The Minecraft Mystery Notch HATED – Entity 303…

Herobrine is perhaps the most famous Legend in all of gaming and due to his infamy many of Minecraft’s smaller but still very popular urban legends and myths have been overshadowed by him one such is that of the story of Entity 303 and now mostly forgotten legend in the Minecraft world entity 303’s rapid rise to fame could not be predicted appearing in thousands of YouTube videos many with tens of millions of views it became so known at one point that even Notch himself would tweet about it but the story of Entity 303 has gradually been lost to time and what everyone thinks is his origin is not quite as it seems the true mystery of Entity 303 is the history and story behind it who created Entity 303 what happened to Entity 303 how did Entity 303 become so known and why did one user mysteriously change the story Forever on December the 17th 2013 a video would be uploaded to YouTube by a small YouTuber named the speed 179 but first this video is sponsored by Opera GX Opera gx. g/ thee Mr Epic 2 so you all remember how not too long ago now I made a 72-minute long video right well to make that video at one stage I had about 139 Chrome tabs open with important info and became so laggy and unusable that I downloaded Opera GX imported all my settings from chrome with just a few clicks like so and switch to Oprah GX right there and then it was genuinely the only brow browser that didn’t lag with all of this open and to ensure that I was able to record the best possible footage and clips for you all I even would use the GX control feature to limit Opera gx’s RAM and CPU usage so I could get the best possible game performance and easily switch back after no other browser lets you do this and without it you’d probably be watching more of a low FPS slideshow than a beautiful cinematic clip and even outside of gaming and computer performance Opera GX still has every other browser beat you guys all like Minecraft mods right I mean we all use them after all so you should just as easily love Minecraft mods in Oprah GX right that’s right Opera GX has a huge variety of mods such as this one here called the Minecraft experience which not only adds this Serene animated background but also this awesome background [Music] music and satisfying sound effects that play when you do various things lovely there’s a lot of these to choose from in the GX store with their own background sound effects and themes you can go full Zen mode with blockfi go underwater with this immersive aquarium theme or get the skeleton theme on second thought maybe not but at least you can customize and control everything that can be enabled and disabled within the settings you can even download cool animated wallpapers from Opera gx’s add-on section that can be used in combination with the mods and if you want to cheat on assignment I mean if you want to ask for help with assignments homework or just anything in general you can easily access Arya opra version of chat GPT from the sidebar and ask if anything you want support the channel by downloading Opera GX at Opera gx. g/ thee Epic 2 that’s the Mr Epic and the number two you don’t lose anything for trying it’s completely free give it a go and click the link in the description box below the video is a recording of a PowerPoint presentation about the new Herobrine incident Entity 303 the new Herobrine incident Entity 303 a new ghost has appeared in Minecraft it appears to only be in creative mode and has only been experienced in Xbox 3 60 Edition so far however many victims have experienced this beloved mind in the video the speed 179 documents his paranormal experiences whilst playing Minecraft on the Xbox with his friends 1213 2013 I was playing with some friends on Xbox 360 and we were in a creative mode building a huge City the world was also on peaceful mode we were all having a great time until someone’s house started burning as the speed says supposedly whilst playing on peaceful mode with his friends someone started briefing initially blaming the world’s host they soon realized they were wrong when investigating noticing TNT going off by itself in the distance as they continued to examine the houses more of them began to a light but fir spread was turned off TNT explosions also continued to ring out in the distance despite the fact that all the servers players including the host were present together the speed 179 had had enough he plugged in a cable from his Xbox into his computer then promptly opened up a program used to read the source to see what was going on I plugged in an anonymous Cable in my Xbox and into my computer I opened up a program used to read The Source codes that were going on to my surprise The Source codes described this entity as 303 it was at this point that the source code began displaying weird Entity 303 codes his computer was being overwhelmed by it and there was nothing he could do he did manage to get these messages from The Source though notably with one line spelling out the phrase make a wish furthermore there were also a variety of logs from a string user named 303 using flint and steel on TNT as well as wood the speed 179 decides to do more research into this strange 303 entity eventually coming across a few people on the Minecraft forums who had also seen it one PC player managed to take this lowquality screenshot of what appeared to be a white figure in the distance seen on his and his friend’s private haachi server this speed managed to somehow make out the skin from the lowquality screenshots a ghostly white figure with blood red eyes and a white Hood the speed 179 was confused he thought this had all been Herobrine’s doing not this weird redyed figure so he continued to look on the forums when suddenly a mysterious profile began messaging him it only said a few things before leaving the chat Notch will think you are crazy when he sees this an ironic foreshadowing by the way you are next the speed tried to click on the profile but it 40 Ford the strange figure left of the speed 179 one final inbox message what happened to Herobrine I replaced him he has died he is no longer with us nor anyone else Notch has denied me so many times but I am the new Herobrine I’m 303 Goodbye Human After this the speed 179 account was deleted he concludes his video mentioning he has yet to find more information about 303 online of which he theorizes is because they are all scared of this 303 entity and as such made this video in an attempt to get help from other people who may see it I recommend not looking for Hindu will’ll be fine are too dangerous this is your choice and thus the legend of Entity 303 began well sort of as excluding the speed 179 sighting it seemed not a single other person would encounter or post their experiences with Entity 303 well besides two individuals on March the 3rd 2014 a random player named endm animation would post this 15 second video of their Entity 303 encounter in Minecraft Pocket Edition make of this as you will then a few weeks later in March again another small channel would make an Entity 303 video this time claiming Entity 303 to be fake although all the video contained was a summary of the speed 179 original video with the video’s length mysteriously being exactly 3 minutes and 3 seconds long 303 the mystery behind Entity 303 was already Fading Into Obscurity the speed 179 would return in late May of 2014 with an update on his documentary this time a Windows Movie Maker esque production where he states that Entity 303 is now Unstoppable and cannot be destroyed anymore even going as far as to try to take down his first documentary video the speed supposedly received a variety of messages from random users to take down his video and from the numbers in these usernames was able to decode a message I am Entity 303 I am the future of Herobrine Herobrine is a pathetic teddy bear with blank eyes how is that scary it isn’t and Notch will pay for firing me my life was in Mojang and now it’s in a trash can the war has only begun and by 2015 everyone will know about me you will not stop me kid the rest of the video isn’t too notable but we learned some of the common signs of entity 33 are random trees with misplaced wood and an upside down Netherrack cross which means Entity 303 could be part of the Illuminati okay and supposedly the way to prevent him from appearing in your world was to keep your Herobrine spawners to a specific number this information was courtesy of headshot Productions TV V another smaller Minecraft channel of which made videos about Herobrine 3 weeks later the speed 179 would upload the third part of the documentary titled the war supposedly our favorite video game was about to enter a giant catastrophe of which Mojang was not going to help basically 303 was going to launch an attack or war against all of Minecraft in 2015 and was already present in everybody’s worlds there are another two video parts of this documentary series that’s released in July of 2014 by but by this point it no longer mattered as Entity 303 had left the control of its creator the speed 179 and now was rapidly spreading across the internet throughout mid 2014 a variety of videos began popping up all over YouTube getting hundreds of thousands if not millions of views sightings Story videos animations and more Entity 303 had somehow entered the YouTube Limelight and now tens of thousands of players were crafting their own experiences and stories with him the speed 17 9’s final two documentary Parts took the story in a strange Direction claiming Herobrine had always been our friend and the various things he did like set houses on fire were only to show us all what Entity 303 had been doing and he would disappear when we pursued him because he was afraid we would hurt him interestingly the speed used the last 2 minutes of this documentary to instead call out people faking sightings of Entity 303 as well as calling out other people for claiming they created Entity 303 instead of him the speed 179 knew he no longer had control of the story and the comments reflected that many people would comment saying it was fake he didn’t create 303 or that the speed 179 just wanted attention and honestly that last statement was probably true unlike Herobrine whose recognizable story remained almost the same throughout the years entity 303’s true story was not spread nearly as much and as such the speed 179 felt he wasn’t being fairly recognized for it and in a last itch attempt was attempting to remind everyone of entity 303’s Origins attempting to steer the legend in his own Direction by this point it was already too late though not too late to subscribe though if you do want to see more videos like this in the future you know what to do no pressure throughout the rest of 2014 2015 and even 2016 Entity 303 would leave its mark on Internet history in fact it became so notable that Notch himself would even put out a frustrated tweet likely in response to people relentlessly asking him about it like herob Brien people would claim to see Entity 303 in their world even when the speed 179 would outright tell these people that Entity 303 wasn’t real but Entity 303 was about to under go its biggest mystery yet like Herobrine you might think that the Entity 303 story would only become less and less mysterious and less and less popular over the years as players grew up and moved on from the game but for some reason in 2017 The Entity 303 story changed and with it brought an entire new wave of popularity far surpassing what it had reached before while anybody could look up the story of Herobrine which had been extensively documented despite the mystery behind his Origins entity 303’s mostly clear Origins were always left more ambiguous if you Google Entity 303 which many people who first heard about it did the first result which comes up is the Entity 303 entry on the Minecraft creepy pasta wiki for over 10 years now this Wiki is the only place where you can find the true backstory behind Entity 303 there is no other source that has it clearly documented besides the speed 17 9’s various videos of course but for some reason in August of 2017 almost 4 years after the speed created Entity 303 and this Creepy Pasta page was made a user on the creepy pass Wiki named Yosh FICO 123 would change the story prior to this Wiki edit this is what the page looked like you can see the speed 179 encounter with Entity 303 is the only one listed despite it for some reason saying this is the second encounter but after this edit an entirely new encounter was present supposedly the first ever Entity 303 encounter an encounter which of the speed 179 to my knowledge did not create and has never been mentioned anywhere else online prior the story would become the entity 3 3 Legend reported in various YouTube videos and read a posts despite nobody knowing where it originated from and why it was added it became the story Entity 303 was remembered for and the story goes like this on December the 11th 2013 a few days prior to the speed 17 9’s first video on Entity 303 supposedly he received an email from a fan named Frankie the first person to ever speak out about 303 hi speed my name is Frankie I’m a huge fan of Minecraft and I’ve been playing for about 2 years now every day after school me and my friend John would always play on his private server he was a bit of a noob at Minecraft but since he was pretty rich he decided to buy a private server so he could play multiplayer survival along with my friends Vincent and Brady as The Story Goes one day this group of friends were all in a Skype chat working on a huge survival city they built in a desert named dry bones but then suddenly out of the blue John noticed something strange in chat a plugin on the server called social spy a plugin which let you see specific messages and commands from from other players was detecting that something named player. number 303 was using the command SL stop Jon supposedly was a very anxious person and immediately thought a hacker was trying to shut down the server Frankie was equally as confused knowing that this was a private server which he had set up the plugins 4 he didn’t understand how someone could join or what this message was regardless the group of friends decided to ignore the strange incident and continue on playing Survival it’s about 20 minutes in and I’m walking with Vincent to the nearest forest to grab wood which wasn’t very near at all all of a sudden we see a white figure in the distance of the desert it appeared to be shaped like some type of ghostly figure with red eyes that I could barely make out I quickly took a screenshot and ran after it for some reason Vincent’s player Stood Still I shus just lag but he’s not even speaking in the Skype call I check Skype and ask if he’s still online no answer he’s not even in the call anymore the figure has now disappeared from the game Vincent has disconnected from the server John’s freaking out and Brady is just ignoring everyone and focusing on building Frankie tries to call Vincent’s phone but it goes straight to voicemail and the text don’t deliver either Frankie and Brady decide to look for the white figure but then suddenly Frankie’s screen starts glitching out as if it were corrupted the chat starts spamming objects successfully summoned by player. number 303 someone knew has joined the Skype call with no username John is freaking out and Brady leaves the call in server while Frankie tries to calm JN down he keeps repeating I can’t take this this is too much for me the anonymous Skype caller finally puts face cam on it’s to too dark to see anything Jon gets too overwhelmed and leaves the call and server I don’t blame him if he stayed any longer he’d probably have a mental breakdown it’s just me and this Anonymous player I ask if there’s anyone there I hear a faint voice saying something like make a wish it was faint yet it sounded like a voice changer I decided to switch onto Minecraft to see if the player is there the chat then spams with foul overload in red text along with make a wish in Gray text I suddenly get poisoned with a potion of blindness I then lose my ability to move I can’t even turn off my computer or exit out of Minecraft this player then runs up to me it seemed to have a ghostly skin on with red eyes and a white Parker the chat then says one more thing make a wish and say goodbye to your friends the Skype call drops and somehow exits out by itself and the player runs up to me and hits me for some reason it makes that o noise that used to exist in beta and earlier my computer then shuts off I try to turn it on but to no avail I try using my phone but the internet is down after this bizarre experience Frankie Waits 3 hours before turning on his computer again only to realize when doing so that everything is deleted except the recycling bin he tries calling his friends but none of them answer so he just decides to go to bed the next day at school Brady is the only one there JN and Vincent have gone missing the police couldn’t find any clues as to where they were Frankie ditches school and walks to Jon’s house I decide to ditch school and walk to Jon’s house to see if he’s there I see his mother sitting on the steps crying I ask if she’s okay and she says that JN apparently committed suicide side not in the house most likely snuck out to end his life she handed me a piece of paper that she claimed to have been left on John’s computer table I read the note carefully I can’t take this anymore I can’t sleep I’m afraid he’s watching me I can’t live like this knowing that someone is after me wanting me to die a slow painful death I’m sorry Mom I love you on the back of the paper was the familiar phrase make a wish Frankie then goes to Vincent’s house and after sneaking in sees in the bathroom written in red marker the words make a wish this is when Frankie realizes that these weren’t just coincidences if you get this email speed and if you ever encounter 303 again I want you to quickly close out of your Minecraft and shut down your computer I don’t want you to end up like Vincent or John please be careful if I get more information I’ll contact you immediately good luck and that is the Entity 303 story which is now known the mystery behind who wrote it why it was added randomly one day and where it came from is still unknown clearly whoever wrote it knew of the speed 179 videos mentioning the maker wish phrase the speed came up with as well as using the same design for 303 the speed described but unlike the speed’s first video on 303 where he mentions 303 may only be present on the Xbox version of the game this supposed first encounter takes place on a PC server leading me to believe that the speed is not the creator of this first encounter Story Only adding to the mystery of Entity 303 in the meantime though the speed 179 continued to to make a few entity 30 or3 videos but his version of the story had gone well off the rails and had become something related to a former Minecraft employee who was fired becoming Entity 303 to hack and get revenge on Notch it stopped being as interesting that’s for sure the speed 179 did reveal a few interesting things about Entity 303 in two fact videos though such as the first sighting picture being simply a random picture he found on Google the fact that the Entity 303 skin he had also found on Google was likely based on this character from Fairy odd parents and once again he calls out many of the people who tried to take credit for his creation most interestingly though he mentions here about 1 minute and 20 seconds in that the first sighting guy never existed now I don’t think this is referring to the same first sighting as on the creepy pasta wiki as that wasn’t added until over 2 years after this video was made the speed 179 also mentions that his team nor entity 303’s team ever existed so it seems to be referring to something else entirely the speed 179 also began receiving a lot of pressure to reveal if Entity 303 was actually real or not to which he eventually did calling the whole ordeal simply an experiment you can actually see some of the backlash in his original five-part documentary series people really took this Entity 303 stuff seriously at the time with even another YouTuber making a video where he exposes the speed for saying that Entity 303 isn’t real it didn’t matter anyways as like I said the speed 179 version of Entity 303 was mostly forgotten to time as the internet took the idea and various individuals gave their own interpretation of it even the skin would end up changing slightly somewhere along the way the speed 17 9’s final Entity 303 video would release in early 2017 although only a few months ago now in December of 2023 he would release his final video overall where he celebrates the 10th anniversary of entity 303’s creation amazed at how a creepy past that he created as a kid managed to go so far while today Entity 303 is now mostly forgotten hopefully the true story behind it all will not be lost again be sure to subscribe and check out OA GX with my link in the description below thank you all so much for watching

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Whilst herobrine may be minecrafts most known legend, there exist a few other legends who have also achieved significant popularity. One is Entity 303, and the mystery behinds its story, is one which has still yet to be solved to this day.

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0:00 – Intro
1:02 – Opera GX Sponsor
3:13 – Entity 303 Begins
6:36 – Entity 303’s Rise
9:07 – The New Herobrine
10:34 – A New Story?
12:41 – The Entity 303 Story Revealed.
17:20 – Entity 303 Today.

Music Used:
1. Caravan – Artifact soundtrack
2. DBadge – Ashtray (
3. Nyoko – Flowing Into The Darkness
4. DBadge – Antman (homeless edition) (
5. Scott Buckley – Ephemera
6. Scott Buckley – Machina
7. Scott Buckley – Maleficus
8. DBadge – A Memory (

If there is any content in this video which you own and would like removed, than please contact me and I will be happy to oblige.


  1. “And looked at the sources” bro thinks you can just plug in a cable to your xbox and look at the source code

  2. I've known of Entity 303 for quite some time, but never really thought he was that interesting. He always came off as a boring, edgy ripoff of Herobrine and felt like a generic creepypasta villain trying too hard to be "scary". What made Herobrine interesting was how mysterious and unpredictable he was, where his true nature was to not truly understood and was entirely up to interpretation, while Entity 303 at times comes off like a parody of the Herobrine story, and at other times a digital demon akin to Sonic.EXE.

    Herobrine's appeal was that he was sort of like the "Bigfoot" of Minecraft, an urban legend that left many to speculate his true nature. Was he evil, was he some vengeful spirit, a glitch, or was he some kind of anomalous entity that observed players from afar, even going as far as trolling them? Everything about him was up to interpretation, and everyone had their own spin on the character. Entity 303 though? He's just an evil spirit that likes causing chaos, he doesn't really have much of a character, and this just makes him rather boring in comparison.

  3. I discovered entity 303 from a documentary and never forgot about him since. Pretty amazing how one kid managed to spread an ARG to the whole world and make it so far that his creation became one of the legends

  4. I remember taking the whole scam for reality as like a 10 year old and was from then on permanently prepared on all my servers for ghost attacks lol

  5. Another fun fact about Entity 303, he was used as the main antagonist of the Mystery of Entity_303 arc of Mark Chevertons Gameknight 999 novels. Be sure to check them out, since they're a quick and enjoyable read!

  6. At 11:25 my PC deadass BSODed and it scared the shit outta me since it repeated the last sound in a buzzing noise really loud. Fuckin PC just has to do this at the worst times.

  7. "Oh god no entity 303 what is wrong with you people its just a game i cant deal with this. Go read a science, people! There are no ghosts!"

    Even if some of this was in jest, oh my god you could feel the frustration and tiredness leaking through the text XD

  8. My man thank you for the video! I stumbled across your channel via one of your duping p2w server videos, stayed for EVERYTHING. Have been non stop binge watching your videos since. Thanks for being awesome 😀

  9. Man, I'm glad I use Firefox, and are able to open several hundred tabs before it starts lagging. (But I also have 64 GB of RAM so…)

    Also, there's an extension in Firefox that allows unfocused unpinned tabs to be unloaded from memory after a short time. It's called Dormancy.

  10. Youtube just has to remind me of my time participating in the war against entity 303. This takes me back I remember the original creator and his friends making videos about this guy, and me watching with interest on this war I thought minecraft is really at its end around 2015(Sometimes I wish it was). I remember watching my world and making herobrine statue all just to scare off this entity off my world.

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