Who KIDNAPPED JJ ? Mikey Lost Friend ! – Minecraft (Maizen)

[Music] all right then today I’m going to see how Mikey would react if all of a sudden I Disappeared I’ll go invisible and spend the entire time observing Mikey I wonder if he’ll notice with all that said I think it’s time to drink my invisibility potion and get [Music] started all right I’m invisible since it’s Mikey I don’t think he’ll realize that I’m gone right away so I’m going to put up these missing person posters all over town I’ll make sure to put up posters everywhere so we can’t miss it that should do the trick just like this all right Mikey definitely has to notice that I put up so many posters let’s go see what he’s up to this is Mikey’s house I’ll wait for him to head outside that’s some pretty spectacular weather what should I get up to today h what’s this there’s a [Music] poster huh JJ is missing how can that be oh hang on there are a whole bunch of posters over here no way JJ is actually missing wait is this for real I’ll head over to JJ’s house to investigate oh Mikey noticed my missing person posters he’s going to my place are you there JJ huh he’s not coming out does that mean he’s actually missing JJ I have to check inside the house JJ oh Mikey went inside my house all right let’s get closer huh I can’t find JJ anywhere maybe JJ really has gone missing he might be just hiding on the second floor H did Mikey go upstairs all right I can’t let him notice me oh there he is huh who’s no sign of JJ anywhere no way that means JJ’s gone missing hang on a second I might have an idea where he could be JJ’s House definitely has a secret room somewhere he might just be hanging out in there for the day I just have to figure out where it is JJ could have hidden it anywhere inside right now I don’t have a clue it looks like like thinks I’m in my secret room well the entrance is hard to find so it’s probably best if I just show them where it is there should be a bunch of cookies in my refrigerator I’ll just grab these all right next I’ll replace this regular wall block with a bright pink Arrow block this is where the lever is for my secret entrance it’ll open up when the lever gets pulled Mikey loves cookies so I’ll leave a trail to lead him over [Music] here he won’t be able to resist these a oh Mikey’s facing the other direction now’s my chance there these cookies will grab mony’s attention what am I supposed to do now huh H cookies why are there cookies [Music] here oh well I might as well pick them up I was hungry anyway this will be a good snack yes it looks like Mikey found the cookies huh they’re leading Under the Staircase oh I I love cookies so much hang on they’re all gone what’s this Arrow it points to a lever maybe this is the entrance to the secret room I’ll try pulling [Music] it I knew it this is the entrance to the secret room sorry JJ but I found that easy peasy I might even be a g yes okay here I go I bet JJ is hold up in his secret room JJ all right it looks like Mikey found a lever to my secret room I guess I’ll follow him down there he is huh JJ is not here but I was sure he’d be in his secret room maybe he really is missing this is bad I need to look for JJ all right sh you’ll be able to help me I need to hurry Carrie Carrie something awful happened it looks like Mikey is asking Carrie for [Music] help Carrie look at this JJ’s gone missing what do we do Carrie I’ve been looking all throughout his house but I still can’t find J JJ anywhere come with me let’s go to JJ’s house together it looks like they’ve left for my house I’ll follow them look Harry I searched his house from one end to the other but he’s not here oh I know JJ must have been kidnapped if we can catch his kidnappers we might find out where JJ’s being kept huh Mikey thinks I was kidnapped seriously kidnappers might come back here to JJ’s house let’s set up a trap for them kry let’s take these kidnappers down I guess Mikey and Carrie are making a trap to catch the kidnappers the only problem is I was never kidnapped I wonder what kind of trap they’ll make I’m not good at making traps how should we do this Carrie oh that’s right Harry come over here pball tra is been great idea when JJ’s kidnappers come back we’ll drop them into the pitball Trap har help me out thank you H oh you already made the pit you’re amazing Carrie oh camouflage it with gra that’s a great idea all right you did it Carrie our kidnapper trap is complete let’s go wait inside JJ’s House H it looks like their trap is finished I’ll wait inside the house too Carrie will definitely catch the kidnappers and get JJ back I’m not kidnapped though they went through all the trouble of making this trap but it won’t catch anyone H still nothing oh someone got caught in the Trap it must be the kidnappers yes we got him H how what [Music] kidnappers huh who did it catch that’s a pizza delivery guy huh that’s right I completely forgot I ordered a pizza a little while ago [Music] whoopsy ouch hey wait I’m really sorry well that one was Mikey’s bad instead of catching my kidnappers in the Trap he accidentally caught the pizza delivery guy it’s no use Carrie I don’t know if we’ll ever find JJ has he really gone missing I feel bad that I’ve made Mikey and carry this worried at this point we only have one choice H what’s he thinking we’ll use JJ’s house to throw a huge party huh they’re going to throw a party come on Carrie there’s so much to do if we throw a super duper fun party then JJ will definitely want to join in he’ll have to come home we did it we’re good to go let JJ’s super duper fun house party begin wo woo wo let’s make some noise this party is so much fun I’m sure JJ will come home time to eat JJ’s food and some refreshments too my house is getting trashed [Music] wo but it does look like fun maybe I will join in I don’t want to miss out I guess I’ll drink this potion to become visible again all right I’m visible now I’m going to join that party wao hey Mikey that looks like fun H hey JJ I thought that throwing a super duper fun party would bring you home to us huh it’s you JJ I was so worried when you went missing but you still came home just like I knew you would a Mikey you tried really hard to find me thank you all right then my plan for today is to spend the entire day setting up pranks for Mikey will he realize he’s being pranked in the end on that note this is Mikey’s house I wonder if he’s home Mikey’s asleep right now I should set up a prank at the front of mony’s house while I have a chance I’ll set up a trap right by this entrance first I grab a carved pumpkin then I’ll grab an enchanted book with a curse of binding an anvil an observer and a dispenser now I’ll set my trap up and meet the entrance I hope the noise doesn’t Le myy up and give me away first up I’ll put a curse of binding on the carve pumpkin now I have a carv pumpkin that can’t be removed once worn now for the next step I’ll set up an observer beneath the door the door goes above [Music] it am I safe The Observer will react when the door is open now I’ll put a dispenser here and then inside I’ll insert the car pumpkin then I’ll place redstone dust beneath it now to fill this in finished morning [Music] already Mikey it’s time to wake up come on H oh good morning remember Mikey today’s the day that mama is going out and leaving us alone all day is that so oh we’ll watch over the house Mama absolutely no Mischief we would never we’ll be good kids and watch the house [Music] bye-bye let’s go back inside huh okay we’re home alone today so I’m starting to get kind of hungry how about we get something from the kitchen okay mama bought a cake the other day let’s look around for it JJ cake mhm but where did she put it uh well where where is it here H the fridge nope huh oh here it is oh I found you cake woo nice yay let’s have cake for [Music] breakfast cake for breakfast when we’re home alone sounds perfect let’s eat it JJ all right let’s dig in this is the best so yummy we’ve had breakfast so since we have the opportunity let’s do things we can only do when we’re home alone uh okay but what can we only do when we’re home alone for example we could look through Mama’s room huh Mama’s room but it’s completely off limits that’s why we can only look through it now well we’re home alone well I guess so I am a little curious as to what’s in her room M let’s do it that’s the Spirit there must be something amazing in there right let’s go aha 3 2 1 [Music] open oh so this is Mama’s room I bet there’s something cool [Music] here it’s like normal and Tiny H huh I guess so but there’s a d board wo nice throw this is fun hey you’re good yeah she has a dart board this is great there isn’t much else here though uh there’s an anvil see true pretty cool and really heavy it works like this what are you doing watch this oh you can drop it on things to crush them wo the flower pot is gone that is cool it’s really heavy hey why does mama have that I guess she can Crush things with it but huh what else is there a painting a bed lots of books I guess mama likes to read read we knew that already huh H what’s that up there huh oh there’s something up there a lever let’s pull it wo wow there’s a secret passage behind the bookshelves oh wow H so cool let’s go inside yeah good idea huh Mikey there’s a staircase Going Underground awesome let’s go but Mikey if Mama finds out we’ll be in trouble but mama won’t be home until tonight so we have to do this now before she comes back come on you make a good point I do want to know what’s in the basement let’s go Mikey I’ll go first the door let’s open it okay what’s that a vault wo wao seriously Mama’s room has a secret basement with a big vault in it let’s open it m all right 3 2 1 this is amazing there’s so much money in here it’s crazy there are are piles of treasure awesome this is the best thing ever there are treasure chests in here too open up wo hang on these are traps not treasured oh look these are traps that you place on the floor be careful they can hurt you if you step on them yeah so what else is there these are barricades check these out these are awesome they go on the wall yeah if they go on Windows nobody can get in cool it’s for home security woo anything else H oh there are security cameras in here wo really cool but why would Mama have these in her basement wow what a cool security camera I found something what look what wow so awesome huh hang on are these rocket launchers yes but why these are cool yikes M’s room sure has a lot of dangerous stuff is that why it’s off limits she’ll be angry if she finds out We snuck down here you’re right let’s clean up and put everything back as it was yeah then we go back upstairs first the camera mhm I’m breaking these down too and putting them back I have to okay yeah all right looks good let’s go all clean act like we were never here yep let’s leave Mama’s room let’s go [Music] I’m getting bored yeah oh let’s play computer games really Mama’s not here we can play as much as we want this is fun well I guess one game can’t hurt all right let’s play so fun yeah this is the best H woohoo hey hang on Mikey look huh look outside Mikey huh look what a creepy person who is that Stranger by the gate I see him looks suspicious I’m scared let’s get away from the window hey Mikey maybe we should reinforce our home security we’re only kids and we’re home alone yeah but how are we going to reinforce our security we don’t have any traps or weapons but Mikey think about it this house does have security items huh Mama’s room you’re right let’s get that stuff out of the basement okay let’s secure the house where do we start uh he’s still out there no he’s watching us Focus let’s put up the barricades to keep them from getting in put them up like this see okay cover the windows right okay I’ll get these s here that’s good let’s do this side here too h h nice and the kitchen windows too hurry I am put them up like this so far we barricaded all of the windows on the first floor that’s good but what if he comes through the door we only blocked the windows oh yeah huh he could come in h oh I know huh for this door we can build a trap yeah okay this will be the perfect place for what so right here like this there’s a flower bed here huh we’ll do this huh yeah then I can open up the space over here by the door H check it out what is it look by making a space under the flower bed here we created a gap H and and we can fire arrows through the Gap if the creep comes up to our door we shoot him with arrows wow I get it now let’s use this Gap to fight off the prowler at the door nice I guess we’re ready for anything now but there’s still more to do the security cameras huh we’ll put the security cameras up all around the house good idea upstairs too that’s much safer put them everywhere we can watch from somewhere safe yep there we go now Mikey look here what’s up I grabbed this from Mama’s room that can work let’s use it to build a trap what kind of trap so here’s the plan I’m going to make a temporary hole in this corner of our bedroom okay this should do it now [Music] then yeah this is perfect under the hole I’ll leave some gold coins I brought this from Mama’s Vault I’ll hand you the Anvil H here but why coins well these coins are probably expensive any Intruder would be distracted when he sees gold coins on the ground when that creep comes inside and tries to steal them we’ll drop the Anvil right on him like this [Music] J that’s a great idea it has to work huh what’s this a hostage situation if you want the hostage return prepare to give me one million otherwise I’ll blow myself up along with the hostage save me this guy’s crazy just do what he says that was Mikey that must mean the hostage situation is it Mikey’s house oh man this is terrible a hostage situation in my own village and Mikey is the hostage huh this is unreal besides I don’t have a million dollars are [Music] those explosives on Mikey’s house what no way I’m getting past the police barricade sheesh this leaves me no choice but to save Mikey on my own H if I’m not careful the criminal will press the Detonator and Mikey will be ghost first things first I need to know what’s going on in there before I can make my plan let’s see I’m going to need my computer for this one let’s get it set up all right then I’m going to try and hack the security cameras in Mikey’s house I’m in now I should have access to his camera feed please why are you doing this hey stop that that hurt not the cookies anything but my Snak oh that’s just cool why are you doing this it’s worse than I thought Mikey’s being tormented in there I need to act fast huh let’s see here’s what I know for sure the criminal is acting alone so if I can take him out with a sniper rifle then problem solved okay I just need to sneak up oh there’s a window I’ll use it to line up the shot I can’t let the criminal see me out here let’s get set up among the trees nice and stealthy and find the perfect position okay I think this is my best bet there he is I can covertly take out the criminal from here carefully line up the shot okay he’s in my sights I can do this I just have to huh no Mikey get out of the way that was way too close come on buddy move just a bit more okay here we go hold on this time for sure please don’t get in the way again there I’ve got you this time 3 2 1 Mikey this is really stressful Mikey is moving around way too much I don’t know which one of them I’d hit it’s way too risky I need to find another way to save him what else can I try H hey that could work okay I have a much safer idea now what if I was able to disarm all of those explosives then he wouldn’t be able to self-destruct and the police could safely charge [Music] in I’m going to need my laptop for this if I can get the computer close enough to the house I may be able to hack into the explosives and disarm them but to get that close without being seen a camouflage suit would come in handy set of leather armor and some green D should do the trick there that’s a full suit let’s see how the camouflage looks m not bad now I can lie down and blend in seamlessly with the grass see I’m basically invisible let’s give this a try first I have to sneak past the police all right the green dye matches the grass nicely so I’m well hidden even if he looks outside I doubt he’ll even see me I need to get really close to hack the explosives just a little closer yikes du I didn’t think you’d come outside it seems he hasn’t noticed me still I won’t move when he looks my way just a bit [Music] closer oh he’s so close I’m almost within hacking range I’m still hidden this is so tense but I think it’ll work come on oh no I’ve been saved aort he’s shooting at me I have to get out of here get to cover tactical retrieve sheesh oh what’s going on now the criminal is on top of the house my demands are clear $1 million within 5 minutes or boom huh did I just hear that right I have 5 minutes to save Mikey or he’ll be caught in the explosion along with the criminal what well what am I going to do I’ve got it an idea just came to me we’re going to try a new approach check this out it’s a drill I can use this drill to dig a tunnel all the way to Mikey’s house and get him out of there before it’s too late the criminal won’t notice it from the roof it’s genius I’ll start behind the house all right let’s use this drill to save Mikey now we’re getting somewhere man this thing is heavy there now to leave a ladder so I can get back out perfect at this depth I should be able to dig my way over without getting the criminals attention hold tight Mikey I’m coming for you I think it’s this way that’s not good now what do I do I managed to dig straight into a lava pool this wasn’t in my plan I guess I’ll block it off and try digging around it we’ll just make a slight detour H I think that should be far enough good now let’s get back on course next stop Mikey’s [Music] house I’m pretty sure this is the right spot there’s not much time so let’s check the surface going up I’ll just make a pillar with Cobblestone that’s good [Music] enough there is that that’s the house all right but I’m not quite in the right spot I guess I drilled a little too far clock’s ticking yikes there’s the criminal you have 2 minutes to provide the money this is bad he’s going to see me what do I do I got to hide back into the tunnel that was way too close I can’t believe it he almost saw me that would have been bad well I guess the tunnel should be actually in this area huh hm who’s there who’d visit this late in the day is it a delivery I’ll get it oh thanks yep [Applause] JJ wake up please [Music] JJ [Music] huh where where am I hold on oh wait I remember we were abducted by that ghost that’s right and if we stay here oh only our bones will be left see oh no oh if we can’t find a way to escape the ghost is still out there how can we escape huh the ghost left a this is our chance we need to escape but the door is locked we have to get out of here right away uh wait Mikey look huh right here there’s a hole huh maybe if I if I get down on my hands and knees maybe I can fit through huh okay let’s give it a try can you [Music] fit I’m out I made it awesome now get me out of here please no help me wait I see a key h I can’t let the ghost see me it’s gone right I’ll grab the key I got it Mikey I’ll open the door oh good okay yes it unlocked the door come on Mikey thank you I’m out that’s better let’s run before Mikey run it’s behind you what was that oh man sheesh we made it now we can take it easy that was a close call seriously but at least it’s trapped now mhm what no it’s behind me watch out oh no no just keep running faster you okay it’s fast it’s coming wait that’s poison watch out the ghost it’s coming around no it’s coming run run come on hurry don’t it’ll catch us this leads back to the surface go go go hurry hey that’s our house come on Mikey faster get inside the door yes that was closed pH H okay let’s go up to the second floor all right we’re safe huh it’s the ghost huh no way huh it keeps ringing the doorbell it won’t stop it’s still after us but whatever happens don’t answer mhm it’s getting dark yeah we’ll survive you’re right the ghost is persistent seriously it’s morning the Sun is up huh [Music] huhuh he’s leaving did give up oh I wonder why H weird oh huh huh it’s gone it went back to the cave it’s gone that’s good he gave up on us wait it’s too soon to relax huh well the ghost might come for us again tonight you might be right let’s set up anti- ghost security good [Music] idea first things first Yep this cave the ghost is hiding out deep inside right what about it this is the entrance to it yeah here we’ll use lasers like this so maybe we can seal it inside the cave oh oh yeah nice I bet it’ll be hard for the ghost to get through all that it won’t be easy with these lasers mhm all right for my next idea yeah there’s still a possibility that the ghost will escape uh-huh so let’s build a trap with these dispensers what is it let’s build it over here we’ll place them here and there then we’ll fill the dispensers up with fire charges oh cool and now that these are bolded yeah we’ll line up a whole bunch of them like this I see yeah that should do it more [Music] here and there W now we’ll Place pressure plates over all of them see sounds good wait let’s add a few more rows [Music] okay all right let’s cover these ones too oh wow Yep this trap is great when you step on them Fire charges launch up out of the ground get that ghosted burn it up yeah hopefully that takes care of the ghost nice right but what do you think it’ll do when it’s on fire uh jump into the water aha exactly ooh I imagine it going like this it’ll break out of the cave mhm and then the fire charges will burn the ghost uhhuh then to put the fire out it will dive into this Lake right yep but what then well we’re going to secure the lake with these taada W Sharps a whole swarm of them in the lake wow so that’s your GL the Sharks will attack the ghost yep amazing this lake is dangerous careful not to fall in yeah they’ll eat you up in no time flat well if the ghost manages to survive being ravaged by sharks we’ll need more security like what well we still need to secure the entrance to our house one thing we know about the ghost is that it loves ringing the doorbell almost non-stop just like this that’s why we’ll set a track here at the door how first we’ll remove the doorbell mhm and then taada we’ll use the dispenser oh but we’ll load the dispenser with arrows this time okay then we just put a button on the dispenser and and then well it looks like a doorbell oh it does but if the ghost pushes this button yeah stand back oh okay here it goes wow yes it’s shot out mhm wow if it thinks the button is the doorbell and presses it an arrow shoots out cool the ghost will definitely fall for that right perfect well with what we have so far this is a pretty good security system mhm but I can’t help but think that if it gets into the house huh we’ll need to build a self-destruct mechanism for the house just in case self-destruct yep wo and that means we need to renovate M we’ll set up the TNT first just like this okay I want to dig up the floor and fill the space with as much TNT as we can we’re taking this ghost down right like this yeah W I see we’ll have to blow up the entire house if it gets inside I hope it doesn’t happen let’s just focus on the TNT all [Music] right in as much as we [Music] can fill it right out yeah under the floor this is crazy and then we have to cover it all up there and this is how we’ll hide the TNT from the ghost okay looking good it is wow all right nice sweet next up we need to make a Detonator okay huh let’s set it up here and then H I’ll do it like [Music] this oh right I’ll lay out the fuse line good idea that looks great there we go and extend it over here [Music] ni all right good and now I’ll place a lever if we pull it the house explodes don’t touch it a now we need to make an Escape Route when the time comes to blow up the house we might be on the second floor we’ll need to get down to the first floor so over here yeah I’ll make a secret door it’ll be our emergency exit H okay and now M that’s amazing mhm it’s perfect let’s give it a button when we push this wo the secret door opens if the ghost gets into the house we push this button and jump outside awesome we’ll run on over to the detonation switch and then then we activate it and the ghost will blow up with the house it’s the perfect plan our anti- ghost measures are awesome yep wao all we have to do now is wait for Nightfall when the ghost will attack again all right it’s dark out now is ghost coming uhuh oh there it is no it’s here the ghost huh ha it seems confused it might not make it past the lasers huh we might be safe oh wo oh it pushed through the lasers I think we heard it at least ype what about the next trap wo off the track look DJ it’s working the ghost is burning it’s out in haha you’re right the sharks are attacking they really are yes no hey maybe the Sharks will defeat it working wow Madness hurt they’re not letting up awesome the Got Away the Sharks couldn’t feed it hang on it’s close no it reached the house will it fall for it is it going to push the doorbell yes it fell for the Trap and I think the ghost is a little confused now it seems so right wow it has no idea what’s happening so silly how long is it going to fall for that oh huh H oh it figured it out oh no it realized the doorbell is trapped hey does it look angry to you uh yeah it won’t come inside though right no h it’s angry it’s Furious what’s it going to do huh huh what what’s it doing Dynamite uh-oh this is bad it’s blasting the door door open no no hold on it’s inside oh no what do we do now G it’s inside the house oh no in the switch we need to run and activate the switch hurry okay here it come come on hurry go we need to flip the switch look you can see the ghost looking for us inside creep that was so close very all right let’s do this the detonation switch 3 2 1 will it work we’re taking it down with the house please work TNT [Music] W it’s blasted off we won yes awesome yes woohoo [Music] this is terrible oh Mikey I heard you were in an accident are you okay here an apple a day oh and flowers I tripped and hurt myself I can’t walk weird huh what you can’t walk really yeah but I’ll be fine after surgery that’ll fix me up uh Mikey the thing is is huh surgery is expensive oh the cost is $3 million huh no way I don’t have that money what am I going to do oh wait I have an idea really mhm do you do what is it what are you doing on the computer well H have you ever heard of crowdfunding what’s that it’s when you collect donations online that’s how I’ll get the money you’re going to use crowdfunding for that it’s that easy it’s easy to raise money like this I’ll just mess around on my phone while I wait oh [Music] Mikey oh I’m here to visit you a thanks I love having my phone oh hey how is your crowdfunding great I should check do I have 3 million yet let’s see well H oh h Huh what no what oh how much that’s weird I didn’t even raise a penny seriously I’m doomed $3 million is impossible you didn’t raise any money well you can’t give up huh you have to walk again Mikey I’ll look for a part-time job I’ll work for you thank you all right mining is the highest paying job around so that’s what I’ll do H rare ores oh there’s one I’ll mine as many as I can if I find enough of these I’ll get a bonus all right rare ores are more common the deeper you go wao oh no way it’s a diamond ore wo oh that’s great nice I’ve already found diamonds and iron I think I’ll try going even deeper down there might be more rare ores down there I’ll just have to be careful not to fall into the [Music] lava huh let’s see wonder if there’s something around here wow looks like no one is mind Beyond this point they handed out Dynamite so I’ll lay out a good amount of TNT a really good amount and then light it run away run away run away whoo now any rare ores down there what huh what really emeralds and diamonds there’s even a lot of gold wo this is amazing look there’s even Some Coal too this is unbelievable yes it was pure luck but I found so much look how much I found here I’m going to get a crazy huge bonus this job is so easy wow all right well then let’s get started all right then I worked hard at my part-time job for one whole week it was tough it was difficult but I searched and found plenty of rare ores it’s time to collect my pay okay oh that’s the place I should be able to get paid there hello I would like my pay for the week please in cash he’s counting it all up I bet it’s going to be a lot I found so much I’m so excited oh looks like he’s grabbing the money how much did I make come on come on huh you’re done huh that’s all seriously you’re joking I worked hard for an entire week in the mines and all I got was a measly $100 what how how is that possible at this this rate I’ll never be able to make $33 million huh oh I have an idea there’s a way to help Mikey get his surgery without spending the money let’s go Mikey huh hey I’m sorry but I couldn’t make enough money oh no but I thought of a way for you to get your surgery wait are you serious yes if I become a doctor and do your surgery what you’re going to become a doctor are you sure you can do it that’s extremely difficult I’m still going to [Music] try oh wow starting today I’m a student I need to pass my medical exam and get my license then I can do the surgery for Mikey I’m going to work super hard okay where’s my first class H oh I see this is an ultrasound I need to be able to understand scans like these h h ah what do we have here H this is where I learned to do surgery huh oh so that’s how you sedate a patient cool [Music] and these are the tools all right huh this here monitors the vitals fascinating okay okay now I just have to study I need to memorize every single one of these books to pass the test it looks difficult but still I’ll do my best I’m going to study absolutely everything [Music] Mikey I’m here now H JJ are you my I have some good news I am now your doctor wow you really did nice yeah well Mikey it’s time for me to do your surgery woohoo let’s do this ready mhm let’s get started phew finished Mikey it’s time to wake up [Music] now what huh wow I’m cured I can walk again thank you JJ look what I have this item can reverse first time if something bad happens I can turn back time and fix what happened I’m planning on using it all day whoa huh what was that something exploded oh no Mikey’s house is what exploded what just happened oh that’s Mikey Mikey talk to me oh no Mikey’s dead oh this is terrible but it’ll be okay today I have a special item that lets me turn back time no use waiting [Music] click huh what happened where’s huh it’s Mikey’s house before the explosion it looks like I really have Turn Back Time hey Mikey oh there he is hooray Mikey’s alive he’s just sleeping [Music] more importantly why did this house explode H I need to find the source of the explosion so I can stop it from happening I wonder what exploded H hold up there’s a secret lever here oh a secret entrance let’s take a look what’s this room for no hang on there’s a fire and it’s right by that TNT it better not spread let me grab a bucket of water so I can put out the fire there we go H close call that’s much better I think the fire is extinguished I managed to stop the explosion before it happened hey wake up Mikey huh oh huh JJ what are you doing in my house well Mikey your house was just about to catch on fire huh what do you mean what are you talking about JJ look there’s no fire I turned back time but I wasn’t able to explain to Mikey what I did I’m just glad Mikey wasn’t hurt oh right JJ I just remembered an errand I need to run so I’m going out oh well be careful yep be right back I’ll see you later it’s been 3 hours but Mikey still hasn’t come home I’m getting worried I better check up on him huh is that Mikey it is isn’t it oh no he’s dead what could have happened to him but it’s going to be okay I still have the power to turn back time I’ll use my device to investigate what happened to Mikey and then save him first I’ll go back far enough to give Mikey weapons and armor for protection huh what oh all right I’ve gone back in time uh hey Mikey huh what’s wrong JJ oh that’s right I have an errand no wait Mikey huh why well it’s dangerous out there you should arm yourself before you go what arm myself there’s no need for that even if someone tried to attack me I’d beat them with one punch just hold on a sec Mikey I’m preparing some equipment for you huh I think I’ll give Mikey a suit of diamond armor and I should probably throw in a laser rifle to take with him all right this equipment is for you oh put it on what’s all this huh a full set of diamond armor huh and a laser rifle wo JJ I don’t need any of this look around we live in a super safe Village well that’s true Mikey but I’m begging you take this with you I don’t really need it though huh I guess I have to you’re such a worry W JJ okay I’m heading out I’ll be back soon be careful Mikey see you later H phew I finally got Mikey equipped before he left but I’m still worried though so I’m going to follow him something happened to Mikey somewhere around here okay stay [Music] focused oh there he is huh what’s going to happen next oh someone’s here oh hello huh huh huh what you’re robbing me hey oh no wait what I’m being robbed no I don’t want to die so it was robbers somebody help fight back mikeyy [Music]

Who KIDNAPPED JJ ? Mikey Lost Friend ! – Minecraft (Maizen)

This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have a great day!

Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/@UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg

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