How To Build A Modern Secret Mountain Base in Minecraft

this huge tornado is heading right for our village now we need to make a secret Mountain Base to save all our Villages before the tornado hits can we build it in time and make it strong enough to survive the huge tornado CH one of the village is watching on the TV I don’t know but we should probably check it out wa Milo the news says that there’s a massive tornado destroying a nearby Village oh man that’s scary this is terrible in it’s so big and wait a minute Milo from the looks of it it’s heading right towards us what are we going to do run away no Milo we are not going to run away instead we are going to build a secret modern Mountain Base right here that will keep everyone safe let’s go we’re going to be the safest in the village yep we totally are but that’ll only work if we can actually build this Mountain Base I say we build it right here it’s the perfect spot it’s really close to the village and has a very good view of the village so we can see everything going on we can take advantage of this huge cave and build something really safey exactly Milo really safety indeed this cave is perfect because it will provide a natural shield from the tornado tornadoes can have very strong winds so the more protected we are the better yeah that’s what we’re going to be able to watch everything and maybe even protect some people inside of this place oh Milo we’re not going to be protecting some people we’re going to be protecting everyone not a single villager is going to lose their lives to this tornado and we’re going to make sure of it by Saving everyone we’re going to make sure we’re heroes I can’t believe this tornado is trying to get us yeah it’s so bad and I really wish it wasn’t coming straight for our village this Village is our home and I do not want to see it destroyed and I also don’t want to see any of the people get hurt I’ll pretty much cry if it destroys everything yeah me too but Milo we are not going to be crying we are going to be celebrating once we save everybody from the tornado it’s going to be a really good day and wao I already really like how this is looking come on let’s keep digging out this huge wall although wait a minute Milo I think I know a much quick way to do this really can we use TNT yeah we can absolutely use TNT if we each grab a TNT and a flint and steel we’ll be able to clear this wall way quicker oh man let’s go I love blowing stuff up yeah me too but we need to be safe all right I’m going to place the TNT right in the middle here I really hope this works well all right we’ll need to block it off with conrete so it doesn’t explode anything we built wow that looks crazy and it kind of destroyed some of this little structure a little bit but Milo it actually didn’t destroy too much now the area is going to be way easier to fully clear out look this is already going so much quicker than if we did all of it by hand he yeah this will take no time oh yeah that is looking way better now let’s make sure we push this back down here and we won’t want to build too much more concrete instead we’ll leave these parts open because this house really does need to be absolutely huge yeah we’re going to have to have a lot of room to walk around and do fun activities like spinning around like this what Milo we’re going to be doing a lot more fun things than that there’s nothing more fun than surviving a tornado and there’s nothing more fun than saving everybody we going to need to make this house big enough and secure enough to keep every villager inside no one is going to suffer from this tornado under hour watch no way yeah because we’re the heroes of the village exactly we’ll be such Heroes they’ll probably even build a statue of us oh yeah I’m actually going to build a statue because I’m really good at that what Milo you can’t build a statue of yourself then it doesn’t count I can’t build a statue of myself because I’m smart and beautiful oh okay Milo yes you’re very smart and very beautiful and I’m sure you could do a great job making a statue of yourself any day yeah and also I’m handsome uh sure Milo you’re very very handsome the most handsomest bird I know yeah and that’s awesome for me yeah that is very good Milo everybody’s going to want to be your wife my wife no I just want some friends I don’t think I’m ready to marry yet yeah that’s fair me neither I really don’t want to get married that’s why crazy Fang girl sometimes scares me yeah she’s actually really scary why is she so obsessed with getting married I don’t know but I hope she finds somebody that is not me okay now that this area of the base is looking so good I’m going to start adding the glass if you keep adding the concrete me adding the glass will help things go so quickly yeah and concrete is pretty much my favorite thing to walk on yeah totally but H this is black stained glass we need to grab reinforced black stained glass like this this way it will be way stronger against the tornado wo it also looks way darker and more cool they should call it Milo gloss because I’m strong what Milo if this was Milo gloss it would be blue and it would have a beak on it and some crazy big googly eyes I don’t have googly eyes I have normal eyes Milo your eyes make up half of your head they’re huge really I never really thought about that actually yeah Milo it does totally look like you have googly eyes it’s kind of funny but it’s also really cool what if I go like this what Milo you’re squinting you look kind of scary like that I’m just going to stay like this because now my eyes are small oh Maro careful you don’t want to hurt yourself yeah I want to hot my eyes that’s true because otherwise how would I be able to see the tornado exactly Milo seeing the tornado is very important so you got to make sure you still can do you think the tornado has a name hm I don’t know Milo what do you think the tornado’s name would be it’s probably a category 5 tornado or is that just for hurricanes well I think his name is Randy Randy Milo I don’t think the tornado’s name would be Randy that’s such a normal name yeah well he’s a normal tornado and he’s trying to hurt us Milo this is no normal tornado it’s powerful enough to destroy entire Villages and it’s heading right for us there’s nothing normal about that okay I guess that is pretty scary maybe his name could be something like evil John evil John okay Milo the tornado named evil John is heading towards us yeah and then I’m going to punch him Milo you can’t punch the tornado no way that’s why we’re building this super secure base it’s the only way to survive and that’s by hiding from it this base is going to be very secure and we might might even make it secret that way the tornado will not be able to find us here all right I’m adding a really cool effect with the gray concrete here it’s going to wrap around the sides of the build just like this this way the build will be super duper secure and it’ll basically be tied down to the ground by the concrete I think that’ll also look very cool concrete is really heavy and tornadoes can’t really lift it very well that’s why our base will be really strong because it’s mostly concrete and reinforced glass wow we have a really good view from up here I can still see the villagers watching the TV I bet they’re having a meeting about how scared they are yeah totally the news is really scary right now it’s just talking about that tornado I really hope there’s no more bad news about it it’s already pretty scary knowing a tornado is heading right for us I really hope nothing else crazy happens with it I also hope the other Villages around us are okay we live in an area with lots of villages so if the tornado is coming towards us there are going to be lots of other Villages it hits on its way and probably lots of casualties yes Milo exactly okay at least our base is looking really good now that we’ve made this main big room we need to make a sitting room for it and Milo you blocked off these side areas these are important to keep open remember oh yeah I didn’t really think about that I just got distracted by the white concrete yeah I know you really do like white concrete it probably reminds you of the parts of your egg house right yeah but I also like blue concrete a little bit better yeah that is true that’s probably why your egg house is mostly blue but don’t worry Milo I’m sure your house will be fine just probably not as fine as this house this will be the safest house around for Miles I miss my house it’s so pretty well Milo you’ll be able to see your house from this one just don’t go inside it your house is an egg so it’s not going to be very safe for a tornado yeah it’s a little bit fragile yeah very fragile Milo and my house has a giant cookie on the front it’s also not the safest and oh these poor villagers their houses are made out of wood and stone that is not going to be strong enough instead they need concrete yeah don’t they know how to build really strong houses they’re silly yeah don’t worry Milo we’ll build a really strong house for them that way they’ll all be able to stay safe and hm now that we’ve made this huge area I think we need to add a little living room in here that way it’ll feel a lot more like a home and a lot less like a random concrete box yeah and I’ll feel czy and then I can think about happy thing exactly Milo H I think we’ll definitely need to grab some sofas I say orange and blue ones are perfect but there’s also much more furniture we can grab wo I definitely think we need a bunch of these different ones look how many color options there are H I think for this base we’ll need to give it a very modern look so let’s grab some Modern concrete stools yeah but I have something I want to have what is it Milo wait I’m just trying to get it quickly okay good luck with that while you do that I’m just going to add these sofas down and then we can add some Modern concrete stools look at that we’ll also need to grab some quartz slabs so that we can make an actual cool bench for them to sit at wao this looks so epic pork CH wo that’s a very colorful sofa Milo yeah it’s fun and I like it okay you know what we can actually keep this sofa I like it too it adds a lot of fun and colorfulness to this room and it means that anyone else who visits us can sit right here because it’s probably their favorite color yeah it’ll be everyone’s favorite color cuz it goes through every single color ever now we also need to make sure our house actually looks modern and that means making some modern devices we’re going to need to place down a pressure plate here and add some paintings in that is because we are about to make a little computer area for everybody to enjoy computer area I love that I really like it a lot and I’m going to put down a MK yeah good idea what are you using for the mouse Milo well simply a button oh wow that’s genius wa this really does look like a computer area I like it a lot now we’re also going to need to add some reading areas this one will be pretty high above the computer area but I think everyone will manage now we’ll need to make the bookshelf framed with quartz and we’ll grab the books like this H I say we place the books right here hey this looks really nice yeah but I’m not tall enough for that oh well hm let’s definitely add a ladder to the side of the bookshelf like this yeah but then how do I get the book well Milo oh yeah that is true hm um I guess you could sort of climb around the edge although that would be pretty difficult well I have an idea oh what’s your idea Milo we could do it tiny little platform that comes out like this wo that’s a great idea Milo wow that actually works really really well yeah I know the technology yeah you really do and let’s also make sure we add another platform at the top that way it’ll stay really secure and it’ll be super stuck to the wall in case the tornado ever shows up here yeah I’m liking this a lot I also have another idea what’s your idea Milo well maybe we could put a little bookshelf like this where you can store the real book wao Milo you’re full of good ideas today let’s actually add a couple that way we can have as many real books as we want oh yeah real books yeah I’ll even help you add these real books all throughout these bookshelves come on we don’t want to miss a single spot that way everyone will have something to read I want the books to only be below what Milo that’s so few books look that’s only two books per bookshelf yeah that’s good because that blue and that’s my favorite color okay fine Milo we’ll only have the blue ones here let me help you with that yeah that’s better thanks chip you’re welcome Milo H now we also need a little bit more here I say we need another painting on this wall let’s clear out a little area to begin putting the painting down H what painting could we possibly add well we could have the good one with the skeleton yeah I do really like that one yeah okay we’ll have a skeleton painting we’ve got to make sure that this one is four blocks wide and four blocks tall and right now it’s five blocks wide and five blocks tall that won’t fit the skeleton one at all hey this is looking way better all right now if we place a painting inside it should be the skeleton one or or at least it might be the piggy one we’ll never know until we place it down and oh it’s a fighting one hey it’s the piggy painting it keeps being that and wa Yep this is definitely the skeleton one oh yeah boy that’s the skeleton one that I wanted yeah perfect now we also definitely need to make the rest of the base let’s make a huge Corridor here the corridor can go all the way along to the left and to the right that way the villagers will be able to walk along it and get to the huge bunk bedrooms yeah because we’re going to build them a really crazy bunked bedro so that they don’t feel sad about losing their home exactly Milo losing your home to an evil tornado would be so difficult but these villagers won’t be sad for long we’re going to give them a better home than they’ve ever had especially when the tornado is called evil Johnny yeah oh wait wasn’t it evil John before well I called him Johnny now what Milo you can’t keep changing the tornado’s name how is anybody going to know what tornado we’re talking about I’m going to change the name if I want to mil Lord that’s going to get so confused using okay I’m just going to keep calling it evil Johnny well I have a new name for it what already okay Milo what’s your new name for evil Johnny the tornado it’s Chip what Milo that’s my name you can’t just take my name and use it for a tornado yes I can what Milo you can’t name it evil John evil Johnny Randy and then chip that’s so mean that’s basically calling me an evil tornado well that’s what I think you are sometimes when you’re angry what Milo when have I ever gotten angry like 3 days ago okay Milo that was because you threw a pie in my face I think it’s pretty normal to get angry if somebody throws a pie in your face and in the pie you put chilies it was really spicy in my eyes that was my favorite prank I’ve done in a long time oh Milo no wonder I get angry sometimes cuz you’re always pranking me well I can tell you now this secure mountainous is going to be prank-free no pranks allowed because otherwise we might run outside and get caught by the tornado I’m leaving what Milo no don’t go it’s not safe the tornado is coming remember I’m not being in there if there’s no pranks allowed okay everybody living in this house can get one prank per day is that all right yeah that’s actually awesome I’m totally going to come back oh no what have I done anyway before the pranks actually start coming in we really need to build this little village a bedroom H I think we need to put the bedroom right here yeah that’ll be perfect although wait a minute I need to put down some little outlines because there are some really cool designs I want to add we just have to make sure we do them right all right this one needs to go here yeah I think that looks really good H we’ll need to make this room a little bit shorter but still very tall it is going to be a bunk bedro after all hey Milo this room is looking epic I can’t wait to put all the Village’s beds in here well I want to see it just wait for me please okay I will this room is going to have a huge concrete area outside and he is going to be the entrance for it wow yeah I see what you’re doing I like it a lot thanks Milo me too all right now we’re definitely going to need to make sure we add the spruce wood floor let’s just grab the spruce wood from over here and start filling it in I like the Spruce Wood because it tastes really good what it tastes good Milo have youve been eating the floors again baby I like chewing on them Milo you can’t be doing that this house needs to be secure and if you keep eating the floor it won’t be very secure at all but it’s so yummy Milo don’t eat the Spruce Wood okay we’ll have a food area in the house you know that way you can eat actual food instead of wood wait what does actual food mean Milo actual food means things that you can eat you do know there’s some things that aren’t meant to be eaten right like the bad seeds no Milo you are meant to eat those those are food but wood is not food hang on a minute how long have you been eating wood for w my grandma is a woodpecker Milo you’re not a woodpecker though you can’t eat wood well I’ve just been eating it a lot since I was a baby oh my gosh Milo I think that explains a lot what does it explain like how I’m really awesome uh yeah definitely that okay okay but Milo look we’re almost done with this part of the house then we can actually start adding in The Village’s bunk beds oh yeah the bunk beds are all going to be blue what no they can’t all be blue Milo The Village’s favorite color is green like emeralds I feel like we should make it green for them a yeah and green actually has blue in it uh I guess you’re right okay does that mean you like the color green now yes I do and guess what color it doesn’t have in it uh Milo if you’re about to say orange it’s orange Milo oh my goodness okay well we need to grab some lime green beds W there are so many options but I think the best one is definitely the spruce one It just fits so well and we also need to grab some Spruce lamps too and because they are bunk beds we’ll need some laders as well all right we’ll place the first set of ladders around here I think you want me to do the Windows like this yeah thanks Milo that’s really good okay architecture yeah exactly super architecture wa Milo these bunk beds are looking great we can fit so many in here this will definitely be enough to save everyone in the village hey the design is lovely thanks Milo I really like it too wo this is awesome now W you’re already placing lettuce good job h on this wall I don’t think we should add any more bunk beds cuz otherwise it might get a little crowded but I think we need to add some sha boxes instead hey that’s a great idea because then they can store all of their items in there exactly all right we’ll need to make sure we place one next to every single bed that that way every villager will be able to reach over even if it’s night time and grab their equipment equipment every villager likes to keep their Emerald super safe so it’s a really good thing this place is the safest ever now we’ll also need to grab some lamps that can hang off the walls now it’ll be pretty tricky to pick one that can hang off the wall so instead we’re just going to have regular ones on some staircases like this this way every villager gets their own NightLight in case they get scared this is so cute I really hope the villagers appreciate it yeah me too villagers can be kind of mean but I have a feeling they’ll really like this especially after we save them from tornadoes remember when the Villager Bob shouted at me yeah I do remember that that was so mean although to be fair Milo you did steal all his wheat yeah but I didn’t need to scream in my face a sorry Milo don’t worry we won’t let villager bub scream in your face he’ll probably be so thankful that we save him from the torado he’ll actually thank you and apologize for ever yelling at you yeah and I’m actually going to do something right now oh really what is it Milo I’m going to put a sign here and you’re going to have to read it okay I’m going to grab some glow ink secks and maybe even some red dye so that whatever you write can be really easy to read because I know your spelling isn’t the best so this will make it way easier for me to see okay I write The Sign there we go no shanine outing at Mo Milo is this meant to say no shouting at Milo yeah that’s what it says Milo this is so badly spelled but okay are you okay if I change the sign or would you like me to keep it like this well I think that I wrote it correctly and so we’re going to put it everywhere uh okay wait Milo let me just make sure I make it red and glowing that way it’s a little easier for everyone to read that’s great chip it looks beautiful yeah wait Milo don’t put inside their bedrooms oh my goodness they’re not going to be shouting at you if they’re asleep you never know sometimes they sleep talk oh yeah I guess but do they sleep yell at you Milo y oh my gosh okay well then I guess this will definitely stop them now over on the other side I think we should definitely make a library area let’s do the library because we’re all smart Boys Around Here exactly and we want to stay smart boys and that’s exactly what a library is for come on let’s build this area out with the same white concrete this will look so cool once we’re done with it I just know it Mama Mia what’s Mama Mia Mila said it’s really pretty and good oh yeah exactly that’s a new catchphrase for you I don’t think I’ve ever heard you say that before well I’m saying it from now on W you’re going to be a mama mia buddy that’s going to be so funny and I’m going to say hey everyone Mama Mia yeah definitely hm maybe I need a new catchphrase what could mine be it could be hey everyone I’m chip yeah that’s just kind of what I say to people when I say hello for the first time that’s a greeting Milo not a catchphrase well what about shaie chan shaie chan Milo what does that mean it means that everything’s shiny in what Milo how does it mean that well when you go to school you learn a lot of different things and that was one of the things that I Le what Milo that doesn’t sound like anything a school would teach are you sure that’s what they taught you yep in the bird School the bird school oh my gosh Milo they were probably teaching you squarks are you sure those were teachers and not just random birds at your window no it was my teachers and they didn’t teach us squarks and that was one of them Milo there were birds out our window that sounded a lot like that noise you just made are you sure what else did they teach you they taught me chip chip Milo that’s also what the birds would say wait a minute is this the school you were telling me about where they had a pooping on chips roof clo yeah that’s so funny Milo that was the birds that did that those weren’t teachers those were the annoying pigeons Oh I thought they were trying to teach me something oh my gosh Milo is this way you learned to spell yeah oh no that explains a lot uh-oh well we’re going to need to get you a real school maybe somewhere inside this Ultra secure Mountain House we can make a classroom well that could even be a little teaching section in the library yeah exactly I think that’s a great idea Milo all right let me grab some bookshelves and some quartz this library is about to look so cool wait I’ve only grabbed the chiseled ones we need to grab the bookshelves that are full as well that way there will already be lots of books for everyone to enjoy let’s add some bookshelves in this wall here and we’ll need to make sure that some of them go really high books everywhere exactly Milo it’ll be so cool and around each of the bookshelves we can add these quart slabs to frame them really nicely and make it look super modern yes FL can have books of all the colors even the blue ones and the green ones and the purple ones W Milo that’s so nice of you it’s really good to see you expanding your horizons to even more books I’m very proud of you Milo this is a big step for you what is a horizon oh Milo a horizon is like that that’s the Horizon over there on the ocean wait did they not teach you that in Bird School oh that’s right you went to pigeons on the roof school is my house a horizon no Milo that’s a house a horizon is where you can’t see any further oh okay well that’s everywhere oh my gosh Milo only when you close your eyes oh gosh you’re a crazy bird now we’ll also need to have some chairs over here so that we can sit and read and Milo what are you doing well I’m doing the horizons where I can’t see anything anymore Milo open your eyes you can’t build with your eyes closed you just break everything okay open them my goodness Milo you’re being so crazy come on we don’t have time for this we need to focus on building to survive the tornado yeah that is true we got a big priority yeah and now that we have a bookshelf SL learning area we also need a huge Farm area a farm area yeah because we need to be able to stay alive exactly Milo and I think the best place for a farm is right at the back here remember that tree that we wanted to keep alive yeah well I think we found the perfect way to do it by turning this whole area into a little farming area we keep the tree alive and we even add more space to farm things and oh no there’s water flowing down I we’re black the grass good job Milo W that was a close one come on let’s get the water source block like that there we go now the water will slowly start to drain although wait a minute we want to leave a little bit of a lake area here that way we can put more water back here for the farm oh yeah because every Farm needs the water exactly Milo otherwise all the crops would dry out and it wouldn’t work very well as a farm yeah I really want a good farm with lots of fad seeds just for me uh Milo the farm needs to feed everyone not just you you know that right but I get hungrier than most people yeah you definitely do but Milo we’re going to be surviving a tornado everybody’s going to get hungry are you sure you get hungrier than 50 villagers combined oh yeah boy okay Milo well then we’ll need to make this Farm really big to feed you and all 50 of the villages luckily I think that’s something we can definitely do all right first we’re going to need to make a big area that we wall off with the concrete we still don’t want to let any of the tornado get through this will be a nice open area but not fully open it’ll still be really secure and really secret okay now once I make it a couple blocks taller I’m add in some super cool reinforced glass that way we’ll have a roof going up and it’ll also still be really safe in the side of the mountain this is looking so nice Milo I’m really excited to place down this glass let’s make sure we grab the right stuff reinforced black stained glass is exactly what we want to grab all right now we’ll make sure it goes around here like this we’ll even put it in here in this little cave section you can never be too careful especially when a massive tornado is on its way to us like this one is oh boy we’ve never faced up against a tornado this this big before Milo I’m a little worried but W look this looks so epic now I’m going to grab the gray concrete and I’m going to align the edge of this super cool white concrete with it hey this looks really epic I’m so excited to see this in action I’ll place the gray concrete here like this and I’ll make sure it goes around the edge to right around here did I do the good thing over here oh Milo what good thing are you talking about well I just put the wall like this but I don’t know if I was meant to uh-oh Milo once I place down this gray concrete I’m going come over and check but I’m a little worried the last time you asked me that question you placed the wall sideways and we had to tear the whole thing down I don’t understand directions oh no Milo did you build this wall left or right um I don’t know which way is which oh my gosh okay wait let me come check in hey Milo you actually did a great job with this really yeah you did perfectly good job Milo let’s go we’re going to survive this tornado because we work together exactly we totally did now let’s place the stairs a little bit higher just like this and we’ll just add the final few white concrete blocks around the edge hey this is looking so epic wao now we can actually add some water down here and we’ll need to add some water down the sides as well yeah we should make this whole section flat with the water one yeah that’s a good idea Milo all right let’s break these blocks to make sure we make it flat and we’ll also need to replace this stone with more dirt that’s because dirt is a lot better for growing crops than stone is MHM we’re going to have a lot of crops down here yeah we told will now we’ll need to place some more white concrete to make a nice barrier here and then up here we can make the land flat as well we’ll need to clear out a huge area to have a bunch of crops here just like this and wao this is about to look so epic Milo I’m excited to see how this Farm’s going to go hey maybe we can even make these sides flat as well and then we can continue the staircase right up the middle all the way up to the back where there’s another huge flat farm this is beautiful we’ll need to make sure we leave this tree alive though and oh gosh I’m just going to need to break a little bit of its leaves that way the tree can become a little bit smaller and it’ll fit better in with the farm no don’t break the tree it’s okay Milo the tree is going to be perfectly fine I’m just giving it a nice little haircut oh I don’t want you to what Milo you don’t want the tree to have a free haircut see look how nice it looks a now he’s so small and sad what no Milo the tree is not sad I promise Milo the tree is perfectly healthy and now we can keep the tree and save it for our farm oh right fine thanks Milo I knew you’d understand hey look now we’ll add some more white concrete here all the way up the sides and we’ll even place it around the tree that way we won’t disturb it at all and it can stay nice and healthy now we’ll just break this last little bit of grass and stairs up here and make this a little bit more flat because then we can add more water up here too oh Milo this is about to be the coolest farm area ever we can do the crops yeah Milo we can do the crops I’ll place a water bucket here and a water bucket there and we’ll just place a couple more down on the bottom here this should be enough to cover all of the crops with a bunch bunch of hydration to keep them super duper nice I even had another idea wao okay what’s your idea Milo wow it’s a bit crazy so you have to not judge me okay Milo I’m a little nervous but I’m not going to judge you what’s your crazy idea I think we could even put the animals up here the animals oh that’s a great idea Milo maybe instead of having plants up this back section we can have the animals or wait a minute what if we have the animals to this side and we can even add more reinforced stained glass that will’ll be able to see the animals like in a zoo perf we’re going to have a zoo Farm yeah we totally will oh this is about to look so cool that was a great idea you had Milo that was so cool I’m really glad you thought of it my brain is full of the good stuff today yeah it really is and hey maybe now that we’re making the animal pen into a zoo we can even add more dirt and more crops on top of it that way we’ll use the space even smarter oh yeah smart time oh wow Milo this is the smartest time we’ve ever had oh boy I can’t wait to add these animals in now we’ll definitely need to make sure we add some glass panes so the animals can’t just jump on out that would be pretty bad if they could imagine the animals running around the base it wouldn’t be very secure because what if they accidentally press the button that lets the gates open I’d bucket them what Milo you would bucket the animals that would probably just get them scared and running around even crazier yeah but at least that’d be intimidated by me yeah they would be pretty scared of you actually Milo although to be faat most people would especially if they’re being bked at I’m going to show you my barking uh I’m a little scared but sure okay what is your barking like w Milo that’s crazy you should probably stop that a bird shouldn’t be barking it looks so weird yeah it’s pretty weird but now we can grab some Diamond hes and start hoing the land right over here this way the land will become really hydrated and we can plant all the crops we want on itation station yeah Milo exactly and maybe we can even mix in the crop area with the animal an pen I think there are some animals that are really good to have near crops the animals will enjoy it and they might even help fertilize the crops as well yeah that’s awesome D I can put on the cop e Miler when you put it like that it sounds so gross but yeah I guess that kind of is what it means now we’ll also add some end rods from the ceiling so that that way it can be lit really well and wait a minute H let’s also see if there’s anything else we can add I’m sure there’s some sort of hanging light that will look really good let’s have a real big think about this we’ve got to make sure we do this super duper well otherwise it’ll look so silly and it won’t look modern at all it’ll probably look really silly unless we can add something like this hey look Milo it’s a light and H it’s not turning on but if we add a chain and maybe even add some sort of redstone Contraption like a Leva it might even glow let’s put the light here and we can add the Leva above it and wao it really is lighting up hey this is looking even nicer I like this a lot better than how it looked before with the end rods yeah it’s good now let’s also make sure we add even more lights along these sides hey this is looking epic oh whoops I accidentally broke a stone block I was not meant to but I put it back like that perfect we’ll add the stone blocks here and we’ll cover up the levers so it looks really really sneaky and Milo what are you doing yeah checking on the ants Milo the ants why are you going swimming that’s so silly because that’s how I get down to check on the ants okay I guess that makes sense but I didn’t realize there were ants in our house Milo should we be worried about ants and termites no they’re my friends oh okay that’s really good to know okay I guess they can totally stay then yeah this is so exciting now we can also add a little bit of gray concrete here I think this will look really cool if the gray concrete kind of Loops up and around and then just goes around this part this will add a lot more structure to the base and it’ll help keep it from just falling over if the tornado ever gets really close yeah that’s smart I actually have some stuff to plant in the ground oh good idea Milo oh I can’t wait to see what it is you’re planting I bet you’ve got some really good ideas yep I’m just going to plant all the bird seeds all bird seeds okay that’s great and what other plants are you planting other than just bird seeds I didn’t think that far my what Milo you’re only planting bird seeds that’s crazy are you sure you’re not planting anything else oh I’m really angry what Milo why are you angry well it wasn’t letting me plant stuff here before but I guess it is now because you put a bulb in the lamb yeah I did Milo lighting is really important plants need light to survive otherwise they just die in the dock we need lots of light I don’t want these plants to die yeah that’s a pretty good thing to want Milo I don’t want the plants to die either look I can even put the lever on the back side of this wall so it looks a lot less messy right now it looks so silly but if I do this then the lights will all still glow and we can’t even see the lever here I’m planting the beach roots oh that’s great thanks Milo I’m really happy you’re planting not just bird seeds yeah because I decided to be smart about everything that’s really cool Milo oh wow I’m so proud of you it’s about time you decided to be smart what is that supposed to mean uh nothing anyway let’s keep placing down these leevers and these lights all right we’ll put the lights down here for this top section and oh yeah this is looking great I’ll put down some crops here as well hm what can we plant up here that would be really useful oh I know we can plant down some sweet berries I really like the sweet berry bushes because you can use them for eating but if you place them down they’re also very slow to walk through which will definitely help stop any threats these tornadoes can wipe out a lot of lights and imagine my if the lights get wiped out then zombies could spawn W that would be really terrible I don’t want that to happen neither do I but luckily I think we’re really well defended against them oh wow Milo this farming area is looking so epic and uh-oh we almost forgot to spawn down the animals that would have been terrible they’re going to be my friends yeah me too I think we grab some cows and we should also grab some pigs and we definitely need chickens and we definitely need sheep look let’s spawn down a bunch of them here it might get a little bit crowded but I feel like they’re going to really like it hey all my friends are here let’s party oh wow look all the animals look so happy oh careful Milo we don’t want to leave them out of here they need to stay securely inside yeah I won’t let them out I’ll just fly out of here yeah that’s perfect now I’ll also add some end rods in here because we’ve had the other lights in a lot of this base We’ll add the end rods to the sides just like this this way when the sheep eat the grass the grass has enough light to grow back and we won’t totally lose all the grass in this section chip this pig is staring at me wait what uh-oh Milo where right here I don’t like him Milo you’re holding a carrot that’s why it’s staring at you it wants to eat the carrot you’re holding that’s why all of them is staring at you hi this is my carrot get away oh Milo that’s so mean did you even add an area to grow the carrots for the pigs yes I did it’s right up here oh that’s really nice okay good job Milo Wa I’m so happy with how this Bas is going oh this is incredible I wonder how The Villages are going in wait Milo they’re still watching the TV what oh man I wonder if that means something worse is happening yeah we should probably go over and check to see if there’s any updates yeah let’s go hey guys what are we watching what’s up oh man Milo the news says the tornado has hit the village that is next door neighbors with ours what chip that’s really close by yeah this is terrible I knew some people in this Village oh no the tornado is destroying everything and uh-oh Milo if it’s already reached this Village that means it is so close to reaching us as well yeah we don’t have a lot of time oh my gosh you’re right Milo we don’t have a lot of time left luckily I have a really good idea really let’s go we’re going to need to place cameras All Around The Village from every different angle that way we’ll be able to see where the tornado is coming from no matter what direction it is and no matter how deep we are hiding inside our base that means we don’t even have to leave our new base to see what’s going on exactly let’s make sure we get a bunch of different angles though I I think we’ll Place one right here on your house and maybe even one over here on my house yeah that’s good that’s a really good spot yeah this totally is wao I’m really excited and lastly we’ll just Place one here on my roof beautiful I like this a lot yeah me too Milo come on let’s go back to our house and check exactly where these cameras are looking oh yeah boy all right camera number one is looking pretty good hey this has a really nice view wo Milo I’m so excited about how these cameras are going to look yeah this is a really good idea all right camera number two is looking really good and hey I can even see our house from here a do you want me to wave at it I don’t think we’ll be able to see you waving Miler but hey on this camera I totally can this is epic this camera has a really good view oh yeah boy I like this idea so much all right camera number four is looking pretty good as well this is epic now let’s check camera number five as well hey this one looks great it sees out into the ocean and this is a very important view to have wait a minute camera number six Milo I don’t remember doing six cameras ha I did that what oh Milo I’m really nervous to see what this is hey Milo this is my bedroom why do you have a camera in my bedroom yeah well I started a new YouTube channel called watch chip sleep it’s doing really good I already have eight subscribers what Milo you have we don’t have time for this right now but you are deleting that channel no I’m not now Milo we don’t have any defenses against the tornado we’ve got a pretty secure base but it is nothing if we can’t fight back yeah we need to have something that we can threaten the tornado with to make him run away exactly Milo and I think I know the perfect thing we are going to build giant TNT cannons on the sides these are about to look so cool and they’re about to fire back at the tornado what TNT cannons are a great idea yeah I totally think so too all right now we’ll need to make sure we probably build this room first I say we can make this one about three blocks wide or maybe even five Yeah by building it super duper thick we make a lot of space to make these TNT cannons perfect this can be our defense room oh yeah this can be our super cool defense room I’ll get started on the TNT cannons Milo if you just keep making this concrete go all the way around you got it all right so in order to make a TNT cannon we’re going to need a button instead of a lever now we’ll need to make a little area here I’m going to make some deep slate slabs just like this and next to them we’ll need to place some deep slate slabs like that this is some pretty crazy strong stuff you don’t see every day yeah I don’t see anything every day yeah that is true all right now we’ll need to make sure we have TNT flowing along a really long path first the TNT will detonate along this side just like this we’ll need to have a bunch of it okay this is a pretty good amount I think then we’ll need to have the TNT here detonate lost we’ll need to destroy a little bit of the Redstone around here in order to make that happen yeah the redstone’s the very important thing exactly Milo it totally is all right now that we sorted that out we’ll just add some repeaters going along here like this and then they’ll lead right into this last dispenser okay I’m actually excited to see how this works but there’s no guarantees that everything will go fine I think it’ll go a lot better if we use obsidian as well obsidian is way stronger than just regular deep slate obsidian can resist all explosions and it’ll make the base more secure as well well I wish I was made out of obsidian yeah me too Milo then you could help stop this all by yourself yeah pretty much i’ be the strongest guy in the world exactly but not as strong as me I’m a pretty buff dude and I think I’m stronger than you hey I can totally beat you in a wrestling fight what no way Milo I think I would definitely be the winner in a wrestling fight uhuh I got the big muscles the big muscles Milo your muscles are so much smaller than mine I’m super duper strong and I could probably punch This Tornado if I wanted CH I don’t want to hear your argument we’re try to survive here okay yeah that is true surviving is the most important thing all right Miler we just need to survive now I’m going to make more obsidian here and we’ve also going to make sure the obsidian goes this side as well hey look Milo this TNT cannon is looking pretty crazy right now yeah pretty fancy if you ask me oh yeah very fancy now I think we should probably give it a test run although I’m pretty nervous I sure hope this thing works yeah I sure hope it really does all right I’m going to activate it in three 2 1 oh wait I actually forgot to put TNT in the dispensers that was so silly of me let me add the TNT and then we’ll try it again is your brain feeling okay hey my brain feels great my brain is always super duper well running and always thinks of really smart stuff like this I just sometimes have a couple slip UPS now and then especially when we’re trying to stop a crazy thing like a tornado from getting us yeah the tornado is pretty much scrambling all my brains yeah me too all right now let’s test if this works in 3 2 1 wao I hear the TNT launching oh this is crazy and oh no it destroyed a lot of things oh not what’s going on H I think I’ve learned something we need to make this place a little bit stronger against TNT explosions okay this should definitely make things better but hm why didn’t this Redstone down here work oh I think I know why it’s cuz it wasn’t protected from any explosions oh boy we better make this go a little bit lower down and yep that should be way better defended all right now let’s check if this works wait I swear I added TNT to this dispenser yeah well I might be taking it out of there what Milo are you removing the TNT tea from the dispensers I’m really cheek G oh my gosh no wonder it didn’t work all right let’s try that again but Milo don’t place the glass yet we need to be able to fly out and check if this is really working okay I’ll just stand here and watch okay I’ve activated it again and this should totally launch the TNT out and wa it really did work oh my goodness it almost hurt our villager friends watching TV it’s pretty crazy how far that went thank goodness we didn’t hurt them but the good news is we have a very good Cannon yeah and uh oh mil I can see the dark clouds forming the tornado is getting closer we got to hurry next we need to make our bedrooms right now we don’t have any place for us to sleep Milo what if the tornado comes and we’re left out in the open I didn’t even think about that oh my gosh Milo we got to think about these things all right we’ll make this bedroom over here but we really got to rush oh no it’s starting to rain oh my gosh chip the storm is getting closer come on we can beat it Milo we just have to hurry now Milo because this base needs to stay really secret it also needs to stay small enough to actually be able to hide that’s why we’re going to have to share a bedroom are you okay with that or do you want your own space I want my own space okay um maybe you can have half of this room and I can have the other half how does that sound that’s good and I want the window place what Milo I want the window place the window is my favorite spot you get such a good view but I like staring and stuff out the window okay I guess you can stare at stuff out the window let’s just move this window a little bit further back so it matches the the other windows around the house yeah well I’m staring with my little eyes Milo you got to move back I need to place the window okay thanks Milo wo look this is already looking really good now let me place these final reinforced glass blocks that way if you ever look out the window you won’t have to worry about the tornado slamming into you actually oh wait actually what Milo I had a thought oh okay what was it I think you should go to the window yeah and I’ll be over here in the safe place wait a minute Milo are you letting me have the window room because you think it’s more dangerous a Milo that’s so mean but okay I’ll take what I can get I’m happy to have the window room because oh no Milo was that lightning I just had to finder oh no Milo the storm it’s approaching uh-oh we got to get building and quick before the tornado reaches us come on I’m going to need to grab an orange bed and I think I’ll use a fancy one I’ll put my bed right over here that way if I’m asleep and the tornado happens it’ll wake me up pretty easily I’ll also need to use a bedside cabinet and I think I’ll use an AAA one this time that’s just cuz it’s orange like me well I just got the normal blue bed and now I’m just doing the cabinets wa Milo that’s a crazy wood color but I like that we’re both using our favorite colors to build these rooms it makes it really feel like they’re our own well I wouldn’t be using orange hey Milo there’s nothing wrong with using Orange it’s such a nice color and besides look I’m not even going to want to fight with you on this right now we just have to make sure we stay safe and secure look you got to build storage too yeah and I’ve got the grill what Milo did you just say Grill y the grill the grill Milo why are you having a grill in your bedroom won’t that make this whole place really Smoky yeah but it also will cook me some good food Milo if you make it Smoky that’s just going to affect me we share a room remember wow that’s too bad oh Milo you’re so mean okay fine I guess I can handle a little bit of it but all right I’ll put down some nice orange lamps here hey this is looking really good I’ll also need to make sure I add some carets too orange coets will really help give this room a pop of color I’ve got paintings a painting wao Milo this is like a gallery and why are there so many skulls because that’s my favorite thing wo Milo that’s really scary why do you like skulls because they’re funny and that teeth looks silly Milo that’s so creepy okay I’m going to have a painting in my room but instead of skulls it’s going to be fighting boom there we go that is the perfect painting now it shows us that we need to fight against the tornado if it comes close and wao enchanting tables yeah so I can read the book yeah that’s pretty cool Milo you can’t even read that this doesn’t even speak a language Milo enchanting tables have a crazy language that nobody knows well I know what it says really Milo what does it say it says R chip is stinky la la sing the song Milo these are ancient enchantment Scrolls they definitely don’t say chip is stinky la la la than them you just said you can’t read them and then I can read them oh my gosh okay Milo you’re so crazy but come on we need to get building these walls out of concrete otherwise the stone could collapse from the weight of the tornado blowing winds at our base oh man I don’t want it to collapse that would be pretty nasty I know I agree okay come on let’s get building these walls H we also need to add something fun in this house if we’re going to keep all the villages here we need to make this house a little bit enjoyable yeah I got to be able to have fun once in a while exactly and I think I know the perfect thing for it down here there’s a little bit of extra space but we can turn this into one lost room oh man what this room going to be this room is going to be a trampoline room Milo this way us and the villages too can have a lot of fun let’s make sure we dig this trampoline room really far down because that it’ll be super safe from the tornado yeah okay now that this whole area is dug pretty deep down we also need to add these trampolines with different colors but it’s important to make sure they actually reach all the sides otherwise things could be very dangerous and wao Milo you scared me W this is the funnest trampoline ever yeah it is pretty cool now I’ll just add the final little bits of orange in hey look this is almost complete let’s just add a couple more colors of trampoline and boom how awesome does this look I’m jumping really tall yeah me too H I wonder how high we can jump and if we can jump high enough to actually get out I don’t think we can I think we probably need a big of trampoline for that or we can add extra trampolines in the walls that we can jump on to get even higher up hey that’s genius thanks Milo I think it’s a great idea and wait a minute how high can we even jump on these ones not really H maybe if we make each of them the length of the wo you’ll be able to jump a little higher hey that work wow that’s so epic oh yeah I knew this would work now I’ll need to make each of these a little lower down so you can totally jump from each trampoline to the next one yeah let’s do it boys wao all right I’m going to try jump on this trampoline like that and wao it really works hey this trampoline should also let us jump pretty high let’s give it a try and see how high it lets us okay this is a pretty good height for a trampoline to be able to jump now we’ll make sure we add another trampoline over here and yeah that’s awesome we can continue this all the way to the very end the higher these trampolines go the cooler they’ll look but they’ll also be getting pretty dangerous so we’ll need to make sure we add some sort of railing up here near the top that way all the villages and especially the baby villagers can’t accidentally just walk on yeah I keep buming my head on the trampol up above oh wait that’s really true H uh-oh that’s going to be a bit of a problem let’s see if there’s a way we can fix that oh I know we’ll have little parts of each trampoline that don’t stick out yeah that’ll be perfect we’ll have one here then we’ll make sure these trampolines go like that hey I think we might have solved our bumping your head issue Mila yeah I think this works all right come on Milo you can give it a go I believe that you will totally make it fast and that you won’t ever keep bumping your head okay I’m going to try my best oh I’m so excited to see this I have a great feeling about it all right let’s place down a bunch of Li trampolines over here oh this is looking so cool and now look we’ve made it all the way back up to the top let’s place the last few bits of white concrete and then we just have to place a safety railing in the trampoline room will be complete this is also going to be a really good defense defense Milo are you sure because I can jump away from the tornado that tries to get me what Milo that’s not how this is going to work Milo you can’t just jump away from a tornado tornadoes are pretty powerful hey why not I can jump away from anything Maro if we could jump away from a tornado we wouldn’t be building right now oh well I just thought this was really cool pretty much yeah it is pretty cool but we need to be smarter than just jumping away from the tornado I have a feeling that is not going to work well look I’m getting off yeah me too this is pretty epic but I still need to put in some glass panes as a safety railing let’s use the reinforced black stained glass panes that we were using earlier just like this safety is a main priority for me yeah me too Milo okay there we go that looks really cool and now we need to block off this back area come on we can do this although wait a minute Milo our base isn’t Secret at all it’s actually really easy to spot from the side of the cliff what how do we fix it I don’t want the tornado to get me well over here I’m going to add a button this button is going to be very important so we should only press it in case of emergencies but it’s going to lead to a huge Redstone link going all the way up to a bunch of dispensers I like this button I’m going to click it all the time no Milo remember it’s for emergencies if you click it all the time it’ll flood the base with water because this button will lead to dispensers that will hide this base in the mountains what if I have a toilet emergency what Milo then you can go find a toilet somewhere I don’t know why don’t you build a bathroom if you want to pee so bad all right I build the bathroom oh good job mil Lord that actually does make a good point we probably should have a bathroom why don’t you make the bathroom while I make this water button defense and then we’ll both have really cool things to make uh-oh I made that way too high up in the cliff let’s block that off and try and make one a little a little bit closer down here although wait a second if only some parts of the cliff are covered by water the tornado will be able to see which parts are not then they’ll know that only the covered parts are where we’re hiding H because we’re on a mountain it’s going to be way easier to pour water down from the top all right I think I know exactly where I’m going to dig this hole we’re going to dig it all the way up to the roof Milo and once it’s activated it will power this entire Mountain then water will come flooding down that is genius thanks Milo all right I just really hope this Works come on let’s add more concrete here okay this is actually looking really good now the last thing is to link it up to a bunch of these dispensers all right we’ll just need to make sure this white concrete goes up the mountain okay now it needs to also be sneaky which is going to be pretty difficult because white concrete does kind of Stand Out luckily I think we’ll be able to do it we’ll just have to try really really hard right come on come on we got this maybe if we add the white concrete going up to different parts of the mountain it’ll be even sneakier yeah besides we’ll need we need to add it going up to the different parts of the mountain if we even want it to go flowing down in the first place now we need to grab Redstone repeaters dispensers Redstone and of course we definitely need to grab water buckets okay this is actually looking pretty good we’ll need to add the dispensers full of water all the way up this mountain I think this is a nice amount of them yeah we want to make sure the water from these dispensers does not flow back down onto the Redstone then it would destroy the wiring causing all of these dispensers to totally lose their water and if we couldn’t activate these dispensers uh-oh we would lose a hugely important defense Milo we’ve got to make sure we do this really well otherwise we could totally lose to this tornado yeah and I don’t want to lose anything to the tornado exactly especially not our BAS in all our friends The Villages all right come on we’ve totally got this all right the Redstone link is now complete Milo if you come down here and press the button I want to test up and see if the water actually flows from these dispenses wait you’re really going to let me touch the button yeah I think I totally will let’s go okay I’m coming on my way oh no Milo I hear lightning come on you got to do this quick okay I’m going to click it in three two one all right come on come on this got to work and hey a lot of it did quick Milo click it again okay I’m got to click it again let’s do it oh my gosh Milo you flew up oh no oh no wait I’m going to grab some Sponge I don’t want to flood the area until the tornado gets here if the tornado sees our defenses before we have a chance to deploy them it could prepare and know exactly where to land all right all right come on I’ll get rid of this water she it again I don’t know what’s happening oh my gosh Milo is the water going down yeah and it’s stopping but just a bit glowly oh my gosh no this is crazy a chip I’m scared that we have a disaster before the tornado’s even here yeah true and oh no there’s more lightning coming this is really bad Milo oh I wish we never did this hey Milo this is going to work it’s going to come in real handy when we actually need to save ourselves from this tornado all right this is looking good uh-oh Milo now that we’ve dried up a lot of this water we’ve got to get rid of a lot of this sponge we made a mess well actually you made a mess technically Milo I only made a mess cuz you flew up from the button but Milo we can’t fight like this now that is the Lost of the sponges I need to link the Redstone up to the other side and uh-oh oh this is really bad Milo this is the last defense we can make before the tornado reaches us I’m so scared I’m pretty much shaking oh Milo don’t shake it’s really difficult to build while you’re shaking come on you got to be strong at least just for now until the tornado hits you wouldn’t want to villager friends to see you shaking and getting nervous would you okay that’s true I got to be brave for everyone all right now let’s quickly check the cameras to make sure no one is in danger and then we can go out and get our villager friends let’s do it all right we’ll check the cameras um I don’t see anything on wait a minute yes I do Milo the tornado it’s in the ocean right next to our house oh man that means it’s so close oh no this is terrible I’m going to check the other cameras to see exactly where it is and oh wow Milo it is really close to us maybe I can get a better view in Milo this camera is in my bedroom ha new content always Milo no this is no time to make videos we need to stop this tornado right now and Milo we need to get the villages inside right away oh quickly Let’s Do It come on everybody come on come on everyone quickly this is a big disaster we have built a secure House for everyone to live in yeah and everybody we don’t have stairs but don’t worry I’m building one right now oh my gosh Milo I’m making a staircase so that all the villagers can get up safely into our house before the tornado gets to them villagers do you see that tornado it’s coming right for us come on everyone we got to get into the house yeah come on you guys oh my gosh Milo they’re panicking don’t worry everyone we’ll make this house really secure for you look we’re even making stairs and I guess I can give them guard rails too oh my goodness Milo these stairs need to be big enough for everyone to run up them oh man she they totally freaking out we need to do this quickly yeah we really do all right placing down the stairs now okay this is going really well I only have a couple more stairs to place then I can make the rails and and then everyone can come up a why didn’t we think about this before um Milo because you were too busy putting cameras in my room well I was just trying to do my new YouTube channel oh my gosh Milo the tornado it’s getting closer and even worse come on we don’t have much time oh my gosh chip is coming over here Milo come on you got to recruit these villagers to come over to us otherwise they won’t know that this is where they’re safe come on I’m going to do a silly dance and then they might follow me oh my gosh Milo you can’t do a silly dance all right that’s it I’m going to come over and help get every single villag over to us come on everybody come on oh look Milo it’s working some of the villagers are actually Following come on we’ve got to make sure they can safely get up to our base I’m going to clear more space Oh no I can’t believe we didn’t do this earlier my up it dance really well yeah I guess it did or it could be me calling for them I guess we both really really helped with it Milo oh man this is really good all right come on come on you guys we won have a lot of time all right I’m putting more stairs down this way everyone can get up safely even the Villager babies who might otherwise get lost all right come on everybody come on Milo you got to keep leading them up here chip they’re nearly here they’re trying to follow me up all right come on Milo you got to get them up these stairs and all the way over to our base it’s the only place they’ll be safe and Milo did I hear one of the villagers take damage oh no is everyone okay what’s wrong oh goodness come on come on I’m going to make these stairs even wider that way they won’t be able to fall off or get hurt at all okay I’m clear in this roof bit come on everyone just right up here oh hello everybody hello this is where you will be safe do not worry the tornado won’t get you guys here a look at the little babies they’re getting left behind hurry up everyone come on babies come on oh wait Milo we need to make an entrance for them quick I’m going to clear a little area here like this oh my gosh there’s a gap okay I quickly patched over and we’re going to need to get rid of some of these chairs and wait Milo there’s a hole in the glass oh that was my fault I’m sorry okay villagers this is your no harm we have built it to keep you safe oh my gosh Milo the babies come on babies oh why are they taking so long I guess I have to come help them all right everyone I hate to push everybody up the stairs but come on there’s no time come on guys this is really scary we need to be serious H maybe I’ll give them speed potions that will help them go really quick all right here you go yeah babies let’s go all right look now they are going even quicker this is really helpful all right now that everybody’s inside we’ve got to patch up the whole to make sure the tornado can’t follow us in here yeah tornado stay out oh my goodness oh my goodness this is really bad hey chip I have some good news what is it Milo this feel like it was trying to use the computer that’s really good I put the chairs back but Milo we still haven’t survived the tornado we need to make sure we do oh man ship I think it’s coming towards us oh my gosh wait a minute Milo look I can see the tornado it’s in the main village oh my gosh Chet’s tearing everything up oh no this is so bad Milo we’re not completely defenseless though because it’s in the main village it is right next to our TNT launcher this is perfect now we can break this glass and get a good look at the tornado okay let’s get this boy yeah all right tornado you’re about to meet your match all right I’m going to launch one of the TNTs right now you’re going down buz wo look the TNT is going to the tornado bit what oh no it’s not going far enough come on come on let’s launch the TNT again we need more explosives oh my gosh I can’t believe this isn’t working and wao that TNT almost landed right in front of us no come on this has to work oh chip what’s going on quickly oh I don’t know what’s going on wait a minute oh goodness that TNT wasn’t even launching properly something really wrong is happening oh my goodness this platform needs to be obsidian otherwise the Redstone won’t connect oh my gosh that’s totally my fault chip I accidentally put that there oh my gosh no that’s okay Milo it was my fault but we can’t worry about whose fault things are come on let’s use the TNT and okay I think we’re scaring the tornado away okay let’s get it what Milo it just moved closer to us oh no what can I do oh well we can try the TNTs again but uh I don’t think that’s working here we have one last defense what’s the last defense Milo we have to use the water if the tornado doesn’t think we’re here anymore maybe it’ll leave yeah and look it’s definitely coming closer to us this is bad come on Milo we’ve got to use this emergency button oh man all the villages are freaking out quickly chip we got to click it all right I’ve clicked the emergency button let’s really hope that this water actually works all right let’s check if it’s coming down and wao Milo it totally is okay when it covers this building the tornado should not be able to see us anymore yeah true and wo I just made it inside in time all right this is looking really good I really hope this works a chip should we check outside I’m so nervous stup but yeah I think we definitely should Milo chip it’s gone Milo it’s still raining but you’re right the tornado it’s totally gone now we did it at the fences worked and we saved the villages wow our secure Mountain Base managed to save everybody this is amazing oh yeah boy we did it hooray [Music]

Milo and Chip are building a Modern Secret Mountain Base in Minecraft, but what happens when the sun goes down!

#minecraft #minecraftbuild #miloandchip


  1. Chip and Milo, I like how you build the houses I swear they are super good but why do you have to build a mountain house you could just build a bunker

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