JJ and Mikey Found The MOST DEEP DIAMOND PIT in Minecraft Maizen!

hey JJ JJ you’ll never guess what I found here follow me yeah that’s it see H what is that is it wow I wonder what’s inside there’s definitely treasure somewhere inside oh let’s go what’s this place oh I hope you’re ready what is this place there’s water and lava but why you have to choose between a pit of water or a pit of lava and dive into one one is the right choice and the other is wrong what it’s a choice H water or lava I know H I choose water why well JJ I would burn up if I chose lava no matter how I think of it water is the answer it’s obvious the choice is simple water so here I go yippy no huh huh there’s cobwebs no there’s creepers too uh-oh poor Mikey seriously I’m sorry to say JJ water no was the wrong choice really that’s a slow fall man too bad no these creepers can I get away way there’s no way [Music] out nope Mikey a that means lava is the way to go is it really safe to just dive in if it makes you feel better I promise you’ll be fine if you jump in really I don’t have any other [Music] choice what huh I’m fine check it out there’s a layer of water right underneath so that’s how it works even your fall damage was taken care of by these slime blocks let’s move on to the next area H wao is this lava parkour yep and there’s no water under this lava so be very careful on the course all right good luck [Music] Mikey nice that was awesome [Music] good job what’s next Mikey do you see a button it should be [Music] there I get it now okay yeah push the button to launch into the air I made it you have to walk across the pipe without falling to open the door good work Mikey thanks let’s see Mikey this is a dropper you have to jump down and aim for the water without hitting any of those Red Blocks H I’m bad at dropper oh well good luck I think I’ll clear it you got it go that was your first try I hit something huh I bumped into it I guess bumping it is fine I’ll try [Music] now oh I hit it and lived too seriously I guess maybe it’s okay to hit those blocks then let’s leave that behind us I can probably clear this one do it just dash run as fast as you can dead end okay go left this way go we can do it what do you think is going to come next I’m hyped huh what’s this let’s go what’s this it looks like a parkour section Mikey we’re already pretty high up I wouldn’t want to fall that would hurt be careful nice pop across let’s keep moving hang on H it’s a dead end there’s no way to get up there we can’t reach you’re right but look over here we walk right past this chest oh there might be something useful inside let’s see huh well what do we have here there’s a slime block a sticky piston and a lever but how are those going to help us check this out let’s put it together like this see oh we can hop on top of here try it out sure ready go wo I made it sweet thanks yep I was launched pretty high okay I’ll try not to fall off yes nice I made it let’s go all right okay wo what’s all this it’s not safe we’re high up this is scary Mikey I don’t want to fall off go slow so high I can barely look down this is seriously crazy take it easy and you won’t fall all right it looks like we have more parkour ahead be careful stay focused this is tough that was close but I made it okay I made it yes wow we’re almost to the top look wo already that was easier than I thought now we just have to get the treasure from inside this house still don’t let your guard down okay let’s go here we go what no seriously uh Mikey huh you fell there was a hole inside I know it’s a trap that you have to jump over to get inside let’s jump woo it’s pretty easy a come on on no way okay try again finally I made it wo nice all right that hole we made it to the chest so let’s open it up and see what kind of Treasure’s inside open wo oh nice amazing check it out it was full of coins awesome woohoo we got the treasure keep climbing those stairs Mikey is this the end I can’t believe I made it to the top already no oh I see what do you see Mikey huh ouch one of these goblins hit me there are so many yeah wait I don’t want to fight them you don’t have to fight them oh you just need to outrun them as soon as you pull that lever you’ll need to clear the lava Trail so I’m supposed to pull the lever and run as fast as I can mhm here goes nothing start wait back off there’s too many oh no I’m stuck in the Llama a Mikey that was quick this time you got to run fast got it I know what to do now time to run go this way this is super hard look out behind you come on they’re moving so fast wa jump wo magma blocks that was super intense wow the magma blocks melted them Mikey great work time to move on here I go am I getting close to the end this must be it almost H oh huh look three chests yep and you need to pick the right one Mikey okay only one is a winner this one uh it’s up to you Mikey well this chest looks pretty good hm can I open it go ahead but be careful careful whatever it’s not that one wo are you kidding me you survived yeah okay all right Mikey only two choices left I picked up a block there it’ll protect me how will that block protect you you’ll see okay wait a sec really my a your block didn’t do a very good job of protecting you I know one more chest I’ll take a look inside this equipment is amazing the middle chest has some rare items cool nice wo I even got a new weapon awesome thanks JJ with these items there’s no way I can lose Yep this armor lets you jump super high so epic you’re fast I’m on my way hang on a second what’s that what do you mean that big blue thing yikes it’s so scary oh well it’s trying to get out I don’t want to fight it what should I do JJ wo I found the treasure at the back you can’t open it yet mine you’re strong huh nice AR too fast he can’t even touch me wow bam watch out for its attacks W I’m hit it’s super powerful yep okay here I go serious mod take that Goblin wait a second I got to reload I wonder if I can knock it off the end let’s try it good luck this is one strong enemy I think it’s working though almost got it wao you’re so close you did it hooray now for the treasure cool wow that’s epic awesome okay H hey swords we can use these check it out huh cool I’m going to put the helmet on awesome this sword is really powerful each swing makes a black hole I think you hit me oh never mind we can’t actually attack each other only enemies wow these swords are really nice does this mean we’re done with the dirt house hang on there’s a chest here let’s see what’s inside all right I’m opening it huh wao what is it Dynamite seriously I think we’re supposed to use it to get past the steel wall try it ready yep what’s behind here wait do you think it could be treasure or something I hope it’s something useful who whoa there’s something here look out Mikey use your sword right wo I got it go take that black hole JJ this is really really bad black hole nice it works it’s dead what the sweet we beat it it’s all taken care of let’s keep going Mikey I think I see the treasure chest behind this door ooh can I open it sure careful not to let your guard down let’s go huh what’s this thing Mikey you’re finally here I know how to get through this yeah you got it nice oh Mikey huh what wait why the guards might notice the explosion and chase you be super careful I’m getting out of here no one can stop me sure Mikey okay careful with the lasers wo run what are those they’re guards huh why are they walking into the lasers they’re way too weak to guard a prison lucky me hooray seriously that’s it yay they lost to their own security system sweet congratulations Mikey you safely made it past the prison guards thank you [Music] you’re getting close wo what’s that H H now it’s time to open this chest oh that’s a cool sword we got a katana and some golden apples these are awesome I they’re powerful we’re [Music] Unstoppable the wall broke let’s go Mikey okay it looks like it’ll take a long time until we reach the top but maybe if we push this button hey sweet stop it what’s that no what’s wrong there’s something up there enemies I bet we can take them yeah let’s do this thing you’re right an enemy let’s fight it y there I took care of it all right oh there’s another enemy nope sorry here I go jump got him wow okay nice wo this is pretty cool oh one more I’ll deal with it look out I bet there’s treasure up there another one come on Mikey I’m coming let’s get that treasure this is fun wait a minute we’re almost at the top [Music] great I wonder what’s up there maybe some treasure hey I made it to the stairs no way I was so close to Falling that was really dangerous yeah oh well let’s keep going we’re almost there treasure Here We Come Oh wait a giant monster help okay it’s burning the sword I think it has some sort of Firepower this thing is super hot let’s take it down ouch yes [Music] nice we beat it good job treasure let’s open it up 3 2 one wo more diamonds and the ultimate cookie yummy let’s head back let’s go h Huh where’s this what is this place huh the huh and the way forward is locked again oh uh hm wait Mikey huh there are chests on the left and right oh the key is in one of them the chest on the left has a key symbol over it hm while the chest on the right has a creeper symbol oh H which chest should we open I’d choose the left one with a picture of a key wait wait huh it can’t possibly be that obvious it’s got to be a trap hm let’s open the creeper chest on the right yeah yeah uh this must be the answer really I mean sure all right you can’t fool me 3 2 what no hang on wait no way why no way a Creeper doll so it wasn’t a trick oh creepers really do come out of there so I guess the left chest was the correct one it wasn’t a trick I should have gone with this one all long I’m opening it oh there’s a key in here wo nice well let’s unlock it open up what’s next huh what’s this room for I see two chests let’s open them I call dibs on green I’ve got red 3 2 1 wo woo an iron sword and some apples me too I feel a bit better about our odds now let’s go be vigilant what else is out there be cautious poisonous gas do you think they may be melting something in here Mikey oh no I fell in let’s go again no room for mistakes yeah jump together nice bigly there done is there more to this yep there’s still more now we have to cross these thin pipes be careful don’t fall in look out make sure to take it slow on the pipe so you don’t slip nice good job come here waa let’s climb up oops I fell it’s okay shoot hang on a zombie wo nice job we have to keep her eyes open for enemies let’s fight all right wait is that a snowman oh with rockets get it piece of Cape nice all right Mikey let’s see what uh there’s something weird what is it h Huh is it a creeper I think it might be a boss let’s see why isn’t he fighting it’s weird just keep hitting it’s a boss nice what was that we beat it and look we got a key one more thing it dropped golden apples not bad it dropped six of them take three thank thank you nice we’re good yeah let’s go golden apples power you up when you eat them so it should make the rest of our adventure easier nice looks like we need to make another jump there’s slime at the bottom let’s go wo what next oh to the next area we must be close it’s a maze I want to get out uh-oh zombies oh let’s get through this okay Maze time and this is how you handle it nice yep another one nice let’s go sounds good oh watch out Mikey it’s a new enemy it’s tough got it sit onward what’s at the end of this maze is this it not sure the exit I’ll try this side enemies ignore them and run okay oh it’s the exit really I’m [Music] coming ow you okay it hurts I’ll help you please I can’t take it I’m running I gotcha thank you let’s go got him you saved me all right now we can move on I found something look a chickens yep over here I think I don’t think we can make this jump we have to transform into chickens Mikey sorry about this little guys okay if we slay the chickens we gain the power to transform into them check it out woah wo you too okay I’ll Transform wow it worked all right let’s go as chickens you can glide through the air like this oh I get it now yep I’m going to try a shortcut wo rise gently in the air and this way oh oops I didn’t make it me neither this is tough what if I aim here you have to move as soon as you reach the highest point oh okay again highest point wow I made it you’re almost there Mikey you’re good at this yes we’re almost free here I come are we close M all right let’s turn back into our real selves transform hey see that in the Next Room it looks like a tough boss that thing is scary come on let’s go fight it yeah all right can we beat it we can’t escape if we don’t get past this thing we’re getting out of here attack attack yeah yes we did it all right we got another key we’re awesome let’s open the door and keep moving forward now h Huh what is this oh wait hang on Mikey don’t move I think this is set up to be a TNT run which means every block we step on will drop out from underneath us we’ll have to dash across in one go I’m ready let’s buzz it out of here yeah charge the blocks are falling just as I suspected wait do you hear that that’s the TNT going off is that an issue not for us through here yeah huh where’s this what is this place huh the there’s something here hurry what a chest let’s open it hold up Mikey if you look closely it’s actually a trap chest see that red around the latch we don’t know what’ll happen if we open it be careful it’s fine there’s probably something useful inside bam a it’s B there’s nothing good inside the chest what happened du we’re trapped no what we’re trapped see the chest triggered a cage trap who cares we need to get out of this cage let’s think about how we can escape from here was there anything inside the chest not really at least nothing that looked useful to me but really I’m going to take a look there’s a stone sword yeah it’s nothing good bricks crafting table watermelon and cobwebs I guess we could snack on the watermelon that’ll help us survive wait a sec don’t eat it I know what to do huh all of the items in the chest will help us Escape I have a plan how don’t eat anything fine all right first yeah I’ll put the crafting table here but it’s not high enough the next step is Mikey H so there are nine slices of watermelon right if we use the table then we can make a watermelon block oh I see there but I still can’t bre Next Step H we have bricks we can use three to make a flower pot oh pot I’ll put it right here see already a bit higher it’s not enough well not yet we haven’t used the cobwebs yet we have eight of them e first I’ll put them all down like this okay then we use the stone sword what it’s okay I promise just watch and see we have string and then what we put four strings together oh and we have wool then put it together H it makes three pieces of carpet um yep now what watch this stand on the flower pot and then layer up the carpet and climb out of the cage oh wow your turn here I come [Music] here thanks okay you got this woohoo oh wow let’s go let’s keep moving nice another a chest open it there might be [Music] goodies that’s rotten flesh maybe we should take it with us just in case we need it I’ll take the rest oh maybe this one has something good let’s find out no huh more rotten flesh why h a this is weird what’s this oh what wait a sec let’s figure this out H it looks like we can’t get through here the iron door is locked how do we get in what’s the deal with this villager if we had a lever we could open this door so maybe the V villager has a [Music] lever I have an idea we trade our rotten flesh with the Villager and he gives us a lever that must be why he’s here good idea yep okay H well nope he won’t trade for rotten flesh he wants a cake for his lever or a golden carrot for a laser rifle he drives a hard bargain but we don’t have either of those things what do we do now maybe we missed something let’s retrace our steps we didn’t miss anything we got it all we must have like another chest yeah let’s look H I don’t see anything nope well oh Mikey I found something really where it’s under the stairs I’ll check it out 3 2 1 wo perfect what is it it’s full of ingredients I think we can use them to make cake and golden carrots ready let’s start with the cake put an egg in the middle sugar on both sides and voila looks delicious yummy now the golden carrots first take the gold ingots o and make gold nuggets place the carrot in the middle and you have golden carrots here’s yours Mikey thank you oh now we can finally trade with the Villager a cake for a lever a golden carrot for a laser rifle and we did it we have everything we need I have a laser rifle too but I don’t see how this is going to be helpful H it’s cool though yeah well let’s keep moving treasure let’s use the lever to open the door oh and now we can go in yeah let’s go what’ll be at the top I wonder we made it already oh yeah wo well we made it let’s go in I’m excited treasure come on three 2 1 open yay huh what’s in here wo a cloud help JJ use your laser rifle oh you’re right take that hit him shoot attack get it wo did we beat it wow awesome amazing I wasn’t expecting a clown to drop all this treasure seriously crystals this what’s that a r i wonder why this stuff is glowing even the necklace looks expensive there’s so much it’s crazy wow wow look at this ring we’re rich what’s this strange is it parkour again yeah I guess it is let’s do this JJ it’s a dead end really let’s see what these pressure plates do I’ll try tossing a cookie on one wow no way it opens oh I think that might be a boss I see it it’s scary attack this boss is pretty strong it has powerful offensive techniques we need to knock it into the air and keep it from dropping to the ground oh help come on this guy is really strong nice you okay Mikey W I’m below Health Retreat if you need to we got it nice job it dropped a key for what I’m not too sure Mikey maybe here oh it’s a lever open oh there’s more Mikey what look behind the monster there’s a ladder maybe it leads to the exit that thing must be guarding it well it’s going down yeah get it you it’s definitely the guardian yes we beat it woohoo oh golden apples Don’t Mind If I Do yum to the ladder yes sir head on up quick before someone decides to chase us hurry go go go there’s some kind of door up ahead oh really oh I see it told you stay close I’m going to try and open it okay 3 2 1 open woah w

in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: JJ and Mikey Found The MOST DEEP DIAMOND PIT in Minecraft Maizen!

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