10 Idiots Vs Terraria’s Calamity Mod | EP. 1: The BEGINNING

since 2014 Terraria has been one of my favorite games however I’ve never done a modded playthrough before so after asking around I learned that Calamity is a big shot mod Everyone likes to play but I couldn’t do it alone I gathered 10 of my friends in many different time zones with varying levels of experience and came up with a challenge for us to follow we had to beat the final boss Supreme calamitus on the brutal new difficulty in the mod ads called revengeance however there was one small catch the world would be permanently deleted in exactly 7 days from the start of the server could we a gang of idiots led by the few who had experience with a mod actually pull this off would all the hours spent building Mining and fighting be for nothing and would you the humble viewer end up subscribing in the end only time will tell welcome to episode one of 10 idiots ver Terraria Calamity mod I hope you enjoyed as much as we [Music] did I’m going to try and make like a like a Greek femo way Avatar hold on gen like you’re the only person who thinks of this since when did they that Hots Miku hairstyle wait what oh my god dude they added Miku to Terraria my God what color are miku’s eyes like black right AR they blue they’re never blue they’re blue I’m pretty sure they’re blue wait hold on guys I think I made Miku let me let me screenshot what do you guys think hold on okay low key I I you would whoa whoa whoa the question is now that it’s large and expert right it’s large and expert what should the name of the world be though wait what if I called it Ohio okay no let me crack open my Sprite hold on oh squid games Okay God you have brain damage is it going to generate this time I think everyone has it right everyone’s in they got the invite no one’s and no one’s yo I love smiling imp Emoji Daddy I’m coming that’s that’s not the passw for I got to open my S bag hold on oh whoa it gave me so much stuff yeah got our first M got the Calamity the oh everyone coming in hell yeah hell yeah I did not get my back dog no no no genuinely how the do I get my bag you okay you have to have the Calamity mod installed and then make a character oh wait never mind are you st oh hold on actually you might be right yeah all right let’s get some wood I guess developer item you got a developer item huh I got look here vanity item item bro oh we got sh back there we go I got I got my bag oh you got your bag who was Ben Shapiro hello Ben shapir Peter Griffin hell bro Peter Griffin’s tweaking on my screen who is this oh that’s Mel oh that’s Mel ni see do we just like knock get the bar oh right I need I need to enable it I need to enable it hold on there we go uh yeah bam there we go revengeance if we’re building a house should we have like a chest room cuz wait wait the storage the storage mod this guy this guy the storage mod the mod no the house is leaving we need we need iron bars who here is a minor who here is a minor we got miners in the server what hey hey T you want to go on a adventure with me you want to go on adventure adventure adventure adventure let’s go let’s go let’s go Adventure Time oh wait Adventure Time very up here up here let’s go yo if anyone wants to like come with me that would be very nice come with you count for three count for threey I’m coming oh my God you guys are dying so quick let’s just go let’s go run run run run run run run run run come on T come on T let’s go bro what the is that bre Hive tumor I’m going to I’m about to die I’m about to head out kill it kill the hi tum I’m running you should kill that get me out of here no bro get me out of here no my name I was sent to the farm oh what like they’re like putting me down like a dog what or the evil Mining Adventure hell yeah it’s just you and me now T uhoh the Life Crystal hold on I need to get it save me T save me come get me there are two there are two hot crystals oh yeah oh this is my kind of cave I’m fighting a blob over here a blob yeah it’s actually called a slime a third a third hot Crystal wait am I the hot Crystal wait under taale hold on oh oh that’s struggling in the chat oh huh how did you do that what what how do how do I oh I’m pressing b instead of V you have to hold hold V it says Excavating hold on hell yeah that was kind of impressive actually is that another one that’s another one hold on hold on hold on that’s another one no no no x-raying what is happening here uh what is this biome it’s um I forgot what it’s called there’s like golems in there though let’s check it out Golems village Minecraft oh gold gold let me out let me in Spar shoes Spar shoes no Enjoy the enjoy the angel statue in there there’s a the white rock biome I forgot what it’s called oh it’s like diorite or something like that what is this diorite Minecraft but sometimes there’s like a chest oh there’s the spear throwing guy I’m going to leave yeah oh there’s another hot Crystal what is that to Topaz crawler hello no no no no no he’s running he’s running help help help help no your squirrels got this oh yeah we got the double squirrels double nuts Two Nuts hell yeah what topaz oh wait there’s gems I need to grab these yeah I’m I’m just going all the way to the end I just want to see what there is cuz I’m imp well I want to get a grappling hook so real okay I found the end the end Minecraft oh hold on red slime H go squirrel oh [ __ ] I can’t see I can’t see help help no run run get out of here no life Crystal I like Life Crystals I’m safe oh you know there’s a red slime around here go squirrel yeah do we have heels take this life Crystal I’m feeling generous mushrooms there you go I’m feeling generous Life Crystal yay all right let’s keep going down I got I got jumped by a cave bat and a red slime damn I got the evil glow stick watch out for that pressure plate oh there’s a pressure plate I’m out of here no no no no no no no not fall that life not fall that life it’s right there oh no I didn’t see it [Laughter] I uh uh what the sigma okay let’s keep going oh piranhas oh wait Mel is here yeah what’s Mel doing let’s get Mel in the VC God damn hi Mel what’s up oh I got yeah you did you did get draged what are you doing down here are either of you like Melee people I’m melee yeah I found something that you might want uh throw it I’ll catch it okay got this I caught it thank you thank you for the upgrade my queen no yesi supercharge go I had so much rope too but it’s okay wait hold on I found the evil chest regeneration band I’ll be taking that I think I’m about to die through the snail I’m going to be so real you shouldn’t do that snail I shouldn’t die to the snail no you know the snail in Adventure Time like the scary one no okay all right never mind I’m going I’m going to put that in the video and everyone will know what I’m talking about you’re going to look like the biggest fools I come on dumo let’s go on an adventure what Adventure just you and me me and my Editor to vulture dumd you with Kanye what don’t worry there are so many bro there are so many graves what were you guys dying to zombies zombies oh brains you should have bought the peashooter I am the peashooter see vult everywhere dog oh what is that br br br hide hide hide no oh my god oh it’s coming towards me no I’m just going to use a squirrel squirrel’s got it there we go oh it’s the thug Shaker on them oh my god oh why is it so dark all of a sudden huh it’s raining it’s raining instead of a red alert it’s a rain alert all right that’s enough oh it died hold on what did I get what did I get amedia spark taking damage releases a Bloss of Sparks wow yeah I’ve had this one wow okay Mr show off all right did you take my money no the money must have went to Ohio you can have it back you can have it back hold on go I know there’s your money back there’s your money back one fing D Bloon for all my trou One D oh ow ow come on Slowpoke hurry up in real life oh [ __ ] we’re going to we’re going to die oh angry Rover Drive projects an energy Shield good that makes your use your Shield plent damage wait real I’ve got the the bubble this reminds me of this Crash Bandicoot racing game that I used to play and you get this like bubble as one of the power ups oh my God the blood moon oh I’ll Le the way oh that they’re getting murdered up there bro makes me glad to glad to be a minor you feel me yeah sure man whatever you say who put Kool-Aid in the water who put Kool-Aid in the water what’s the what’s the plan now Dum I don’t know oh to the right to the right there’s a way you’re going to drown dude you’re going to drown you’re going to drown you’re going to drown oh how’s the blood moon going I haven’t let go of left Mouse button for the past seven minutes I’ve been permanently dead I mean I mean I don’t know about you guys but I just found a superior snowball cannon that’s so awesome can you help can you help can you help at all can you help at all okay okay but the thing the thing is right the thing is the snowball Cannon can’t shoot without snow blocks so I need to you know I need to get snow oh suck dude the cave here kind of looks like whole lot of red that’s crazy what actual jellyfish house what um yes oh my God okay let’s check this out Tundra leash flinks fur Frozen key oh my God no I need to tell the guys guys guys guys guys guys guys I found the Frozen key I found the Frozen key already the Frozen Wait how dude you got the mold yes yes like like how I found it in a it’s a jellyfish it’s like a jellyfish house thing underground in the snow I also got a a mound what I got a Mount this is so good okay get entrance to a cave down here or is it a dead end if it’s a dead end I’m going to I can’t clam who’s clam who the [ __ ] is [Applause] clam is clam clam is the okay it’s bad it’s B it’s it’s clam like Calamity okay this guy’s a genius Mel left a crater your mom when she jumps I’m going to make the tungsten set and see if I have any left of for it I wouldn’t recommend going for the for the tungsten set just go for like Silver Platinum it’s a bit too late it’s a bit too late bro what is this terrar [ __ ] background it’s trying to be scary for no I know I know right this sh look like slenda Forest oh not sure not sure I have a gift for you do do you wife oh what I mean wife that’s my wife get a away from her Harlot oh I killed the owl I killed the owl my bad we’re a rag tag band of Misfits Misfits Swagger Souls wait Swagg wa no my bad my bad slime my bad wait why am I running so fast hello maybe it’s you oh no I thought these were the ice skates wait the genius boots on holy the genius boots let’s go let’s go let’s go oh you did not just waste a wormhole on that bro shut your M zombie zombie alert don’t worry get behind me I will be your Shield oh no I will be your Shield I’m Reinhardt right now okay bricks oh Ben Ben’s killing this man with rocks okay kill the homeless man with bricks whoa I don’t have diamonds you can like you have a dash you have a dash [Laughter] Vegeta kakarat I am the prince of all saan Kakarot Goku Goku Goku the video the video not say what Frieza said oh my god oh true I can’t I can’t say that what are we doing I’m like a follower I’m like mining now where we going bro is the summon bro is the summon oh wait we got two chests loot all bye-bye what did I get ice blade which I can’t oh ice ice blade oh toss me that yes King I got wait can I have the boomerang you can have the ice Boomerang sure there we go you’re white right now oh what is that it’s a a I’m white look look look the evil chest I got the web Slinger hey Mel you want to check out you want to check out my web Slinger don’t oh God oh my God I’m getting capped right now by a creature help oh my God a yo-yo on the floor the most ADHD coms ever help help help help me oh my God please somebody I’m 900 M away bro what’s happening there I’m actually like getting over stimulated I um I’ve made my way to hell oh why’ the water just turn to C hello what y oh what the [ __ ] is that no no no soul slurper get get that thing away from me absolutely not absolutely not no oh uh uh minus – 34 gold uh4 um uh oh [ __ ] oh yo smash your pass King Slime pass pass what you smash hello pass help bro oh my [ __ ] god oh my [ __ ] God bro I’m getting dumpstered right now help no stay alive stay alive with cthulu SP IU I have cthulu I have cthulu no oh my god oh dude get his ass get his ass finish him off oh finish him off W get him kill him kill him kill him get him t t 96 96 96 got we got him we got him we got him he’s One Tap one hit yeah yes guys I have culu about a summon I have culu I have dude we have a graveyard here um more like a adrenaline it’s on me it’s on me it’s on me help help 13,000 get him get him we’ve got it we can do it we can do it we can do it I’m using rage mode I’m raging oh rage mode beast mode I’ll build an arena right now while we’re fighting okay okay quick quick quick it’s on me it’s on me no no no no no no no no no why is Ben AFK why is Ben AFK no get back here daddy’s not done talking to you dude we’ve got him he’s he’s on the ropes okay never mind we’re on the ropes holy [ __ ] we’ve been edging him this whole time it’s about time we finish him off the easiest Arena easiest Arena speedrun ever no this [ __ ] is not a Joi bro Strokes eat different stop stop stop stop stop get him no okay come on come on come on no on little bit more little bit more did I miss something yeah yes yes B the eye the eye the eye get it yeah yeah oh my just in time I carried oh oh my inventory is full LOL well that just happened there go upgraded my pickaxe let’s also upgrade my armor evil time there go we got the full Platinum set yeah it melt melt melt check this out check this out I’m going to show you ready I’m checking I’m checking oh my God oh my God stop stop sing on me dude it’s like dripping off of my okay dude don’t don’t say it that way what the dude you know you know the the video where it’s like TCO at the GTA com it’s like get that [ __ ] out of there I know Tu and I know a GTA car me down here in the underground how was the fall what is this below us actual shrima Temple bro what was in the chest there’s three truffle worms you guys three trle worms hello fishron you guys want to fight Duke fish I don’t know about now I don’t know about now oh wait wait look Dead Man’s Chest to the left check that out put that on your pipe and smoker put that on your pipe and smoker o a magic miror I’ll be taking that I’ll be taking that do I’m going to go to hell oh hold on no my food’s ready my food’s ready hold on God we breached hell oh we’re here oh the GU vood doll hello I’m about to die oh I’m about to head out n all right no I’m fine I’m fine oh oh oh oh demon Scythe demon Scythe I got it oh nice in an oiled up twerk off who would win Goku or Vegeta oh you know the video what Daddy Daddy do the Saiyan walk sure sure actually I’ve never seen that I’m about to die no oh Pizza Time I had pizza for dinner why is everyone eating pizza hello I also had P what no okay so what do we do to progress now what’s like the guide look it up no but like are you guys using them oh I died do not take that thanks for the money thanks for the money bro thanks for the donation give that back G back I’m going be so for real I should probably go sleep oh blood moon um oh I’m so yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m I’m going to go sleep I don’t don’t know what you’re looking at but this entire area is just nothingness for me is this where like the oh it just loaded in oh W wo wo wo you’re tweaking on my screen you’re tweaking on my screen wo I’m lagging like crazy yeah the lag is hor oh we can summon the hive mind over here no we will get we’ll get our asses kicked let’s test our strength hold on no no no no no no no no no oh no oh no oh God okay that that was all p oh I fell down the hole I fell down the hole bro [ __ ] you look pretty strong get his ass uhoh I think he scary but he’s like glitching right now you see that wait can it even hurt us I haven’t got hurt oh no no no no scratch that scratch that um are we going to like beat this thing already you Sur not dude I’m about to die I’m about to I’m about to this supposed to be like way later this is supposed to be I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m hiding I’m hiding hi Vegeta have got get the hell out of here holy crap yeah okay um all right well that just happens impressive method what the just happened um were we supposed to do that we were supposed to do that way later but okay so that just happened can we take on Calamity now I think we’re strong enough that’s true that’s actually true though okay hold on someone say here I’m going to put my stuff back okay um I think we got sidetracked guys all right hold on let’s see what’s in the bag Demonite boss it just skips to boss no way yeah do you guys just want to kill the worm right now here you want this thing I think you can like turn it into something better cuz it’s material Griffin take this stuff oh wait this is fast oh that’s nice it’s making squishy noises I don’t like that very much go go go go don’t worry it can’t hurt you down can’t it can’t what yeah we’re we’re on the same team oh oh my okay explosions Hur wait hold on t t t oh uh oh uh what do that mean I’m was shooting at it with the sword I just got actual AFK boss hello AFK farming boss oh ow ow you’re just going to beat the game tonight I guess I think it’s it’s really hard solo but it’s kind of trivialized with multiple people oh God actually oh no I’m about to die oh we’re going to lose we’re going to lose oh my God uh I couldn’t click on you over all the worms we were saying it was trivial wait I think it’s coming for you Ben hell here live bro get I can’t oh my God oh my go go go go go oh my Lord what is happening bro bro oh my God okay we have any mods on somebody oh guys guys is anyone alive Four 3 2 one I’m back I’m back I’m back hey I’m back I’m tagged in come on 1,000 HP we can do it we can do it finish him there he is get his ass dude get his ass dude he’s so squishy now I can’t ho because of all the chat what oh my God it’s all the way down there oh we got the meteorite as well hello oh y I can make one of my things I need uh wait did I not get anything it didn’t drop a bag maybe it’s cuz we all died several times maybe yeah I I don’t like it was on the map it was on the map for like a few seconds the bag was yeah and then disappeared can we can mine the meteor just go in the other hole over here just use vein Miner on it wait can I oh what a well that just happened all [Music] right oh hell yeah got the bag yeah actually got the bag this time okay nice wait look I got this cute little either e of Worlds pet look look at him go more Goblin Army yep let’s get it I’m not even going to lie like the Goblin Army is kind of just like a chore you know what I mean kind of is it feels like I’m mowing a lawn right now yeah yeah okay we’re done easy oh yo I found a goblin oh huh huh wait wait wait what really hell yeah the tinkerer uh I have the tinker’s workshop now all right cool also rocket boots yeah always got to get rocket boots I’m so confused why can I not make the Horseshoe balloon oh wait I can make a green one for some reason oh the fart in a balloon no I’m not using that I am not using the fart bro I’m not using the fart no shot no shot oh God okay where where it’s below us this has a good oh oh oh okay hello oh it’s so over for this guy I think it says what it argro is on that’s actually kind of cool oh wait yeah that’s true you can see in the bottom the bottom yeah oh oh Little’s getting C this is really easy oh we got Demolisher hell yeah let’s finish it work nice not even a question going yeah let’s summon him again summon him again okay D you oh oh the M oh oh no this guy’s not playing around he’s not playing around anymore it’s so over bye-bye new personal best I thought you had a chance let me open my bag hold on bounces I got got a lot of stuff um permanently increases the duration of range mode base let’s go are we going again yeah do it again let’s go H time for a rematch why is he so bad at spawning in the right spot from the top ropes from the top ropes that equipped like summon thing is actually just killing me I think he’s done for I’m going to be real I’m about to die I’m about what 48 coins wait no don’t don’t die oh my God we are not dying the crap guy no go okay we’re fine we’re fine Jus well that just happen where is he bro what is he doing all the way down there look at the map bro hell no hell no okay I think I think we’re done for now I think we’re done for now we have way too many Roden brains all right I see brains not shackles leave where did all our shackles go oh I been those I’m not even going to lie oh I need Celestial cuffs what the [ __ ] it’s okay we can we can get them tonight now that they’re are zombies easy ass BR making zombie sounds nah brains Pro is the brains they say the brains and the braon you’re you’re the brains all right that sucks Zach what come look at this dude on the ground here what the whoa unconscious man what life’s a challenge when you’re naturally better than everyone else sorry weren’t you the one passed out on the ground oh he sells ale dude he sells beer hey my fine lady fancy you fancy a drink come around your she’s my wife hey hey step off buddy you want to take this outside you want to take this yeah just take it outside take outside turn PVP on huh yeah not talking that smack talk anymore huh sit down mut get back here sit down mut sit down mut oh oh oh wow chill chill chill chill chill no full auto in the building no full auto please please [ __ ] stupid please there’s a multing me with a rifle you silly staying in the acidic water not good for health it’s the cleanest water in New York City the water in my head like my tap water was Brown at one point what you got chocolate milk in your [ __ ] chocolate no it was like it was actually Brown it was disgusting dude he’s throwing weapons basically oh boring stealth and whenever you have stealth you do like five times the damage oh it’s it’s kind of cool you could say that Freddy Fazbear is a stealth class but when you don’t have stealth you do like d so Bonnie Bonnie is from the stealth class I don’t know I don’t know about that do you think toy chica is grippy or no what no my bad not my bad my bad my bad it’s getting kind of late for me yeah it’s 500 a.m. yeah I mean I feel like I feel like for one day we’ve done quite a lot I’m not even going to lie yeah actually five bosses I think that about wraps up day one now that everyone’s going to bed me included yeah what what what a fun day what a good game oh there’s a pig kill it kill it now kill it now bacon I got bacon God damn uh smash like subscribe if you want to win this free bacon giveaway and then then end the video right there shout out to Miles Ocha and Ash for supporting me on patreon it’s really cool you should do it too it’s really cheap

subscribe w/ the little bell thingy for Part 2 😈

BEFRIEND ME – https://discord.gg/bRBcBSV
BOBUX – https://www.patreon.com/woot7

this series is gonna be something incredibly new to me, I’ve never really done a “let’s play” type thing since I was really young. hope yall enjoyed, we got plenty more episodes coming after this one.

0:00 – creating the world
2:00 – WE IN
4:29 – mining adventure 😀
8:26 – dumbird date…
10:15 – blood moon o_o
12:04 – clam joins
13:58 – vegeta joins
15:36 – KING SLIME
24:41 – CRABULON
26:44 – big drama
28:57 – ending the day
29:05 – outro

Tea – https://x.com/Dr1nkYourTea
Mitz – @mitzlplyk
Dumbird – @theuglydumbird
Mel – https://x.com/meljam_

everyone else doesn’t use social media like that sorry lol


#terraria #calamity


  1. – The final challenge isn’t Supreme Calamitas, it’s the Boss Rush. I’d like to see you guys take that on.
    – Sky Islands now have Aerialite Ore which can be made into new armor, weapons, and wings.
    – Based PvZ reference, subbed just for that

  2. Calamity is overrated as hell but atleast you played the vanilla game before. For some streamers they instantly hop into calamity because the calamity kids are allways the loudest voice because omg galactic space worm boss that the streamer in 99.5% of the time will never get into the game far enough to see wowowow

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