How Creepy CARTOON CAT BECAME TITAN and ATTACK JJ and MIKEY TOWN at 3:00am ? – in Minecraft Maizen

thank you guys for all your help I couldn’t have fixed this roof without you guys it’s no trouble at all we’re only too happy to help you helped us too we needed a case and you gave it to us well I guess it’s time to come down that yeah as long as no one Falls from this height come on gently that’s it all right hey what’s that puddle wasn’t here before where did it come from why don’t you get away from her it smells weird wao what is that get away from there what’s going on hahaa how nice hey will you serve me I’m still the king of this town right wait what you’re our friend you weren’t King here your friend is gone and you are my servants I get it Mikey we need to take care of him and get him to the hospital yeah easy give me a little help too hey I’m just kidding hey stop it I don’t like this I’m the king of this town yes you are it’s time for the king to go to bed and all we have to do is get our friend back he’s asleep call an ambulance he needs to be treated yeah I’ve already texted the hospital and they’ll be here in a couple minutes let’s get out of here then oh no why is it so big I think we’re going to have to call the helicopters I wish they’d warned us before they called them I think they’ll help him at the hospital he’s just sick from that puddle yeah it’s a weird situation but okay let’s go to bed I’m tired tonight with this roof and repairs at his house yeah I’m tired too tomorrow we’ll wake up early and go look for a job yes we could use the work good night hey what’s going on I’m the king of this town everything is just as it should be and you are now my servants I won’t destroy you and keep you in cages if you promise to behave we need to think what are we going to do I’ll take all your treasure and food but I promise you protection and I won’t touch your home sounds like fun come on let us out we promise to behave that’s the deal haha how about it ready to run my first errand bring me a mushroom and pineapple pizza you got [Applause] [Music] it yeah Mikey so what’s it going to be let’s go to Gru’s lab and get some advice I don’t want to go through this every morning yeah I agree with you hey Gru I need your help what’s wrong with you guys again it’s my day off our friend got sick and became a Titan he seems to have been affected by some puddle outside his house where is he now and what does the puddle look like he put us in a cage and we were like no you’re not going to keep us in a cage and I almost destroyed him well he’s somewhere in the city right now yes it was we can show you the puddle come on let’s not waste time yeah he is let’s go I guess that’s it let’s see well the color is green the smell is sour and weird it’s like waste after chemical experiments with Titans Okay well I can make a potion to cure your friend but you need to bring it to my lab okay we’ll figure something out let’s go Mikey come on Good Luck well I take it he’s run away from here where are we going to find him hey look those are his Footprints they’ll lead us to him and we’ll figure out how to lead him to Gro yeah good find let’s keep moving Mikey pretend you’re ready to serve him hello our King are you ready to do my first assignment you remind me of someone it doesn’t matter we’ve found a source of eternal power for you you can rule not only our city but the whole world sounds like fun I’ve heard that somewhere before well you must come with us King we’ll lead you to that place all right take me there let’s go to Gru’s lab that’s where all the power is here we are what you tricked me of course with you there’s no other way oh no what is this what’s happening I’ve lost some of my Powers hey why hasn’t anything changed he’s just a little bit smaller apparently someone’s going to be without a lab and a helicopter today I will take everything from you and destroy you for this deception oh no helicopter hey grw what do we do that’s not good enough get him out of here we need another idea I’m not going anywhere with you I’m going to destroy everything sorry grw but we need your car we’ll get it back but we’ll get it back later let’s go Mikey I know well I hope he can help us he is a dragon warrior after all well I hope he’s home eating dumplings right now yeah of course he’s home hey what’s going on what’s going on our friend is sick with something strange and we have to cure him he’s become a Titan and he thinks he’s the king of the city and he wants to destroy us it’s weird it wasn’t even on the news but okay I’ll help you I just had a big meal and I’m in a great mood all right let’s go he’s somewhere in the city looking for us I’ll show him it’s been a long time since I’ve had a challenge like this you’re in for a tri e show him your kung food here we are it’s him you brought me a dragon warrior ha nice it’s a Legend So Panda can you handle it yes I can do it I’ll use my ancient Kung Fu style I’ll try to cure him with my style come on Panda hey No don’t touch me wao all right he’s smaller but that’s not enough he’s still got plenty of power well that’s the end of my Powers he’s taken everything I had I’m sorry then take this you can’t beat me you won’t find enough power to take my power all right Mikey we’re in trouble I’m not giving up that easy whoa all right I give up ouch oh no Mikey oh no what where are we what is this place we got to get out of here hey Mikey Mikey yeah what oh are we at the bottom of a cliff somewhere yeah and there’s no reception so we got to call for help I’m going to summon the wizard you can do it without a phone watch and learn yeah that’s very interesting and there should be a portal or something yes the the portal there it is run in there and we’ll be at his house that’s amazing we got out of here so fast well that’s where we’re going to ask him for help to cure or defeat Titan hey wizard come on out what’s wrong no I know there’s a Titan walking around town what do you want me to do I can’t make him normal size or heal him but a little shrinking I can let’s go to him hurry let’s get started there’s no turning back now I’ll try to shrink him come on I believe in you and I don’t believe in him take that wizard haha your magic doesn’t work oh no [Music] ouch no I’m like an ant JJ bring me back JJ JJ I don’t want to be like this now wait let me [Music] try there I got it yeah thanks now do the same thing with that Titan by the way I didn’t realize you you could do magic yeah I didn’t know that myself now get this now you’re not a Titan ahha oh no I’m running out of power I can’t be now we’re being fair but no I got an idea let’s go JJ to the cliff now scatter to the sides it always works haha cool well he’s not getting out of there let him stay where we are right let’s go home I’m sleepy yeah I’m hungry and sleepy too we’re home let’s get some rest and rebuild the city the next day after this TI yeah because he left behind a bunch of junk and unwanted treasure good night [Music] JJ what what’s going on whoa portal hey Mikey can you see it I don’t know how but wa he’s coming this way it’s him get out of here Mikey how is that possible I left my portal summoning kid in there he must have used it Well Done Mikey now he’s in our house I know there’s an ancient place with a book on how to stop a Titan let’s go and find what we need okay let’s go there’s a chest hidden there I’m going to dig it up I wonder if anyone’s ever tried to dig it up I’m the only one who knows this place great there’s a book with a spell and a potion against titanium that’s it just use them on it and we’re done you’ve taken all my strength okay I need a new Throne no one can stop me now I’ll be ruling the city for for a very long time haha all the Treasures of the city will be mine so what do we do we’ve got to get closer to him we have to use the potion that’s a tough question why don’t we repeat today’s procedure what are you crazy no you’ve done it before put that thing away he’ll see us and it won’t stop him you better figure out a way to get closer we can’t do that we can’t do that look let’s get under it we’ll dig a hole and get underneath him he’ll never see us that way and we’ll be done in no time right come on come on dig it’s boring here I need residents I need to get everyone together and give them a task I need everyone to be busy no one’s going to be idle hey you you want some pizza get it what no don’t what’s going on why am I like this and now my favorite take that hey Mikey I told you not to use that thing we still won that’s why I couldn’t resist fireworks that’s always cool thanks for watching folks that was awesome good luck everyone and bye bye bye where’s gr gone it’s weird there aren’t even any minions maybe he’s hiding upstairs he’s nowhere to be found I don’t think Gru is playing hideand-seek with us well let’s see that’s weird really maybe it’s his day off but he lives here all the time let’s check his [Music] basement whoa what who are you guys we heard you looking for grw you don’t have to look grw is destroyed instead of grw it’s us and we just have to deal with you it seems you’re traitors in our new lab what what traitors why because you want to stop us we’ll send this lab into space let’s get out of here we need a plan but why would they do that it doesn’t matter if they leave we’ll never get grew back that’s why we have to stop them right let’s break their engines and Hardware controllers reconfigured the wires are find the temperatures within normal range I’m doing great too we’re about to launch our lab will be a space station with no traitors Aus Mikey are they gone I think so nice disguise JJ let’s break it down for them oh no I didn’t think it would be this loud hurry up we have to finish this as soon as possible if they come and catch us we’re in trouble this is kind of fun Mikey now the lab stays where it is and we have a chance to get grw back let’s get to town and figure out a plan what’s that noise what happened oh no op Paratus equipment pipes it’s all broken they’ve ruined everything for us we have to destroy them I told you they were Traders and they’re the ones who broke the Machinery wao I think we’re in trouble come on they’ve got laser oh no I don’t like this ouch hey Mikey get up Mikey they got him haha let’s get him no give him back to me Mikey Mikey Mikey Mikey I’ll save you ouch what the pit we got to get out they’re coming oh no where are they we got to get to the lab folks hurry get Mikey we’ve got to be smart and be stealthy and quiet I think I know how I can save Mikey what’s the temperature of the rocket engine everything fine the temperature’s good the Rocket’s ready to go hey you guys I’m not ready for the launch can I stay home are you ready push the button and don’t forget to turn on the stabilization ready launch oh no no I don’t want to go into space no it’s too high oh no they’ve launched him into space we’ve got to do something what am I going to get that’s right a stick hey you yes it’s me what do you think of this equipment here you go that’s for Mikey take that yeah you like it I like Ito too now with your permission I’m going to use my laptop and disable the rocket stabilization and Main engine I don’t know how I know that but okay whoa come on Mikey Bullseye I miscalculated all right it’s all right hey Mikey Mikey wake up you all right yeah thanks you saved me I could have been in space come on let’s get out of here come on we have to go home all right we’ll be asleep soon waa hey you’re not the real Mikey and JJ you are imposters in this city such information has reached us we’ll take you to the police what that’s not true don’t touch us take [Music] [Applause] that what’s going on why are they suddenly calling us traitors I don’t know we should get out of here and waited out for a while yeah I know a cabin where no one will find us let’s go it’s a nice nice quiet place we’ll wait here until things calm down what we got a call yes I’m listening what do you want your friends are going into space haha you’re traders to this city we’ve prepared some space shuttles for them I think they’ll really enjoy it outside of our planet okay bye what did they say they’ll tell you everything and you’ll find out yeah it’s Mikey Mikey you traitor your friends are going to space haha you’re traitors to this town we’ve prepared some space shut for them all right then we’ve got to get out of here let’s find them and save our friends Mikey stop we can’t let them see us we need another way to find the launch site I think I know how to find them follow me Mikey are you serious a policeman station yeah they have access to every camera in the city and we need them right now to find our friends quiet calm down he’s sleeping okay this is the kitchen we can’t go in there there’s no cameras in there either where’s this room there we found it let’s go see it wo that’s a lot of screens come on look for them on the cameras hurry up yeah I think it’ll be faster from the air look what they’ve got wao a quadricopter that’s much better than just cameras yeah let’s keep going there that’s them keep an eye on them yeah I know the important thing is not to lose sight of them [Music] wait something’s wrong hey what’s going on hey I can’t see anything the quadcopter is down what do we do that’s it but that’s enough we know they’re in the woods but we can’t get there in time we can’t make it on foot then we need Wheels do you have a car around here somewhere not really let’s follow me what are we going to Drive you’ll see haha yeah what in policeman’s cars Mikey you can’t do that but we’re not having fun we’re saving people and we need Transportation so get in and let’s go meanwhile help somebody please I don’t want to go to space the fuel temperatur is holding steady I think they’re going to fly great all right check the stabilization too so they don’t go off Court yeah this place is great hey what’s that sound what police no ouch ouch let’s go let’s go haha all right come on let’s go cool now let’s get everybody out come on I don’t know how all right we got the first one thank you friends I’m glad you’re here the second one’s free and now we’re down to the third one friends run they might wake up that’s it they’re free wo Traders you’re ruining everything for us take this Mikey run they’re using the laser again be careful JJ we’re not going to get away from them that easily I’ve got one potion I hear you Mikey come on do it while they’re gone wa you’re funny you too JJ all right sh we’re their brothers wao you came to us from outer space Brothers will you help us fix the engines in the lab so we can go into space yeah I carry all my gear with me did you happen to see Mikey and JJ around here no we haven’t it’ be weird if we missed them they’re Traders after all all right then let’s get to the lab Mikey the plans working now let’s get in their way okay we need to fix the machines they’re badly damaged and now they don’t work let’s pack it all back up and head for the stars I don’t know mechanics just pretend you’re working and break things down a bit I did something wrong quiet hey did my system malfunction what’s going on I saw on the computer that someone is interfering and deliberately breaking the machines there’s a traitor among us what a traitor we should kick him out of the lab yeah there’s no room for traitors in our lab but who’s the traitor I think it’s the red Traer yeah I saw him go into the mechanical section and cut the wires that’s right I saw you leaving too you broke the machine no that’s not true you can’t do that I’m not a traitor no what are you doing get out of here traitor we’ve all decided this together you don’t belong here yes that’s right we can’t delay the launch let’s get back to work folks adjust the the system temperature the temperature is fine we just need to check the pipes the pipes you say oh yeah I can see that there’s not a whole piece of pipe here the traitor must have broken it I’ll use the restoration potion it’ll put everything back in place oh no traitors I’ve discovered you it’s all you you broke the machines yeah it’s true what do we do just walk away I will destroy you run come on we need the Eggman machine I saw the blueprints and it says how to get it back we have to find it J I’ll distract them you go find it hurry all right okay it’s got to be here somewhere it was drawn all right there it is exactly like the drawing we got to get back to Mikey what you can’t get me can you haa I’m a traitor I’m a traitor no stop it JJ come on do it now we’ve got to charge it up full power run Mikey it’s going to go boom what no no wa honestly I didn’t know this thing worked like that let’s see what’s in there yeah Gru was supposed to come back in his own form haha Gru we did it I think he needs help let’s go down hey grw you all right what’s wrong with me I’m dizzy and I don’t remember anything I remember the failed experiment and how I just disappeared we defeated everyone and brought you back it was really hard but we did it thank you friends if it wasn’t for you I would never have come back instead of you there were creatures that wanted to send everyone into space but we took them out that was incredible let’s ask the audience if they liked it I think you guys saw the whole thing thanks for watching good luck everyone and bye bye hey guys I need your help my Titan experiment is out of control I don’t know what to do call the police and an ambulance grw explain what’s going on we’ll come and see what’s going on try and hide somewhere no call everyone you can she’s very strong oh no she’s here ouch what do we do now call the police and an ambulance over there and let’s go see for ourselves what’s going on hello police come to GRU lab there’s a creature in there and we’ll be there soon ha this lab will be mine now all I have to do is wipe it off the face of the Earth and that’s it hey guys how’s it going we’re in big trouble the unknown creature is a Titan we understand it needs to break things JJ let’s get out of here hey save yourselves oh no Mikey she destroyed everyone wait let’s not be too hasty we’ve got a lot of Heroes in town one of them might be able to stop her yeah let’s see they should be here by now hey what’s going on here hey you you don’t belong here you’re breaking the the law for that I’m teleporting you out of this world haha you think it’s that simple take that back no what why is Magic reflected haha I’ll get on with my business oh no she destroyed the wizard is that possible she has infinite power I don’t think anyone can stop her look The Avengers are here haa yes they have many powers and have saved our universe from creatures many times yeah come on guys I know you can do it well that’s it we’ve won come on Hulk I’ll block her legs you try to keep her on top we’re on schedule hey who are you guys ha haa I’m ticklish what a fun web but it won’t do you any good look what I can [Applause] do hey what careful Hulk I can’t hold her down anymore no let’s get out of here she’s stronger than the two of us hey I’m not done with you yet where are you going to run away from me something went wrong they couldn’t stop her let’s go outside and talk to her there’s no other way out she destroyed everyone all right hey you stop breaking everything and don’t touch anyone else look what you’ve done all right I won’t do it again wao that’s it we won JJ that’s what she deserves let’s go home yeah I want to rest already it’s boring Mikey I’d buy us some new new toys yeah but the store is a long way away hey look she’s here again what does she want now we’re going to ask her that hey what are you doing here yeah this is our house you’re the only Heroes left can I destroy you too no you can’t go home can I destroy at least one of you no it’s out of the question we’re not allowed to destroy us that’s it go home we have other things to do all right let’s go back yeah she’s distracting us from what’s important and asking us weird questions what am I supposed to do here alone wait why am I even asking them for permission how did this happen no it doesn’t work like that they’ve clouded my judgment with their heroism okay so what wo what you’re here again I’m not asking permission anymore I’m not going to warn you I will destroy your house and you with it it didn’t go according to plan let’s go Mikey I’ve got an idea you’re going to love it haha there will be nothing left of your house so where are you hey really where are you am I the only one here to entertain myself hey somebody answer me haha yeah let’s go she won’t even notice us it’s a good thing we have a cool [Music] car and my car has 1,200 horsepower there’s nothing more powerful in this town wo I don’t think this is the right place let’s go back JJ yeah that was a mistake hey they challenged us it’s a race let’s go our car is the fastest in town we’ve got to beat them come on Mikey come on she can be close oh no I see her we got to turn around JJ wo watch it hurry up she’s close where are we going I have no idea let’s go to eggman’s lab we need the machines hey that’s impossible they’re out running us I’m not racing anymore let’s sell the car hey get out of my way okay we’re not taking anything extra ha have you finally come to surrender I’ve beaten everyone again I didn’t even have to do anything this time haha ouch no don’t ouch stop it please ouch I was kidding out all right where’s his machines yeah that’s right the one we need is on the wall that’s right just take him and that’ll be enough come on let’s go talk to her that’s right I hope the machine works I haven’t used one of these in a long time no time to waste let’s go okay all right get the machine out when ready activate it there she is now get it haha it works look that’s not fair guys I’m going to get out of the ice sooner or later hey why are you acting like that can I help you with something or do you need some good company yeah but I don’t have friends to have good fun look we’ve got an idea okay I’ve got four sevens what have you got Angela the Titan I have two kings ha that’s it I lost again I don’t like this kind of fun what else do you do calm down we’ve got lots of other things to do yeah we’re saving people but I can only do the opposite so we’re going to teach you how to do it right we heard on the radio that there’s a house on fire somewhere okay we’re here as you can see we’ve got a fire to put out yes fire destroys everything we need to destroy the fire to keep the house intact well you took out the fire that’s good but it’s still wrong just don’t worry we’ll go camping like real friends you’ll love it sounds interesting all right let’s go so we’ll go camp and spend the night in the Woods by the fire it’ll be fun what beautiful stars do you like the stars Angela yeah they’re beautiful hiking is awesome yeah sure hiking can’t be wrong you’re getting good at it it’s fresh air and smells like the woods there you’re beginning to understand the whole point of camping good night friends good morning Mikey hey what are you doing she’s gone somewhere I knew it let’s go look for her did she trick us yes of course it can’t be any other way let’s go look by the lake I think she went back to town wao what are you doing here I’m swimming I’m bored again and I don’t want to go camping anymore let’s go for a swim together the water’s warm no I don’t want to go swimming anymore I don’t even have a house and nowhere to go well you can come live with us we have a vacant garage there’s plenty of room what a garage you think that’s funny Mikey apologize ahuh there you are I’m back now I’m going to teach you all a lesson wao Angela get ready now the three of us can easily defeat them no I need to be alone excuse me hey stop please we need help ha that’s it pack your stuff you’re coming with me robot take the two of them let’s go to the lab oh no Mikey we’re in trouble oh no we’re in some kind of vessels Mikey are you okay yeah I’m fine but I think we’re about to be destroyed I don’t have anything on me I think we lost this time haha I’m starting the machines and there’ll be no more Mikey and JJ just me now say goodbye to me because you won’t be able to see anything else wao JJ did you see that wao it’s Angela yay she’s come to save us haha yeah come on you’re doing great I’m going to break the can oh yeah that’s awesome come on Angela show him your power I believed in you Angela you’ve become a hero you finally did it all right I’ve taken care of these but I can’t be like everyone else it’s no problem at all Angela I think I know how to fix you that’s right Eggman has a potion in his lab that made the robot bigger so there’s a reverse effect yeah I think I found it get ready Angela wao what I’m getting smaller haha that’s so cool guys thank you for this I’m so glad we did it well folks that was awesome I think you enjoyed it and thanks for watching good luck everyone and bye-bye hey Mikey I think we should go to the store and get some food stop quiet look look hurry up and hide there’s Mommy Long Legs what are we going to do it’s her again I don’t know I think she’s already gone she wanted to destroy us before why don’t we go to the police let’s go check it out can you see her yes she’s behind the house just be quiet oh hey guys ah come on hurry up over there around that corner to the police they must be able to help us guys what’s up ah mommy long legs don’t eat us please please let’s talk about this guys it’s okay hey I’m not going to eat you guys I want to be friends really but why I’m happy and friendly and nice now I’m living a good life but how come last time grw found me he saved me and then he helped me and made me well-mannered and friendly wo what are you doing here come on out I’ll help you how are you thank you I’m so glad but there’s still something wrong with me I still need help I can help you come with me to my lab I’ll do what I can [Music] what are you going to do are you going to experiment on me no I’ve got a potion of healing and happiness it should work well on you and everything will be fine all right go ahead how’s that any effect I’ve been working on this potion for a long time I feel so light I feel so wonderful thank you grw I’m so glad no problem you’re welcome hey Mikey listen I just had an interesting thought what you won’t like it but I want to find Mommy Long Legs we don’t know her at all and we should be be friends with her I feel she’s nice you think nothing will happen and she told us the truth I think so I want to get to know her better maybe she can help us out we could use an extra set of hands in different situations I hope it’s not a trap all right let’s go find her I think she bought

How Creepy CARTOON Cat BECAME TITAN and ATTACK JJ and MIKEY at 3:00am ? – in Minecraft Maizen

This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have a nice day!

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