Ranking All Terraria Bosses On If They Could Host A Cookout

oh looks like we have an invitation let’s see what this is about we were invited to a cookout there’s going to be food entertainment and of course an overall great time but will there actually be a great time but will the host actually make it a great time today we are going in and ranking all 33 Terraria bosses based on how well they could host a cookout now today’s criteria for ranking them is going to be this looks food and food quality entertainment service atmosphere Ambiance and whether the guests would survive now as always let’s hop right in and see who is a cookout connoisseur and who is a cookout catastrophe all right so welcome here we are going to start off pretty much in uh chronological order of where they appear we’re going to go pre hard mode then we’re going to go to event bosses and then we’re going to go to Hard Mode bosses so starting off of course we have King Slime a big old blue slime with a ninja inside and a crown on his head now King Slime does have servants and so therefore they could be like Buster slimes who bring out trays of food and stuff like that uh you know if they need to cook if King Slime needs to cook or they need a utensil or something like that uh they would have to call someone over uh who then has to put like a fork or uh tongs inside the Slime and then I feel like it’s just going to get absorbed by King Slime same way with the ninja and of course King Slime causes all the Slime rain to fall prettyy much at all times or basically when angered so King Slime either needs to be appeased at all times no no critiques of his you can’t you can’t say anything negative about the food or you’re going to have to bring all sorts of foods and stuff inside once the food is somehow cooked but then again a cookout is always Outdoors so that’s that’s not a good thing so King Slime doesn’t handle criticism well and that’s going to make him pretty low on the tier because he’s not going to provide very good uh entertainment service and whether the guest would survive or not the food quality is also going to be questionable obviously because there’s going to be slime all over it no matter what so we’re going to go ahead and we’re to start off we to put King Slime into the D tier moving up we have the eye of cthulu where it’s just a big old eyeball from severed from cthulu apparently they have giant nerve endings that they could use as utensils but it may be too sensitive for the eye to pick up anything with said tendrils you know because they’re connected to whatever they’re they’re just big old nerve endings even if the food was somehow prepared and served correctly you know there’s the presence of a giant eyeball always just staring you down and observing you at all times and then the you know the AV cthulu has manyi eyeballs so they’re observing you as well like pretty much every bite you’re going to take you’re going to see some eyeball just staring at you if made Angry he loses the cornea in a in a mouth hole with contorted fangs appear here uh maybe it wants to try some of his own cooking or maybe make you a part of the cookout now would I I trust the I cthulu greater than King Slime to make a decent cookout I think so I would put him a tier above so we’re going to go ahead and throw them into the SE tier would you survive it’s questionable again uh you may be able to critique and then just have a giant eyeball floating and staring at you uh if you can maybe you’ll get out of that hopefully you’ll survive something along those lines moving on we have the Eater of Worlds where it’s a big old giant worm boss comprised of individually living segments string together literally the eater world’s just made up of all these rotten chunks and they’re always shooting vial around and burrowing all over the place so not only would the cookout be ruined due to you know the vial and the the giant rotten chunks flying around and falling off him and all that stuff but the lawn and the neighbors Lawns from the eater trying to like tunnel around while cooking and entertaining guests would just it it it’d be a nightmare you’d have all these holes everywhere guests could easily fall in these holes and then they’re huge holes who knows how far or deep they go you might have some sort of incident where you’re going to be showing up on the news saying that oh it’s a big old sinkhole no it turns out as the Eater of Worlds flying around and burrowing everywhere would I trust the Eater of Worlds to produce anything of any quality in terms of entertainment or food or service or atmosphere Ambiance no so the Eater of Worlds is going to be the first up on the tier list to make it all the way down to the cookout catastrophy F tier so up next we have the brain of cthulu which uh it’s just I mean literally a big giant brain with big old creepers for servants uh the creepers can act in similar fashion to other subordinates mentioned earlier so they can bust around and do stuff like that and the Brain can use teleportation and probably telekinesis to like flip over and deliver burger patties at like an astounding rate you know he could be on the other side of the lawn and you’ll just see like a spatula just float turn a Patty over and kind of press it down speed up the cooking process a little the brand could also probably read your mind which is a good or bad thing they could tell you if you’re hungry or thirsty and also what you think of the food you could give it your opinion without speaking a single word is the brand going to take that opinion well maybe it depends depends how bad you think the food is or how good you think the food is it it could also use the said mind reading abilities probably to uh ask you what condiment spices or cheeses you want on your food or for that when it’s cooking so like like oh man you know I could really use a piece of mild cheddar on my next Burger and then you’re just going to see a mild cheddar just fly up and then just slowly make it on top of a burger patty now if eye contact is needed if you need eye contact to look at them or something like that the brain can split open and reveal its eye to stare at you and your loved ones is that a good or bad thing again it’s up to interpretation I feel like I would trust the brain out of all the other previous entrance to make a semi- decent cookout so he’s not going to make it all the way to the S tier but the brain of cthulu is going to make it to the a tier so up next we have the queen bee a giant queen bee with the hex hexagonal honeycomb at her lower section now the plus of the queen bee is she can obviously make like honey grilled foods you know make a nice HoneyBaked Ham or something like that if she wants and she does have a built-in cooling system for you and the other guests as her giant Wings could be used as giant fans so that she has that going for her you do not want to attend this this cookout if you’re allergic to pollen or flowers or anything outdoors in general because her backyard is going to be full of any and everything to spread pollen around now she does deal poison so you do have to be somewhat careful around the food but she also is nonaggressive unless her larvae or amination is used so I feel like she’s going to be more of on the friendly side so that’s that she has that going for her I feel You’d Survive as long as you don’t do something just absolutely insane food and food quality would be good she’d have some entertainment service going around probably okay atmosphere again if you’re not allergic to anything uh we’re going to put her a little bit below the brain of cthulu I feel like because she’s going to go into the B tier get it up next we have Skeletron the one of the skull and the arms and the hands and whatnot Skeletron does not spawn in unless the old man is slain so Skeletron would be better suited for a uh a more cult themed cookout now Skeletron can operate a grill better than previous entrance because he has not one but two full hands therefore he can have like a spatula in one hand and a meat fork in the other now Skeletron would be a great conversation piece as you could say like plenty of skeleton or bone puns around or at him so one of the negative aspects though is he is just bone and therefore he’s like unable to taste so Skeletron may not know when there is too many or two little spices or when ingredients have gone bad or how long he’s cooked it besides you know feel and stuff like that that’s the negative side we’re going to follow up with Queen be we’re going to play elron into the B tier up next we have uh our first crossover character we have deerclops from the game uh Don’t Starve Together feel like deerclops is just going to have a big old stinky fur coat and all it wants to do is attack maybe won’t be able to understand the community surrounding a cookout may just want to beat them up or something like that now on this channel we always give it the benefit of the doubt so I’m going to go ahead and give it the benefit of the doubt I’m not going to leave deerclops out of f tier and place it into the e here purely because there may be an opportunity to like teach deerclops like cooking and stuff like that or teach it how to grill maybe it could host I very seriously doubt it that’s why it’s going to go that low last up on the prehard mode bosses we have the legend the Wall of Flesh where we have meat tons and tons of meat now is this meat already cooked it is in hell so the meat on the wall is probably like shoe leather and therefore a Prime Choice for all my well done enjoyers out there now the Wall of Flesh again probably has a ton of experience with cooking said meat so I feel like the wall flesh would be able to tell when the meat is at rare medium rare medium well Etc that kind of thing as long as we do not threaten the world and are attending it would definitely throw a barbecue themed cookout so as long as we attend the barbecue and our gracious guests I feel like it’d be an okay experience with all that being said I would trust the Wall of Flesh to throw a pretty decent cookout I’m going to go ahead and throw the Wall of Flesh into the a tier moving on we have these special bosses or event bosses if you will uh we’re going to start it off with the Dungeon Defenders 2 crossover event we’re going to go with the dark Mage where again it’s a sorcerer that comes from Dungeon Defenders 2 uh it just flies around on some magic carpet maybe like the M the dark Mage can perhaps fly around and see who needs like refreshments and such you know they get a kind of a bird’s eye view thing going on so the dark Mage is unable to land onto the ground though and therefore is like unable to shake hands or hug the guests that arrive or depart unless they like reach up or somehow get on the carpet itself but I feel like if you’re shaking hands or hugging something above you they’re trying to flex on you with some sort of status symbol kind of thing and again the dark Mage is able to summon minions from the Old One’s Army so would it host of cookout yes would it be a memorable one the only thing you may remember is the negative aspects of it but again would the food be okay probably stuff like that would make it uh an okay cookout so we’re going to go ahead and throw the dark Mage into the sea tier following up with the old ones Army event we have the ogre who’s simply just a big old ogre with a large wooden Club who is able to hurl a ball of ogre spit at a player that’s that’s convincing he is a large guy so who I feel like would have a spatula in one hand and a Modell in another so I think the ogre seems plenty capable of hosting one mean cookout definitely a barbecue cookout he was always be focused on the cooking or grilling though I feel like and anything or everything people want but then again due to that the ogre may not be able to speak much to the guest since he’s so entranced by cooking he may just be now ogre would definitely be a quiet cook that people would leave and say something along the lines of oh man did you try his beef ribs I I really really got to get his recipe ogre’s Food is going to be exceptional probably a pretty good cookout I feel like but but the negative aspect again is that ogre would probably not be a talkative one for hosting would probably not like shake hands or hug people too too much so we’re going to go ahead and move him not all the way to the S tier but we’re going to move the ogre to the a tier now we have the final boss of the old ones Army event we have Betsy the dragon would a dragon be able to perform tasks such as entertainment or cooking maybe she can at least command and Lead an army so she has some form of of knowledge on how to communicate at least she like other entrance has the ability to breathe fire and therefore can at least sear Meats but may not be able to control it well so it’s going to be nice well and crispy Betsy I feel like is going to be at least of the old old ones armies event is going to be the worst of the three in terms of hosting a cookout because it’s just a big old Dragon not really a humanoid and that kind of regard so we’re going to go ahead and we’re going to put Betsy into the D tier moving on we have have the Flying Dutchman where the Flying Dutchman is literally just a big old giant wooden pirate ship of course in lore the Dutchman is a ghost ship that is unable to Port at any docks and is forever doomed to sail the seven seas now it does have some ores on both sides of it which maybe you can rig up some sort of system to be used for something along the lines of like a wooden Pizza stove you know they can throw pizzas in and and bring them out how would the Dutchman prepare said pizzas before throwing them in this is what’s hard to answer maybe you could buy some pre-made ones but then again the pre-mades aren’t near as good as the homemade ones so that’s going to lower them a little bit on the food aspect how are you going to talk to a big old flying ship I have no idea now I do have a feeling that the Dutchman is at least able to poorly cook up a pizza somehow again is otherwise unable to communicate or provide any real substance while hosting so the Flying Dutchman can at least attempt something so we’re going to move it up a couple above the F we’re going to go ahead and follow up Betsy we’re going to throw the Dutchman into the D tier now we have morning wood where there are living Jacko lantern with an Inu window I’m not really a fan of I feel I could say some cornball Halloween lines such as like would you like a trick or treat and would make pretty much any and all guests roll their eyes and lose their appetite saying that just like would it try to share some of its quote unquote secret sap yes would it ruin most of if not all the people’s meals with quote unquote that secret sap yes now that’s just disgusting morning wood would you provide food at least yes would I not want to try it yes so as long as it’s providing something I guess we can move it above the F tier so we’re going to put morning wood into the E tier they’re just a disgusting freak and we’re just going to move on now following along with the Halloween theme we have pumpkin where pumpkin looks like they would be a Habachi Chef in a past life maybe even the king of Bachi he can emote by rotating his pumpkin head around so say something like say Stacy comes over to pumpking and says a rumor about Jennifer pumpkin can literally rotate his entire head and Pog at her now I feel like many would love pumpkin for his food and his ability to express at minimum facial expressions maybe maybe something could come out of that I feel like the food would be excellent I feel like he would host one mean Halloween themed party that people can dress up as and attend pumpking deserves the highest recognition of making it all the way to the S tier so for the wintertime fans out there we first up on this theme have everscream a big old giant evergreen Christmas tree that likes to throw pine needles and ornaments all around maybe everscream is capable of it’s going to be called self-mutilation maybe everscream could tear off pieces of wood for some slow cooking but now the problem with that is everscream is an evergreen Evergreen wood contains saps that are flammable and they produce a bad odor they are not recommended at all for any sort of cooking if ever scream were to use said Woods in the fire I feel like the guests are going to leave in droves I feel like everscream is unable to really produce any food uh it’s just going to stomp around not really talk to the guests threaten their lives that kind of thing so everscream is going to go to the lowest tier of f tier following up with the Christmas wintertime theme we have a giant Santa like robot for the Christmas enthusiasts out there we have S s nk1 now Santa nk1 strikes me as the type of guy/ robot thing who only knows how to cook something in terms of efficiency over taste what is more efficient in terms of time than microwaving frozen foods and dispensing them to the guests for in terms of food at least snk1 is able to produce something but then again it’s going to be all Frozen Foods so that’s going to be Bland and flavor and taste and all that kind of thing he wouldn’t understand if you said like this is the worst food ever but at least you gave me something it’s it’s a giant robot like they they aren’t capable of tasting anything now Robo St Nick would also somehow Robo Saint tick off the guests when they have to taste his Foods would Santa nk1 be a good host no are that is San nk1 capable at least of being a host yes San nk1 is going to go one tier above everscream we’re going to place him into the E tier moving on we have the final mini boss of the frost moon event we have the ice queen now she would 1,000% have a dessert themed quote unquote cookout is is providing desserts really a cookout I’m not too sure we we again we’ll give it the benefit of the down say yes because ice cream would provide foods such as ice cream popsicles cheesecakes cold stuff that kind of thing now talking to her would prove she is ice cold you know she’d be one of those monotone people that doesn’t display any form of emotion but at least would talk to you maybe in single words or something something like that therefore most but not all wink wink people would not care for her now she can at least appear as like some sort of centerpiece of the cookout you know she takes the place of an ice sculpture just dead center so she’s got some atmosphere and Ambiance going on for her again it’s only going to be desserts and stuff like that for the cookout they’ll probably be pretty tasty at least uh there’d be a decent Ambiance stuff like that so ice queen can move all the way to the B tier moving on we have the Martian saucer where they would provide alltime classic foods such as dehydrated and decompressed gorian fruit 15% carbon enhanced now let’s listen to some audio of actually engaging in conversation with the Martian [Music] saucer so the Martian saucer is hard to communicate with the food’s going to be pretty unsavory and the decorations are going to be lackluster at least you get a giant loading spaceship so it has something running for it maybe you get a fly in the saucer but chances are if you go inside the saucer you are not making it home Martian saucer again has the issue of it can provide something at least but it’s going to be pretty low quality Martian saucer is going to go into the E tier up next we have the four pillars the solar nebula Vortex and stardust pillars uh we’re just going to go ahead and we’re going to throw nebula Vortex and stardust into the F TI solar maybe could produce something again it’s flaming it could cook food but oh man it’s going to be hard to eat it’s going to be burn to crap but at least it can do something it’s going to go into the etier up next we have Aram where they’re a console exclusive so therefore arram can only use a controller to cook so therefore it’s not going to be as precise in terms of cooking and moving and articulating their appendages I want to say Limbs and Aram was even removed in all maintained versions of Terraria so therefore Aram is is going to go all the way to the removed here up next we have lepus where they are some sort of evil Easter Bunny incarnate lepus would only provide candies as food as like any Easter Bunny would uh he himself would probably be vegetarian so if you were to prepare you know some sort of other food besides just handing people candies do not expect anything meat related some people like that some people don’t now there are vegetarian substitutes but I know that this would throw off some guests at least he might be kind he might just eat you it is the guest’s choice on whether they take that risk now lepus at least has the disaster bunnies and more lepes on hands so he does have servants to help him throughout the day it’s it’s going to be one of those mid tier kind of cookouts we’re going to go ahead and throw lepus into the C tier lastly on our special SL event bosses we have turkor the ungrateful I feel like this is going to be one of the more interesting bosses so we have a succulent Thanksgiving feast laid out before us on this big old platter but we also have a giant sentient turkey head like guarding everything would the guest somehow convince turkor to sacrifice his head for the cookout would they somehow distract him and gather food while he’s distracted or would he feel pain or anything when food is removed from the plate and or turkey body or they do they have to become more Sinister with their approach and take out the head to enjoy the Bountiful Harvest on the platter all of the foods are clearly going to be tasty it’s going to be very wellmade Thanksgiving dinner it’s going to have a great Thanksgiving atmosphere family and friends gathered around at the cookout but the downside is the head is defending all of it and I feel like the head is not going to give it up so easily so we’re going to go ahead and we’re going to throw turkor again would be S tier but it has the giant head floating around defending everything so we’re going to move it down into the a tier all right last up on the list we have all of the hard mode bosses so this is post defeating the Wall of Flesh first up we’re going to have the queen slime Queen slime is obviously just a a king slime except covered in a a more pink slime and contains a colorful Crystal and not the ninja now she does have more servants than that of the King Slime you know she has the crystal slimes Heavenly slimes and bouncy slimes uh if she uses a charcoal grill she could at least fan the charcoals and get them more even heat sorry Hank Hill she has a built-in cooling system if it’s a hot day with those wings she is better suited to at least hosta cookout in comparison to that of the King Slime so she’s going to go a tier above into the C tier moving on we have two whole eyeballs where we have the twins with razer’s laser we were able to see some like pretty cool party tricks that could bazzle any guests could be used to start a grill or something like that if needed with spasma isms Cur Flames the question arises if they should cook with the green Flames would the Flames somehow season the food or would the green Flames taint any food that is placed on the grill uh again benefit of the doubt we’re going to say it’s Seasons so therefore the twins are going to have a pretty good cookout they can entertain guests can you talk to them no again you have two eyeballs staring at you so it that’s kind of a negative side of it for most people but it’s going to be know it’ll be an okay cookout if the twins are hosting so we’re going to go ahead and throw the twins into the B tier now moving on we have the Destroyer where it’s basically going to be the same as the Eater of Worlds except at least the Destroyer is robotic compared to big old rotting worm uh maybe you can somehow install a grill inside of the Destroyer uh otherwise this big mechanical worm suffers the same fate as the eater worlds again the Destroyer is at least not rotting or anything so it has something going for it uh otherwise it seems pretty uncapable but it can at least produce something so we’re going to go ahead and throw the Destroyer into the E tier up next we have Skeletron Prime where we have one two three count them four entirely useful appendages that are attached to an entirely useful mechanical head the laser can control the temperature of the cooking the vice can hold and dispense any foods the saw can be used to saw anything such as a turkey or ham and the cannon can be loaded with like fireworks to make make the cookout more festive and exciting fact Skeletron is mentally and physically capable of cooking up a perfect burger hot dog or anything that comes to mind I feel like it somehow be able to entertain the guests you know it’s a Giant floating robot head with four awesome attachments now would it attack you maybe benefit of the doubt we’re going to say it’s not so Skeletron Prime deserves I feel like the highest honor of being second to make it into the S tier so up next we have mdusa where we have an amalgamation of the previous three entrance we have to ask the question of are there too many cooks would meusa be better or worse than the individual previous entrance I’m feeling magusa is pretty much the same as Skeletron Prime uh Skeletron Prime is a little better suited for a cookout but then again meusa is going to more or less be the same we’re not going to put meusa into the S tier we’re going to move meusa into the a tier so up next we have the legend itself we have planta now planta is going to definitely provide an unlimited supply of most seasonings and vegetables or fruits being a giant plant so I feel like planta would be able to provide the best dang cantaloupe or watermelon people have ever eaten so it has that running for it uh would it try and kill you yes uh so that’s not going to move it into the S tier would there be some sort of unknown crazy disease that’s never heard of inside the food maybe but again it’s planta we got to give planta the chance people so planta is going to be a pretty good cookout host in my opinion we’re going to throw planta into the a tier up next we have the Golem where at least the Golem could do something like clay cooking but Golem would purely defend the food from anyone and everyone I feel like the Golem is just going to sit in place and not do anything while people are trying to you know ask Golem like where’s the food where where’s the entertainment where’s anything why did we come here maybe Golem could somehow do something uh I’m going to doubt it pretty heavily but then again we’re going to give it the benefit of the doubt I keep saying this we’re going to give it the benefit of the doubt we’re going to put the Golem into the D tier up next we have Duke fishron where we have a flying pigron Abomination who can summon shark NATO at will now of course the shark NATO seem like a bad idea if used close enough to the guests due to the biting and the winds and such same thing with his detonating bubbles now Duke fishron would make okay sushi at least would that be good for all guests I don’t know maybe if he puts it on the card but then again Duke fishron seems like a pretty bad host in my opinion at least he can do something so Duke fishron is going to go into the E tier up next we have the Empress of light where she wants to scrub like the land of any and all impurities so I feel that’s perfect for being meticulous and thorough when doing stuff like entertaining guests or making sure that everything to the last minute detail is correct now she would make something like the stake of the empress is like her main entree she has that she can also use her rays of light for nighttime cookouts or to warm up the place if it’s like a wintertime cookout uh she has her ethal lances which would be perfect let me tell you perfect for using to serve corn on the cob with now Empress of light would be one of those hosts that would be able to talk to anyone and everyone giving some sort of divine intervention Divine chat with people so she has that going for her and I think she’d be able to recite recipes or grilling techniques perfectly she’d be a fantastic cook she’d be a fantastic host so therefore I feel like Empress of light deserves the high honor of making it all the way to the S tier so next we have the lunatic cultist where it’s wizard time Fireball they are definitely a Habachi Chef so they’re a performer at least the cultist in terms of talking is probably the social equivalent of a Discord mod so that’s the negative side of it it’s going to be an okay cookout not a great cookout we’re going to put the cultist into the SE here and here we reach the final Terraria boss who is capable of dooming the planet itself we have the moon Lord where he has the ey hands and can at least wield utensils but the eye juices or eye boogers might somehow get in the food or on the utensils so that’s kind of a bad thing for the food I feel like you’re going to be kind of gross with the uh the germs and stuff that come out of it it basically boils down to the following so if you like seafood you’re going enjoy the moon Lord otherwise you will want to be as far away from the cookout as possible as the entire place will wreak a fish uh the moon Lord would also probably use some gnarly ingredients such as moondust which would spice up the party if you know what I mean so with all that being said it’d be an okay cookout again it kind of boils down to if you like seafood or if you don’t like seafood so we’re going to go head and throw the moon Lord all the way into the B tier so there we have it we now have the tier list of where I would rank all Terraria bosses on how well they could host a cookout and that concludes another legendary tier list video as always let me stereotype once more and say if you enjoyed the video make sure to like comment and subscribe and until next time adios

All 33 Terraria bosses were ranked and given their chance to host whatever kind of cookout they like!

#terraria #gaming #tierlist #meme #mlg #relogic


  1. While the Flying Dutchman wouldn't be terribly capable of making food on its own, it does have its own crew of pirates that can definitely assist with that. Better yet, it would get points for entertainment if the Dutchman itself was the cookout location; imagine having a party on the deck of a flying ship. That alone would put it in B tier for me. Just know that pirates might not have any fruit to serve, so beware of scurvy.
    Loved this video, it was very silly.

  2. Nah you tripping on the dark mage.

    1.That book is his mobility aid, you're basically getting disappointed, that a guy in a wheelchair won't get up to greet you
    2. He's got minions and telekinesis he could manage the grill while interacting with the guests.
    3. He's a MAGE he can summon fire to get the grill running quickly and perfectly

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