Most Stressful Stardew Valley Experience

dude we were talking about um well like because the fortnite season is almost over we were just like reflecting on Old fortnite Seasons dude the plane season was so sick that a fun season the plane one the plane one when they originally brought in the plane should we um should we open up a should we open up a tier list and start from the first and go all the way to the most recent dang now that’s wild or should we do that after stard maybe we do it after star do but that’s a good idea right I feel like there were some Seasons that were TR wait so you know what someone in my chat I think you were there but they had an idea they they they were asking what was the best Mobility item would you say or your top three ever ever yeah um honestly the Spider-Man glove has to be up there like the OG one yes I forgot about that then I remembered it and I was like oh my God that was one of the best easily before they like made it worse easy it was so easy to navigate and it was like sick yeah but after that maybe the gravity hammer can I say one that’s kind of random but like it was so good and a lot of people like disagree with me but I feel like I’m still valid mhm the nimbus cloud no dude the cloud was dope because also the cloud was extra cool when it first was um put in the game because you could glitch it to where you would just drop straight down do you remember that no that’s why I loved it cuz you could go in the air pop down with the shotgun and just Bop people it was so good yep they they fixed it like halfway through I think but dude they the first couple weeks where they didn’t fix it and you could glitch the animation actually goed actually um hammer or the the katana I think were up there yeah I I think I might have liked the hammer a little bit more than the katana but the katana was still like good yeah no you’re right thanks man no brao I’m goofing I’m goofing that was good yeah if there’s one thing that Chris and I know it’s fortnite Seasons oh yeah we know a few through many too many too many too many yeah the hamster balls were fun actually they I I liked the hamster balls yeah you know what I thought was a good item builds you know what item I thought was like but then like the more I used it it kind of sucked was the uh like the pile driver thing whatever that was The Who that like weird rocket you remember what I’m talking about rocket it was like the thing that would like shoot in the air you held it and it was like a giant [ __ ] thing and you would like fly with it and then like land oh oh yeah the rocket Ram the rocket Ram bro I forgot about that it was like okay but then but I feel like I don’t know like it was so annoying cuz it took took too long the animation was like long yep yeah pile driver is kind of wild yeah that was definitely a mistake of my end I and I do apologize that’s okay man I forgive you yeah the the old rocket Ram shes shes are you in or am I goofy um yeah let me just pause real quick all right okay I just had yo W mods thank you for changing the game there he is the old yep thanks for great I appreciate that 72 hours he it’s nice yeah good stuff right there how do I un there we go all so what’s the plan today bro I forgot my baby was on the floor oh same I got one crawling around by the fire right now be careful babe hey man watch out can I give him can I give him stuff I don’t know can you oh it’s the last day of the Season okay I might go to Ginger Island if that’s chill yeah that is Chill oh um we need to get that Mr uh chi um quest with all the berries yeah yeah we need to do that we also need to do um I need to farm more of that uh ore so we could build a bunch of that like super grow oh right the radioactive thing yeah right right right list it was very fun we’re going to do it again for sure cuz I had a blast doing it once again guys shout out to Sammy for winning the song battles last night no one knew it was her song but she won I did win I did what was the song that you won with called um it was a Megan the stallion song I’m sure chat could recall all right [Laughter] the S the song guys was thought [ __ ] I okay to be fair the theme was songs you could shake it to and was I wrong like no because I won true you you weren’t wrong the assignment was understood I told Chris that I wouldn’t submit Pitbull because it’ be too easy like I was going to submit Timber but that’s an easy clear not that Megan wasn’t but I was like I can’t do Pit Bull it’s like it’s too T Timber versus uh gas pedal would have been interesting I think that would have been real interesting you’re right one for the ages you can say that actually thanks hey Rob what’s up how are we doing today oh yeah look at all these guys right here let’s see here okay all right all right I’m going to go to I’m going to go get some Crystal Shards so I could start farming uh some of some fire shards or whatever and then I’m going to upgrade my gun my gun my weapon cuz I have this [ __ ] I have three of these which I think is a good thing bro imagine getting a gun in stardo yo creature thank you very much for the three months by the way [ __ ] just gun would be wild okay yeah I am wearing mayor L uh lewis’ shorts with a gold uh trim as well if that’s cool okay okay there we there is a gun mod all right good to know ooh a dragon claw Dragon tooth rather see it’s just got a random dragon tooth which is really good whoa let’s go I think we only need like four more I think now yep take it that is a w right there oh yeah oh my God there’s definitely there there has to be more around here there’s got to be more around here bro there’s so much random stuff there is another one oh my God we’re so lucky and back we’re so back that’s sick the song good yeah only bangers on the uh stardew Valley oops all bangers all bangers whoops more Cinder shards let’s go yo Britney thanks man so are you welcome on in appreciate that what if thought [ __ ] was in stardew that’d be kind of funny to have like real songs like in in a stardew Vibe like thought [ __ ] but it was like 8 bit or 16 bit Vibes yeah I I’m sure people have done stuff like that before it’ be sick they had to have we can’t be the first right yeah to ever think of that a come on cuz people have done that with like KK Slider and stuff mhm true yeah I exactly true true are you on Ginger Island I might come over yeah yeah I’m at the uh the volcano just doing some work out here let him do some work guys that’s that’s where I’m getting the dragon teeth and or Dragon claw rather and some shards nice oh it is teeth okay cool good night Brio have a good one thanks for hanging nice my God there’s so much [ __ ] going on here okay nice I need to go get that freaking thing right there I’m going to run out of water though which is not good please only be one thing that I had to open up please just be the one yes okay good we go there she is walking over here oh nice ticket okay thanks yeah I was running out of water so you being here is actually helpful as hell w w are are people still [ __ ] with www anymore is that is that like old news I don’t know man is that old news I don’t know chat we were rocking with www anymore or do we not even worry about it what’s your Vibe we rock with the HTTP uh col slash or who cares I don’t think anybody messes with that anymore all right htps okay true true true we got we got some HTP uh truthers in here yeah you’re right okay all you want to just go straight ahead here yeah a key Bean a chi Bean H mummified bat cool going straight Y what up bang how you doing dude turn this thing up music’s too good I’m not hearing music in M am I new oh the mine music is playing for me I wonder if mine’s turned off right now hold on maybe it just did it go off at all today or no I don’t know it’s on it’s not doing anything it’s all right man n all right you want to go a water up over here yeah nice nice never mind we got to go what the heck invisible wall yeah oh we can just go this way whole lot of nothing cool now we have a shortcut here oh nice oh we always we can skip all this boring mumbo jumbo now I think cool H okay so where’s that go where’s that lead to I wonder that’s the exit shortcut maybe oh okay so we could go back to the exit faster if we had to Emily I have no idea literally zero uh good luck have fun is that I think is what I can really say there I am not a professional by any means be safe oh music’s playing again it’s really good [Music] [Music] oh God I didn’t realized it was already so late yeah it’s getting up there huh you know what we need we need that um return to to home thing the scepter yeah how do we get that it’s expensive as heck it’s expensive it’s like 2 mil 2 mil Y is wild [Music] 2 mil I mean we’ve got almost 600,000 but still yeah don’t worry I’m on that grind though with the wi and everything there you go and then as soon as we’re done with that um Chi Quest we can uh plant ancient fruit all on the island true so that we need to leave did you leave I left the mine yeah I’m I’m at the little island cabin crap I’ll it here tonight I’m going to die I think low key no don’t okay I’m definitely just stuck in here though for sure hopefully you don’t lose anything cool yeah if I do I’ll I’ll be kind of sad yeah I’m sorry man no it’s fine dude 130 [ __ ] [Music] all right I fell outside I fell as sleep outside the volcano that’s okay I didn’t die so that’s good all right yeah we’ll take that we’ll take it we’ll take it uh it’s winter now at home oo okay winter okay oh my God that scar me sorry hi baby I bought two of them thank you I sh you okay yeah and then I took a video of the the mommy mama bird feeding the babies oh nice you s skinks are out by the way they’re big oh I haven’t seen any yet yeah uh Sammy says Hi hi Sammy sh that was funny did you hear her say yeah I heard her I heard her she she said hide you in a funny in a funny [Laughter] yeah it’s my friend right there yeah you guys are good people thanks I got I found a pilgrim hat come on BR in you’re a pilgrim hat huh what the heck I kind of [ __ ] with it actually not not for what they did but like the vibe is kind of clean true dang you guys seen that what do you guys know about my [Music] vibe Puritan core [Music] who it’s not giving Plymouth Rock Mayflower looking ass [Music] what are these guys up [Music] to cuz her ostrich is so cute I’m dead isn’t he yeah he’s just walking around being a cutie patootie is that what I’m doing [Music] this is this what we’re trying to do three of these and you’ll make the Galaxy sword level 13 like or is that or is that not it oh one with each okay one two three the Infinity Blade whoa but I lose this it looks like that’s [Music] fine whoa [ __ ] it we ball I just made the Infinity Blade so what nice is that just better than the Galaxy sword it’s the Galaxy sword in in in like a whole new Vibe oh okay yeah it’s really good it’s real nice yeah we’ll take that we’ll take that chat we’ll absolutely take that no questions asked [Music] so I guess you could like Farm a bunch of those different like you could just make all your weapons like extra good items are you back on the island still yeah yeah yeah cuz I I fell asleep here oh right right Could you um check and see if we got that Quest yet oh yeah yeah I’m afraid I’m afraid to like accept it though why cuz I I we still need more Super grow but I’ll double check and see all right we might not even need it though because we have so many spots what what was it 300 how many it was 500 I wonder how many spots we have for it though you know what I mean [Music] true bum bum all right let me go see what Mr key up to yeah all right see what he’s up [Music] to there’s a there’s a little guy okay [Music] d [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah we got some more aridium wine done today nice I’m I’m clearing up some weeds that are like surrounding the sprinklers and stuff real quick here okay sounds good do you want to do the math on how many spots we have from the sprinklers it’s just there should [Music] be is it 16 how many spots are on the sprinkler y’all on the idium I think it’s 16 right times it times it by how many are out there um 24 all right then 24 times how many sprink cers there are there should be like 15 or something like that maybe more math math math okay let’s see 34% complete dude okay that’s not bad considering we haven’t been really like oh make it to level 100 in skull Cavern or ship 100,000 gold worth of freshly cooked items uh skull Cavern probably right yeah I’m goingon to go do that cuz skull Cavern is also cool wait wait skull cam but you can’t eat or drink anything there oh buddy wow okay we just make a ton of stairs right or my goofy yeah can you eat before you go in probably okay so yeah we have to uh just eat make a ton of stairs all right that’s fine I’ll just go uh I’ll Farm a bunch of rocks okay sounds good yeah dude one of my cats Just sh like they play with like plastic little spring toys one of my cats just shoved one under the door and I just saw his little foot that’s funny jamming through that’s a nice little guy brose wild what’s he doing yeah but we can only do the the Jade on Sundays which stinks but we have a bunch don’t we haven’t we been growing a bunch yeah but the the thing’s seven days and it’s Monday so that’s what what stinks I see I see I see I see let me see we have 82 right now Jade okay that could have been 82 staircases which would have been so clean oh I see we can’t buy them at all I see yeah okay we have a decent amount though actually of Rock I’m going to start making staircases now just to see how many we got I got 19 yeah see how many we have was it a 100 that we had to get to yeah so that’ll be that’ll be a Vibe a VI all right I’m going to go to uh the Quarry do I have any bombs go to the Quarry and uh blow up some rocks sounds good thanks man Oh I thought it was already late but it’s just winter true oh look at your Pok that’s funny yeah [Music] okay any where the bombs at let make some bombs with this iron don’t know where the bombs at where’s the bombs at where’s the bomb at okay all right yum Quarry oh we might have done a bomb recently here okay that’s good You’ been uh vibing with the Dunkey frozen coffee lately let’s go yum I think I might have did I unlock something else from these guys I think I might have nope never [Music] mind oh I need to get zero 100 of these 96 crap Rock do you want to do it tomorrow morning or do you want another day to prepare I I think I need another day I’m just going to farm as many rocks as I can yeah yeah yeah then we’ll go in game Wednesday okay oh [ __ ] okay bro I can’t believe we’re still like going hard on Star it’s kind of hype you know what I mean yeah it is I’ve never made it this far in start Valley so it’s kind of fun yeah it’s fun to like lock in on the challenges too yeah no for real yeah it’s a good time bombs Oak resin random random I can use that for the uh C stuff so kind of nice nice what’s up Tina oh it’s it’s night time I know already bedtime okay what bro I just got two uh uh cursed mannequins from one drop what yuck I know should we make a cursed mannequin Army yeah maybe okay I’m falling asleep outside my house uh what are you gonna do bro’s not making it to bed all day today it’s fine it’s me me and Colorado no come on I’m kidding look at that money y’ yeah lots of money yo Olivia thanks for the resub Levi Britney thank you guys all for the reubs creature appreciate you dudes GG’s hope you’re having a beautiful day I am indeed there’s my baby just crawling around good for him [Music] o she hated it she hated my gift that’s okay though you’re ruined it’s over for me [Music] he oh hey man can I help you you checking on your [Laughter] basement oh nice I forgot I have one of those oh Mara just handed me a retro radio who did Maru your wife what the hell good for good for you she likes me she hates my guts where might I put this radio this is cute she can’t she can’t stand me man hates your [Music] guts um [Music] s rules mhm it’s a good one all right back to the Grind oh yeah we got 20 stairs I think I think honestly go trying to get like even 80 and just like hoping for holes or something could be a move too yeah I agree and we can do a classic like restart if we have to [Music] True okay [Music] list am I wrong though if a song’s good I’m going to let you know personally okay let’s go to floor 30 maybe I can’t really see down here actually I hate this place can’t see [ __ ] let’s go to floor like 50 or 80 maybe oh my God okay cool I need those up there I might go to the regular mine and just Farm a bunch of stone that’s where I’m at right now oh nice you yeah that’s the way that’s the way to do it you got to oh my God wait lius in his little winter fit are you kidding oh isn’t it funny yeah okay yo Kylie thanks thanks for the resub appreciate that Kylie gems thank you dude I can’t see [ __ ] back from dinner let’s go all right big big dick sounds good man sounds good always always good always good stuff okay oh my god let’s go cool yo Shambo good luck dude good luck man that’s all I can really say bet all that oo a monster book cool oh Prismatic Shard yeah I’ll take it what the [ __ ] just found a prismatic Shard who cares yo ain’t no way yeah I’ll take that yeah we’ll buck that yeah we’ll be taking that yo what up Wags how you doing dude how you sleeping how you vibing how’s the PC Val uh it’s used for like a bunch of random stuff I’m not sure exactly what all the uses are but need sleep yeah feel that trying to get your steam game set open there’s got to be some weird issue with it I feel feel like there’s some it’s it’s definitely like something silly that you can probably figure out okay oh my God these guys don’t do [ __ ] damage to me at all I think it’s cuz my new ring which is which give me a lot of Defense uh I just got a Galaxy Soul yeah dude so three of those you can upgrade any item that you have oh sh yeah those are sick I needed that that’s how I got the Infinity Blade because I had three cool yeah oh yeah and we need that radioactive stuff right I found some yep I mean I have I have like I have four right now Wars yeah we’ll take that oh Coffee Bean cool going to lurk if that’s okay that’s more than okay dude lurk away Sammy is that okay if someone lurks yeah we love lurkers please there you go I insist I hope you like Stone cuz I got a bit I need that these squid things are weird oh those squid guys are uncomfortable kind of like what are they up to like I don’t like their attitude really no like for real I agree bad vibes The Vibes are just completely off with those [Laughter] [Applause] things o radioactive ore let’s [Applause] go okay bro the way we’re prepping for this like so well I know you got to you go to I wonder where the best place for rock is is it like skull Cavern or maybe is it the Quarry it might be skull Cavern just because I feel like the skull Cavern is more open so like more rocks spawn maybe I don’t know I don’t know the V yeah I bloop the Quarry but now it’s like it’s it’s not like re regenerated yet or whatever no it won’t I don’t think for a while unfortunately where do you want the uh Radioactive War uh just put in that in like our special box that we have near the uh box like the mailbox okay cool I can start Gathering all that I only have one but yeah it helps hey it’s good stuff it helps what’s up cry how you doing sorry to hear that you’re sick hopefully you feel better eventually okay we got decent amount of you put the stone in there as well I could start making just more uh stairs and stuff okay oh Ken’s nice that’s fun okay on geod void Essence nice nice nice nice cool my sh we put that in there as well I’m going to sell this [ __ ] Oak resin okay we’re good have you ever had a coaching a session with the voice actor of pyman from genjin Impact and they tell you of a good yo oh canny let’s go dude that’s huge he made it today congratulations [Music] bro that’s exciting man hell yeah dude that’s so awesome did you sell that uh Oak Ren kind of need but it’s okay sorry I’m stupid I just I was trying to clear my inventory you’re good this uh this Cavern drops a bunch so I’ll get you another one all right dope oh my God it’s crawling today bro I like how you call your baby it’s it’s crawling today it just leveled up wait it’s lioness’s birthday today cute oh nice should I give him a star drop T the baby oh liess wait have you seen the um conscious baby have you seen that yeah yeah bro that’s funny who wants to go to the forest Seasons Orlando I’m I’m a I’m a real human bro I’ve been cracking up at edits of that lately there’s so many good ones that’s not a baby that’s a man no you’re right yeah then the baby Giggles afterwards like girl we’re on to you stop laughing girl where you from why you here what’s the [Laughter] plan so funny what is the plan okay okay I’m going to go far are we going today or we going to wait uh I’m I’m I get more a little bit more rock I I just don’t have enough yet no no no you’re a good guy I was just checking oh it is a girl oh everyone everyone’s talking like it’s a boy I didn’t realize it was a girl honestly I I don’t know I I have no idea I just know it’s an aware baby it’s an aware baby baby’s aware as hell baby seen some things baby knows something posted it said it’s a girl okay okay there you go there you go want to go to the Four Seasons I do I love that place who wants to go to the forest Seasons Orlando bro the way it holds up its little hand is so funny to me though what’s up brother that’s that someone’s had to have done that edit already I’m sure I’m [Music] positive [Music] okay dude Kenny that’d be hype is it a nice spot okay there we go twitch meet up at the Four Seasons Orlando okay [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] it’s $1,400 a night oh never mind yeah like if I was a baby and I heard that I’d be stoked too yeah cuz you know because money’s not a real thing to you cuz you’re a baby ah thing poisoned me nice nice drinking some ginger ale fixing my upset stummy makeing some more bombs [Applause] oh my God wait one of these uh mushrooms got caught in the web and it was like it looked like it was like trapped in the spider web wa e have you guys ever seen that gross what the [Applause] hell huh yeah that’s that that was creepy [Music] H big man I don’t know what that [Music] means okay one fragment nice I think I think you can get an auto pet in one of these floors too which is cool sour cherry that’s awesome I appreciate that I I I like having you uh watch when you play as [Music] well for another cursed mannequin oh my God I’m getting so many I can make a cursed [ __ ] Army oh the random fact thing oh is it still happening I mean not really like you could you’re more than welcome to share something but I think the last one we got was someone came in and said I poop [Music] today okay guys B is going to Europe by the way can we get that nice there’s that we’re going back down here there’s that Jared let’s go prove it gift 100 right now no I’m kidding that dude awesome man that must have been a that must have felt really good to see that uh no not yet I’m just trying to f farm uh rocks right now cuz I have to build a bunch of stairs cuz I’m going to do the skull mines to floor 100 but the thing is you can’t eat or whatever so we’re going to do that once we get enough ladders made Bak man that you might win you may uh be the winner cuz that’s incredible hey jar you got to do what you got to do you got to do what you got to do man twitch is run by and owned by Amazon you know like it is what it is oh and Sammy that’s what I’m talking about two Oak resins yeah you’re welcome yep yep from one dude of wine out here a lot of wine yeah we’re wine guys we’re wine guys we’re Wine Guys we’re Wine Guys boom boom or doom boom or Doom we’re Wine Guys the volcano mines in oh the actual volcano you’re probably right this area sucks though it’s so dark yeah it’s like hey man turn the lights on it’s like hey I can’t see crap bro see a guy God dang thing personally exactly H there are a lot of rocks down here though can’t I can’t lie yeah we’ll be taking that we’ll be taking all these rocks DEC amount of rocks down here I’m not going to lie oh yeah exactly what we need just what the doctor ordered mhm I’m in the mines now too just getting a rock my God this goes forever down here yep wish I had more inventory space to be honest [Music] okay bigger back backpack mod best mod yeah I’ll probably download mods once we beat it like on vanilla first I got a chi gem ooh those are good I didn’t know that you could get them just in here yeah you get them all willy-nilly all right we’ll take it we have to oh my God I have three ladders next to me I was just getting everything for St there you go you know we we’ll take the three ladders we’ll take the tri oh we got to go though yeah it’s getting late great so do we still do you think need to get more Stone I mean we can attempt it and if if if the day is like a lucky day on the on the uh thing we could maybe go and attempt it okay but I don’t know it’s still like I know me see cuz I have 25 stairs plus whatever you have uh I’ve just been throwing my rock in the chest okay let’s see maybe we should take another day yeah that would probably make sense uh I’m going to put the Oak resin in here for you thanks man okay Oak resin I think the kegs might take Stone so I might hold off I’m making a few more but it’ll help okay once we’re done already bedtime great what is that my baby’s floating in the air what do you mean floating in the air oh my God I don’t know it was bundled up and floating that was scary my baby’s cursed that thing out of here what was that oh I fell see next my bed [Music] again um do you mind if I take a quick BRB yeah no you’re good I was actually GNA recommend that cool okay what up Snappy how you doing I’m going to do a quick BRB as well to the bathroom be right back uh let’s do one of these while we wait if you’re if you’re chill okay e yo zg nice welcome on in welcome on in hope you’re uh hope you’re doing well okay we’re going down okay here we go makes me want a burger it is a good it is a good burger song I’m going to have one of these okay anyone else’s power out during a heat wave I’m sorry that sucks where you at that that where it’s so hot anyone just tuning in by the way let me know thanks thanks fish no I got this in at Chicago actually do I owe Bobby money for recreating his merch if anything he owes me money for the free promo yeah it’s very cool the way it came out is is very fun high was 89 today sheesh sheesh all you know the company once I uh get the email for it so I’ll probably post it on uh on something yo see the cat thanks for the 18 months by the way I appreciate that she getting a Diet Coke or what what are we thinking yeah I just got back yeah she’s got a Diet Coke yeah you know yeah she likes she likes a little Diet Coke once in a while I’m still finishing the last one though so no crack yet I did grab it all right just just in case just has like a backup you know what I mean Fair puzzles are fun Carly they’re very fun yeah the the humidity sucks humidity is is ass all right day four 92 and 45% humidity you prefer I’ve never met anyone who prefers hum humidity so interesting humidity humidity is it’s just weird it’s a weird feeling I it feels like you’re like I don’t know it’s hard to explain you live in Denver oh it’s just in Denver Denver is awesome he makes my hair look like [ __ ] yeah it feels like you’re suffocating yeah that’s that exactly that oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah [Music] [Music] Spirits are very happy today by the way I just checked ooh should we go and see maybe all right I’m I’m I’m going to TP there now and see what the vibe is okay cuz we can restart the day if it sucks mhm true I I wonder if I could take something before I go in and then you can’t eat when you’re in there should I try that I think you can take it before you go okay oh the slimes have hearts that’s cool dude Pam doesn’t show up till 10 yeah wow no one wants to work anymore she hates my guts no one wants it to work anymore any holes or what I’ll be there in 30 minutes when Pam shows up sounds good stubborn please oh here we go hole okay what level are you on I’m coming through uh 10 all right nice nice I’m catching up I’m on five nice going to 11 oh there’s dinosaur down here cool hey man hey dude my God she she’s quick yeah I took a rock candy before I came in smart right here nice not the ladder over there let let me get the heals from this real quick nice that heals you wait yeah there’s little hearts in it which is cool bomb ow nice ladder nice you’re good let’s go ladder nice keep it [Music] up I’m killing some of the EV ones okay ladder up there okay nice oh and two holes oh on the right on your right six six ladder right in front oh my God ladder ladder am I goated am I the best watch out bomb oh oh oh oh oh oh nice Taylor probably never probably never I think we’re good maybe bomb oh never mind there we go oh we got one of these dark cowboy hat Cactus seeds okay I got a dark cowboy hat we’ll take that why not because there’s drama every 5 seconds with those uh those guys and I’m good I try to steer clear of anything like that regardless of like how you know if you like their [ __ ] or not like there’s drama constantly with them so I’m good not anymore okay I those things don’t do anything right here okay let’s do this right here not in the past 5 years you’re you’re you’re you’re you’re a okay I’m not I’m not going to say anything I’m not going to say anything I’m not going to say anything I’m not going to say anything to that not in the past 5 years crazy okay down here right there right there right there there we go okay here we go I just wasted two I just wasted two that’s all right right here nice you’re good guy okay I got another one we need more holes man where they at yeah right here what we at we’re at 36 37 I’m on 37 yeah yeah okay here watch out I’m going to bomb this right here okay nice bomb nice bomb nothing okay right there right here nice you’re good guy let’s manifest holes guys okay nice there we go on me there we go hold right there more 39 we’re we’re almost there how many are left right here right here you’re smart you’re a good person there we go coms go crazy I don’t know if we’re going to make this though no we’re fine we’re fine look here nice keep it up bro I’m one shot actually I just realized I’m not looking too pretty uh ladder right here ladder right here right here on me you’re you’re good okay man I need heals bro cuz we find a hole I just die actually wait really yeah right on me on me well it’ll be okay you can make it back down if I’m here true it’s just kind of annoying yeah no you’re right no B we can’t drink anything here because we’re doing the the quest where you can’t drink or eat unless I could do that beforehand maybe oh there’s a hole 52 another hole that’s going to kill me if it does just run up to me it didn’t kill me but my health is so right here right here Auto pet nice that’s big that’s huge I got a prismatic Shard but I’m still I’m still L I’m still an L uh how many how many ladders do you have I have 25 maybe we just use them all like really fast okay sorry oh red cowboy hat okay okay [ __ ] there we go nice keep for moving cool yeah the the trinker that heals you is cool I don’t have that one though I have um I have the one shoots that shoots like ice there we go how many do you have left uh 11 oh my God that I took the hit for that one it’s all right it’s thanks bro I’m hurting though I’m going to go kill I’m going to go kill that one uh slime that has Health cuz I have one HP okay okay it’s it’s 11 it’s 11 ladder that’s it we just got to find ladders now ladder right here hole Sammy go for it nice big big I’m going to die but it’s worth it six levels two I might to no six six oh no I have a slime ring oh we need to kill them all I think yeah we have to kill them though for the oh that’s such bad RNG you’re lying to me no we’re going for going rest the day let’s just restart no dude you no no cuz you got you got the [ __ ] auto pet I know that’s sick but we could get it again bro nice are do you think you’re going to make it I don’t [Music] know yeah that’s the thing dude that’s hard we can probably restart if we have to let me just let me try that real fast and see yeah yeah you keep trying cuz it’s okay you it’s you have an hour essentially bro I was really close come on give me a ladder or a hole or something yes you got it come on ho I’m going to die though no I didn’t 99 100 Sammy yeah oh my god let’s go holy sh that’s actually big let’s go what the [ __ ] no way oh my God wait you don’t die from the hole if you have no health I don’t think y That’s big dude baby that was sick I’m sleeping next to this bus dude and the fact that we got the auto Petter like that’s sick the hole was a paid actor that was sick dude holy [ __ ] F actor wow that’s nuts oh my God holes can’t kill you that was insanely hard dude that was sick that was our first try that was our first try let’s go go that’s actually so clean really good luck there Sammy W take it double you oh my God so now we can go get all that [ __ ] from [Music] him holy crap dude that was actually that was nuts I got another seed maker too and some Prismatic shards let’s go sup poptart all right I’m going to put the auto pet down that’s actually so big that we got this cuz it’s expensive I’m pretty sure dude the autoed is like insanely hard to get it’s like that’s a really big grab oh we got ostrich eggs I’m going to inate one we can make another one yeah yeah yeah I’m incubating nice Stone spicy heel and then the other [ __ ] that that was so clutch uh the second best moment to Juno cart for real I got a prismatic Shard as well yeah those are big cool oh man I’m feeling good after that yeah that was good oh babad that’d be that’d be a cool integration somehow if they could figure that out GG’s but yeah a be up anal po we have uh some some uh fortnite we’re doing later which I’m stoked for then yeah giant omelette should we do a giant omelet for Gus that’s easy 2000 eggs yeah I’m acting yeah that’s that’s free that is free I’m going to uh the island today all right yeah sounds good I’m going to see what the next Quest is yeah oh wow dude I know my heart was pounding I was so scared when I died on that like the I died on like 96 or something mhm but we were goated so nothing to be scared of yeah that was cool I’ll start putting the eggs in uh in a chest I’ll put them in our shared one oh smart okay I’m I’m gonna go talk to the uh the dude over here and see what his Vibe is yo Jess thank you for the 45 thank you very much for the 45 I appreciate that welcome back good to see you okay CU famous omelet so what do I do now just talk to him okay Hopper oh the enricher is cool bought those I just bought an enricher so I I think I can put this on top of sprinklers and load it with fertilizer oh nice yeah that’s probably a good a good uh Play What’s Up Taylor how are you true I’m chilling we vibing out here okay man that that was so hype there’s got to be a way to get over there what up Reaper how are you it’s good to see you I can still buy something from this dude I need 10 okay eating P waiting on a thunderstorm word sell e okay man I I still can’t believe we got that I’m going to talk to the kid doesn’t the uh the one bird let you know where you’re missing certain things he does yeah we’ll talk to him and see hidden in the pages of the journal oh [ __ ] collections secret notes that one I think I got most of these that one that one as well is interesting Yo Miss K hey nice combo nice combo dude sup Britney how are you I’ll try the uh beach one though and see Robin I’ll check that out oh I don’t have my [ __ ] hoe dude H I need to go back home and get my hoe that’s fine we’ll uh we’ll do this uh again oh that’s a fun combo okay do what Happ you hanging after a long work day let’s go let’s go there she is He Man dude first try on the uh skull Caverns that was kind of hype no that was super hype uh copper bars are in here if you want any thanks man okay here we are we got legs we do I could probably make the uh the legs or the the shorts maybe blue so it matches the comfy more than the orange but regardless it’s fun I’m gonna give Shane a gold bar he’s probably at the bar so I can just go give him one and we’re chilling y mday thanks for the 41 appreciate that thank you thank you thank you okay okay and then little bar we’re chilling oh Robin got you hey there’s definitely a few like all over the place what’s up for leaf CL how you doing dude that Shane over there by himself talking to the [Music] cactus huh no [Music] bro there we [Music] go just for shits guys let’s see if I still have what it takes [Music] [Music] just giving diamonds to everyone right now yep they love me they love me man okay yeah Ray I could have done more but I was like you know what that’s it we had fun we had fun we have to move move on um okay let’s see here there’s that sell these slimes oh I’m not selling the crab cake winter is cool in this game it is it’s got a nice vibe to it 10:00 oh my god do these move one of them moved a little bit I think e no [Music] thanks dude look at all the animals sleeping on Maru look at that that’s cute as hell the turtle the [Music] cat the spirits are somewhat annoyed today cool [Music] we’ll go to uh we’ll go to Ginger Island tomorrow it’s [Music] bedtime and Cordy thank you for the resub I appreciate [Music] that oo [Music] I’m already in bed put him to sleep I’m ready to St my next day I don’t even care I was just fishing oh fishing smart yeah I need to get it to uh level to Max right fishing yeah so I’m just going to be randomly fishing you [Music] gotta honk shoe M me me honk shoe M me me me Scout there’s the crack we’ve all been looking for there it is okay there’s my kid there’s our little baby boy can you give hats to the little guys I wonder let’s [Music] see M kid loves me [Music] oh thanks Maru she picked some fences for us W dub Sebastian filled the pet balls thanks King I love when they work on the farm you know what I mean it’s like hey guys thanks for pulling your weight appreciate that thanks Guy thanks God I’m going to give Sebastian a pearl see what he says I really love this how did you know yeah I know I know I know a few things when you know you know you’re going to like the way you look I guarantee it thanks King wait so was there no new um Mr CH Quest I’m going to go check now for it okay cool oh Scout I got you cool cool cool wait did you do the math on the [Music] sprinklers uh no okay we just need it so that I know how much fertilizer and whatnot we’re going to need need okay cuz if we have space for all 300 then we don’t need the fertilizer or like we can use it but we don’t like necessarily need it got it I just don’t know if I’m if if my brain’s on a math mood right now like if I’m able to do it I’m going to try my best though there’s I actually can’t do anything without having to physically go up and and uh change my camera which I don’t want to do right now that’s the reason why you could see it because I had to like uh move it and and read it but I because I brought it with me on my trip so I’m just not gonna I can’t fix it currently okay I’m gonna go talk to Mr Chi real quick then let me also see what other journal entries we have oh it’s every Monday really okay every Monday we got to wait making us weit out here Sammy I know what are they thinking then any want to see us succeed they don’t want to see us one they don’t they really don’t okay I’m just going to try finding some random ass uh golden coconuts from here there’s got to be something right there right that’s got to be nope cool [Music] come on that was such a spot yeah we did the crystal thing I think the first time we came to Ginger Island Samy and I really worked as a team to do it and it was successful it was indeed it’s a good time we’ll take that W good times good times you excited for fortnite later bro yeah I need to challenge grind like it’s diabolical at this point I can’t believe new season is like Friday or whatever whatever day it is it’s kind of random right you down for monster trucks yeah yeah SS like a random fortnite theme here’s my here’s my uh my my take ready yeah who loves monster trucks um kids who are 10 exactly 10 10 to 11 year old boys and guess what you can make them into toys right true and they could sell them true so yeah it’s just like I don’t know I don’t think it’s like the worst theme they’ve ever done it’s just s such a random one yeah like okay sure trucks trucks why not truck H whatever thought he was spinning bars for a sec okay we were just talking about the Battle Pass the full thing hasn’t leaked it’s just concept art that leaked for it but like the concept art sucked in my opinion what I saw didn’t look too great it looked like it was made with AI dude I’m hoping that’s not the case I yeah I’m hoping that they pivoted from that and that you know it was just like random but where’s this one guy hiding at setting expectations low yeah cool we got a tuna Ruthie holy [ __ ] we haven’t serated the mermaid yet no cuz I have to build like this the sound blocks and I haven’t like cared to do that yet um hold on did that one all right so fishing you can get golden walnuts as well from time to time dude did they release a game play video for the new season yet I don’t think they did they haven’t yet no yeah same I thought maybe I was a goofball but they I don’t think they released the trailer well you are still oh thanks One n come on oh see cucumber and oh another golden animal cracker who should I give the animal cracker to I don’t know I um maybe the ostrich I already gave it to him maybe I’ll give it to the dinosaur yeah there’s got to be something down here right this fish hates me who hates you this fish there we go never mind oh was this good night Robin take care let one more fish right here okay I finished gener and also uh finished building exercise wheel for my cats yo nice Bros been up to something I could have just taken the teleporter oops farming’s been good great stole my Mor great BL me with his chores nah come on not the chores come on he’s a good guy you paid the bird your remaining walnuts because you got lazy a squid I’m good I don’t need your chump change come on dude rat game’s awesome game’s sweet love that game can can me give this golden animal cracker to our little guy over here oh look all that Mayo what’s that guy’s name is Yo wus oh my God this rabbit awake hoppy is trying to sleep oh sorry hoppy sorry hoppy all our little guys are sleeping hey man hey man I’ve been putting the eggs in the um shared chest by the way oh nice good good good E I hate this mannequin Sho why you in my house I don’t know were you stealing my clothes no I put the mannequin there to bother you okay why did I steal your clothes I don’t know cuz you’re over by my dresser that’s what I was asking no it’s just looming don’t Loom sorry no you can Loom it’s fine all right N I take it back you can’t L yo lip service thanks for the eight months bro I can’t believe that episode of SpongeBob aired and they also deleted it like forever the panty rate episode what a wild what a wild uh Journey that was hey tomorrow oh tomorrow’s a fishing contest oh there’s a fishing contest tomorrow if [Music] let me give are they still sleeping no okay stretch has an animal cracker uh cracker nice good for him yeah good for him then he needed that he did [Music] okay put that there I’m going drop some eggs off to Gus where you where you been putting the eggs at in our shared chest okay don’t look in my chest dude you have some some good stuff in here yeah I’m saving all of my good stuff sorry if you’re going in the C can you pet them sure make sure you don’t miss one I would never history debates [Music] that you’ve definitely forgotten before but it’s okay now they all got they all I come and clean it up they all got nice little pet there thanks man yep yo what up creature how you doing dude oh [ __ ] dude I don’t know if you’ve seen that um that clip from when we were playing pubg and yo I’m carrying you and I’m trying to throw you in the water and then you take your clothes off but it literally that clip is so funny I have haven’t seen it yet bro it’s mad funny I’m down it’s such a random clip but juli and I’s reaction is so good you’ll have to send it to me and I’ll peep it all right I’ll find it I’m uh I’m going to go to the um desert real quick okay and cuz I have 84 Jade and it’s Sunday so I’m just going to get as many staircases as possible POS oh just to have them for like the F no that’s clue [Music] okay ooh pooing let’s go I I think I saw a didn’t sandwich do that she made I think the ginger ale or something that’s [Music] fun oh Ruth that’s cool my front yard’s a mess grab some cookies the flee head risotto sounds so good I wonder if there’s any uh of the meals you can make from that one guy at the Calico desert forest like uh celebration like the spicy nachos and stuff okay let’s uh let’s get some staircases here oh my God look at these bro Sammy I have 85 stairs now dude nice we need that oh my God that’s silly we need that that is silly that’s like too many right actually I’ve seen some people have like a thousand stairs so you know what I take it back it’s [Music] normal all right I’m about to make a ton of kegs here we need this we’re almost at a mill really mhm yeah we’re good yeah we’ll take that oh God we need to replenish our Stone though she’s hurting after that copper and iron we get some Stone in the mix here oh look at that little guy a little bit of stone what’s up Miranda how you doing oh my God [Music] [Music] okay cool we’re going get out of here now we’re go back to stard Valley frog the farmer thanks for the resub by the way I appreciate that I’m G to watch this uh clip real quick permission to pause real fast to watch this clip yeah the pubg one yeah yeah permission to pause granted thank you sir okay I’m gonna watch it here okay so guys this is a clip of them bullying me by the way in case you were curious no no embarrassing in the water what the heck put him in the water this is embarrassing he’s flopped he’s flopped over I’m taking my pants off he looks stop taking your pants off weirdo taking everything off Dr E pick me up bring me life man what happens if I drop you in the water do you die immediately drown him drown him drown him I drown he Flo he float he Flo why Julian telling you you mean to drown oh my God look at my whole ass put that thing away bring it back hello embarrassing throw in the water what the heck put him in the water H good old pubg julan drown him drown him drown him yeah that is something else what what are you going to do okay so can’t believe you took your pants off it’s wild I had to do something to get you to put me down I thought you were going to wasted time I was watching the clip oh sorry it’s all right do we have the golden uh coconuts over here no okay a base reaction thank you that’s what I figured I was like y maybe they’ll they’ll they’ll want me to get out of here the hell is this that’s jod jod D all right tomorrow we’re going to get a new Quest from our boy all right so tomorrow’s the next key Quest I believe oh bet yep we needed that oh he sells bat wings that’s cool monster fireplace Jody kind of bad h maybe I’ll go to the mines real quick and see if we could do get some more of those uh Radioactive ores since we need uh a bunch for that super grow fertilizer true yeah we we don’t want Kent to do that give a ginger ale to Robin of course give me Robin a grandma when you think about it that’s something that’s something else huh Gil okay AR is infested okay uh once you start getting the key Quest your mind become like this eat one of these oh [ __ ] oh yeah we also you could yeah what Miranda said you could turn it on and off on the uh floor 100 or whatever the slimes kind of sound like that one [Music] song true that’s all you had that’s all you needed to say I get it man whose be is that what’s up Hannah how you doing what is this area [Applause] [Applause] cool Scout that’s fair do we got to do man [Applause] a small Crystal what the [ __ ] is that a trinket of some [Applause] sort oh can be placed as a decoration oh cool that’s random yo I killed everything thing and there’s no is that an ancient seed okay weird night time already night time in this econom I know I just keep fishing I’m trying to get to level 10 man I yeah it takes a little bit lot of fish I got so much stuff lot of stuff he man he brother okay I’m going put that down there [Music] good night good [Music] night good night Sir day day eight of winter there’s my baby crawling around oh yeah that’s a classic tune oh yeah oh yeah D Winter’s got some bangers but tell us something we didn’t know tell us something new for a [Music] change okay I’m G to go see what uh Quest we got from Mr whatever his name himself sounds you’re a fall music guy person I that as I’m a Fall Guy music personally fan like whatever that’s All Fall Guy it’s get a banger out here yo listen let’s go congrats dude good luck more days for g seven days okay it’s free you’re grinding for item level right now for the new expansion yeah I heard the new expansion looks exciting though a gift thanks it’s locked don’t I have a [ __ ] key though oh today the fishing festival or do we miss it H I don’t know if I care yeah I think the fishing Festival is today if you want to level up your fishing yeah true do you think it’s a good boost oh wait I can’t go without you we have to go together I think it’s like a holiday do we care cuz I want to go maybe get the I don’t think I care really okay yeah f it yeah you say that again then f it dude the Festival of ice has begun it’s locked he’s not letting me oh I think we’re forced to go I think who’s locked it’s not letting me go to uh will oh what you can’t get in no he’s at the festival since when bro doesn’t go to those I know I don’t know do you just want to come back or I might just go to the mines again and look for some uh some radioactive ore that’s fair you feel me I feel you everything’s locked today I think I like this little life to be honest I think I like this little exactly [Music] okay ready radioactive ore where’s it like the most commonly dropped I wonder 95 floor is one to five really all right one to five it is Sammy nice our Wine’s done today by the way big just the normal not the upgraded [Music] one nice [Music] H ow [Music] [Music] he [Music] h okay so multiples of five it can’t spawn on that’s interesting okay [Music] so many freaking spiders whoa an aridium needle dropped again do you want that it’s a it’s a dagger yeah sure dude it’s really good actually we take it what the heck okay h yep y y Just Fishing my day away that’s the way to do it come on 19 damage hold on let me heal up real quick chat what’s your favorite shape my favorite shape yeah do you have a favorite shape maybe Circle I don’t know cules C are kind of cool I kind of [ __ ] with like a rhombus okay yeah rhombus is cool yeah it’s like a Cool vibe every once in a while yeah yeah skank that’s what I’m saying rhombus oval ovals are chill actually obals are kind of like hey OBS are cool obal’s like like a long Circle Circle the Long Way Circle the Long Way Rachel okay I have so many bat wings nice dude I didn’t get [ __ ] today need do what today I didn’t get [ __ ] today oh heck did you think that differently oh I heard that differently all right that’s all right man hey you tried your best all that’s all that matters another parad egg D you get those like nobody’s business I haven’t gotten one we have you have to have Mastery for it do you have that yet oh no another parir egg two in a row bro it’s on a different level right now yeah level 91 y see different level a Dark Sword whoa cool [Music] I’m using the bone sword no wonder why I was taking 18 years to kill guy the bone sword yeah that’s kind of wild sorry it’s okay man I forgive [Music] you place stinks this place stinks favorite col color is periwinkle I like teal a lot but you guys knew this everything’s locked because it’s the freaking Festival lavender’s a good color and a good smell actually pink pink pink works Alicia so I’m going to I’m going to do something black isn’t a color it’s a value in case you are curious so there you go there you have it fine my favorite’s red Sammy I’m going to put this uh dagger in your in your area over here thanks man okay lavender and coffee I haven’t but Shan likes it in her matcha it’s been a long day I feel like doing color theory Fair a lot of parad eggs oh my God level four find gold coins when slay monsters that’s [Music] cool can I do a quick bathroom break after this absolutely thanks [Music] Jared your favorite color is green Jared Jared the red with the red uh username your favorite color is green for sure okay okay be right back guys here let’s give let’s give you guys one of these real quick BRB for for for okay we’re back yo little Chris you ready for some more stard Valley yeah man sounds good great thank you so much for for uh saying that anytime bro cool yo little Chris where’s Shan at oh she’s right here oh nice dude hell yeah you guys having a fun time together great all right I’m ready whenever you are though bro did you see our day total by the way actually nuts yo let’s go that’s sick yeah A Millie is right around the corner if we don’t a a a a n around the corner kind of cool [Music] [Music] [Music] so if you guys watch the Chicago Vlog we uh I showed the process of how we made that and it finally arrived today in our uh in our mail which is [Music] fun yeah very very cool [Music] H okay I’m going to go get the new Quest from uh our boy yeah so imagine someone open that and they’re like what the hell is this who are these little guys yeah it’s weird cuz it’s like honestly like a pretty good like that’s me bro like that’s just me right right there like it’s kind of strange [Music] we got to do finish the eggs oh [ __ ] okay the eggs are done if you uh the eggs are done too if you want to I guess drop those off that guses or I can I come back from the island nice you’re good schedu that was on my calendar put on put it on the old cow you know we had to all right creature thanks for leaving me up dude appreciate that as always whatever whatever man okay hey Willie thanks brother oh I left my water can and my uh Horse flute at the mines [ __ ] ooh some purple mushrooms okay we’ll take that all right 20 days 500 fruit can we do it Sammy oh man wait did you do the math um the math is like it’s like 300 something so we have enough then well not quite okay so how many days does it take for the seeds to grow is it three three with the uh the special uh crops yeah okay and how many of those do you have um I haven’t made any yet I’m going go I’ll do it in a sec okay but we also need we need seeds so we got to start farming seeds yeah yeah yeah yeah and then we have all the seed makers for when we um do that we should be good though I I don’t think it’ll be an issue how many days does it take without the fertilizer do you know um I don’t know maybe 10 or seven okay we should be good though I think yeah I I’m pretty sure we’ll be fine how do I make it again let’s [Music] see bone and uh solar Essences okay solar bone um I’ll come over to the island all actually you know what maybe I’ll stay here and I’ll Farm the mine here okay um cuz you could also get um you can get some more of the radioactive ore as well as the beans cuz we need the beans yeah yeah exactly four days without the fertilizer okay cool because we can’t we can’t start doing anything unless we have those lunus Gus okay Gus needs she be like okay five more eggs so that’ll be done tomorrow um get okay let’s go to the town we have 456 okay Ruthie that’s very helpful the hell is that a chipped aora okay all right I might go to the volcano and just uh try farming of some of those scenes as well yeah that’s a plan yeah then we we could probably touch base uh later tonight for Circle back on it mhm cuz if we have a decent amount you should start planting already yeah I want to ASAP Yours Truly obviously [Music] mhm are these things ass BR Abigail’s chilling right now sheesh she’s like hey guys is she at the beach yeah she’s at the beach so is Robin what’s up Robin okay okay Beach Dad hey Chris want to build a sand castle with you no I got things to do robin there’s no way you’re a grandma we’ve got to pop off oh my God Emily what’s up dang [Music] okay we do need to pop off though for real I’m in the mines I still don’t have a single seat not one oh Sammy we’re screwed not one we’re D we’re we’re doomed yeah I literally don’t have any uh awkward oh I just got one we’re so back nice oh I’m getting a cut scene with little guy Leo [Music] cute sorry what a legend it’s hard to remember to talk normally you think I’m weird don’t you not at all a little but I’m used to it squawk loudly you’re getting pretty good at [Music] that this poor kid sometimes I wonder how different my life would be if I had never watched up on this [Music] island back home I didn’t really care about birds I never thought to listen to what they might be saying [Music] though I guess that’s normal for normal kids I don’t know what K have to say about [Music] me you think I could ever be a normal kid again yes H I guess you’re right the living on this island has giv me a lot of experiences normal kids would never have bro we bring him to sardu Valley or [Music] what doesn’t make you strange dude it makes you normal y guys W’s in the chat for Leo a little guy huh thanks for talking to me Chris maybe someday you can be a part of our family TV today I’m wondering if we have bad luck cuz yeah the luck feels off I’m not finding that many seeds [Music] Bros teach me how to speak in parrot that’s fun cool did you tell bro that word diabolically down bad for these seeds not yet all right yeah maybe let them know hey man cute and all but we need some money or some seeds or something yeah I think our luck is atrocious today yeah I am not finding that much it’s really annoying I haven’t even smelled a seed today I got one finally let’s go we just need um three to 500 more and then we’re good that’s it okay we’re good yeah yeah that’s it I might plant one just so I could start getting like more to make yeah no that’s smart oh I found another one so in nice found another one as well deforesting all the trees on this island but deforesting what are you going to do yeah I think our projections are looking solid here for our growth yeah for sure okay I got another one or so in perfect yeah we can get like a report by the end of the week on how many we think we’re going to have that might be helpful too yeah projections report yeah I’ll get typing on that thanks I’ll have it on your desk by um not the desk yeah those reports would be great yeah wait I’m finding a bunch oh we’re so in okay good good good just took a minute but now we’re back okay for got another one let’s go all right I’m leaving I have five not too shabby we’ll take it yeah the profit margins are definitely going to be a little tight here but you know we can make do that’s all right we can max out our projections by the end of the week we walk in as long as we can lock in I think we’re fine exactly make sure to check your email because true the analysis could pop in at any point in time you’re right you’re right absolutely right I’m taking back to my unpaid internship days not the unpaid intern yeah it was it was rough out there all right I’m going to sleep and waking up and hope hoping for the best here thanks man cool it’s all you can do that’s all we got guys yo Chef Shack and Bamboozled thank you guys for the reubs appreciate that welcome back good to see you good to have you clocking out for the day yep Island house is cute thanks I’m happy with it oh Amy let’s go let’s go I’m excited for that what’s up Finn how you doing excuse me [Music] okay let got some more beans here that butterfly that’s cute okay I might go back to the mines for a little bit and then I’ll come over to the island and plant the okay just remember I think 5:00 is when uh the latest you can come I’m just going to try and get like one or two more although the spirits are displeased today I don’t know if that has anything to do with that but these freaking Spirits dude I know man I know what can you do about it [Music] okay I got one got two [Music] yo what up cave how you doing dude let me sell some more [ __ ] here okay I might go to the uh the volcano right now going to Norris Lake tomorrow though what’s the story there what up girl who Nots how you doing oh pontoon boat fun that’ll be a good time Su scrunchie put uh this ring on there we go getting beans beans Galore here crack a few colons with the boys bro that sounds nice only a few though you can’t get too wild when I was in Colorado there was a beer there called it was called the crispy boy and we were with Crispy so he we how to get one for him ooh two beans let’s go nice it was good it was really good refreshing crispy Bush Light bottles I didn’t even know they made those no offense I didn’t even know those were a thing oh I’m getting a couple today yeah I got a few just now from just killing monsters and vibing and being like a good guy W thanks we so y yeah have you ever had a bush light in a bottle before like not a can but a bottle no not a bottle I didn’t I didn’t know they made them in bottles personally I didn’t know either I’m not even being a hater so I didn’t even know I’ll be a hater it’s not good beer well you don’t like beer in general really no it’s true but I can still tell what’s good and what isn’t even though I don’t like any of it what’s good what it’s good the only thing worse than bush is Natty Natty light oh Natty light’s a problem it’s just water with like a little bit of wheat in it you know Natty’s rough Natty’s real [Music] rough Keystone also sucks oh Keystone that’s not good Keystone Light good I seriously think though Natty light’s the worst thing I’ve ever tasted yeah Natty natural light is that remember that like the full the government name the natural light natural light bro I’m good no one’s calling it natural light hey have some natural light or are we good the boys down to get some natural light tonight or Samy let’s have a stream uh soon where we just drink natural light ew I’m good I’m busy that day you’re right same you’re right you War yeah it has to be warm too the warm natural light warm with like a like like an animal hair in it ew sorry I’m just trying to set the tone that’s my bad not the animal hair Sor where did that come from no one knows no one knows oh I got to go okay I’m coming to the island to uh plant these I got to go okay if you plant some on the um the dirt Mounds that have like the stuff like the little guys on them okay if you can see is it like obvious yeah have like little purple sprinkles on it cool I love purple sprinkles oh from the beer pong okay I don’t know about y’all but like when we played beer pong we just played with water in the cups and then we would drink from like our can yeah like a nor like the normal way to do it we we played we played yeah the way where like you were you were making your immune system uh incredible that’s so gross dude it was you would have to drink you have to chug whatever the ball just landed in it was like [ __ ] up that’s really nasty because you know that was on the floor dude it was everywhere I finished the Ed Quest nice I do like I do like the water pong way though now where it’s like you play with water cups and then you just drink the beer after but the problem is I guess like the the logistics is like people could be like cheating and not like drinking like a full beer or whatever the full cup is but at the end of the day like who cares we’re all adults here you know no you’re right at the time though it was like a big deal it’s like yo man drink your [ __ ] Bro there was we played one where it was like if if you if you didn’t make any cups you would have to like go streaking or something but I don’t think anyone actually ever did that girl what I know I know know that is that a thing you didn’t make any cups and you lost maybe maybe I just was too good to know that rule I would not have bullied you not the bully you had that streaking rule too is that a jersey thing oh so the streaking rule is a thing okay I’m I’m still not convinced no cups equal sit under the table the whole game is so funny and weird embarrassing under the table hilarious for like the next game just sit there like sad like this sucks that’s so good so heck I’ve never heard that before just sitting there like man where did I go wrong that’s incredible nah cuz that’s funny the sitting under the table I’ve never seen before I’ve seen that with Kings where it’s like you make up rules and it’s like all right your chin has to be on the table this whole round that’s fun so silly F and random take it Kings is a great way to like get goofy sometimes sometimes you want to get goofy you know that’s the vibe on occasion so so it would be like two to you three to me four to the floor Five Guys six chicks seven um Heavens so you have to raise your hand eight pick a date get you someone to drink with n Buster rhyme you have to keep rhyming until someone doesn’t rhyme 10 uh categories maybe or Jack with categories Queen with questions King is a rule and Ace is waterfall yeah that’s a whole thing yeah the question one was funny cuz you would just be like yo what is what is Queen again and someone be like oh it’s question and you’re like ha you [ __ ] fell for it ha got you got him dude literally fell for it okay how that’s fine ride the bus ride the bus is also something or [ __ ] I think was one of them Alyssa yeah I do a lot it’s very good Tink we are in the volcano uh Caverns right now that if that’s chill with you there’s two families here look at this there’s two families uh [Music] ooh nice okay oh [ __ ] oh god oh yeah right yeah right yeah right there a lava eel but we got a chest too come on oh [Music] God oh God oh God oh God let’s go oh my God lava eel row copper ore let’s [Music] go nice do it make they’re making a lot of noises these little [Music] things okay we’re good are you sleeping at Ginger Island right now what’ you say are you are you sleep at Ginger Island no no I’m I’m home all right I’m [Music] home let’s go orange yo let’s go grow Nots those are some good choices I love the orange one a lot I love it oh yeah Tinka this is a a shared farm with my friend Sammy it’s called yep Acres okay wait hold on there we go spoilers yeah get out of here get out of here here might be too much Mortuary how you doing dude didn’t make it to bed sorry no I was planning I was working all night that’s all right I’ve been there hey feels good sometimes bambooz than for the three years by the way guys if you’re new here feel free to toss a follow or a sub you always follow for free and sub fore if you like with twitch Prime you have twitch Prime you can always sub to anyone you can use it here if you’d like or anywhere else the books sers in town today that guy’s a weirdo this whated this about oh Leo thank you man okay we already got oh let me uh sell some stuff here yeah we’re going to be cruising we’re going to be cruising here let me this right there that right there okay you AR just sick dude it’s one my favorites I’m going to head back to Ginger Island today so we could do the volcano stuff if you wanted true true true I’m making some seeds right now oh [Music] yeah ooh these seeds are making us some more oh that’s nice I got a lot from that W oh I just got uh one of the seeds from um hoing the ground okay yeah see they’re dropping these anywhere [Music] y yeah this this is very stressful but it’s uh I think we’re I think we have what it takes yeah we just got to lock in here we’re just going to lock in chat that’s okay with you yeah only if that’s okay with you guys yeah it’s a quick little lock moment here if it’s not okay then we’ll rethink everything if it’s not okay we’re sorry you believe in me thank you so much that makes one of us n come on I’m kidding we have what it takes all right I’m coming over all right get those beans ready y this operation got overalls from worms Oh thanks guys great hey wor worms how’ you get those overalls huh cuz you’re worms where’ you get these from guys considering your worms and all I don’t know I’m kind of stoked though how many beans do you have like 10 I have 13 oh sheesh we’re we’re going to be looking real nice y y y y okay yeah we’re getting like we’re going to get some dubs today too in fortnite oh yeah you know we’re getting that du a day out here yeah you we do have to all right planting some are these done or they’re just cooking those are cooking don’t don’t plant don’t plant them yet don’t plant any yet let me get some uh some stuff down first okay okay okay I’m here so yeah yeah or if you want maybe just put them in a box and I can plant them okay cool cuz I want to make sure we have them on the right they’re in here then next to the sprinkler thank you okay perfect [Music] okay [Music] cool for [Music] whoa skull what’s Su queef how you [Music] doing yeah Scout that’s the plan plan I feel like some Fort would be fun oh my God Pam it’s a special occasion kid I’m ordering something unique make it a double let’s give her a beer or a panina colada here there you go Pam a bowl of broccoli Chad that sounds great sounds great go said the Resort’s a rare event it’s fun cuz you could buy uh drinks from him flounder and some bait okay nice nice give me another Treasure Chest pop up here we go come on there we are yep some beans perhaps Chad is it possible to get two Treasure Chest prompts on one fish moment or no [Music] [Music] the resort recipe okay I’ll buy it real fast I think I did already but I’ll double check mango wine yeah I think I bought it already oh is Gus just a random like it’s like not guaranteed that he shows up it’s just randomized that’s cool that’s the first time I’ve seen Pam at the beach actually so I guess it is kind of just random do not a joa cola brother not the joa oh okay five we have five more we could we could uh let me give him actually a ginger ale you know what I like Chris I do baby I I do can’t es saap the joa no the joa Sean [Music] no okay I honestly might just plant some that aren’t even uh utilizing the [ __ ] special one just to just have more you know um s that s that [Music] [Music] okay back at home the classic spot okay this uh should be good we we we need more of that radioactive ore though that’s the only issue here got a prize ticket let’s go yeah the conscious baby’s wild kill 50 dust Sprites that’s free oh wait that’s not free cuz I need to I need to switch the uh the mines probably do that real fast though me my dearest mother who’d like to go to Four Season Orlando I would bro you’re you’re eight months yeah who cares oh my God I opened a chest in the volcano mine and I got five of the seeds oo that’s huge that is huge yeah we’ll take that yes mother I would love to yeah we’ll be taking that bud yeah buddy boy those are ours now thanks for [Music] oh [Music] nice do we know if there’s dust Sprites on these mines or do I have to switch the mines up probably I don’t know I’m trying to remember if I ran into any the other day um a switch okay the mushroom guys count no shot buck [Music] hold there’s no shot they do count I guess they’re reskinned Sprites nice sick wow huge okay I could do that in Far More beans here for tomorrow yeah I’m bringing a couple over nice are you there now I am here now yeah do you have the um purple Scythe no I have gold learn something new every day for real dude okay we’ll sell that just let me sell this [ __ ] okay actually that’s probably cool to have do you want me to just throw these in the um chest uh sure I had eight from today oh nice yeah my one mannequin had his SI open there that was [Music] creepy fun me me hong shu Mimi me hon Sho me me me hon Shu Mimi m me exactly but only if you’re down obviously oh some of them are done Chris do you want me to put them in the scene makers sure all right all all of these are going right in to the seed makers cool and then go there and plant some more I can put some of these right back on the um yeah you can replant them back right on the other fertilizer yeah yeah double you oh yeah and then there’s one left over without the fertilizer so I’ll put that with the others sounds good noce um I might go back to the normal mine today I feel like I found more and not one than the vol that’s where I’m at right now all right cool just make sure you come back here today to plant those with the fertilizer yeah I’m I’m going to try doing that I’m just going to finish this one Quest real quick here and I’m trying to I’m trying to get some more of those ores cuz I don’t have any more fertilizer left oh there’s one let’s gol e a stick BG what the heck a stick bug yeah what the hell is this what are you doing here okay Animal Crossing ooh a key gem from it nice okay o lot of mushrooms down here nice nice nice nice W dub dub how many do we have 26 yeah we’re chilling nice nice what’s up Savannah what up Mickey how are you here we go oh yep sup Cass welcome welcome two of those more over here maybe cool Al Us in the chat for the reubs let’s go thank you very much okay good [ __ ] there we go more of these things nice let’s go h okay I need another one of these [Music] ladders huh any ladders guys would be crazy here there we go thank you y inside out thanks for the 33 appreciate that dude yeah just a little bit coal I’m I’m going to go back I’m going to go back to 40 I think um I got two like it’s ice it’s cool though the little ice wand that I use it’s a trinket that I found which is sick let me get that Omni geode for this okay yeah so the mushrooms are just reskinned Sprites that’s interesting cuz they make the same sounds okay how do you wear the shorts you have to make uh you get with a gold bar and the mayor’s purple shorts you could like make them with your uh whatever the [ __ ] it’s called like the sewing machine I think yeah yeah yeah which is so funny how made a burger shirt too which was cool with cloth and a burger okay got to make a trip to the mayor’s basement you do you definitely do another Bean let’s go come on chis was a bad Bean day I don’t have that many I got a decent amount today for myself nice I’ve been in the mines this whole time sheesh I did find a really cool ring though so that’s what what kind um an aridium band do you already have one of those attracts items and increases attack by 10% oh that’s really nice nice I’m getting a good a good amount of radioactive ore oh yeah there we go I’m gonna fish and see if I can get anything from that okay for the rest of the day come on here we go that that’s got to be enough that has got to be enough there we go cool I’m out I am out there we are let’s go to town get a part little ticket yo what up eggs what’s popping gamer cool fancy house plant let’s go okay let’s get back to what we need to do over here go to the uh Island oh squid Fest oh [ __ ] oh the Ice Climbers are here God damn what up Willie thanks man sorry Willie but I I got I got things to do here okay okay cool we’ll sell that yeah it’s freaking hot out dude um let me put this plant somewhere in here this is a nice plant bro May the corner over here actually yeah that’s cool or yeah over here I think is the vibe nice okay yeah right seems kind of chill over there bug meat um fishing stuff we’ll put that right here okay go to sleep and we’ll start again tomorrow we’ll start again tomorrow lindside and Cass thankk you guys for the resub seriously appreciate that oh yeah y eggs did you see this hey or this how’s it looking over there bud it’s looking all right what is happening what is this what is that a strange sound was heard in the night ew what does that mean is that gross we got a made at the mini Fair someone we for my Vlog when we had to do like the whole uh 360 like camera and everything yeah they’re really they’re really cool it’s very weird it’s very uncanny valley maybe check the farm and see if anything happened yeah yeah yeah I’ll take a peek cuz what the [Music] heck okay where’s my baby did the aliens take my baby oh no it’s over here where’s my baby imagine our kids were just gone that’ actually be diabolical oo I got an ancient fruit for one of these things [Music] all right now now we’re getting to the point where like the seeds are almost like just making themselves that’s what we need man keep moving we’ve got so many days left we’ve got this in the [Music] bag should I start in some or no um I don’t know I feel like you just keep feeding them into the seed maker right how many do you have planted right now a decent amount but I’m just getting more seeds out of it which is I think which is smart yeah out of the seed maker yeah yeah um should I start planting some like in ones that don’t have like the deluxe grow just to have them going I think so yeah like just to get it you know yeah you you want to keep making the seeds until you have like over 300 I’m pretty sure like that’s like the Strat you literally just keep feeding them in do you have the Lux grow at the at the farm maybe I don’t think so but I think we can make some I don’t think it’s like crazy wild to make some okay are you at the mines again today sorry what are you at the mines today no I’m at the farm still oh nice okay I was I was looking into the uh Deluxe grow oh nice nice nice yeah I have um cuz if we can get that going on these the ones at the top they’ll still grow like at a reasonable rate yeah I think you probably want to plant like literally all of them and then just immediately turn them into seeds yeah that’s what I’m doing right now okay the deluxe no we want the we want the deluxe speed grow oh that’s Oak resin and Bone fragment Oak resin we do not have that laying around of bone fragments let me go check and see if um Pier sells it I’ll just buy it true oh he sells it okay how many do you want me to buy like 200 uh yeah I don’t know or maybe like just like a little bit to see if it works what do you mean if it works it’s 25% it’s not it’s not like the super one that we want but it’s like the it’s the next best thing probably yeah yeah it’s 25% so yeah yeah get some of those so somebody can do the math on that in chat that should still be fine I don’t know why it wouldn’t be yeah it it’ll be fine it’ll be fine what is that oh an artifact we already have okay [Music] okay I’m going to TP back home and uh try to get some more radioactive ores if you want to put the um the hyper grow on the top row that doesn’t have any or I think you can put them in the sprinkler things that I got and it’ll go to all of the things in that radius okay cool I shouldn’t put it down though if we’re not putting anything on top of it like today cuz it’ll um actually maybe if we water it it’ll stick around I don’t I don’t I can’t remember what the deal is true yeah I don’t know I’m assuming that I don’t want toire is the only thing Fair it doesn’t someone said Ruthie said we should be good okay cool cool cool all right um we got a knower how you doing may good to see it what up let’s go to the mines plus one ore from nodes yeah I’m down for that eat that has anyone tried X defiant today at all by the way I don’t know if I don’t know if I if I give a [ __ ] but I know it’s supposed to be like a Cod like a similar to CoD game that people are like excited on they came out today I think oh my god look all these [ __ ] ladders that just showed up stairs of the woo for real the old w okay what’s up Miss K or Miss pce how you doing dude oh this this right here this this fit yeah it’s pretty chill where the [ __ ] are the ladders yo what up Addie thanks for the 41 good to see you Addie thank you thank thank you very much appreciate it there we go oh there multiples here no hold on [Music] on so I get four cuz I usually get two from these that’s [Music] huge four again bro let’s go it’s massive have eight that’s good [Music] floor 11 had a lot maybe we just keep trying to come back to floor 11 let’s go again [Music] ooh no thanks leave this spot [Music] immediately going back to 10 yes yes okay that’s good this is the way to do it dude with with the extra ore for the day too we’re going to get a decent amount best best by doing this a bunch over and over what’s up Alex toffee I don’t I don’t know if we have yet I I have like the different perks yeah which are sick but I I don’t know mean by mystery perks is that something else some squids 50 I should probably I’m going try I’m going do one more round and then I’m going to run back to the island here the Mastery stuff yeah yeah we’ve done that all the Mastery stuff is so fun I read that is Mystery I’m a piece of [ __ ] that’s my bad uh I I like the mining one a lot and I like the uh the trinkets that you can get for like fighting and combat Sammy what the hell happened dude I was round in the corner you know when you go back from the volcano on the final like by the entrance that dragon’s always pre-firing so as soon as you walk through the door he hits you so annoying dang I didn’t lose any of the seeds though so I don’t really care TBH dude I have like 16 of those uh Radioactive ores right now so I can make a bunch more of the super grow yeah I’m going to try coming back now so we can have that ready for tomorrow mhm okay oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah drag playing X to F there you go with the old pref the old jiggle Peak y okay here we go are there any uh areas that that need some of the special special stuff um we so I planted a bunch of the uh fertilizer so some of the fertilizer on the top still needs to be planted but there’s still like a ton of the sprinkler spots if that’s what you mean true do you have um do you have more seeds somewhere I planted them all okay nice nice nice we’re going to get a bunch tomorrow oh there’s one right here that’s ready yeah I have a key to the city so I could go into any place at night or during the day or whatever it’s pretty sweet it’s 1 a.m. great there we go you see all up here this is all fertilizer that needs to go so if you have a seed put it in that there you have I it all on the top row like you said nice it’s 1:30 got to sleep good night man good night man good night brother my wife misses me cousin can I gz oh yeah all right this is going to be a big one right here I can just tell it’s got to be yep otherwise we’re doomed nah we got this I got mail oh thanks for the wood Robin oh more M oh yeah should I just plug these right in yeah let’s hope for the best oops oh God I almost ate this Chris you walk in front of me that probably tastes like crap actually would have been so I think I would have restarted the day for us yeah that’s fair bro keep stepping in front of [Music] me PL PL them on these ones I think first right cuz those are the better [Music] ones please be careful with that bomb I just restarted the day man there’s there’s no Universe where I wouldn’t [Music] all right is that everything we had Y and then I have there’s [Music] one nice okay cool take good run I’m going to go back uh to the mines and cook a little bit [Music] more good run the fertilizer did Disappear by the way some of it which isn’t a biggie cuz it’s not like oh it’ll disappear if it’s not used yeah but yeah that’s what we were asking earlier it’s okay oh yeah it yeah they the whole thing cuz you said for me to plant to put it all down but I was like isn’t there seeds that’s why we were confused uh like there wasn’t enough seed for the fertilizer and then you asked chat and you I don’t know it’s okay it’s not that big of a deal but that’s why I was mad confused when you said that yeah we’ll be fine yeah we’ll be fine okay I’m going to go over here [Music] uh Fizz yeah one sec let me just do a few more things here can me sell this okay Rose what are you going to do you mean this guy right here plus one ore for Here We Go 4 10 bada bing bada boom nothing here AR is infested this place stinks run it back oh it’s f it again that’s fine you want to show the hubs yeah I’ll um I’ll show it in a bigger uh screen in a [Applause] sec oh [Applause] okay nice are you having good luck today with the new seeds um I’m in an area that’s infested right now so I’m going to see what happens after [Applause] this oh my God [Applause] yeah the crabs bouncing around is funny man I go for lunch nice no [Applause] okay uh bomb bomb any ores any ores would be chill I’ll take some of those yeah that song’s been stuck in my [Music] head you could be a junimo which would you be probably the one how about you probably the M probably a rainbow one right like or Prismatic Juna would be cool yeah that guy it’s a guy who’s like a little Vibe guy I’ll be a cute light purple Juno Fair [Music] okay ooh some ink take some [ __ ] ink there we go we got air dud we have everything man but we still don’t have a freaking clue you [Music] know I’m going back to floor 10 dude the days feel like they’re going slow in this in a good way but why is it always infested [Music] man yes Savanah we listen to it yesterday on stream all the way through and it was solid would recommend lot of rocks here dude not one radioactive ore no nodes Starfire I mean I don’t understand I don’t see why you wouldn’t if it’s just not your style that’s fair but like I never listen to any of her stuff really like except her like main you know like popular songs and I really liked every song on it so definitely um definitely recommend oh F let’s go that’s that’s smart bro there’s so many [ __ ] monsters here like I never really listen to her her her like any of her albums I you know and I liked it a lot it’s a fun sound for sure okay I’m G to get out of here [ __ ] this [ __ ] it I only got three today three um of the seeds I got six yeah I think today was a rough one yeah oh that’s all right though yeah I mean I playing Jersey let’s go we’ve got 15 days left no we’re definitely doing a good job I think we have to for me I’m I’m just going to focus on the radioactive ores and keep making those yeah cuz now we’re we’re almost at a point where it’s like we’re have an infinite amount of these seeds cuz they’re just going to keep making themselves I hope so they gota let me um let me uh Harvest them with my Scythe CU I think there’s it’s like a special Scythe yeah yeah that’s fine thanks man okay ducky who is to say you know have never goes hard get chills every time I don’t think I’ve ever listened to that one bro sleeping here have a mango nope one buried in the north one buried in the north okay let’s go to the north he sucks his thumb does he really a what what up Danny DeVito how you doing hell yeah I’m glad you’re excited for the next job it’s going to be a good one buried in the North so it’s got to be at the tip of this right up here the night market starts tomorrow not that much but oh my God you could hop like this look at that CH uh did you know you can do this if you you can hop as you’re like using your hoe yeah that’s new it’s part of the update that’s fun you that’s any tool not just not just that so the water and can does it too that’s funny buried in the north where the [ __ ] [Music] I already I already got got it from that spot we we’ll have to Simply uh just try to find it another time okay there we go Megan thank you very much for the 50 months by the way holy [ __ ] passed out yep working hard out here you know how it is man okay whatever you say thanks bud wait Rose what does he say thanks Robin oh my god dude look at that I didn’t see the trailer yet uh Greg I saw the first one that they announced it but I didn’t see the newest one there’s a weird thing on our farm is it the asteroid tube no it’s like a test tube huh something’s incubating huh what is that it’s is that an alien that’s the pulsating alien um I’m going to need more details on that huh what does that mean we got an alien is it going to pop an alien out like what is that it’s literally like a test tube all right do I just leave it like am I supposed to touch it who who is who is she who is she literally okay never mind I’ll just I’ll leave it I’ll leave it be okay let’s just keep an eye on that alien down there it’s wild wild comms it’s wild out here I’ll leave it okay okay bro we’re getting [Music] somewhere we are getting somewhere we’re cooking now [Music] more days do we have left we have 14 okay this is free where’s the alien at he’s down by the pond okay I’m going to break him out no um I don’t think so all right why not unless that’s what you’re supposed to do unless you heard te nah come on I think he’s like cooking Bros cooking in there yeah I think we got to leave him be let them let them marinate let them marinate a little bit bro not done yet bro not what is that dude that’s what I’m saying except I cut all the grass imagine that thing surrounded by grass like it was cre it’s even creepier yeah I walked down there I was like I thought for a minute it was like a piece of furniture that you put down but then I like there’s something in there let him [Music] cook let him [Music] cook nah cuz you got to let him cook no you got to you got to let him [Music] cook that’s a shrimp hey man you’re right hey it’s not nice I mean it kind of is though we don’t know anything about them all right that could be a homie right there okay that could be a little homie guys okay homie we were saying over here maybe they’ll do chores what if he like kills our animals or something I don’t know but if they’re willing to help and pay some rent like they can stick they can I’m down I’m going I’m only going to have Pam uh ginger ale now so she doesn’t so I don’t you know [ __ ] her up that’s fair I only give her coffee so along with everybody else in town true sick impression nah come on give her a pan help me sorry we had a crisis on the farm the animals ran out of food oh crap it’s okay I think I think I’ve solved our issue oh a lot of copper ores over here oh yeah you going to play the Elden ring DLC um maybe off stream I don’t know although I never finished the first one I got close though true [Music] but we’ll see why are you I don’t know did you finish nope the original game oh no I think you I could be a goofball but I think you have to before you can play the DLC um I got to like just before Millennia or Millennia I think yeah you’re that’s around the time that I stopped you’re probably not like wildly far away away from being done yeah they come over and Coach you bro I don’t know if I want to play it on streams I I feel like weird I play it on your steam deck nah that’s actually [Laughter] wild I starts with the killing an mend game Boss okay yeah I actually was pretty close to finishing it I just kind of like got overwhelmed by a lot of the bosses that I had to fight no that’s fair It’s Tricky but yeah I’ll be enjoying watching people play the DLC cuz there’s something so satisfying about watching that game it’s just like the hype of like when people finish we were friends in the early 2000 no it is pretty hype like even people give you a heads up um I am in a tornado zone currently so if my internet goes out I’m a good guy just storms okay please be careful yeah I’m keeping an eye on the weather oh hey bud hey man what floor are you going to uh I’m on floor five what are you on I went to 20 my Market’s openi oh yeah just just letting you know it’s a little worrying eh not really we’ve literally had like 15 I don’t want to co-op because I want to beat it on my own first if anything you know what I mean like I feel like be doing cops had so many y are in the midwest i’ rather beat on my own it’s not really all that concerning you and Sam you’re in the same tornado watch eye on it but that’s what he said Jesus Christ there we go oh a fairy box what uh flavor let’s see level one okay [Music] yeah which is cool like that’s how Sammy and I are with the with the farm and it works out pretty well but I think I’d rather do solo first probably I could probably do it I think like beat the game it would just be a lot of like trial and error what’s up Pome how you doing dude is it your birthday what is that little thing next to your name oh the r slpl happy cake day wow I just found two uh seeds in a barrel okay we’ll take that nice we’ll take those I found some radioactive ore too I can drop all this off tomorrow at the island W what floor are you on 23 okay oh oh yeah h oh [ __ ] oh nice that’s that’s a fun random Bop oh sorry which one was it chop sooie or what or what town seven more I take a sip of ice water Just Hits right oh always dude I love ice water okay these weird twins oh it’s the night market oh [ __ ] oh move out of my way man Sammy can I buy the junimo catalog at the night market um I need you to absolutely let’s go that’s I think that’s the last catalog that we needed let’s go that one is so cute by the way I’ve seen a couple of the things from it ooh it’s real cute I haven’t seen it yet you don’t like the way you look okay I guarantee it sorry if I smelling fish okay buddy let see here do a few more of these oh my God yeah you have uh 40 minutes in game to sleep by the way just letting you know dude there’s so many good things on that catalog bro I told you there it’s really probably we’re doing this Mr Wizard catalog I feel like are the best ones oh another $100,000 day yeah we’ll be taking that yeah 18K if we do sure sure yeah we’ll take sure why not bud we’ll be taking that oh my God we’re so close to a mill I just want to see it she wants to see it yeah I want to see the Millie okay dude we’re getting there dude that’s hype I I’ve got five more seeds and then three radioactive ore nice [Music] [Music] we need to ship 500 of these [ __ ] things yeah how many are planted right now are you there yeah I’m there there’s a lot planted yeah um are you thinking like 100 200 like what are you thinking cuz like we can kind of do the math from there you know what I mean to ensure that we’ll actually get a yeah um I’m thinking it’s like at least 100 right now okay yeah I could start I could start planning like a bunch of regular ones or I could start like selling some just so we have some sold I don’t know chat keeps telling me that we shouldn’t do we shouldn’t sell yet that we should definitely like keep I agree in yeah cuz the problem is if we stop putting them in and then we’re short like we can’t do anything about that once it gets to the final couple days I would rather be over than under you know I agree how many how many days do we have left can you check real fast I’m I’m planning right now yeah we’ve got 13 okay oh dude we I think we have this in the bag I hope so I think I think we do right we have to so many things planted right now oh yeah it’s looking real nice over here do you okay I’m putting the ores in here okay next to the bat [Music] wings oh yeah it’s real nice um I put the five uh seeds in here as well nice yeah what do we think okay 24 [Music] I think this is roughly like [Music] one 150 probably and then we just have to keep making them and just keep doing it yeah so I when these all grow that’s essentially well we can hope that it’s doubled I guess it’s hard to kind of calculate the number on that cuz you don’t know how many seeds are going to come from the seed maker but in the best case scenario the next grow we would have like 300 and then we would need another grow so I think we’ll make it but it’ll be close unless today we get like like randomly like 50 seeds then we’re in the clear true I got a highwaisted shirt from that warm pile yeah I think I like this little life uh you’re going to like the way you look yeah Chris do you have uh after the radioactive ore how much um fertilizer are you going to have uh I just made I just made three more for up here okay cuz I can put the speed grow on top of all the ones that don’t already have fertilizer on them that’s what I’ve been doing as well oh cool it’s in there let me put it back in there real quick sorry no no you’re a good guy I was just seeing if I needed to go buy any more cuz I could maybe do you want me to uh I think we’re we’re probably chilling for a sec um I’m I’m going to go back home and uh get some more radioactive ore okay sounds good um level 20 was good to me for the radi radioactive ore nice I don’t know if there’s like a specific level that they start showing up on but like 20 to 30 was pretty good 11 was supposed to chill for me so it’s like I think it’s just random okay and then this goes here cool a high taper fade let’s give her a ginger ale Pam’s already got some gifts for me good for her the mines meor cat a really ni dinner tonight let’s go [Music] what up Savannah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay some more some more beans as well those are good yep the one the one leg blanket trick dude I feel that [Music] that’s the move though now Market’s [Music] open can’t we got the junimo catalog typ the though ready for another acess summer dude my brain is so cooked I always see read AC instead of air conditioning I read as Animal Crossing now I don’t know why but it is what it is you know sup raspberry hey doing dude oh my God all these these beans yeah ssris really make it uh tough when you’re sleeping cuz it’s a little hot especially in the summer not [Music] [Music] ideal okay more beans that’s good what’s up Claire how are [Music] you so to talk about that really yeah it’s like a pretty all the seeds that I found [Music] W not finding any of these uh things but I’m finding a lot of seeds too which is good yeah we need that what you y raspberry I’m glad you like them definely want to do more IRL streams probably a garden one this week at some point I chose to fish today cuz it’s raining and I’ve I’ve gotten a couple from that but I have the special bobber where you get treasure more often oh smart so I feel like that combo is coming in clutch it’s a really nice combo you’re going to like the way you combo yeah you’re going to like the way you combo I guarantee it yeah it’s a truth and a cluth okay I like that sure y what’s the new emote you you posted by the way that the hanst huh yeah isn’t that good I like it guys give some myself nice job dude thanks that’s from um when B screamed in Lethal makes sense checks [Laughter] out that sound was bizarre right it was very strange I think I’ll never hear him make that noise again I think that was like literally time opportunity I think I did a I did a Caroline for real I did a Caroline uh villager hunt for for my birthday and we never found her fun fact never found that [ __ ] squirrel with the blue eyes Chris SM legs in chat if you guys got them thanks radioactive bar huh C smell legs but with a funny face anyone’s face whatever you think makes work uh the most sense combo wise I want to see something here can be anyone’s emote not not not even [Music] mine oh Kush that’s a good one oh di dog that’s a good one nasty Dy let’s go Greg nice yep that’s me later [Music] probably and you got you could also flip you can flip emotes around too guys if you didn’t know if you’re trying to she’s selling today Arch choke dip that looks good red plate yellow armchair I’m going to buy that blacksmith [Music] apron nice combos guys okay I got a few more beans over here oh yeah I just plugged a couple in oh yeah you’re going to like the way you look hon Sho me me me true same can I do a quick bathroom break for that or or what’s up absolutely thanks yo flocking that’s a nice one all right Chad be right back I’m do a bathroom break and fill my water I’ll be RB let’s do a quick Banger song here too let me see okay be right back yo Abby thanks dude for e for for for yep what’s the song title The Greatest by Billy ish all right here we go hey bud hey buddy buddy boy there there’s our guy there she is I’m so locked into this by the way dude I think we’re getting it we have to I think so too we got we gotta bro sleeping with your little witch hat on you just see the tiny little top part of the wp sticking out like hey guys oh yeah look at all that let gra I’m going to already start fishing see if I can get anything that’s really nice okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I’m going to head home um up and then I’ll go to the mines there sounds good try and get some more seeds dude it’s so jarring coming back home cuz it’s winter oh yeah you’re like what the heck such a Vibe change dude the trip was great great it was so good highly recommend Colorado for anyone who’s like should I the answer is yeah you should n nasty I haven’t cuz uh Sammy was the was the farmer for a while and I was like the M guy but I haven’t just had time to or cared to be honest I think we’re in year four maybe or three I don’t remember I don’t know anything cuz we’ve just been focusing this [ __ ] Quest yeah no my trip was great definitely recommend checking it out okay [Music] okay okay one two three four yeah we’re looking pretty chill over here right now when it comes when it comes down to it okay cool yeah I did a hike we did an eight mile hike it was awesome and I I was somehow fine like I I considering you know it’s a freaking hike and I barely do [ __ ] like that I was in the like the front the whole time and like [Music] vibing it was super fun dude I could do that every day I loved [Music] it yeah Rocky Mountain National Park yeah we did eight miles we got we went to the uh the pool and I saw a lot of elk we saw uh some moose it was just [ __ ] unbelievable [Music] man yeah paper same like I was just kind of like just locked in I was just [ __ ] focused and just having a good time I don’t know what it was but it was [Music] fun yeah we we have bird feeders at our house yeah we have bird feeders mainly for like the hummingbirds too but the baby birds that we have no I don’t feed those those I don’t touch those guys cuz the mom will kill me or she’ll abandon them so you don’t want to [ __ ] around with that but we have like bird feeders for like individual birds and stuff but the did you get mauled by a moose no but you could if you’re if you’re if you’re silly you could 100% get like [ __ ] up from one of those [Music] you got to you got to keep a pretty smart distance between yourself and these huge beasts because they will kick you in your head and kill you dude they’re so tall they’re like it was like 10 ft tall I feel like it was like two cars stacked and I was like a baby too the one that I saw was a baby it didn’t even have its horns yet or antlers or whatever what’s up Harper how you doing yeah the marmots those things were weird also their Chipmunks are different looking too there they’re a little like bigger and then the magpie so many magpies which are their Birds what’s up bucket how you doing [Music] [Music] light yeah dude that’s that’s very scary man man like sh like that’s you don’t want to mess around with a mom uh dude my in my old town a uh Mama black bear killed a dog because the there was she had a cub with her like a a local person’s dog got a Chihuahua got [ __ ] killed by a black bear the town [Music] over isn’t that crazy because the dog was outside with the bear and like the bear [ __ ] s it flying I married Maru in my game we have a full playthrough on our YouTube by the way if you ever want to catch up on some [Applause] stuff yeah you you you really don’t want to mess with um I mean dude even like taking selfies at the Grand Canyon and like falling there’s a lot of dark wi awards that have happened like people have like died by like taking a selfie at the Grand Canyons and stuff it’s like really [ __ ] [Music] wild like just not worth it it’s it is horrible it’s [ __ ] terrifying shit’s super [Music] sad but yeah getting way too close to an animal that’s just live trying to live its life is not ideal or or or recommended I don’t know I would I I personally would not be chill at the Grand Canyon I think it’d be a beautiful thing but getting even clo close to the edge would would would [ __ ] me up the cliffs of Moore I was like on edge the whole time like I was freaking out at all my friends cuz they were getting so close and I was like bro you’re going to you’re going to fall and die and that’s going to be awkward as hell for us it didn’t happen obviously but like I was I was freaking out the whole time cuz dude one little slip and you’re just gone that’s it see you later man [Music] goodbye bro imagine fing into the Grand Canyon how cringe dude no for real like that’d be so awkward like all right well [ __ ] it I guess see you later you have to go and you go like when you’re at like the gates of he heaven or whatever they’re like all right cause of death and you’re like uh so I was taking a picture of myself and I kind of tripped now I’m here I’ve never I’ve never uh Rock climbed but I’ve heard it’s really good for your upper body strength for me I think the people who deserve who deserve it the most are the Hunters on like uh like animals that oh my God what the [ __ ] the the the animals that like are exotic or endangered like the ones in Africa like like a [ __ ] elephant yeah poachers yeah yeah zebras like the ones that like there’s there’s not many left of and people buy that you know whatever and like they [ __ ] around and like those guys suck I hate that like it’s one thing if it’s like a very populated or pop you know like an animal that’s over outnumbered you know and it’s like kind of like bad for the environment because there’s so many of them and you know it’s like one of those things where you like clear some out you utilize all the body parts you eat the meat you know you you you utilize like the fur whatever like that’s fine different cultures do what they got to do but to just hunt for sport and then like I don’t know especially when it’s like a creature or species that is like on its way out that sucks because there are so many beautiful animals that are like on the decline like you seen that one picture of uh it’s from like the it’s from like the probably like the 1800s to like the early 1900s where it’s like the one dude standing in front of like a bunch of Bison skulls I think or something and like the idea was they did that because they wanted to get rid of all the animals to starve the Native Americans who lived here before and that was like their big that was their big plan it’s crazy it they like it was like thousands upon thousands of skulls and they they just killed them all because they because they knew like the Native Americans who lived here before used to eat like them and hunt them and stuff for like survival so they just kind of like starve them out it’s very very [ __ ] up the picture almost looks photoshopped it’s so crazy but that’s why I really [ __ ] with Colorado because they take their nature very seriously like all the areas like there’s so many rules um you’re not allowed to like touch the trees because it’s all evergreen trees and Pines and like you’re not allowed to touch them which is awesome and people are very respectful there’s like bar any litter anywhere for the most part list I know right who would have thought all right let’s go back yeah dude no outdoor cats are are so bad for the environment the amount of [ __ ] birds and wildlife that they just kill every night because they that they’re they’re they’re Hunters but they do they really are just not good for the environment at all and then they also will just get hit by a car most of the time it’s like really [ __ ] up Lobster bis duck mayonnaise a gate decorative Bowl Jo by the ball okay [Music] yeah I feel like some of my cats would be okay if they went outside but others would just be like like I think pip would be probably in trouble cuz he’s like a little scaredy cat Gary would probably be okay little man would be fine dude dude’s dude’s a menace dude’s a menace he would be absolutely fine moo moo Mo would figure it out but they’re not allowed outside the best they could do is the the uh ctio which is Chill okay bucket we don’t oh sorry uh we don’t have any mods nope okay I just planted a few more guys and then I’m going to sleep you jump scared I’m so sorry now you’re it was just so quiet cuz there wasn’t any background music playing either I literally jumped I’m sorry yeah my cats love the C them the same before it’s all good hey we’re good guys we’re good guys I’ll probably do a run eventually with a bunch of mods cuz I know there’s a ton out there that are great but I wanted to try doing vanilla just to see yo so apparently um the boys when I was in Colorado they saw a black fox really yeah like a shiny Isn’t that cool that’s like a shiny that’s pretty yeah I was like yo huh cuz I didn’t see it and they’re like yeah dude that’s fun yeah I love um finding albino animals yes there’s also the P there’s a special like deer that we have pie Bal I think is the word where it’s like they have white spots cute yeah we found out our Winter Fest uh recipi which isn’t the worst so we’ll take it yeah jeem let me show it to you in a sec hold on I got you you’re going to you’re going to crack up you a binal squirrel yeah Washington DC has a ton of black squirrels randomly ours are all gray mine’s Willie o mine’s Willie dude that’s actually a w we’ll take that oh great we’re running out of food again always is a crisis and then this one [Music] is that weird it’s like weirdly good hey guys bro what are those what up crispy I got these made in Chicago and they just showed up today it’s Bonkers right yeah I’m very very happy they’re they’re very weird but it was funny to do yeah the tats are accurate yeah yeah yep how they make those it’s a very strange process so you do the 360 camera and then um they bring it into like a a computer program to like you know smooth it out make it look good and then uh they they print it on like a resin in a 3D printer yeah I saw Drew did a bunch with his friends that was funny as hell travel size yeah yeah super cool definitely like a little silly but Shan and I were were happy to try it out oh yeah Jarvis is didn’t they make make Jarvis white or something [ __ ] up I remember it was like a weird situation and he was like okay like Drew felt bad but like had to just go through it anyway he was like oh cool one of your dog be fun yo NBC thanks for the resub I appreciate that welcome welcome welcome uh do that oh my God we’re getting we’re we’re getting somewhere It’s The End Game Boys we’re doing it I think we’re doing this I think we’re doing this in a smart way too okay [Music] song [Music] rules okay d [Music] right the song rules Chrispy I don’t I if you just tuned in I was oh I was just talking about how you saw like a black fox and you and it’s apparently a rare sighting that’s a little bit of a bot [Music] dude we’re we’re looking pretty chill right now oh yeah I’m bringing seven more seeds over right now bring them over dude yeah 11 days oh yeah this is free literally so free we got this a massive Harpoon Gun next season before didn’t know that I’m down though yeah dude crispy I can’t believe I [ __ ] missed it cuz I’m I’m a big fox guy like I love foxes and feel like an IRL shiny yep yeah your boy missed it what are you going to do okay [Music] yeah take a it’s a this looks beautiful over here dude right we’re doing it stunning the moment truth be told dude I should have made more uh fertilizer before I came over here not the end of the world though we still have 11 days yeah this is so free I feel like like I I we could I could probably sell like a hundred like and we’ll still be fine but I’m not going to I think until I yeah no you’re a good guy I think that will be okay I think you’re going to like the way you are I guarantee it yeah I guarantee it too I actually guarantee it first that’s fair you know what it’s valid of you thanks you and Luke want to come over again soon yeah I’ll come over man let’s watch a movie thanks thanks yo Madden web sucked huh bro so bad I forgot to talk to to chat about that I watched Madam web it actually I it was so much worse than I even was thinking like it’s it’s just like it’s like [ __ ] you you know what I mean no it’s like really bad bro nobody in the entire cast cared no one tried Dakota Johnson woke up and said [ __ ] it every day and got got and got a bag and then left it’s actually diabolically bad I actually think it’s probably one of in the top five worst movies I’ve ever seen in yeah it’s just as bad as Mor it’s like there’s just nothing to it oh it’s almost and this is crazy for me to say it’s almost worse than morbius which is wild I didn’t think it got worse it was just there was just so much stuff that just didn’t make any sense it was like yo what are we doing here guys no the plot was bad the characters were bad the script was bad some of the shots were like okay but most of it was bad all the shots that were like like 18 freaking cuts and they were like wrong some of them were just wrong like the the rule of thirds whatever the rule is like it doesn’t make any sense like composition wise literally yeah it was not good yeah they should be ashamed no it’s trash Guys yeah they didn’t really have much to work with so it’s like what are you supposed to do you know it’s on um Netflix if anybody’s trying to watch but yeah it’s uh get high first or something it was so much worse than I thought it would be I was actually shook midat I was shook seeing seeing Luke on letter box review stuff negatively cuz’s he’s such a jolly guy and never does that is so funny to me like his like secret Invasion he was like what the he’s like how was this $200 million [Laughter] dude his reviews crack me up no they’re so funny I was going to write a review for Madam love and I was like I’ve never really written a review before so I was like maybe I shouldn’t but I kind of want to go back and right no go back and do it it was that bad yeah it was that bad I was actually shocked yep and it takes a bit for me to be shocked by a movie True yeah my new fit’s kind of cool if I can say that you drippy right now dude I’m drippy as heck actually I’m dripped up let him let him reach a new level of understanding uh-oh uhoh watch out fro got a new new understanding fr’s got a new level of understanding that’s so randomly funny yeah Sony stick to maybe like video games or something or cameras bro okay if you guys care about Madam web spoilers I’m going to need you to I’m going need you to pause stream for like a minute um but dude you know what was one of the most unhinged moments of the movie when they’re insinuating that the baby was Peter Parker and and the the guy was Uncle Ben oh yeah that was stupid isn’t that wasn’t that so wild I was like the entire time Luke and I were on the couch and we were like is that baby supposed to be Spiderman is that baby Spiderman it’s so dumb it’s actually dumb dude even like the uh beginning where they’re in the where they’re in like the the forest and it’s like ooh this like it’s the Spider-Man tribe we kind of look like Spider-Man vaguely but we’re like weird and like we’re going to help you and heal you back with this special spider yeah it’s it’s something that’s for sure and dude I was so confused the entire time while the villain was wearing a Spider-Man suit like a badly fitted Spider-Man suit I was like why is why is he wearing that it doesn’t make any sense and the villain Luke pointed this out but the villain I we think that they might have dubbed over his lines because there’s a bunch of moments in the movie where the villain’s talking but his dialogue doesn’t line up so I’m pretty sure yes yes chat I’m pretty sure that they dubbed over his lines which is wild like I don’t know what happened there but really weird yeah apparently they did everyone’s saying is that a is that is that where it’s like you see someone um someone from the behind talking but you could tell it’s like not synced is that that is cuz I noticed that in movies and shows all the time and it’s the one thing that pisses me off when I could tell that it wasn’t synced up right and it bothers me so much yeah it’s kind of like that but for for the so in good in better movies that’s usually what it is but in this one literally you’re looking at the actor when he’s talking but his mouth doesn’t line up yeah that’s weird it’s but yeah yeah like in in better movies you can sometimes notice that and it’s like way more subtle not this one though true not this one bro my um it’s it’s N Night Time my mannequins have been moving around all over the place yuck there’s one missing stop that stop that oh one moved in my corner in my kitchen I hate that for you yeah yeah y y y y yep wait chat how do I get the Mystic SE do we know is it do I have to make it or do I find it cuz I just got like my level max level uh farming or uh something whatever the hell this is I wish I could even recommend it as a funny watch but it’s not it’s just a painful watch it just makes me go hm dude tons of fruit uh can be converted today ooh let’s go ew my mannequin’s up here today man I don’t know if you want me to leave it be oh yeah yeah I I’ll come get it [Music] okay I’m going go back [Music] home got lots of little glasses guys out here oh tears thank you top right corner mic oh I need acorn oh that’s free oh I have all those W thank you [Music] tears no [Music] craft 30 different items let’s go I need five [Music] acorns okay I’m going to plant those special seeds now let’s go baby yo shy snail games and sour Rose thank you guys for the reubs by the way appreciate that welcome on in [Music] thank you thank you thank you [Music] okay oh yo Bobby sent me his uh video link by the way guys of him getting a world record speedrun like I think I think it’s second place or something and in it he has my stream up yesterday in the background cuz he didn’t think he was going to get it and he actually got the [ __ ] record with Megan the stallion in the background and me just being like Oh yeah some thought [ __ ] and like just singing and it’s on his [ __ ] like page and it’s so stupid cuz he got like a really good [Music] score oops oh my God we have so many [Music] [Music] 125 dude we are chilling [Music] cool Savannah uh I played that earlier I’ll probably play it again when we do a BRB but not right now just cuz uh the starting music is on and it’s kind of nice but I will maybe in a little bit yo H go thanks for the three months congrats on graduation by the way thanks Greg appreciate that man five fiber and five Stone give me a sec here I think I have that actually I need five fiber uh there we go and Stone let’s see there we go Burger thank you Sandy for that bopping song M burger okay 20 again let’s go the Frog statue is fun yeah we need 500 and uh we’re I think we’re like doing doing a decent job right now sour no way really and the seed makers has been I think the the play cuz we’re we’re able to like expand our farm dramatically each time which is cool you feel me for [Music] okay yep and then final dude we are cruising man this is the [ __ ] run boys how many days left do we have 10 okay I think they take seven days to grow or 5 days or something so this will be like the bottom row will be the ones that or take a little bit of time but they should be fine I got five more seeds from the mines today nice dude we are we are looking real nice oh yeah oh they take four days okay yeah we’re chilling that’s what I like to hear I might start selling some that’s fair yeah if you think we have got enough with all the seed makers and everything then I think that’s fair yeah I think we’re chilling because the next few days are going to be like something else mhm yeah I’m going to sell I’m going to sell this 19 batch right here sounds good dude L the whole day I was doing this this is this is I’m I’m [ __ ] ready though I’m stoked on this yeah dude I’m glad that we got all the sprinklers set up like last time that was huge too cuz then we didn’t have to like worry about about it in addition to all that mhm oh the lower left needs a sprinkler I think I have one actually po one over there where is it I I have an redum sprinkler is it at home ah it’s at home I think that’s okay Cara no no problem um I can bring the sprinkler over tomorrow if it’s yeah that’d be huge and then we’re kind of just chilling I think for a little bit W um do you do you know where it was I can just look bottom left is oh it’s going to be in uh the chest that we share I’m pretty sure okay cool yeah oh yeah she’s in there yeah I knew she was I’ll bring her over tomorrow all right there she goes another day do a leave do a D that’s what they say man that is what they say that’s what they’re saying all right let me sell this and then it’s n night time once again oh yeah you’re going to like the way you look no shot Buck oh that’s real nice that’s on the wall oh [ __ ] okay that lamp’s from the junimo catalog y croutons thanks this is making me making me miss happy H home’s uh like pathetic happy home uh paradise whatever the [ __ ] it was cuz they cost like or they sell for like nothing yeah we’re broke we’re broke we got it from the girl in The Wagon like the the merchant who travels she sells it I’m pretty sure okay my God this Baby’s rapid fire crawling the rapid fire crawling huh yo G thanks for the fish taco it’s [Music] Speedy oh let’s go uh Karen dude so fun W dad by the way Ray we can’t because uh my switch I need I need a better uh uh like capture car because it’s just like not right it’s old as hell so like the audio sucks on it so I have to get a new one I’m pretty sure [Music] that was 100 like one day oh yeah that’s definitely why I didn’t finish it for [Music] sure no other reason for [Music] I think we’re actually cruising yeah Sammy I think this is uh this is GG’s let’s go I’m coming over right now by the way yeah get over here man yeah I got the sprinkler and a couple more seeds so what plant those things okay so these aren’t getting hit so I have to water these I just realized this whole row is not getting hit cuz we don’t have the sprinkler here that’s okay though we’ll get it we’re good guys another seed as well okay oh yeah you’re going to like the way you look I guarantee you uh where do you want the sprinkler uh right here uh give me a sec let me right there on this one yep bang bang bang all right now feel free to plant anywhere we’re chilling oh oh yeah let me let me let me throw one or two of these things [Music] in also let me read Jack B Nimble Jackie thick real quick yeah give that a quick read let me Breeze through that yeah that’s a book all right here’s our house who would have thought [Music] [Music] it’s kind of fun I kind of like the cluttered of it but in like a fun way too for [Music] okay yeah you’re going to like the way you look yeah you’re going to like the way you look I can guarantee that yeah I can guarantee that this looks real nice Chris yeah we’re doing it to him I hope so I’m nervous no no no we got we got this trust we’ve got nine days yeah it’s it’s it’s free we already got it you’re right you’re right excuse me you’re good yeah you’re good yeah you’re good I might buy more fertilizer for um the random ones that don’t have it fair how long does it take normally without the fertilizer five um did I make that up four I think four okay cool yeah then I think we should be fine m for okay oh my God yep yep yep yep yep that’s that’s going to be it for me maybe too much right there that is fun same I’m I’m afraid we are cooking here yeah let’s go still too many too many things put that right there it’s kind of cute for now lot of plants shut the the hell up no way s oh Sammy you’re going to like the way you look I guarantee it what’ you get don’t worry come on don’t worry after that laugh dude that is just too cute if I could say it oh snap oh they’re giving these things out for free at this point I just got two more I just do the Diabolical laugh n you got you got you got to be kidding me oh yeah this looking really nice for oh yeah M the mushroom the mushroom lamps a little silly but it’s kind of nice with how it lights everything up yo Landon thanks for the uh 74 months monthly reminder I was 19 when I started watching stream and now I’m 26 Landon we’re going to ban you for good I think for sure oh yeah oh yeah we’ll take that we will are you uh back back at home still um yeah nice [Music] just Rage Quit Hades wel come on in let’s go bro Hades is fun but yeah it could definitely be frustrating at times for real oh my God we have so many of these [ __ ] things today [Music] it’s so fun and addicting and I love pain yay there you [Music] go okay I’m I’m going to start putting some away [Music] me that’s fair even for one second thoughts yeah we’ve shipped a few already we we shipped 76 [Music] oh thank God okay okay I’m going to go to the mines today and work on some of that that’s cute as [ __ ] I think I a 24-hour timeout which I which I typically like to use instead of a ban where it’s just like a hey man we’ll see you later but like you can come back and if if if you’re not a [Music] [Music] weirdo go in the drunk tank pretty much yeah [Music] me the way you know like that number exactly is so good come back once you’ve calm down yeah I will be seeing you [Music] bud okay there we are oh you’re going to like the way you look are you sure I’ve been I’ve been hesitant lately no you’re you’re good man I’m just kidding come on this guy’s looking for this guy’s looking for compliments out here this guy’s fishing for compliments bro no no no I feel like I feel like it’s I haven’t really been you know lately it’s like looks over you know D the side ey I don’t know if I still have it or not what do you think guys my Prime was definitely a while ago right nah come on oh no there we [Music] are you know that one yeah I know that one nice I knew you knew it dude I knew you had it in you some more bugs some more beans let me get some that radioactive ore though real quick no [Music] [Music] you want to play Pac-Man after this Pac-Man yeah the Battle Royale they did they just dropped no I’m busy that day all right more for me I guess didn’t they drop it forever ago or is that something else you’re thinking of Tetris all right they all got battle royales at this point you’re right who doesn’t these days The Sims I guess probably have one by next year uh-oh Insider scoop nah come on hey you heard Creator code hster girl Sims 5 uh Battle Royale you heard it here first yeah breaking news nice you know what I just said yeah said you’re a good guy thanks man bring it in uh there’s no radio alarming okay okay you can’t panic I don’t think we have enough planted to hit the 500 right now we do we we do have 76 in there already yeah I know but I was looking at it and I was doing some of the math I think we have like 250 to 300 planted right now and we have we have eight days so we we need radioactive ore yeah yeah so that’s what’re and I we’re going to need a bit of it yes so that’s why I’m in the mines right now now looking okay W yeah what the hell’s a chewing stick I don’t know I stick to chew thanks wow Krispy just sent me a screenshot of the Fallout skins in fortnite they look sick oh do they bro they look really cool is it like the Vault suit yeah it’s like the big the big ones no no it’s not it’s not the Vault suit it’s like the big [ __ ] like Warhammer looking ones that they wear like oh oh yeah okay I know what you’re talking about yeah the power armor yep they’re going to be so bulky dud they are like I’m sure they’ll look cool but that’ll be a bulky skin it looks like you can customize them though which is fun like it’s one of those ones where it’s maybe like a bunch of different options that is cool thanks I’m not finding any radioactive ore it’s like hey man [Applause] what’s up Michaela how you doing dude yeah when I was in the mines the past two days I found zero radioactive or I found quite a few seeds but I didn’t find any of the ore yeah I’m finding seeds like it’s done with Biz but like the ore has been MIA they they have a chance to do Mad Max [ __ ] um Mad Max Dune Fallout like Mandalorian [ __ ] like they could do like pretty much anything with like a snowy or not s like a sand desert Vibe which is cool there’s weapons on vehicles that’s going to be something else man it’s going to be something else you spam 4 one yeah I might have to do that hey there’s my friend hey bud yeah all the vaults that already exist in fortnite can just become like Fallout vaults which is cool uh yeah that would be cool [Music] I don’t think I could spam the floors cuz I think since you’re both in here it’s going to be yeah we can can you leave as well and we could try resetting floor one again does it not oh yeah I guess that makes sense yeah thanks let me try again back to ton no I think it’s just goofed [Applause] [Applause] bro oh beans let’s go it went well good [ __ ] I remember you you brought that up nice dude that’s awesome oh man there’s there’s just [ __ ] nothing the M the mines hate our freaking guts they really do oh a fairy box cool oh one of these things [Music] cool Bean there you go that’s smart [Music] See’s already in bed and there [Music] is dude not one that that’s such bad luck I think the spirits hated us today I think yeah I didn’t check they despised our guts today they despised our guts Kobe thanks for the res to the island and I’m calculating how many exactly we have because I’m stressed okay that’s fair don’t don’t stress too hard because you’re a good guy but that’s fair no I’m actually GNA stop playing forever if we don’t get it this time no no we’re going to I’m going to uh I if there’s any rock candies left I might take one of those and and like really go for it um do they have them in the skull Cavern or no is it only the only in these ones that’s so weird cuz I feel like we’ve been seeing none the book sellers in town today here big cool big news my baby’s crawling around baby’s always crawling [Music] all right I’m going to go check I’m going to go uh work on the plants real quick um and plant the ones and then uh come back and grind some of those [Music] out Sage you could thank uh Sammy for that mine is atrocious she’s the organizer [Music] Hannah let’s go bro it’s so weird like seeing High people you graduate high school with like and they’re like um online you know Vibes that they do cuz like people probably from my high school probably see me on Twitch and they probably like yeah okay man you know like shut up but it’s like the same everywhere like everyone it’s just it’s just it’s just interesting how everyone like does their own [ __ ] oh my God I I I destroyed one of those [ __ ] Mystic seeds that’s okay who cares doesn’t matter 160 bro I’m going to sell 100 and we’re still we’re still fine I just sold 110 and now I’m planting a bunch I think we’re chilling there was still a bunch planted there’s still a bunch planted and um a lot of the ones are that I’m planting right now are going on the like the Miracle Grow cuz we’re only 1th and there’s seven days now we got this horse whispery voice Seven Days Seven Days Seven there she is my man thanks okay up Megan how you doing dude very good let’s go bro I don’t need I don’t need any any more ancient seeds come on what up Marne how are you okay all if you get any seeds today just definitely try to uh plant them since we have we still have like seven days but I just planted a bunch and sold a bunch I think we’re chilling if you sure man I’m sure trust I did plant like I think four or five yesterday but I I seriously have been barely getting any from the mines are fishing all good I’m going to open up some mystery boxes and a golden coconut I think you get some stuff from there let’s get some of these a mango sapling okay oh salad thanks man thanks Clint what are you trying to say bud it’s been winter here for a little bit oh more mystery boxes okay [Music] the hell is that is that an aridium Rock oh it’s some gold or okay yeah bombs are solid back to town yeah cutting trees especially ones that have coconuts on them you get stuff as well quality fertilizer some bombs nice I’m going to check in our alien friend cuz we have that alien that’s cooking right now and we haven’t really SE seen it in a little bit so I wonder if it’s like doing okay or not boms are op and started we also IRL too low key oh broke out huh Sammy are our aliens gone H it broke out go where’s bro at I don’t know that’s scary I don’t like that what’s he doing can I pause it for one second yeah be back [Music] okay all right sorry about that all good no worries I all right so the alien there’s an alien that’s that’s running a mck somewhere bro’s missing Miss oh you you’re right the test tube is empty yeah the incubator bro bro bro cook too much bro too much R burnt okay bro burnt he’s a little crispy dang he was in there for too long he’s he’s a he’s a crispy game play that was a good one thanks all right going go to the mines again hope for the best here we go bro it’s like it’s like hey a golden Mystery Box Sammy ain’t no way what the hell is that I’m gonna is Clint open now I gotta go I gotta go crack that open what the hell is that what the what the heck what the what the hell I’m going to go right now I’m curious town he’s not here great makes sense it makes [Music] sense yes found some okay that’s the way to do it just go just spamming one or or of the seeds uh both in this one [ __ ] thing W yep oh I think this is a seed right here come on come on give me five you know you want to oh I got four nice I’ll take it wait are you in are you in the the caves no I’m fishing okay nice oh another chest popped up oh we’re so in nice come on give me another four I just one this time wow praying on my [Music] downfall what up Charlie how you doing dude good to see you yeah leave mind ween away was awesome dude it was it was great highly recommend but this I can’t believe this Quest is taking so long it’s actually insane makes sense though but still you what up hings yeah clocking real fast man okay bust up you had to the VOD to catch up word me sell oh God we got to sleep time’s always flying wow nice I made that’s literally like 2 seconds that’s wild that I made that yo let’s make some money make some money Miss yach Bakers hell yeah dude we’re back okay all right we’re at 244 and we have six days [Music] okay um I’ve got a couple seeds so I can take them over okay uh if you want to bring mine over actually I’m going to go over there real quick and and just uh Harvest it all real fast with my scythe and then I’ll come back and get more okay yeah sounds good I’m going to open up this this golden Mystery Box real quick too do it yeah I don’t know what the hell it is but maybe it’s cool that thing up oh golden pumpkin random okay yeah I’ll sell that [Music] enjoying a Pepsi right now if everyone’s cool out works for me yo boots M with the prime welcome on in Boots mcge appreciate you dude welcome on in brother Dr pep o Dr pep sounds good too actually this guy a shell okay okay back and forth back and forth that’s all we do back and forth thanks man great to be here hell yeah dude great to have you holy [Music] [ __ ] okay let’s you know what I mean [Music] Tire these little faces on these fruits [Music] okay for [Music] he let me let me PL these down mind yeah I gu some of those planted let’s go let’s go holy holy too guys she looks nice out here I’m going to go fishing right here and it’s going to give me 15 seeds right off the rip all right [Music] toe letto [Music] [Music] yeah they grow in four days so a lot of these will grow in time I’m pretty sure is it is it six or I thought it was four or five days left no how many days uh they grow oh okay we’ve got six days left okay so that we should be fine [Music] then oh yeah we’re chilling oh we still have more over here too nice okay I’m going to go back to uh the mines for a little bit okay sounds good I’m going to go buy more of the deluxe fertilizer and hopefully come back before it’s over before I can’t anymore all right I yearn for the mine I really do all right man I’ll boot up my farm boot it up dude yo by the way we are at a million GG’s let’s go I didn’t even notice yeah same we we we’ve been so locked in I was just buying the uh Deluxe speed grow and I like looked over I was like wait wait 1 mil sheesh 1 mil we got Pam in her little swimsuit is so funny it’s like okay Pam okay Pam I see you uh sunus no mods yet um a white turban whoa that’s cool no mods yet uh but we’ll probably run some like after this vanilla we’re doing a vanilla run first and then after this we’ll probably do mods [Applause] bro this is such a joke I found a beanie I’m like finding all these items but like give me some [Applause] [Applause] ores no yeah edgy that’s that’s definitely one that that I have on my list for sure that one um there’s like some quality of life ones too that I want that like I think Julian has one that lets you like zoom in on your game that I think would be cool to have extended doesn’t extended like give you like a whole bunch of new stuff too a pressure nozzle what the [ __ ] a pressure nozzle ooh okay Zoom is base game in settings okay but he has it like up here like you could have it so you can just zoom right there oh oh there they are huh oh [ __ ] what was my was that us no there we are bro oh dude how is there no radioactive ores anywhere it sucks what the [ __ ] is [Music] this got a bean okay come on give me a radioactive ore over here or two we got to manifest it what are we at right now 244 and I think I sold like 100 so we’re actually really chilling I think it’s going to be close it’s going to be down to the wire but I think we’re we’re vibing who’s in here there’s a gamer in my room little man what are you doing what are you doing in here his little hands nice stretch there you go good job get out of here oh he’s such a good guy such a good little dude personally okay okay that could be funny dude the mines are are are are chalked there’s nothing here bro I know I’ve barely gotten any seeds from like fishing or anything it’s messed up I’m not worried about seeds as much as I’m worried about like the the ores there’s just nothing oh you might have to be worried about seeds I’m doing the math right now no we’re we’re fine cuz we have 244 and another 100 we’re going to be at 344 we’re chilling Trust okay I’m pretty sure we’re going to be fine I don’t want Sammy to get too [Music] stressed you all gets the Zoomies when you blow in her face this is the longest stardo session we’ve we’ve had in a long time by the way chat since we’ve started we we’ve simply been grinding okay I don’t care about a b tree yeah so but it’s been [Music] cool oh we got a bunch of them done today by the way a lot of little smile guys with glass is on bro if we have over 130 we we win that’s GG’s um so okay it’s kind of it’s rough estimates because it’s just too annoying to have to go plant by plant but we’re thinking that planted right now is 295 so that is enough cuz that takes us to 536 yeah I think we hypothetically with the rough estimate math we should be fine based on the math alone I think we’re we’re completely chilling we should be good let’s Circle back on this I literally start Valley makes me do math and that makes me like get less this is our this is our longest run that we’ve done on stardo in a minute yeah I want to I want to see us win it though no no no no I’m I’m saying I’m like it’s cool I need the satisfaction yeah after all this grind yeah the it’s been a grind Samy yesterday was like you started for like 3 hours and then fortnite like yeah right to be fair you said the same thing you said you wanted to play after no no I still want to play I’m just saying like this Quest is is very much uh taking some time uh yeah it is I’m just down bad on fortnite because the season’s ending and I didn’t finish my battle pass it’s all good okay how many days do we have left five days okay e yo ban thanks for to get the sub to fart dude I appreciate that hey there you go fart also thanks for give this up to honey lemon as well Anonymous appreciate that what’s up Harry Potters two wel come on in this is going to be close it is going to be close we need to test our luck here far almost 20 years ago that’s actually gross time flies man okay what upar how you doing [Applause] we might have to sleep at the uh at Ginger Island uh tonight because tomorrow is the Winterfest and I don’t want to get like stuck [Music] here wait maybe I should come over too then so that I don’t have to deal with it that’s what I’m saying yeah I’m I’m at the Min though right now trying to get some radioactive ore and it’s just like not happening dude I swear the mines are cursed like there’s no radioactive or yeah it’s like that’s I haven’t seen any in weeks in game I don’t know what’s going on [Music] it we are definitely going to cut it close because we’re not getting any of this [ __ ] ore to be honest uh yeah which is scary hypothetically we should be fine yeah as long as everything that was planted grows before the time ends we’ll be cutting it close but we should get it okay yeah I agree yo Becca thank you very much for the three years dude I’m in the mine now by the way so if you want to reset just tell me okay apparently uh resetting on floor one’s like a move nice so just like keep hopping out just going to floor one is a vibe for okay I’m going to go back to the island and plant some more seeds that I got yeah sounds good wait are you at the are you at the mine still yeah take these before you go thanks you’re welcome peace oh I found radioactive War do you want to take some of this yeah yeah yeah yeah all right all right it’s literally just one I don’t know if that’s helpful that’s helpful yeah okay there you go I just spawned in on 20 and there was or no that’s good okay let’s go to town okay yeah we’re pretty sure Chris as long as everything that’s currently planted grows will will be good like are we just going to sell the rest now and not make any more or like what’s the vibe um I think so because we’re out of time for growth cuz they take unless they’re on the radio active soil but okay for the normal ones it’s four days and today is day five so tomorrow it’ll be too late to grow anything not on okay the stuff yeah con I like I like giving it a little bit of personality you know there we go let me fish a little bit yeah making the town look nice is is always cool con are you a um are you a Fallout guy cuz I don’t know if you saw the new fortnite fortnite update I don’t know if you give a [ __ ] about fortnite but they got a lot of uh fallout [ __ ] going on which is look pretty cool skins alone so it’s not only skins but also locations yeah Phantom it’s definitely cool and I I do like that people aren’t like trying to be you know weird about it or like gatekeep it is a fun series for you know a lot of people you watching xplay Fallout nice oh no I I know I know has a huge fan base what I’m saying like there’s people who could like I know there’s people who could be like oh I’m pissed at it’s getting popular because now it’s like mainstream but it seems like people have been excited just to see like it you know exists in other mediums and stuff yeah Tori it’s it’s it’s that it’s supposed to be like that good I’ve watched the first episode I haven’t uh continued it just because I suck but Shan and I liked the first episode A lot it was really well shot oh yeah pH that’s with any game though any game has a [ __ ] weird toxic fan base part who’s in it that you would know honestly not many it’s it’s a it’s a pretty like just like hey it’s our first time doing some cool [ __ ] a lot of a lot of people who you’d go oh that guy oh him you know okay I’m going to bed going to bed Santa oh wait did you are you are you GNA be stuck on the island I think I’m stuck on the island unfor you might not even be able to do I might be able to make a can we craft a Teleport to it or no can you warp yeah if you have an island warp but I don’t know if I I’ll look around and see if if we have one yeah look around but I couldn’t get on the boat past 5:00 p.m. anyways so fair I’ll have a search if not I’m just stuck here for the day which is like fine yeah not too bad oh my God the baby aged up it’s standing the baby’s standing hi Natty you good oh my God it’s got cute little hair oh my God it’s sprinting Chris it’s faster than me where’s it going wait that’s so scary oh my God that thing whips around like nobody’s business chat watch this we have 118 right here that’s it right that’s it we just got it 118 right here 411 sold that’s just it GG’s right that’s it we did it no no no [ __ ] problems all right guys what’s Willie’s favorite uh favorite gift are we going we’re going all right guys what does Evelyn want do we know what Willie likes a pumpkin does he like diamonds or did I make that up he likes diamonds too I had a gold pumpkin Evelyn loves flowers okay let me see what I got she like [Music] daffodils did I have will Willie last year too or am I weird do we have so much Stone oh my God diamonds and sea cucumbers okay let me see if I have a c c I’m taking a diamond for Evelyn all right apparently she loves diamonds Super cucumber oh that’s what he likes we’re [Music] Diamond i’ G last year okay if I ever get Clint I’m going to gift him what he hates nice thanks where’s my baby at oh he’s probably at the show at the festival huh no your baby will be in indoors e is or she that thing’s not going to the festival look at that thing what the hell hey wait until it Sprints hey [Music] partner bro sent you to his own baby yeah that is kind of wild I gave it a little hat nice that’s cute thanks we got to go oh yeah sorry it’s okay you’re a good guy yeah we had our babies the same day it’s whatever we’re Gins mhm we’re Gins and they’re giblings they’re giblings and girls and Robins they guil Sorry huh huh all right complicated family tree can we just oh my god look he’s my little guy oh here’s a hat what the heck look my baby’s over here where where’s I can’t see yours oh there she right here oh I wonder if they have the same hair did your baby have this hair yeah ah they got the same hair the giblings got the same hair Maru said I’m ready to head home whenever we just got here girl we just arrived what do you [Music] mean diabolical I’m ready to head home whenever we just got here bab Clint is wild bro goes all these happy families but for me just another lonely year it’s crazy it’s crazy what’s up Willie oh I’m giving Willie a secret gift nice oh so it’s you ah Diamond thanks I’m getting a oh it was you a diamond thanks you’re welcome oh yeah I’m getting a cut scene a i Elliot got me something cute hey Chris I’m your Secret Gift Giver this year here open it I never see Elliot ever oh poppy seed muffin thanks Elliot yo George got me a botle wine okay cool I’m ready to leave n George I’m stok I’m out of here I got a poppy seed muffin George said turn it off George is trying to twerk true oh I just pet your baby don’t pet my baby yeah it gave me a heart what the flip [Music] Vincent gave you clay that’s funny it’s like okay didn’t want that but pop off all right hopefully we hopefully we have enough uh yapping to the town all [Music] right what’s up Emma how you doing bye oh wait I wanted to look up here real quick I don’t think he has anything I want but true check yeah bro bro doesn’t have anything I want bro useless am I right I’ll take that all right bro bro’s useless all right peace later bedtime M bro give me a bottle wine that’s $400 what a king cool cool no that sounds really sick congrats I got I got a poppy seed muffin n it’s probably good probably tastes good yeah definitely man not a fan of poppy seed ew go to bed why is my kid just standing at the side of the bed bro my my kid’s weird he’s just a little hat on should sleep Nat Natty needs to go to bed for real for [Music] real if I have a boy I think I’m going to name him crit crit yeah cuz Natty’s named after like natural 20 so then like bottom critical like a critical role you see bottom left it’s a 10 out of 10 name to be honest bro didn’t even see bottom left oh my bad what we did it by the way with four days of spare wait we did the quest yeah dude H yeah it’s called math girl let’s go we did it we did it we’re good guys I was so distracted by my baby no you’re fine yeah we we did it that’s big Chris it’s huge hey congrats man we we we could we could chill now wait should we call it there play We Should wow my stress just melted away isn’t that interesting how that works we did it chat chat we did it uh Phantom frog I stream a lot I stream a lot W oh you’re on your chores yeah I’m on my chores all right let’s do the thing that we always do here let’s hold our gifts that we got oh I put mine in the fridge hold on let me grab it okay yo Cottage ghost thanks for the tier one I appreciate that yo chess say what up to YouTube for that one [Music] huh yay yay there we are GG’s yay GG’s

Welcome to Yupp Acres. Sami and Chris start a new Stardew adventure together with the release of update 1.6! Vanilla run with NO MODS. #stardewvalley

This is part 16 of the playthrough – Winter Year 3.

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