Crystal is PREGNANT with TWIN ELEMENTALS In Minecraft!

everyone I have an announcement to make I’m pregnant what oh my gosh congratulations Crystal you’re looking really wide like significantly bigger than me um excuse me are you calling a pregnant woman fat what no no no no no no that’s not at all what I’m doing no I I I would never do that what is wrong with you you’re the worst no I I didn’t mean you’re I didn’t mean you’re fat Crystal I just meant like you’re really eating well oh gosh that okay okay that that was not better at all W what Elemental is your kids going to be really ly of course they’re going to be the fire Elemental the best element ever no way bro they’re going to be Earth Elementals like me and Alexa what no way the Earth Elemental is trash and I could easily boom burn the Earth and then I’ll cure it with grass what uh okay that that was pretty cool um guys the obvious answer is ice she’s going to have ice kids no way ice is super whack I could easily burn your ice down not if my ice is so cold that it freezes your fire wo okay that is pretty awesome but no way it’s going to be an ice Elemental of course not cuz it’s going to be a psychic Elemental like me and Roxy wao psychic Elemental does that mean you could control things with your brain yeah oh look I’m about to pick you up with my head that’s not how hey hey hey Lily put me down hey put me down okay okay fine stop being such a scaredy cat who the psychic Elemental is super duper cool but Crystal what’s your kid going to be fire Elemental Earth Elemental ice Elemental or psychic Elemental well babes honestly I don’t know what o girly Let’s test it out come to the Earth Elemental side wo the Earth Elemental side looks sick but Crystal U no need to come inside here cuz you’re not an earth Elemental 100% babes you don’t know maybe I am this is going to be awesome oh my gosh Luke she really thinks that she’s an earth Elemental Ain’t No Way in drip Lea parkour bro this is nearly impossible how is anybody supposed to be doing this Luka dude it’s very simple if you go at it with nice elegancy and speed it’s very easy nothing bad ever happens if you just keep running no no no no no you’re actually insane dude dude dude dude what was that bro that was actually insane how did you do that dude that’s my earth powers in me bro all right wait let me give it a shot okay I slipped oh my gosh dude you’re supposed to be elegant with it okay okay I’m trying to be elegant oh gosh it doesn’t work if someone just went cuz the dri Le fall Crystal you have to wait for them to come back up and I’m locked in oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh gosh L I’m coming in h I’m coming in h okay oh oh she my gosh Crystal I did it what this is so hard oh gosh Alexa is going Alexa don’t even try it’s too first try cuz it’s too easy for the girl what oh my gosh the actual Earth Elementals are doing this like it’s nothing Crystal give it your best shot we have to see if your kids are going to be Earth Elementals oh man okay here I’ll help you out Crystal let me grab your booty cheeks and I’m going to get you up here that is very d you might drop a pregnant lady Heather do I look like a noob that would drop a pregnant lady that oh my gosh you just dropped her oh my goodness oh my gosh uh Crystal I am I am so sorry let me just hold you I got you I got you no no no no no but if I don’t hold you who’s going to hold you who are you going to no no don’t say you’re going to trust Heather to carry you that’s an easy way to fall come on girly girly’s roll oh gosh Crystal this is going to end badly Crystal w what this bab what in the what oh my gosh no way no way no way y tell to pop up gir what intarnation literally just happened that was awesome sauce what Lily did you see that step aside me and Roxy are about to T in this what no way Roxy what what Roxy’s in your hand yo yo slow down Lily how are you guys so good okay n no no no I am not accepting me being the most duty booty one I’m coming in hot you get it guys I might have slipped oh my gosh how are you all so good at the drip Leaf parkour if I just hit it like that oh Luke are you watching are you watching are you watching wait you almost got it yes holy guac moly go up guys Luke being an earth Elemental is actually insanely difficult bro those drip leaves ain’t no joking oh let’s go Rox you made it dude all right crystal let’s finish oh gosh oh I’m right behind you guys I’m right behind you guys oh gosh and omy poo made it and whoa drip Leaf sple okay uh guys this is seriously dangerous Crystal careful careful stand on the side we have to all go at the same time we have to drop each other luk is this safe at all for a pregnant lady what if she falls and like hurts her tummy it’s fine as long as she lands in the water there’s some boats down there but Crystal just just don’t land on the grass okay watch me watch me all right wait R we have to give a countdown everyone pick a side on the outside and I will give us a countdown to all go you ready yes let’s do this 5 4 3 2 1 go I’m getting Alexa first Alexa what you czy it’s case it’s case what’s up Alexa where you go C where you go ah Crystal chill you really think you’re that boy oh my gosh this is so difficult this is so oh gosh Crystal fell guys oh no not the pregnant lady wait let me get Roxy what’s up Roxy bye Lily it’s just me and you who’s going to be the drip Leaf Champion well you’re about to get smoked all right hop in what’s up we we’ wait what’s up what’s up oh gosh oh my Lily fall you’re a newbie butt what bro just yeated herself across the map Lily stop using your psychic powers that’s cheating come over here I’m just that guy power yo look what really bro why is she actually nice with it Lily you won hop on down all we wait guys I have a feeling Crystal that means that you’re not the Earth Elemental did you get any earth powers unlocked no I can only do this okay that’s stinky pregnant fart yeah ew and whoa whoa water slide on out of here we skirt and then skirt down over here so we can confirm it’s not the Earth Elemental Luke and Alexa I knew it well it’s not the fire Elemental why do you keep talking like it is um this is so dangerous for a pregnant lady we’re not doing this Crystal Crystal come on that would make me and you husband and wife if your kids were a fire Elemental we have to test it out do you agree yes or no yes bye okay okay wait wait don’t don’t touch the fire oh my gosh oh my she’s crazy oh my look she’s in the fire oh why didn’t you try to save her dude what was I supposed to do I’m about the fire oh wa yeah I could have just dove in and saved her really bab you didn’t even try to save me sorry Crystal here here I got you I’m the fire Elemental this should be super oh gosh ohow oh Nots you are t r a s h trash really all right let’s see you do it Alexa it’s not so hard even though I’m the fire Elemental first try that you’re not doing it for hey come back oh my God you just eated a pregnant lady into lava Alexa okay why are you actually doing so good slow down you are not a sigma Crystal tell her she’s not a sigma yes I’m about to smoke you right now girl okay Crystal you should not be beefing with the Lika while being pregnant but go oh gosh you’re so wide you can’t stand in the middle of the fire oh gosh Crystal I blew it out I’m right behind you Crystal you got this don’t fold don’t fold up too wide yeah it’s very embarrassing oh my gosh look sh just got blicking sned up bro I’m starting to think she’s not a fire Elemental yeah seriously she is not doing this what’s good Alexa we made it but how are we supposed to do this jump over here it’s literally a giant Gap um have you heard of reading read the sign buddy oh it says fire can break the targets oh guys we must unlock our fire abilities and boom get the target blocks everyone Blick them down Fireballs to the face yes sir ow not me Alexa I’m not the target oh my gosh that I’m I’m on fire really really but you’re the fake Fire King I am not the fake Fire King but look all the target I’m literally why am I dying I got you I got you I got you it’s cu bro are you serious right now Heather why would you eat me off I’m supposed to be the fire Elemental I have to prove how awesome I am you’re nothing but awesome Ms you’re just a fire boy what well could just a fire boy do this grab the balls and bow bow bow oh yeah oh yeah we have to drop the sand to make the jump uh it’s taking an awkwardly long amount of time don’t worry guys I I know what I’m doing Drop get out the way son what hey Luke you’re not beating me at my own game let’s go and oh Crystal oh gosh is Luke cooked Crystal over here watch your step and don’t fold you’re pregnant I don’t want you to get burned don’t worry babes I’m a professional careful careful okay we’re seriously getting high up careful slow but sure slowly but surely I don’t want your booty getting hurt I’m not going to get hurt cuz you know I’m a fire Elemental right cuz you’re my babes I really would want you to be a fire Elemental so we could live happily ever after and get married don’t tell anyone I gosh hey what are you doing Heather what are y’all talking about nothing nothing oh my gosh she just tried to crash the wedding but come on come on let’s go up over here and wa it says destroy all five targets to summon the path wa guys we must destroy the targets are y’all ready for this uh yes do it babes all right boom boom check me out Crystal boom boom and boom Oh wait did I just get every single one Let’s Go destroy destroy them you missed this one babe no no I hit it on the side and oh they’re starting to disappear they’re burning wait we could use more Firepower Luke grab the balls and burn the targets my brother yes sersi I got perfect aim bow bow you’re getting the last oh my gosh no you’re actually crazy for that ooh look it returned to Stone wa awesome we could cross now yeah yeah and it says Exit ooh wait Crystal um are you feeling any fiery Powers any Sensations in your booty cheeks do you feel like a fire Elemental come on firw is release oh man Crystal it looks like you’re not a fire Elemental wait it’s not too late there’s still something that could show that you’re a fire Elemental Follow Me Down Below come over here check this out we have to jump down over here because we have to do lava boat parkour and if you could do this for sure your Firepower are going to come out yes let’s do this okay grab a boow and ooh this is hard you’re going to need a ton of boats Alexa are you going to try and do the boat parkour back it’s seriously intense yes I’ve been practicing I’m a professional go Alexa oh my go oh my gosh you’re dying no oh wow oh wow all right ly get revenge for your girlfriend don’t mess up bro don’t what are you that’s not how that’s not hey hey no no no you do do over do over what is blood doing oh my gosh ly you have to jump and place it at the same time all right come on please please BL is trash blood is oh my wow all right move out the way losers this is how you do it oh my gosh oh she’s melting oh wow wow um Crystal I’m not sure if you really want to attempt this this looks serious uh yeah babes can you do it first of course I can I’m the fire Elemental wait watch and learn everybody watch and learn you just got Stu answer answer please not ah no one saw that no one saw that that was very painful Crystal you got this though come on I believe in you if you could do this then you’re surely the fire Elemental your have to be a professional come on oh no not first try Crystal oh my god wow she’s clearly not a fire Elemental my girly is definitely an ice Elemental what no way Crystal you would possibly be ice that has to be a mistake oh I can be an ice princess oh my gosh Ain’t No Way those kids have to be fired that’s just a mistake wait o ice boat racing waa this actually looks dope everyone hop in a Bo at Crystal you want to hop in with me yes let’s go together okay Luke who are you going to be riding with I’m going be riding with Alexa W couple all right three two one we’re off Crystal scare oh my gosh oh my gosh let’s go we’re professionals and wo Heather and Lily womo combo hello what’s up that was swag yay me and Lily combo are the best oh no that’s unexpected oh luk Alexa watch your jet watch your luk don’t fall watch oh my gosh he’s about to fall hold up hold up what’s good be driving Alexa that was fire thanks for the ride that was lit and wait over here it says make it through all the Rings what Heather we have to use a trident bro why are we doing water things in the Ice Area it’s cuz you need water to make ice Dums oh wait that actually makes sense but watch it learn oh yeah first try first try ow oh my gosh Crystal make after oh my gosh he just jumped over it Crystal how did you just do that how did you just do that there you go oh no crystal is not an i Elemental go up and wa that was swag okay go through this one yeah easy picks Crystal you got this you got this all right first time is the charm o are you okay oh no that looks like it hurted it oh my she just died wow uh no o poo yeah I ke he might be an ice Salat I’m going crazy with this one and oh gosh there’s some water yeah 360 and wao Heather I’m underwater with it this is lit wo we swimming out here I’m dying out here I’m dying out here oh my gosh wait use the trident oh oh gosh fresh air oh my gosh I was so low Crystal come on make it out chrst are you okay bab I dropped my TR I need help oh my gosh I got to go safer oh save save whoever you can Chrystal come here let me grab onto your butt go go I can’t I’m trying to boost you do not die oh my this is not good what Roxy just died oh no Chris are you okay oh gosh wow um Crystal can you shoot ice out of your hands by any chance let me try I think I can uh what I don’t think anything came out of you step aside she’s clearly a sidekick Elemental really Lily actually that would make sense cuz that is the last option let’s see Crystal if you’re actually a psychic Elemental and bro you’re going to have to move boxes with your brain how are you going to do this you have to move this away crystal is that even possible of course bab I can do anything I my mind to you you get it you get it I see yeah I get it that was good that was good go Crystal go use your brain come on block move wow this this is wait Crystal I know what we can do wait I got you and up yeah woo you did it Crystal yes all I had to do is build my mind to it yes sir good job that is not how you do you have to use your brain to move the block so oh no El nerd Crystal we do it about any’s necessary okay Lily grab me and throw me over there please I’m going need your assistan I got you I’m Kobe Bryan yeah thank you and Crystal yeah yeah and oh my gosh it is so confuzzled up over here wait I think you got to go that way right and bro where do you go from there Crystal babes I think we have to get up on top of here wait I got you I’m just going to throw you okay ready three uh wait two oh my gosh I am so sorry is the kid okay do you feel movement inside your belly yeah yes he’s kicking oh gosh sorry sorry no one saw that Luke you didn’t see that over there just just don’t look just do the dude you’re a horrible future dad what oh my gosh I did not mean that Crystal I am so sorry come here let me pick you up let me pick you up come here come on babe pick me up you’re really heavy oh my God Crystal just okay you’re weighing a lot more than normal so I’m not used to it uh pick me up please uh are you calling me fat right now seriously in front of Luke no I Luke I’m not calling her fat I didn’t hear anything oh my God pick me up Crystal just pick me up don’t don’t leave me down here please oh thank you throw me now let’s go and ly uh can you pick me up and put me up over there please uh all right I got you my king oh thank you I’m going to run and jump to you yeah yeah okay do not fold me you ready for this one dude this is a good ide oh did you just throw both of us down dude I’m trying to cheese it and whoa look at Lily go she’s popping off yo what the what Lily uhuh you see it this is my map oh my gosh Roxy short he’s crazy oh Crystal finally made it let’s go cheesing it is the best way we not doing it legit come on crystal follow me yes let’s go we made it to tippity tippity Bab now that it’s just me and you up here let’s move okay no and hold up it says use your mind to make stairs up whoa what Crystal we have to move these stairs and place it here bro uh use your brain I guess maybe you actually are a psychic give it your best shot all right blocks move wow nothing happened I think we’re going to need Lily for this Lily pull up hi I’m right behind you oh oh hi Lily can you try and use your psychic abilities to put the stairs it’s not working for Crystal yep Boop it’s done what it’s not done yeah it’s done look what oh my gosh this is fire and whoa we made it to the tippity top and Crystal do you have any psychic powers yet can you like pick me up please and throw me all right I’m gonna try it for real this time omy go up didn’t work not no it didn’t work keep try try it again try and pick me up try and pick me up nothing nothing maybe shake her head okay crystal is that working no nothing works oh my gosh this is weird ly so she’s not an earth Elemental she’s not a psychic Elemental she’s not an ice Elemental and she’s not a fire Elemental metal then what could her kids possibly be bored as bab we’re about to find out I’m giving birth right now oh no l you do something about this I’m looking away e e Luke Look Away boys go away go away I we’re going away oh gosh oh gosh Luke come down right now we cannot be looking at this type of stuff I don’t know how to see that brother yeah Roxy you know want to look up there just look down Crystal let us know when the babies are out of your butt thank you babes look the babies are here wait what why does that just look like normal oh and normal Crystal why are they not Elementals babes no look they’re you oh my gosh look look they’re fire Elementals I am a father you know what that means SS SS and crystals sit in a dream are you serious k i s s i n g first comes love then comes marriage then comes the baby and the baby carriage actually there’s two baby oh gosh that that doesn’t make it better for me uh uh nothing Luke never mind you guys are so in love what no give me a smooch big and that was an awesome adventure and if you had to join us on the next click right here bye

Today Omz Crystal Roxy Lily Luke Alexa and Heather are finding out what element Crystals Kids are!


  1. Heather OMZ said with crystal and then we will be married after he said happily ever after😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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