100 Minutes To Break This Egg

I set up a turtle egg in the center of the server and boo will have 10 minutes to build a defense around it in creative mode afterwards I’ll log on and we’ll have 100 minutes to try and break the egg in survival mode whoever loses has to change their YouTube Banner for a week and the winner gets to choose the banner hello hello hello hello hello hello hello so you said you have some uh rules for me I do I do I I’m I’m a freaky little boy I’m a b sorry no changing the server difficulty in must be on hard at all times hey I’m in survival I can’t use commands or console so okay well whatever the server’s on is fine guess no use of server commands no using external mods to give an advantage such as like M or anything that alters the game that isn’t purely performance related M so you’re basically saying that I’m not allowed to cheat okay that’s I wasn’t planning on it but okay like you know like yeah no cheating no cheating no cheating cuz you’re a cheater okay I have rules for you okay um don’t be a meanie head oh yes I found it okay three two one starts all right my first plan is to build this up I need to count one two okay that’s done we need to go down this is a bit annoying to be underwater but it doesn’t matter my plan is foolproof this is actually really good that he put it in the ocean I did not think it was going to be like this but this is even better I’m very glad that he fumbled the bag in this in this regard okay so what is it I need to do this okay we need to build this up to the surface and we are going to flood this baby with something devious I don’t want to give it away immediately but we’ll see feel like I have like less time cuz it’s like it’s like in water it’s so slow but I think this will help me overall maybe I should get dep Strider boots that honestly might save time like genuinely that might just save time once we’re out of the water this will be much easier but I mean just for now like we kind of don’t have a choice and we just fill this in so as you can tell by my hot bar a lot of the planning is Mob related but hey he doesn’t have to know about that we could we could hide the mobs so to speak [Music] oh yes we’re out okay I can finally be quick so I wonder what his plan was with this other I missed a block [Music] here I’m like so slow okay and now we can start working up the defense on the actual egg that he thinks is going to be so easy to get into but it’s not yeah it’s not the most original design but um I mean hey it gets the job done right he said 10 minutes to make unbreakable prison okay I’m making unbreakable prison I don’t have enough time to make it amazing but I think this might get him I don’t don’t think he’s going to know how to get in and if he does then hey I tried my best okay who cares I need to hurry up I have no idea how much time I have left all right so now that I’ve done that I don’t need to fill in this thing entirely just the wall he’s not going to know that even if he’s listening to me right now cuz he will know where I’m talking about and we just build this up to this high level we’re going to build up two more after this and we’re going to build the roof finally and then we have to build the floor so you might be confused why am I building these layers like what is this what is this going to accomplish let’s just say he’s going to have a tough time mining into the egg he will not have a good time mining in at all so we do that and then we build this so one of the main things that I was proud of building was the um idea to do Swift sneak and speed pots I don’t think most people in Creative would think to even get those things but I did I absolutely did are you crazy okay so that’s number one we need to build that out bu this out that’s fine that’s totally fine I’m going to put more of those anyway if I put a ward in there that would have sucked though that would have actually ruined the entire thing put all this let this all flow down okay now we to the bottom part we get work on the next bit okay so he thought he was funny by putting this all under water my plan is to get milk cuz he’ll probably Place some Elder Guardians which are going to give me mining fatigue so we drink that good thing that most of my plans require underwater mobs oh yeah baby oh yes oh he is not going to enjoy this at all I cannot even see what’s happening I I don’t even know what’s happening anymore ah let me out okay that’s totally fine that that’s happening that means that we can go ahead and do this and do the same thing just as some extra defense cuz I can’t place that much obsidian you know it’s not going to let me all right these are all name tagged okay now the fun part this so stupid he’s going to be so pissed he’s going to be so pissed he’s going to be so pissed he’s going to be so pissed 10 minutes in Creative I don’t care the unexpected you know then there’s the issue of the warden yeah what do we do against this snowballs and wool right cuz then we do this we lead it outside and then we go in and we break the EG oh yeah oh yes okay okay now I don’t know how many I need to add but it needs to not Escape that’s the one thing now let me out okay I know how many I put oh that’s a lot that’s a lot yeah okay that’s that’s a good amount okay I don’t know what else to add that was mainly what I needed to do I don’t know what he’s going to do to get into this I think it’s pretty unbreakable I don’t know guys what do you think oh he’s going to have to turn off game sounds or something this is crazy this is actually insane I wonder how he even breaks into this I guess like for now I just placed more of this everywhere like I don’t really know I don’t even know where the thing is like what y level it’s at I think it’s like somewhere around here let’s just go around all sides and uh get some extra defenses up why not yo yo what’s up blocks down blocks down blocks down down okay okay okay I’m done blocks down buddy blocks down okay they’re down they’re down they’re down put them down come back to spawn I’m at spawn what the am I looking at do you hear the noises do you hear that I do hear that okay so my 100 minutes are going to start soon okay three two one start okay let’s inspect this garbage oh my goodness I mean the wardens are killing the ravagers I think and the Elder Guardians so they will eventually die no they’re not they’re not okay well this is no I researched the distance to to put them you you know what you should do you should go die to a ravager just trust me you should just go die to a ravager please why just do it just do it just do it I don’t did you name them something no maybe h i I got mining for already what in the world is this you have to die so you have to die to get rid of it yeah what are you name Buddy boost for sucks okay wow okay let’s uh you know what let’s go for the Shipwreck that I see in the distance you know this took a lot of Designing yeah I can see that it looks very symmetrical and very nice I mean the ravagers are still Dy yeah I think they’re like some of them are like some of them are like suffocating but like there’s too many for them to all die so yeah not really I think they’ll eventually die if I keep the chunks loaded in yeah let’s go for the ship right I do have a plan I researched how to avoid the wardens and turns out that invisibility actually makes you undetectable even if you mine the blocks oh okay so I just need to get invisibility potions and get a cow on top of them oh a cow on top of there you sure you’re going to be able to do that all the all the ravagers no actually I’ll just get like a shulker of uh milk buckets or something what is this a garbage shipwreck bro a shulker you going have PL to get a shulker box maybe why is it Berry treasure map like a regular map oh my goodness it glitched I hate my life that means there’s none in the area yeah exactly I don’t like that bro think that’ll be a theme in this video You’ be really unlucky no you truly think I have a chance of getting through the fence that you set up bro that looks like a monstrosity man I’m not going to lie you said 10 minutes I have to maximize efficiency in that time uh-huh that is actually insane you maximize the douche output as well bro I hate you so much dude what the hell how are the ravagers doing oh my goodness did you place Elder Guardians in the obsidian box under as well as around I had to let some of them be impossible to go I do know of a way I could bring the Ender Dragon to the Overworld to be honest but oh my goodness do I want to do you have enough time is that that’d be kind of crazy hey I mean it’s not it’s not that hard oh look at that thing over there oh my God looks so bad man okay now I need to find a lava pool there’s no Village nearby either dude I’m actually after seeing what you built I’m so depressed right now why dude yeah I don’t think I have a chance I’m not going to lie if I spawn in a warden right here you can’t use creative you can’t do anything after the time run out it’s 10 minutes versus 100 minutes we agreed on this come on wonder how many TNT blocks I will need to uh kill all the wardens probably a liote I’m not going to lie true I need to find like three desert temples I’m hoping the ravagers are annoying cuz I know you can just build over them but like then you can’t set your like no yeah that the ravagers aren’t going to do anything it’s just that like they’re just kind of a decoration I think you know what the ravagers do actually they make it easier to fast reset if I get mining fatigue that’s what they do no cuz here’s I don’t want to help you out but like if you set your bed in the sky to avoid the ravagers you can’t bring a cow up without having to it’s like a crazy thing to bring the cow I don’t I mean technically I don’t really need a cow where’s the lava pool man I’m losing so much time on the on looking for a lava pool what if I help you find a lava pool no oh my goodness wait there’s a r portal yeah okay I need to skip through this you’ll need to oh you’re on the server bro then how do I do this I’ll sleep next to you am I not allowed to skip the nighttime oh my goodness I’ll sleep only if only if I put my bed right next to your no no I’d rather just keep the night time honestly screw you bro yeah what the hell booster watch out actually don’t watch it oh my goodness oh okay oh a Bastion I mean I’ll take a Bastion but I’d rather have a oh a fortress two bastions are you serious two bastions man um oh a fortress I see a fortress I see a fortress why are you getting lucky two bastions in a fortress oh yeah oh why this nether is actually insane it is it is so good it’s so good bro you set the scene to be like this you cheater no I did not the spawn was actually really good as well I think this could be like a sub 20 sub 15 speedrun se you keep no exactly yeah it’s scary I think this is uh is this housing yeah it’s housing you’re a monster dude what the hell I mean they’re going to attack me if I open the chest you know oh yes I got one of my invisibility requirements and I got some food golden carrots go crazy ooh this is good as well not going to lie the invis oh wait no no no no no no no you can’t do invis why not because you going have to milk bucket for mining fatigue oh my God you’re right you’re going to have to keep milk bucketing over and over you’re right but do I have to theoretically okay this is no not theoretically do I want to trade o diamond pickaxe beautiful don’t even need to mine for that dude this uh Bastion is becoming uh my uh come on what do you need out of this Bastion anyways why are you trying to why are you beating the game I mean told you I’m going to bring the Ender Dragon to the overw world no you’re not and it’s going to kill all the entities break all the blocks let’s go I just got an apple oh ender pearls yes oh my goodness oh fire resistance huge yes please how much time do you have left um 500 hours that’s not accurate I think they’re done trading Z you still don’t want to sleep next to me no oh I have a soul speed I forgot okay bro that is actually illegal you can’t actually place that down bro I have a big plan big brain big brain big brain boost those an oxymoron doesn’t really work as a sentence yeah it does where are you going bro bro let me be man I want to make a gas Farm on the nether roof no what are you talking about yes I have everything to make a gas Farm time for end crystals no what are you talking about you’re not actually going to get oh okay surely this doesn’t connect is this 0 0 hopefully it doesn’t TP me on top of everything you know is this your plan this was your master plan uh maybe I think I’m close to it no well that’s unfortunate need the wardens to kill me kill me kill me kill me I don’t even know if I’m at the correct y level but you know you’re not I’ll tell you that well that’s fine dude instantly let’s just say the wardens are at the top and the egg is at the bottom so you have a lot of digging to do buddy no no no no 69 is uh close to Ocean level I I remember setting the eggs at ocean level so I just need to reset yeah you got it dude I instantly get spooned instantly I don’t even see the other Guardians I’m not going to lie how many entities are there Jesus instantly huh maybe you need to get wool no it’s still opening the thing sets them off huh really can you get spooned oh my God okay I’m not getting spooned the warden’s detected me but I’m not getting spooned okay there I got spooned well I got at least one block mind out nice making progress 0 0 almost there we go wait where’s the where’s the pickaxe where did it go oh please tell me it’s gone that’d be insane wait what happened to the pickaxe wait did it why would the pickaxe disappear I don’t know but that’s so good for me please tell me it’s actually gone wait why would the pickaxe disapp did I just get glitched no like genuinely why would the it’s not in the nether it must have glitched through a wall through a wall someh I don’t know no I didn’t even die next to a wall n no no no no no if it’s gone you have to go get another pickaxe that’s how you got a lot of time left so dude what please tell me it’s gone and you don’t find it in like 10 seconds I don’t know where it is but I’m so confused that’s fortunate but you know like what welcome back why would the pickaxe glitch like I didn’t even I died on top of my bed this the hero’s journey story uh where’s my portal there it is do you hear my suggestion what I mean if you spawn a wither in that room it’d be be um really good why would that be good think about this why would I be helping you true actually yeah you’re right dude that that I’m not going to lie that pickaxe glitch is a little bit annoying I’m not going to lie I genuinely got through one block and I know that ocean level is y 63 so I just need to mine a couple more blocks and I’m good F me it was that easy I just need to not lose the pickaxe again if it glitches again I’m going to be super pissed so I think the way it’s not going to glitch I just need to not stand on the bed I guess maybe standing on the bed glitched it probably we’ll see if you’re onto something here I have confidence in my prison I think your prison sets a pretty good challenge but I think it’s simply a matter of time before I beat it you know yeah I mean if you had more time maybe you could beat it more time I don’t need more time how much how long how long has it been right now not even an hour yet so we’re chilling maybe like 30 minutes well it’s been like 45 minutes probably need this guy to run off again maybe how are you up there I got up there what do you mean I left for 2 seconds dude yeah what can I say man anything else around here no there’s that pigin but what if I just trap my cow in the nether behind the nether portal so whenever I need to refill like 10 buckets I just go into The Nether and there’s no chance of the warden killing it you want to get your cow up to that portal thoughts yeah it’s a good idea I know it’s a good idea oh silk touch diamond pickaxe oh nice ass I don’t even need the blocks honestly I’ll just go back straight back to grinding straight back I think my plan is foolproof I just need to get back I remember where to go I don’t think you’re on the right track yet that’s all I’ll say okay yet yeah I am stop lying bro I I I don’t think you’re on the right track I think you’re almost there but there’s a fatal flaw that you get to see that will reveal itself in due time o you could have placed a block that isn’t to M with a pickaxe what block could that be I wonder now that’s interesting that in reinforced deep slate is unbreakable Bedrock is unbreakable nothing unbreakable what could it be ooh could be a beacon could oh it could be something like uh like a beacon where super slow Wait no that’s still like obsidian H what could it be I wonder now I’m actually interested intrigued H something that isn’t sped up by any tools or maybe by an Axe by by a hoe M but still there’s nothing as hard to break as stuff you have to break with a pickaxe exclusively so I don’t know man we go back really there’s no guas see I’m common collected cuz you’re not going to get me okay I’m going to place the pickaxe in the chest every time now maybe that’s why I got rid of it maybe I stole it I chest maybe you did I actually have no idea where that pickaxe went okay I’m not getting spooned I do hear lava though did you surround the thing with lava oh my God I’m not getting spooned oh I got spooned three blocks down though okay M the block what is my fatal flaw that you’re suggesting here I don’t get it okay how far down is this this is 65 are the Elder Guardians surrounding it no they’re not do you like my strategy are you nervous I think you’re nervous cuz I don’t think you have anything up your sleeve I’m not nervous I think you’re going to realize in a minute how difficult this is going to be for you uhhuh and it’s going to be very funny dude I’m so close what do you mean by the way why was there an empty room here I don’t get it um I’ll tell you after how did I get to TP into an empty room perfectly maybe did you already have a nether portal there maybe this was intentional butwe maybe I wanted you in this room yeah that’s what I’m beginning to think how did I land here perfectly maybe I wanted you in here to be fair these are it’s per it’s not even perfectly in a corner though let’s just say when I thought of a prison design the first thing I thought of was H can he portal into this H interesting to be fair if that was but then you you let me go so close to the egg why would you do that War’s above Elder’s below I can still Mind through this how would you stop me from reaching the egg that’s a good question the only thing I can think of is unbreakable blocks other than that I don’t know what you could do dude I don’t even understand why would you you Dev devious little planner this is so fun now oh my God I’m smiling bro no please if you’ve made it this far I’ve let you make it this far uh-huh that’s something I would say bro I’m just saying you’ve been watching too much of booster videos bro I don’t know booster I don’t know you know prisons are also kind of designed to not let people get out right mhm maybe I didn’t want you to escape did you is it so perfectly like designed to the point where like it’s edging me so you know that I won’t be able to mine that last block or something I don’t know imagine maybe it’s all you then it can’t be all that smart come on please I beg dude dude how much time you left oh plenty I still have 52 minutes I think this is the plan like I don’t get what else this is like at some point you’re going to realize that you’re going to have to go back to the drawing board and then this won’t work for you I honestly at this point I have two theories I either you do have something planned or you’re bluffing and wanting me to end this and do something because you know this is the only way it would work dude your theory is bad you’re saying either I’m saying planned or I don’t that’s just like it’s not a theory that’s just yeah exactly but like if it’s the second option then I can’t give up you know I have to keep going I’m just going to say isn’t it convenient how you can’t mine this last block no matter how hard you try even though the last ones were really easy to mine I mean I’m just happy that I got here so fast but like why if this wasn’t intentional like why would this room be empty why and why are there three pillars like this maybe honestly this could be because you didn’t have enough time to fill it all up with obsidian so you just place like at least one layer of obsidian around it and far out so that when I get inside there’s a and set my spawn in here there’s a chance that I’m just trapped by the wens and the Elder G I think that was your thought process maybe but would you cuz you can’t use fil command so I have to take into consideration that 10 minutes is very limited as well yeah so you can’t do absolutely everything you know it is very limited m mhm maybe I no I think you sound very stressed I’m not going to lie I think I got you by the balls yes so what do you do you have any last words um um I think I think I think I’m fine actually um yeah keep shading your booties buddy I think I’m fine okay yeah yeah that’s what they all say until they get hit by the booster all right fine let’s just see if you can M that last block let’s just see if you can get down there okay that’s totally fine let’s just see if it see let’s just wait here until it happens yeah yeah yeah yeah no problem damn yo what’s happening bro so I’m nervous yeah I could probably set my spawn so that I spawn like somewhere near the hole and there’s a chest right above it so I could just grab the pickaxe but you know you know what I’m content with this oh where’s my pickaxe okay there it is I want to make the stairs here you have the time might as well this is so peaceful now it is it is so what’s a better way to do this man you see when you landun this block or you can run this block okay I already see the egg bro wait what I just need to die and drop down and break it St dude I was bluffing the whole time yeah I know that room was supposed to be filled with lava it was supposed to be filled with lava and I forgot oh my god dude you forgot to fill the room with lava yes you’re not supposed to get in there oh my so there wasn’t a a portal in here initially there’s no portal in there it was It was supposed to be filled with lava I didn’t think about portaling in at all I got [Music] lucky what did I say what did I say you got hit by the booer Buddy by the booster dude

100 Minutes To Break This Egg

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(Video edited by Kire Atanasov)


  1. shouldve had reinforced deepslate instead of obi (yes ik they say its unbreakable, but it is actually a lot like a beacon where it takes a long time but can be broken by anything)

  2. omg dude Baablu has him so beat, layers moving outward
    first layer: barrier blocks
    Second layer: Bedrock
    Third layer: Obsidian
    surrounded by many Elder Guardians protected by all three layers.

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