Terraria but Enemies DROP BOULDERS when they Die…

playing Terraria but every time an enemy dies they spawn Boulders and these aren’t regular Boulders either they’re Moon Boulders which bounce around a lot and do more damage let’s hop in game and check it out so here are the mods for today’s beautiful challenge just another random assortment of mods with the main one being enemies drop Moon Boulders I don’t know why specifically Moon Boulders but we’re going to see it’s either going to be a lot of death or it’s going to be a lot of fun why do I have a single silver we going oh my god look there’s cows and chickens and a Trent so let’s see what happens when we kill our first enemy here look a boulder oh oh my God that cow just took a boulder these Boulders weak I a never seen a cow take a boulder I’m kind of scared to kill a critter cuz it said Critters dropped three Boulders but let me let me see if this is a true statement damn yeah it was a true statement oh my god did you see that maybe that’s what the moon Bowers do they got like a little extra bounce to them e Fallout New Vegas Fallout 3 fter waa what the hell is he even trying to attack me why why is this Boulder still here do the boulders like not despawn is that the moon Boulder part so every time I kill something I got to be like insanely careful after ow should I put a death counter yo worm kill it oh who what the [ __ ] how come some of the boulders do so much damage and some don’t look at my hair going through my armor it’s kind of sick it’s like a style I had this armor is specially designed for me Cactus appreciate that I just completely forgot that Boulders are even in this it was a nice like long break we haven’t seen a boulder in a little bit boom just got killed by one oh sh the enemies that like hover above us bro it’s scary how do I spawn in plant the prettiest flower summon the gardener in the jungle makes other plants jealous we need Moonglow jungle spores Vine that is pretty easy to make the thing is is it like a mini plantar that thing might be my ass can I attack from out here yeah I can’t this thing does no damage why’ I make this all right this is what we do make a little tiny hole okay never mind kill the Frog oh my God what is that noise damn mosquitoes on my ass what is that mudfly what are these Critters I’m running into dude we’re so lucky none of these Boulders are coming towards you this soon as of these Boulders come my direction what the heck what even died oh God this is where it gets bad when there’s like a billion Boulders spawning in it’s not like I had to stop fighting though I’m I’m literally fighting for my life I can’t just stop I I didn’t jump it AE my input I’m tired of fighting the cone head Zombie bro wait hold up he dropped the cone plus two defense I’m wearing the cone on my head for the plus two defense I don’t think wearing a cone on my head is going to cut it dude there’s too many enemies like this actually going to be dangerous as [ __ ] oh my God he’s like what direction do I want to die in I got to choose which enemy I want to drop a boulder on my head a regular Boulder honestly a regular Boulder is a nice sight in a challenge like this where just being killed by non-stop Boulders so one that’s just in there chilling honestly it’s just beautiful to see there a trap somewhere what the [ __ ] did I step on oh my God all right well first non Boulder related death should actually be no problem oh okay we’re getting some health he looking up he looking up now I need to stop jumping when killing things it’s like a automatic death when I start jumping oh [ __ ] my only exit was death look your combo I was going to say I was juggling him that’s crazy I’ve never seen that that that was was a evil slime that boy had evil intentions he wanted me dead more than I wanted him dead there’s a I’m stuck in enemy this enemy grabs you he’s called a grapper plant what the who would have thought the hardest thing to find the spaw in a boss a jungle themed boss would be finding a Moonglow the most common flower in the jungle oh look at that I took a hit from my boulder oh [ __ ] hey I don’t have an arena for this I if I beat you you gotta okay well I guess I can’t I can’t finish the sentence y I got a story I haven’t told I used to live in Wisconsin for a little bit and then when I lived at Wisconsin it was my stepdad’s place and he had a pretty like whoa that Boulder is moving he had a pretty big place like in terms of like fields and stuff Acres there you go acres of land so he had like a lot of acres of land like in the backyard and he would just have a bunch of random [ __ ] out there but then like the next door neighbors were like Farmers or something ranchers cuz they had like Bulls both like you know regular male and female Bulls but they had like the one like dominant male bull that was big as [ __ ] like gigantic and I remember me and my step brother we were like let’s see who can get the closest to it so we had to like get around I don’t remember if it was a Barb fence barb wire fence or electric fence we had to get around that and then we just ran up to the bull and I was like I was trying to just bait him to go as close as he can I wasn’t trying to do it so I was like I was like you go first and then he ran up to it and that [ __ ] turned around and then he just took off running not my step brother not not him took off running the bull took off running I was like bro scary ass the bull didn’t want none gr would survive a horror movie potentially why am I making an arena over here if I’m going to fight a jungle boss just pick up the arena and move it over there I wait hold up I could we got the the cheat sheet painting thing what is that ah there’s a demon alter what the heck okay I’m here to craft this is there anything else oh okay we’re good what the [ __ ] who died it like a fish or something bro who this is Red’s favorite challenge he’s watching this [ __ ] smiling right now just oh my God we can at least survive Boulder hits oh mini planta that’s what this boss should be W kind of cool looking it’s like a floating blue planta can we get oh God the amount of Boulders they just multiply randomly it’s terrifying do I even have the Firepower to fight something like this I don’t even have anything to buff I Dr out mining buit D I don’t do damage yeah watch out for random Boulders that are just bouncing around just a part of the fight the [ __ ] I hate that the boulders don’t do damage to the enemies it’s unfair yeah I don’t think I can beat this boss I didn’t know my gear was that bad I mean I was killing like enemies but like this boss is just not taking damage maybe I got to get rid of like all the hooks maybe that’s what I’m hitting definitely hit not on purpose sometimes it doesn’t help that there’s literally a million enemies spawning this is actually like a decent boss though in terms of uh difficulty giving me a run for my money okay there we go one down maybe it takes more damage now why are all these dudes coming out of the Woodworks dude all these damn Boulders everywhere these [ __ ] enemies get off of my platform I’m in the middle of something okay The Gardener what is that is that like a person trapped inside this thing is fast why is it so fast oh dude I’m dead like I’m dead I can’t I can’t get away from it I’m dead I couldn’t I can’t get away from it I don’t got the movement speed and it doesn’t help that there’s 8,000 enemies fighting me oh my God that’s annoying I got Boulders [ __ ] bouncing 24/7 I don’t have a single movement item I don’t even have pants on I have an armor set that’s giving me minus five damage let’s do it this dude looks sick this does not look like a boss you would fight like after I could do notice my main major weapon can’t hit sor I got to I got to switch it up and use this one no pants no shoes no [ __ ] this is the worst St CH yet I’m out of ammo officially dude pay attention it’s a boss that hovers over me in this specific challenge I’ve mentioned enemies hovering over me but at least okay nope I forgot the boulders still Spawn from their body parts yo did he drop a gun he dropped his own gun I’m about to beat your ass with this thing bro dropped his own weapon for me to kill him with oh oh my God that Boulder was moving get him out of here a what the [ __ ] I have no Mana no Mana can’t do anything and he’s gone those those lowkey scary than it should have been just cuz those Boulders that were coming out full speed kind of sick how he dropped his own like gun midf fight uh that doesn’t happen to your bosses that reminds me like Dark Souls when you cut like the tail off of an enemy or some of the bosses and they drop a weapon I’d like to consider that a challenge well done but the thing is I kind of want to get my get back against that stupid plant all right let’s get it I’m killing this plant I got better weapons not better pants though the pants are still bad I [ __ ] myself and I didn’t have a backup just got a raw Dogg here right no pants no undies you just got to walk around naked pretty much well it depends like how bad you [ __ ] yourself if you [ __ ] yourself to the point where like it seep through not only your boxes or and or underwear but it SE through your like pants like that’s actually crazy this thing still beat in my ass I’m not going to lie still beat my ass just a little bit less are you kidding all right this is stupid such a good fight just to be ended by the stupid [ __ ] Boulders these enemies are annoying as [ __ ] like there’s so many enemies during this fight you think that the plant was spawning them but no they’re just here like I don’t know how so many like slimes are finding their way up on these platforms all join the party there wasn’t enough We join the party oh [ __ ] I’m dead Okay I I might actually give up not because I think this boss is hard but it’s the enemies they’re driving me insane it’s just the enemies win these are the greatest enemies in Terraria I got the [ __ ] the Rogue Gallery what it called gallery of Rogues [ __ ] Sinister 18 attacking me this stupid [ __ ] Cloud get out of here why you so happy more platforms more enemy spawns there’s so many enemies there’s so many enemies you think I was doing like the old ones Army I’m on Wave seven that’s two nimbuses stacked on top of each other there some real hater [ __ ] going on right now why is Pinky here like what is this this a [ __ ] cookout everybody’s invited I guess oh my God a green slime is [ __ ] checking my ass body blocking my ass in the middle of a fight okay good little break here I still get hit by these green projectiles these green projectiles are crazy they’re crazier than the boulders oh my God I’m dead speak about the [ __ ] Boulders The Boulders just said let’s wrap this up you’re too close let’s wrap it up get that [ __ ] out of here I’m tired of her I still die by a boulder in the end what the heck this challenge is stupid I’m done I killed her that’s all that mattered in the end I’m the main character not her challenge done

Terraria and Boulders are like Peanut Butter and Jelly.

Terraria Boulder Mod – https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3055069141

Join the Discord! – https://discord.gg/xxJZxj5pcP


  1. Interesting things to note is Boulders can do more damage than Moonlord

    Why can a rock falling from a small distance deal more damage than a god?

    I don't know, I guess that's why Moonlord added Boulders to his attacks, they're just that powerful

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