Minecraft: Guess the Build! – MAGICAL GARDEN EDITION

welcome to guess the build a Minecraft game where each person has a prompt and after building the prompt the next person has to guess what the build is this continues for three rounds and at the end we get to see if the original prompt made it all the way through the guesses in this video though we’re adding a small twist each person’s video has a different theme that everyone must build within now let’s dive into it guess the build everybody my theme is Magic Garden of course it is it yeah of course it is that tracks okay stop hating go to your places that’s about right okay I’m chairman I love Gardens that’s that’s what I heard why don’t you shove your what excuse me hello let’s get started this is my video Joel I think what Joel was meant to say is we need to write down what we’re going to build think of something nice and magical and gardeny please I was going to say Shovel by the way but I said shov I don’t even know what that means but okay please write in a book and then put them in the item frame y I got something I’ve got mine open up your doors gosh we haven’t done this in a while I need to Google something quickly I’m not you possibly be Googling this is such a basic theme what I’m building yeah what okay J you don’t know if that why I’m building is that basic I think I need to as well yeah guys yeah 5 minutes as soon as the timer starts Gan you’re going to you’re going to with no world edit it’s up to J can can we use world edit on the floor to change the color of the floor you can use world edit No Limits all right here we go go there’s going to be a big difference in [Laughter] this nice of you to join us giz finishes the race shut up I was getting my blocks ready all right you ready everyone ready yeah three two one build okay I decided to go for a Magic Treehouse I have always wanted to do like a magical flowery Treehouse build and that is mostly why I picked this theme so I’m literally just going to build us a giant flower right here and I’m going to sit a treehouse on it and it’s going to be so magical and so adorable building plants versus zombies um don’t know when this came out might be showing my age I think it’s really old now might be like 15 years old so the theme is Magic Garden initial prompt carrot bluffing a tomato in poker okay garden garden yep when I think Garden I think a plot of dirt uh with like carrots being grown right that kind of garden I probably I probably misunderstood this entire topic here our build is gnomes getting married okay so I’ve started off by building this little grass area here and we’re going to build a little flower Arch out some leaves here how big is that oh gosh maybe we should build it bigger guys my prompt is a giant flower watering little flowers so we’re going to start with uh a flower um that makes sense and we’re going to put we’re going to put a carrot on one side uh the the uh what the Tomato on the other side and then and then I’m going to do stuff um and then I’m going to have a bunch like we’re going to have to show the cards so it looks like what am I doing oh my gosh this is this is just too many blocks to place in 5 minutes time this is why they were doing world edit um I’m not good world edit not enough to do this like in on the fly so I have to do this and place all the blocks by hand which is going to take up most of my time limit great a sunflower has like a big orange bit and then it has it has yellow bits coming out the side as well I’ve got to I’ve got to think how I’m going to do this man um right o this is going to look wild look at that what is that what is is that that’s not a build oh that’s super cute okay okay okay now that I have that let’s go ahead and get um yeah maybe some dark oak and let’s make a nice little Treehouse platform I guess it’s not a treeh house it’s a it’s a flower house key to Guess the build is not getting bogged down in the little things which is exactly what I’m doing by prioritizing a door over everything else the plants and the zombies we’re going to show the card so it looks uh like he’s got a terrible hand probably do seven deuce and uh and this is really I’m just now realizing if you don’t know a poker this may not make a lot of sense well thought out skis why do I keep signing up for these when I know all I’m going to do is just invite a whole lot of well-deserved static a carrot pulling a rabbit out of the ground get it get it like because a rabbit would normally be digging up carrots in a in a garden so the magical part is we swapped the rolls there right hilarious I know it’s not very Arch like let’s fix that gosh oh it looks so bad oh no okay oh my gosh how is it so awful all right don’t worry about it Jo don’t worry about it you’ve still got you’ve used a minute already on this stupid Arch it looks terrible but that’s fine and we need to build some gnomes now how do I build a gnome oh gosh look like I’ve just gone to Minecraft school for building what is that okay wait it’s coming together it’s coming together and then I find out that it’s not good because my friends tell snow oh that’s cute I think actually I was a little worried that it wasn’t going to work out but I think it did I think that’s adorable that does not look like a carrot we got to get thin again that is not a carrot uh and then well hold on we can do a little stem right that looks like a oh my gosh I’m so proud of myself I don’t know if that’s a good choice for poker chips or if I should just do something like this probably neither I bet they both suck I’m doing this one this makes more sense to do this what’s the other thing it’s a tomato I got to make the Tomato first okay so uh this is this went South real real fast yeah that’s our that’s our our rabbit coming up out of the ground maybe we get a a nose there or something yeah that look like a rabbit right uh the carrot has to be like on legs I guess so I don’t know I don’t like the pressure of this game it’s too much it’s too much little cute little pink cheeks like that and then of course the red hat wait that’s not red let’s see how we’re looking at the moment okay or yeah oh Scott scar um right he’s gone um that was him judging scar keeps popping up if I knew how to use world edit I could do this easy but I don’t I picked this theme because I wanted something very spring or summer themed but also because I want to see what the heck the boys are going to do for a spring magic garden I’m so excited to see their builds this is just absolute worst I haven’t even put any cards on the table yet so that kind of looks like a carrot right carrot pulling a rabbit right that’s what the prompt was hold on let’s take a let’s take a look make sure we didn’t get off track a carrot picking a rabbit out of the ground crushed it ah peon no can’t put peonies where flowers here alium she can have an alium there you go need the gold rings how I’m going to do gold rings really quickly uh there we go the arch is very small I’ve realized but that’s so okay they’re not very Central it’s a bit terrible but there’s our gnome wedding it’s magical we know it’s magical I’m pretty sure it looks okay I’ve actually done all right better than I thought I was going to do let’s keep that there let’s keep that there all right I’m J know what I’m happy with that I’m happy that was so fun I hate it I hate it it’s going to be that was good right guys scar kept appearing in front of me do you know what do you know what he was annoying me in the chat with him going in and out of creative mode so I put in spectator and deed him I put him in spectator jail good good all right so everyone shift over to the right here we go all right he should know what this is oh I know what it is I know what it is this is good nice well done oh wait I’ve got skis behind you stop it we’re just he’s going to get it this time never mind come on come on come on give it a second give it a second look at it man wa wait let’s give him a second yeah I still don’t got it all right all right here we go here we go I’m going to get this one not going to be too literal um got it nice all right I’m revealing how did you build this so fast what you should see this one if you think I built quick okay this is cute but I have no idea it is yeah cuz it’s gems I think so my turn impulse mhm mhm um good okay yeah okay got it right I know what I know what’s going on I’m not happy about it though did I miss did I misinterpret the theme I hope not oh no um okay yep all right got it I think impulse has made a carrot planting a bunny this is cruel and unusual but I suppose it is a magical Garden just not exactly what I had in mind right we got an apple we got a carrot now we just need to figure out what this mess is in the middle it’s a chili a chili maybe trading chilies carrot trading chilies okay so I’m looking at this and I’m seeing a bush officiating a gnome wedding I don’t understand I’m also seeing nobody in attendance but I don’t think that’s relevant so that’s what I’m going with bush officiating a gnome wedding all right I think it’s pretty obvious this is a flower watering a garden I don’t think we messed this up at all yeah flower watering Garden yeah all right I reckon this is a flower tree house surely let’s hope right I think I well I know what this is It’s Plants versus Zombies 1 million per. put your book there and shift over to the right sweet and then pick up your new prom oh my goodness you ready yes ready three two one go a flower watering a garden really okay okay okay I’ve got this so I’m picturing a flower kind of same as I built last round but I want it to be it’s its arms are the leaves here and maybe I need to give myself a bit of space for the watering can actually I suppose it doesn’t really need an elbow does it do the flowers have elbows in in Magic that’s a bush and the bush is holding a piece of paper tiny tiny gnome gnome do they have they have blue shorts I think normally it’s going to be quite a big gnome I think let’s just let’s just build ourselves and what I’m going to do is I’m going to take the flower one here and I’m going to try to build a uh a house with that block that’s all I can do that’s all I can so this tree sucks and there’s our little planting area oh I should make it the whole thing okay there we go I don’t know why I’m caring about that so much all right I’m just going to do a 2d zombie I think right here otherwise I think I’m going to I think I’m going to blow it oh this is yeah 2D pixel art it’s happening it it’s happening I’m worried about the plant okay I’m worried I’m not going to get the plant right that look like a good carrot kind oh that doesn’t look like a carrot anymore I wish there was half slabs on a on a on a that doesn’t even look it doesn’t even look like a carrot they they looks like thin pumpkins oh my gosh okay yeah sure uh and we need eyes mouth uh-huh oh God it’s cursed is that bad is it bad seems like it’s bad what is that what is she doing how do these people build so fast it’s unbelievable it’s unbelievable oh gosh a diamond shovel and then we’re going to somehow have to try and make him get a bunny we’ll do it him holding it by its ears like this what does a Minecraft Bunny look like can’t remember all right so there’s a zombie dang it oh now we got to do a plan there was literally a plant in the last one that we had okay so the plant would have like this is not for me I don’t do Organics guys that’s a cactus looking thing it technically looks like a cactus is a plant that’s not what is that right no get rid of that get rid of that that is that is horrendous oh my God no I can’t do it I can’t do this oh I think it’s looking cute maybe I use actual water here now that I’m looking at it oh I see why I didn’t do that now it’s a bit embarrassing that the Gnomes turned up in the same outfit they must have um it’s a shame they didn’t talk about that before oh look at that that’s cute you know what this cannot be improved I’m done okay is this good or do it suck don’t answer that this house is the worst house ever dude oh I hate it is it stupid this trees like I can’t the structural Integrity is just not quite there okay there’s also another uh tree branch back here that’s helping to hold it up so we thought of everything good for us oh wait we should give it a nose as well there we go the carrot planting the bunny with a spade should we give him legs as well we go gosh that’s awful and now um perfect he’s holding it he’s got the sword that’s totally a sword in his hand aha zombie with his sword totally and uh it’s attacking the plant and I don’t know why I keep building these things sideways I feel like yeah we could have we could have rotated this that’s all I got guys I’m really sorry about that one I’m embarrassed I will not be embarrassed this it’s carrot trading chilies with an Apple trading chilies with trading chilies with apple oh no carrot trading chilies with apple no wait I wait no I made oh no wait wait I’ve done it the other way around the chili are supposed to be here and the Apple supposed to be oh gosh I’ve read it I’ve read it completely wrong but you know what I’m not going to fix it just to cause some chaos here I’m not going to fix it I don’t know why I keep signing up there’s some sort of uh issue I I enjoy the abuse okay here we go that’s that looks like a flower Treehouse to to me wait wa wait maybe we can fix this maybe we can fix that that that part looks so silly um that maybe maybe maybe maybe that does make it look like he has a mustache no this is why we just need to stop yep okay good time’s up here we go that when was not my best work I that’s my best work but are we going we’re going to the right again and then reveal and then reveal oh yeah here we go oh he revealed to fast one at a time but you first PR revealing je you go you go all right all right all right who built this Jimmy I did you did impulse did I’m sorry I’m not my best work guys I have so many questions but where you’ve taken this theme based on the two builds I’ve seen magic garden we know we’re okay I think she’s realized she’s with the boys all right here we go here we go um okay I think I can get a guess out of this impulse that’s the nicest response I think I’ve ever had something that is so Dreadful right what’s it Jimmy what’s it feel like it feels bad oh my gosh hello wow I’m you got to go around the other side though you got to go yeah I’m trying to got to get in there yeah yeah I know I kind of know what it is yeah yeah disaster just am I am I trailing SK disaster what is this supposed to be he it’s you it’s right there you got it you gr you sighed before the wall was all the way down you’re just you’re predisposed to sigh just you love it you love what you see and you know what it is yeah I know what this is yes it’s rubbish oh I hate him I hate him so much all right moving forward I’m sorry skid I didn’t mean it you know that was a joke right of course come on uh oh my god dude do you know what it is it’s it’s like the most obvious thing ever I don’t like it’s okay I’m finally what oh okay what oh yeah I see oh this is good yeah say what okay he gets it he gets it okay everybody yes is this a zombie chainsawing a flower or is that a machete zombie chainsawing a giant flower I think I’ve got this it’s a living tree housee with a huge smile it took me a while I think these are meant to be eyes and I think that’s meant to be a smile this is a carrot petting a bunny but there’s got to be something else going on here oh wait it’s a carrot planting bunnies no way no way that’s beautiful carrot planting bunnies a carrot and peppers and this I think is a representing a card game and so I’m going to go with carrot and pepper plain apples to wait Apples Apples to Apples that’s a card game I’ve heard of two gnomes two garden gnomes getting married by a tree by a tree I’m ready when you are friends ready same all right three two one go oh boy okay so I had to Google what Apples to Apples was and to be honest I didn’t get that clear of an answer um so I’m just going to build like some stools to a table and I it looks like a card game from what I can decipher so I’m going to go with that and just and just have a table here I’ll be honest at this point I don’t understand how we’re still in the Magical Garden theme but I suppose these do come from Gardens and if they’re playing a card game then I suppose they are magical so we’re going to build a carrot super easy planting a bunny rabbit so ears face eyes this might be really this I might have just speedrun this guess the build I got to make myself a flower I don’t know how to do this that is not a flower I got to do this bop and then do Bop and then upop oh oh I hate this okay and let me do this really quick let me let me get rid of this oh my gosh what’s wrong with this why does everything suck let’s get a big flower going like so and uh we’ll make it nice and pink like you know flowery and stuff like this can be a some sort of tulip I guess in a nest up way lovely let’s now get the zombie going wait I’ve not built him facing the Right Way world edit fix quickly um I will admit I I looked up on on Google what a garden gnome looked like in Minecraft because I uh I had no idea what I was going to do so whoever built this thank you I’m going to go ahead and just try to mimic what you did we’re doing uh kind of pixel art here up the sides bang bang uh we give him a little cheekbone oh no oh no I didn’t do it I okay we got to go we got to go up higher with the with the beard big beard big big old beer we definitely didn’t nail oh gosh we definitely didn’t nail the dimensions get some side bits going on get this we we want a big big um why can’t I think of the word for the middle of a what trunk trunk of the tree my mind’s gone blank and I’m scared I don’t know how a carrot would sit on a chair um probably like that a yellow pepper maybe it’s a banana pepper it’s something all right I suppose they also need arms don’t they give them like cartoon arms oh God it’s so stupid what have I done at the moment it just looks like he’s holding a bunny it might it might even not look that much like a bunny right now so I might just add a little bit like here just to give it like legs a line of bunnies here like next to I don’t know if I like building this to be honest it feels a bit cursed oh that doesn’t look good all right that’s meant to be a shovel all right I’m happy with that carrot planting bunnies my whole entire build has been water logic stop it if it messes up I’m just going to quit okay okay well that’s the water I need flowers I got to plant some flowers see it’s a flower watering flowers now we have to try and build a chainsaw cutting a giant flower let’s just do that and then we’ll put some yellow like so and then we’ll make his arm reach down to the chainsaw like that he chainsawing the flower perfect and then we’ll do some some blood coming out of it this is so bad okay um do I don’t know how to make this seem like it’s it’s it’s going to offer for marriage they’re holding the ring here’s your here’s your beautiful ring uh-huh yep was it a living tree a living treeh housee okay a living Treehouse I need to get a face on him okay say halfway please don’t just say ‘s up otherwise it’s over for me I feel like he’s not going to say halfway this time if I do this will this make it more flowery if I go like this it’s so bad it’s so bad it’s good again but I don’t have like a bucket this is a flower watering flowers this flower sucks speech bubble you may kiss the bride eyeballs need the eyeballs uh so this was coming out like the mouth I guess there’s no mouth that’s okay this is absolutely terrible are we is it over yet oh wa it looks fun I feel like I did a good job here look at that well no it’s pretty bad pretty bad I need to not hype myself up that much okay we did it now see got the mouth got the mouth to to loving to hold forever uh till death through you part congratulations all at the same time right for this one or right ready okay okay oh this is the cutest thing in the world this is kind of cute this oh I know what this is and it’s cute okay this is adorable guys I don’t know whose this was but this is perfect all right make sure to close up once you’re done yeah close up and then meet at the front cam in Jen go 3 to one go all right nice right this is mine and my theme that I came up with when you said Magical Garden I thought of Plants versus Zombies what a game this is exactly that as well look at the lawnmowers 15 years ago so who guessed this um I guess Shooters yeah I can tell certainly went down WR no but hey I guessed this and I guessed it completely correct so Jim guessed it Jim guessed I’m guessing Plants versus Zombies Plants versus Zombies let’s and ah right who’s built this yeah so um this was one I wasn’t super proud of are youting it I probably should have used player heads like green did uhuh it’s like the zombie is nighing a flower yeah I see yeah who guessed what that was I guessed that so you guessed zombie chainsa a giant flower okay chainsaw that was toly a sword okay right Joel what in the world beding Joel cuz he’s dying this is sick Joel this is graphic Joel it might be a good time to tell you plants don’t bleed who was the F who who final I did skars oh no skar please zombie cutting down okay right listen he didn’t he didn’t write flower friends what did skiis write he wrote tree didn’t he he wrote tree he wrote tree he wrote cactus cactus there’s Cactus everywhere FL have you lost your mind what there’s Cactus all over the place why is talking about all right so the prompt is a carrot bluffing a tomato and poker okay why I do that to my wait where did that go all right so where’s the poker in any of this these are poker chip now this is a chip I kind of like it I do like it I really like it oh wait get the bluffing out of this theing hard he’s holding seven Deuce over here which is the worst that’s true yeah oh I didn’t see you’ve done it well you’ve done it well SK the guess was carrot trading chilies with app Apple wait I’m still confused wait here we go so who Dre this definitely look like chili I built this wait a minute listen Apple he’s gone the other way he’s he’s trading app with the CH I got to the end of my build and I I read it again I went I’ve done the wrong the wrong things the wrong way around so impulse guess carrot and pepper playing Apples to Apples wait pepper no I yeah car that’s a banana yell yellow pepper you go pepper you went for the red this is my build I thought that a red pepper would just look like a tomato or an Apple so I went for a yellow pepp would have been right so you know what we still playing a tabletop game all right who gu this is very good by the way that’s that didn’t go too off the rails my get thing was gome getting married uh I built the arch a bit small I want to say but we got a couple of [Music] gnomes okay I love this thing Joel you’ve nailed it thank you can I just say something can I say I had to guess this and when I looked at it should listen to me when I said to you I said I know what this is my answer in my head was gnomes getting married and I paused I’m like no it would be deeper than that so I ruined it all right and he ruined it by saying excuse me Bush officiating a gnome wedding yeah I thought was a little bit okay A that’s really cute who built this who built this me this is adorable and then Jimmy guessed two garden gnomes getting married by a tree out of my gnome is not so good I do not practice building gnomes in my free time unfortunately do not get this who guessed this I I did J guessed gn’s getting married by an antt so we’re pretty close pretty good job guys W well done everyone okay this one’s mine I wanted to make a flower Treehouse cuz I’ve always wanted to have a flower tree house easy you wow oh my gosh yeah I don’t how you built this in five minutes like what the heck there it is how did you do this so fast and I’m pretty sure you finish time to spare I don’t know how you guys do this I just really wanted to build it was it magical no it was flower tree house flower tree that was the guest that was the guest oh so before people call me mean this is what I was working with and he used the full five minutes that’s a Minecraft tree he put down a sapling and bone meal it no I didn’t wait a minute wait wait wait wait where the flowers so let’s see what was guessed don’t BL blame me don’t blame me a living treehouse with a huge smile I built this I built this oh this is cute we lost the flowers but we kept the tree house entirely lost the flowers a carrot picking a rabbit out of the ground let take a look very magical Garden of you yeah W oh y very magical who guessed this I had to yeah yeah okay I had to she you got to you me I got the privilege of guessing this one the privilege of guessing that one okay let’s see what that I buil this one I built this no I didn’t that oh my gosh look at him oh wow there’s one that’s already being buried and there bre cute if it wasn’t so sick God why are you so graphic why are they buing a bloody rabbit so I had to guess it I had to guess that last okay so skz’s guess was guess carrot planting bunnies yes that yeah guess car planting buddies [Music] okay oh my go I like how we both did the same B I did the final guess I did the final never would have done the J So based off of that Jimmy you guessed this final one is that what I heard yeah okay okay uh here we go my theme was a giant flower watering little flowers a cute that is cute okay that’s good as well already saying missed the last part but I got the first part the guess was flower watering a garden this one yeah but then I did the same thing you did yeah oh wait this who built this me it’s a lilac watering the lilacs oh my gosh wow very cute very cute I guess this all right okay okay so the final not the final guess but the second guess was a flower watering flowers we did close Guess Who Built This skis these are leaves he kept these in his inventory the Whole 30 minutes never took them out I I love this socket of of the I’m going toest water he hold on hold on he didn’t even he didn’t even turn it to like look [Applause] like right K we love you thank you everybody good job G everyone good job good job

GeminiTay and friends are back with more guess the build! Today we each picked a theme for our videos, I made the boys build some magical gardens!

Check out my friends videos:
Impulse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mm7PFduFDns
Skizz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utrBkqZMn30
Joel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cm7RJ_UOapU
Jimmy: https://youtu.be/LYLqqOVRH9A

✨Follow me!
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/geminitay
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GeminiTayMC
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/geminitay/

Recorded with Replaymod https://replaymod.com and OBS
Minecraft version 1.20.4


  1. "i think gem realized she's with the boys" joel being second after gem for me on all the amazing organics build was a pleasant surprise, id like to say its a lizzie influence but i adored anytime gem and joel appreciated each other's builds, even in the other vids

  2. i love this, i really liked the original series, and this time giving everyone their own themes so we all have another diff theme to watch on somneone elses channel is such a good idea

  3. Can I just say how impressive it is how Impulse somehow managed to bring that one build chain back to the topic of playing cards?

  4. I feel exceedingly dumb to have only JUST NOW noticed the flags on Gem's shoes.
    Back on topic, I'm SOOOOO happy that y'all did another round of these! I know it has to take a ton of time to record all of these, but hoping y'all can do one of these every season of the year!

  5. Love this video format, so much fun every time. Kinda wish we could hear some more of the banter and final guesses at the end, but loved how on brand the theme is for Gem and how you comfortable it made the guys

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