I Ranked Every Minecraft Update

I’m going to analyze the past 15 years of Minecraft history and rank every update from 1.0 to 1.20 the year is 2011 and version 1.0 of Minecraft was released to the masses to tremendous Fanfare are you ready for the official release of [Music] mine and fun fact this was the last update that was directly made by Notch and I think people seem to forget just how much of an absolute Beast this guy was I want you to try to think of a feature relating to progression in Minecraft and chances are whatever you thought of was released during this update it added Brewing enchantments the end Dimension and the final boss of the game villagers the nether fortress strongholds animal husbandry and like a million other things and looking back at this update 13 years later I don’t even know how it was possible to make an update this big truly this is one of the most impressive updates ever and in terms of performance it’s looking beautiful I’m getting 450 FPS so on my book this is easily top of a tier next we got version 1.1 the first of three nameless updates and honestly this update was just not nearly as strong as the last one it introduced only minor changes to existing blocks but I’ll give it some points for being announced with a hilariously cheesy trailer Winter’s coming mate I don’t think I can survive anymore where’s your coat I don’t have much wool not like I used to what happened to Steve oh my blinkers are fading me blinkers I can’t see do you mean your eyes yeah I’m really hungry for some re I’m going to [Music] start I’m all right now yeah it’s very much a product of its time they also added spawn eggs which was nice but probably the most notable addition were the music discs I’m always so proud when I collect every single one and in general I just love collecting things in video games in terms of performance I’m getting 330 FPS and just because there’s not really that much content in this update I’m putting it in B tier next we got our second nameless update $ got too this update introduced jungles which is probably one of my all-time favorite biomes but in its initial implementation it’s missing a lot of the features that make jungles so special today we did get ocelots enchantment bottles and Fire charges and that stuff is fine but we just don’t really use them all that often but we got iron golems in this update which makes iron a renewable and abundant resource we also got desert Wells and I swear the first time I found one of these I dug all around it I mined under it looking for some kind of chest or hidden secret but truly it is just a tiny structure with a little bit of water in it in a game where you don’t get thirsty in terms of performance I’m getting 350 FPS but overall this update was just very lackluster so I’m going to drop it in C tier cocoa beans on a tree hey and then a chest just for me hey emeralds trading starts chest side days LS just the best upside down levers Sandstone stairs BR new structures evil LS 1.3 our third and final nameless update we got ender chests emeralds villager trading trip wire Hooks and cocoa pods but more importantly we got two iconic structures the desert pyramid and the jungle temple honestly these structures are showing their age there’s no variation which frankly is a little bit surprising because we had strongholds clearly procedural generation was possible but they just chose not to do it for some reason it just has so much Mis potential I feel like these concepts are really cool and they could have done a lot more with it based on the content I’d probably put it in B tier if it weren’t for the egregious sin of capping the frame rate at 120 FPS and no it’s not from vsync being enabled Mojang made the baffling decision to introduce a hard cap I don’t know why they would do that but it’s there and it’s there for many updates afterwards and for that reason I’m going to drop it down to D next we have 1.4 the pretty scary update finally they added weight the best music disc in the whole game and excuse me we get command blocks too it’s like this update was made for me we also got the Wither and in some of my previous videos I hated on the Wither a little bit and I just want to say I retract all that hatred the more that I think about it the more I appreciate it if the Wither overwhelms you and gets loose it just trashes your Minecraft [Applause] [Music] world that’s a very unique consequence That You Don’t See in any other game and it’s not like it despawns either like it’s just going to be there floating free like destroying all of your builds so there’s there’s some very high stakes when you summon it if you summon it you better be able to kill it I would have put this update in a tier but I was only getting 105 FPS don’t get me wrong that’s certainly playable but I’m playing this on a high-end gaming PC that I built over a decade after this update was released the fact that cyberpunk performs better on my PC than this version of the game is frankly abysmal and for that reason I’m going to put it in B tier 1.5 the Redstone update look I’m terrible at Redstone but I know enough to see that it adds a ton of depth to Minecraft there’s not much else to say this update enables a lot of the automation that we strive for today with Hoppers Hopper mine carts and comparators we’re still locked at 120 FPS but that’s not this update’s fault based on all the amazing content I’m going to put this update in a tier next we got the 1.6 update okay picture this it’s July 1st 2013 Minecraft hit its all-time Peak popularity the world is watching and the people want to know what Mojang is going to do next and they hit us with the horse update now look don’t get me wrong I like horses I actually ride them around all the time in my survival world and I think they’re a really nice step between you know walking and the elytra in in the mid game so they’re they’re cool they’re they’re nice they’re fine but I summoned one for background footage Ag and just look at this little string bean I mean someone feed the starving Marvin I tried giving him an apple and he just inflates like a balloon I don’t remember this and I don’t know if you can tell from watching this video horses in this update handle like a school bus and riding them genuinely feels awful still locked at 120 FPS and in my opinion it’s so sad that Mojang just had the world’s attention and this is what they released at the absolute peak of the game because in my opinion this is the worst update that Minecraft has ever received so I’m going to put this in F tier but thank God Mojang turned around with the 1.7 update the update that changed the world update they added 38 new biomes Acacia and dark oak wood they reduced the size of oceans even now I feel like oceans are sometimes a little bit too big but take a look at this difference like what were they thinking making them this big to begin with I get that they were probably going for realism but usually nine times out of 10 realism in Minecraft just makes the game worse and there’s plenty of examples of this in the future which we will get to but overall this was a very good change it’s an update that’s worthy of its name and I was going to put it in a tier but I’ve been playing a little bit of every version of Minecraft for this video and what I didn’t realize was that sprinting didn’t exist until this point did people not have places to be in 2012 I I ran around and oh how I missed running around I soaked in the sights of what’s finally starting to resemble a modern Minecraft world at 950 FPS finally they reversed the infuriating decision to place a hard cap on the frame rate the game was running better than ever and so was I I’m putting it in s tier this is easily one of the best updates of all time next we got version 1.8 the Bountiful update and oh boy boy look at all these juicy new commands SL particle hubba hubba there’s some new blocks and we also got guardians look overall it’s not a bad update but it’s pretty forgettable in middle of the road the one thing that stood out to me was up until now I’ve been playing Minecraft in total silence yeah none of the audio worked until version 1.8 for me and it’s probably an issue with older versions of the game and modern audio drivers not getting along I’m not factoring that into my rating but I thought it was interesting the performance is immaculate I’m getting over 1,000 frames per second but because this update is just kind of okay I’m going to put it in B tier at this point Notch sold Minecraft for a coold $2.5 billion he is balling out of his mind partying in his mega mansion with celebrities every single night and with that gentleman and mother we have officially entered the Microsoft era now for some context it was like 2 years before Microsoft actually updated the game after buying it up until this point Minecraft was developed by a small Indie studio so having having a giant mega Corp like Microsoft swoop in had people a little bit worried and finally Microsoft breaks the Silence by dropping the 1.9 combat update this was one of the most controversial updates in Minecraft history and basically people were all been out of shape with not being able to spam click their sword honestly the community was just not in a good mood at this point so basically even if they pumped out something amazing I think that they were just going to get a lot of hate there were some servers that didn’t like the combat changes so much that they just straight up refused to move to the new versions of Minecraft and Yen said publicly that they were considering reverting those changes in retrospect to me it’s crazy the fact that people got this angry just doesn’t compute in my mind the combat has always been for me anyway a little bit of an afterthought since I’m more of a PVE type player but when I look at this update I see that we got n cities which is by far the best structure in the entire game I feel like Neo flying through the air dodging bullets the loot tables are wild I mean hands down the best loot in the entire game and I mean come on we get the ltra what I’m trying to say is stay mad pvpers overall super solid a tier next we got 1.10 the frostburn update we got polar bears husks and Strays yippe this was a very small and boring update and I’m sure most of you guys have either forgot about it or just never heard of it in the first place somehow there’s a pretty big hit in performance I’m only getting 770 FPS but yeah because this update was just so small I’m putting it in D tier 1.11 the exploration update we got Sher shells totems of undying and observers and finally we got the SL locate command which I don’t know how old school YouTubers made videos without this command let me tell you this update also introduced the Woodland Mansion it’s a cool structure but I feel like if I play a world and just don’t ever encounter it that I’m not really missing out on much although Burning It To The Ground is one of the most fun experiences that you can have I’m getting great performance at 1,000 FPS but overall this is a pretty middle of the road update B tier 1.2 the World of Color update we got concrete glazed terra cotta and parrots honestly this update just confuses me it’s one of the smallest updates the game has ever seen and it’s all we got for the entire year of 2017 and looking at the Google Trends graph it basically ushered in the Dark Age of Minecraft I know that I personally completely stopped playing the game at this point since it just started feeling so stale I was getting 830 FPS but yeah because there just wasn’t that much content in this update and after a year of Silence I’m putting it in D tier 1.13 update aquatic this was one of the most beloved updates of all time but I’m not sure it deserves to be don’t get me wrong it’s a good update we got bubble columns they overhaul oceans giving us quirrel reefs and Trident and for the first time ever they ditched the old splash screen for the panoramic view that we see today it’s a small detail but I always look forward to seeing these with each new update and despite all my good memories of 1.13 if we got this today after another year of silence for MOJ I think that people would probably be upset just because we’ve come to expect so much they’ve pumped out so many amazing updates and they’ve raised the bar in a lot of ways also I’ve seen people trash this update online saying that this was where Minecraft’s performance went downhill but that just wasn’t the case for me I was getting 1300 FPS okay I downloaded every single version of Minecraft and this is the update that had the best performance if I was a casual player I’d give this update a b but this was the update that introduced data packs which spawned in massive community of technical Minecrafters okay I literally would not be making this video if it wasn’t for 1.13 it’s no exaggeration to say that this update literally changed the course of my life in my heart it’s an S tier update but this update just wasn’t enough to reignite interest for the game for older players leading Minecraft to hit his all-time lowest point and for that reason despite how good it was in my opinion I’m going to drop it to a tier next we got 1.14 the village and pillage update we got bamboo campfires changes to villager trading the wandering Trader crossbow sweet berries cats pillagers raids and so much more this update was just unbelievably stacked and set the stage for PewDiePie’s legendary let’s play to reignite interest in the game all of my friends that stopped playing Minecraft years ago were finally playing again the game was running beautifully I was getting 1200 FPS but yeah when all of your friends who don’t typically play Minecraft download the game and play again that’s generally a really good sign s here 1.5 Buzzy Bees we got Bees and Honey and remember this was before we had copper and candle so really there wasn’t all that much you could do with honey yet I mean I guess if you were a redster maybe you’d be chuffed to bits or whatever but for us Redstone Mortals there wasn’t all that much you could do I get that this was mostly a bug fixing update so I’ll be lenient since they did introduce two massive updates in a row and I’m sure they needed a chance to address some technical debt the game is running beautifully at 850 FPS but yeah there’s just not all that much content here so CER next we got 1.16 the nether update and we got so many new blocks bastions piglins that you can Barber with four new nether biomes the amount of content that we got was insane Microsoft spent $2.5 billion acquiring Minecraft the bestselling game of all time and for years I felt like they were deathly afraid of messing up their Cash Cow but seeing them take risks like this and adding an additional tier of equipment above of diamond and bringing On Lena rain to compose bangers like pigstep was refreshing and ambitious the game’s running beautifully at 800 FPS this is the best update of all time and it’s not even close s tier next we got 1.7 caves and cliffs part one look I’m not going to harp on the caves and cliffs drama it’s been talked to death by so many other YouTubers but in short Mojang was feeling confident coming out of their last update and they over promised during Minecraft live had the split up caves and cliffs into like three separate updates in the play player base was angry at them for like a full two years afterwards the whole situation was just a giant mess and honestly it overshadowed some great content that Mojang put out for us you know that said it was easy for people to kind of dunk on them when caves and cliffs part one delivered neither caves nor Cliffs instead it clumsily dropped in a bunch of the new blocks into the existing World Moss bro I don’t know just tossed it into the Shipwreck chests or something it added deep slate to the bottom of the world while still keeping the old cave generation it’s the ugly stepchild of Minecraft updates truly an Abomination but the blocks that they did add were fun and interesting becoming Staples in modern Minecraft Builds they also changed a lot of the existing textures and the game just looks so much better now in my opinion so many players were focused on what they were missing that they couldn’t appreciate 1.7 for what it was an amazing game-changing update that didn’t deserve the hate it received the game’s running at 670 FPS and in retrospect this update was fantastic a tier next we got 1.18 caves and cliffs part two this update made me appreciate 1.17 a lot more we got caves and cliffs in this update yeah but it made me realize the true meat of the update came from the blocks and the fun game mechanics that we got in 1.7 this update gave us some of the most amazing views in Minecraft and it made exploration feel fresh and exciting for the first time in years on default settings I’m getting 550 FPS but on higher render distances that number drops to as low as 20 FPS so yeah in my opinion opinion this is about where OptiFine and sodium become mandatory overall fantastic update a tier next we got version 1.19 the Wild update which players mockingly called the mild update we got the deep dark which is cool but the loot is underwhelming and the Redstone components aren’t really used that much try to think of your favorite Redstone YouTuber and odds are you’re not going to see them using skull sensors all that often Mojang also added aays which seemingly nobody uses I ran a community Pole on it and the numbers were not looking good the game’s running fine however I’m getting 650 FPS but ultimately I feel like the features of this update were just haphazardly introduced without any real thought or consideration for how they’d fit into the game and for that reason I’m putting it in D tier next we got version 1.20 trails and tales yeah we got some cool things like armor trims Cherry Groves and dinosaurs and camels all those are epic and then we have archaeology okay when I think of archaeology I imagine Indiana Jones whipping German soldiers and chasing down the Holy Grail I imagine jackiechan and Uncle finding the magic talismans I don’t want to brush a piece of dirt off a pottery Shard I want to fight Dwayne The Rock Johnson’s head on the body of a scorpion real life sucks that’s why we play video games no one’s asking for the taxes and dental visits update if you’re a regular viewer of the channel you’re probably interested in game design and cod if that’s you you’ll love today’s video sponsor brilliant Brilliance courses make complex topics like coding fun and approachable I wish I had brilliant when I was first learning how to code because it would have made my life so much easier there’s courses in math physics data analysis and so much more so whether you’re wanting to learn something completely new or sharpen an existing skill brilliant has a course for you my favorite part about brilliant is that it 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Every Minecraft update explained and ranked in a tier list. To try everything Brilliant has to offer—free—for a full 30 days, visit https://brilliant.org/Whimzee/ . You’ll also get 20% off an annual premium subscription.

I analyzed the past 15 years of Minecraft updates from 1.0 to 1.20. Do you guys agree with my rankings? Where would you put Tricky Trials on this tier list?

Check out my Patreon for exclusive content: https://www.patreon.com/WhimzeeYT

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0:00 1.0 Adventure
1:02 1.1 Nameless
1:57 1.2 Nameless
2:46 1.3 Nameless
3:54 1.4 Pretty Scary
5:07 1.5 Redstone
5:29 1.6 Horse
6:38 1.7 38 New Biomes
7:55 1.8 Bountiful
9:07 1.9 Combat
10:05 1.10 Frostburn
10:27 1.11 Exploration
11:02 1.12 World of Color
11:34 1.13 Aquatic
12:55 1.14 Village and Pillage
13:30 1.15 Buzzy Bees
14:03 1.16 Nether
14:43 1.17 Caves and Cliffs pt. 1
15:58 1.18 Caves and Cliffs pt. 2
16:36 1.19 Wild
17:14 1.20 Trails and Tales

FTC disclaimer: This video was sponsored by Brilliant.


  1. The horse you spawned was a baby.
    Yes baby horses are that spindly.
    Also, personally I think the horse update should be at least slightly higher given that the horses are the ones from Mo' Creatures back in the day and Dr. Zhark even had his name in the credits for it (I don't know if Dr. Zhark's credit is still in the game or not)

  2. 7:25 bruh, sprinting was added in beta 1.8, you just had to double tap the walk button. 1.7 added sprint button (left ctrl) not sprinting itself.
    Honestly how did you miss this? Making research for this video should have been insanely easy with the wiki

  3. Honestly, grading the versions on performance rather than actual content makes this tier list sort of invalid for me. I don‘t care if i have 1000 or 800 fps. If my eyes can‘t spot the difference, i won‘t complain. And no, you won‘t see a difference between 150 and 300 fps

  4. You're a child if you think 1.20 is F-tier. Armor trims and archeology are two of the coolest systems the game has ever seen and that update laid the groundwork for them. 1.20 also gave us some of the best songs the game has ever seen and with FPS being such a massive part of your rankings, you completely overlooked the fact that 1.20 was also a bug-fixing update that doubled FPS for the majority of players. Super hypocritical. You gave an update that only introduced 4 new blocks and 1 new mob grace for being a bug fixing update, but you think 1.20 adding twenty times as much content and doing a better job with bug fixes is seriously F tier? Plus the village and pillage update broke so much of the game, I can't believe you'd put it in S. 1.20 had to work overtime trying to undo some of the damage done by 1.14

  5. Brother didn't even mention the banger (unofficial) 1.5 update song that they featured in the gamer's launcher.


  6. Hard disagree on 1.20. Trail ruins and the reworked older structures are what has driven me to explore the Overworld more in search of all the different pottery sherds and (even if I don't use them) armour trims, and my only complaint about the sniffer is that it doesn't dig up 1 or 2 more plant types.

  7. 1.21 is s, look bro they finally added new painting sizes!!! The rest of the update is epic, but THIS?!? Bro it’s unreal

  8. 1.20 being f tier is quite possibly one of the worst opinions I have ever heard. You didn't even consider armor trims, which is one of the best features they've added in a long time, or cherry wood, which is the best wood. I understand putting it low cause it's kinda underwhelming but F-tier is far too low, C tier would be more appropriate. Also, trail ruins are fun to explore if you actually explore them.

  9. I was wondering why this video felt so rushed, then I realized that it's almost the end of the month lol. I understand my man I respect the hustle.

  10. 1.3 D tier because of 120 FPS??? Bruh, I used to play on 20 FPS all the time because I never touched the settings and I was FINE with it. Who do you think you are, fancy PC owner? You better look at us back in the day, Whimzee.

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