NOOB vs PRO: FAMILY PETS HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft!

our families are stuck on this ice and mutant Enderman are coming to eat us we need to get our families back home before it turns toight but how do we do that hey wodo since when did your family have a pet dog oh my pet dog this is perfect guys I just have to use this potion on him to make him super gigantic so we we can build everything our family and pets need to survive this is awesome wood but we don’t have long until sunset come on we need the strongest pets to protect our families as our defense that’s right MCO now that we’re inside of my pet doggy let’s do exactly that I’m going to grab some scary blocks like this mossy cobblestone and why don’t we build an area for those scary pets wo do we really have to have scary pets though I want cute pets no axi having scary pets will make our pet dog way more scary and then the mutant Enderman will be scared of it okay it’s a genius idea axie and don’t worry they’re not going to hurt you they’re are pets so they’re going to make sure that we survive I just have to put these Ro rocks over here and now we can start placing down our very first pet and this one isn’t the nicest one guys it’s called a direwolf a direwolf wo that doesn’t look like a cute little doggy at all exactly it’s a scary version of one look at its teeth and Claws oh my goodness that thing looks way too scary and that’s just the star we’re going to have tons of different pets that’ll help us in a ton of different ways now check out this next pet it’s one that you might already be familiar with and it’s called a lion oh no wodo lions are extra scary they’re the king of the jungle they’re pretty scary but not as scary as Axel oh my gosh X is so scary ha just kidding Maxi you’re not scary at all you’re too cute to be scary hey well I know an animal that’s super duper scary woodo you do what animal could that be axie I already put down the scariest wies and it is the T-Rex this is the real king of the jungle Mongol oh my gosh that thing is actually scary but he needs some henchmen and they’re going to be the Triceratop wait what they’re fighting each other guys this is crazy how do we stop them I don’t think the T-Rex likes the Triceratops very much we got to put them in separate pens because otherwise they’re going to make each other their meals this just shows you how scary our pet wolf is going to be after we’re done with this Bild the mutant Enderman is never going to want to mess with us so put thy tricerat tops there and now guys we’ll be able to ride our dinosaurs and destroy it this is going to be so awesome but woodo we can make this area look scarier with some decorations some decorations would be awesome monco I actually have a great idea for a super duper scary decoration that would match perfectly and it’s going to need a little bit of water I love water I can’t believe you’re making me a swimming pool well actually this isn’t going to be a swimming pool silly because it’s going to have something that likes to eat axelos and it’s called the great white [Music] shark don’t spawn those in the pool while I’m in here get me out if you don’t want axi to get eaten hit that subscribe button right now subscribe or else ax is going to be the shark lunch that’s not funny guys can we put some things that are a little less scary in this area okay axie we can add some stuff that’s a little bit less scary why don’t I come fly up here and what I can do is grab some armor stands because this is where we’re going to put down the armor that we’re going to wear to protect us against that Enderman wo what kind of armor are we going to wear is it going to be cardboard armor cardboard axie are you kidding me this is like the weakest armor ever but it does look kind of cool check me out you look awesome wudo let me get some of that guys the armor you’re picking is way too whack what do you mean monco I was about to add some more Pet Armor actually check out this Guardian outfit and this Warden outfit wo that actually looks really cool can you imagine making the warden your own pet monco I think we should go ahead and do that let me just grab some walls and put it up here so our armor can be protected no no no that’s way too scary woodoo we can’t spawn the warden in here well don’t worry because he’s going to help us train to defend against that mutant Enderman with these Test Dummies oh gosh woodo this is really scary I want some weapons to protect myself from that Warden good idea axie I can grab some pedestals and we can put the weapons right over here what kind of weapons from pets do you want to use I want my spoon because spoons are used to cook a lot of pets wait what why are you eating pets axie I think this fire sword is way cooler I want our were wolves claws over here wao what that is so cool I didn’t know we could use claws I’m going to remove the sword and put some green ones and now I am really a direwolf myself what’s your favorite scary animal woodo I definitely like the dinosaur the most I definitely like the Dire Wolf the most we should let the viewers decide what their favorite is everyone come comment what your favorite scary pet is that’s going to save us no one comments scary pets I’m really Su of all these really nasty scary animals woodo I want something cute like a hamster a hamster axie okay now that we have all these pets to make sure that we’re safe I guess we could do with something a little bit more cuddly and cute I just have to grab some of these Coral blocks like this and why don’t we make the cute area on the opposite side okay woodo great idea guys we don’t want our pet dog to be totally scary what if he’s such a monster he eats us oh no that would be a really really bad thing so let me just put all these different fancy colored curls over here just like this so it looks super duper friendly yay but Woodle where are my hamsters well axie if you want a little hamster area then you’re going to need a nice container to put them in because you don’t want the hamster is accidentally wandering over to the scary pets don’t you I bet a hamster could destroy that T-Rex axi a hamster is not destroying that T-Rex but anyways now that I have all these floors and fences down I’m going to search up the word hamster and axie I’m going to spawn them in oh my gosh they’re so chubby and cute they kind of look like has a baby look at this one it has such fluffy cheeks guys I’m sorry but this is my new pet and I’m taking him with me goodbye wait what you can’t steal the hamsters they need a habitat to actually live in or else they’re going to get really sad and do you guys know what hamsters love to play with the most what do they like to play with woodles they like to run around in hamster tunnels and who knows maybe if we let them run around they can teach us a thing or two about being super stealthy oh wow woodo that’s a great idea not only are these hamsters cute but they’re going to be useful as well let’s play with these hamsters forever well hold on guys I just got to put the roof of these tanks just like this and now we can throw the hamsters inside of them why don’t you try putting a hamster inside axie okay wood I’m putting this hamster inside his name is poopy poopy okay poopy you go inside of the tank right over here so that you can run around look at him yay poopy loves it but axie if we want to have them follow us around in the tank we need to get them to eat these seeds come on little hamster um guys I accidentally hit a hamster now all of them are running all over the place oh my gosh we have to put the fire out oh my goodness guys stop trying to make a mess I’m trying to feed all the hamsters to make them super happy aw hey don’t feed my pet hamster big chunk he’s mine oh gosh big chunk looks quite fat maybe he needs something to lose a little bit of weight which is why we have these hamster wheels oh my gosh woodo look at this I bet this thing could power anything wait speaking of powering things axie that’s a genius idea how about what we do is use these hamster wheels to power up something super duper op that we can use against that mutant Enderman like a nuclear bomb are you sure a nuclear bomb is safe with all these animals around of course Saxy here’s our nuclear bomb and now I just need to get some Redstone and connect it all the way to it so now it can power it up okay wood but if it goes off it’s your fault it’s not going to go off axie don’t worry no way guys check it out big chunk over here is going to work this ice cream machine so I can get all the ice cream in the world wait what you can’t eat a bunch of ice cream you’re going to get too fat you can come eat these seeds I put down for the hamsters instead hey I don’t want hamster food I want more ice cream so come on big chunk start running hey seeds aren’t so bad I even made seed cake it looks like axi and manga are getting along with the hamsters very well it’d be a shame if I grabbed a potion that would shrink them and also turn them into hamsters too this one likes the cake I think I might just take a tiny nipple yum yum they all want the cake but I’m not letting big chunk eat it he’s going to get even bigger than he already is oh yeah guys well I’m going to make you smaller than you already are take this what’s happening wait why is big chunk bigger than me now I think he got F oh hello and axie you two are my newest little hamsters now get over here and run around in my hamster tunnel hey this isn’t funny Woodle turn us back to normal now axie you’re a little hamster I already got turned back to normal hey mango you’re supposed to be shrunk too get in the hamster tunnel with axie okay fine oh a look at you cutie patooties now come over here who’s hungry for some seeds me me me no I’m not going to eat your nasty seeds Woodle oh my gosh being a hamster makes me so fat and slow I wish I could fly or something wait you just gave me a great idea why don’t we make a place where we can have some flying pets guys I’ve always wanted a fly flying pet that sounds like an awesome idea but we can’t make it on the ground woodo exactly it needs to be floating up in the air so why don’t I grab these Cloud blocks over here and we can literally make a giant Cloud let’s do it I always wanted to live on a floating cloud this is such a cool design all I need to do is now select these blocks over here and over here and what I can do is set up some glass because usually the flying animals like to fly away and we can’t let them do that oh yeah woodo those flying mobs are super sneaky all right there we go guys now that we have this giant Cloud that we’re living in it’s time to spawn in our very first flying animals who loves parrots wait I don’t like parrots I want a flying ax aot wait a second these parrots are getting groovy oh wait a second look at them are they actually dancing right now that is so cool they’re so cute they want to have a disco party roodo let’s do it oh a disco party in that case I need to grab some rainbow neon blocks and set up a nice little disco area over here where they they can listen to some amazing music yay they can listen to aelon music the best music ever let me just put these blocks over here axie and come on why don’t you sing a song for our parents okay the Exel on the bus go around and round axi you sing the same song every single time that’s because I only know two songs do you want to teach me a new one no I don’t have time to teach you a new song because I’m going to spawn in our next pet aka the Flying Fox wait what you have a flying fox how in the world are these foxes flying they look so silly look at their tails it’s allowing them to fly wow these are awesome but we have a big problem we have all these flying animals but where are they supposed to sleep I’m on it I’m putting nests all around the room oh nests are a great idea I was actually going to grab some pet beds too axie so they all have a very nice place to relax that’s perfect Woodle the parrots can sleep on the nest and the foxes can sleep in the beds oh yeah and guess what else I’m adding guys wait monco what is this over here this right here is going to be a ring that all of the different foxes and birds needs to go through oh wow so they can practice their flying skills so that when that mutant Enderman tries to attack us they can outmaneuver it exactly and if they fly through the right areas they’ll get these Rings oh my gosh that is so awesome it’s like they’re playing a video game guys we can fly too all we need is an elytra oh yeah that’s right axie I’ve always wanted to be a flying turtle and now I can move back this turtle is taking flight in 3 2 1 woodo you’re terrible at flying guys all of this flying is making me really really hungry I need food if we’re going to continue building me too wood feed us right now oh my gosh guys it sounds like you two are some hungry p yes but I just realized it’s super important that all of our pets are well fed so I think what we need to do is grab our fancy W tool and some grass blocks to build a habitat for the hungriest animal ever and he guesses to what it’s called it’s called the no I was just about to say it’s called the big woodo wait what in the world you guys are both wrong it has a cute little face that that’s black and white it’s a panda a they’re so cute I know right but this panda is sick it needs food automatically oh my gosh it looks super hungry so let me go ahead and Search up the word fence so I can set up a super cool fence for them so they don’t accidentally get eaten by the scary monsters what do you think Panda’s eat woodo can I Fe eat them cake they eat Axel they don’t eat any of those things guys pandas eat bamboo so I’m going to spawn in a bunch of bamboo so the panda never gets hungry again wa I’m going to try eating some of that Yum Yum Yum Yum axie you’re not going to like it it literally just tastes like grass guys pandas aren’t the only big mob check it out we also have polar bears wait what polar bears are so cool MCO they like to stay nice and icy so if we want to have polar bears as pets we need to grab some fans and some ice to cool them off we also have the normal bear wait what a normal bear those are so Brown and poopy hey they’re gigantic guys we have all these hungry animals but what about me oh gosh taxi well what I can do is grab some delicious bags of healthy food that you can eat just like all these other animals like seeds and beetroots and strawberries and some graps and oats I hate HBY food watch out there’s a few hungry woodles here too they’re going to eat all the food how in the world did you make me so fat this is not funny how would you like it if I but you being super fat hey no that’s so mean guys I’ve had enough I’m not going to help with this anymore until I get my food oh gosh okay axie I didn’t know you were so hungry let me just grab some bone meal and a jungle sapling because what we’re going to do is make our very own animal Treehouse a treehouse woodo how am I going to eat in The Treehouse well that means we can look at all of our amazing pets inside of our house while you get to cook delicious food for yourself and our family I’m going to grab some stoves and some fridges so you can start baking axie I don’t want to bake woodo you’re going to bake for me what if all the fat woodles climb the trees some magical way and then eat all the food Maro that’s exactly why this tree is super tall and high up so that that can’t happen okay woodo I’m just saying you have to watch out for fat woodles they’re unpredictable okay not funny at all come on guys let’s grab some tables and some chairs so we can make a nice dining table for our families to eat together wo feed me right now okay axie just sit at the table I’m going to grab you a beautiful plate and a candle along with a flint and steel so you can feel what it’s like to get a VIP dinner experience okay it better be VIP though and not just those weird seeds don’t worry axie I just got you Sushi and cake woodo I have really bad news look down here wait what are you talking about and oh oh my gosh one of the fat wos got up here yep and he’s rolling around for all the food he’s clearly hungry he’s on a sugar rush we’ve got to get him out of here oh no guys we need to get all of the energy out of our bodies because of all this cake we’ve been eating and I think I know the perfect pet to help us do exactly that come down over here guys I’m going to set this entire area area all the way over here to dirt wait what dirt I love dirt it’s so nice and muddy under my feet well axie it’s not just for you to play in what I need to do is grab some hay bells because we’re going to be building some Stables can you guys guess what animals live inside of a stable probably pigeons oh I know what’s inside of a stable Turtles no there’s no turtles in a stable only weird humans and birds guys you’re both entirely wrong the two pets that would live inside of a stable is a horse and a llama what’s a llama it sounds weird check it out guys they’re super cute along with all the different type of horses we can spawn in as you can see they’re ready to fight and wait what ow this llama’s spitting on me well maybe if you didn’t punch it axie it wouldn’t hurt you if you wanted to be nice to you you have to get some hay bales and feed them but wo I don’t like the way they’re looking at me everyone meet my new pet dookie Pooky mango what in the world why do you have a pet donkey named dookie Pooky that’s not going to help us beat that mune Enderman we need something fast which is why I’m going to make an entire track to help our horses and llamas train hey my dookie Pooky is really fast no it’s not you’re just really slow so it feels fast oh yeah ax look how quick I’m completing this track you can’t compete with this well that’s because there’s literally no obstacles of course you can complete it super easily but now what I’m going to do is make it a little bit harder for your dookie Pooky I’m going to add some hills over here that he has to get past I think fat woodo can do it nothing’s hard for dookie boie until you hit a wall how is dookie Pooky going to get past that huh he’s going to eat it oh my gosh you might as well be dooky Pooky because you’re both fat I think what I’m going to do is get a super cool horse instead I’m going to tame it and make it so fast no horse wants to be your friend oh yeah look at how fast mine goes mine is still faster guys you think you’re so fast but I’m the fastest one of all axie what in the world is that you’re running a fat pig it’s not fat oh no bro is losing it guys I think horses and donkeys and pigs they’re all so lame compared to the ultimate thing ever a llama and this one just wanted to be my friend so I’m going to grab a saddle and I’m going to grab a super awesome lime green carpet and now it’s wo’s llama Woodle that llama doesn’t look right there’s something wrong with it what are you talking about it’s green woodo that llama is bigger than fat woodo he looks like he weighs 10,000 lb oh yeah well look at how fast he runs come on llama you can do this yeah still not faster than my dookie Pooky I’m faster than you both if I fly okay it seems like you guys need a couple more obstacles to make this more challenging can dookie Pooky get pass cobwebs and lava wo you’re not supposed to put cobwebs on the whole track you’re supposed to make it so you can at least avoid them well you can avoid them but dookie Pooky is way too fat to avoid them don’t say that it’s just the truth let me just put some more fences here and guys this track is officially ready to go now we can train all of our different horses and make sure that they’re ready to battle that mutant Ender let’s go but wood I’m really bored of running around on land I want to go back to the water I am an Exel after all yeah you guys are both fishes but you have no fish area inside of this entire pet oh yeah you guys are actually right I’m sorry about that axie I can’t believe I forgot that we come from the ocean so what I’m going to do is set up an entire gigantic glass tank where us and our Axel friends are going to live forever W this is awesome oh yeah this is the best I thought you don’t like sea creatures cuz you’re a stinky little human well all of the sea creatures are going to be some good lunch wait what in the world are you talking about axi did you just hear this guy yeah but I eat fishies for lunch too so I can’t blame him oh my goodness axie come on what I want to do over here is make the Axel area so that they can decide whether or not they want to swim inside the giant aquarium or if they want to enjoy this amazing Lush cave I just added Lush cave where it’s right over here axie it’s like your home w I do love Lush caves let me just add some more water over here along with some clay and now this is like an Axel’s dream habitat watch out there’s a frog camouflaging wait what we got frogs in here too that’s actually kind of sick though no I think this frog is evil on a mission to destroy the Exel well we better contain them axie I’m going to grab some walls right now so that we can protect this entire area from fat mango Intruders Hey fat is not an intruder he just wants food no he is definitely an intruder now all I need to do though axie is grab some cute little lily pads for you and your Axel friends don’t these look so nice yeah Woodle but you’re missing so many Lush cave things like glowberries well you’re the professional axie so why don’t you do that and what I’m going to do is grab some corals and make some super awesome mini turtle houses for my turtle family ew no one likes turtles woodo they’re nasty Turtles aren’t nasty they just like living in tiny caves and being afraid of sharks because if sharks ever come they like to eat turtles so that’s why I need to make sure that they’re protected did this is going to be my Turtle Cove and now I can spawn in cute turtles I’m glad that sharks SE Turtles there’s too many turtles in this world I’ve had enough of these turtles so it’s time to spawn in my favorite mob aka the eel what the heck is that thing boo get it out of here it looks like it’s going to eat my family okay fine woodo I got rid of it oh my God goodness I can’t believe you’re going to scare me like that don’t you care at all about all the other fishies that are going to live inside of our aquarium 2o check this out there’s a bunch of tropical fishies wow those fishies look so cool but you want to know what looks cooler what looks cooler this right here wudo this is my boy angler what the heck is that thing it’s eating all the fish get rid of it okay fine I got rid of it stop adding weird creepy things inside of our aquarium are you really trying to kill all of our brand new pets yeah well they’re trying to protect us from that mutant Enderman oh my gosh axie maybe we should replace with one of your Axel friends instead let’s spawn in a bunch of them yay I love exot look at all the super cool colors they come in it’s like a rainbow oh wood I think they’re eating all the fishies no the Axel are worse than my friend angler it’s okay because Axel eat fishies to survive I’m going to drop them a couple more fishies to eat but guys I just remembered how our families have a lot of money because they’re super rich so just like in the real ocean axie how about hide some treasure away from inside my Turtle Cove okay don’t tell hey guys I heard you heard me say what I know they are hiding treasure down here wudo oh gosh okay fine I am hiding treasure in here but it’s just for my families okay you don’t need to steal all of it speaking of our families woodo they need a place inside of the house too it can’t just a place for pets oh my goodness I feel embarrassed I can’t believe I forgot about them I want our families to enjoy some nice cute comfortable pets other than the hamsters of course so why don’t I go ahead and make them a nice little cozy house that’s a great idea Woodle it should all be pink okay axie I’m down to make it Pink let me just grab my fancy one tool and why don’t we make the beautiful pink pink house over here yay wow pink really does look good today so you know what I’ll even have a pink floon a you look adorable MCO now to complete your uniform I’m going to put a nice big sliding door in the front and look at that axie it looks super pink now I’m going to add a bunch of cushions in here just so it’s extra comfy oh yeah I want our family to be super comfortable inside of this house make sure there’s a bunch of bunk beds for our siblings too I want them to sleep super duper well okay I’m going to add some green cushions and some red ones too okay if we’re going to have this house be super duper comfortable we’re going to need some comfortable pets too so I’m going to start spawning in my favorite animals kitty cats a kitty cats are such a comfortable animal they look so cozy and adorable and the best part of all is that we can tame them and check out what happens when you do they turn into a loaf oh my gosh I love loaves that look so tasty I know right and wait what I didn’t mean loaf asn’t eat them axie I meant loaf asn’t how they’re sitting they look like cute little bread yummy axie please do not eat the kitty cats okay how about instead you can mess with something a little bit more your size like a wolf a they’re so cute but I still think axelos are the cutest animals ever well axie I literally had to sacrifice my wolf so we can have this whole build are you guys both serious you haven’t heard of penguins oh my gosh these penguins are so cute look at them walking around why are they crying probably because you stink wudo no they’re crying because they don’t have anywhere to watch TV oh my gosh axie that is facts they need a place to watch all of our YouTube videos so why don’t I put up a big TV over here and then we can grab a rainbow sofa how could you complain about this you can’t voodo that that’s the beauty of it I’m going to grab some popcorn too so everyone in our family can sit down eat some popcorn and watch wudo and manga videos this house is so awesome but guys isn’t it about time that the mutant Enderman attacks no way it’s happening already but we have our super cute tiny hamster pets and our strong scary pets our hungry pets and our Speedy pets don’t forget about our ocean pets Woodle and the comfortable ones a these are so adorable but guys let’s armor up I actually think that the me and Enderman might be out there right now and we need to bring our families inside oh gosh I think I hear it don’t worry woodo look our families are already here but guys look through this window the muant Enderman are here we have to the fight oh my gosh quickly guys get on the scary pets let’s ride our dinosaurs and kill these things thank you guys so much for watching this video If you enjoyed the watch another video on screen and don’t forget to subscribe byebye

NOOB vs PRO: FAMILY PETS HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft!
Wudo, Mongo, and Axy’s families are stranded on the ice! They need to get to safety before MUTANT ENDERMEN come to eat them! Will they be able to build a REAL LIFE PETS HOUSE with all the things they need to survive, before its too late?

This video was inspired by Milo and Chip, Maizen, Mikey and JJ!

#Wudo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod


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