Grateful Hugs from Haley || Stardew Valley – Episode #116

hello everyone and welcome back to mosley farm here in stardew valley and look at my house i love how full of plants it is yes all right and here are some more seeds so we are getting pumpkin seeds blueberry seeds and why are we getting those seeds in the spring you might say siri because we have managed to open up the greenhouse you guys and i am so so so excited about that and after doing a little bit of poking and researching it looks like cranberries and blueberries are definitely the best thing to have in the greenhouse if you’re looking at terms of money so i will start getting the cranberries and like maybe one plot of cranberries one flower blueberries but otherwise i kind of want to have some areas where we could just grow some things for fun too just to have the ingredients so we can cook things just to be able to like share different dishes with people to be able to try out different dishes also we need to take a hot pepper because it is mayor’s lewis’s birthday so i need to make sure we have that on hand we could grow a bunch of wheat we could grow all sorts of things just to make sure that we continue to get the harvest going oh i have some spice berries well let’s go put those into the um jam making machines outside because i do need to save those okay actually and i have a lot of wild plums so i’ll sell these well wild plums are wild harvest so there we go all right enough diddly darling um let’s go ahead and put this over here and i actually want to take a fairy rose there we go and i’m going to put the fairy rose in the seed machine too i want to keep flowers over there i want to keep useful crops like our awesome blueberries and cranberries in there i want to have some fun with our greenhouse it’s not all about maxing out how much money you can get for what it’s just it’s just about having a good time sometimes you know what i mean look it’s another parsnip yay all right do we have anything else to harvest today not quite the kale just yet the flower field is growing wonderfully it’s some of our very first potatoes yes then we’re getting multiple look at how many potatoes look at how many potatoes all right we’re gonna have to go and hi marigold how are you i know okay scooch scooch we’re gonna have to go and get more potatoes today because that is a fantastic potato harvest right there come here rose stone let’s get you out of there before the chickens chop you in and let’s run back inside and yeah i think it’s mostly just going to be getting our greenhouse nice and settled look at all those three fairy seeds i want to grow the fairy flowers because they happen to be jazz’s favorite and i feel like we don’t have enough attention to jazz so i kind of want to grow things that would be the favorite of people who i am not really good friends with like crovis apparently loves leeks or horseradishes i mean and he apparently really loves pumpkins and also the girl after my own heart abigail also loves pumpkins so we’re gonna be growing pumpkins for her vincent i might grow some grapes for at some point george loves leeks i need to get leaks for him and it’s just trying to figure out what everybody really enjoys um it’s a new week oh that means the little cell lady is gonna be here we need to go visit her okay we’re gonna go visit with the sales lady in just a minute i want to have at least one whole section so i need at least eight seeds for blueberries so i can get like a whole section dedicated to blueberries so we’ll do that let’s go out back outside make sure everything’s doing okay let’s grab the bait from our little our little worm bin up here but yeah we’re starting to get to the point you guys where i’m i’m getting so many things and let’s see about selling the potatoes uh should i sell all my potatoes for now i’m gonna keep these potatoes done i’ll solve that though but yeah we’re getting to the point where i really don’t need to lift a finger to do most of my farming and it feels amazing i’m not gonna lie it’s pretty darn cool and i really like our sprinklers i really was like nah nah nah i don’t need to worry about sprinklers i like watering all my crops every morning and yes i do like watering my crops every morning i don’t mind that but i have to say i really really really love being able to go mining more so than watering crops all day but i also love to have a great wonderful very productive beautiful um beautiful farm so i’m not going to neglect my farm all right so i do want to have maybe one whole plot of pumpkins that sounds like a lot maybe i should get some tomatoes growing what else should be growing um maybe some melons because i don’t have a lot of melons i could even do yams this is really surreal to be able to look at everything and be like i could have whatever crop i wanted um i guess i’ll get some yams growing just because we can and why not get to think of tomatoes growing because let’s in fact let’s focus on things that regrow all the time so yam it’s not you my friend um it would be what’s something else that regrows the melon does regrow so and actually the pepper the hot pepper regrows so maybe i’ll have a whole little section just dedicated to melons and hot peppers so we’ll get one hot pepper into the seed maker and then we’ll get the melon into the seed maker and we’ll just have to see this is going to be awesome oh i didn’t even check the news all right it’s going to be a beautiful sunny day tomorrow fortune teller the spirits are in good humor today a little extra luck that would be a good time to go mining pizza we can learn how to make pizza this is sam’s favorite sweet okay so um pizza there’s a reason pizza is a timeless culinary classic you’ve got an artisan gold brown crust and you’ve got a tangy garlic infused marinara sauce and you’ve got to and you’re topping it all with a mouth-watering three cheese blend and we’re just getting started let’s throw some fresh pepper and tomato onto the top oh my all right so we’ve just figured out how to cook pizza and we can make a pizza sweet i’m gonna cook a pizza oh i just i just cooked the pizza with my last tomato please tell me i didn’t oh thank goodness i was gonna be like no the irony but we will take this pizza to sam so he can start finally being our friend we have been trying to work on that friendship for quite a while now wow look at all the beautiful butterflies oh this is so cool all right well let’s see are the seeds already done i kind of took a little while about that yeah seeds are already done over here so let’s get the let’s see that was hot pepper seeds i have pumpkin seeds blueberry seeds melon seeds um the fairy seeds um wow yeah this is gonna be a little bit interesting getting this all set up um more pumpkins i kind of feel like i just want to get one whole thing of pumpkins going which sounds a little bit excessive on the pumpkins but i could use them to give to gifts like crobis can have them as a gift abigail will enjoy them as a gift so we’ll get that up and going and let’s put all my chickens i need to make sure my chickens are happy yeah marigold’s happy all right how you doing chickens are happy good good wandering around gotta find my duck at some point there’s my duck all right fox glove you’re happy i must have already pet you all right and there’s cattail goodness yeah they’re keeping me busy you guys hardly any time to like keep my thoughts organized with all of the new stuff that we have to work on all the time all right and gold bar and quartz bar and i need to get the wood in here yeah once i get my greenhouse sorted out so it’s kind of organized and self-sufficient i think this will be a little bit easier for me to focus on okay there we go another quality sprinkler do we have an apricot maybe no that’s okay all right you little fr fruit bats do your best all right and then we’ll come down here and i’ll be right back rose stone all right look at that and we have the little rare seed planted from the uh the woman with the pig too so that’s gonna be interesting to see what it turns into all right so right here can probably be uh the blueberries i guess so we’ll put the blueberries here basic fertilizer is probably a good idea because why not in fact i should probably use something stronger than basic fertilizer for a crop that could be here forever but i’m okay with this all right there we go so there’s that little plot wow we have so much more room in here i thought it was gonna let me like only do maybe four of these plots so this is a much larger much much larger area than i thought it was going to be um and now i’m going to go ahead and put the pumpkins down to the side let’s see let’s do the melons and the fairy and this and so that’s gonna be five six so there’d be seven eight there’d be room for two more crops with these guys and i think i’m gonna put these guys maybe down over here and yeah it’s not very well organized but it’s not really meant to be at this point all right there we go there we go and then i’m gonna go ahead and put uh fertilizer down there we are don’t really need the fertilizer for the fairy seeds so i want to do fairy seeds there maybe a melon here and a melon here hot pepper up here and i’ll add more of various things as we as time goes on just trying to figure out what people really like as gifts too wow there’s a lot of room in here this is gonna be awesome all right i’m gonna go ahead and gather this and then i need more gold all right there we go there we go now my pumpkins might have to wait till i have more gold milkweed look at you you guys are all so cute you guys are all so cute i need to get my little milker yes and more goat’s milk i can give some of that to leia i’m so torn on like who to pick as my wife i really am i’m not gonna lie it’s kind of hard to make the decision between leia or abigail all right we’re gonna come up here let’s go ahead get a little bit of milk there we go some milk there if it’s a regular sized milk i’ve just and you know i’m thinking oh milky doesn’t have anything today and milkweed doesn’t have new milk right now that’s fine all right where’d my cow go hey blueball hold still but if it’s regular-sized milk then i just end up keeping it so that we can use it let’s put this over here so that we can use it for um roast on what am i thinking about for just cooking with that’s what i was trying to say all right asparagus is doing good how are the other dinosaurs they’re doing good they’re roaming their little forest down here which is so cute artichoke is doing good i need to give that one a little pat come here there we go peapod you’re on my very first dino from peapod came all of these other dinos all right no dinosaur eggs they very very rarely lay eggs so it’s a good thing i’m not really filling my my coop with nothing but dinosaurs in my main coop again all right do i really need any i should have maybe i guess i could just put these potato seeds into the the potato machine like the seed makers couldn’t i huh i guess they don’t have to go buy them from piers that’s still kind of surreal i’m still getting used to having the seed machines oh my gosh and speaking of pierre’s i also need to go and give the mayor his hot pepper which is his birthday present so yeah i think i’ll just go ahead and save these potatoes i guess keep making seeds out of them put them in myself there are the eight pumpkin seeds i need for the pumpkin seed area i’m going to have and i really i really don’t know what else to put like where i’m sort of flummoxed to have the ability with the greenhouse so i guess i could just start growing whatever looks good to me because i have the seed machine and i can just do that and let’s take this wild horseradish to krobus and put this cheese away now that i know how to cook cheese into things there’s more bread i’ve gotten all of that bread ironically from digging around in people’s trash so i don’t know about that bread it might be a little bit dubious quality um i guess i could sell this potato and i put the milk in here and let’s see let’s rearrange some things i can leave the basic fertilizer here all right come over here and put basic fertilizer away and watering can and horseradish as gift sell this um these stone pads have been in here forever who knows keep the daffodil i guess and give it as a way as a gift oh and i’m gonna put my little ancient doll safely oh yay my potato seeds are already done holy days and there’s my creepy little ancient doll all right how many potato seeds four potato seeds from two potatoes that’s a pretty good ratio if you ask me oh and i might as well make some pancakes to give to jody in case we happen to run across her all right let’s get a couple more potatoes hey where’d my other potato go oops i got a cave carrot whoops all right there we go i can plant those potato seeds yeah we’ll plant the potato seeds really quickly and then we’ll just get moving yeah i guess i could go ahead and buy more potato seeds and garlic seeds and things because i’ve got plenty of room this is really surreal it’s like almost it’s almost super duper easy it’s almost like all of the planning and the work we’ve been putting in over all of the months and seasons is really paying off it’s amazing um yeah let’s see maybe go crack open this frozen geode go down visit crovis visit sam mayor mayor sam leia there we go and crobis people i know i need to give the gifts to okay there we go organize that there’s the mayor yes all right one person down and he’s looking at like his birthday on the calendar like will anyone remember it’s my birthday of course i will mayor i’ve been mayor of pelican town for over 20 years no one ever runs against me when it’s time for an election i like to think that just that just means i’m doing my job well i like being mayor i’m so glad for you mr mayor and i have a birthday present for you so here you go you remembered my oh he’s my best friend now yay hey george how are you aren’t you cold they all make sweaters like they used to uh hang in there george all right does anyone have an extra topaz from caroline i can totally handle that how oft how long do i have for that two days so i have enough time to go and like get the hey carolyn i can totally go get the topaz um let’s see leia sam krobus ooh jojo cola well i could get that to say oh hey there’s sam sweet all the people i’m trying to give gifts to oh it’s a nice day isn’t it uh yep okay have a pizza yeah my absolute favorite all right so that was easy i could just make pizza for sam so i should get some tomato seeds i think i did get some tomato seeds maybe i didn’t some tomato seeds going and we can give those to sam all right nothing in here and is leia in the library i don’t know if she ever visits the library no one’s in the library except gunther and my beautiful collection of artifacts that i’m so proud we have built up so well all right let’s come visit clint hey clint how you doing oh i got a field snack all right and let’s go ahead and whack this geode open and it’s just some clay all right well no no biggie clint no biggie all right and then let’s see how are your tools holding up really well clint you did a great job even if you do feel forced into this job and you’re miserable half the time ah that is the one thing like i would literally pay for dlc if it meant that i could make the villagers all happy all right let’s see oh siri i was hoping you’d show up it’s always a pleasure to see you see we have a nice neutral relationship now and i can start giving him flowers again just to let him know as long as we keep it to it oh oh haley oh no haley what happened siri come here quick what’s up haley my bracelet is gone i know i had it on when i got here but now it’s gone and i can’t find it anywhere oh no i’ll never find another one like it um i don’t know where to buy her a bracelet this is one of those moments where you just have to like go it’s okay it’s okay um and like i’m really sorry this is just the way things happen sometimes maybe i’ll wash up on another shore i can’t bear to think of it at the bottom of the ocean i’m sorry haley sorry great grandma oh it’s her great grandma’s bracelet that’s so sad because she have dropped it nearby ah i found it already that was that was pretty easy i forgot how slow you actually walk when you’re not running there we go i found a bracelet it’s like walking through molasses haley i found your bracelet oh my gosh i’m going so slow ah there we go is that oh look at her face you found it oh gosh hug thank you so much siri you’re a lifesaver oh see but i have no like i won’t forget what you did for me here oh she’s blushing and yet there’s no need to worry about like romantic intentions so yeah i feel good was that what what level was that for haley’s events um haley haley so that was her level six event so yeah i i think i’m okay i kind of want to see what maru wants so we’ll try to give her a little bit more gold ingots but otherwise i think i’m good i think i’m good i know who i think we’re going to marry all right and let’s come up here we’ve got a little bit of trash the soggy newspaper can sometimes become uh cloth which is really nice and we’ll gather these guys up this is a pretty good haul i mean that’s like crabs and lobsters and shrimp just from our crab pots we should go check the crab pot that is over by leia’s house i wonder how it’s holding up and what’s in there also i love our worm bins it used to be we never had enough bait and now i have plenty of bait because our worm bins are just constantly producing it it’s fantastic all right we’ll come over here i still need to make friends with willy i haven’t really found the thing that makes him go like a buck wild like yay i’m so happy to have this gift just yet let’s go see if we can visit with crobis um and leia yeah krogus leia jody has her pancakes ready if she wants them um and maybe plant some more of the pumpkins so yep there’s elliott all right nobody mind me i’m just gonna go climb in the sewers for a second do a little bit of digging around hey crovis i wonder what he’s selling today so apparently you’re a friendly monster crobus so he has um the solar essence bat essence just the usual i think okay so let’s see i hear you like wild horseradish my friend this is an amazing gift for my people it is a great honor to receive something like this wonderful i’ll bring you more wild horse radishes i guess i’m just gonna have to keep him in the constant supply and i hear he likes pumpkin too so we’ll work on that all right i don’t often peak but sometimes sometimes i peek to see what people like all right i thought i saw somebody walking up here it’s marnie hey marnie hi siri i know we’ve become friends i know i can trust you to take care of my dear animals oh you are you going on a vacation or something i don’t really have anything to give her and we’ll wait on that then oh it’s sunday i need to see what she’s selling jody you’re gonna have to wait i need to see you before she falls asleep unless we run into layla like right here no players not right here okay go go go go go go don’t close shop don’t close shop yet lady with the pig don’t close shop i need to see if you have anything useful for my bundles there’s a wild horseradish for krobus hey what’s up all right fiddlehead risotto darn i need the actual fiddlehead not the risotto part what okay this is an egg what a jet black egg with red flecks it’s warm to the touch i’m buying this i’m putting it right there there’s a puffer fish and a coconut and a tuna and a candy there’s another rare seed um apparently these are supposed to be really good so i guess i’ll just go ahead and spend the money on that and a candy table a tuna i don’t think i need that tuna for a bundle do i no i already got the tuna i think tilapia for the bundle tilapia and a ton of river fish and a walleye oh no no don’t you eat that void egg if that’s what i think it is it might hatch into something all right thank you man she can be really useful sometimes all right there’s those you know what i think i’m gonna go ahead and chop down some more hardwood because i need more hardwood for certain projects so let’s wiggle up here in fact i think heart i need hardwood for the last of the house upgrades and that means if i want to have bibis one day and and have some children then i need to have the last house upgrade all right so there’s that there’s no slimes here are they just being super peaceful today or do slimes oh no there he is there’s the little guy he’s just hiding in the back all right let’s get this one nope watch out and let’s get this one no you heat back little guy yep run for it okay no back off and there’s like the one last little spot that i can actually go through in here oh no he’s chasing us back off i’m gonna have to chase you down with my axe if you keep this up oh no i walked into a slime pit oh my gosh i literally walked into a slime hey help help where’s my scythe i think my scythe is the best weapon i have in this case oh my gosh i need out of here i’ve never been oh no i think i’m literally trapped oh my gosh oh my gosh this is gonna be kind of dramatic no get away get away oh geez i’ve never been that trapped by slime before and it’s so embarrassing because they’re easy a little baby slime wow well that was a little embarrassing all right at least i got those do i need to do anything else over here i don’t think so so the incubator in one of my coupes is currently occupied by the dinosaur egg but i think that this is kind of a huge deal to have this void egg if it is what i think it is it is a majorly huge deal um so that’s more than a little bit exciting and we gave the mayor his gift for his birthday i didn’t pick up anything from pierre’s but that’s gonna have to be okay today i think i’m gonna go ahead and maybe put the other potato i have into the um let’s wiggle our way up this way put the other potato i have to clear all these out of the way like weeds i swear put the other potato i have into the seed machine instead of sell it because just i think the seeds are more useful to me right now yes more potato seeds there’s three there two there just five potato seeds all together yeah i think that it’s better for me at this phase just go ahead and do that and then we’re gonna come down and i need to put the void egg safely and carefully well let’s get the potato seeds out too and the void egg needs to go safely and carefully into the um chicken coop until i can put it into an incubator so i’m very excited if that’s what i think it is it’s kind of a huge deal to have a handle on this void egg all right we’ll put these spice berries here all right hi everybody oh gosh i forgot to collect things in here too okay so we’re gonna put the void egg inside here and then i can’t believe she was selling it that was kind of amazing and then we will collect it up in the future everybody’s snoozing that’s fine i’m gonna just make some mayonnaise don’t mind me everybody keep snoozing and we still didn’t have time to go mining and that’s really bad because i’m getting super low on my oars and my minerals and especially my charcoal i really don’t have any of my charcoal that i need oh gosh so that’s gonna make things very very interesting as time goes on let’s see if i don’t have enough so let’s do that and then come down and i think do i have enough watering watering cans do i have enough i think i need to make one more one more little um sprinkler that’s what i need one more quality sprinkler to support my little population of the one two three of the pumpkins there we go and now i can have some pumpkins lined up in my greenhouse and we are pretty much good to go after that you guys we are really doing well i’m still tempted to maybe put a fruit tree up top but at the same time i wonder if the fruit tree is only produced during their season so we’re gonna have to see i think i’m okay i’m gonna look that up first and for now this is going to be pumpkins because i know lots and lots of people from abigail to crobis enjoy a good pumpkin so we’re going to put these pumpkins here and we’ll give them away as gifts all right but it is the end of yet another amazing busy day and if that egg really turns out to be what i think it is then that’s kind of a huge deal also i should probably put this rare seed down somewhere too so rare seed do you want to come and just hang out right there for now and we have yet another rare seed so so much going on you guys so much going on wonderful all right well we’re gonna have to figure out our next task our next goal to focus on which i think is still trying to save a little bit of money to get the bus up and going and i will see you guys next time bye

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We’re hard at work on a farm of our very own in Stardew Valley, a beautiful pixel-art spiritual successor to the Harvest Moon games of years gone by! Farming, fishing, chickens, archaeology, mysterious magic mysteries – this game has it all and more!

Join Seri the Pixel Biologist as we roll up our sleeves and dive into our weed-choked fields to start gathering up seeds, greeting the villagers, and helping to tend to the town and watch it grow! There are so many projects, plants, recipes, fish, and missions to keep us busy so let’s get started!

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• Seri is a biologist-in-training with an intense passion for plants and filling her house to the brim with finches, potted plants, and biology “specimens” that look oddly like snail shells, mossy, and twigs covering every available surface.

She is also big into spreading her love of the natural world through the entertaining medium of story-telling through video games! Jump on in and see what our amazing, animal-loving, plant-studying community is all about! And remember, stay curious!


  1. I don't know if this has been said, but the more fairy flowers you have, the more chance of a fairy coming to bless your crops, so if you want it to return, you should plant a few around your farm

  2. 16:00 "I forgot how slow you actually walk when you're not running!" "It's like walking through molasses!" That is now my favorite visualization I've ever heard.

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