Calamity Infernum, but I’m the GUNNER Class – FULL MOVIE

in this video I will be playing as the Gunner class in Terraria Calamity Inferno mode if you did not know infernum is a mode that modifies the already heart-based Calamity to be much more painful will I be able to survive and win the game or will I fall in the process and become a masochist make sure you stick until the end I promise you won’t regret the badest ending and I also did some funny exploits this video consists of multiple Parts indicated by the time stamps feel free to skip to any of the following segments if you’ve already watched them before and Please Subscribe as only a small percentage of you guys are actually subscribed grab a popcorn and enjoy the movie all right let’s start this play through shall we I’m going to chop off some trees while I was chopping off trees something fell down it was an eucalyptus appp this item summons a pet sugar glider and turns out it only has a 0.1% chance of dropping well that’s a lucky start then I open the Calamity starter back to receive tons of beginner items I decided I’ll be going the gun class in this play through because I’ve done through my life before I almost forgot to enable the infernum difficulty but here our journey starts since I’ll be doing the Gunner class I need to go to the corruption by ASAP to get myself the musket from breaking Shadow orbs I just have to get lucky and find the correct pit to fall can’t be that hard right I’ve been through five damn different bits and all of them are dead ends without realizing the day has turned night so I decided to build some insta houses first because I really need the Arms Dealer NPC I was too bored to wait for the morning so I went back to the corruption I want that musket at last finally I found the right hole I wanted to break the shadow orb over there I successfully bombed it down and he dropped the musket but right when I was about to acquire it I ran out of breath and drown amazing well that’s a pain in the ARs to grab it back anyways I went back to the hole and acquired my first weapon in this play through the musket now I can finally defend my property with my deadly firearm just like a true American on the morning I went to the desert biome to farm some desert feathers a material I need for the desert Prowler armor then the Arms Dealer moved in so I had to buy some ammunitions first before continuing my exploration oh hey look an inner tube I look goofy as hell with his inner tube I love it I explored and looted a living tree I Tred to explore the underground jungle biome only to become piranha food I found this huge mahogan leing tree though it was a huge mistake to bomb down the hi blocks but yeah the huge mahogan leing tree led to a huge Queen beehive this will be a useful location for later one of the wool from enemies drop a rer drive an accessory that gives you the defensive barrier pretty cool then I went to the right side of the ocean I just wanted to get some useful loots man I keept getting tubes and trash loots but I did not want the exploration to be a waste so I bomb down some ORS and gems in the caves once I get home I crafted the W from bler boss it got an annoying modifier so I had to craft another one this thing is a decent early game range gun I also crafted a topas hook to at me in Mobility after organizing my crafting stations and crafting a loom I realized I forgot to grab some cop webs so I bought more boom shurikens from the demolitionist NPC and I proceeded to EXP Explore More of the underground near spawn will you look at that a spider web biome I’m not too unlucky after all I got a web Slinger Hook from one of the chest remember kids with great power comes great exavation I gathered a lot of cobwebs in the next chest I got an eye of to who spawn well that’s pretty neat then I found this weird location with like an enchanted sword thing it kept saying the X reject your attempt at claiming the blade huh anyways I went back home and crafted the desert Prowler armor the first range armor in this play through it has a special ability that makes you fast but reduces your defense I tried my luck with the two random teleportation potions I found only to end up in the Underworld and getting brutally slaughtered by a foodoo demon well at least I did not die alone while I was exploring I found this corruption altar it gives an FG a corruption key and a lot of money well that’s pretty useful then I explored the underground S I got myself some crappy loot while I was exploring I got a message of an evil presence watching me while some of you might think is lucky in my case it is not because I just found a Ron lab that I could have explored I had to quickly go back to spawn just because of the message I had not even built a proper arena there is no way I could defeat the eye of Tulu right now but to be fair I’m dealing a decent amount of damage to the eye but the problem is my lack of preparation and Arena not to mention I don’t have any Mobility accessories then I did the stupidest thing possible by trying to talk to the nurse to heal myself wait what oh I forgot infernum nurse can’t heal during boss fights okay F you anyways back to the snow Dron lab you go to destroy the laser turrets first I destroyed the turrets by mining it below the blocks they located just to to be sure I destroyed every single turret in the lab yes including this one under the water so I can get access to the ice chest I got a diving gear pretty nice I did a lot of Mining and exploration and gathered some useful loots in the process then I used the teleportation potion and it teleported me to the underground jungle this feels dangerous but I’ll try to get as many loots as possible I got a boom stick from one of the Jungle mini shr I did not want to be greedy so I teleported back home then I use the gravitation potion to find some floating Sky Islands I’ll explore the main Big Planet o later well I got quite disappointing Sky Island loot but at the end right when I found a sky island I got brutally slaughtered by a group of harpies well that’s just perfect now I have to build to reach that Sky Island does this look funny to you I swear I am going insane finally I reach up the sky island all that effort for a single shiny red balloon but hey it ain’t that bad I needed it I explored a bit of the s for a se but I got nothing maybe I’m doing it wrong I went back to looting caves and hey I found awarding heres boot pretty nice then I got the fungal s from the glowing mushroom biome chest this thing used to be a life saer during my TR melee playthrough I got a clo in the bottle from this gold chest then on the marble biome I found a skeleton American NPC apparently this guy is selling a Caron of milk damn my dad should have met this dude he’s been searching for milk for 10 years now then I Farm Life results in order to max out my HP as night time I try to give a ofu another shot oh no oh no damn it I did craft some silver bullets to help increase my damage I was so stupid to think that it would help yeah I think I should buy the mini shark what could possibly go wrong there is a goblin army approaching from oh it’s a morning it’s morning already [ __ ] a goblin infection started the next morning well that’s fortunate I wouldn’t say the goblin infection is hard by any means and Ranger is definitely a safe class because you can hit enemies from afar but the damage it deals is barely tackling the enemies the community told me it’s because of the high armor enemies have in infernum I starting to regret my class choice but yeah I completed the goblin invas with much e yet too much time consumed as it is the next night I crafted some potions I am also starting to regret spending 95% of my earnings and buying the mini shark the community told me that Boomstick is better due to the high armor boses receive in infernum though I was able to consistently get I ofu to its second phase but I don’t think I’m ready yet I bought bloody tier from the Abomination NPC I turned it into blood orbs then I crafted the crack shot cult this gun might look basic at first but you can use it to toss a coin the Ricochet bullets re heart mode is B to Be Wild then the traveling American NPC came I wanted to buy the Frost shield so I sold a lot of my gold bars and silver bars then I bought a slime rain spawner from Abomination and summon a slime rain I realized that crack shot cult isn’t the best at clearing a lot of enemy waves I switched to my mini shark and it went better so it turns out buying mini shark wasn’t a complete waste after all then out of a random nowhere I got jump scared by the King Slime damn he is really big that was unexpected the first phas went like the usual King Slime it is easy and chill and it went smoothly but the moment King Slime entered his face too he summons this floating Ruby Joel that shoots out projectiles and the fight just got at least three times harder trust me it is harder than it looks I successfully manage to take down the Ruby J the fight went back to being easy then as my guard is down King Slime summon the crown JL again I hate this fight out of a random nowhere the ninja came out of King slime’s body I can’t believe I am seriously getting overwhelmed by a literal King Slime the easiest boss in Teraria [Music] then finally I took down the annoying floating Ruby jel now all is left is King slime’s Main body with my low HP can I manage to defeat him the King Slime itself wasn’t a huge problem at all it was the projectile spam so the answer to that question is yes yes I can I got a slimy sdl mon from the treasure bag the first boss has been successfully defeated in infernum I spent the next days fishing it was extremely boring but finally I got myself the reer shark pickaxe reer shark did not get Nerf in Calamity I did not want to stop there no no I also wanted the frog legs so I spent another 2 days fishing I know it’s very boring but luckily I just remembered I have the point shop mod I just have to beat enemies for points bro look at this ugly shark it almost killed me though so I ended it suffering then I redeemed the Frog Lex from the point shop the crat I fish gave me quite some loot very nice and I farm for some bit materials for an armor later I made a hole for water to fall down and create obsidian with the lava I Min on the obsidian I and accidentally killed myself with the laa then I used an instant elator to get myself to the underworld now I will proceed to get some hell Stones okay bad idea let’s redo it again this time with Obsidian Skin Potion all right it’s much better I am single-handedly ruining the hone ecosystem and economy in the Underworld I got the food to from one of the Demons now that I have hell Stones I crafted some birds from it then I used the birds to craft the Firestorm Cannon this thing is an upgrade to the flare gun I bought a lot of blue flares from the American NPC and I turn it into unlimited flare blue flares look better than regular ones and you can’t say otherwise then I bomb down the desert on the right side to get myself to the underground desert biome i m on some desert fossils for the fossil armor later I love the or exavator mod then while I was exploring the underground desert I found the desert Shrine it contained the luur give accessory inside of the chest this accessory basically lets the player shoot extra projectiles I went back home and sifted through a lot of desert fossils on the extract lator then I crafted the fossil armor I should be ready for a of Tulu now so I summon the eye boss let’s just say that maybe I am a bit too overprepared because I am doing really good DPS to the eye it is not broken or anything it is still Balan but it just felt really powerful during I Phase 2 it dashes more often and it shoots out R to it upwards that functions like dangerous Hazard but it was not really an issue because my damage really made the duration of the fight much shorter but like come on I’m using hellstone tier fire storm Cannon and on top of that the addition of my newly found luur gift and yeah just right before morning started I successfully kiled I might have offer gear it just a bit too much but hey if it works it works I got the shield of Tulu which gives me the ability to dash knowing I have powerful gears I crafted the desert Medallion then I head towards the desert biome to summon the next boss the desert [Music] scorge the fight wasn’t even a challenge I definitely overprepared and especially with my shield of tuu I can easily Dodge most of these big worm’s attacks honestly I should have fought desert Scorch first don’t get me wrong this fight was fun but it was definitely much easier than indri King Slime or IE of Tulu I’m literally using a weapon made out of hellstone materials and as you guys might have already expected theer scor only took me one try I mean are you guys even surprised I got Pearl shards from the treasure back which I turned into see remains using that I crafted a r blow gun a blow gun that fires a high pressure stream of Bubbles and the FTI armor the armor and the weapon fits very well together I created an arena on the corruption biome and I destroyed the hi tumor to summon the hi mine due to my sheer confidence Boost from easily defeating the two previous bosses I tried to fight the hman to see if I’m strong enough I mean the fight went pretty smoothly at first I realized that my fire STM Cannon might be dealing more damage than my red blow gun so I switch to that is Hyman just this naturally tanky I think it’s just because I’m underprepared isn’t it or maybe it’s just because I’m aiming randomly probably because of that but hey I’m dodging this attacks really well if I keep this up I could beat this boss yeah however H man got into his face two when I took it down below 50% HP it received new attacks like it walls and green acid flamethrower this new text ruined my confidence boost really quickly to be fair I’m quite new to the infernum scene and I don’t really know what’s going on most of the time I haven’t really learn how the boss pattern SE works and all I’m just finding excuses for my death am I I tried to fight the h m again got the big disgusting brain to its face too but yet again wasn’t as prepared as I thought so I decided to postpone the fight for later and I created an arena on the Underground corruption I threw a bomb on the third Shadow or and prepared myself to fight against The Ether of Worlds I don’t know why but infernum ether of world is kinky as hell why does it keep trying to pin me against the wall dude I not into this but thankfully I escape the corner maybe I made the arena too small infernum eer receed new Tex sters flame Fireballs that shoot out from both of his body parts and mouth and even summoning file torn walls indicated by launch all while charging on the player thankfully it has no immunity to the on fire debu so my fire storm Cannon might be a good weapon choice but as you can see infernum chain cheater OFA by combining it into a single entity instead of separate entities which means piing weapons can’t Cho it anymore this buff alone made this but extremely timec consuming and hard the worst part the Eater of w splits into two separate worms on you beat one down complete with their own Ai and attacks so you’re basically fighting more than one eer of BS at once this change alone caught me off guard I definitely lack preparation and good gears for the fight and I lost against the eer of Worlds so instead I went to the glowing mushroom biome and I summoned the crabulon boss the reason I wanted to fight crabulon first is because I am sure it is much easier than ether of WS and also it drops fungi side which is one of the Ranger weapon I need in order to make The Ether fight easy easier crabulon releases damaging mushroom SP clouds every time it slimes the ground it is also able to summon thin walls of damaging mushroom bols that pierces from the ground the third time I fought crabulon I successfully brought it down to its phase two where crabulon is now able to grow its arm and use it to slam the ground creating damaging mushroom Rubble upwards that range down I feel like adding the arm slime deck makes krablin fight a bit harder than I expected I wasn’t able to dodge it perfectly and got hit few times it is not hard to dodge it’s just that I was underestimating crabulon due to how easy this boss in original Calamity on my fourth try I was very close to dying but I managed to successfully evate most of the mushroom slime Rain by fitting to its cices and dashing with my shield of Tulu and I successfully defeated the crabulon the first treasure back did not drop the fungi side gun I needed but it dropped the mushroom plasma root which I consumed to upgrade my adrenaline meter and the fungal clam accessory which summons this fungal clam to fight for me by latching onto enemies and stealing their life I had to fight crabulon again for the fungi side this time because of my fungal clam accessory and because I was used to the attacks I defeated KRA easily for the second time and luckily the treasure bag contain the fite gun fungi site is a gun that converts musket balls in the fungal rounds that split on death this combined with the funga syot is a deadly sporadic combo then I explored the underground cence and found a bounded Goblin tinkerer I bought the tinkerer workshop and rocket boots from him using the workshop I upgraded a lot of my accessories like getting clo in a bottle and frost spk boot now I should be ready to fight ether of world my gear sh be in Max already due to the accessory upgrades I crafted earlier however during the fight I forgot that fungi side that uses musket balls as ammunition and I ran out of it I switched to my fire storm cannon that deals way too little damage so I just decided to give up and die the next round I fought it I brought a lot more ammunition and smoothly took eer down to his face two it was definitely worth to defeat kraban first because the damage fi side deals might look small but its ability to split and hit multiple body parts of ether HS is extremely useful and I think I did a great job smti dodging all of The Ether attacks I thought it was offered after I defeated two of The Ether worms but I was terribly wrong because this guy split into four worms during e phase 3 there are so much [ __ ] show happening on my screen at once I couldn’t really tell what’s happening but luckily my health wasn’t low during it phase three so I could do a rky strategy by face tanking some of his incoming attacks and I B through this face using my Fung side resulting in me successfully defeating the ether of worlds for some reason it dropped two treasure bags might be a buck but hey I’ll take it I got the worm scarf and more Demonite ores while I’m still in the corruption biome I see kit and decided to straight up fight the H mine as well I mean I got the worms scarf now and I also have upgraded my accessory I should be able to do it right I got used to Hy man Phase 2 and I was able to smoothly Dodge most of the incoming projectiles for Hy M I use fire storm Cannon instead of fiso because it’s harder to properly aim with funis side but I could just spread The Firestorm Cannon flares around so at least one or two flares will hit the Hy mine then out of a sudden as I brought Hy mine down to 20% HP it got into its final phase the sky turned dark pale purple with new far of attacks that are more dangerous yes I died I summoned the Hy man again during night time this way it is much easier to see the incoming project Iles look at the smooth Dodge I did I dodged all the acetan projectiles I felt like a protoo player for a second I successfully took Hy mine down to its Final Phase again all the attacks are improving faster like the E Wall being able to go in crook directions I died to the Hy mine one last time I learned all the attack patterns and I slip through the cices of the acid rain I prepared my health just in case one of the attacks hit me then right at the end I used my rage meter to take the hi mine down Hy mine didn’t drop any notable loots for Ranger however beating Hy mine gives acccess to being able to mine ores these ores are located in the sky islands and I M plenty of them I crafted a sky mill then I used the IR light you know what I’m saying to craft the full iros spec Ranger armor set I also crafted plenty of acceleration rounds I went to the underground desert to find the sun can Z in the Midway I found the Inferno desert temple which will be useful for later but we can access the dimension now then right at the bottom of the underground desert I found the sun can sea I have to admit it does look beautiful more beautiful than the sulfurous sea but the we are here is for the prism shards I need these prism shards to craft the aqua Shard shotgun while destroying the sun canc I encountered a radon lab I went inside of it and looks like this one is aquatic Ted I did not get anything useful from the chest in the lab but hey at least the lab looks cool I like the aquarium I went back to base and crafted an aqua Shard shotgun this shotgun converts musket balls into Aqua shards but I think I forgot to use the regular musket balls I went back to the S can SE and I cleared up some space for an arena to fight a giant clam of course I conveniently found the giant clam killing in my Arena I just made I just to be lucky like that giant clam is a mini boss that is a giant clam quite self-explanatory infernum giant clam is not too different from the original version but it does have slightly more advanced attacks I almost took down this mini boss on my first try but there is a random spiky Turtle does St loock me it’s always these tiny mobs man and yeah I died it’s quite embarrassing giant clam is not necessarily an important BS that I need to beat but hey I got to defeat all the bosses you know anyways I beat the giant clam on my second try beating the giant clam unlocks the SE King NPC I bought the coral Cannon weapon from this guy look at all this infernum trophies very cool eh I went to the jungle biome and headed inside this huge mahogan tree with’ encounter before in our play through as we’re going to fight the queen be inside this huge Hollow beehive I meet the quick Arena inside the hi then I destroy the Lara to sumon the queen bee something weird happened while I was fighting this queen bee another one spawned out of nowhere I was obviously overwhelmed by handling more than one queen bee at once and yes I died all right let’s do this all over again against Queen B I use my Coral Cannon and Capt shooting upwards without properly aiming because I am too focused at dodging the queen be’s attacks I couldn’t be bothered to aim properly infernum Queen be feels like an artillery attack helicopter with all this creative variation of be attacks she’s also now able to utilize and control her Beast properly man I can feel a ranger claw being underpowered because it took really long to bring Queen be heal down I keep getting knock Away by the swarm of be at times but there are also times when I’m actually quite proficient at dodging the swarm of bees I got the queen be to her low HP that she turned into enrage form I I think I might have just killed too many of her children well yeah I almost killed her but well I died man that’s unbelievable I don’t get it Vons are not even all that great I don’t get what all the buzz is about but it’s true that some of these Vons are not too shabby all right I’ll stop I don’t want to bug you okay for real this time yeah I successfully killed Quinn bee on the second attempt I got the flying be Mount which is great I guess man it sucks that b gun is Mage class not range I could have used it it is time for Skeletron I built a quick Arena and I spoke to the homeless chiy gaming in the dungeon entrance to summon the Skeletron itself from what I’ve looked and heard Skeletron is a huge massive road block of prehart mode in infernum and damn infernum Skeletron is really fast bro’s been working on leg day way too much despite having no legs looks like infernum Skeletron consists of three phases the first phase is actually quite easy it consists of low HP and similar to the original version I immediately took it down to its second phase you can already tell its next phases are going to be painful because on the second phase you’re immediately greeted by of purple projectiles but hey I actually did a great job at dodging lots of these projectiles you know considering this is my first try you got to commend me for that but I think once you get hit once you’ll start to lose your integrity and get even more hits in row so yeah you might not want to get hit even once man I understand why they put Cobalt Shield po Skeletron because some of these attacks can perak KN you I already know this is going to be downhill from here so I built a house with a bed beside the dungeon I wish there was an item that gives you immunity to knockback before Skeletron it would help this fight so much but hey it’s just the the first death it couldn’t be that bad right I hate Skeletron so [ __ ] much but I think at this try I got Skeletron to its final face it can do like a skull right now at least an improvement from my part yep that’s it [ __ ] off but I ain’t no coward the next day in real life I fought Skeletron again I want to get this [ __ ] over with there are moments when I’m extremely close to dying but no I won’t give up finally I took down Skeletron to its final face I push forward to the last remaining percentage of Skeletron health I successfully did it I defeated infrom Skeletron finally we are now able to access the dungeon as we enter the dungeon I found a bonded mechanic I don’t want to spend too much time in the dungeon as we only need some bounds from defeating enemies for necro armor Cobalt shield and handgun I luckily found handgun on the third lock chest and a Cobalt shield on the fourth chest chest once I went back home I immediately upgraded my handgun to a PHX Bluster I know it’s filla but it ain’t that bad and I upgraded the Cobalt shield into Obsidian Shield I crafted the dear clop summoning item on the demon altar then I went to the snow biome to make an arena and I summoned the deerclops I’mma be real with you I don’t want to fight the Der clops at all it doesn’t drop any loots that I really needed but I just have to defeat all the bosses you know infernum der clops pH one is not too different from the original one but like it has these two ice walls that keep you inside of the Arena I need to fix my Arena because de clubs kept going inside of the water yes I died Let Me Mine this meteorite crator first that I should have Min earlier I turned some of it into a Super Ball bullets looks like placing wood on top of the water doesn’t help with a deerclops being stuck in the water issue just kill me already man all right I covered the water with wood let’s summon the deerclops again it face one is glorified original deerclops it is quite hard to dodge all the attacks but the damage isn’t too high but apparently on its face two you get R inside the circle Shadow Arena and it can shoot deadly Superman red eye beam I really need to adapt to it face too it’s Unique though I like it before continuing on I crafted the necro armor first I should have done this even before fighting deerclops I think necro armor really improved my Pace during the deerclops fight I think I did pretty smoothly this time my skills has improved for the de clubs phase to looks like I’m getting very close to taking de clubs to his Final Phase but at this point my health was extremely low in this Final Phase D clops has like floating ghost hands that keeps bothering you I was so close to defeating this annoying snow dog but I died right at the end I refought the deerclops again I like the deerclops design and all but I always find fighting deerclops a bit useless you know but hey I manag to defeat deerclops on like the fifth try I think like I said before it doesn’t drop any useful loots for me at least I drank the gravitation potion then I explored some Sky Islands I finally explored the dreon laap in the main space planetoid I think I got some few useful dreon laap stuff but I don’t know nothing I really need to use for now I got a star Fury from a random Sky Island I crafted a slime God summoning item on a demon altar on the next day I summoned the slime God I don’t think slime goat is hard in fact contrary to many people opinions it is easy I know he had slime goat on my second Dy back in the day the main key to the beting Slime goat is having a huge ass Arena don’t worry I not that good I still die to infernum slime God on that night a Blood Moon started out of nowhere so before continuing to fight a slime God why not Farm some money first in the blood moon I’m Shing through the blood moon like butter I stripe on my diving gear as I wanted to get the Archer fish gun first before continuing on fighting slime God I fly remember it’s like located in the abys chest so me being a [ __ ] monkey I explor like the whole abys which is like hard mode content I [ __ ] you not I don’t even know how I managed to reach this far yet I’ve encountered zero abys chest this is literally almost the deepest steps of the abys okay never mind it actually is the deepest steps of the abys I might just mind the tus on prehart mode I just do be having pick intelligence like that [Music] turns out they made Archer face into a craftable weapon in infernum all that effort for nothing in order to craft it I had to beat the acetan to get sulfuric scales man this even is easy I’ve always SK PR heartb AIT Rin this is actually the first time I’m doing it now that I obtain all the materials I crafted the Archer fish this gun shoots like a stream of water I think they might have nerfed the damage though now that I have the Archer fish it is time to fight the Slime godat again slime godat is basically like like slime King but on steroids honestly the fight was kind of boring slime Gods Attack typically consists of shooting out like variations of slime spheres on its face to slime got splits itself into big red slime and purple slime both of them are extremely tanky it is very hard to take their health down here is the part where it gets extremely annoying I defeated one of the big slime but weirdly enough the slime God kept despawning from me this happened multiple times it is very annoying after scrolling through Calamity Discord turns out you have to defeat both of the slime God at once yes you need to do that for them to not disa this is genuinely a very annoying bug after I figured it out I took slime go to its Final Phase it unlocks new variants of attacks that are essentially a combination of the purple and red slime I died to slime God face two multiple times however the most annoying part is I have to fight this guy all over again slime God Is by no means a hard boss like I’mma be real with you it is somewhat easy but it’s extremely annoying to deal with it is very tanky and it has unnecessarily annoying feature yeah I’m not a big fan of this boss after wasting too much time I successfully defeated the Slime go I opened the treasure back and got the electroly gel pack to upgrade my adrenaline meter I turned the gels drop from slime God into sty gel armor and The gung shotgun my gear should be ready against wall of flesh now that we finish most of prehart mode content I jump down the insan elator to go to the underworld I meet an arena in the Underworld let’s give wall of fles a [Music] shot okay the first try is actually horrible all you need to know is the arena is not long enough while trying to extend the arena I found the underworld Ron lab ah the funny lab with the murasama bring brings me memories every time I also paid a visit to the infernum profan Garden biome we’ll explore this biome further in heart mode we’ll need this biome to fight the profan trio and Providence later let’s give the Wall of Flesh a second shot my stubborn ass kept trying to fight Wall of Flesh despite having a cramped Arena took me quite some days to realize that I made the arena way bigger this time this should help with the fight a lot more infernum wall of flesh is able to shoot like laser from its eyes and like the eyes pop off and fly out from its organs veryu some yet awesome the ice float around you and shoot purple laser I faded the purple laser quite nicely that might be a lie because I’m not showing you the embarrassing part where I got hit and there is this one attack where Wall of Flesh does its laser wall of face I kind of screwed it up because I was unprepared also you can’t be too far away from the wall of flesh because if you do so this guy can summon tentacles that can damage you damn infernum wall of flesh do be kinky I am now able to dodge the laser wall face quite nicely I think that might possibly be a lie because I still died a lot [Music] I am really not the best at dodging these projectiles but hey I managed to thrive through because not going to lie gunshot deals really good damage even though it doesn’t appear to be flashy or look very strong trust me it is not bad at all then there we go I managed to successfully defeat Wall of Flesh well that wasn’t too hard I opened the treasure back and I consumed the demon heart to gain one more accessory slot then as we went back to spawn we were immediately greeted with a heart mode Goblin infection which wasn’t too hard to deal with after that that I went to the corruption underground to farm some Cur Flames from the new heart mode corruption enemies using the Cur Flames I was able to craft the curse Capper an upgrade to the phix Blaster while it is not too good of a weapon it is cheap to craft and gets the job done I turn my worms SC into a brain of Confusion And I crafted The Amalgamated brain an accessory that gives me a chance to dodge attacks then I M down some freshly spawn Paladium ores while I was mining I met a bone wizard NPC I bought a crystal ball from him I turned the Paladium or into bars and crafted the Paladium armor the set bonus gives us greatly increased life regeneration then I went to the brimson CRA biome I farmed down the heart mode enemies there to get some essence of HW on that night I bought a shotgun and an illegal gun part from the arm stealer NPC I combine both of the materials to graft a weapon called the butcher it is a shotgun that shs slow at first but the firing speed ramps up the longer you shoot it I turned my C Flames into iure and crafted some iure bullets I also turned the iure bullets into endless ammo using crystal ball all right now we should be ready for combat to test the damage we are going to be testing our newly crafted butcher against wall of life I got to be honest despite butcher being an early heart mod weapon and having a cheap crafting recipe this shotgun performs way much better than I expected as long as you ramp it up to its maximum speed it was able to kill Wall of Flesh in under 30 seconds that is very impressive and yes it took me like six Wall of Flesh to finally get the ranger emblem accessory I have incredible RNG luck then I went to the underground Hollow and use boom shurikens to mine down some Crystal Shards and also to obtain a Galatin Crystal a summoning item for Queen slime after doing all that I went to the hollow surface and summoned Queen slime herself immediately you can already notice a huge difference in the fight as now Queen slime is actually a fun boss to fight not just another further optional boss despite being infernum I got to say quein slime difficulty is not too hard but it is still nothing to scoff at I do have to say that quein slime is my most favorite heart mode infernum boss because they manag to somehow successfully turn a boring boss into something Majestic the only part of the fight that I kind of dislike is when it shoots a spiky crystal balls it is not too hard to dodge but it made the fight kind of bullet hellish which I do not like a quick smart tip is to wait for a night time before summoning Queen slime as you can see the attack visuals more clearly during the night if you notice I am not using any wings for the fight because early heart mode wings are terrible balloons are just way Superior phase two of the fight is where it gets super interesting Queen slime is now able to shoot majestical Detro laser beams and yes this is the reason why I absolutely love this fight since Queen slime is one of my most favorite infernum boss fight naturally I was accustomed to dodging most of the attacks I say most because it is still Inferno it is still hard I do have to credit our Bucher shotgun for helping us to make a quick and steady work out of Queen slime which lets me finish her off by doing a back shot Queen slime is now defeated from the treasure back I got the queen slime Mount and we also got the dissonance hook which lets us teleport to the location we hook I much prefer regular hooks though we are missing some pieces for the crystal assassin armor set so I proceed to kill more Queen slime obtaining the full armor set in the process the set bonus of this armor grants us the ability to do a powerful Dash then I went to the underground snow biome I farmed down the enemies there to obtain essence of Alum using those I crafted a cryo key a summoning item for cryogun then I used the key to summon him on the surface no biome cryog again might have one of the easiest first face out of all the Inferno bosses most of the attacks are projectile spam you can either Dodge them pretty easily or you can just tank most of the attacks but for the most part you just got to keep up your momentum so that your movement speed is faster than the projectile speed don’t get me wrong it is still a cool boss I like the idea of surrounding the player in ice pillars limiting their freedom of movement resulting in us having a slightly harder time dodging the Ice Crystal bullet hell but me personally myself I think the ice pillar is a bit too short and I was never really a big fan of the bullet hell Concept in the first place and the best way to describe him is similar of a tutorial boss for a bullet hell game however I would not underestimate cryogen completely because during his Final Phase cryogen starts to lose his schol the intervals between his attacks are way much faster resulting in him attacking in much more dangerous and unpredictable patterns most often charging directly at you dealing very high damage I guess you can say he is no longer chill but with the help of increased Mobility from teras spark boots and utilizing the dashes from Crystal assassin armor set we were able to defeat cryogen freeing the arch mage NPC in the process I talked to him and bought the frostbite Blaster I open kryan treasure back but the only useful loot I got is a soul of kogen a somewhat decent heart mode wings that drops icicle on its part I thought the frostbite Bluster would be a good weapon due to it having good DPS something I realized later that it’s actually Dark Water I crafted a mechanical eye and on that night I decided to use it and summon the twi twins as my first mechanical boss to fight little did I know nor expect this fight is hard the twins move extremely fast the horizontal and vertical speed of our Sol of cryogen wings were not able to catch up not to mention frostbit Bluster can barely hit the twins due to its sluggish fire rate I switch back to my trusty balloons and my reliable berer shotgun they modify the twins to be way much faster and dangerous in the most annoying way possible Spas matism breads their flame more often and Sho their Fireballs wider burning your ARS into crisp while reenager hops on steroids juicing up their Rel laser Firepower capabilities to its maximum potential it might look visually cool but it is genuinely extremely irritating to fight this boss they do have one new attack during phase two which is this laser death R nuke Fireball spin around combo I am bad at naming attacks this attack does look cool but while it is a bit hard to dodge it it doesn’t deal too high of a damage its final face on the other hand is on a whole another level yes once you bring down one of the two twins the one you brought down first will get a desperation phase spasm can now do a flamethrower Be Blood Spin and speed out deadly acidic flame straight up from Chernobyl and ratiner becomes an ADHD Indus ler Terminator with the sole purpose of ripping apart the player’s butt cheeks this desperation face alone almost made me quit infernum and also the main reason why this video took longer than expected to make while the visuals of the desperation face might look cool I definitely regreted choosing the twins as my first mechanical boss to fight something I noticed ratiner Final Phase is much harder than spazmatism even though I like ratiner final phas more I ended up going with spazmatism just because it is slightly easier and honestly I just wanted to get this fight over with I got to admit The Amalgamated brain accessory really came in handy as it allows me to dodge some near dead scenarios and finally I was able to successfully take down the twins that was way too much effort for just one mechanical boss the twins barely give us any reward apart from Soul of sight M and oricalcum now generate in the underground and so I M on both of them I turned both of them into bars and crafted a heart mod unfill then I crafted both materal oricalcum armor but after some DPS testing I ended up using oricalcum because it is more defensive I crafted the other two mechanical BOS summoning item and on that night I tried using the filla boss exploit to chase infernum Destroyer for reference it is this video right here made by terel Sly it didn’t work against infernum Destroyer it did not work on infernum Skeletron Prime either so there goes my plan then I went to the sulfury to gather some materials in here I met the clamity fun NPC which SS fun stuff while we are here I also cleared a huge CH of the sulfur sea and I turned it into a Boss Arena then I went to the ocean to beat down some sharks I used their FS to craft a seafood a summoning item for none other than our next worm boss The Aquatic Scorch infernum aquatic Scorch is significantly different from the original as it introduces the bubble mechanic where you can get intoxicated from The sulfur and you need to hop in the bubble not to mention you got to fight this guy underwater now or else he’ll be in Rage at first the fight went pretty smoothly until I realized it felt too cramped because I built my Arena a bit too small because of that I did die a few times and I was right after expanding the arena honestly it made significant Improvement as during the fight infernum removes water physics and gives us Infinite Flight meaning Mobility actions are much easier to perform I was able to dodge his attacks much easier so much so I was able to take him down to his face to but yet again like usual face two is where things get rough from the looks of it I think aquatic Scorch charges much faster during his phe two you might be thinking how is it possible for a man to die to the same attack multiple times in a row look I wasn’t even using any wings okay before things get even rougher I decided to retreat and improve upon on my gears I reforged some of my stuff and I bought a stack of sulfur Skin Potion to be resistant to Aquatic Scorch poison I then buil a counter Scar from cler NPC and turn it into an efficient scarf it essentially upgrades my Dash I made a h in the jungle biome and move the witch doctor here only to forget I’m playing in version 1.4.4 of Teraria this guy doesn’t sell Le Wings anymore on early heart mode so yes this was pointless I bought a paintball gun from the painter NPC and I combined it with Sol of side to craft a speed blaster a little paintball gun that CHS multiple streams of deadly colorful piece then I went to the underground jungle to farm the enemies there because I know RNG is not on my side I’m farming the enemies here to get jungle points so that I could use the points on the point shop mode to buy Ted be Wings then I flew up and farm some werns on the sky islands for some Souls of light I combine both of the materials into a be Wings These Wings provide permanent honey buff I also bought some mimic spawners I need to defeat this mimics to acquire dual hook a much faster hook than our Diamond hook now that we’ve improved our gear it is time to face aquatic Scorch once more with the help of our newly improved Mobility accessories I was able to maneuver through Scorch attack much more easily I told you I was able to dodge well it is just the accessories thrust and the speed Bluster we freshly crafted despite looking like a weak weapon was able to deal consistent good damage this is a significant upgrade to our previously used Bucher shotgun it took a much shorter time to bring down three of aquatic Scorch faces as Scorch reaches his Final Phase he went up the surface I did not know he was hitting up the Su for SE when I realized it it was already too late I got overwhelmed by the things happening on my screen distracting me from the real threat which are none other than scores that they attacks now much faster and more dangerous now he can even summon a nzi tornado and spew bullet hell while charging at you I was unprepared for this and I died the next time I fot it I was much more prepared I red up my booty chicks and gloriously maneuvered all over scores kamikaza finally I was able to survive through scor’s desperation phase successfully defeating the giant wet worm with a Lal pain po gun I open the treasure back but I don’t need nor want any of these loots the A train event immediately spawned after I defeated aquatic scor the event is now slightly harder with new enemies and threats as we’ve defeated the ruler I would have never guessed the day I want to do AET train but yes unfortunately I do need to farm this event I even crafted an event spawner for it the reason is because I need to defeat FL crabs an enemy that only spawns in phase two of the acid rain this was in order to obtain this weapon called the flu toxic Cannon finally after going through three phase two AET rains I was a able to obtain the FL toxic Cannon this weapon is very unique it has very high DPS but it can only shoot upwards you can’t shoot downwards nor sideways I also got the crack Mouse spine hook afterwards I summon the pirate infection little did I know nor expect the blood moon immediately started after I summon the pirate infe let’s just say things get really out of hand my game became really laggy there are so much enemies covering my screen I don’t even know what to do luckily they drop heart so I don’t die instantly nevertheless I was able to beat the pirate infection with much is I was so unlucky I needed to do a second Pate infection just to get the Midas Prime gun this gun is basically an upgrade to the correct shot called and yes the whole rosetting coin thing is a whole reference to ultra kill as the Night Comes I summon Skeletron Prime prepare yourself for what you’re about to see might be perfectly balanced as you can see FL toxic Canon is perfect for bosses like skeleton Prime as they constantly float on top of you meaning there is no downside of using this weapon and the skeleton Prime did not stand a single chance this weapon stretched the qu of him but by passing most of his faces without breaking a single sweat I used to standard toxic canon in my old video and I have to say I regreted doing it it is fascinating how it’s always the niche underrated weapon that nobody uses that breaks the game’s balance most likely due to them receiving less attention Skeletron Prime can barely even do his final desperation phase that is how fast this weapon was able to obliterate him I even had to summon more Skeletron Prime it was just to make sure this weapon toly stretch them not even a deathray beam face could save the mechanical skull now upon the fting skeleton Prime we obtain lots of Souls of right then we proceed to mine the newly generated Adamantite and tanium ores they’re a bit rarer compared to previous heart mod ores I crafted a heart mode Forge and turn both of them into bars I also turned both of them into the respective armor I also crafted a particle accelerator and tianium rail gun ad the moment that accelerator doesn’t recoil you back but it deals less damage than the titanium rail gun so obviously we’ll be going with the rail gun looks like titanium armor provides more benefit if you’re closer to enemies due to the shards but we’ll be using adamant since we are far from the enemies most of the time it provides good set bonus too then I M down some cryonic ores in the underground snow biome I turn them into bars and crafted The orate Shield which lets me Dash along with daalo armor set and the Starlight Wings rendering my previously crafted adamed armor set completely useless as the Night Comes it is time to face the last mechanical boss it is none other than the Destroyer while the titanium rail gun is slow to charge and use it is fantastic to use against Destroyer as it is able to pierce through it segments dealing really solid DPS the downset of this weapon is you got to have precise timing in order to not miss your shots if you miss your shot that is already a lot of DPS loss infernum Destroyer is a bit more bullet hellish gaining new attacks and forcing the player to adapt to the new movements it received one most notable change is you can’t Chee it anymore especially with piercing weapons due to the Calamity deaths properly adding reactive damage reduction to its body parts I still die to destroy it a few times it is not skill issue I was just adapting myself to destroyers attack patterns you could call it limit testing but honestly because of our really good weapon the fight really isn’t that hard since we deal [ __ ] ton of damage the logic is I don’t have to dodge if the boss dies before I die so yeah I basically rail the Destroyer using my titanium rail gun now that Destroyer is dead we’ve successfully defeated all the three mechanical bosses ging access to hollow ORS and bars oh and by the way the speed blast painball gun good reor the set part is it good reor just as I defeated the mechanical bosses so yeah there is that I first crafted the pickax a then I upgraded my boots into an angel threats I realized my burs ain’t enough for an armor set so I might more from the underground Hollow then I turned the hollow bars into a full set of hollow armor I went to the underground jungle to mine some chloride ores I also got some life fruits along the way then I turned the chloride into bars and crafted the chloride armor which made my hollowed armor quickly obsolete I bought anxious crafting materials from this NPC say what you want but Quality of Life mods like this offer a very comfortable experience then I crafted a star cannon so I can upgrade it to the Superstar shooter I reforge lots of my gears and B tons of Allen stars from The Alchemist NPC I turn all the Stars into unlimited ammo so we can finally use our Superstar shooter without the worry of running out of ammunition afterwards I went to the brimstone crack biome to M down some of these minority hell Stones these ORS are used to craft the summoning item for a brimstone Elemental also I forgot to mention I crafted clamas clone summoning item earlier now that we are ready for combat let’s summon the calamitas Clone at first the fight went pretty smoothly the first few faces were fine it is not too hard to dodge most of her attacks however for sure I needed some time to adjust to the bullet hell I am very sure my my setup was good enough to beat C clone but I definitely needed some warmups first so after inevitably dying I decided to go and fight the brimstone Elemental for us to get some warm ups I am looking respectfully at those nice pair of Bonkers I still remember the days when YouTube will demonetize our videos If We Had brimson Elemental in the thumbnail or the video itself good old times as expected Superstar shooter was able to shred brimson Elemental with ease not to mention chloride armor against her was definitely Overkill the healing AA this armor profites helped me to basically tank most of attacks did they ner bson Elemental I swear her attacks used to be faster and I’m pretty sure her personality used to be bigger anyways any how we successfully beat up the woman with barely any effort needed to be done now that we got the warm- up that we needed it is time to fight the bule camitas once more I’d be lying if I said this fight was easy it’s not hard but it definitely gave me some trouble especially in the later phases of the fight you know me and how much I dislike bullet hell B fight and this fight against camitas clone is a foreshadowing to what would be a bullet hell nightmare later though I was still able to manage Walmart clam bullet hell at the very least it is organized and structured I do wish my weapon de more damage though C clone has multiple faces in one of her faces she’s able to summon her brothers to ate her in battle and as you guessed it I had the most trouble in this fight facing against the brothers as I had a difficult time focusing on two different enemies spewing bullet hell not to mention the small Arena limiting my Mobility because of this this fight was proven to be a bit more Troublesome than I expected while Superstar shooter did prove to show high numbers to Target iies earlier saying star shooter is a powerful weapon would be like saying you handle transaction for a multibillion dollar company while in reality you’re just a Target cashier because this weapon is mediocre at best at dealing damage especially due to clamity boss’s High armor however it does get the job done after learning and paying attention to calamitus attack patterns I somehow managed to successfully yet gloriously Dodge most of her dangerous attacks bringing her down to her final phas in my opinion I do think it is a bit ironic that her final face is easier than her brother’s face or maybe it is just me I do generally have a difficult time focusing on different stuff all at once after sometime beating up the Haram Abomination we were able to successfully the fit clet has clone we proceed to open the treasure back obtaining a new gun called animosity it has two firing modes sniper rifle and breast of bullet it deals more DPS than what the number tell I’ll explain more later as for now we must dive deep down the underground jungle to initiate a fight against the mother herself planta let me show you why this animosity gun is powerful as you can see the sniper rifle mode fires High Velocity bullet while the Burst Mode fires the bullet in your inventory so you can use ier bullets to reduce enemy defense then switch to sniper rifle mode to absolutely shred them with a high velocity bullet I was expecting planta to be Troublesome like Al clone but I was surprised to see that the fight actually felt solid I love the fight it is not too hard but it is not too easy either I still died a few times here and there but it actually felt Fair pla’s later faces were aggressive but well balance shown by how I could actually tell on what’s going on on my screen I know I know it might look visually mid but sometimes you get to appreciate the simple things in life and amidst all the infernum visual effect bullet chaos sometimes all we need is just something simple and solid to impress us all right I should stop yapping all I needed to say was animosity is very decent at taking down planta from opening her treasure back we got some leing shards due to my superb and outstanding luck I need to fight planta again later to get the Finos Magnum gun as right now our objective is to build an artificial glowy mushroom biome on the surface which took quite a while to make all this effort just so this goofy zy mushroom guy can move in we only need him to purchase an auto hammer as the auto hammer let us convert chloride bars into shomit bars using the bars I crafted the shite armor and the hoverboard the set bonus of shat armor puts us in Ste mode and gives us higher range damage I then teleported to the dungeon and farm down the enemies there to get tons of ectoplasm I also got a few post planta dungeon loots by doing this I then turn the ectoplasms into the three main Calamity cores these cores are important for crafting powerful items such as ascar SW a shield that grants us a more powerful Dash and higher defensive capabilities I crafted a few Spectre bars and turned them into the Pearl God gun this gun fire shock blast rounds that emit massive explosions and has the ability to life steal just to show you how powerful this gun is we’ll be testing it against planta she stood absolutely no chance against the destructive power of the Pearl God we also got the famous mum gun from beating up a few plantas on the next day I went to the ocean in order to find a m ious entity in which we must disturb to summon the anahita boss did you guys know her name used to be siren in the past it got changed into anahita recently alongside with her receiving a new Sprite in peran mythology anahita is a goddess who rules over fertility and wisdom so does that mean she’s breedable damn I can fix her anahita’s first face is not much of a threat it is mostly just her spamming a fury of bullet held projectiles while she might be a threat if you fought her before planta she’s no longer much of a danger now as we can easily Dodge her attacks with our new Swift and agile gears however on her second face the landscape starts to shake as anahita summons her submissive beta male C pitbull or lots of you might recognize as lefan don’t let appearance fo you despite lefan being a fat ass his attacks are really fast bringing a new meaning to don’t judge a love crafty and mythologic RIT by its cover this rious infected sedok won’t stop charging at me he’s really after my ass luckily lean hitbox is Big so aiming him using our gun his Child’s Play our plot gun is a safier in this fight as it is able to Dish aor DPS and gives us a much life steal from time to time while the life steal is little it is consistent and probably Sav my ass more than I’m aware of lefan might be able to shoot big balls but one thing for certain my balls are bigger without even realizing the sheer force of my massive balls took down latan by thefe latan we triggered anahita’s Final Phase because we basically killed her husband how is she going to be able to pay her child support now I was too overc confident which led to my demise as anahita’s Final Phase might be a bit more Troublesome than I anticipated I had to ref fight them a few times as I kept being Reckless at dodging lean balls before anahita’s Final Phase but at last I reserved my health before their Final Phase which led me to grasp a better understanding on how to dodge their bullet hell while I still did get hit a few times just being a bit more careful this fight became significantly easier as our Mobility gears are more than capable of giving us the edge in this battle I smoothly dodged anahita Shenanigans and smoted my bullets all over her and now we’ve successfully defeated anahita and left yatan I somehow got the community in my first try I thought I was because back then this was a 1% drop chance item well it turns out they recently buff the drop rate but hey 10% is still lucky right then I went to the astral infection biome and farmed down the enemies there as I need a few Stardust to craft an astral chunk which is a summoning item for our next boss asum AOS not going to lie Asam arus offers a terrible boss fight experience don’t get me wrong he does look cool I absolutely love the cosmic spider Sprite work but damn what the hell are these bullet hell kamikazes it genuinely feels borderline impossible to dodge any of these boss attacks without an extremely large Arena it may be my fault for not making my Arena size larger but hey I’ve always been an AIT hater of a Mau since day one I woke up and chose to hate specific Calamity bosses as my new personality and like I said before the bullet H in this boss fight is able to drive people insane now I expect 20 different hate comments stating on why my personal Atmos opinion is wrong I got to give credit to my powerful armor set and gun if not for them and this fight stretch any longer I would have lost my mind but yeah we successfully defeated asro Maus the loots from the back are not too useful aside from this pumu mount it is very cute all right our next objective is to enter the mysterious temple in the jungle I Travers through the harsh landscape of the temple to reach the Golems arena in which I clean up first using boom shurikens I then summon the Golem itself and by doing so it apparently destroys the platforms I made earlier the arena L concept of this fight is unique to say the least it also serves as a foreshadowing of what will happen in the endgame fights later and as you can see Inferno made Golem into an actual challenge with brand new text that reminds me a lot of son’s undertale the hardest part of this fight is definitely the close closer phobic without the Kamp Arena this fight would have been much easier while golem Attacks do look flashh and interesting now I quickly notice a slight issue in this boss fight I feel like Golem is a bit more tanky than the aage boss in this stage I don’t know if it’s just me or if peot isn’t a good weapon to use against Golem but the tankiness of Golem quickly turn the fight to feel repetitive as it keeps repeating the same attack patterns Golem Second Face implements spikes on the ground forcing us to use the moving platforms his summons as our footing these spikes alone made the fight harder than I anticipated as I need to strategize my fight timer so my wing fight time doesn’t run out amid dodging his attacks I genuinely do not understand how to be able to dodge this because of this on few instances Golem was able to out sustain me one benefit of being a ranger against Golem is while the fight is stretching into a long one the amount of range we get is enough to give us comfortable spacing against Golem’s attacks well on most of them while that might be a common thing on most vanilla bosses for Ranger class infernum actually encourages the player to be close to enemies as Ranger as you deal higher damage to enemies if you’re close to them which in my opinion is stupid but yeah Golem is a special case because of the crem close Arena so you’re pretty much close to Golem all the time Golem’s final face basically puts him into steroid indu mode his attacks becomes much more aggressive and hun and dangerous but because of the stretch duration of the fight I was able to memorize his attack patterns along the way which made me able to fight through his Final Phase with little to no problems one thing’s for sure while Golem fight isn’t by any means hard I dislike how tanky he is but with enough persistence and willpower we were able to successfully defeat Golem another major boss down using the loots we got from the fitting Golem we crafted a sniper scope and we proceed to talk to the Ste Punker NPC to purchase a steam punk Wings then we have to craft some diving gears as now we must dive deep down the suver sea to enter the dark deps of the abys we blow up the abys using boom shurikens as we need to get to the second layer of the abys to mine down this Cora ORS which glow in the dark and are only minable using post Golem pickaxe also touching this cor ORS will burn the living hell out of you so good luck I turned the ORS into bars and crafted a hell storm this gun fires two bullets at once and Deals damage to enemies on contact I don’t know if touching enemies with the tip of a gun called be practical but it’s okay I crafted the hydrothermic armor set along with the wings we are steaming hot and ready to go I went to the underground jungle and farmed on the enemies there to obtain some PL cell canisters using those I crafted the Abomination and alchemical flask a really good accessory to help us for our next boss I bought nites from the cyborg NPC and use it to craft the black Reaper armor set the armor is good but the set bonus makes us blind [ __ ] I can’t see so yeah maybe hydrothermic is better I went to the dungeon and used a jungle key to get the panha gun I crafted some perennial bars in life alloy then I turned the panha gun into a gun called the Barracuda gun this gun shoots a Barracuda fish that sticks and latches to enemies I am curious does any of you even use the panha gun in your play through I also crafted The Godly gor but the damage kind of sucks so we won’t be using it I bought the Martian distress remote and started the Martian infe the enemies in the infections are perfectly fine and they post no threat until you encounter the Martian saucers they just straight up one shot you luckily my experience us was able to beat them up I got this funny gun that can change enemy sizes but I won’t be using it it’s hard to explain watch my video on it if you’re curious I crafted the ark NOA diffuser it charges and fires a rapid burst of NOA Bolt the first charging stage increases the fire rate of the burst the second replaces the rapid burst with a NOA blast it is a very cool weapon then I went to the underground jungle and used the Abomination to summon PL bringer golad because we are using the arena we used to fight pla it simply isn’t big enough leading me unsuccessful in my first attempt so I made another Arena by clearing a huge chunk of the underground jungle then we can now fight the pl Brer golat again PL Brer golat behaves similarly like que B their attack patterns are alike such as charging at a player but instead of shooting Beast it shoulds s like missiles while the concept of this boss might be simple the fight isn’t as easy as you think as bringer is extremely fast one WR move and it’ be overwhelmed instantly with his speed on one of his attacks he summons this green laser lines at first I did not know what to do and how to dodge it so I just accepted my fate and died turns out you get to destroy the drones that shoots the lasers and you got to do it fast so I had to switch from my arnova diffuser to my hell storm the main problem during this fight is once you shoot with arnova diffuser you are stuck in the attack animation for a while meaning this weapon is an embodiment of high risk High reward in the fight against golad a lot of my deaths were caused by this alone but yeah on some parts of the fight I just straight up use my hell storm it is a much safer option I also tried using the barakuda gun it was horrible for my personal experience well yes I did die a lot but I think I did a great job doing most of this boss attacks on gold later faces his attacks becomes much more dangerous in one of his faces I sh you not he’s able to shoot a whole ass snook to destroy your body and burn your eyes that was very unexpected turns out you got to destroy the mini PL bringer his summons before they’re able to shoot out the instakill nuke blast making rapid fire homing weapons a much preferred option on low Health golad enters desperation phase he basically becomes enraged and will start showering you with tons of PL missiles the pl missiles aren’t hard to dodge however it does really make dodging goet es significantly harder the main problem I faced was destroying the plexers before they’re able to shoot out the nuclear missile I have to destroy them in time or else we will get our face obliterated by the nuke blast again but aside from the mini Seekers there isn’t really much of a problem I find going around in circles to be really helpful in dodging the black missile rain and just like Gojo in jujuu kaen Black bringer died and offscreen that I wish I got a better footage of him dying but it will be like that sometimes I open the treasure back and use the infected armor platings to craft a PL tainted SMG its left click is useless don’t use it but its right click on the other hand is insane which makes the question is this thing still considered a gun it has SMG in its name which means submachine gun but at the same time it is capable of shooting Rockets but you know what who cares it looks cool so I might use it I bought some truffle worm from the SE King NPC then we went to the ocean to fish and summon our next boss Duke fishron we are going to be using our plain that SMG against this Haram Pi Abomination and yeah this gun absolutely shreds du fish run bubbles way too easy easily it literally becomes as fragile as a real life bubble whereas most weapons in general struggle to do so not just the bubbles this explosive AOE capabilities and homing properties renders most of du fish runs De le attacks and summons useless which means you’ll only have to focus on dodging duk dashes and water tornadoes due to how powerful this weapon is I only died once to Du fish run hey that’s an improvement I did not even do a great job doing du fish run dases but due to an absolute massacra disase we did just fine beting du fish Run in under a minute I open the treasure back and go to shmy travle mount then I beat couple more du fishron so I could get the fishron wings the fishron wings are basically essential for Mobility we went back home and crafted a death whistle and use it to summon rager at this state of the boss I genuinely think rager is the most messy and worst boss in the entire clamity mode I know I’ve said a AR is B but Rafer is really significantly worse the boss design is confusing with unclear direction on what the devs are going for not to mention unfitting bullet hle concept luckily I think the devs are working on the rework regardless I did not bother much in dodging ref attacks as our PL tted SMG is way too good it is so good that it made it very much possible to Brute Force our way through raer raer drops flashy geot which makes obtaining clam DEC cor materials less of a f we also got the realm rager gun which is kind of bad then I went to the hot biome to farm some enemies and use the points to buy Prismatic lace wings I wanted to get a cinematic shot of me summoning ESS of light but a stupid jellyfish shot at me turning a beautiful summoning ritual into a jump scare and as you can see that jump scare really ruined my temple due to me being unprepared I died thank you jellyfish very cool we summon the Empress of flight again and damn she looks magnificent Empress of FL is definitely the second most gorgeous boss in Inferno mode or maybe third you’ll see more gorgeous bosses later while she does look beautiful her damage numbers are dangerous a monster girl that is both beautiful and dangerous damn a woman of my dreams God forbids me for being in less than 50 m proximity near impress of light yes I’m fighting her during the night and no I’m not going to fight her daytime form daytime emess insta kill you but she deals double the damage I am not messing with that I was expecting impress of light to be really hard but you know what it actually felt solid and fun the bullet HS are actually manageable well I’m a Ranger with a powerful weapon that can home meaning I could keep a safe distance most of the time without the need to aim so maybe my opinion is a bit biased here don’t worry I said all that but I’m only human I still died Aton come on it’s Empress of light it’s fine if I die that much fighting infernum Empress feels like you’re in a light show she looks overwhelming at first but what once you fight her like 10 times you’ll get used to the patterns you can definitely see how important a good wings are for Empress as you need to maneuver a ton in this fight that’s why I got the fish run Wings earlier when you quote unquote defeat her she doesn’t instantly die she instant transforms into the [ __ ] Moon blessing you with lunar Racers and a huge hyperbeam straight up from Pokémon to obliterate your [ __ ] this hyperbeam face really is the cherry on top of the cake and press of light never fails to make me excited you just got a circle around the hyperbeam and pray it won’t accelerate out of nowhere and hit you when you thought the fight is B to end nope it is not yet over she has her last desperation phase where she becomes enraged and start to shoot out every attacks that she had released before unlike other infernal bosses her desperation face isn’t that hard maybe because I got pretty used to her attack patterns before and there we go we have defeated the Magnificent Empress of light what a beautiful and glorious death animation we open the treasure back and got to saring Insignia which will help to increase our flight Mobility then we immediately went straight to the dungeon to fight the lunatic ctist there is no time to waste let’s make it fast the cultist shouldn’t be that hard right they were always a joke boss in vanilla my over confidence will be the end of me as schulties homing Stardust as penetrator beams live up to their name while waiting for the culties to respond I made a flat Arena I bought the Eternia Crystal from the taern keep NPC then I summoned the old ones Army as expected Old One’s Army wasn’t even hard in the slightest we absolutely obliterated the enemies and mini bosses Wave by wave without facing a single challenge until we encountered the final wave where we meet the flame dragon Betsy not going to lie I was overwhelmed because we are T to protect the Crystal but also to protect ourselves from dying from all these flame dragons attacks I don’t think the deaths made any changes to betso I’m just naturally that bad I thought it’s all over when I died but weirdly enough the event did not stop and I could continue it when I respawn so I rush over to the arena and finish Betsy old on Army and Betsy are now fully [Music] completed it is time to fight the cultist once more now our ass is much more prepared and ready to dodge the Stardust penetrator beams damn they’re actually putting effort into changing the ctist that’s a lot of respect coming from me considering how forgettable this boss is it looks like the cultist put up invisible walls or barriers around him so we can’t escape the cultist Oompa Loompa projectile as Whooper it’s the best way I can describe it it seems like the devs are really incorporating the circling around huge laser beam attack into bosses I almost beat cultis on my second attempt but his final face caught me off guard let’s try to fight the qust during the night and you know what it is right cul this attacks look much more beautiful and Visually clear during the night it’s almost like they made this boss to be fought during the night okay never mind I lost my momentum and lost my third attempt there is this one attack that inflicts trophobia that looks really cool and damn they really enhance the cultist ritual aesthetic of this boss I’ve never expected the boring cultist to actually be a cool boss but here we are thanks to infernum right at the end we must face their final desperation phase once more it’s fairly simple and since I know what will happen we easily surpass it and defeat at the lunatic cool test now we get access to ancient manipulator crafting station upon the fitting the CST the celal pillars will spawn we first beat the Stardust pillar which proved to be quite harder than I expected with the Stardust fragments we crafted a shomer sniper rifle a very high DPS single Target gun that got nerfed then we took down the vortex pillar our main class pillar and also the easiest pillar out of the four using the vortex fragments we could craft the vortex poer and conference call Vortex poer is upgrade to coper but it makes the spread more inaccurate so using chloride bullets is very recommended and conference call is a shotgun that rinone bullets from the sky an upgrade to tactical shotgun the solar pillar is conveniently located on the Asal infection biome which makes the pillar a bit harder but while beating down the solar pillar we got the Su item for both Asom Deus and asalon slime so that’s a bonus after successfully taking down the solar pillar we must stand in the center of the astral Tower and use the Titan heart to summon asum de I think is a bad idea to use Forex Whopper against asum deuse don’t get me wrong the gun is effective against this boss however it destroys our FPS and ears in one of his attacks astrus will use his body to Circle himself around you stay calm and do not panic you’ll be fine he’s just doing his genin impact summoning ritual for forina too bad I hit heart pity and lost my [ __ ] 50/50 to c one deya I quit at genin because of this s reason fine I might be coping enough git impace back to fighting the other other space warm boss Calamity deaths do really love worm bosses huh in one of astrom attacks he is able to release two big balls red and blue they deal a lot of damage kind of reminds me of Gojo Holo purple I don’t mind being squished by the two big balls though they look Majestic I had to switch my weapon from my Vortex popper to my conference call but even with that my frame rate is still dropping conference call isn’t bad either for Asom de is actually pretty good and the experience of fighting Asom deos itself is fine in one of his attacks he would conjure a black hole it looks really cool the boss difficulty is moderately hard it’s really just a sudden frame rate drops aside from that issue it is quite chill you could say the frame rates are as unstable as the emotion of a hardcore geometry dash player but even with that we strive through and defeated the Asom Deus we open the back but did not get much useful loots aside from the celestial fragments the fitting astrom Deus allows us to mind this astral ORS which can be turned into bars I use the bars to craft the astral Blaster which is a mediocre gun now we must go back to the Asal infection biome once more to face asra gildon slime the true ultimate challenge of heart mode originated from the Calamity catalist mode the boss might look easy at first but don’t worry we have not gotten to the fun part yet but even in his first phase asra gildon is not as easy as it looks I forgot to mention I had crafted the spectral storm Canon earlier it’s the final upgrade to the flare gun the fact that I struggled and died on asra gon’s first face was a bit embarrassing considering I met a whole guide on this boss asra gon’s first face is fairly tame he slams his slimy gelatino body multiple times to the ground then he shoots star projectiles that go in accelerating speed so you can’t go too far away from the boss and he can also orbit damaging star barrier around himself he could also summon slime minions too I don’t think he does it too often though they’ll be Troublesome if you use a single projectile weapon all these attack designs make up a good and simple boss as we’ve successfully took down the boss of course it is not yet over if you think the fight is about to end you’d be extremely wrong because this boss just started and sadly you always finish too early luckily you don’t have to start all over if you lost the fight the summoning item starts the fight on his second phase this really helped the second phase is way more fun than the first phase well if you consider pain fun I swear you mod players are [ __ ] masochist the absolute mindboggling part is they haven’t even done finishing up this boss yet they are changing the background to look even more beautiful in the near future update it never stops to fascinate me how they never fail to make a beautiful creation even more are beautiful all classes are equal for this boss no class is harder or easier than the other except through melee of course we don’t talk about that because you are trapped inside this tiny little space Arena and there is no way to escape as you’ll quickly die if you’re outside the circle you know while fighting this boss I realize the reason why Calamity deaths give more damage to Ranger when they are closer to enemies is only as a bonus and to prevent the player from chasing bosses from afar encouraging the player to fight bosses the way it is intended to be never as a reason to support or emphasize actual combat scenarios get good character develop an arc perhaps I don’t know I might be tripping but that applies to asra gon slime only okay and maybe for a couple other bosses like Providence which will fight later what I’m trying to say is they are well-designed bosses reflected by how the power level of all classes are equal against them I say all this while I’m getting my ass whoop life on camera by the fat space slime the ass whooping simply never stops and you’re not given a single moment to catch a breath obviously as strle down is not a boss you simply beat at the first try you really need to take your time you got to slow down and learn the attack patterns the more we take it col and slowly the better chances we get to fully defeat this boss we don’t have to worry about the flight time either as the fight gives us Infinite Flight moving erratically will not help us either trust me I tried doing it but the only thing awaiting us is another bullet hell being slapped towards our face there is even this one spiraling laser attack that forces you to really move in with the rim or you could call it the base of asra geldon this is why I think asra gildon is big and I really can’t wait for more Super boses like this guy to be added in the future if you’re a ranger spectral storm Cannon is really good there is no use of using a super high DPS weapon because the way ason is designed the devs put up a damage cap on this boss so you can’t one-hot it forcing the players to slowly fight this boss so yeah a consistent homing weapon like spectral storm Canon helps it on after dodging all the cosmic bullet H shenan guns asra gon will self impo and enter its Final Phase as an echo desperation he will start to rain huge meteor balls indicated by lines as the arena gradually gets smaller and smaller it’s not too hard to dodge them but your head might be slightly shaky from the PTSD we got from being slaughtered by the fat space slime and there we go after a lot of gring torture we we’ve successfully defeated the asra gon slime we open the treasure back and got some spicy loot like this hook that is an upgrade to dissonance hook and an accessory that transforms us into a fast moving space sphere by defeating asalon we allow metan NOA ORS to spawn in our world they’re located below the astral infection biome this mean OFA ORS can be used to craft insanely powerful gears I use the ORS to craft the intergalactic Ranger armor set on that night I summon and beat down the slime God so they can drop the overloaded Blaster you can already start to notice how powerful the armor is then we use the metan NOA ORS to upgrade it to the asra gun words cannot describe how powerful our current state is this gun has a right click function too where the blast pierces enemies infinitely did I mention these ORS allows us access to craft post Providence weapons yes they [ __ ] do I crafted the a sniper rifle but I don’t think I will be using the sniper rifle too much it is simply way too powerful that is no fun on the next day I went to fight a sandstorm in the desert biome and I use the points to buy forbidden fragments with this I can craft the sandstorm scorer remember the alter Place we’ve run into on prehart mode yeah we can use the sandstorm score there to enter the desert Dimension just like entering NE dimension in Minecraft for the first time as a kid it’s fairly empty and Hollow here though as the only thing awaiting us is our next boss Argus the B FAL and yep our gears absolutely obliterate this boss arus can summon and ride the great s shark but not even that could save him from the ass whooping of our metan noag gear I highly recommend you guys to see and experience the boss fight firsthand by yourselves because this is just unfair it’s such a shame I wanted to show you guys how cool this boss is but ended up obliterating this boss in under like a minute I swear if you guys fight this boss normally it is much more challenging but yeah without even trying much we successfully defeated Argus on our first try what’s ironic is the lot Argus drops are actually very useful especially this accessory that gives us damage reduction barrier we proceed to LIF the dimension and went to the last Celestial pillar which is the nebula pillar nebula is the most useless pillar for us because there is no Ranger weapons or materials that we need to craft using nebula fragments look at how f we obliterate the pillar using our current gear very nice after destroying the pillar I quickly use my magic mirror before I get jump scared by none other than the space eldri tentacle Abomination also known as Moon Lord normally Moon Lord would be the ultimate final challenge of heart mode but oh boy now it is more like a walk in the park if anything while infernum did definitely make the fight more challenging especially with trapping you inside this box similar like Supreme camitas I feel like the defense of our metan NOA gears and our current damage capabilities absolutely ignores all of it well maybe not all I still died on my first try because I was a bit too overconfident I crafted a Celestial sigil to summon the moon Lord again calling this over prepared would be an understatement to be fair we did successfully defeat possibly one of the hardest boss in the whole mod Terraria scene so maybe us being a t bit overpowered now is perfectly Balan and I absolutely adore the black hole attack in particular it is very menacing and huge the deaths really gave moonl Lord the proper treatment after a short while we successfully defeated moonl Lord and turned his tentacles into into shushi by defeating Moon Lord we get access to luminite bars we also got the celestial starboard Wings the best wings in vanilla Terraria I crafted a Celestial tier pickaxe I upgraded my boots into the celestial tracers yes they renamed the item then I bought a shotgun from the arms stealer NPC and a few dark shards from the point shop mode so we can craft the onx Blaster but not just yet we crafted the summoning item for frost Moon as we need the Santa nk1 mini boss to spawn and drop us the chain gun he spawns naturally in the later waves while we’re here might as well defeat the frost Moon up until wave 15 because why not then we combine the Onyx Blaster and chain gun to craft onx chain Blaster my favorite weapon line I farm down some enemies in the hot biome for some Unholy Essence which we can use to craft the summoning item for our next boss then we went to the profen Garden biome in the right side of the underworld where we get a spooky glimpse of SOS a boss that we have to fight later because we are not here to fight him we need to follow the instruction written in this altar it tells us to use our profane shart here to summon none other than the profane meatballs the first phase is a geometry dh/ Flappy Bird level where you have to dodge the fire pillars and reach the end to hit the boss it’s really funto and I don’t mind it at all it might be hard for beginners but I got used to it pretty quickly then on the midb second phase one of them will immediately blast you with a circling hyperbeam while the others shower you with extra missiles and damaging obstacles that gets into the way of your circling so basically a main guy doing his attacks while the others assist him in doing so a pattern you will see often in this fight nice JoJo reference by the way they unleash their best attack on their last face where they charge at you ER up dangerous volcano pillars and blast you with a powerful hyperbeam there are indicators marking the area where you have to dodge a combination of all the attacks from the previous faces into one perfect dangerous but delicious spicy dish and the foreshadowing of their Master’s power in which they worship to gain a tiny fraction of the power of the sun itself it might not seem like it but I died a lot to the mid balls in my opinion this is the best way the devs can possibly Implement rework to the three mid balls allowing each mid balls to shine on their own with their unique signature attacks without being offer shadowed or cluttered by the others and one thing I got to say it is definitely much harder than the original as the original back then barely offers you any challenge it’s very nice to see the insane improvements over the past few years it might be due to our current powerful gears but the fight was done in a much quicker time than I anticipated the death animation is a nice way to burn the player’s eye upon def fitting them the gate blocking our way to their Master will open we Travers through this miniature planetarium aot which the sun godess Slumbers in as we’ve arrive in the arena sector we must use our profane core to summon none other than the profane goddess also known as Providence and yep the fight rhes in sing perfectly with the music it’s insanely awesome and you guys need to experience it for yourselves firstand I think she is the first ever mod Teraria boss to to do this in the history it’s no longer a secret that Providence is my most favorite and number one Calamity boss no other vanilla or Calamity boss can compete with her her attack designs are very fair and balanced yet challenging in a fun way in my opinion Providence is the best and most beginner friendly way to introduce new players to the way of masochism in mod Teraria as the fight is very hard yet still forgiving and rewarding you can still do mistakes like moving erratically or panicking but recover from it while she might be my favorite boss fight that doesn’t mean that I’m good at the fight in fact I’m borderline terrible at it I died way too much more than asron even and don’t even try to fight nighttime Providence while she looks much cooler during the night it is not worth it then I discovered I had difficulty with my flight Mobility we simply were not fast enough at first I switched to my Celestial starboard but that still hasn’t fixed our issue yet while yes we did became more stable at flying we also became slower so I watched an infernum proident S hit video on YouTube and they use solar flare wings so let’s use that in dead and they were right using solar Wings definitely fix our issue it’s much more comfortable now to maneu our flight directions also Providence fight gives us Infinite Flight so Wings horizontal speed matters more than their flight time I also realized that our onx chain Blaster that we previously crafted combined with luminite bullets ammunition deals more consistent damage than our aaral gun not to mention we could also see her attacks more clearly and easier using onx chain Blaster maybe the saying was right simpler is always better while her first face is aming amazing her second face is much hotter and provides even more challenging bullet H Mania for all the players to dodge before I forget to mention Providence is one of the very few bosses in the entire mod seem to not have any contact damage when you touch them it might sound weird but with this feature the devs are allowed to give profence more dangerous and creative arsenal of attacks there is this one attack where Providence drowns basically the whole arena with lafa while the lava’s rising we also have to dodge the concurrent bullet hells and not just that once almost the entire arena is filled with she will proceed to shoot out dangerous big damage hyper beams you have to position yourself really carefully it is definitely dodgeable but can easily catch newcomers of guard Providence can also turn herself into a gemstone creature thing while in this form she unlocks her potential to unleash even more bullet hell infernum Providence truly tests the limits of your PC power you would never have thought a small Indie pixel to the game is able to overhit your PC yet here we are now even my quite powerful PC lagged heavily on some parts of the bosses mod Terraria truly surpasses expectations once more after going through countless deaths and a lot of close calls I locked on toughen up and adapted to her bullet hell easier say than done but at the same time while I did spend like more than three or 4 hours fighting this boss I didn’t mind it Providence has multiple creative varieties of attacks that forces you to adapt differently to each and every single one of them so yes well it is kind of a torture I was having fun and now we’ve successfully defeated Providence the profane godders that officially seals it we’ve officially entered the end game of Calamity from the treasure back we got the alician aigus which provides a holy flame Dash and the alician wings a fantastic upgrade to our Mobility upon Providence the Fit U Blum ores will start to generate in the underground biome taking over patches of mud blocks i m down a hefty amount of them we Ed the ORS to craft the bars and crafted a full set of tagon armor we also crafted plenty of Holy Fire bullets and an Angelic shotgun not the best gun but pretty cheap to craft and gets a job done now let’s enter the dungeon to unleash shisa void from his chains that were meant to hold his power from eradicating the fabric of reality itself unlike the original cisa’s fight is extremely different from most Terraria bosses in general you can already notice how the fight locks your camera in position with ceas similar to Papa Pizzeria this feels extremely awkward especially after getting used to tr combat system for too long but honestly it makes the fight a bit more interesting you go to destroy his multiple layers of barrier to unleash his second phase however much like a relationship once you get to know them more they will start to open up more and become more aggressive second phase mostly consists of the same attacks from the first phase but faster and slightly more dangerous due to most players unfamiliarity with the boss fight you are almost guaranteed to be slaughtered during your first or second attempt against cess his attacks might be telegraphed but they are still too fast for first time players to notice and rea to however the second phase is not the last stage that the players must face damn those words rhyme a bit too well as once you take his health low enough the chains that hold him will be released like an average Pitbull he is now free from his captivity to hunt in the playground once more unlocking your camera position and gaining the ability to move in a much faster Manner and of course just like most Inferno bossas a teleportation ability just to screw you over but because you already adapted to all the beatings and pattern from the prev faes I can almost guarantee the third phase will feel easier to deal with not to mention the attacks from third phase have more indicators and clearer attack visuals but their attack radius is smaller C’s final attack and Ace card is transforming into black hole and spreading a petal of projectiles it might look scary at first but for an average Indonesian person like me and 90% of you guys our PC simply isn’t powerful enough to handle this attack smoothly so we were able to turn our disadvantage into our advantage only for my dumb ass to realize that there was no good reward for the ranger class after defeating cesas aside from this molecular manipulator we should have fought the other Sentinels first now let’s proceed to fly to the sky islands to summon and fight the storm waver unlike our previous boss fight we are now given freedom of movement and practically Infinite Space to move during our battle against the waver only for us to realize that all this freedom is just an illusion created by the government so that we feel good about ourselves while in reality we are practically being squashed between all the storm related project weer is able to rain down the second phase of weer will change the weather into storming heavily and all the attacks the warm will proceed to unleash will be indicated by the background weather so this boss is practically impossible to win against for the majority of Calamity fans since they refuse to go Outdoors the constant flashing epileptic lights from Storm waver Phase 2 could easily cause fishion impairment if you were to show with two children back in the 1800s storm wavers greatest weakness is moving vertically instead of horizontally yep you don’t have to Panic or move fast just keep moving up or down and the boss AI will get confused this is why AI won’t be able to overtake humans we simply are too stupid for them to comprehend moving in a slower Tempo actually benefits us more than if we would have move erratically or hly and there we go storm Weaver is now down from him we got the Storm Dragon a submachine gun that shoots really fast and looks quite badass and this portal looking pet very nice afterwards we went to the dungeon to farm some fop plasms I figured it be more fun and organized if we beat all the three Sentinels in order instead of fighting poter gas in between besides it’s not like Inferno poter gas is a hard boss right a statement I will soon regret saying I craft that Mega Shark turn it into Megalodon and the final product the Sea Dragon the final upgrade to mega shark at this time we go back to the profan Garden biome so that we could face the last Sentinel building an arena for signos is no longer a hustle because we can just use Providence Arena very nice snos that’s very often in this fight as he originally excels in his speed yet infernum enhances his speed even more and adds new illusion techniques to his arsenal of abilities if I were to describe SOS abilities and features he is very fast and mobile but despite his ability to move fast snos is the perfect P trial of someone spamming every button in the fighting video game as if you carefully notice none of his attacks are accurate enough to be able to hit you and you can easily counter this guy by moving in a circle his signature attack is diing your entire screen black leaving a trail of blades behind and performing a butt crack no Jutsu that tracks you down despite the Simplicity I think it is his coolest attack signos will do a kaguni no Jutsu and summon a shadow clone variant of himself to a him in battle during his second phase it is essentially all the same stuff from the first phase but now you get to face it twice wow truly Pig boss design snos is definitely the easiest Sentinel out of the tree not that it’s a bad thing because I love this weaboo assassin was designed the most out of the tree he is very eccentric to say the least the feting signos gives us access to twisting nether now that all the three Sentinels are down we can craft the cosmic Worm but before fighting that space War let’s do a quick session of pirate infection to get the coin gun by quick I mean spending the next two hours fighting Pirates just for a single weapon drop we can combine the gun with a couple other materials and twisting nether to craft the seven Strikers aka the gambling gun it cost $10,000 to fire this weapon for 10 seconds so yes we do need to farm a lot of money seven strike is one of if not the most unique weapon in Calamity it uses coins as ammunition we play a slot machine and depending on the coin value the chances of us scoring a jackpot will be higher the only downside is we need to use platinum coins all the time as our ammunition to guarantee jackpots now we go to the dungeon again but this time we fight bter gas you might be thinking ah bter gas isn’t that the blue planta optional boss well let me tell you something if infer would have taught me anything optional bosses tend to be much harder than the main story line bosses and poter go is the main cause because infernum changed poter gust into a steroid indu spider you will suffer in this fight even the best of no hitters I’ll admit that Poltergust is objectively the hardest boss fight in infernum you will die a lot but do not feel bad as I myself spent 12 hours fighting this boss alone it is just insane how they turn Poltergust from a blue colored planta into a ghost spider capable of unleashing projectiles that don’t even make any sense the attack cycle very fast too so you better have a high damaging weapon lucky for us Ranger class we have the S Strikers the power of a raging alcoholic Gambler Alp inside a sniper rifle it is actually a very powerful gun if not for this gun I would have suffered more it doesn’t matter if you are rench or melee because this spider is rapidly approaching your area faster than hot single mother in your location it’s like the deaths were on LSD when they were developing the spider CA void is just there sitting in the middle amidst all the this chaos little did he know he is being an absolute [ __ ] the Final Phase is the icing on top of the cake even after struggling your way through it all you’ll be rewarded not with Victory but with an unforgiving Relentless desperation phas that I’m sure a lot of players fall victim to now that I think about it most poter gas attack designs are heavily inspired by undertale and he really went all as good at the end poter gas loots are actually quite decent so just the Ecto heart that upgrades our adrenaline meter we Farm down some essence of hok from the brimson CRA biome we went home to craft some blood flare cores and the do hand Cannon despite the funny name it is actually a powerful hand gun but our main reward is a blood flare armor our preparation is still not done yet as we still have to go to the suur SE to fight against the final tier of the AET rain because at this point we might as well fight all the bosses available in this entire mod while fighting AET rain we stumbled upon nuclear Terror a mini boss inspired by the horror character from the game Nuclear Throne our Doan Canon was able to take easy care of it but I do wish that Calamity deaths will turn this guy into an actual boss in the future because a nuclear inspired boss is just very cool then we proceed to catch some blood worms a summoning item for Old Duke the next boss we must fight wins the award in the most optional most forgettable yet the most annoying boss in the entire Calamity first it is n other than Old Duke unlike most Inferno battles the fight is blunt sess and lacks of spies just like British quisine it is also hard but not potera level of hard but what makes it hard is due to the attacks being repetitive it is difficult to accurately am down the old du the entire time due to the old Haram pick moving way too fast surprisingly after a bit of damage testing s strikker is stronger than Do’s hand Cannon I don’t really want to get into details but I feel like old duuk has wasted potential and could have been a much better fight if it’s not just another dashing simulator I can already hear the intense typing from all the hardcore sweaty Calamity fans listen let me peacefully hit on Old Duke besides I’m sure lots of you agree with me as well a skill I improve from all of our experience fighting against old duuk is how to time our dashes properly yep infernum made dashing into an essential feature and it is a huge factor in this fight trust me it is a surprise tool that will help us later and there we go the annoying Boomer Haram pick is now down we did not get the gun that we need from the first old du treasure bag but thanks to the magic of moding we can just buy another bag from the operator NPC we have successfully acquired the fetus delus machine gun it is time we engage in a glorious battle against the forer of gods the INF famous space form you’ve all been waiting for you can already tell that this fight is going to be legendary just from the background of the battle itself it is a work of art it is safe to say that 50% of the of God’s fight is just a dashing simulator not that it’s necessarily a bad thing but it does feel gimmicky at times once you overlook The Dashing Simulator Part the fight is visually phenomenal but not as hard as you might expect well yes the fight can be unforgiving as taking a hit or two from theor usually results in a guaranted death especially if you get struck down by the charging attack head first dodging the variety of attacks isn’t as hard once you understand and learn the pattern they might look visually complex but they’re quite simple to Dodge I lowy love bosses like this your opinion might differ though as the complaints from the Calamity Community alone took down the entire infernum Discord server for like a week or two truly a har Mind of a community a rare case of scenario happens with infernum deor a rare case where infernum change one of its attacks to be easier than the original which is the signature laser M attack now easily counterable with most flying Mounds well that’s ironic successfully chip off the Forest Health to 50% and phase two is where the space worm gets all gry with a cool and trans portal animation Jokes Aside that portal animation is just so [ __ ] cool you already know [ __ ] is about to get real the space War ain’t messing around with a player anymore interestingly enough the second phase consists of multiple Mini phas faces so basically faces inside of a face face setion I heard that the seven Striker gambling gun is also viable against the but you need to be accurate at aiming when using it I am do water at aiming so you know why I chose using the fetus delus instead another great tip is reforging all your accessories into menacing instead of warding and focusing on Mobility accessories instead of offensive because two or three hits from the is already more than enough to take most players down you know when I first fought the space War I thought it was annoying but the more I fought it the more I realize how fun this boss is it somehow feels more like a dance than the fight for some reason the fight feels more satisfying once you view it as a dance rather than your average boss battle as quoted by jet stream Sam Let’s Dance I feel like infernum should have done the other bosses like the the difficulty increase just comes naturally as the fight gets Chang either way we should just appreciate the absolute beauty of this fight as if the death hand dimension of this gigantic space warm slowly crumbling down is enough to make a Grown and shed a tear of Joy 10 out of 10 would no hit if this video gets 20,000 likes we don’t immediately get an upgrade to our gears upon defeating theor we still need to beat up the moon infection defense for the souls the enemies drop I feel like the dev should upgrade or improve the postor infection defense they’re kind of a bit too stale and feels like more of a chore than anything we need the souls to craft ascendant Spirit Essence which is a core material important to craft many endgame stuff like core of the blood God a full set of God Slayer armor along with Guardian IUS and elant Racers now we can perform a god Slayer Dash and our wing fly time is better than ever we also crafted a few weapons to test out for fun like the universal Genesis the final upgrade to star cannon the Shredder the gun that absolutely shreds your frame rate per second anti- material rifle a powerful sniper rifle but only good if you can aim properly but the most important piece onyia the final upgrade to the onx chain Blaster line and also one of my most favorite weapon before progressing we need to craft exotic fer rones and use it in the jungle biome to summon the dragon Foy this boss should have been fought by us much earlier but I never really saw the need to fight it so I delayed it until now and of course due to us being absolutely overgeared and overprepared for this fight the Bumble B stood no chance the fight feels easy but yeah I don’t get to speak about the fight difficulty it is just unfair for me to speak of it using my current gears this bird is literally screeching for help this entire fight and we’re just gunning him down Lesly wow is yarim really the bad person here or maybe we are just the yarim along the way but we must defeat him for the eulan feathers that he dropped as the feather is a necessary material for the crafting of the yaron summoning item and now it is time to summon the unwavering Guardian yaron himself another beautiful background change by infernum now I feel like I’m on fire you’ll start to think twice of killing yaron once you realize yaron is just a good boy he is just a loyal dog to yarim fortunately these but packs are very annoying to deal with and extremely unforgiving as well so killing him doesn’t make me feel as guilty think of it as a form of self-defense don’t get me wrong yon is still harder and still is one of my least favorite boss in Calamity I’m just getting used to it if anything I still dislike the pacing of the fight onyia against yon is just a classic combo and feels nostalgic for me it is always my go-to trusty weapon whenever I’m dealing with Yon once you bring down yaron’s heal to zero he does not die instead he resurrects himself bringing his HP back to 100 and becoming more powerful starting his second pH oh boy this does not look too good round two of the fight just started and my ARS was not ready for it with all new faster and improvised attacks the Battleground just became more dangerous thinking about it what the hell is y message to his master he keeps singing it but I’m sure a bird has no capabilities of speaking it is impressive how Inferno made the old spread of yon look badass I can’t wait until they implement the new Sprite with the new Sprite I’m sure the fight will feel much hotter I also noticed as yon’s HP gets lower he also gets faster he gradually gains speed over time it might be just me but he also starts doing the charging Dash attack more often the lower the HP gets people are telling me that infernum rework remove the base Calamity ridiculous bullet hell and Yaro no longer does the flashing attack without warning asaro no longer teleports himself on top of the player so it’s more of a skill-based gameplay now rather than luck and I really felt it I actually think infernum yaron is more fun and lowkey easier but in a good way of course you know what I mean devs if you are watching please don’t make the fight any more harder I’m already struggling more than enough yon’s final face as he turns your monitor brightness to the max is an act of desperation he will start to charge this at the player repeatedly and the only thing we can do to dodge it is by dashing basically a glorify F dashing simulator once more my adrenaline was pumping like crazy during this moment I was so scared of dying but one thing yon did not take into account is the indomitable human Spirit the adrenaline pumping within my ve during near death scenarios I was also surprised on how I survive and Dodge most of yaron’s final attacks I did not know I had that do in me hey free chicken nuggets baby yaron drops the dragon’s breath not a bad gun but not as powerful as our other options upon defeating yon our or will start to generate in the underground biome we M down plenty of them we turned them into bars crafted a set of tracers and apparently Catal decided their own version of AIC Tesla armor their version has this damaging orb surrounding the player we also crafted the minigun now called as king Spain while the new King’s bin looks much cooler I feel like Min gun’s DPS is much more consistent in the long term here is a quick side by- side comparison hey there post recording get good here Calamity just released the Bountiful Harvest update and well in every update it is bound to have a new exploit for this one all you need is nor flit a 10% drop chance weapon from theer of goats and the go breaker base shoot norly three times to initiate a charging procedure then take away the power cells from the Cod breaker base and fora you get yourself a beauty of an exploit you can stop this exploit by putting the power cells back into the Cod breaker Base Credit to this guy from my Discord server for finding out about this this is very fun to play with but yeah it will 100% destroy your frame rate per second without any doubt unless you have a a super computer but for sure we all can agree it is perfectly Balan don’t worry I won’t be using this exploit against supreme camitas or any bosses that be too unfair I want my fights to be fair and painful so we’ll just go back to our current timeline SL version for the sake of blood consistency we gathered the dadon Le Shenanigans to build a complete Cat breaker base and we proceed to summon the Dron XOM Max we are given three options to choose from at the beginning of the fight RS based on skeleton Prime aremis and Apollo Bas on the twins or tanatos based on the Destroyer don’t worry you get to fight all of them at the end it isn’t all you can eat buffet and yes you might want to tun down the visual effects in your settings because as you can see I T up mine way too high and now my eyes are burning yeah let’s do that first all right it is much better now even then it is still very hard to see what the [ __ ] is going on with all these visual clutters that is the main part I dislike about the dadon XO Max but hey at least they look cool though the other Max will assist the current mechanic boss you’re fighting once you drop their health to a certain threshold and when that happens your screen will become even more cluttered and they are no joke in terms of difficulty look at that ARS blade attack by the way I could not Dodge it completely the first time but hey give me a break that blade attack was new at the time and God damn it looks sexy as hell Aris needs to use his word more it makes him stand out more than the rest of the mechanical bosses one of my least favorite attacks is where AR suddenly changes his fidget spinner laser Direction make up your mind that dog I tried changing the order of the fight but it still did not help that much I really need to learn the pattern I might be doing something wrong here because my xox kept turning red and getting in Rage that should not be a normal thing I don’t believe so surprisingly I am not that bad at fighting dreadon surprisingly I am not that bad at fighting Ron anymore I think I’ve learned from all my previous mistakes I used to think that Ron is harder than Supreme calamitas I’m going to be honest here I don’t know what I should write in my script for the exomax fight I have no clear Direction I’m just going with the flow now because as you can see there is just too much stuff happening but at the same time it all just Mak sense I am dodging purely based on my instinct now and just like beesa game Studio often say it just works this fight feels like a fever dream or more precisely when you get home from school all tired and then accidentally sleep until 3:00 a.m. waking up all hungry and Confused then you proceed to go to the kitchen to inhale sugary cereals you don’t know what the [ __ ] you’re doing or eating or what’s happening but it just feels good sums up the entire dadon fight we save arguably the easiest Mech for the last which are Aris and Apollo we did get hit a few times by the stay projectiles but somehow someway we managed to outrun the big laser ball on our first attempt I legitimately thought I was going to die there especially during the turnaround as I was running out of space on my Arena I should have met my Arena larger that was honestly just pure luck there no skill was involved braing go monkey well that was surprising we have successful fully took down the endgame mechanical Trio the dreon XOM Max their drops are insanely powerful from the Dron heart that replaces our adrenaline meter with regenerating nanom machines search driver a decently powerful endgame plasma gun which we’ll use for our next bosses and last but not least the dadon gaming chair an extremely overpowered flying Mount now we must Venture the deepest STS of the abys plant a waypoint there using the wayfinder and awaken the adult adol and Worm by picking up the Forbidden Terminus this is where our dedon gaming chair shines a lot it chases the entire fight you given high speed and stability once you sit on the chair making it very easy to maneuver and Dodge through all of wham’s attacks there is this one attack where edol and worm starts to circle the player you have to go in the spiral movement to dodge the projectiles luckily our gaming chair made this Tas extremely easy normally we’d have to worry about sleeping through the nooks and crannies and we have to constantly manage our position trying our best to not fall down due to gravity but our gaming chair completely takes the entire challenge way a lot of worm’s attacks are very much telegraphed which makes the fight less difficult as you’re given information on where to go and when to dodge the attacks did you know infernum actually Nerf adult adol Worm but in the best way possible by changing the fight completely as the base Calamity adol worm is a cluttered mess of a super boss and I believe the community welcomes this change with a warm embrace phase two of the fight is where the worm starts to weaponize the Terminus and use it as a form of the triim to blast the living hell out of the terrarian and the worm will be a background character supporting the floating Terminus despite all that we still manage to outrun the worm with our gaming chair another proof that Mobility can be more important than defense I think we should have fought the we before the exom max as the battle really shouldn’t be this easy but there we go adult Adon worm has now been defeated we got a Hollywood cannon from edolon whm this gun is very powerful but I believe our search driver is stronger I also believe they Nerf the Hollywood Cannon we M down the brimson slack from the brimson cek biome in order to craft the altar of the aurs and now we can proceed to summon the brimstone witch Supreme calamitas and no sadly we cannot use a radon gaming chair during the Supreme calamitas fight the devs thought of this and they nerfed it making it impossible for players to write any Mount during the Supreme calamitas fight longtime players of Calamity will notice that infernum calamita attacks are based on her own weapon drops which is very creative of the deaths okay I’m going to admit it this fight is the hardest fight in the whole entire infernum mod it almost made me want to quit this play through at a point in my opinion it is rank number one in the hardest above rank to poter gas the difficulty difference between rank one and two is just that high I’ve always fought Supreme clamas using my melee Loadout thanks to my beloved EXO blade so I am really unfamiliar with what is the best gun to use against her so to be safe I just use my search drier correct me if there’s a better gun to use I’d love to know that Supreme calamitas can also call help from her brothers but in my opinion they’re actually one of the easier part of the fight from the fury Fireballs to the exploding meatballs to the ghostly Spirits all of supreme calamitas attacks will torture the living hell out of you the only time we can breathe is during the intervals between her many faces I cannot thank the nanom machine smitter from our radon’s heart more than enough it saved my ass a lot during this battle and also the god Slayer Dash from our armor can be extremely useful from time to time as it provides eye frames even after the dash which potentially save me on multiple scenarios but still even then I died countless times more than I could phatom then I realize that is the only thing that ever embraced me until I can only crwl I will not be defeated I will spit onto your face the stars are beyond my reach and so I grasp my weapon and take Aim race against surrender we are what we overcome we become better upon each battle that we experience over time I became accustomed to doging Supreme calamitas deadly meatballs avoiding them from exploding onto my face a thing about escal I realized a bit too late is one of our weakness is moving in a circle yeah that’s how you basically Dodge most of our attacks it’s just very hard to time it well the desperation face is the hardest as usually you’ll be left with only a strand of HP left at this point of the fight it is extremely unforgiving as failing a desperation phase forces you to refight the witch all over again during this phase escal attacks are Relentless and she will not stop attacking I really really wanted to give up but I knew I had to strive through we have to get over this we have to be motivated we must press forward we must not be defeated fight because we must we will not surrender we must all find Our Place mine is being cast down so I can rise once [Music] more and there we go we have successfully took down the brimstone witch Supreme calamitas in this play through Supreme calamitas isn’t the final boss we still have two more bosses left and both of them are super bosses using the drops we receive from escal we craft that shadow spec bars the main crafting material to craft a variety of dangerous endgame arsenal of weaponries from the S Prime inspired by Warframe a gun that inflicts deadly bled debuff on two enemies this fun technical a gun capable of firing bages of splitting bullets and the void Dragon which we ultimately chose as our main weapon as it deals the most damage per second and not to forget we also crafted the most powerful armor it is known other than demon shade armor we also crafted the best pickaxe in the entire Calamity mode the crystal Crusher afterwards we crafted the Genesis we use the Genesis to summon the anthropic G noxus at first you would think that the fight is abnormally easy especially for a super boss as super bosses usually tend to be much harder than normal bosses in fact noxus looks more funny than threatening he looks like a giant for space meatball and the variety of his attacks are easy to dodge but once you take down his health to 80% he will cra open his shell revealing his true form phase two of noxus looks significantly cooler than phase one as he is no longer in his midb case according to the English dictionary entropic means lacking order or gradually losing order to the point that a perfectly anthropic Universe would be a smooth and inner field of matter which means noxus is the embodiment of the god of chaos itself as anthropy grows the system loses dynamism in other words the ultimate goal of noxus is to eradicate the universe itself to the point of no living and we must stop that from happening well I mean I did die here and there but in my defense it was my first time fighting noxus I had zero experience noxus also has a phase three and when that happens he became significantly more powerful luckily thanks to our Dron gaming chair and our extremely powerful fo Dragon noxus was not a challenge in the slightest the screen shattering Dimension attack almost caught me by surprise but luckily we already mastered the art of circling bosses as we almost take down noxus something odd will happen a force originating beyond the Realms of Terraria disobeying the RO of 2D pixel swops in and annihilates noxus itself at that moment the Terraria knew he [ __ ] up there is a greater force a greater threat beon oxus that he must overcome now we must prepare ourselves to enter the Garden of Eden and face against a being existing above all existence nameless D okay sorry for ruing the moment a bit before I become poetic again I just want to say that holy moly I can’t believe the deaths actually let us ride to the redon gaming chair during this fight I fought D without a gaming chair before and it was much much harder without the help of the mount this chair is such a cheit Cod all right back to being poetic and offer dramatic again the visuals of nameless deity exceed the expectations of any Mortals with the power to call the void and control a black hole to destroy the terrarian body from within or blasting down powerful scorching Rays originating from the Sun itself we are essentially fighting the god of creation the god of Terraria itself and we are no more than M Mortals with the power to break the fourth wall itself even the terrarian so-call adrenaline and R Metter was able to be crushed by dity the terrarian was faced with an extremely powerful threat but we have a secret weapon the indomitable human Spirit we never needed an adrenaline Metter we must not fail to realize that we have adrenaline deep within ourselves the survival Instinct of IM mortal allows them to surpass their limits and survive even the strongest of blows we might be mortal but we shall not be bond to Gods I wield my fate as a weapon if they kill me at least I die a man nameless deity you might have conquered Gods but but now you are facing a man the power of gods is but an echo of our own because we fall The Climb must be our destination we have found our limit a thousand times but still we must press further [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] it is not why we fight but who we fight for thank you for watching [Music]

Can I survive Terraria Calamity mod’s HARDEST difficulty, Infernum, by using the GUNNER class, a sub-class from the Ranger class? Find out more in this video!

0:00 – Intro
28:17 – HARDMODE 1
52:52 – HARDMODE 2 (Post-Golem)
1:18:00 – ENDGAME

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Outro music made by @MykrasOtherStuff
Yharim pixel art in the thumbnail was commissioned by potatoman999 on Discord, yes he refuses to use any other platforms

Music used in this video :
Super Mario 3D World – Super Bell Hill [Remix] by Qumu ( )
DELTARUNE- Battle Theme Remix (Rude Buster) [Kamex] ( )
Undertale Remixed ▸ Spider Dance ▸ Holder Remix by GameChops ( )
Undertale – Hopes and Dreams/Save The World – Epic Orchestral Cover [ Kāru ] ( )
Super Mario World – Overworld [Remix] by Qumu ( )
SSSS.GRIDMAN ED – Youthful Beautiful [8-bit; VRC6] by Lumena-tan ( )
Attack of the Killer Queen [8-bit; VRC6] – Deltarune Chapter 2 by Lumena-tan ( )
Smart Race [8-bit; VRC6+N163] – Deltarune Chapter 2 by Lumena-tan ( )
Undertale – “Finale” V2 NITRO Remix by Nick Nitro ( )

#terraria #calamity
Terraria is an action-adventure sandbox platformer game developed by Re-Logic. Play Terraria Now:
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The Calamity Mod is a large content mod for Terraria which adds many hours of endgame content and dozens of enemies and bosses dispersed throughout the vanilla game’s progression. The Calamity Mod also features several harder difficulty modes, 5 new biomes and new structures, a new class, a new leveling mechanic, more than 30 new songs, over 50 recipes for previously uncraftable vanilla items and other assorted changes to vanilla gameplay.

This is not a 100 Days of Terraria Modded or a Terraria Mod Playthrough or a Modded Terraria Class or a Terraria Modded Boss video, or a Terraria Calamity mod Guide but I hope you guys like the Terraria Calamity Infernum mod Ranger Gunner class playthrough video…


  1. As a no-hitter who has almost no-hit every infernum boss, polterghast is definitly not the hardest boss lol, its probably in the top 10 but idk man

  2. You are really really making me want to go finish my fricking infernum playthrough. Had to drop it due to finals but yeah. Gotta get on that.

  3. don't know why, but I was kinda hoping you'd have added Hunt of the old gods to the mod list for a third superboss, cause Goozma's kinda a fun but annoying boss. and the whip it drops is amazing

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