JJ Family & Mikey Family Village vs Pepsi Flood in Minecraft (Maizen)

[Music] come on guys let’s push it we practically brought this big can of Pepsi this jar is so big that we needed to use three machines we’re going live to see the biggest can of Pepsi in the world today it looks like one of the cars is out of control the jar fell on its side so what do we do now Pepsi started flowing soon our village will be completely flooded as this big jar of Pepsi was being carried one of the cars rolled over and then a jar of Pepsi fell to the ground we need to get a rescue team out here to pick up the jar we do not recommend leaving their homes it is better not to go outside H it’s a horror a can of Pepsi spilled how could this happen what we do because Pepsi spills out of the geysers appear H look JJ I have an idea what I’m not sure it’ll work but it’s better than nothing H let’s try to flip the can with Pepsi using piston we must try it now before it’s too late soon the whole village will flood Pepsi H I like your idea Mikey I knew you’d need it you have to try maybe we can really flip the can with Pepsi only there is one problem on the street then from Pepsi oh so we better get on boats wait we didn’t take the Piston sure I forgot to bring a piston thanks for reminding JJ how much Pepsi there is our neighbors climbed onto the roof to be safe we have to hurry Mikey how do you think my idea really works H I think it will work but for it to work we have to hurry hm don’t worry Mikey we’re going to succeed the worst we will not do if we do not try at all to raise a jar then the village will completely flood Pepsi with every second Pepsi is pouring out of the jar Moore so soon the whole village will flood we must stop it we don’t have time to build a boat H while you were gone Pepsi became even more H soon everything here will be flooded our whole house will be under the water you must hurry I will wait here we have to to go through Pepsi just need to be very careful not to step on the Geyers how hard it is to walk I am almost completely underwat what what happened did Mikey step on the geyser where did he go he landed on the roof to the villagers look what I found here it’s the same Mentos you know what will be if you throw it in Pepsi you have to watch my steps so I don’t accidentally step on a geyser I’m getting up Mikey I think the Pepsi has gotten even bigger we need need to hide the Mentos if it does fall into the Pepsi then there will be a super explosion H where you can hide Mentos now in the village there are no safe places that’s why we always go to all sorts of trouble with every second Pepsi spills out more oh no this is our family the Pepsi has become even bigger they are now swimming on the door we must get them to safety we need to hide them in the highest house in the village you’re right but the tallest house in the village is hours I can’t leave the Mentos here see these blocks of land let’s move on them jumping it seems we will have to renovate the house again you know Mikey I think from now on I’m not going to drink Pepsi anymore we’re on our way to wait a little longer JJ’s going to make a little staircase out of wood now one moment please you’ll have to hide on the roof of our house why do we need to hide on the roof of our house I think I figured out so we didn’t get Pepsi right our house is the tallest back in the village there you will be safe I think you will not succeed you cannot express the jar and then our village will completely flood don’t worry we’ll protect you the village will not be flooded Pepsi JJ and I will definitely be able to level the JW I have almost finished the ladder I promise you that you Pepsi will not reach while you’re sitting on the roof we’ll try to flip the can with Pepsi Mikey and I have a brilliant plan it will work H great and ours is really tall I’ve never noticed it before let’s hurry up here just climb the stairs Mikey you run over here too okay I’m on my way and what are we going to do with Mentos cuz I think I figured out where we can hide the Mentos so he’s safe oh let’s leave the Mentos here let our family guard it I don’t mind I promise I will guard this Mentos so nothing will happen to it thank you for saving us the whole neighborhood is filled with Pepsi how high is it up here you can see everything Mikey how do you think your piston idea is going to work I don’t know but we don’t have any other ideas as long as we stand here the village is flooding even more we must hurry what a horror the whole neighborhood flooded Pepsi huh here I think in vain villagers wanted to order this jar with Pepsi H all right Mikey let’s go we still have things to do great then I’ll leave Mentos here and then we can go I ask you guard the Mentos if it falls into the Pepsi there will be a huge explosion don’t worry we have to hurry Pepsi has become even bigger yeah I noticed that too H I think we’ll be able to align the jar we’re going to have to go straight through that soda as long as we don’t step on the geyser or I don’t want to get thrown anywhere don’t worry JJ everything will be fine H I won’t step on the geyser especially since we don’t have time and we have to hurry take your time Mikey watch your step if I’m left alone I’m not going to make it h i have to build the basis on which the Pistons will stand oh help me Mikey we have to fix the jar how can I help you if you have all the wooden Pistons too and I ask you to hurry we don’t have as many pistons as we’d like but I think we can flip the can the main problem is that we have to activate all the Pistons at the same time and how can we turn them all on at once although I think you know how to solve this problem so we have to run the cable and put the Leever you know I’m a little surprised we don’t usually get to solve things quickly and this time we got it so early now we will align the jar with Pepsi and then we will be the heroes of the village get out of here we Pepsi men we will not let you level the jar we want the whole world to be flooded Pepsi and if you come here again we will beat you H what do we do now I don’t know where they came from it’s some Pepsi fans I knew something like this could happen happened we could almost align the jar with Pepsi they said if we come back they’ll beat us H I think I’ve figured out who can help us oh we need to get home quickly H why do we have to go home we have no one at home or did you think of something again tell your plan because I do not understand anything if the soda can is guarded by Pepsi man then we need phantom man oh we will make make ourselves helpers to make them chase Pepsi man it’s very simple Mikey how nice that we had a Fanta at home H how do we make a phantom man out of a regular soda or do you need some kind of spell I’ve just never done this before so I’m nervous no now we have to wait great it worked listen phantom man you will have to attack Pepsi man you will have to distract them and we at this point will level the jar with pep Pepsi well we’ll help you as I understand a big can of soda fell and the village started flooding yes it was like that and then came these Pepsi men they started threatening us said if we don’t leave they’ll beat us H if we can’t level the soda can the village will be destroyed well you did it when they saw you they ran away they decided to sail away we will find them and teach them a lesson if you still need our help you can ask all right now we need to activate the lever and then this will all be over oh no we’ve got a few trees in our house and it’s making our house wobble that means Mentos can fall into Pepsi we have to get to the roof as soon as possible why all this is happening to us we have almost aligned the can with soda how do we get to the roof because the house is strongly inclined stairs now under the water what is that a helicopter did you just see him what is it doing here is it really so bad that there’s not even a landing pad I understand it’s not just our village that’s flooded I think it’s chaos and if Mentos falls into Pepsi it’s kaaos listen Mikey how do you think we’re going to save everyone H I don’t know JJ H uh-oh look up Mikey the Mentos almost fell off the roof if he falls the apocalypse oh no what happened JJ didn’t you catch Mentos maybe it’s not so bad what can we stand to do I almost caught a pack of Mentos but I didn’t have time we need to get to the roof of our house we will be safe there the main thing is that the Pepsi drops don’t get in you or you can suffocate and lose Consciousness Oh no you’re okay yes everything is fine I can’t believe one of the trees fell on them now I’ll free you okay what’s going on what’s that huge Pepsi spray and what happened to Mentos when the tree fell on you you dropped the Mentos and it fell into the Pepsi unfortunately now there is nothing we can do now we have to wait until all this is over what are we going to do JJ we’re going to be safe but what are we going to do about the villagers H they don’t have tall houses and some of them are traed first I have to help my family but to do that I need an axe or a pair of scissors someone can’t get out of the house huge drops of Pepsi fell on someone I Get It Go Mikey we have to help the villagers yep I just have a recovery potion so if someone is injured I can immediately cure him this villager is trapped he can’t get out of his house some of the Villagers lost conscious because big drops of Pepsi fell on them we need to help all the villagers we need to build a bridge so we can get to the villagers all right go on JJ unfortunately almost everybody needs help it’s a good thing you have a lot of potions unfortunately we can’t call an ambulance yet so we have to treat them ourselves we were able to fly three villagers now we need to cure the others listen Mikey I’m asking you to be careful don’t fall into Pepsi see there’s geysers in the water if I’m alone I can’t save everyone great I was able to cure a couple more villagers we just started we still have a whole village ahead Mikey where are you did you fall down y I asked you to be careful tell me when you fell into Pepsi well the moment you said I should be careful stop talking and help me out by the way well only this time do not fall into Pepsi we have a lot of work to do we cannot waste time on it I figured you cured some more sick people but we have a whole village to cure so hurry up look Mikey let’s go to the chopper outside our house well let’s go why do we have to go there cuz I think there’s going to be someone who needs our help oh and on the way there we can cure a few more people listen Mikey sooner or later this house is over and soon the Mentos effect will be over so everything will be fine we almost reached there are still villagers apparently they were just in the helicopter they fell out when the helicopter fell how many villagers have been injured or lost Consciousness H I have an idea maybe we manage to fly this helicopter we can just fly to another place maybe then we can call for help we can fly to the hospital and tell them what’s going on oh I love your idea JJ if we can do this we can get out of here did you fall into Pepsi again Mikey what are you doing on purpose well it doesn’t matter climb the island and I beg you not to fall into Pepsi anymore I told you there are guys and you can step on them H I have bad news we cannot fly in this helicopter finished gasoline don’t worry Mikey I think I have a better idea oh we have super batteries at home we can charge the helicopter and fly listen Maybe instead of flying out of here maybe we should make a big deep hole and put sponges in it great it’s a fuel tank now we can save everything everyone we have to hurry we don’t have as much time as we’d like do you know what I want to do Mikey or Have you listened to my plan again I get it JJ and I love your plan but can you tell me again what you want to do how do I know you want to get in the helicopter everything is simple first I want to level the can with soda to do this we use a helicopter I’m not sure we will succeed but you need to try oh I like it let’s try it sounds fun if we fail the whole village will flood H great I got the chopper now I have to fly to the soda can and try to flip it I think we can make it it’s a military helicopter so it’s very powerful I’ve never flown helicopters before it feels like a flying machine look JJ you think that little Chopper can lift such a big can of pickles honestly I think even if we had two of these helicopters we still wouldn’t be able to move a can of soda well we’ll check it out now you think we’re not going to make it now you’re going to make sure you’re wrong so so great I was able to sit on the soda jar all right the Hook’s hooked well this is where we find out if we can lift the soda jar well Mikey and you said we wouldn’t make it yes I was wrong how good is it worked out and what do we do with all this Pepsi now the village will no longer flood Pepsi I’d offer to drink it but I can’t drink that much yep but now we have to merge the Pepsi now now we have to execute the second part of the plan oh we need to dig a huge hole put sponges in the pit to absorb all the Pepsi however we will have to dig a huge hole but we will succeed come on Mikey when we’re done being heroes in the village just imagine if we got statues to honor us I have a drill so pulling a long hole is no problem but you have to jump into the Pepsi as long as there are no geysers now you have to start digging you have to dig a big enough hole to fit all the Pepsi H good thing I had TNT I could use TNT as a drill it’s just a brilliant idea you can rip a long hole in 2 seconds look JJ I have a question you were talking about using sponges you have sponges with you now if there’s anything I can go home and look for well or ask the villagers don’t worry Mikey I took the sponges in advance you did good JJ you came up with such a brilliant and Simple Plan don’t worry everything will be fine H I hope that’s enough for some reason I think the hole is too small if I can dig one hole I did it the plan worked now there is no Pepsi in the village anymore honestly I thought that nothing worked I’m glad I was wrong H now we need to go check on our family yep all the villagers Rejoice but it is not surprising I saved their house I will remember this day for a very long time if I’m honest I still can’t believe it actually happened we saved not only their houses but the whole village so now we are the heroes I am sure to erect a monument in our honor I’m so glad you’re safe if I’m honest I was afraid I might get hurt as you can see we managed to level the can with soda and pour all the Pepsi into a pit honestly I’m so tired and I’m really hungry

JJ Family & Mikey Family Village vs Pepsi Flood in Minecraft (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg

WARDENS vs. The Most Secure House – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7AhPzV6yi8