just leave F oh f okay ow if you see him Landing just Shield where is it wa okay shield shield shield F Shield F shield shield sh good the ones that are on me okay fine God sh everything much easier all of a sudden oh God oh my God okay yeah yeah everyone leave should we leave we should leave should we leave leave leave leave leave okay fall true true oh my God watch out watch out watch out Shield sh sheld sheld do we just St assist if you don’t have theod I’m stes get out get out okay okay I’m saing this is a lot harder than it look I want to try the mace give that to me okay I saw I need help I need help I need help all right okay what that makes scary that makes them we them okay the we it didn’t work oh man that’s an OM watch out watch out oh that very scary close close close [Music] hey guys oh my I like keep my eyes on the skies my what they’re going to try to damn oh my oh my God be careful dude my B watch out watch out watch out watch out watch out dude we almost dropped my we need we need to get we we need to get one oh I’m yo GG I don’t even have a totem need need to go almost just di almost lock in okay okay yeah know I’m byebye okay is it time to leave oh too strong oh my sweet sweet only a square y they don’t have they don’t have uh tuns anymore be careful all right wait lock in lock in wait come fight normally okay sure lowy squids mind to escap yeah lowy we just killed them normally fight normally I’m out of here all right I’m I’m going t a second as well I am not letting you escape only a squid bro leave me alone NPC voice line that’s just my normal voice crazy okay I cannot beat you in a normal fight so but this is just not going to happen oh okay oh they’re still there no W no W are you out of totem please no no no I’m the except the wa wait borders borders borders borders borders out here oh dud D do it do do what goodbye my sweet sweet AR goodbye my sweet sweet AR what if what if it looks like your stasis has not worked and he’s dead uh sorry about leaving you underground alone I hate you oh my god dude I was looking for wood and I couldn’t find hel broke did you see that my helmet broke I had to get a new one from my you’re good you’re okay you’re alive you’re chilling you’re you’re fine I genuinely can’t believe you you left me to fight like five of the people in the okay you’re fine you you’re fine I guess I guess you have an idea how much like I dude the amount of things I to pull off to get out of there oh my God yeah I hate you I hate you so much you you you left me die you lit me die sa then I saved you then I saved you I guess whatever and now right we only want stupid ma no no genuinely this actually broken we can actually just like kill anyone now chunk man why are the models different dude update so weird yeah know we can definitely like win every fight ever now that we have one that’s crazy I know exactly how we are going to find really spoke henchmen and the spok henchman how are we going to find them the spok henchmen should lead us to spoke eventually cuz they have to talk yeah do you happen to have TNT you see by using arrows shot by other players and TNT you can determine where any player is currently located by lighting the TNT using the arrow the TNT will knock you in whatever Direction they’re in which would allow us to track down each and every single one of spokes henchmen eventually finding him so we were left with list of potential locations but the issue was if we didn’t act fast spoke and his henchmen could leave these locations and then we’d really be out of leads so we rushed over to the first location all right it should be like I should be like right here if we just dig down here yeah we’re here all right lock in all right we’ll see if this arrow thing worked oh my sweet sweet arrows we probably shouldn’t be talking CU he actually I’m sh now yeah good idea [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] okay yeah someone might have taken fall damage yeah makes sense okay oh look stasis chamber why did you just use that so that we can use it against them get get get him get him get him get him get him get him get get him get him we just we don’t even need to kill him we just I mean you think he’s going to go down without a fight it’s only a squid yeah it’s kind of true am I going to get AR bro is the Pearl monster oh you are going to get AR you are okay someone’s the you’re going to end up exactly like AR so I’m going to leave ideally no that’s not an option for you what okay no way you let him get out just like that okay so you also let him get out no it’s your fault you’re one who’s flying around the ltra like an idiot what how is that even remotely my fault what the hell do you mean how is that even remotely my fault he’s digging away I could not be more upset with you right now I can IDE genius idea just drop a chunk band into this chunk he’s gone wait wait you’re right yeah wait just drop it in the Chug drop it right here just drop it right here he’s cooked he’s byebye that worked that worked I I had no faith in that working I genuinely had no faith in that working you let him get away you thought you let get away it’s your that was literally the perfect plan because when he dug he couldn’t Pearl out so it was all part of my master plan I’m just a genius and you’re just mad that you shut up I dude this is this is grind Base City this is a pretty cool base this is nice oh well here’s the stasis this is what he gets for messing with my Empire I’m going to destroy this place watch this you’re going to destroy it and turn into a prison uh I’m going to destroy it turn into a prison but after our first success and banning Smoke’s best pvper we made our way to the next location wrong way you’re flying the wrong way again dude it’s okay I forgive myself all right come on let’s go oh boy I really hope this arrow is mapic really loves bro there’s a nether portal dude 200k out and there’s a NE portal what wait they’re here what wait what what is that what the hell yo walk Z what are you guys doing here what the hell so why are you guys going Portal’s go you watch out watch out all right beat him up beat him up beat him up beat him up beat how they find us oh he’s using he’s using the stupid thing he’s using the away P away P away F I hope you have totems just PE as he okay that’s not good oh did he just pop you he popping he popping [Music] po oh wow okay sh sh sh oh Shu F I need I’m helping I’m helping oh my God I almost died oh no of course not how do you guys have that much dude he’s he’s Prince Sam he’s Rich hello watch he’s bad W’s bad fine feel the might of the prince oh yeah W’s so bad I just killed Sam wait they don’t have totems woo they don’t have totems oh just just just Target F yeah wait wait just F or sh actually has no Shield but I don’t die I don’t go for then why do you what you like that Strat you like that Strat you like this Strat going to kill oh my God that was Zam disabled my shield I would have been dead what if you gave up right now F no who we target who do we taret no you think I’m going to leave sheru behind yeah literally yeah we need to get one that’s in your best interest honestly watch out watch out watch out watch out oh my God they’re the pro monsters oh wait can you pop with me Zam please pretty pretty please how do you not have pots yo actually ping off me dude I didn’t restock after the other thing watch out bro sheru I’m just not ready for this fight dude I don’t know how they found us oh yeah I’m leaving sh f f you’re not serious okay yeah wait wait we just get not real there’s no way I just got betrayed oh sh sh sh I mean what are you what is this really leave how am I supposed to leave you know what you know if I just fly up and base you you’re just off the server so yeah you actually are dead if he does that would you like to like give up real quick or no you give up give up is there is there a way I can get out of this oh of course yeah oh of course oh of course oh of course okay okay I don’t like how I don’t like how I’m being of of course stands completely still you want to see magic trick listen as long as I can or else I’m going as long as I can get out of this alive oh you’ll be getting out of this alive one all right wait let’s go find fanty have gotten far that’s true you went this way right yeah yeah you prob this way oh my sweet sweet fan I meant more this way oh okay I’ll follow you I’m not really the the Navigator yeah you’re a bot we should probably restock I’m like broke bro how are you okay do you need items here hold on yeah all right let’s just restock okay here let me restock you real quick we’ll just go to next next line boom boom boom rest I’ll restock I’ll restock okay I can oh just a small town Zam living in a lonely Zam can you shut up we have meaningful dialogue being real tired of you but hopefully this all over soon it’s all over soon yeah I mean we’re actually making I won have to deal with you anymore okay so no need for for that but we are actually I’m just being honest okay you’re like the worst teammate I could have asked for I’m going to be so honest all right whatever when have I done something that has been bad for you genuinely you left me 5v1 yeah and then I got the mace and killed that okay wait there’s a thing what there’s a thing oh hey I’m sitting in box who spoke sorry shut up in it love season look there’s a hole here oh wait I saw a name tag hey mic I think I saw a tag yeah oh hey that’s mic okay I think where the hell do I go how do I get in here I don’t know maybe with a pickaxe well I’m trying it’s not working I’m not seeing an entrance oh I found an entrance good stuff there is no entrance you not you’re not supposed to enter I think I am what are you doing I think I am wait hold on okay can you get in here Wu you could not be any slower there we go you what okay we’re going to hit the chunk okay so you blocked it off oh about to get killed or something you want to hit a chunk B wimo hit a chunk B hit a chunk B do you think that you’re like do you think it’s impressive that you’re just like exploiting against people like oh I have a little mace I’m doing things to kill people I get rid of him right now says the guy who’s like could get rid of him right now just get rid of him right now you know what’s sad Zam you know what’s sad your biggest weakness is me walking too close to you okay well now then we could just go over here and then okay then we could oh could you could you could you no you don’t realize is that I don’t want chunk ban you is the thing I don’t can we kill this guy can we just kill this guy I don’t even want to chunk you if you don’t the problem with you two is that your power is situational all you guys have is everything you do situational okay left click me till we die all right cuz I don’t think I’m the one that’s going to die I think you’re the one that’s going to die all let’s run it broke nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice kill them all the no that’s insane woo what do you think you’re doing you’re so stupid bro bro this is too easy actually what were you thinking you tried to chunk B all of my people all of my and it’s working bro this is all the people you have left this is all you could must lock in buddy this is where you’re going to get banned my guy and he flies away look how stupid he is wait no he has the thingy he has the thingy uhoh yeah we’re going to we’re going to do that maze he can’t he can’t hit those he can’t hit those shots guys he’s not able to literally not able to hiton okay this is a lot harder when you’re in a comined space yeah that’s why I chose it okay I’m going to die we’re good oh we almost got him stuck in the cobwebs that would have been crazy oh wait he is dude look how stupid got oh look at this stupid guy right here look at this stupid guy right here stup look how look how stupid he is look look he has the stupid alarm on stupid alarm you forgot to turn off your stupid alarm dying right now you’re fine you’re fine you’re fine f f right now this so stupid welcome to my obsidian box dama I hate you dummy I’m going to I’m going to kill you I’m going to kill you right now figure out which one of these is spoke I am the immortal sheep don’t even try that don’t even try that on me this one’s foke this one’s this one this I’m spoke I’m spoke I’m spoke I’m spoke wait I’m spoke uh wo this is looking really bad for me stoping minck just X how did I just get drained this is why a king needs guards bro why is the king fighting right now to I can’t get a sub that’s a good lime bro I’m getting a lme oh wow so someone’s finished oh my god oh he’s potting up let’s go let’s go a little bit help Oh no you’re and z are stuck in the same way way you guys are so cute together okay can you shut your damn mouth Prince boo Duo oh he he’s so the Sam you need to repair I was trying oh they didn’t it’s kind of hard when there’s three people on me oh woo you forgot about my secret method oh Zam your helmet’s gone we got Zam oh wait we got him we got we got him we got him we got we’re going to kill right now drop the maze we’re going ch ch ch drop the drop theop drop the chill chill chill chill chill ch chill shill stop boots are gone boots are gone stop stop stop stop hitting stop hitting I’m watch droing stop okay everyone shut up bro Zam how do you oh keep on drop the Oram drop the ma or Zam dies I’m I’m still fighting we’re going to kill Zam there stop I don’t know why you’re do you’re going to get killed Z and just like that going to half of your situational power becomes nothing does anyone have a flint and steel oh spoke is here did you my friend here has a flint and steel shut the up so I can do this serious right now he shut the wimo and just like that half of your situational power ceases to exist how’s that feel wo how’s that feel wo you just lost all of your power in an instant and we still have all of ours are you stupid are you hey hey hey hey hey who okay chill chill chill chill finish him finish him what do you want to say what do you want to say w what do you want to say do you want to B we won’t they won’t they won’t all right B Zam bam okay literally just kill him yeah yeah him right now I don’t care what has to say so he’s getting they’re not going to kill me they’re not going to kill me they’re not going Weill you he’s done he’s done he’s done he’s done he’s done stop stop stop stop stop stop him right now now oh my God oh my God it finish get out the way all of you step away right now what how did that work oh my God you’re actually just naked I I I had you just burn the mze I mean I kind of had to I guess oh my God oh my God oh my God my life flashed I thought I was dead I really thought I was dead I oh my God and burning the maze didn’t even do anything they start cting me out right after oh my God I didn’t really have a choice they really don’t like the trunk bands they really don’t like the trunk bands yeah check your luggage dude check your oh my God okay let’s not take a a 2v4 again yeah probably not a good idea oh my [Music] God okay um I’m putting more armor for myself in my shocker box now the mace is not a unique item and we could just craft another one but the issue is that it took us hours to get the first mace hours that we don’t have since if we wait too long to go to the coordinates that we have spoke and his henchmen could just be at different locations so we made our way to the next location resolving to be even more careful until we saw another obsidian box except this one was a bit different oh yep okay giant obsidian thing coming into my render distance with a 3X3 you’ll see it oh hey look there it is okay fun fun fun I’m excited all right let’s I’m hoping this goes well yep okay there’s just chest here what the okay okay all right doesn’t make any sense okay yeah just just this a good idea okay Al so no one can escape good point all right oh spok henchman we’re coming for you we’re going to chunk B I wonder who this going to be I’m very excited yeah I really hope it’s Revenge I want to chap oh yeah if this mapic I’m be really okay I just got mining po what is that see this is BAS or is this like see this this is why we block up entrances cuz now okay well we can’t get out either but um well now we can’t get out so yeah that’s the issue um it’s fine it’s fine we’ll just jump in I’m Sor I think this isn’t really a base yeah no don’t worry okay why is this just a maze bro yeah I don’t know what we’re doing here um is this the way we came or is this a new Direction this new come over here wait no no I’m just doing the thing where you just if you stick to one side for a long enough time you eventually I’m lost so just follow me I’m just sticking to the same side okay where are you though I’m in the I see her I see your name tag oh oh hey oh hey there you are okay cool goodness I was worried for a second I was really worried for a second recording I am dude this is the most elaborate like where are we do do you not have milk at all like not even a little bit uh so I kind of filled my entire ender chest with elytras instead of having my Sher with milk in it but I actually did have a Shuler with milk in it okay should we start leaving a trail maybe cob web no don’t waste cobs been here before there’s also cobs in the maze that’s a good point wait okay Noone on the floor this feels new this feels new we’ve been here we’ve been here this i’ I’ve ran through here this is where I got separated from you I think yo there’s no way who the hell set this up who does this yeah who I blowing up my Empire and then you run away to like a maze what the hell kind of idea is this oh we’re in a maze all right yeah I I’m I’m shocked at how long we’ve been in here this really piss me off dude who who out of the henchman would do this I think mapic would do I this feels like a mapic move feels like such a m move it’s could be a it’s got to be him which is exciting because this means we’re probably going to have to ban him once we gets again but still it’s like mad annoying so we’ve ran through here before We’ve ran through here before really yeah this is like when you said stick to one side but there’s no cobs on here [Music] [Music] y okay wait you’re keyboard is really loud block here I mean they’ve heard us by now I feel like it’s not like a big deal like I mean yeah that’s not come out whoever you are that was definitely a parrot shut up though parrot you think so don’t I I know parrot’s voice really [Music] mhm oh I’d settle I mean like if we can’t get like mapic or someone i’ I’d be down for a parrot B wait not trying to ban pair we’re just trying to get the clue bro we’re just trying to okay like chunk ban oh we’re back at oh hey this is the entrance what the how did we even end up here I have no idea I have no idea how okay wait we should get cords for this really okay better I good point okay why did we go right in here right idea idea idea idea what are we going to get out see it’s actually pretty fast to mine yeah you’re right didn’t you do two layers though this going to be oh my God we’re going to be no it take like two seconds here I have I have a lack of patience and I’m mad no no no you’re going to guard it okay don’t mind here with I’m going to guard it what do you mean I’ll show you I’ll show you what we’re going to do I’m going to go outside and I’m going to figure out what the hell this thing is whatever dude if they get away though I’m going to be really mad I’m going to blame you you blame me yeah I’ll be like dude that’ll be like our falling out will be like dude I hate you shut up okay let go all right no why did you reblock it what am I going to do in here because if they’re going to they they can just like Pearl through if they come through here okay I’ll be back I’ll be back I’ll be back I’ll be back okay yellow [Music] [Music] Barrett mapic yo anyone in this prison mhm anyone in here this prison Vault maze thing uh-huh anyone anyone at all I don’t I don’t know where anyone is bro okay did your minic fatig fire yeah okay here wait just leave that blocked up leave that blocked up yeah just leave it blocked up cuz I mean we know there’s people in there just leave it blocked up that’s true yeah I’m I’m going to try to figure out they are give me a [Music] sec okay I have a chunk ban on me I’m going to chunk start Banning chunks if you guys don’t tell me who you are if anyone’s in there can hear me I’m going to start chunk Banning random chunks in here so be be warned be warned I heard that I heard that parrot parrot parrot I’m going to drop a chunk B oh I see a name tag hey wey I see you yo wey weees reies hey guys what’s up yo what are you guys doing in here yo Zam stay by that entrance what what you stay by the entrance so uh what is what is this and why are you guys [Music] here this is no this is just this is part of the thing what that we told you about your scavenger hunt yeah yeah why why are you guys naked long story bro long story have you was ay you guys want the the scavenger hunt right well we just want to find spoke bro yeah okay care L about your scavenger hunt so why don’t we cuz I assume at the end that we’re going to look Wu yeah you let us out of here bro and you can keep whatever is at the center you can take this all into your own hands just like how Zam wanted to the clue is in the center we haven’t touched it we don’t even know how to solve this Labyrinth you guys have the stuff where you can just break in all we ask is that uh you just let us know die uh so do you know where in the center is cuz we literally wandered around this entire Maze and we ended up back in the start yeah we we found it you found it you have the thing in the center uh no it’s at the center and we didn’t open it because we didn’t want to make any noise okay I have a fun idea then you guys lead me back to it and then I’ll lead you guys out okay sure all right okay let’s go don’t try anything I can I can literally I’m not we’re not we’re naked bro we have nothing we have nothing wait hold on I just get Crystal all right should be this way should be this way should be is there anyone else here with you guys uh there was this no there weren’t yeah yeah no there no one’s here interesting did you guys see anyone were you coming in or not no we didn’t interesting interesting okay it’s all yours bro right at the center now let us out just like you promised um can we grab our stuff from the chest with me oh yeah that oh that was your stuff oh okay yeah that’s still there wait that’s still outside turtle egg oh what sure oh dude these are mty come on dang dude come on bro Turtle why didn’t the person move it here what all right so yeah this okay sure let’s let’s head out I get us out of here bro I never yeah what is the do you know what the turtle egg is for I don’t know genuinely no idea all right we’ll give this disco listen then all all right here lead it lead the way out that easier said than done can you mine us out um I I have mining fatigue again so this guy brought wait wait you don’t have you have a you have the the Jukebox weey right like back it yeah back in my items yeah we can we can all listen to it yeah not all of us okay well yeah whatever you guys can whatever I’ll give you a jukebox we can the raise oh lowy thought that was the exit no it is probably this way we doing the right hand Ru or what no hey that’s what we you’re doing that’s what I’m saying Flawless maze solving algorithm [Music] exactly so where are [Music] we I think this is it yeah all right what in the oh hey Sam yeah no no no no okay we let them out let them out I got I got the clue I got their clue so we can just solve this ourselves and we can just find smoke like that so okay they are free to go whatever whatever works okay yeah uh we didn’t really touch your stuff I’m going to take these got items though thank you oh is your guys items yeah help your yeah oh can we have the Juke Box appreciate you oh yeah for sure oh yeah um wait wey you want to just yeah you want to give them the Jukebox yeah there you guys go all right yeah all right we will see you guys later bye y thanks wait they have a texture pack for this wait wait wait wait wait wait we need them no no no we need we need the text we need the text we need the text dude how do we what wait completely un ironically how do we just lose them again yeah okay did not think this I mean turtle egg they know that it was a turtle egg in here though so that’s not special the thing is I’m just going to assume that they’re using we probably should not have let them go but just going to assume they’re using they’re using a texture pack to listen to the disc with a message on it probably so so we have the new disc now though right we have the leverage right here probably shouldn’t drop it so well what if they just get another they know what disc it is what if they just get another one of those no they don’t know what disc it is I I open the chest and I grabbed it no they never opened the chest cuzz they didn’t I’m the only one who opened the chest so they actually don’t know which disc it is okay so they have no idea which disc this is exactly so perfect okay zamif fire is literally right over there okay let’s let’s set up a little trap for them now they’re interesting you know what’s interesting very interesting interesting they said that they were the only people there the only people there really mhm which means one of them has to be working with spoke huh yeah because we followed like The [Music] Arrow so one of them had shot that arrow and that arrows from the battle that took place very very PE very very pecular I don’t remember seeing anyone invis there so that’s uh that’s a little weird what we’re talking about is that the arrow that we had tracked had somehow brought us to Parrot and we which didn’t make sense so we decided to set up a trap for them at the Zam Empire and then continue with following our coordinates yo is there anyone here oh Prince am guard hello Prince am guard number 44 disposable H 44 he’s my number two 4 I don’t have water second it’s my second in command here’s the plan we put we put they need this music disc cuz they don’t know it’s chirp so we we’re going to put it we just put it in this Vault thing because parro and wey already know where this is so they’re going to assume that we just put it in this vault okay dude how do you open this there you go perfect and they already know that this is like easy to raid because they already raided it cuz your guards are terrible Sam but I wonder whose fault that is no no it’s not even my fault bro Mur hey hey I’m Sor I’m sorry I’m sorry whatever man whatever man whatever we pass that anyways um hold on sorry I just had to refund my grub hub because it never arrived wow actually damn all right all right um this is here now SE stasis where where should put SE stasis oh I know I know put it here hold on hold on yeah cuz I don’t want to sit here for like 3 years we where we could be hunting other people oh wow this is spot for this one wait yeah incredible that’s actually smart dude why are you like prepared oh I’m always prepared all right so main pair literally just I want you to just NPC stand here and stare at this door like just the second you see anyone the your first thing should be flipped the states all right okay all right okay oh why do you not have pearls bro I keep St materials on me I don’t keep Pro materials Stu of course yeah did he just say Pro material all right what is a material all right let’s um bro don’t ask me I don’t know all right let’s go get the next disposable spoke henchmen I’m so excited hope it’s I really hope it’s mapic this time I really hope it’s map me to me too I really hope it’s m oh how much I hope it’s map I want to see them all crumble okay oh that doesn’t look vanilla hey Zam I think I found what we’re looking for really oh hey this does not look vanilla at all wait no this naturally generated they add oh it’s naturally generated I see new 1.21 feature yeah what oh we got mining fatigue what about the M lame what about the massive Castle is that naturally generated should we kill these yeah it’s part of the structure duh as well as all these Elder Guardians they needed a way to make getting tied armor trims easier so they added all these Elder Guardians yeah okay so I can’t hear anything this so weird yeah me neither my game sounds I hear a little bit the hell like half the game stuffs just don’t work right now let’s enter the castle Yeah there special there there’s actually like 10 of these yeah wait the door open we can just go in okay yeah you’re right I don’t want to deal I don’t have a rip TI TR let’s commit a murder or I guess a baning a Banning there sh kills really let’s get him let’s kill him let’s kill Now kill him now kill him now kill him now kill him now kill him now kill him now kill him now no sounds okay kill him now kill him now kill him now why is there okay hey get ready to die cuz you’re going to die that’s what’s going to happen here why you guys get I’m going to kill you yes I’m going to kill you or ban you at least I don’t know one or the other dude why are sounds just not working in here this is so weird yeah hey guys my name is sharles you’re not doing anything to me dude you’re not doing anything to me you’re powerless you think you’re doing anything to me either bro bro you turn off game bro why do you turn off game sounds in your your house bro yeah can you can you put the game sounds back on please I like that uh no I actually prefer not to you’re weird you’re weird for that I have no idea if I’m hitting okay hold on mods uh yo see you y you don’t want to do this you don’t want to do this bro no stay there stay there stay there stay there all right well that was really easy all right let’s probably search this place goodness open what the [ __ ] oh W oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God what that is a lot of TNT wait the chunk F the chunk F blew up uh-oh he’s that he floating what do we do what do we do about that wait what do we what do we do about that what do we do about that no do we just keep fighting them or so you’re telling me none of you guys died from that yeah so you’re telling me that was your plan that supposed to kill us base to kill us that was actually kind of the plan we knew you were going to ban shark kills I guess wait we can win this we can win this this is winable this is not winable for you guys you need spoke to win us yeah oh you guys are yeah they’re cooked they’re so cooked good job good job us are not cooked not us I was so scared for like the past few seconds like oh my God am I dead you’re fighting me shark kills wait I’m sorry I just I’m scared where the try I never betray my Pooky thank you oh I can see the fear in your eyes sh kill you’re going to die here my eyes are quite lavish oh bro would your enchant the last fight you ever H say the person running away xping not chling really funny yeah you’re doing nothing to me I’m show look at me wa wait can I just wait I don’t even can I just like wait thank you for waiting I’m going to kill you yeah I got you got you got you scared no no no do not Target me dude I’m the danger bro you think I’m scared I’m not scared bro don’t Target scared Target him chance can you give some more scared energy Sam do you have another chunk p in your inventory uh not in my inventory but in my chest okay get it get it get it get it no okay don’t let him don’t let him stay stay stay yo you’re not going to stop me what what do you think you’re doing he has one stay in the same chunk stay in the same chunk stay in the same chunk as them I am I am I am tr right here one okay okay try oh my God um oh this awkward okay no wait Zam I have a plan I have a plan you a plan okay all right here let’s see it oh my God we have mining fatigue dude where you going Zam where they going three two no no okay whatever whatever yeah yeah y fany good I’m I think I am okay oh but are you or are you not cuz it’s looking like you are not try dude this water’s actually so not no you’re what if you guys just like gave up I’m St yeah wait stuck I don’t have water okay Zam come me Zam Zam Zam Z Zam my phone is ringing oh God I don’t care bro lock incraft is more important stay on Zam stay always stay on Zam fants yo what come out swim out swim out Zam swim out Zam Zam B us keep blocking him bro where’d he go where am I going we’re here we’re here where’ everyone go wait Zam where are you Zam is Z yeah what’s up where are you where are you where are you swim up okay I see I see you come out of the castle come out I’m getting attack bro just swim out what do you mean just swim out I’m out okay okay where are you I’m up I’m up I’m up oh there you are hey okay use repti like Juke him Juke him Juke him okay okay wait f f you’re by yourself you’re by yourself you by yourself chill why am I not getting any of these heads CT are best bro we’re doing the same Sam D oh F don’t don’t oh F gone F gone do you have another do you have another okay I can get another I can okay don’t go to the same chunk don’t go to the same chunk I do have more chests okay okay place them place it place place it place you guys are weird you guys are weird it’s actually a shark wait I ran out of mining seat you did yeah okay hold on yeah wait wait wait I have an idea I do too I do too same we the same plan okay I did dude wait when we just L move move y yep yep nice nice nice that worked really well okay yeah okay I see why you I tried it now it’s useful man what if I hit you in the chunk pan you die don’t do that after everything we’ve just been through all after the Nutty Adventure we just went through yeah well we have one more location messed up so it’s got to be we do have one more location yeah I’m excited it’s going to be over this is a fun little journey boy my only concern is that we know spoke and we know he actually makes like deadly traps like that’s how he got the mes away so I think it might be worth it if you went back and got people from the Sam Empire some more people yeah cuz then we could actually win a fight cuz it could be him a couple I don’t know where is couple more people lying around yeah M I mean yeah I don’t want to I don’t want to get OB box the en me personally so yeah another issue was that Zam and I were both out of Chunk bands now so regardless of recruiting new members one of us would have to go back to the Empire to make more anyways however we only have like a little bit of time to catch him you know like these arrows we we we calculated their like locations a while ago so we only have so much time so right we could just we could just grab whoever we have and just run as fast as we can we kind of far out so here I think you go back to the Empire and get some more people and meet me and I’m going to I’ll go after spoke first and I’ll stall him okay sounds like a good idea I’ll go get whoever I can I think that’s that’s the plan just get as as you can okay I’m on it get let’s go all right now I got to go find spoke [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] yo mayic mayic your FRX chat’s off oh the sign monster hello so uh so why why are we why are we using signs why are we why are we not speaking [Music] okay this is my only way to give what [Music] I don’t care if you B me [Music] off all right let’s run it R oh okay so you’re going to talk or I’m I’m going to I am going to I am going to kill you after you finish your little sign thing so [Music] I will take you to spoke I guess I can’t find spoke my current information if this was my last Arrow under a few conditions okay where are we bro all right I’m just kind of assuming you’re mapic do do you have any do have any Rockets mapic I’m of out okay ah I can’t I can’t really follow you I don’t dude this is so stupid why are you why are you not talking so what you want to take me to spoke assuming you’re not spoke C can I can I have Rockets please so I can follow you on your thank you be flying for 10 more minutes or you bringing me to spoke right now cuz I should probably Reid if you are [Music] thanks to the invis bro does not want me to know who he is although I I do know you’re you’re 99% chance you’re map I I you can’t even hear me this is this is bapic he he had the arrow he definitely bapic [Music] oh an Ice Mountain parkour chess follow me all right bro you got it no not like I’m on a time limit or anything it’s my last lead to find spoke or whatever but yeah sure I’ll follow you why are we what what are we doing buddy pretty pretty cool ice cave we have lot of ice dude what is [Music] this I feel like someone’s like been here before this feels like like a used location or something all right we’re signing it up bro signing it up I don’t know you could just use chat or talk like a normal person but you are not the first person to use this okay who was then [Music] I’m not kidding [Music] around don’t tell you spok okay bro okay bro you got it bro you got it bro [Music] what did spoke want you to mysteriously talk through signs while inv viz to me this is part of this as [Music] well need to complete this parkour all right you got it bet [Music] I did [Music] it okay [Music] bro what do I need to do I you want me to do it a second time armor armor [Music] off and why would I take my armor [Music] off I’m I’m putting it I’m not putting my armor away [Music] bro you okay I’ll take it off but I’m not going to get away is that fine all right so you want me to do this parkour now [Music] milk milk s yeah I don’t have milk bro nothing about this parkour requires me to not be invis [Music] so why are there emeralds down there look at me I’m doing [Music] Park I’m doing it I’m parkouring uh oh there’s water you’re kidding me okay never really explain uh rules to me so um oh my God all right so uh where am I supposed to go this way [Music] that is not a thing no I already made it up there so I’m allowed to elyra back up you know that’s that’s that seems pretty fair this spoke told me that parod and wees did this first try you oh parro and weey oh is this the is this the scavenger hunt you were having them do ah okay well I don’t why have you why have you brought me to this scavenger hun I this is also really poorly designed I don’t even know where I’m supposed to go where am I supposed to go is it this way I think it’s this way okay fine I’ll lock in and actually do this so I bet parin and wees were like bro this is the hardest jump ever and they were like am I going to make it am I going to make it and then they like boom and then boom wait oh you probably have to like diagonally do this they’re like oh my gosh I almost just died I I guarantee that’s what they were like I also don’t think this is a makeable jump by the way I think I don’t think this is makeable so I didn’t break any rules there I didn’t break any rules what rule did I break where does it say no water where does it say no water says you’ve never said no water so I think I’m in the clear am I supposed to like shoot this oh my God on ironically are you just trying to waste my time like what is the point of this bro if you’re going to bring me to spoke anyways okay no response cool so what could you move so I could you know do the parkour thank you didn’t sheat oh Barrel so uh where do I go from here up all right you got it hey I did it I did it I made it okay God [Music] now [Music] what stand here all right I’m standing [Music] here jump and I boost okay oh why all right do it do it okay no oh my god you’re an idiot can I get up what can I get up please suck par dude I don’t bro bro all right three two now you just didn’t do it I did it I made it oh there’s like Target blocks all right oh this is a weird shot bro here like this this is a really this is a really hard shot come on okay and then all right here up here all right mysterious man you know i’ I’ve really feel like we’ve developed a great Bond over this ice P parkour oh I can’t help but ask uh why are you wasting my time with this okay Pistons oh the Piston monster okay you will find out o scary knock back to wooden sword a fantastic prize good job I’m putting back on my armor bro this is the dumbest test of all time phase one complete oh my God Hey so uh can I have Rockets as a prize for completing that Labyrinth uh you know I was here like 20 minutes ago maybe an hour ago spoke told me you didn’t properly dude I literally did I literally I literally got the thing and got out of the labyrinth bro bro spoke told me par and wey solved it for yeah and why would spoke care bro dude I’m getting n this this is stupid bro this is so stupid just tell me where spoke is no I’m not doing your stupid laughing bro murin was here bro then no prize all right [Music] bro you look so weak friend shut the hell up all right so like okay how am I supposed to what am I supposed to do can you tell me what I’m supposed to do solve oh I’m going to solve yeah [Music] man there’s a slight catch sure sure bro sure after two minutes to the maze yeah you got it bro this is so stupid this is so stupid this is top 10 stupidest thing spoke has ever done and the more I thought about what was happening I realized it was stupid it was clear that spoke wanted to stall me but I was also trying to stall him and why would spoke make this scavenger hunt for parrot and wees in the first place none of what was happening made any sense and I felt like I was just playing into to his game for what oh hey I made it wrong way and then I instantly find the room I did it all right so uh phase two complete Yay good stuff bro good stuff all right you want to lead me out or like all right buddy are you sure you know your own [Music] maze what the hell okay so nice try good job face 2.5 complete all right buddy so uh what’s the what’s the Final Phase going to be oh the AFK monster so like you going to tell me where spoke is now or [Music] so uh’s that oh water bottles iron armor some good stuff here you want to you want to tell me now or you want to waste more of my time buddy that wasn’t me armor off okay you got it bro whatever you say so we be telling me info now or you going to have me explore the ocean Monument for the depths that lie within you’re going to waste more of my Squid’s Castle what about Squid’s Castle um I feel like this isn’t because it’s kind of terrible oh sign wall yeah what did I expect bro I need to restock following the final lead I began heading to Squid’s castle at this point it was clear that I didn’t really understand everything that was going on but I don’t care I’m just going to kill spoke okay we’re not pressing that but [Music] [Music] again hey bud all alone oh wo actually this is this is perfect timing I mean it’s pretty nice seeing you again m mhm yeah after I chunk banned everyone yeah I’m I’m not the happiest about that uh so if you’ll excuse me for a second I think I have someone I need to eliminate yeah see Sam’s giving me full permission for me to kill you as well [Music] so okay I I mean it doesn’t make a lot of sense wo chunk Banning everybody but you’re still losing losing lot of sense Zam is getting a massive Army right now to kill you bro I can I literally can kill you myself too you’re cooked bro it doesn’t matter yeah waste your arrow away woo it doesn’t matter I don’t think you understand wo this is the amount of resources I have on me I don’t think you understand why I’m here and that’s okay I don’t think I care elaborate oh wo I know you have a ton of God apples on you mhm so I know quick dropping you will not be an option but I know that armor that you have on I know that that’s going to be eliminated very soon eliminated eliminated possibly broken after this I know once you have no more armor on it won’t even matter I just don’t understand this is not a this is just not a winnable fight for you okay not a winnable fight you say well it’s not a matter of that it’s the amount of items that I have on me uh I’m kind of dogging you up right now so I think I’m fine doesn’t even matter woo doesn’t even matter man his sensitivity [Music] sucks thanks for strength I’m sure you need it I’m just confused why you would be coming here out of like all the places you could be well this is where you are this doesn’t make a lot of sense to me ah what doesn’t make sense to me is why are you in this random ass Birch House bro it’s like on fire that’s it’s none of your business so all right okay none of my this I see I [Music] see so are you going to Stace this away at the end of this fight or like well it depends if you’re going to live this fight cuz I don’t know St [Music] [Music] [Music] what are you going to do man your cob defense is this the comwe Strat The Faded comwe Strat oh woo something seems a little bit off where’s your water at man such a nerd for carrying buckets where’s your water [Music] at oh we’re the repair monster [Music] [Music] is it’s crazy your God apps aren’t even going to save you oh they’re not oh [Music] keep eating way woo [Music] crazy Pearl [Music] [Music] [Music] wait okay my shield just doesn’t have a breaking on it that explains a lot oh that’s a problem that was a terrible Pearl that was a better Pearl embarrassing I than you oh somebody forgot to repair bro [Music] did we run buddy I forgot to bring my flint and steel that’s unfortunate where oh where is my flint and steel all right so the XP St would have worked if I actually used it looks like the plan is still somehow working though I don’t think you understand woo what what oh wait that okay why did which one oh no okay uh no oh shoot bro’s the swimmer why is there a falling clay block here that makes no sense [Music] [Music] this dude loves bow spamming dude loves bow spamming I don’t think this works for you cuz you don’t have a helmet [Music] yeah this is Minecraft’s dumbest fight come on Wu get a hit get a hit oo you got a hit yeah you’re oh what the why did you want to fight in this this dude actually has so many totems it’s so sad that you don’t see what is happening right now what it’s like it’s honestly embarrassing how you’ve been entertaining this for this long it’s embarrassing on your part I mean look at you man you don’t have a stasis you’re about to die bro like the the fact you take everything at pH I mean it’s sad how you take everything at phased value like you just assumed me being here would make sense I’m not saying it makes sense I’m saying that it doesn’t matter cuz you’re dead wait and that’s your problem you understand this will eventually lead to your death right it may not be here [Music] but it’s definitely I don’t think you understand that you’ve already lost okay yeah it up buddy every second that you spend here is one more second to me where did my Fire Res go oh it’s my totems [Music] Yap it up buddy it doesn’t matter woo it doesn’t matter I can stay here and continuously eat I’m not going to out do this I don’t think you understand woo just keep going man uh you know I popped you once I’m going to pop you again keep going yeah okay oh we can play this game I’ll break all your armor keep going long enough oh you almost got me woo so like we going to get bored of this anytime soon or like doesn’t even matter when we the totem monster doesn’t even matter just keep going keep going you’re almost there you almost got all my totems you really shouldn’t have placed that Ender Chest I won’t lie all right well get your boots try to find me man try to find me try to find me man all right well I don’t really have a choice I used the Arrow’s spok head shot to calculate where his new location would be obviously he intended for me to find him for some reason why would he have shot the arrows otherwise so I regeared and began heading back to the Zam Empire to talk with Sam and hopefully get reinforcements when I was heading back oh wait what why are we here why the okay wait wa wait yo yo y let’s hold on for a sec yo yo yo hold on hold on let’s pause for a sec let’s pause for a sec let’s pause for a sec let’s pause for a sec pause for a sec yeah let’s pause for a sec uh let’s not do that all right so hey wait they have the disc yo lock in Wu wo you’re going to want to oh my gosh dude yo drop the disc or we drop you oh okay well I have something I have a question I have a question first you need to stop critting me out you need to stop critting me out first bro the we we get us out of here actually they’re going to drop us wees get us out bro drop wait the status chamber broke broke yeah it actually broke there St and he’s getting popped yeah all right go go go go get out get up Barrett oh my go looks like you’re St SL broke oh paradex too if I wanted answers on What was actually going on I needed to talk to par and wees and everything will be fine oh you wait did you just hit him yo you just hit me how did that even happen incoming bro Z did you see how I shot you yeah I did see that oh my gosh dude yo what is this okay so I’m about half because of you’re yeah it does damage doesn’t Okay so the dro her he’s in a hole he’s in a hole he’s in a hole they got him they got him I blocked it dude just go around why is there an Ender Chest e chest e chest no way yo no way yo why is there water I dug into a water cave bro oh there’s another here go go wait is this going to break the portal okay it didn’t where’d they go layer no parent skin doesn’t have a layer we has a layer wey has a layer yeah wait where could they actually have gone probably underground somewhere maybe they flew off there’s not really many areas to BL there though uh no wait there’s broken magma here really yeah I saw a magma block on the ground dig around I look down Hest hide anywhere NE that’s true swing oh hey wait wait you actually way way yeah no way okay okay okay all right so you’re going to give us the discore there’s no way wait wait wait so so fair did I have that disc um so wait wait wait give the I’ll give me the disc disc disc disc right now disc right now right now this second oh there we go wait which the problem is you guys can’t Mello High that’s not even the right one lock in okay okay can’t pull that again yo yo okay chill chill chill chill chill chill yeah I’m actually dead there you go is that chirp cool yes chir my question is what are you going to do with that disc because okay well okay okay second let’s hold off on that one the disc kind of wasn’t the point parrot cuz now you know which disc it is so obviously you could just go and get a chirp disc and listen to the message on it but the main reason is cuz we just want to talk we we all want to find spoke Zam and I want to ban spoke I don’t know what you guys want to do it’s clear that you have some sort of extra knowledge we don’t spoke clearly wanted all four of us to find him between luring us to his traps and setting up the scavenger hunt for par and wees okay so what do you propos yeah what do you propose just send us the texture packs whatever that spoke sent you so we can actually listen to the disc okay well okay here’s the problem right we need to find the secret you guys want to find spoke we need to find the secret dude who cares about the secret bro like yeah me personally I don’t really care that much um okay you want to find spoke right no no no no no no no okay you guys need this a turtle egg I mean turtle egg okay thanks yeah okay what’s that well we can hatch it right now yeah okay or we could and this goes to no do you not know about the mechanics of turtle eggs Turtle legs go back to their home Beach oh so if this was hatched on a specific yeah okay wait okay so drop us the turtle leg thanks for telling us no because because we want yeah drop us the tur like well no cuz here’s the problem here’s the problem here’s the problem Wu you can kill us off but then you’re never going to find spoke you know what I mean I mean what do you mean cuz if we just pick up the turt and hatch just go to the no I’m saying you guys still need the pack you guys need the pack and you also need the turtle egg you guys need both regardless you kill us off right now you’ll never get the pack you’ll never get anything well the turtle egg will take us further than the disc don’t it right and then there’s a clue after that and a clue after that and a clue after that and you’ll never actually get anything for it it’s better than just letting you Walt out of here without getting anything out of it well that’s why I’m saying we have to team up that’s why I’m saying we have to team up I can I have two fireworks on me I literally have nothing we can walk out of this portal and we can team up and hatch this Turtle I and go to wherever it goes here all right sure all right all right we yeah all right hop [Music] in scared stay with that okay let’s go no wait wait wait why did you go through I told you to stay I don’t know go go go go go go C pass oh my God Sam you’re a bot you’re actually a bot what did I do I told you to stay with them in case they tried literally this I you didn’t say that yes I did you literally didn’t say that okay they’re near I literally I heard them talking two seconds ago I will I’m going to 100% gain it on my recording okay here just watch outside to make sure they don’t allow her out I’ll dig with them again okay I literally didn’t hear that by the way or hear you say that so it’s not my fault not my fault watch make sure they don’t all watch make sure they don’t okay just like do laugh I don’t know okay okay well they had to oh my br is Zam [Music] I hear you [Music] bro [Music] par in a wey I think I lost them I I heard someone really nearby but then they went in this lava lake and I don’t know where they went now now a I heard someone cough and I was like wait a minute that’s not a game sound I don’t know they’re probably they’re probably listening to us right now I’m sure this is a very intense scene in their video on yeah they’re definitely listening to us right now I wasn’t opposed to teaming up but like you guys try to pull a fast one so I don’t like that me personally I see why you have beef with Paras am yeah dude such a slippery little guy a little spp fre snake can’t trust him some dumb secret bro yeah I don’t know we these layers off over here yeah I don’t know I think I think we’re cooked so that means they’re further that direction I okay I mean we know it’s just I mean I don’t know turtle egg I mean well we know it’s just spoke then one more person so probably mayck for a secret bro a slumber party secret bro even though par and we didn’t want to work with us to figure out what was actually going on we still had the final arrows that spoke his shot and might fight with him at Squid’s Castle so me Zam and the guards he was able to rally at his Empire all left to head to the cords which is when we found something interesting happening there there’s just nothing here there’s just literally nothing here am I trolling or is there nothing here oh see spoke I see spoke spoke yeah we get him okay get wait get him hello yeah snipe his ass y get him off get him off of the server bro okay so someone just shot me my bad my bad my yo run out of fireworks Place dude what in the okay stop shooting me stop being in the [Music] way he’s going to run out of fireworks at some point the light of the prince Dam Empire yo kill him got him shoot him bro shoot him shoot him I almost hit him I hit him I hit him I hit him snipe him going to die you’re going to run out of fireworks some point he’s going down he’s going down going get get him all cost get him banned hit him [Music] get him get him get him get him get him get him get him Pearl Pearl Pearl whoa yo why is there just a where is he oh there he he’s the swim monster where’d he go where’d he go literally right next to Parrot open your eyes for some reason parrot was also here and he now also wanted to kill spoke none of this was making sense wa you guys have tried it we have wait who has the trer yo chase him wait where did he feel the might of the princess someone’s drowning someone’s drowning go for him go what the what the where is he where get him there he is y I’m going to pop get him him him get him get him where is he where is he he’s in the lava he’s in lava he’s in lava he PE he PE up wait he got through the he got through the glass I’m here what what he’s he’s I’m on him what the where did he go is he’s right here he’s right here there’s no way he doesn’t die yeah that that disc bated me a little bit there he’s so low he’s so low dude get out where where he what the oh what the hell I see him he’s through here he’s through wait oh my God wait y yo chill chill chill guys there’s an active B in here wait what what do you mean what do you mean where did he go where did he go where did he go this way this way go go go you walk over this line guys guys chill chill chill chill chill what’s going par I’m sorry man but what what oh what the what happened no did he just did he just leave the game bro that’s it’s kind of lame what yeah what are we doing Parr destroy this chunk band bro turns out the past the red line was a chunk band inside of whatever structure this was clearly this was some sort of orchestrated plan by spoke to avoid a permanent death by the hands of me and Zam but with him chunkban from the server and not online there was no way that we could actually kill him to permanently ban him so for now a chunk ban would have to be enough although there was still a few players out there who clearly wanted spoke free so some sort of way to make these chunk bands permanent would have to be constructed but for now all that was left to do was to help rebuild zam’s destroyed Empire [Music]

whatever it takes to get my revenge

It’s Impossible to Catch this Player

people in this video: @PrinceZam @Spokeishere @ParrotX2 JamatoP @Squiddo @ECorridor @loppezz @LuigiToan @ManePear @FlameFrags1 @SharoohTV @Sharkilz @Sorhin @MapiccMc @Merffinn @Wifies @Reeon @Fantst @OnlyASquid @ArchMinecraft @jumperwho @Derapchu @TeamKalalYT @What_Max @zyye @yungwillx @Elemental_Man @peentar @ItsRyanStuff @Syker21 @HoraceMinecraft ‎@Chiff  (tysm to everyone in this video, sorry if i forgot anyone there were a lot of people lol)

This is a Minecraft video recorded in the Unstable Universe that is staged for story-telling purposes; any more staged videos I upload will have a disclaimer in the description saying that they are also staged.

we wa we wa



    if ur reading this u must have watched the entire video so u may as well subscribe

  2. Bro you got it all wrong, the guys that you teamed with AKA PrinceZam they were hiding and using duped items, I know this because I watched spokes video and you teamed with the bad guys. But be careful they might just use you and your exploit you but don't judge spoke you teamed with the wrong guys/bad guys. If you don't trust me go watch spokes video

  3. Its funny how princeszam has netherite armor when he hadn't been to the nether till this point. 😂😂😂😂 My proof is at 2:45:53 when he got the achievement "we need to go deeper"

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