Can I Beat Terraria With My FEET?

Terraria is an easy game as somebody who’s spent more time playing this game than actually telling his family that he loves them I often find myself getting bored by the more trivial difficulties like expert and master mode it’s only when I juice up my runs with mods that make the game feel like I’m using a belt sander as a pillow that I ever feel the wrath that I desire from gaming but why can’t I just experience vanilla and be happy with its difficulty well it’s because I suffer from a rare brain disease that I like to call Beast mod and all that means is that I just want to do something generally considered hard so that I can prove that I am in fact a beast sadly the last time I went beast mode I saved 200 orphans from a nuclear explosion and also taught all of them how to read but I had to sacrifice both of my hands in the process pretty beast but now I can never play Terraria again or can [Music] [Music] I before I can begin my journey I had to make sure that I had a character worthy of accompanying me so I decided I had to contact the legendary Terraria yo-yo YouTuber col colossal and you know people always talk about the importance of First Impressions but I’m pretty sure that I’m the best in the world at it Colt I need your help and I have no time to explain I need to Sprite a hat into Terraria and I have no idea how basically I need my character to look like this his head needs to be a foot I’m sure you can see the importance of this now and I was wondering if you could make this work for me yes texture pack or a mod killed it now that I had a vanity set I just needed a name yeah that should do now that I finally had a character it was time for toe Biden’s journey to begin as you can see my feet are on my keyboard and I am in fact using them to play the game while I loot up let me just kind of explain how this is going to work so basically I have my dirty greasy dogs on my keyboard and mouse on the floor and my hands are doing literally nothing except for scrolling on my phone sometimes so I can watch skibby toilet and purchase red 40 on door Dash this world is on classic Mode I know I’m a baby or whatever but I swear if this video gets 1,000 likes and or I get up to at least four stars on Wiki feet I’ll do this on Master mode and I will stream the whole thing so that you guys can see every last inch of my feet or whatever but now let’s just look at the game the first thing that I struggled with was trying to get my grippers to actually grip the mouse like look at this clicking on this chest felt like diffusing a bomb with a pair of toenail clippers and when I finally got it open I discovered that it was just another aglet to keep the bomb analogy going it’s like successfully diffusing a bomb only to realize that you’ve just saved the really evil super villains convention now that I had realized just how hard it was going to be to do literally anything in this run I kind of had to strategize my load out and my movement basically I determined that I had three different ways that I could use my keyboard and mouse setup either I had my left foot on the movement keys and my right foot on the space bar so I could jump I have my right foot on the mouse and my left left foot doing the movement keys or finally I have my left foot using the space bar and my right foot controlling the mouse because of this my class options were kind of limited if I played melee I would never be able to get close enough to still be able to control my character if I played magic I could never stay on top of my amount of mana and if I played range past like pre hard mode I couldn’t maneuver and aim at the same time by process of elimination all that was left was Summoner because my game plan could literally just be running around and dodging every projectile while my assorted little goobers could tear every single living say Lim from Lim from now that I felt like I sort of had a game plan it was time for the first great challenge of this run carpentry now for most people building a house in Terraria is likely one of the easiest tasks that you can imagine you sort of just like chill out and like click where you want the blocks to go maybe throw a little potted plant in there oh wow that looks so beautiful nice job and then boom an NPC can now no longer be homeless and move in the important detail of this however is that you kind of need to be able to click where you want to on the screen and that was uh man that sure sucked uh good thing I’ll never have to build NPC housing ever again now in the early game it’s super difficult for a young man like myself to go ahead and explore the surface with my feet because I have no Mobility accessories the second there’s like a big hole or like an odd wall or something it just becomes incredibly annoying for me to try and surmount the obstacle so I decided that my best Direction was was down and I began the construction of my elevator which for non- Terraria players is like a really deep hole that lets you visit cool historical figures like Jeffrey dmer and Queen Elizabeth II along the way down this hole I found a glowing mushroom biome which would be awesome if I didn’t die immediately and I also found a house with the promise of loot oh boy I hope I get like a cloud in a bottle or Hermes boots that would really help me with I’m going to cry I mean it wasn’t a flare gun did you see that that right there was the last ounts of optimism that I had left in my entire body on full display I’d been playing the game for like an hour at this point and I’d found no extra health no new weapons and the only movement accessories that I had found were climbing claws shoe spikes and an aglet on top of all of that the second I closed the chest a skeleton appeared out of thin air and sucked every last ounce of calcium out of my body however that chest was actually a blessing in disguise because I had managed to pick up a suspicious looking eye which I would later use to summon the first boss of the run the eye of cthulu after a bit more mining I finally reached hell and found myself a band of regeneration which was a welcome addition to my completely Mobility free Loadout now that I had reached hell though I decided to go home and make myself some much needed armor and weapon upgrades I made myself only a helmet and Boots so that I could continue to show off my hot summer body to all of the creatures underground but also stay safe I also crafted a silver sword so that the skeletons would finally stop boning me unless I explicitly allowed them to I had finally achieved my lifelong dream of being able to Monger both war and fear with my deadly Loadout however there was one last type of mongering that I had not yet mastered fish [Music] mongering earlier on I mentioned that I would be forced to build Summoner in this run and a massive part of building Summoner in the early game is fishing however fishing also has a secret other use in this game that most people ignore it can give me accessories that are usually found underground what this meant is that I didn’t have to go caving and hunt for rooms and fight skeletons and die over and over and over again no you silly little Goose I could just give in to the white boy urge to sit on a lake and cast my line over and over again so I decided to create myself a nice little Lake next to my house and fill it up with water using a fun liquid duplication glitch but I cannot Monger fish without mongering at least a little bit of fear so I also forced Garrett the guide to sit and watch in horror as the water level Rose around him as you can see he just he tried his best to escape the watery hell that I was trapping him in but his legs just weren’t powerful enough to escape complete submersion eventually he died a horrible death and as you can see I was completely unfaced by it but little did I know that later on Garrett’s Spirit would go on to haunt this very fishing spot I didn’t manage to catch much of anything for a while and eventually I just decided to go ahead and try the aulu cuz why not since I was feeling just a bit cocky I decided that I could craft a lead bow and show this floating eyeball just what a 19-year-old boy can do with his feet shoot a b that’s like kind of about it like I don’t really know what else you would think a 19-year-old boy could do with his feet oh wait foot chop but foot only challenge be damned this boy can shoot a bow I was demolishing this eyeball with my feet classic Mode aulu is actually a joke all it does is float around menacingly and pretend to dash at you I was cooking the eye so hard that it literally ran away and ended the boss fight okay that might have been a lie I started the fight way too late in the night and I ran out of time but in my mind the ball was actually just a little baby can you guys just let me have this one pretty please just like put eye of kapoo in the comments if you agree also subscribe while you do that so I can feel the warmth of a hug without the personal connection of actually hugging someone but since I was now like really confident in my ability to beat the eye of cthulu I kind of just did a Victory lap by methodically building a house and flattening out the land on the surface so that I wouldn’t have any potholes to break my sweet delicate ankles in and in the process of building one of the bridges I also added this fun little bump right here so if you mess with the bump you are officially # team bump and if you don’t mess with the bump you are officially # team bumpless and also if you literally don’t care you can have like # team apathy or something I don’t know man however bumps aside I also decided that I could kill the rest of the day by going to get a firearm and now since there was no American Walmart nearby I had to do the next closest thing and that was climb into a horrific flesh Chasm filled with monsters that desired to suck the marrow out of my bones in my mind these two things are like pretty much the same and I was also able to get a pistol so I ended up winning in the end but now that I was packing some clean cheap heat it was finally time for eyeball round two this time the eye came at me it appeared to be a little bit scared of the monster that I had become this silly little guy didn’t come close to touching me himself once in the entire first phase only his little baby balls sorry baby eyeballs ever touched me in this face I felt so bad that I even decided to try and take him to the nurse’s office so he could heal up but I kind of forgot that I was in the United States and bro has zero money the second his card declined even the nurse started to beat the hell out of him so I decided that I just had to put the eyeball out of its misery after I hit this sick clip on him of course look at this so the big eyeball was plucked from the sky by my insane clips and I was also filled with a great hope that I could really complete this challenge however for the upcoming bosses it was going to take a lot more to beat them than running side to side so I needed to finally go get those Mobility accessories this meant that it was time to get back to fishing can I get a big cheer for exploration I hope you also cheered at home that would actually make my day since I knew that the Crimson was on my left I decided that I should just run as far as I could to the right in hopes of finding the ocean and also a person with whom I could discuss fishing luckily for me I found the raid boss of fish bonkers the angler he gave me a fledgling fisherman a quest to go and find the bone fish so I decided to go home and jump down my hellhole to try and find a good enough Lake to cast at but eventually I ended up getting bored of searching and and decided to hop a mine cart straight to lava city this event literally made me quit for the rest of the day and I came back the next day rested up and ready to explore I started by going down the underground desert hole and dying a million times trying to reach this one house you see I needed a health upgrade and it kind of felt like the desert was a good option but obviously it wasn’t I eventually reached the house and I got the literal most useless item I could have gotten I also actually never came back for that bass statue so the desert was a waste of 20 minutes of my life after that fool’s errand I decided that I could finally begin constructing a pylon network but this also meant that I had to build more houses and constructing the three houses that you can see me building right now took me a total of 15 minutes which is like the amount of time I spend every day researching Majestic beasts and wishing that I was as strong as them but now I could finally set up an ocean pylon and teleportation from Spawn to the edge of the world was finally possible I also found Nemo and started fishing more and caught a puffer fish balloon which allowed me to jump much higher and I got some sailfish boots which allowed me to run faster than LeBron I also caught a falcon blade which was a huge upgrade to my damage and would prove to be very helpful in killing enemies finally I built a fun little dock so I could watch the seagulls just walk around like goofy little goobers but now the angler had given me the Heavenly inspiration to go and get the materials to become a Summoner yippe so as you saw my quest fish was a fling fish which meant that I had to go fish in the underground Tundra but the underground Tundra just happened to to also be where I had to go to get the most important early game items for a Summoner like myself the flinks for coat and the Flink staff basically these items would respectively give me another summon slot and an actual creature to summon so I could finally begin my journey as a Summoner so I started digging down and ended up in the tundra where the legendary beasts lived however it wasn’t until I started farming that I learned the dumbest spawning conditions in like the entire game basically flinx is spawn way less frequently on Ice thin ice and snow and if you haven’t noticed this biome is is almost entirely made out of those three blocks so to farm them effectively I would have to make a dirt platform so they could actually spawn at like a reasonable rate while I was busy risking my life for a life Crystal something incredibly important happened my very first Blood Moon this was a huge moment for me because the vampire frog staff can drop from fishing up enemies in this event so I needed to act super quickly to try and catch it because this summon is absolutely busted little did I know that fishing in dangerous conditions is impossible with my feet so I wasted like 10 minutes only to come up complet completely empty-handed now I decided that I just had to return to the tundra and I farmed flines until I could craft a coat and a staff and also somewhere along the way I found a cloud in a bottle which would really change my mobility in game so now that I finally had summons and good Mobility I felt like I was probably strong enough to take on the brain of cthulu and I went to build myself a fun little box to fight it in let’s just say that my first attempt at this boss was a huge train wreck only after actually summoning the boss did I realized that my first platform was too high for me to jump to so like for this entire fight I basically just tried to make a step so I could get high enough to actually use my Arena also shout out to the map button because I accidentally pressed it and took like 50 damage All Things Considered though I did actually manage to do like 1,500 damage which isn’t a terrible fight and almost immediately after this fail I just came back and lowered the platforms to try again and I was absolutely cooking the boss alive I got into the arena and I was staying at like really high Health my summons were even like eating up the creepers until I felt confident I could win that was until I was killed by a quality of life mod that I literally didn’t use once this entire run enter recipe browser a mod that basically does what the guide does but better and since the footo Hat was a mod I had seemingly forgotten to turn off this Quality of Life mod when I loaded the world like why would I actually try to type the name of anything into a text box with my feet I was just using the wiki on my phone for crafting recipes but this vial mod was my undoing you see my big toe hit the hot key while I was trying to heal and this popup happens to have an x button to close it in the top right so I had to try and click on that x with my foot while I was getting absolutely demolished by creepers and eventually I did manage to close it but it was just too late for me and I was vaporized by the silly eyeballs this can serve as a lesson to all of you Quality of Life mods kill never use them luckily though I wasn’t too discouraged by this death and I decided to farm for a bloody spine so I could just try the fight again and this time I decided to fight the brain on the surface so I could literally just run away when I got scared and because of this incredibly inventive strategy stry I managed to let my flines kill every creeper and then I finished the brain off all by myself with my Falcon blade now that the brain was dead night time was fast approaching and I decided to just try Skeletron for fun however the old man was kind of feeling like a jerk and decided to call me a pathetic fool which kind of hurt my feelings and I just couldn’t see the huge hole that I left in the ground through the tears in my eyes so I died of fall damage this death made me rage quit and I went to go stream some Calamity mod but after the stream I decided to actually try and throw down again and make an arena to beat Skeletron and after another death I realized that the flines were just way too weak to do any real damage to the boss and I would need to power up a bit if I wanted to have any [Music] success now since Skeletron wouldn’t spawn in for another whole day I decided that I might as well make more houses like this hole in the tunder that I lovingly named Theon cave and this Shack over by the ocean so my angler could come back I also flattened out more of my world so that I could run away from Skeletron much like I did with the brain of cthulu along the way though I removed a meteor and found a pyramid that had the Holy Grail of early game Mobility accessories the Flying Carpet now I could go Aladdin mode on these fools and do a driveby on Skeletron from my Home Depot Road this pyramid was also a blessing in disguise because it led me to finding a total of five more Life Crystals which increased my health by 100 making me into a real tank with big dog status finally achieved I went to bed and got going again the next day almost immediately after I logged on yet another Blood Moon happened and I tried to get a vampire frog staff from fishing but those damn enemies were just too strong for my weak little boy bones and they squeezed me like like a damn orange however a certain bone monster wasn’t quite strong enough to turn me into simply orange juice that’s right I went back to the dungeon now that I had a carpet and a fully automatic firearm and I decided to just give Skeletron the business especially because this stupid old man actually thought that his master could kill me it was my job as a warrior to show this submissive and breedable old man that his big strong master was nothing but a weak little [ __ ] I used my fully automatic firearm as a tool to speak to Skeletron in American English and I ended up folding him like a long chair now that Skeletron was dead I decided that I had to get an imp staff so that I could actually kill enemies so I went and made a deathbringer pickaxe and went to hell little did did I know that mining hellstone was about to be the most surgical operation I had done in like my entire life I had to mine every single block with so much Precision so that I would never accidentally pour boiling hot lava all over my body and melt myself into a puddle so this operation took me literally 20 minutes only for me to remember that I also needed obsidian to make hellstone so I created a fun little water funnel that would allow me to create it and do no damage to my body this whole Venture was like 30 minutes at this point I was starting to feel like I was good enough with my toes that I could have probably performed a better labotomy than the one that they got on John F Kennedy’s sister Rosemary but finally I was in possession of an imp staff and could use it to rain fire on the jungle so I went to do just that I arrived in the underground jungle and began construction on the most annoying Arena that I had built so far this construction project would require mining a border Excavating blocks placing platforms and lighting which were all things that my toes just lack the dexterity to do however I never give up do you want to know why because he never did with my new Sigma lizard mentality I was blessed with the fortitude to excavate the entire Arena and deck it out with platforms just for fun now all I had to do was just break a path into this beehive so that I could summon the queen be and just be like 100% prepared like really ready wait step imp what are you doing m we’re done for we’re done for we’re done for we’re done for oh my God yep luckily I was not tweaking at the time and I was incredibly locked in this Queen B fight required the most dextrous movement of any boss so far and I actually had to like jump up and down whenever she would try to hit me from the side however with my skilled team of Fighters all I had to do was distract the boss on the ground while my operatives imp1 and M2 hit her from the back like nobody else could I’m going just let that line chill there for a second eventually I hosed her down with enough lead that she exploded into tiny pieces but but unfortunately I would have to do it all again because she just doesn’t drop enough beeswax to make a full B set just as I was about to go kill another queen bee though a goblin army spawned in huh you know I would love to pretend that this event was like a really tough moment in this run and that it tested my ability to play the game with my feet and everything but I literally just found a tree that I thought looked pretty cool and I stood next to it I don’t think I ever moved out of necessity once in this entire event at some point I think I was even just standing still and scrolling reils on my phone but eventually I realized that if I stand still they spawn less frequently so for like the last 25% I went Goblin Hunter mode and searched for every last goblin man woman and child to butcher with my machine gun and eventually the slaughter stopped and the sound of birds chirpping was all that remained and the birds they were telling me to go build a pylon in the jungle so that I could buy a pygmy necklace and I know that’s like a really specific thing for birds to say cuz like they don’t speak words or whatever but they were definitely saying it and it was not the voices in my head okay there’s a chance that it might have been the voices but eventually I got some houses constructed in the jungle and dived back down into the arena to fight queen bee once again and this time I killed her even harder than the first time and I was rewarded with enough beeswax to finish constructing my armor and shortly after the witch doctor actually decided to move into the jungle and I could get my pygmy Necklace meaning that my imp Army had quite literally doubled in size now that I had more imps than I did brain cells I decided that it was probably time to go to bed for the night it was finally a new day and I had the unique privilege of being on call with YouTubers col colossal and cataclysmic Armageddon so every once in a while I would have my farming interrupted by a British man singing a song that I haven’t heard in like eight years like the mini minitar song Oh Minar how do you however this was perfectly fine by me because it gave me the strength that I needed to dive into the dungeon in search of a few items the most important things to to me were the shadow key so that I could find a hellwing bow in Hell a Cobalt Shield so the Wall of Flesh couldn’t fling me around and a bewitching table so that I could have five whole imps this little errand took me a whopping 40 minutes and the whole time I had people from cataclysmic server asking me what else I can do with my feet but eventually I got everything I wanted set up and also set up an underground pylon for quick hell AIS I also ran around looking for Life Crystals and I finally max out my health with full health and five loyal imp soldiers to do my bidding it was finally time to get going on the hell bridge and if I’m being completely honest I definitely got lazy on this one in the past I’ve usually always gone all out and made my bridge cover the whole world and whatever but bro this is classic mode and the wall of flesh only has like 8,000 health so I just went and like found myself a hellwing bow and made a hell bridge that only covered a fifth of the map and after all this was prepared I was actually just ready to take on the final boss of pre hard mode and I was 100% right for deciding to be lazy because this whole boss fight took almost exactly 60 seconds I just ran to the right and shot my boat while my imp gunned it down with hundreds of fireballs this honestly might have been one of the easiest bosses that I had to fight in this entire run and what a wonderful note to begin with in hard [Applause] mode ah hard mode what a wonderful time it has all of the flavor of the early game except you’re already strong enough that a strong Breeze can’t just turn you inside out and now the fact that I already had five imps at any given time meant that I could just hide in Terror while my little friends killed everything in sight and this is exactly my business model as I began to farm black recluses for the spider staff if you remember when I found that pyramid earlier in my run I had also actually come across a spider D and I decided to make a mental bookmark because I knew I’d be having my fun little crew come in and incinerate all of the life within it what I didn’t prepare for mentally though was just how many of these spiders I would have to kill in order to get the armor and the summon staff getting just the armor and the spider staff took me like just under an hour all of that farming was so tiring I decided that maybe I could just like take back and relax with a nice Queen slime fight now class I’m going to give you four choices on how this fight went option one Queen slime was an easy boss just like the Wall of Flesh option two the fight was pretty difficult but I managed to squeak out like a really close Victory option three I got absolutely destroyed there’s no competition or finally option four I forget to actually summon the boss and I just log off and if you picked option four you’re wrong dude have a little more faith in me wow uh option three was the correct answer and I simply kind of just chocked it up to not having a proper Arena but little did I know this was going to be the toughest boss fight of my entire playthrough after my massive failure I decided that I at least had to make an arena which would require a large flat space I finished flattening out the entire Arena at night and then began my Arena construction the very next day or at least after I tried fishing during a blood moon but little did I know that the curse of Garrett was about to begin the curse materialized in me catching some of the most hellish creatures that I have ever seen in my entire life like this Blood eel or this hemog Goblin de nut shark sorry it was easy just let me have it please however in all of my time at the ocean not once did I fish up a dread Nautilus to get the sanguin staff if I had actually gotten that staff I 100% believe that I never would have struggled on Queen slime the way I did now some of you clowns out there might be sounding off in the comments right now about how Queen slime is not a necessary boss and I can like kind of just skip her but let me pose you a dilemma Queen slime drops a summon staff called the blade staff which when turn loose on the twins can absolutely demolish them this is opposed to the spider staff where these soy little spiders will kind of just like bounce up and down like fools and not even reach the boss because I don’t want to lay down the Great Wall of China across the entire background of my world and because of this reason Queen slime was a necessity and all I had to do was win the fight so I built up an arena above my flattened hollow biome and I just tried the boss again I did not realize quite how terrible the spiders were when they didn’t have walls and I died after doing a whopping 2400 damage pretty impressive I know so I decided to turn every single stone block I had into background walls and made a track for my spiders to run on while they fought the boss this minor Improvement alongside me learning how to use my whip to clear her summons got me into the flying phase at least where I forgot how to move side to side now is when I reach a boss fighting mode that Albert Einstein would call insanity but but I lovingly call thugging it out basically what this means is that I do the same thing over and over and expect different results I never go and improve my gear and I never learn the boss’s patterns instead I just rightfully assume that it’ll just work out someday it took me until I finally decided to join a call with Colt colossal and the building YouTuber Tommy tsunami for me to snap out of the thug St they told me that I just needed to focus on the small victories and that those would help me improve my mental state and also start making progress again so naturally when a slime rain happened I decided to beat the ever loving [ __ ] out of the queen slimes pushover of a husband King Slime and I also spat on his grave this minor morale boost inspired me to go and farm for the Queen Spider staff and also fight off a Pirate Invasion for some money I also got a pirate staff from The Invasion but everyone knows that Pirates are an after your summon so I did not use them once the great minds in the call also had me trying out fun strategies like mixing my imps and spiders or trying to change out all of my spiders for imps during the second phase okay we got rid of the spiders accidentally just dropped my Whip and now I’m not moving okay yep that didn’t work at all neither of these ideas worked for me at all and the frustration was finally pushing me to the edge I was finally at my breaking point and I was about to C I just had to do it I finally admitted that I probably needed Wings to beat this boss up until this point I had literally just been using my lightning boots and Magic carbet combo and I was just too stubborn to go and farm like four Wy burs so that I could get wings would you believe me if I told you that the fight that I W was the very first fight after I crafted my wings yeah I was so deep in the throws of depression from this fight that I was literally explaining what gooning was to Tommy a man in his 30s do you know how to goon do I don’t even know what that I don’t even know what that you don’t know what is yeah I was like you’re probably too old to know what goon is [ __ ] know what that is is that some like disgusting internet thing yeah it is I you don’t know what it is it’s usually disgusting internet thing that much I know mhm I think it’s like oh you can give it a shot women bad no no no no no no no no what what is it what is it it is the practice of and it was all because I was too stubborn to just make myself a pair of wings we really do Forge the chains that we wear in our lives however there was a massive possibility that when I finally killed Queen slime she would just not drop the blade staff and I would have to do this again and again and again oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God he can’t build with a speed it’s impossible he can’t B his hands I just figured he may as well try also uh shout out to Tommy for roasting my builds I really appreciated it at this point I was content and I decided to go to bed because I needed all of the rest that I could get for this next day’s [Music] work the next day while I was doing some morning homework as you do I noticed that Tommy was alive and I decided to pop into his YouTube stream I made myself known by asking if he was drinking a bang at 7:30 p.m. as any normal person would and eventually he said this line right here please I I just like like I want to see like I want visual confirmation that you then actually washed your keyboard okay and your mouse and and maybe even your feet so I went and purchased a keyboard cleaning kit and sent him the receipt on Discord as any normal person would so make sure that you watch until the end to see me deep clean my entire keyboard also as you’ve probably noticed by now I am just crazy good at this whole First Impressions on YouTubers thing [Music] now that I finally had a blade staff and purchased a keyboard cleaner I could finally go on to fight the mech bosses and I decided to do this in a little 2hour window that I have between classes on Fridays little did I know that I would absolutely tear through these things I started off with like a simple little twins fight and I cannot believe that 10-year-old me was dumb enough to have to look up a guide on how to beat this boss I played classic mode on 2015 in my iPad and I was not dextrous enough to pull this off I did not fall below half Health once during this entire fight with my feet and I lived happily ever after I was like kind of expecting something similar to Queen slime because she’s like technically before them in progression but I was dead wrong I melted the twins into scrap metal and used their body parts to make smaller versions of them which now that I actually think of it is maybe a little weird but that’s not my problem it’s theirs for thinking they could throw down with me now it was time for me to go and farm so that that I could make summons for the other two mechs and these two fell a bit more in line with my expectations and by that I mean that my dumb ass thought it would be so silly if I decided to use the blade staff again against both of these bosses even though I just trapped The Souls of the twins in their tiny bodies so my DPS was pretty low and I just couldn’t handle the smoke from the projectiles that either of these two bosses were throwing out fast forward a couple nights and I decided to try them yet again but with the twins this time and for both of these bosses I unfortunately made one fatal mistake in each of them exhibit a Skeletron Prime now this fight was a huge learning experience for me because this is when I discovered that in this foot World raw dodging prowess was my only way forward during this specific attempt I decided to try and use the whip that I had crafted out of hollowed bars so that my summons would like try to Target The Head and the head only but since my summons need to be like somewhat close to what they’re fighting I just focused way too hard on trying to passionately make out with skeleton’s head and I ended up getting sniped by a laser exhibit B the destroyer in this fight my fatal mistake was flying too close to the Sun much like Icarus or the detached door of a Boeing 737 because of this mistake I was punished by a sky snake that threaded its head through my chest as though I was a needle because of these two huge learning experiences I was finally ready to handle these two Mech bosses on my next attempts so once I had finally went and farmed all of the materials to summon them again I started with a Skeletron Prime fight as you can see I literally just took my foot off of the mouse and put all of my toes into gear on dodging attacks sure the fight probably took longer than it would have but as the number of projectiles decreases I become become a happier boy also I was left with this beautiful sight of skeleton’s dumb little head barreling towards me while I stood there as still as Stone and the angry wojack Skeletron just folded in sheer awe of the Chad wojack toe Biden next up I skipped right to the next Knight and fought the Destroyer now you would think that after having dialed in on my previous mistake and examining why I had lost I would try to like maybe fly lower in the sky now if you thought that you would be wrong and this is why you do not have a growth mindset any ordinary Terraria player would be afraid of the sky snake threat and would live in fear of the clouds but because I am a sigma male I decided that I must just fly higher and conquer the skies so I went into the domain of the Majestic wyvern and challenged it to Mortal Kombat once again in order to prove that I had grown as a fighter the Beast came forward to my Challenge and I turned a whip upon it and forced it into submission due to my sheer prowess as a fighter the Destroyer handed me the victory directly and gladly died at my feet um in reality having the wyvern spawn was a complete accident and I almost pissed myself when I saw that it is spawned again luckily this fight was pretty straightforward and I barely managed to squeak out of Victory after my dumbass [Music] blunder now this is when you would think that the Blessed run Saga would finally come to an end however that is right where you would be wrong this is because I decided you know I might as well look at my watch and I saw that I still had 10 minutes left before I had to leave to go to my engineering lecture so I went and did what any Sayan person would do and I was like yeah I could probably beat planta right now little did I know that I was being guided along a path of success and Glory my running Theory right now is that when forever ago I killed that blood eel I freed the tormented soul of Garrett the guide and that this was his way of showing me gratitude so I sprinted to the Jungle to try and find a plantable crazily enough there was one directly above my queen be Arena and all I had to do was dig a quick little hole so that I could fall all the way down now for many this Arena would be way too small for this boss it’s super vertical there’s no horizontal space you can’t really do much however since I beat Queen slime I now believe that my toe skills are on par with about the average 12-year-old’s ability to play this game with their hands so I was more than ready to take on classic Mode planta this fight is quite literally just flying in half circles repeatedly and taking like a little bit of caution not to run into plant’s giant balls so of course I breezed through the first phas but now we are at probably the most crucial moment in the entire fight I was trying to get off a quick little heal and as you can see my health was really low so I did what any normal player would do and I tried to use the quick heal button huge mistake upon attempting to return my foot to the space bar I accidentally clicked the M button which opened my map I panicked so hard I was trying to close my map back up and eventually I managed to do it if you remember the brain of cthulu fight I did the same thing and it resulted in me dying so I was terrified the boss was so close to being dead but so was I as you can see my toe is shaking like I have Parkinson’s disease and I am absolutely terrified but little do you know that I am also locked in okay as I get closer and closer to winning I also get closer and closer to dying it’s terrible until boom I won and now you can see the gamer expressing excitement in his natural habitat now can we get an idea of what he sounds like yeah no that’s that’s actually about what I expected so after this massive Victory I quickly pop up to buy the tiki armor from the witch doctor and I pop my shoes on and rush off to class I made it with like a minute left almost immediately after I got home from class I just hop on and start building my Golem Arena I was starting to feel so excited and you know what Golem’s such an easy boss that I cannot believe that people ever die to it I bet I could even beat it first try with my feet I can’t just to the Golem oh yeah that’s that’s not good uh Well Chad it might be over for my credibility as a gamer I’m officially washed and I suck at games luckily after my respawn timer was over a solar eclipse spawned immediately so I had a fun event to take the edge off I also had the opportunity to get myself a deadly sphere staff which is like one of the best summons at this point in the game luckily my prayers were answered and I got not only the deadly sphar staff but I killed enough moons to get the mothron wings which are like one of the best pairs of wings in the game it was at this moment that it dawned on me that I am not actually all that far off from the end of the game and this challenge began to feel really doable on top of all that I was rewarded for my patience by barely squeaking out a victory against the Golem with my new deadly sphar staff pretty much everything was going right for me and I was starting to get excited luckily the Pumpkin Moon is always there to make me feel like [ __ ] again I started farming the Pumpkin Moon because the morning Woods can drop something called a necromantic scroll which gives me yet another summon slot that would be really good for me right now what if I told you that I just didn’t get one yeah I know that would be really frustrating wouldn’t it God I hate my life now I decided that I need needed to take up gardening in order to heal my broken Soul it’s meant to be like super therapeutic is what I’ve heard and honestly it kind of was gardening in this case meant purging my world of its evil biome and now the flesh Caverns were just normal Caverns again and my NPCs could live in peace and Harmony forever and ever however I was just about to instantly disrupt their happiness once again because I’m just a menace or something I ran out to the outer third of the world and showed the Martians a picture of my feet and they sent their whole Army of course because they just wanted every single picture of my feet for themselves however I was not willing to let them have them so I killed their entire Army all by myself and also stole some of their baby spaceships for my own purposes you know does the existence of these baby spaceships also impli the existence of a spaceship iy I sure hope [Music] so now that I finally had an army of baby spaceships to fight for me it was time to go and catch a truffle worm I did not consider just how much playing with my feet would complicate this process since they’re like already famously tricky to catch remembering to have my big toe on the mouse to swing before the worms would Slither away like the slimy little snakes that they are was like a real struggle for me it no joke took me like 10 minutes to catch a single worm which I am still embarrassed about to this day however with this worm it was time for me to go and fight the Duke fishmonger the final boss of fish mongering little did I know that this fight was going to be incredibly painful without a dash item so I tried it once and immediately caved and went to farm for a necromantic scroll again and also a tabby unfortunately this video game is terrible and my pumpkin moon did not give me my delicious scroll and 25 minutes in the dungeon also did not give me a tabby so I decided to re-enter the thugging it out mentality for my queen slime fights a true Thug eventually experiences what is known as the Divine come-up in which I was rewarded for my thugging by making some actual progress I realized that I literally just had to fly in like a zigzag pattern and eventually I would just survive the second phase and Beyond so I made my dock cover the entire ocean and went to farm more worms the next morning it was finally time for my thugging out to come to True fruition it was after running the boss for about 2 hours and some words of encouragement from cataclysmic Armageddon and his daughter that I was finally able to learn the patterns well enough to beat this boss and not only did I beat the fishmonger but I also farmed his dumbass eventually I even came across the tsunami staff whose DPS makes my baby spaceships look even babier so now I decided that it was time for me to go and Fight The Lunatic cultist for a while I say for a while because I think this boss took as many attempts as the queen slime did I was just running down attempts on this boss but I was thinly veiling my rage because there was another person on the call with me at the time it wasn’t until Kata mentioned it that I realized what the actual issue was I was fighting The Lunatic cultist on call with the man who know hits bosses as the lunatic cultist kill destroy eliminate footman it was kata’s fault and his fault entirely so after he gave me an audio clip of him saying like And subscribe for completely free you can put that in your in your thing and just have me saying like And subscribe to this video yeah let see if the buttons go up endorsed by cataclysmic Armageddon I tactically decided to take a lunch break so that I could fight the lunatic cultist free from his [Music] influence it was also Kata who taught me the cultists greatest weakness you see the lunatic cultist does this fun little animation where it tries to trick you into attacking one of its clones the big problem is that if I attack one of the Clones on accident an evil dragon will swallow me ho but Kata let me in on a very valuable trade secret the real cultist doesn’t glow in the dark but the Clones do now my summons were obviously too dumb to figure this out on their own but you know that’s expected if they’re also dumb enough to listen to my dumb ass so because I was wise enough to dig a blood rainbow out of my storage all I had to do was fight the boss at night and simply click on the correct cultist and the evil dragon would remain in hell where it belongs so now that I was equipped to defeat the cultist I finally was able to rip it to shreds the cultist dropped its mask for me as well so I decided to favorite it and keep it in my inventory as a symbol that Kata would now be on my side and not against me and now it was finally time for me to do the lunar events so obviously I went and started with the pillar meant for Summoners so that I could get the best summon weapon in the game the Stardust Dragon staff I definitely chees this pillar by Saving star cells on the outside of the boundary but I’m playing with my feet God damn it just let me be happy people now that I had my scary dragon and I could Breeze through the rest of the pillars I killed off the two harder pillars and then went off to build a massive Bridge across the sky so that I could run from the final boss of this feat run Dan I mean the moon Lord this platform was about 1,000 blocks long and should totally be enough for the moon Lord now that I felt like I had made adequate preparation this fight should be easy right absolutely cooked oh damn this might take a while I don’t know why I thought this was going to be one of the bosses that I could kill on my first try I was even too lazy to get life Fruit and upgrade my health I definitely deserve to lose here so shamefully I decided to go and kill the cultist and do the lunar events all over again at least this time the cultist was easier because I had the Stardust Dragon but it was not fun having to do this again this time I also took the initiative to get some hollowed bars from the Twins and fight another Pumpkin Moon so that I could finally get myself a necromantic scroll actually I got two so I guess that’s cool but I was boiling on the inside because of this what I didn’t show for the sake of timeliness is that I have literally fought five pumpkin moons hoping to get just one of these and in the fifth one the trees are gracious and are just like yeah here are two Scrolls for your troubles now you can go kill the octopus man and I can’t help but be a little mad because I it’s just ridiculous okay it’s just stupid but I guess the trees are right it is time to go kill the octopus man or at least that’s what I thought during my second attempt YouTuber charum had the wisdom to point this out do you not have any life Fruit I realized that maybe possibly my lack of Health could be an issue but I was also too much of a beast to care until I ended up dying and then I summoned it again and I died again wait maybe maybe if I summon him again I’ll be fine nope yeah okay it had gotten so bad that I had to do another set of lunar events so maybe it would probably be best if I went and got life Fruit as a final attempt to save my sanity I went and gathered 11 life fruits and figured that that would probably be enough and I got started on the lunar events again and as I fought my way tooth and toenail through the lunar events once again I finally got the natural moonl Lord summon again during this specific fight I realized something incredibly important okay guys watch this all right you see that I took like 200 damage just as I turned around on the platform now I happen to be going to school for engineering so I know a problem when I see one and surely enough a problem was there now no no now watch this I got the forehead eye out for the first time ever coincidence probably but I like to think not now what if there was a way for me to take much less damage when turning around I don’t know let’s say that I can’t get hit rapidly bingo this right here was my greatest Revelation the universe spoke to me and I decided to listen sure I had to do the lunar events one more time but this time I had inspiration divine inspiration I was going to use my star Veil to increase my eye frames well at least I was going to but completely forgot to use it when I got the auto summon from the pillars but this run doesn’t matter we forget about that that’s a fake run it’s not real okay I still had three whole Celestial sigils and a dream so I went and put on my star Veil and went to face the final boss of this run as you can see I was completely locked in I thought back to the friends that I had lost along the way like Garrett who was a true friend of mine we were really good friends I swear or my imp platoon that fought tirelessly for me they never gave up all right and I couldn’t give up all of them were inside of me at this moment like really really deep inside of me now watch this right here death ray dodged because I was still in my eye frames and after the eyeball pops out I managed to use eye frames once again to dodge death could this be the Run finally the moon Lord decided to open his heart to me baby but things were starting to look pretty dire in my health department my life was below 100 but my dragon was firmly latched onto the moon Lord’s fast Beating Heart now we’re at the very end and wait that that projectile right there is it’s about to hit me nope that stupid projectile literally sold the entire fight and exploded a millisecond before hitting me if it had just a little bit more gas I would have probably Di died both in the video game and in real life from an aneurysm and the moon Lord would have actually won against me but instead I beat Terraria using only my feet however there is still a bit of Unfinished Business left for me to [Applause] do this keyboard has been subjected to athletes foot and the rot for the last 28 hours and I think it’s turned a well-deserved cleaning so that’s what’s happening right now so when I originally wrote this script I had not actually uh cleaned the keyboard yet and to my surprise this took me 45 minutes nobody told me that my keyboard would be this horrendously disgusting but anyway thank you guys so much for watching this video was a labor of love and whatever but you know that’s not important what’s important is that you all like And subscribe no uh but in all seriousness something about this run was really special to me it had been an idea that I had floating around since like last August or so and that’s why the messages with Colt were like that old I uh I never expected this to take this long but you know freshman year of college and my graveyard Factory job last summer hit pretty hard so if you were wondering why this video came out 14 months after the last one there’s your reason uh but since then I’ve gotten so much more in touch with the Terraria content creation scene and I’ve met so many cool people like the ones with cameos in this video and I’ve also been featured in a couple videos on some other people’s channels uh and I’m just immensely grateful for all of the opportunities I’ve had so far in this community and I’m just really looking forward hopefully to the Future so thank you so much for your continued support on the streams and make sure to keep tuning in because things are about to get epic in that department but I’ll uh I’ll stop talking your ears off for now and this keyboard is starting to look pretty clean now so all I want to say is thanks for watching and have a great day or night and I’ll catch you in the next one peace [Music]

I literally beat terraria with my feet in this video ok. Sorry for spoiling that.

0:00 Intro
1:45 Early Game
6:06 Fishmonger Arc
7:20 Eye of Cthulhu Arc
9:53 Let’s Find The Ocean
11:46 Tundra Arc
13:18 Brain of Cthulhu Arc
15:35 Big Bones, Bigger Boy
16:59 Hell Arc
19:07 Goblin Deez Arc
20:24 You Want Some Wall With All That Flesh
22:09 Early Hardmode
23:39 Queen Slime Arc
28:11 TommyTsunami Arc
28:58 Blessed Run Saga
32:34 The Blessed Run Continues?
35:01 Embarassment Arc
37:11 The Duke Fishmonger
39:37 We’re In The Endgame Now
41:16 The Void
45:10 Gunk City

_____Music Credits_____
GCN Yoshi Circuit – Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Toad Factory – Mario Kart Wii
Honeyhive Galaxy – Super Mario Galaxy
Map (Night) – Tomodachi Life
Dodo Airlines Airport Theme – Animal Crossing New Horizons
1NF3$+@+!0N – DM DOKURO
Able Sisters Theme – Animal Crossing New Horizons
Snowy – Undertale
Asgore – Undertale
Bonetrousle – Undertale
White Wafers Bonus Area – Kirby’s Return To Dreamland
Flower Duet – Lud and Schlatt’s Musical Emporium
Spear Of Justice – Undertale
Spider Dance – Undertale
Shy Guy Falls – Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
N64 Royal Raceway – Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Jungle Day – Terraria
Sweet Sweet Canyon – Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Wii Coconut Mall – Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Driftveil City – Pokemon Black and White
Death By Glamour – Undertale
Hopes and Dreams – Undertale
11 PM – Animal Crossing New Horizons

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And make sure to subscribe for more content in the future

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#terraria #gaming #gamingchallenge #wyeeett #difficult #funny #editing #comedyskits


  1. Actually Dahmer found Jesus and was baptised, so it might just be the Queen down there after all. Her punishment is having to play Terraria with her feet for all eternity

  2. There is a certain caffeinated gay youtuber that basically always beats games with his feet on a dance pad.

    Tho this is a lot more impressive so good job!

  3. This is the weirdest terraria playthrough I’ve ever jornked my peepnits to.
    All jokes aside this was actually a really cool run, and I loved the jokes and edits. Great stuff dude, subscribed

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