Stardew Valley [116]: Two Updates Later

oh my God it’s for real it’s for real that’s not even happening um I guess hi guys uhoh well that’s okay I’m just going to go talk to my wife okay sweet was actually I when we first met it’s funny to think about now that we come so far oh it is happening what that’s drum machine wait I can’t okay here we go thank you this looks special yeah happy anniversary oh Lord have mercy so if anybody’s watching this like over the playlist and I sound weirdly different than I did before well that’s because some things have changed hey and now oh yeah oh we have forms um also I 100% do have your watering can nice cool I have my own somewhere in here yeah it’s all good well yours is mine the one you have is mine do I oh God yeah okay well you you went into my house and took mine from what I understand oh that’s right I am such a thief because you couldn’t find yours cuz I had it right Y how do I do this again I think I can just like I might be able to click on you to give it to you I don’t know it’s not oh do you want yours back I mean I figure I’m going to be taking care of the F that’s true yeah well then yeah it’s better for you to use that one then you can have if you want that’s fine you can have my shitty watering pan oh man oh yeah I guess anyone who hasn’t watched this in a while it’s going to be really confused about who I am oh yeah yeah this is Ace man girl we’ve been working together on the farm for the last uh for a little while now but it has been a couple of years I worked with what you had that’s true yeah but it’s all it’s been a it’s been the TR all the right okay mining chest that’s what we’re okay wow I forgot how to play this game even though I just played it like 3 weeks ago and we happen to be recording this on Mother’s day and also I forgot if I have kids I remember saying that in the Stream like do I have kids and I’m like wait that’s a terrible thing to forget I don’t think you do no not yet still one of the last times we played together like ages ago you got the prompt and you I’m pretty sure the I sure did okay I’m sorting also it’s playing Summer music because I got a jukebox out here so I’m sure I’ll get sooner or later oh my God all of these pumpkins are done oh my God 16 Prismatic shards kill me anyway a mystery box I don’t need that in there I have to make a you know what I want to do it I want to make a second chest oh yeah I’ll go right ahead you are free to PR much do anything you want oh I didn’t even ask I just started doing that well there you go that’s is perfect now I can use this chest check on all my stuff put the rest of my stuff in here yeah this is going to be junk mostly so I’ll do [Applause] that I’ll drop off I don’t even remember my organ okay that’s seeds oh my God there’s so many pumpkins that’s amazing I know I started picking them my inventory got full Oh I thought I was holding the Cranberries okay I guess I wasn’t oh well yeah I do sound a little off right now because like I it’s apparently I’ve been taking the wrong pills for the last week and a half because of something stupid oh no yeah when I packed for a Coliseum I packed the wrong pills and I’ve been taking the wrong ones ever since then oh so but but it’s okay it’s like yeah everything’s good I texted my doctor which I can do that actually and she just told me to double up on it’s always helpful I feel so that’s what I’ve been doing and I already feel better so like still just a matter of this and that and the other secret note I’ll put that in there too so I had a little checklist I need to bring the watering can and a bomb I have bombs okay oh if you do you want the the good watering CAG no no actually I don’t I don’t think I can use it for what I have to do there anyway so got my return scepter that looks good maybe I’ll bring my other tools though oh my purple tools yes oh hell yeah dude oh my God this is this is actually happening what is this chest what’s this one oh this like a separate mining chest because I ran out of space in the first one so I’m like why are there a [ __ ] ton of cranberries in it oh that’s where I put those I was trying to figure that out a second ago yep those you can have those like I’m not doing anything with them all right cool I’ll just I’ll leave everything else I’m just trying to Fig I’m trying to reconfigure myself yeah a little like what are these cranberries doing bit of a setup we have here see make sure that’s yes okay checking to see if I’m actually recording we mean I just took over and started doing my setup on your farm and you didn’t say anything to stop me hell no I trust you the local salmon population is starting to threaten our species nope don’t care about that I should but I don’t EO hey Maru I don’t have anything for you spicy eel maybe but I’m just going straight over to Ginger aisle so I can kind of see fun it’s weird because last time we recorded this it was still on episode or episode um update 1.5 and to this day I still still haven’t really done everything you can do with 1.5 now we have 1.6 honestly me neither oh that’s crazy I Haven even touched that so like I read up on a page about it yesterday so I kind of know a little bit more than I did before but oh good I don’t know anything so if you need my oh my God my wine is all done oh yeah that was right oh wait oh my gosh the new music and everything can’t get over there yet I remember we have to get walnuts here just walnuts and there is like sort of a dungeon here too which is cool as hell and I hear the music playing once upon a time in my life I just didn’t know what to do CU I dug that up already there’s spots all over though I love this place oh I can rescue that guy dude oh my God yes but I need 10 walnuts for you repair Bridge qu I think I put the walnuts away I don’t remember if you store those in your inventory like you do everything else um I don’t think you do I think they’re just a collectible so I think we can yeah that’s what I thought okay that’s a take parrot Express oh man no no I’m fine that’s why I brought the bombs cuz I need to get over there and rescue the guy trapped behind the rock but uh all in good time Big Spot up here oh is this that Mario Party Min game money find golden walnuts all right no don’t drink the wine don’t drink it or drink it that works too I mean it’s Sunday you know Sunday I literally I literally had apple wine last night oh there you go I’m fishing in the lava why am I doing that all right you can also take damage that’s a [Music] thing do I have oh my God the sword is amazing I’ll just skip okay so I can still right floor one you’re chasing me you’re really chasing me well I okay I guess I can hit you I was thinking like I was playing Mario and you can’t kill those but no you totally can awesome music too awesome Awesome Blossom Blossom Blossom Bay here we go throw all these cranberries that you st we got mushrooms oh my God is this a mushroom floor oh that looks like mushrooms from Earthbound I’m not going to get mushroomized am I jeez oh [Music] jeez my left earphone wants to keep coming out on me floor three I keep hitting I access my inventory oh no is that a balers gate carryover or something else yeah probably nice I still need to play that I just did it again you should we could play together I’ll first I have to figure out about wait a second oh right that does okay never mind I was confused about what I want what I was hearing and what it was coming from [Music] okay your hit box is a little [Music] weird should have brought some food [Music] perhaps it’s going loud all right and they explode good to know I’m going to eat [ __ ] of eel [Music] here yummy [Music] it’s really throwing me off to have this Summer music playing while it’s like 10 p.m. oh jeez it’s already 10: p.m. CRA it’s still early we’re we’re thriving we’re thriving and I’m like no it’s 10: p.m. tomorrow I’m going to have to make it a point to get out here earlier or just not dig around so much on the way circular oh there there you upgrade and that like if you keep working on getting stuff that problem might be uh mitigated true true in the meantime oh oh oh oh my god oh I should put the watering can somewhere else I have to see what this is there’s so many cops walnuts yes sir walnuts peanuts pineapple smells grap melons oranges and coconut shells oh you can also mine them oh that’s very helpful oh dear man one day already just comes and goes I know z z I’m not even like I didn’t even pick all the crops I got sidetracked by the wine oh as you do hell there off you have cind the clown shoes oh gosh oh wow okay wow you got a lot of stuff here ginger ale ginger pop ginger beer Double Cola hello I have nine walnuts okay cool I think I’m just going to rather than risking it for the bising it I’m just going to work back here and see what I can see what I can do with like 10 minutes heart attacks yeah got to be more careful 1 a.m. magma cap this is all doing good turbo tuber oh tarot Tu wait this isn’t my house wait wait that’s a see I just went to the wine shed thinking it was my house well I tell you actually oh the dogs in my house oh cool oh yeah I remember that happening before h okay to bed now go to sleep for the night yes that was 20 minutes early that time all right it’s probably not going to be that impressive today I didn’t I didn’t get anything done really doesn’t matter I just was wandering around hitting the eye button to access my inventory day I didn’t sell anything yet I’m I’m checking our stocks that is awesome it will take time to kind of reacquaint boarding tendency everything and everything and everyone oh man truffle oil hell yeah oh I got a letter gon Junior du pet adoptions oh yeah oh my God we can get more pets yeah you can have a second pet you can get a pet house oh my God the fair is tomorrow oh God that thing what are we going to submit uh just cheese is usually the best thing I think anyway uh I think I have some cheese inside the house how about I think about it I don’t know if I’ve been doing that on this Farm but woo I think I have some gold star cheese in the house check in a minute I’ll find some stuff today I got some purple star goat milk well I might just put these good I can actually put these the cheese press right now uh see oh dang it nothing oh my God I’m so did I do all of this did I do all these cks or was that you don’t even remember at this point it’s just a conglomeration of a lot of different things really there’s so many Oh that’s oh those are two tasks that are unoccupied what are those doing there there too many of them yeah yeah sell that that that that and that and not that not that either and this let’s see what else we got here summer tropicala Golden Star is Born BL Festival fall the smell of mushroom okay there we go and go oriented we’re finishing the crops that’s what we’re doing beepop beep boop all right my God there’s so oh why don’t I oh did I put those away why did I do that I’m probably forgetting a bunch of stuff here mm oh that felt good spice e away we go oh my God I should taking the horse a maybe next [Music] time way to just leave Yoshi behind the same as Mario did but oh well wait who are you oh that’s Kent I didn’t recognize you who are you who the hell is for you oh there’s bubbles over there but I can’t fish right now thank God we have so much money oh my God go yes take me away Willie give me some fries Joe oh I can totally skip this oh my God a rabbit escaped into the pumpkins mhm ah rabbits we got some rabbits in our backyard five little baby ones I actually have one in my front yard that i’ see all the time dang it my inventory is full again oh this ran into the wall oh uh there we go well now we have much more time this time uh let me see something here exhausting work okay got my watering can in a much more socially acceptable position here and now there’s a walnut okay now I have 10 of them yay I’m not getting my butt killed here why I huh okay I’m oh no I clicked outside of the screen while I was moving and it kept trying to move oh and I was like uh why is it doing that uhoh oh I’m poisoned don’t or just slimed one of those two not used to the way things moving here oh no a duck escaped as well oh it’s trying to get away from the explosion okay generally advisable still hanging in [Music] there okay get on the sword why what okay all right there we go yeah can’t go back there uh I almost think it would be quicker to just do this and I love that somehow managed to find another way for the watering can to be useful in this cave you actually pour it over lava to make paths over it right which is really cool great where’s that door at back back to the back to the pickaxe don’t know why take it one step at a time there we go wait what is that oh never mind it’s just a there’s a radium in here hell yeah just go in them th Hills this way or that way they both go the same way okay excellent not bad ah crap I don’t think I can get that they just dangle that carrot put one of those shiny like panning spots but it’s like in the middle of the lake oh that’s weird I supposed how am I supposed to get that how am I supposed to know the Morris code uhoh can’t break that is that copper wow expect to see that in here okay seriously cursive thank you whoa what was that oh Ginger H yeah would expected to find that here boop boop boop that Ginger Island true true never it’s gold over here there’s something there oh that’s iron okay I should [Music] be see what all I have here oh I can eat it cool I might need to uh not so much for the health though H well oops well I completely did that by accident I was I I was trying to click on my sword and I clicked on the return scepter did you return back home yeah oh well well welcome back yeah good to be back I guess I’m off early I guess so many great [Music] troubles so I can sell those and those and pretty much those yeah that’s probably good pleas EXC me wow hang on to the ball actually I’m going to refill my watering can cuz good lord it’s almost empty was worried about that tooming an issue halfway down in there yeah honestly and I’m going leave those there I will give you yours back if you want it n I don’t really just saying need it too terribly much oh wow I love how these lightning rods are all I don’t remember who did that but that’s cool as hell uh I I don’t think that was me but it might have been I have no idea let’s grab a some hardw here whoop whoop who and up through the woods I’ll grab some [Music] here bang this is a true sight to behold all right fruties yeah peaches pumpkins cherries none of those were what I just said they were except for the cherries apples pomegranates not the peaches more apples plums there’s peaches yeah millions of them and chilies oh for a second I thought I heard my RAID alert I was like oh God did she go live nope why is there a chest inside this chest I feel like I did that but I might have done that myself with like maybe I had this idea I was going to do something with it and it’s never came to be it is a little full so maybe we were going to make another chest but [Music] possibly oh man flowers so many flowers I know I like the flowers I know they don’t do anything they’re awesome though well they make good gifts too but I’m like they’re pretty yeah they’re good gifts yeah that’s why I like to save a ton DP these in here this will be perfect Perfecto any of these yeah pop is here we [Music] go oh wow Penny went to bed early it’s like 10:40 10 p.m. she’s tired had to deal with children all day I get it oh shcks those unruly little bastards we love them though we Doo so one oh wait the stupid grapes that I could never pick made it unscathed Dang Dang Dang let see if any fruits in the cave here here a little bit place is creepy as ever gentlemen behold corn corn that’s more corn oh did I miss them that was this one they’re hard to see actually when they’re like in the middle of them they are hard to see oh wait not [Music] that we go oh my God so I’m going to see if this will work about early yeah I think I am actually okay I’ll go to bed to you then eat poppy do for a second I thought it said eat penny and I was like no please oh God got keep it PG-13 here jeez yeah don’t I’m over here did you hold on till I’m at least asleep holy hell what the there we go that’s more like it oh God okay jeez wow I was busy I’m getting I’m getting it back things back in order around here that is oh my gosh oh my gosh this is the the revenue you’ve been missing out on I guess so

Stardew Valley playthrough part 116! What year were we on? And WHY AM I SO ZOOMED OUT!? I’ll change that back to normal next time we record. Anyway, Diana (AceFangirl) and me are back to exact more shenanigans on Victorious Farm while also exploring the bits and pieces of the latest updates that we happen to run across!

#stardew #1.6 #playthrough



  1. I have been feeling like playing & streaming stardew. I want to see the new stuff and beat the old stuff. Anyone playing on steam??

  2. Been playing stardew nonstop since 1.6 dropped, lots of good stuff! I've got 3 dogs and a few themed rooms it what is essentially now a mansion (robin offers more house expansions) and I'm especially proud of my cute Junimo play room. Also, and this might've been a thing before the update that i just didn't realize, but when you reach perfection (as measured by the cat/bear computer thing in Qi's island room) the area north of the spa opens up and I've avoided any further spoilers related to that, and I'm so close to prefection, so I'm looking forward to seeing what's up there.

    Also new with the update, and you may have learnt this already, but go to cindersnap forest around where Robin lost her ax, theres a door in the cliffside with some interesting surprises

  3. glad this is back, finally. it's unfortunate the last set of videos you two recorded was when tim wasn't at his best, but hopefully these ones make up for it

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