Minecraft but Can YOU Hit The Target?

this is the curved Minecraft shot one of the hardest shots in Minecraft and that’s only level one of four so not only am I setting these up and making them crazier but my goal is to have my friend will give up and admit to fee so let’s begin with level one which isn’t much space but we’ll make it work in my inventory I first have the target which we’ll be placing it right here but they’re going to be needing to shoot from right here inside this green thing and as you can see that’s not really possible not until we add this which is just called a shield or a villager holding a shield so if we go right here this is a villager with a shield so let’s put one right here right here right here right here and right here there we go now that’s going to be a curve shot so if we shoot this guy it’ll curve but you got to shoot the right angle and we did it and this is only difficulty easy so now let’s put the target back real quick and let’s see if King Tong can hit Level One King Tong welcome well to level one level easy are you good at shooting arrows well I think I’m good at shooting arrows not as good as you but yeah I think I got this look look i’ I’ve done it myself here’s what you’re doing First grab the arrow in the chest you got a bow and a sack of arrows it’s all you need and the most important part before we get to the shot is this give up button if at any point you feel like giving up and losing the challenge you can go ahead and you know press it at any point go go Ahad and pick it up and uh it’ll be with you this entire time yeah I mean I’ll take it but I’m not going to use it I’ll tell you that for a fact okay whatever you say anyways though as you can see this is a curve shot your goal is to just stand on the green thing and hit that Target that Target yes that Target right there once you hit it that’s easy level done is that glass yeah you’re going to have to curve around the glass okay I’m on the Block can he do it first one right about here bang oh oh what first attempt that’s way too easy Nester way too easy what was that you know what let’s get to the next level and make it it’s going to be a lot harder no no don’t look at me like that now that we’re done with easy now let’s get to medium difficulty where we have now a giant Target Block in my hand don’t let it size fool you where it’s main thing is where we can just right click it and it puts down a giant Target block this is only target number one and for a big Target we need a big bow well let me show you guys these arrows oh oh you’re good it’s cuz he subscribed and as you can tell this is not the final Target but they’re actually going to be shooting from right here this time and so now their goal will be to just shoot this guy and it destroys it they didn’t win yet though because they’re going to be going down to the actual tier 2 where they can jump all the way down by the way let me put that back there we go and so now we’re in tier two where as you can see it’s a room full of empty targets these aren’t the the real ones but their goal is to make it right there luckily though I already have some stuff in the chest set up which includes an Infinity bow some Target blocks for along the way and finally an add build block I’ll get to that soon but pretty much they’ll get in here and see two item frames one with the arrow they need and the bow they need and now let me show you guys what I have set up this right here is the first part very standard parkour and their goal will simply be to hit that block right there cuz it opens up the road the next part is going to be the Slime area with Mr slime right there and right here you’ll see three Target blocks we’re going to be replacing those so real quick let’s break that and instead put this target slime block right here let’s put one here and here and let me demonstrate what happens when you break this one it drops them all the way down so they’re going to be shooting all the way to up there I’ll reset that in a bit and now once to get here the next part very simple again got to shoot this Arrow right there opens up an area make it in time and get to the next part which is going to be the amethyst section where it’s the amethyst decoys these guys do absolutely nothing so really they got to make it all the way up here and finally make it to level twoo now you might be wondering what’s the final Target well it’s actually right here this is the real Target where it’s actually going to be spawning from the start and it’s literally a bunny look at the little guy what’s up man and so that’s the Target right there where they just got to shoot him once and then they won that being said imagine this bunny flying through this entire thing it’s a game of catch while trying to do all these parkour thingies so let’s say the bunny gets all the way over here they’re now going to have to get through room number two which luckily we have a chest for already set up which has three new targets the lime glass Target the blue glass Target and the invisible block Target let’s grab all those and I’ll get to them very soon anyways let me show you guys what I planed with the build first we have a lava got to start making it deadly cuz if they die they lose and now for a way for them to get across honey in a sand glass puzzle where as you can tell all that sand is going to fall now for the actual targets of this area where real quick we have Target one right there Target two and finally at the end they’re going to be doing a parkour that leads to the third one let me show you guys let’s break this put in l block one there let’s put in the blue one right here and finally this is what happens when we put the invisible one right about here not much right away but something happens when we hit it so they’re going to get right here first they got to get all the way down with the honey and so now the goal is to hit that guy so they’ll just shoot this and here comes the green and now they have a direct path to the blue and when they shoot the blue oh there we go perfect shot all that’s going to fall right there for a nice little parkour and now after doing all that it’s time for the last Target which when broken it’s going to give them 3 seconds now I is invisible so literally everything’s gone and if they shoot it again it’s back but only for 3 seconds yeah it’s going to get pretty hard so every segment they got to shoot that thing and hope they can make it to the top in time now that’s room number two done and let’s not forget that they are chasing this guy all the way through here into the final room right there but for now you’ll be chilling okay time for the next area where it’s emptied out now and we’re going to start with the chest right here before anything with room number three we’re going to be needing a stack of lasers yep I said that right and five Target lock eggs I’ll explain those in a bit but first let’s add the first bar of the build where it’s going to separate it into different sections and you can see the theme right there lasers a lot of them and in the middle we’ll have that section and a little bit of obstacles and the location of every Target so instead of this guy we actually have that guy there we go just little placeholders and there’s going to be five of these and they’re called luck for a reason cuz this is actually going to be closed let’s look for bedrock and now let’s just place these all in the door is blocked I have no idea how the bunny’s going to get through here but oh well and when they shoot all these that opens now for the hard part they’re going to have to avoid this guy the laser and so we have so many of them I’m going to place them everywhere guys like literally lasers everywhere oh gosh my computer does not like this so for reference it starts a little easy they can just go up here make it here oh gosh and then it gets crazy oh gosh oh gosh okay okay okay you guys got the point and to make it a little harder let’s put a laser right there too now this is a difficult room but if they do open up the Bedrock and make it here this is going to be the last one and where the bunny’s going to be now time for the final room we’re in this chest we have everything we need which is a honey block that’s everything they’re going to need but first let’s have the build which is going to be a nice gratzi area with clouds and some trees and beehives for the honey of course now for what’s inside the chest that’s where we’re going to put the honey blocks and now for the actual Target this is the bunny and he’s going to be jumping all over the place wait where’d he go um I think I lost him oh is that him there he is oh my gosh he’s moving so fast yep he’s crazy and it’s going to be hard shoot him and now that’ll complete medium difficulty let’s see if kingt can do it okay time for medium level are you ready sir this one’s going to be a lot harder and you’re going to be needing a giant bow and one Arrow yeah have one chance to do this but you just got to shoot the target in front of you but that might not be the final Target I’m just saying that’s a very big bow and a very little arrow is this going to work ah you you’ll see what happens I’m just going to hit the target here we go oh oh and you may now move forward you have opened up the real tier 2 where first level is to get to the bottom of that water oh and also catch that buddy if you can what is that that’s the real Target and see if you can make it to the end oh and there he goes wait it’s cooking I’m going I’m going oh yep uh he he has super speed by the way oh yep you’re going to have to do a few more steps before you can get there okay so if you look in front of you there are some highlighted Target blocks those will be important very soon to progress but I’m going to need to give you one thing before you go forward okay so you need this guy and you also need these guys all right that’s all you’re getting okay the bow is down there you want me to go down I got you I got you I got you no no no problem you know it is the medium difficulty I won’t make it harder than it already is but I’m just saying enjoy the medium difficulty while it’s here okay oh I see a Target here we go there’s a Target okay uhoh yep yep and I might as well mention now if you die it’s over so uh be careful with that Health H I got two hearts Nesta I mean you better make these jumps now come on buddy okay I got to be really careful then and got to be quick got to be quick with it going to push me off if I’m not careful oh man I thought you were going to fall for that one okay nicely done oh and he barely made it now two hearts the three little slime areas got two of them with one pop very nice uh you might want to do one last one hit two in one right there okay okay now the question is Nesta am I going to survive that final jump with two hearts you know what I’ll be nice I’m not going to give you food until you make to the next part but here you go buddy do your thing okay I think I can deal with that here we go okay okay okay 1 2 3 easy nicely done okay you can may move on forward I don’t know if I trust this Nesta every single time there’s always something new what am I doing it okay that’s nice I can do this it’s it’s a quick one though here we go oh nicely done next up and now the amethyst area we literally it’s just a little parkour you’re good at this you’re good to go and I’ll be waiting for you at the very end with your prize just for winning this one and here I am all right sir have some good Cod and let me introduce you to the next area which is going to be a bit more target practice but I’m just saying you got to still shoot the bunny if you can find it anyways keep going buddy we get down here carefully oh I see a Target block all right here we go I’m here oh okay okay I shoot this one oh now look up here comes the first level of sand you may move forward all right I’m safe on this right this isn’t going to sink uh no originally it was supposed to be barriers but the lava’s a little bit better okay now can you do the blue oh an off angle shot I actually missed oh no I didn’t I got it oh oh wow okay nice job now for this one uh yeah you’re going to have to get in the lava uh or the magma or okay okay taking the right steps I respect it oh I’m flying oh yeah for for for this one uh I I got you I got you one sec one sec potion of Le oh wait what oh okay I don’t know how you did that but you know what I’m a wizard hey yo I’m a wizard Nester just leave it at that all right get to the next one this one’s the hardest in my opinion go ahead this is just the medium level oh oh oh oh that’s the hard part oh I see and 3 2 1 okay he’s doing it okay this is the hardest one I feel like no that was close I’m just saying death and you lose all right let’s try this again here we go oh oh here it goes here it goes okay that’s an easy one I got to be quicker this time here we go three two that’s a big jump got it oh that was close oh gosh the jumps are going to be more fall damage now oh I go back I go back here we go here we go he’s going he’s going he’s going he’s going he’s going okay nicely done one last one this is a lot though oh is it possible let’s see this is a long way no I I got this i got this okay okay let’s see it done here we go here we go here we go oh gosh if he falls he dies that’s it that’s it that’s it that’s it that’s it he’s crazy welcome to the third room where as you can tell lot of lasers your goal is to break all these Target locks to unlock the Bedrock door at the end if you get hit by a laser then um you’ll see what happens if you die I’m sorry buddy but you’re done have fun let me push you in have fun um no no you know what I have a better idea all right I’m spawning in the ravager in three two one y yep that that’ll do it okay oh gosh okay okay okay he’s going straight for it okay good good Dodge so far I got to say the lasers do get more difficult as you progress oh gosh oh gosh jump that one oh the jump just saying you did miss one target block it is a little bit high above oh oh I see I see I see oh with the quick shot nice nice hey got to be careful where where’s the next one there one right here okay nicely done and cuz I didn’t want to spawn a ravager I I’ll have one guy right there that was close that was close oh it’s chasing you I don’t know where to go he’s got to go for it you’s got to go for it oh the ravager is getting hit by the lasers the lasers is saving you get me up oh no oh that’s one hit okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait got to be quick got to be quick oh wait that’s going to be the last blck I got to go oh and it’s open I’m through well done you made it to the last room let me real quick save your back there we go now that you’re chopped in here go forward and now all you need will be in that chest it’s a lot of Honey blocks a stack of them and you might need them to catch your target which is the buddy jumping around if you manage to shoot him and beat him you win the area now can you do it or do you want to give up oh I’m not giving up I’m going to shoot him without the honey blocks watch this ready okay okay first try here we go here we go wait not first try second try oh what it’s a way smaller hit box than you think if I look at the hit boxes right now that thing is the size of an arrow hit box the size of an arrow yeah no it’s it’s very tiny and it has Max Speed and jump maybe I will use the honey blocks oh he’s in the trees oh gosh oh gosh oh okay okay no that was so close he’s so quick with it he’s so quick with it come on come on buddy I’m getting juked left and right no that was so it I could make this a little bit more interesting and it maybe if you don’t get the bunny in the next 60 seconds uh a couple ravagers will spawn in what yeah yep yep making rolls as I go come on where is it where is it where is it yes no this Buddy’s actually so hard 30 seconds left oh gosh oh gosh yes oh oh that was so close you know what well done I’ll give it to you I’ll see you at level three see you soon time for heart difficulty where I already have a base area which doesn’t look like much but the item in my hot part is going to help which is going to be the rocket egg so literally let’s go up right here right click this and we have the Subscribe AR rocket this is going to be taking them somewhere very special show soon that being said first you got to be subscribed to sake the rocket so click that button right now and then what king Tong’s going to do is just right click here and here we go we’re going up and we made it to as you can see a Super Target Arrow parkour with area one two and three where immediately they’re going to be greeted with of course the give up button and the bow and arrows they’re going to need because with these guys they’re going to have to go through every section where there’s not only spinny bows but literal Target platforms that they’re going to be jumping onto and the final goal is on that big Target right there but this is where we come in we have this wrench right here and we’ve done this before but we can actually up the velocity of these guys and make it a little bit harder where literally they can be right here and they got to time it perfectly now oh no no no oh this could happen oh gosh you guys get the point though and if they fall they got to start all over right there or they could give up so let’s change this up a little bit speed it up cuz why not can’t make it too easy and then they’ll get to this moving Arrow part where yet again let’s go to the bottom right here and let’s change this to be 95 now watch this oh wait this might be too much oh oh yeah that was a bad idea okay how about 10 we’ll keep it at 10 where they’re just going to have to dodge all these and make it to the end over here and for difficulty I’ll just make the last one a little bit harder let’s change it to what about 21 okay I think this is the max but this will be the hard one where oh gosh they can pretty much get caught and they got to make it over here so that’ll be the first area done next up they’ll just jump through all these little targets right here which aren’t the real targets they got to shoot and the mission will be simple jump so they got to jump here and they’ll be going on this jump pad which will send them to another jump pad right here on an arrow and now for the hard part this jump pad it sends them to two decisions they can go left and go all the way up in a weird way let’s demonstrate by going right here and oh gosh this is the hard part okay okay oh no oh no okay there we go and then they got to jump on that yeah that that that that that’s going to take me a couple tries or they can juggle this thing or they got to jump right here there we go time it perfectly get on the bow and then get on that ladder which only will work if they can get to the very tip and jump there oh gosh oh I almost didn’t make it and of course there’s another bow to pick them up literally everything is moving this is the bow moving area we’re yet again let’s make the last one a little bit harder speed this up to around 14 that makes it a lot harder then they’ll get on this Arrow jump from block to block and reach the final area right here where all they got to do is go on this jump pad get up here go on another jump pad and there’s the Target right in front of us it’s spinning in circles and there’s a couple bumpy areas around us but if they just go up right here their goal really is to just shoot that Target right there uh but it’s a lot harder than it looks let me see if I can get it third try second nope okay okay it’s going to be right there watch this guys watch this it’s all about the timing nope I barely missed right about there oh we got it nice and that’ll complete the area and to make this a little harder we’re going to be spawning a ravager right there in the middle so without that being done now let’s see if they can survive this welcome back to level three where now it gets a lot harder and you have two missions right now first are you subscribed to the channel uh yeah always why would I not be good good stuff good stuff now just go onto the rocket ship and ride to where it takes you what are you coming with um you’re on your own for this one have fun oh there he goes and LIF off bye have fun what uh nesa what is this welcome to the create mod world where your goal is to get to that big platform up there you see it up there yeah I see it that’s where you got to get to go in the chest real quick you’re going to be needing the give up button above bow with arrows of course but you’re not going to be shooting until the very end and your food now all I’m going to say is your goal is see that platform up there this one that is where you’re going to go now if you die you’re going to be coming back to the spot and resetting over and over again and I guess you can go move forward whenever you need to are you really sure I still need this give up button I mean you might need it very soon I’m I’m just saying these jumps are going to be hard no way you do this first try I feel like you’ve done first try pretty much everything I’ve given you okay this is crazy okay there’s one okay okay okay that’s the first jump done he’s crazy with it okay that’s a big jump oh oh oh oh he’s going to give some momentum going and when’s he going to go when is he going to go okay now okay he’s crazy all right now the next jump is even crazier can you do that jump right there is this even bigger is that is that four blocks and it’s the fastest spinning bow when that passes okay now oh that’s too good oh he’s crazy oh that was close okay just make sure you don’t get knocked down I’m just saying if you die you got to do this over and over again and remember the give up button is right there you can quit any point but he’s taking it nice and slow I respect it hey I get faked out by this we’ll take this one quickly oh oh that was close that was close that was close that was close get off oh that was close he’s crazy with it I’m going to skip a couple here we go all right skipping them I see all right you’re on to almost the next phase jump down there yeah you just got to jump down there not not the easiest jump but you got it you sure yeah I’m very sure you got it look at that here we go now I do recommend stand still when you go on these things on what things oh on this okay I don’t trust this nesto what what is happening am I you can just walk onto it it’s not that bad are you sure okay yeah I’m very sure you got it oh oh that was close oh you almost fell off okay okay there’s another one right there you don’t know where it’s going to take you but just trust it I don’t know if I could trust this you got to trust it man come on you got it bling me this way up there here we it it does get a bit more difficult okay and now you have two decisions right or left I’m not going to tell you which one’s easier that’s up to you right or left okay so I’m going on here onto the bow onto the L this is hard Nester this is really good you got this you got this he’s doing it I got to wait for the right timing this is this is tough oh come on come on go for it go for it wait wait wait next time next time next time next time okay he really wants to Ace it now oh oh oh what a play oh it’s not done yet it’s done yet me on the end here we go oh oh here he goes oh oh I almost SL oh oh no all right looks like got to do all over again okay this time this time this time don’t get no okay hey you’re getting a little rusty you did have a few uh bad tries there here we go here we go here we go can’t fail this I got it okay don’t get knocked off by the head wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it go nice nice nice spinning ladder of Doom okay we’re back we’re so back now you’re in the tower of spinning bows can you you get to the very top it’s not the hardest one but the top one might be the fastest one that’s all I’m saying oh gosh you got to wait it good timing oh again there you go again you can give up any moment okay here you go again I’m just saying man if you mess it up again that’s all that all over again not messing it up I’ve already figured out how easy this is in my brain just watch okay just watch all right all right he’s been thinking about it R free in his head wait for it wait for it wait for it there we go oh okay good stuff good stuff now on to the next ladder wow okay that’s really out there get over here we’re going to take this one head on here we go this one’s fast okay that’s really fast yeah that that’s that’s a little thing I added oh gosh you got to do perfect timing now okay we’re up we’re up we’re now can you get on to the last arrows I’m so disoriented I’m going onto here yeah it’s a little dizzy it’s a little dizzy I’m so sorry dude that is so fast I’m not giving up okay then oh oh that was better that was better that was better oh my gosh oh you might want to be on the other side y I see okay use the momentum nice no oh that was crazy how did I do that oh man I really thought I was cooking for a second I actually was oh that’s your only opportunity oh wait no that’s not the spot you have to get all the way up there wait wait yeah wait you can big brain this I’ll let you break the wool if you can do it wait I got it I got it I got it I got it okay okay get away with this oh oh no oh no this is karma this is karma this is karma oh no this is so bad you got to do all over de no oh that was so close I’m dying that’s hilarious oh my goodness all right we’re back again will can you make the simple jump okay let me actually make the jump this time oh here he goes nice we got it okay I’m going to be more cautious this time and there we go all right nicely done and this one is going to take me to the big Target this is it this is the finale here we go up there oh wait no he did spawned I had a ravager you had a ravager up here why did you keep trying to spawn ravagers on me Nest though what happen you had enough ship all you got to do is shoot the moving Target and also don’t get knocked off oh oh you’re right about getting knocked off wow that that almost happened on shooting target right there can you do it first try oh good try Okay this took me a lot of tries I’m just saying so no that’s so close I’m just saying there’s only one left if you do do this or you can give up right there yes oh what a shot I saw that light up that’s well done that’s level three done now let’s get to level four well we made it time for level impossible where we have a way bigger area and all they’re going to need is an Infinity bow and a normal Arrow now let me show you guys what we got going on let me right click and this time they’re going to be shooting all the way down into void this is going to be the Tower of death where if you go all the way down here there’s pretty much nothing but that’s where we come in let’s right click this again and as you can see a little Bedrock block shows up we don’t need the fence but we do need this egg which is literally Nester in a boat yep that’s it and we’re just going to place it right there that is the target it’s me with the Target on my chest but they got to do a lot of steps first right here this is level one of 21 where they’re going to be going from here all the way to the final level in platform so from all the way up there they’re going to shoot me wait why did he move there what what where the Bedrock go huh what are you doing now for how they get down there let’s go up and all they got to do is step on that thing but let me put a sign right here before they enter warning one death equals game over there are no Second Chances on this one let’s also get some red Dy to make it dramatic so like I said this is The Impossible possible level and when they go on this guy they’re going to be teleported down there and make their way up there now for what’s inside of each level cuz each level matters there’s going to be one thing on level one two things on level two and at level 21 up here 21 things so now let’s go to the bottom floor and so this is the chest for level one we’re inside we have only one egg for level one where the target is going to be this one target chicken now with 21 levels you might know where this is going L break that keep them right there and between each floor until the target’s broken there’s going to be some Bedrock Block in it I can simply open Bedrock floor and it’ll go away once they’re done now for the next level two target sheep look at these guys the next level is going to have the target Pig which right there there they go and for the fourth one we have the cows these guys have better textures the target cows definitely look like targets and so far it’s pretty harmless very easy targets but wait till the Hostile Mobs come in cuz this is going to be more of a different one where we have five villagers holding arrows these guys might look familiar to you guys but pretty much they’re going to be hostile and we also have some canons see these canons right here they’re going to help with actually getting all the way up let’s get these all over the place now to show you guys how it works all you got to do is right click them and if I was in survival it launched me all the way up and they’ll end up right up here which leads them to floor number I have no idea what floor is this oh six where it’s a passive mom but they can get hurt by them the target bees oh and they’re slowly turning into their target form all right let’s go to the seventh floor where we have the target zombie look at these guys simple zombies next up is the Enderman literally Target Enderman and there’s going to be so many mobs in this Tower oh also there’s Target cods uh yeah I I don’t know what I was thinking with this one but they they’re just kind of flopping around they’re doing their thing 10 arrow shooting villagers where all these guys they’ll be a little hostile hey it’s only 10 of them on to 11 which this is where it starts getting very difficult it’s Target witches again we’re trying to make it impossible and they do still have the give up button might as well get the skeletons into the team also they do make a lot of sense come on Mr Target skeletons 13 is going to have the creepers yeah look at that red creeper Target thing and for 14 we have spiders but they’re gigantic I’m talking massive Target get spiders I thought it was getting a little too easy by just doing normal mobs so this will be a nice fresh air upper on to 15 we’re up in the clouds now we have five of three different ones we have the creepers again simple we have the skeletons again and the zombies but this time they’re gigantic yeah look at them oh my goodness all right let’s get past the clouds on to the next one and for 16 they have the Target pillagers and again reminder if they die at any point uh that that that’s the game done video done so I’m kind of rooting for that cuz I put a lot of into this one and I don’t want to lose 17 we have the Wither skeleton but a lot bigger look at these guys I’m I’m I’m just going to spam them everywhere holy cow they’re Giants and finally number 18 we got lots of blazes and uh you can imagine how they are literally just Target blazes I will be surprised if they make it up this far but we still have three more levels or this one it’s going to be 19 and evokers are never an easy thing it’s literally normal evokers but all Targets there you go my friends and now the second to last one ravagers I don’t know if they can get past this one ravagers are insane they might have Health but if they get hit by any I don’t think they’re going to survive this yep that should be good with the ravagers and now for the final one guys this is going to be a little dramatic but I did Withers and 21 of them oh gosh it’s a little goofy but they’re there but there’s still one final floor guys I thought that was the final floor but I forgot about the target Warden guys yep there are going to be 22 of these Target wardens where they still do Warden damage but they’re only one hit but they can one hit you I will be genuinely impressed if they make it to this floor where there’s absolutely nothing and I’ll just go and put a sign saying good job how now hit the shot cuz that’s really the only Mission left hitting the shot where they got to go down here and see if they can even hit the shot down there Watch Me Hit it first try there’s no way but let me tell you guys how hard it is they have many tries but if we go all the way down that hit boox it’s not that big and they can always click the give up button if they make it that far so without further Ado this is the Tower of death that’s supposed to be impossible and now let’s see if they can do it here we go well welcome to the final and most impossible level this is the Tower of uh death or Doom or shots who knows uh you you you can name it once you’re done with it if you do get done with it but all you need is this bow and arrow which I’ll pass to you right now oh I I broke them uh one sec there is your bow Infinity one bow that’s it that’s all you’re giving me for impossible just Infinity one just Infinity 1 and read the sign one death equals game over now let me tell you what your target is all the way down here I’m going to be going all the way down there is uh do you see me down here I see you well right beside me is an excess stal with a Target shirt that’s your target if you hit him you win this entire video and you might get a little prize that being said if you do die along the way well bad luck for you and also you’re going to be starting at the bottom of this Tower and making your way all the way to the very top where you got to try to shoot me from the diving board yes you can either dive and risk it or just you know shoot for a while and maybe give up so have fun and uh you may begin when you go to the circle what do I get if I win Nea um I’m as will tell you right now $1,000 have fun th th000 yes you know what I could do with $11,000 you can buy a lot of Minecrafts I could I’m going in okay oh and he’s in now there’s one target for the floor You’re On Target chicken bye-bye there you go and now beating that chicken Target allows you to move on to the next level yep that’s me and don’t worry I might help you just knowing how close your shots are go on to the next level there’s a lot of them and it might not be fun when they get hostile okay I’ll get sheep that’s easy very nice onto floor three hey the target pigs they’re not supposed to move right oh they’re just chilling up in the corner that’s nice and easy I mean it’s pretty easy at first so you know have fun just make your way all the way up so far you’ve gone up like 30 blocks wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait are these HTI I I did say enjoy while it does last easy cuz now they’re going to start attacking you you may continue going up can I get food you know what I got you I got you buddy well what type of food do you want golden carrots you know what I’ll give you the golden carrots just cuz you did a good job with the other ones but uh yeah have fun you may continue on all here we go on to the next y oh wait you got all them in one hit I got a collat wait how many was that 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 yeah know that that that was a good bit of them but now you got to take the cannon to shoot you all the way up and see if you can make it up what right click the cannon and see what happens wait there he goes oh okay you got to get to the staircase buddy the staircase if I fall all the way down I’m done he’s got the strats up here like this onto this one get a little bouncy action come on no oh you knocked the cannon down you’re going to have to pick it another one no this is not going well for me that’s these canons are so hard to use oh gosh okay get me under this one okay that that’s a good one oh there we go he made it all right on to the next one the Bedrock has been opened and are you a fan of bees I hate bees I really like bees in real life I’m a big fan of bees and saving bees here they come here they come I like honey too oh hey let’s see what about the next one go on zombies get him oh oh he’s bow spamming he’s bow spamming okay oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah very well done got the bow spam unlock H maybe hitting these will be a little harder oh here they come they should get trapped oh wait they do get trapped they don’t get trapped oh oh oh not very strong that’s good okay okay making good moves next one’s a little goofy why is it already oh okay yeah yeah it’s uh it’s a it’s a fish these angry fish oh nope it’s just straight up fish they’re just a bit annoying they’re so annoying this might be worse than the bunny oh my goodness okay you got one oh my goodness he’s struggling with this one this is not cool I mean let me see these hit boxes oh yeah they are uh pretty much the size of the arrows actually they’re half the size of an arrow huh yeah this a lot harder than the bunny actually I didn’t even think about that this is really difficult oh oh you got another one you’re getting pretty good at this nice long shot go oh oh wait oh you just slapped it I mean that counts technically x four are you ready though for these guys Ah that’s not nice that’s not nice that’s not nice oh wait you you they they they just self-destructed what did I do with these guys that’s I thought this was impossible okay you know what keep that attitude up cuz uh that does get harder just saying not only you’re shooting but the skeletons are too oh okay okay I’m farming oh there they go come on buddy I’m not missing I’m not I missed oh okay nicely done wait can I shoot these ones through the floor no no cheesing it come on let me cheese it no they’re literally stuck what is this yes oh my goodness wait let me cheese let me cheese yes that’s creepers too yeah the there might be two left but I I I think you got under control get him get him get him get him oh that was close that was fast yeah you know what that’s the last last one what about wither skeletons get them boys I hate wither skeletons I hate wither skeletons chase him down chase him down that’s stuck yes no I didn’t think of the whole size you know these are three blocks Tall come on my goodness all right on to the next floor this feels like bait USA this just feels like you’re making this easier and easier to loophole the further I go up I don’t know about these guys spiders do your thing come on come on don’t let me down oh oh wait they’re they’re they’re they’re hitting you oh that was close Okay that was one of the closest yet why are there witches in here too oh you got to mix it up a little bit make it harder all right make it to the next one okay he’s going for the shots oh gosh oh gosh I swear these guys should have been large but you know what come on it’s all good it’s all good I’m counting on the last two hey the skeletons are the worst by far gosh oh losing the bow fight to the skeleton interesting never never never wow we’re in the clouds now onto the pillagers get them he get down the stairs careful come on okay the bow spam you know it’s working out pretty well nice no damage taken that was good because I did not eat before I went into that oh this is a good one come on you guys got this get them fire wait they’re not doing fire these fake Blaze are just Tred to send a bunch of Andy candy canes at me all right well are you ready for this next one oh my gosh they’re dying by themselves what are they doing wait that’s good oh no that’s not good wait oh Vex are so tough oh they die when I shoot them oh nice oh no that’s good I hear the heartbeat though oh well are you ready for this next one this is uh not the heartbeat just yet oh go on my ravagers oh gosh oh he is running for his life he’s running for his life I got to get them stuck right I did not think you know what no no we’re not doing this go rers okay wait they’re not going to be smart enough to get me here but I fell okay it’s good though it’s good though it’s good though one two no oh that was close good shot good shot okay that’s that’s going to be that area done now are you ready for this area will I don’t want this okay well uh what is that it’s a machine gun Arrow time your goal really is see if you can survive that have fun oh okay two and one okay not the domino effect oh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh they’re coming for you no that was sick well done it’s so loud there’s nothing here right now but go up are you ready for this next one no you’re going to have to make this one very quick this is not possible oh yes there is I will let you use your hands in this one when needed I can’t see oh you already know what the next level is if you can’t see oh gosh oh is he doing it this is impossible okay all right you did it that’s all the weather’s done now for the next one it’s time for the wardens buddy this is the hardest one can you do it before it’s trick shot time I’m just going I can’t see oh he he’s literally just bow spamming oh gosh they’re slowly going to go to him oh gosh oh they’re all on the stairs I see them oh he’s crazy come on nice here they come no oh oh come on that’s it oh that was close there’s only two left and of course they’re stuck at the corner be free my friends don’t let them free leave them there in the blindness I got them you did it oh my goodness will come up read the sign and it’s time how will you you do this you got to hit the shot at the bottom you have two options this is it you can either you know be very gutsy and jump down and try to hit it the easy way well it’s not really easy or I can see how many attempts it’ll take you from all the way down here and we can just watch you fail over and over again all right you go all the way down I’m all the way down right here I’m right under the target can you hit it you’re right under the target I’m right under the Target no way you do this first try here we go there it goes oh wait where’s there that’s oh that was a little off not where I shot hold on oh here it comes here it comes here it comes o that was a close one oh gosh wait this is a little nerve-wracking that’s I might I might jump wait what what do you mean you’ll jump I you know what do it do it I jump this is a $1,000 jump that is so gutsy are you really jumping th000 jump here I go here I go oh my gosh there he is oh my gosh he’s actually jumping he’s is he going to hit the shot is he going to hit the shot no oh my goodness uh I am so sorry well I went right past it well I hope you guys all enjoyed um comment down below good job go check him out in the description and hope you guys enjoyed of a great one video just like this one bye guys [Music]

Minecraft but Can YOU Hit the Target? ft. @Kiingtong
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🎨 Thumb/Concept Inspo: @ElementX @ElementXshorts

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