We Survived Minecraft’s Deadliest GIANT (Siren Head)

guys listen you’re probably wondering why I brought you here again and I’m wondering that too why I brought you to a nonm but it’s okay all right cuz today we’re hunting Minecraft’s newest dweller we’ve got siren head what do you guys know what siren head is of course the guy that goes I have no idea and he’s and he’s like five times the size of a tree yeah and he looks kind of like a tree and he’s got big siren on his head and you don’t know siren head Lin I don’t think so also why do we have a campfire in front of lava the cook you can’t cook food by throwing it in lava did you guys take all of it I have any other food we don’t have any I have four cooked rabbit but yo listen we got to get tools then no we got to we got to prepare bro what is this exactly yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah also why did you bring us here at night time in this ominous looking biome are you crazy yeah I was waiting for you it was daytime when I got here what yeah it was daytime driving you can’t just call me and be like I got like a time zone difference bro like you’re living in the future bro I’m not living in the future I live in Britain I live in uh uh banistan thought you lived in London I what is happening right now you two oh my God why didn’t I invite someone smarter man bro listen I am the smartest Minecraft player alive okay so you can uh be at ease I’m going to go get some stone for us all right okay okay okay okay also wait when does siren head like spawn and stuff is he like here already he’s definitely in this world already be careful like oh wait wait wait lyx say goodbye to lier this might be the last time you see him what say it bye lier goodbye lier we love you uh I’m just getting Stone I’m going to be right here so like I can still hear his voice oh he’s going to die like he’s still there Lin I’m still here bro you think I’m going to die bro you think I’m that stupid L follow me what are you doing where you going you can hear us Don quick quick where’d you go are you in are you stupid oh whoa okay oh my God wait he’s screaming doing are you okay what you guys doing get in the water I’m not okay get in the water look there’s water over there I’m fine okay I’m fine that means you’ll just cook so that when siren head gets here he’ll kill you you know if you’re fine we’re done siren head wants to eat me cook yeah you have the stone ler man the Stone’s for me go get your own you just said I’m oh my goodness he said let me go get everybody Stone and then keeping the stone cool yo I’m getting my own resources bro because I realized that like you guys cannot be trusted with anything what I’m going tell you guys right now this isn’t like a normal mod that we’ve played before 100% you guys will die to like if you have no armor on okay so we actually need to be smallart today to get iron is iron enough yeah yeah no no but you know maybe it’s not enough maybe you know youy guys how much Cobblestone do I need listen buddy just get like 50 hold on L sorry I’m going to die water don’t have don’t worry about it don’t worry about it come here come here it hurts it burns jump in the water and oh don’t worry about jump ium I will rescue you don’t even worry about it there you go my friend oh my God that H he’s rescuing that he’s rescuing all right let’s return bro this looks very ominous are you kidding me brother look at the Moon dead we’re so dead my God okay okay okay we find how do we find him okay so siren head we we need to read about the go looking for siren head he comes looking for you come we need to talk about the L I don’t know the L you don’t know you don’t know who is get this I can’t hear a word he’s saying but I guarantee everything he’s saying is absolute awful guys did you see how low I was I was literally half heart bro I he I’m talking to the viewers you nut job what do you mean oh sorry oh my God okay listen anyways lenux emerged with the creeper and then became siren head I knew he was talking some gibberish bro don’t listen to him he has no idea what he’s talking about giberish my brother I’ve read all the books about siren head oh the sun’s coming up so we’re good chill oh my God guys he’s there where right there where he’s right there brother that is just a bunch of trees floating no right there he’s coming he’s coming he’s coming guys help me where where bro the sun’s coming up oh we help is that the Sun ah he’s he w w that’s head I’ll kill him don’t worry don’t worry don’t worry run towards me what you run towards you oh my god yo somebody stop it please please I’m actually going to die I’m actually going to die this is it he fell the lava oh my God he’s on fire oh my on the PO I’m helping I’m helping I’m helping L you’re not doing anything I’m on half a heart so I can’t really do anything bro I’m actually dead is he going to die bro what is he doing is he dead yet he’s in p he died somewhere over here look at that tree over there what oh my God why of a cross what’s going on is it actually look oh it’s gone now wait I swear it was okay see this is good oh ouch this is good this is good this is daytime guys listen right so I was actually watch oh it’s not the same one I am Linux playing with my life right now bro yeah low are you a heart and a half I need food I I’m two hearts oh I’m at two now I’m at two and a half oh okay same okay we we actually need to play this smart okay we can’t be doing lier stuff okay yeah yeah AG greated we need to get like food there’s salmon down there if we want to fight some you hear that no I heard fo step bro chill is he okay I swear to you I heard the ground shake like a footstep like a boom chill bro I’m serious guys guys guys guys I just saw siren head actually you didn’t I just saw s did you hear the firstep I saw no you didn’t he’s lying lier bro guys I actually heard it did you guys hear that am I tripping I need to get actual like boom there we go this is the best part about like Dynamic lights look just don’t even need to oh my God I’m a genius don’t need to light up no caves no thank you I don’t want to talk to you cuz you got to go boom Donny yeah I just want to say that this guy like over there he’s completely crazy and he doesn’t know what he’s doing I think we should like kill him yeah why do we always resort to killing Linux oh yo Don you have an idea Don yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what if like actually hear me out so we can kill him he won’t fully die but we can just like when it turns night time we kill him and then we use his like kind of dead body as bait for siren okay I’m actually down I’m actually down hello hello hey buddy I’m but don’t don’t tell him we’ll do it at night you’re so pretty that next I know bro he’s actually the prettiest yo by the way I found a huge oh there’s an Enderman just teleport into the wall uh guys follow me I found something sick like actually follow me follow me I need food bro I’m she going to stop here here Don Brothers we will find enough food uh cuz the location I’m leading you to is the most magical location you’ve ever seen in your life okay I’ll you yeah yeah yeah just walk is it which direction this direction oh whatever bro just leave this guy alone man oh my God we’re sacrificing him later anyways we don’t need him to be alive exactly look at this bro look at this cave is that crazy my God it’s actually the most beautiful cave I’ve ever seen in my life like bro oh my God watch out should we jump into the water no did you survive did he survive okay I think he said it’s good deep am I I’m on qu 25 oh oh my God bro look at this you wanted me to live right that’s why you hit me off cuz you knew there was water there oh yeah I saw the water definitely I definitely 100% saw the water yeah all right yo let’s find some uh iron bro we’re definitely going to find a bunch of it in this uh very nice looking cave is it turning night time no it’s just we’re going further into the cave I see Oh my he sounded hilarious did you hear that I did hear that oh I don’t have a torch I can make another one yeah here I got some gotor L you idiot wearing hardcore you understand that right you think I did that on purpose don’t call me idiot bro what do you mean do you see you think I just spawned a creeper you think I did SL spawn why are you taking the ey you saw me just I didn’t take anything there you go why you take the iron you took my one oh my God man these videos would be a lot easier if everyone listened to me and and copied what I did okay let okay the first thing I do parkour that might get me killed you know oh see you don’t know how to p cool like this you know what are we doing right now where are we what are we doing I don’t know we’re looking for thingy for siren head or for armor for armor trying to get armor oh my God that would have killed me that was lucky all that for one iron Mr iron you have any more food Mr iron where are you I think I’m going to go back up to the surface and um okay I’m going to go back to the surface and I’m going to go start like a farm or something okay that’s good okay go keep mining iron save your for me okay D yeah are you going back to where we started yeah ouch okay okay I’m going okay I I’ll mine up here here take this take this I do have I have one here I’ll make food for us okay thank you there we go we got some cooked mutton and guys I was going to make a stupid joke I’m not going to make a joke I’m not that Edy okay I’m not crazy man it needs to be like a like please if I see siren head alone these guys are not going to believe me okay the base is that way remember that the base is that way Donnie come on Focus up Focus up y we Linux and lager you’re the smartest one here somehow I don’t know how that happened but we made it Mama we made it is there like come on man where are all the like Farm an I think it because we got s head in this world it’s only tall trees forest for as far as we can see it’s just tall trees so I don’t know how we can escape it but uh maybe we don’t have to there oh there’s another cave here oh my God is that like oh my God it actually does go deep a I don’t I never understood what these mossy cobblestone like blocks were for like why are they just all sitting here what what are these is I like when you’re playing Modern Minecraft they look like tombstones but when you’re playing vanilla Minecraft what are they doing here there’s some surface iron all the way up here like what are you doing here there you go bro I think like iron must be rare cuz I see iron in like in like patches of like 50 million iron you know but then whenever on this world there’s like barely any there only it’s only in like on why so we see the the lava part the lava pool down there is that where we started that not even the one oh no this is where we saw the Burning Tree from above the hill then said guys what does he want look look look you see see The Burning Tree that’s oh there’s venx we just saw him you see my sens of direction is crazy but don’t ask me that when I’m driving cuz sometimes guys when I’m driving I got my eyes closed so me I drive purely on Vibes he said I’m I’m trying to find food I’m about to die coming back now okay that was okay LX l l oh there you are yeah hey what if you forget my name these days you call me Lia again did I I’m the the British one you what I’m the British one the pretty one British oh British okay he’s actually the worst hello did you hear those footsteps earlier I didn’t hear anything but my screen was shaking I swe I thought it was because I was trying to mine ore no it was footsteps yeah so does that mean he’s near I I think so this finder oh thank you problem do you want some beef uh no no you’re good I’m going to go M this up here I got nothing left now okay I have some iron too um only four though okay I got I got uh I got four to so we’re going to need we’re going to need like oh God it’s already getting dark again we’ve made no progress on this world it’s okay it’s okay at least we have yeah uh I put the ey in there okay let me see if there’s more salmon salmon is oh yeah more okay nice okay so Linux is on food JY even though I was supposed to be uh I’m just going to go up and get this iron I don’t know where lier is though why did I use Spruce planks what’s wrong with me we’re in a forest and I’ve run out of trees or wood here we go give me give me give me give me give me a strong rer from [Music] Sweden I just type random numbers for Li he’s going to make you way in the wrong direction come back to base I see it what is he talking about y I just typed random CS that that was not the cords i l just I literally was just like oh Donnie’s so nice giving him the C they came with the most random qus bro I just type random numbers bro look we’re not even close we’re in the negative is this not Z oh lager’s right there liger bro there’s so much salmon in this Creek it’s perfect I’m just going to keep getting the salmon lagger glad you got came back after the cords I gave you Don yes please tell me you did not just use all the iron to make yourself a chest plate okay sorry all right yo listen Boys Boys Boys what was it there for can you give me one more H actually wait I have it okay can you give me one more food one more yeah sure why you just picked up all all the food all right Don you remember what I told you right yeah what are you doing just you see how quickly he ran over there to check what I was doing bro what’s wrong with him all right yeah he comes over takes y why did you kill L Donny start the ritual start the ritual okay siren head we have this guy for we offer you we offer you the juiciest meat of all mankind he is volumptuous bu like a bakery blue eyes bu like a bakery please spare us siren head Show Yourself siren head Linux Linux what is this pick me up L pick me up he’s dead he’s dead it’s working it’s working we help him or no I have all the food okay he the food he has the food he has the food I have all the food yeah okay cool cool cool oh we just baited siren head then oh my god brother one of these trees are going to be him bro I don’t there’s a skeleton with full armor behind you care I don’t like this but at least we have lava here so we can like trap him that’s not going to work why have I got no wood I’m we will survive this boys I’m telling you we always do did you use what is that oh it’s just a skeleton yeah bro he has Enchanted stuff ouch why did he s Target to me skeleton identity oh no don’t please no but I didn’t turn into anything oh okay you oh my god what the meaning of this I don’t know we just need to oh we just need to make iron armor I think or iron Linux you probably would to get more salmon shoot a fish oh yeah here he is hello I hear you lenx what hey you are you getting more salmon yeah I’m the salmon getter salmon okay that tree line over there broing me out links three four okay you hear that lager hear what the sound whoa whoa whoa yeah I do hear that bro I just saw movement in the distance bro is it coming from here you hear that as well right I do siren head where it’s coming from here it’s coming from this campfire how could the campfire be making noise yeah it’s in that direction no it’s right here it’s right here are you guys hearing this yeah yeah it’s saying like National Weather emergency I just keep seeing these like the the trees flicker in the distance bro maybe we leave campsite no no no bro we have to stay here like did you use all the iron to make armor I this is my own Iron that I went out to grind for then looks you bro bro that’s that that’s all you bro I didn’t take take anything you you go L next I got I saved you some iron why is he TR to that was mine lier you just said that you used all of yours already God man to be fair Don this is more than I got so yeah that’s fine thank you um I only got three stop only collecting food bro I’m just so worried bro I keep hearing the stff the noises what what did you say I just keep hearing these noises and I know it’s going to spawn any second it’s always in these videos when we turn our back for like 5 minutes and nothing happens and then all of a sudden boom he’s there wait real quick uh I wanted to ask you this does siren head spawn during the daytime I think he does yeah I he spawns anytime why oh okay why okay did you not hear footsteps earlier but I have not seen any mob that normal mob like sheep I heard a dog B you guys are crazy bro I’m getting out of here do you not hear a dog nope nope I’m not doing this mimics animals bro he mimics animals so that people why does he keep calling us the crazy people is is lag bring all of our stuff or should we leave it cuz all we have is like crafting tables okay no no no actually it had loads of coal in there yeah you’re the group leader leer show us where to go believe in my leadership yes don’t follow him then X okay it’s just going to be me and then I’m going to be the one to die just watch oh there’s nothing in here anyway here we go ouch then okay let me just get that okay and let me guess they left me while I went to pick up their mess uhoh johnie yeah my screen’s shaking how brother my I heard footsteps and my screen was shaking a bit I told you bro I told you I heard footsteps earlier bro grass keeps breaking randomly I don’t know if it’s us walking on it or if it’s the sh oh my God oh my God oh I thought I looked at the Ender oh I saw something where W I saw something right over here I I hear fsts he’s right there where where where oh L where he’s right over there he’s right over there he’s right over there help help I’m slowed I’m slowed slow he’s stuck he’s stuck he’s right there on the left oh my God is he is he gone chill chill I saw his head I saw his head because he was down here he was standing down there broo I saw it too look at these trees bro I saw it for a split second does he eat whoa is he vegetarian no no no he’s not definitely not vegan is he vegan like Megan or no no he’s not Megan okay okay chill chill chill chill chill chill so we saw him yeah but then he disappeared also bro what is this you can’t get close to him he’s going to one like it he will one shot you bro oh what the what on Earth yeah it looks like a hole in the ground it looks like a tombstone nothing’s in there but yo listen he bro I swear at him I zoomed in and then everything was slow I see like a base let go have let’s go let’s go make a house or we hide yeah yeah we have a campfire bro I moved I picked wanted to leave that area bro you said you wanted to dip I said I wanted to explore but okay that’s fine we can make a new base let’s make an actual house like somewhere we can live and be mentally normal okay but wouldn’t we be safe on the tip of a mountain oh yeah true on the top you’re saying yes we just find like a mountain top and then we reside on it this one be the highest one up yeah this feels like an infinite Forest by the way wow look around guys the mountain behind us man oh my God I’m playing with idiots we got to get materials though we have you’re the only person in full iron armor oh my God all I have is a Minecraft pickaxe I’m introducing attack everything you get I get 50% you can get 50% of these nuts all right I’m going a he going we see who thrives better okay it’s a 2v one I’m the best micro play as world has ever seen good luck beating siren head on your own oh sheep wait lier look like just you want me they yo Li angry Don wait before you go before you go can we just hear the hold on hold on we hit the Hol no man you don’t deserve it please please just once before you go only if L does his signature okay L you did BR I’m not gonna hold on hold on these our P will never cross again hold on these nuts okay hold on these nuts lier I hear you one more hold on these nuts yeah I heard you all right let’s go make a b bro we’ll go destroy his base wait let’s build right next to him okay build like literally like 10 blocks away I will make a better house than him yeah yeah yeah okay he’ll be so annoyed that we’re neighbors then we kill him when he sleeps that would be so funny we rep his small intestines and use it as straws huh what okay no no no just wow trees in the yeah it’s beautiful today he he is it actually is Minecraft is a beautiful game beautiful place let’s go M Lia oh Linux yeah do you see what I see no I’m mining hold on what do you see I see see look look you see what uh I see red mushrooms you know what we could do with red mushrooms oh yeah boy no we can can you move we can make infinite water I mean a mushrooms too wait but what happens when we mine the whole mushroom it’s infinite bro you know look like look he was here he had the same idea as us we have to kill him together as a team why are you using your Axe and stuff wait it just broke yeah cuz you’re using it thought you’re supposed to how was I supposed to know yeah don’t use your axe wait where did liger actually go is he that fast I don’t know oh oh oh liger what are the odds that tonight we see liger was slained by I 100% we see that in chat you say guys come and revive me please I need your help guys don’t and Don and Linux the small ones you know I can’t wait for him to say that I hope he says that you know mhm same but hey there we go PW pow P maybe one day perfect wow oh yeah and biomes there’s tons mushrooms yeah this one here brown mushrooms look you see this we’re going to have infinite food bro we don’t need no cows oh my goodness give me all the mushrooms give me all the mushrooms all the yo yo did you hear about when the Brown These this round stuff needed needed more space it needed much more room I’m hearing you hear when this stuff needed more space it needed more M much more room much room much more room are you laughing I can’t hear you you you cut out I think next no I’m not no oh the punch line cut out oh I said you needed much it needed much more room I can’t hear you let’s just skip to the next J there we go oh my God take this I made way too many l here you go look wait I have some too how do you make it oh I made way too many oh my yeah silly me silly rabbit tricks off for kids oh wait look we can at least we can sleep in a bed look we got a bed you see oops wait why are we sleeping I was just saying we got had to kill yeah but I’m just saying like we got like like we got bed you know got bed you got bed come let’s go go kill lier we got we got bed we have to kill him bro together as a team why do we why are we trying to kill liger cuz he’s the enemy the enemy of my enemy is my friend wait no the enemy of my the friend of my enemy is my he made a shield we have to make a shield now too you left of ir show him who’s boss no I don’t have anything oh God tring get what are you doing there we go all right I’m ready finally let’s go I’m I’m ready let’s go be this way Li I guarantee he went this way ask him what his cords are what are your crds yeah oh oh my God what are the odds that you fall there I fell into water too I didn’t even take damage bro you want to join team L look what I said Enchanted D yeah D why is he why is he replying I wanted to drop the me drop the oh there’s there is more than this biome so where did liger go I don’t know let’s get some chicken I didn’t don’t know so much food bro I need like armor yeah you’re right but this iron head is going to kill us just iron armor bro I swear me and you need to get diamonds you know oh we find a village we can find a village bro trade some stuff yes I got I can smell villagers is my superpower if you just want like yeah closest one that way wait really yeah okay let’s go I’ve literally never ever in my life not not g in the right direction if you keep running in that direction eventually you’ll find a village sometimes it’s like 3 million blocks away though so can you smell liger no he stinks my nose it out yeah my nose my nose is allergic to think there we go found it oh wait that’s a tree I’m starting to think you chose the wrong team huh wait who chose the wrong team I’m starting to think you did Don it’s becoming night time I know but siren head is around the corner why TR me why would we want to find siren head all this time I’ve been looking for him I thought hey man told you to join team Niger oh look oh my God oo see we can get Linux armor more IR yes perfect here skeleton look just so Li thinks like they’re actually doing progress here take this hold it for a second and give it back what is it I just play Oh see now he’s thinking oh my God Linux just got I said throw it back oh my bad no not that Ty throw it back oh my god dude all right no it’s fine here all right no wait wait wait no no no it’s fine it’s fine food what is that oh help me oh my God oh my God oh my I’m actually dead I’m actually Dead next I got him thank you here here here take your armor I wasn’t even wearing the armor while we were fighting him why oh Emerald nice why is it Emerald here I don’t know that’s iron what you just found iron not emerald look yeah that’s iron stop lying man here we go look my hand look hold on I’ll look in five minutes boom boom boom see maybe we go for like a cave one like a cave it’s a look look yeah I look I’ll look in 5 minutes I told you oh my God there we go boom boom boom boom perfect Donnie it’s dark outside yeah exactly that’s why we’re inside of a cave what do you think I’ll go look for siren head I don’t think that’s a smart idea though I’ll be right back wait wait take the sir too here okay I I’ll spell all the iron here I’m going to do a freestyle while you’re G and by the time you get back I’ll still be freestyling okay okay start freestyling now okay all right you can go oh Sor yo it’s Danny here on the beat I like to smell on feet y my feet be what happened I was literally about to lay it down you’re going to do what now no oh my God bro you’re so weird there we go boom half in there half in there look at that here you go Linux Tony come here come here come here come here right now right now come here hurry now be quiet and tell me if I’m tripping okay you’re going to walk up here and slowly peek over you tell me what you see get down get down get see anything oh my God we found him we found him what we do what do we do bro he’s breaking get down get down get don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t bro I see him right there lenux do you want me to go taunt him no don’t go to him V okay okay put this on put this on put this on no I said don’t what this one just play just play there you go now you can go to him just um be careful oh that’s going to expose you Donnie he’s right there ow you’re dying to skeletons bro you’re dying to skeletons I’m leaving him wait do I have any iron here yeah I’ll just I I’ll make a shield this is my 50th millionth crafting table this episode but oh my God why is likey getting covered me with diamonds he’s cheating he must my God I got no oh my God oh my God I can’t I can barely move my screen is shaking bro he’s coming L I can’t Sprint oh my God bro I can’t Sprint I can’t oh I can spr he’s piing up oh my God run up up up up get up get up why did he build in oh my Johny oh my God he killed Linux I’m dying how are you dying I don’t know I don’t know maybe maybe he’s stepping right above us he definitely is I can barely move bro this this area section off now oh my God help us help please please we need his help he’s got cover with diamonds we need like us out he diamonds he has cover with diamonds bro look we got the diamond achievement maybe we can go get like Baby’s [Music] Gone oh my God we’re good we’re good we’re good oh my God come back come back I’ll give him the actual C 705 99 uh- 74 oh my God okay Linux Linux oh my God got a screenshot of siren oh you got it bro hey Leer’s coming coming okay okay let’s find more iron iron uh no I have nothing left I couldn’t find anymore where’d you get the boots and pants from i i a village you can take this Stu there you go oh thank you you know maybe we can kill him why is it every episode either I get to argument with lier and we stop fighting or you get into argument with laging you two stop fighting you know mhm maybe he’s the aggressive one maybe he is I can’t believe we saw him bro that was so scary when the I got so close I don’t know how we’re supposed to get closer once he gets really close it makes you slow down I know like you can’t Sprint then if you get like the certain distance away he lets you sprint again should we just like should I build like a dirt Tower so can see us oh my God I shielded that okay here I’m going to accept my fate I’m dead no no no no no I got you you saw be Jama yeah gave up I gave up first side of L Death I gave up bro I don’t see him at all do you see him sir head yeah he’s gone gone right he must be I don’t know where liger is what happened to that terrain over there may he’ll build about to become night time again maybe he’ll see that yeah should have built it on that one on what one on that that mountain cuz now if he comes from that way he’s not going to see us oh true I’ll go build over there I’m going to place a torch on each side maybe he’ll see the don’t sum that’s summoning Herobrine now no it’s not oh it’s becoming daytime oh my God hi go where are you okay and now it’s raining so we never got to see us boom AB boom AB boom d b’s here and I’m swagging on the beat the be goer everybody listen cuz oh man see lier and he’s like full diamond armor Enchanted I think I’m going to lose it I think we fight him honestly there two people versus one we get his armor at that stage I have three pickaxes by the way I see him oh really he’s full God he’s in full he’s x-raying bro he has to be x-raying yo yo yo Linux don’t make a big deal out of it just be okay don’t make LX listen to me don’t big okay yeah just act like it’s let’s give him food though yeah for step mger here we brought you food you want some food you’re probably starving you’re probably starving without us herey take some food don’t worry guys come up here I I’ll show you something okay so is this the base no we put that there just you see put that there so you can see us what do you mean is this the base you think we’ve been doing nothing all this time all right guys listen I have brought you food please cook it up I have also brought uh more mushrooms uh here you go there’s a lot of them cool uh I already have my own stew here’s my old armor please clean it and um yeah you can also take this clean that as well as if I wouldn’t chop you here right here bro you even with half armor you die right now don’t talk to us like that okay or we’ve been grafting here at home all right you I’ll finish you right now bro you don’t want to fight me what you said you’ll do what chill out can you just back me for Linux is the witness whoever wins becomes a president okay fine let’s listen to the other person you all right okay did we start yeah we start you want to apologize or no no get him Linux I’m joking what are you doing L tou you I’m not doing anything I didn’t do anything I told you I told you he got chot bro he get he got touch huh this is my now he’s finished he can’t reach it if he’s off the server did you see me I I pull my iron I hit him and I pull up mus spe oh he’s finish bro he oh my [Applause] God you got to listen now punk you got listen now punk you got listen we’ll give you all the food you want bro all right I’ll listen we just need you we need you bro we need you bro we already ran into siren head again and we couldn’t do anything without you give me the food give me the food here come here come here here he walked up to I was like clean your armor you need to know who’s a top dog around here why you been gone we been cooking and cleaning look it off to the houseing cleaning as a top dog you know what I’m saying top dogs cooking clean we cooking clean for real man we cooking clean real man they cooking clean I don’t need to talk to you you just need to listen W who put those two torches there we did this is where we fought siren head right over there you fought siren head we fought siren head I swear so look we’ll show you come what yeah bro look ouch so we were inside this cave here right we ran down here look you can see the Torches down here we ran down here and there’s loads of iron down here right I Cann I cannot hear you what did you say what you say and there’s loads of iron down here so we were just cooking it up you know cooking up all the stuff that we needed we got all the food in here in these chests then Linux says yo don’t need come over here so we ran over here and we were like yeah yeah yeah what’s up then we went up here and then oh uh there you go at this we came up here we put a crafting table down cuz we needed to make a shield right so we came here and bro look right there where those trees are mash up that’s where he was and then we fought him Lin a very detailed story I know then Lin ran up to him and say Bo then he started chasing Linux then he ran us inside the cave he chased us inside the cave where he killed Linux but then I managed to hide and I resed him after he disappeared that did not happen bro it did it didn’t say that in chat word for word ball for ball that’s what happened and I just killed you in chat didn’t say they said Lio was down in chat no bro look at this tree I’m dead I could see exactly see bro I promise you bro this was him you think we came down here mind these trees came up with fabricate the story all right man sorry man exactly thank you I want a rematch though I’m not fighting you again I already won and I’m in less armor I don’t want to fight again if you win I’ll give you all my armor I want to love I don’t want to fight again stop you hit me didn’t you he didn’t touch you you think him hitting you with mushrooms dude did anything look what I have this is my hot bar boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom see the most I have is an iron pick I don’t I don’t I didn’t even make an axe I don’t have an axe right now if this chicken lays a egg we kill ier right now okay there’s no egg You Live Another Day longer you want to fight no I was joking let’s save the fighting for siren head please okay fine come on I’m just saying like he got really lucky I also ran out of food and I wasn’t regening enough this is a dysfunctional group when lying is the voice of reason this this is a dysfunctional group listen man you know what sacrifice someone again bro look at this tree oh whatever bro I’m I I’m seeing so many like crosses it’s actually nuts bro I promise you it’s siren head he’s the one doing it so what do we do when we see him are we going to fight him I we can fight him now that lag’s got diamond armor but we need lag to do all the damage does anybody have uh iron for a sword for me or like an axe No I gave you this come here if you accept me as your president I I shall reward two diamonds what is your what do you vouch to do like what are you going to do as president bring oh there’s a doggy all right uh please be a good boy going a BN thank you my friend we one no dogs allowed Punk [Laughter] yeah Remember When You Killed My Horse H remember when you killed my pet that one time remember those times a you little dog dead oh here look look this is him look look he’s alive look look look look where you going where you going look here’s your dog bro here’s your dog your dog’s right here bro yo look look look he’s floating with you yeah yeah think about the the mistakes you made okay You Killed My Horse remember that you did a lot of evil things to me that dog I actually got that dog get one I want s to come now that was literally like I wor the CH I was going to get like a I was going like an inkc I was going to like turn into black D or something s [Music] of I was going to get if I get like I was going to get like a name tag or something next Temple yeah hey hey man so this siren head guy he wanted me to pass you a message he said something about these nuts in your mouth yo yo your dog had a a couple of last words he said um tell Donnie he can fit these nuts in his mouth and here’s like his flesh enjoy it oh here um maybe you find another dog here here’s a couple of bones for it you know you can tame him but I’ll probably kill him again I was joking come back Donnie can you fit these nuts in your mouth Donnie Don come back Donnie can you fit these nuts in your mouth Don Donnie can you fit these nuts in your mouth Dy d why is he being straight down does he not want to live [Music] anymore there we go we got another pickaxe and we got another axe two and one see so now we don’t even need to have to go this porch up there I do not want to die what y coordinate are we at this is deep slate now we’re going to get deep slate iron ore this is it this is it guys this is it I just want to finish my iron set kill siren head get off this W get off this Ser good that’s fine okay we can do this we can do this guys whether we have Linux no actually Linux was being rude to we don’t need anyone anymore this is the Donnie Channel now it always was the Donnie Channel I guess but you know what I mean like it was like like my side like like shut up you guys know what I mean I’m actually good I I’m in the only place where they can only find like where is the iron ooh look at this cave oh wow oh Redstone oh there gold iron Let’s Go full iron we just need enough after we get this full iron we just need enough to make a helmet okay oh and that’s so that’s five we need five pieces plus three for pickaxe three for a uh axe that’s 5 + 6 11 yeah they come up now oh God I’ll just go back up the way I came I guess what does he want he might actually need my help LX LX on see him I generally can’t see him guys oh there he is look they’re over there I need one more to yes L siren head here and he was that was the scariest thing I’ve ever seen sir head do look look around yeah I know I said we saw him already I’m sorry Donnie I’m sorry I lost all my h again bro for being mean no it’s fine I get it man I did it to you too you know here here like I understand sometimes people thank you for understanding but now like I I’m I’m good to call it uh no thank you um what what’s the word for it Linux I’m good to call it a uh we’re even we’re even Steven no no no no thank you why I thank you I just rather not you know so it’s like a truth no no no I just rather not talk anymore that’s fine oh you just don’t want to talk exactly listen I’m going to go out I’ll find you another dog okay I’ll feel bad I don’t care I don’t want a stupid dog I don’t want a stupid dog no more no I’ll find you a dog even if it cost me my life I don’t care I hope it does you hear that we need to sleep yep oh okay these guys oh it’s me oops oh they’re the worst man bro bro die there’s no [Music] way there we go f a membrane oo oh I got two bones get a do right here right here D yeah I know I saw it a dog I got it in one last time hopefully this dog loves me too yeah he’s not the same oh leer leer got one too he’s not the same he’s fine it happens man you know you can sit here though good boy stay there forever wait what why are you leaving him I don’t want him why how did I dodge that the dog actually saved me what well the dog tpd when I took damage see what these Phantoms want hello hey look I got your dog I don’t want that door all right can I kill this one let’s get it let’s get it together come on now yeah you can kill that one we got no no more killing dogs yo this guy is straight up evil now bro what is going on bro we have a siren to kill wait I’ll give him a gift maybe he’ll like me after here you go yeah it’s for you hey yo Linux what is he doing I don’t know what he’s doing wait okay if you don’t like that I’ll make you this there you go stop he took him he took him what is he doing what is he doing stop you started it with the de nuts jokes oh let me die going accept this you realize we just res you let me die please no bro what are these steps me die what you why you going insane bro I should be the one going insane food I need food guys guys siren head siren head siren head I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die with skeleton I want to die a skeleton what did you me where’s siren head over here come on he’s right there he’s over here somewhere okay you know he one shot me last time right I used my shield listen to me come here oh my screen sh is getting really bad okay guys listen listen listen listen he’s right behind you he’s right behind listen listen listen to me listen to what listen to what oh my God guys help save you I’ll save you I’ll save you quick guys I’m trying oh oh my God oh my God I’ll protect you I cannot even hit him what a mess

We Survived Minecraft’s Deadliest GIANT (Siren Head) w/ Doni Bobes – Minecraft


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MUSIC USED 🡆 All by Kevin Macleod at http://incompetech.com


  1. Ok seriously I have to ask is Dweller just a catchall term for anything scary in minecraft? Because you refer to things like Siren Head and SCP's as dwellers when in their own lore they are considered Cryptids or Anomalies. Until watching minecraft videos I've never heard of anyone refer to them as "dwellers"

  2. At least now we know that diamond gear is also weak against Siren Head, i wonder if Doni knew that Siren Head is unkillable. Doni you should make a video where you troll Liger the most, ask Dr. Donji to do some scary experiments with him.

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