💜Minecraft BUT Every Room is a RANDOM TIME

today we’re playing Minecraft but every room in the house I build will have a different time limit a random number generator is going to give me a number and that’s going to be the amount of time I have to complete a room now I’m not going to build a house beforehand and just use the time given to decorate I’m going to take the number I get and use it for the entire thing so walls floors and Decor will have to be done within that time but let’s be real I’m not insane so I’m not going to make the lowest number too low the range I’m giving myself is going to be anything between 3 and 10 minutes a bit of Panic is good but I would like to try to complete each room speaking of rooms let’s do the basic setup we’ll have a kitchen a bathroom a living room a dining room a bedroom office and for fun let’s add a sunny plant room but okay we have seven rooms to complete and seven random times to receive let’s see what our first time will be three of course it’s three okay well it looks like the first room we’re doing is bathroom because that’s small and my time is small okay three 2 one I need floor I need walls how about the dotted ones dotted dotted dotted purple dott yep okay one 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 it’s going to be a small bathroom cuz I don’t have time we need to make the walls I’m panicking I have 2 minutes and 33 seconds I’m going to figure out where doors and stuff go later I might have to adjust a few things to make layouts work and stuff since I don’t know where things are going to go but that’s fine ah I keep messing up my block placement oh my gosh stop okay okay okay we’re in the bathroom bathroom you need a toilet toilet toilet paper here we need a bathtub that’s going to go sure we need a shower head um oh wait where’s the vanity going to go oh wait I need a sink I need a sink I need a sink where’s the white sink this and I need drawers I want the white drawers which is here okay um sink drawers there we go uh towels put this one by the tub this one on the counter we need soap soap a mat and then glass because I I do want like a window maybe it can go this way maybe this could be the front of the house I don’t know maybe there’s not even a window I don’t there probably isn’t a window no window this is a really sad looking bathroom Let’s do let’s do something like this is that nice maybe window’s here no okay wait that doesn’t count wait stop no the time stop wait wait wait I just want to okay okay I’m done okay well on to the next room the time is 10 minutes this is perfect surely 10 minutes is enough to do a kitchen because we have so much time we can make it big before I uh build that though I need to like picture a layout in my mind this obviously is not like the middle of the house so let’s pretend this is on like the right side of the house we can put a bedroom next to it and then have the kitchen and living room in the middle of the house surrounded by everything else that could work okay I’m ready 3 2 1 10 minutes okay I want the kitchen to be around here so we need some walls ooh what should the walls be ooh I want this to be the floor I want to do like an oak beam kind of ceiling I guess White Walls let’s keep it simple okay let’s do our floors first now because I built this obviously whatever this living room is going to be is not going to have purple exposed so I’m going to have to make all of my walls two blocks thick pretend there’s a wall here and we’ll start the kitchen in there it’s a decent size for a kitchen I think I do want to just finish these walls as quickly as possible so we have plenty of time to decorate okay so that’s not bad how much this two three this is only four blocks tall from in here I might want to make this taller I just remembered that I want to do a fun ceiling so hold on we also need to do this I know this like looks weird but I have a vision I have an idea in my mind that I can see you might not see it right now but trust me okay it’s very dark and creepy we need like a window oh maybe like a big lawn window under cabinets ooh cool okay wait and then have our beams cuz they’re cool I don’t know does that look cool or is that lame maybe they should go the other way I don’t know which way they should go I just had an idea okay and then I want the fairy lights again but the individual ones ceiling stuff oh okay we should should probably uh like make a kitchen now I have 5 minutes left I this took me 5 minutes we need a counter for an island and I want everything to be very modern and Sleek so let’s do white so sink in the middle let’s do this we’ll put the fridge here I don’t know where to put this okay sink’s not going in the middle anymore here in the oven here with this in the middle I don’t know if that’s great but that’s what we’re doing let’s do a big island we need stools that’s nice kind of matches the ceiling and then oh my gosh I have 3 minutes and 4 seconds okay uh kitchen what what else is in the kitchen my mind’s blanking paper towel there’s paper towels in kitchens hold on I can’t just leave a gaping hole in the wall you know we’re getting fancy we’re getting fancy you know what we’re doing two refrigerators what am I doing I don’t know what I’m doing I’m just filling spaces I just feel like this whole wall needs to be filled with something that looks really bad I need like a plant we need some Greenery plants little plants we can like swap some of these out with with plants and then maybe some of these like smaller oh wait that kind of looks nice I want to do like a little Runner thingo boop boop boop boop boop utensils Ah that’s my time you know this isn’t terrible I actually really like this back wall right now I feel like this will all look a lot better once all the rooms are connected okay that’s crazy I can’t believe 10 minutes went by that fast that was a lot I feel like I did absolutely nothing with that time but whatever it’s over and now it’s time for a new time it’s three again what the heck oh man okay another smallish room that I can do in 3 minutes how about an office yeah I think an office can work right off the bathroom Okay in 3 2 1 I decided that I want the office to be pink and I actually just recently did a video where I built an office and I did things that was green and white so I feel like I have a good idea of the layout of what I’m going to do because it’s like fresh on my brain so uh I don’t know why I picked wool but I did I need what am I doing 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 it’s going to be a small office I already have 2 minutes and 10 seconds oh okay okay why did I think it was a good idea to do walls in this I may have spent too much time trying to find this block that I’m using but it’s fine a desk yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep oh yep there we go there we go there we go PC here a nice pink chair a big cozy pink chair very cute what about a carpet fa light carpet a little plant here and here and maybe like a a slab for a lamp Ah that’s the time woo okay that one actually wasn’t that bad I feel like I did a good job just don’t look at whatever is going on over there our fourth room is getting 8 minutes that’s not bad I like the higher numbers because we have a decent amount of time I think we should use that on the living room the living room is also going to be a large room right off of the kitchen and it’s also going to be connected by like doorways to the bathroom and the office I just feel like that makes sense in three 2 1 okay now because this is connected I kind of want the floor and the walls to be the same maybe that’s cheating I don’t know but this is what I’m doing this is going to be like the entryway too like I imagine you would walk into the house here I’m not going to do like a front door thing right now all the exterior stuff will be later let’s build this up I think a cool Central fireplace would be fun okay that’s cool let’s do a campfire here and we’ll do a fireplace guard to protect you from the fire that’s cool wait can we put it lower no you won’t be able to see it okay it’s going there it’s very modern then maybe have like ones on the ends like that I’m getting very cold Vibes I need some warm War I don’t know what I just did but I’m picturing this as an entryway to a room and like lined with books could be kind of fun okay what if we did this and this and we put a little baby plant here that’s kind of cute I have these like modern wall box things that we can use for like decoration or something I don’t know these walls definitely need something we should add some windows because this is technically the front of the house I need lamps and tables how do I forget that this and then this and then lamp lamp I was going to make a three wide table thing but that’s not going to fit okay it’s fine oh wait that’s not bad I kind of like the fairy lights like that we need some texture on these walls okay oh that’s time ah this isn’t bad it does feel like it’s lacking stuff though I oh man that’s all we can do this now looks very weird and uh yeah let’s get a new time our F room is going to be no again I don’t what am I I don’t know what to do 3 minutes again I okay wait wait wait we have the bathroom the office the kitchen the living room my options for 3 minutes are a dining room bed room and a sunny plant room H feel like I could do a dining room pretty quickly so a dining room it is 3 2 1 3 minutes on the clock okay I know I want an accent wall for this dining room and I’m probably going to use white Plank Floors and a similar wall color okay also I decided um that I want to put the dining room in between both the living room and the kitchen so this thing that I did it’s going to have to go because I want to have a five wide entrance and I kind of ruined up I’m going to fix the wall later because it doesn’t really matter right now this is the wall why am I building like this it’s fine oh my gosh what’s happening ah whatever okay it’s fine okay just get of this table middle chair chair chair chair chair chair box box box box I don’t know what to do with the boxes but I’m I’m placing boxes placing boxes everywhere fairy light fairy light plant I don’t know what to do I have 10 seconds left plant plant 3 2 1 that’s all I get in its current state this doesn’t look great but that’s okay we’ll spruce up the outside later right now we have two rooms left we have a bedroom to build and a plant room our sixth room will be 6 minutes you know what I think 6 minutes is perfect for a bedroom in three 2 1 okay I’m using this wall and I want to use this floor and this room I want it to be like a 7 by S I think doing the floors and walls is the longest part of this I want a blue bed I want to do blue accents like the dining room let’s do like a wool squishy head board kind of thing and surround the bed and then maybe we can get some like little table nightstands I don’t even like those okay it’s fine table lamp I’ll put a window here eventually ooh maybe we can do like a closet thing with some of those boxes again I’m obsessed with those boxes today I am so sorry I’m just going to be using boxes this entire time creepa plushy I want to do some white fluffy carpet that’s cute let’s do closet here closet that’s not bad okay we’re gonna have like a window here and a window there this is like the entrance to the bathroom somewhere we’ll figure that out later more fairy lights because they’re my favorite and I’m obsessed sheep sheep put like a like a whole mirrored area around the door so you can check your outfit that’s cute I’m understand blue outfit Ah that’s time okay I like this one our last room is going to be 8 minutes again we’re ending on a good one three two one I want the plant room to have the same floor here but I want the walls to be green this time this can be our wall color it’s very pretty I don’t even know why I’m doing the walls because obviously this is a sun room plant room situation so there’s going to be a lot of Windows in here oh you know it would be really pretty obviously Windows yes but like a window seat multiple window seats with plants actually bamboo here and there I know this is going to look weird because it’s chores but I feel like storage is good we can just do like Green carpet on top to make it look like pillowy and then I want the boxes again I know I’m bringing the boxes out I’m doing it again I have a problem it’s acknowledged I understand it’s it’s a thing that’s happening but it’s what’s happening let’s do this and we can just do like some plants you know plants um we need a sofa that might be a little weird let’s put it one back like this and then then in the middle we can do a little carpet I really want to do some hanging plants too I’m not really going to do a full ceiling right now I’m just going to spam some blocks so I can hang flower pots with chains and stuff I have 2 minutes left chain chain chain flower pot flower pot flower pot and now we can go to the Minecraft Plants I guess ferns is like the best options I need like fluffy plants more plants because it’s a plant room where did those tall trees I had go wait I want the tall trees before 4 seconds left but I want the Tall Tree okay that’s time well that was something I’m going to go make the outside of this look not like it does right now I’m going to give it a roof and then we could go around maybe Spruce a few things up and go on a tour [Music] [Music] [Music] this looks better I think I accidentally made like a California contemporary styled house I don’t know but I kind of love it it’s different than what I normally do we have like two angled roofs and this fun kind of front deck thing I don’t know but enough about the outside let’s tour the inside to see what I could do with limited time the first room we walk into is the living room and this was 8 minutes for this living room we have a beautiful Central fireplace a big TV couches of course lamps plants fairy lights and I tried to put stuff on the walls but I I didn’t really have much time moving on to the office this was done in 3 minutes which I’m actually kind of impressed with myself yes it’s just a bunch of boxes I know I need a break from the boxes but they just look so cute and they just work perfectly for an office so yes we have the boxes but we also have a desk computer a couch the lamp some fairy lights and some carpet across from the office we have the plant room and just like the living room this was 8 minutes not going to lie this room’s kind of chaotic there is a a lot going on there’s literally plants everywhere but it’s a plant room so you know it makes sense besides all the plantss in here we obviously have more cubby boxes but we’ve got window seats we’ve got a little corner see we’ got couches and carpet plants on shelves and because I built the house around all of the random rooms that I built I gave this room some skylights now if we head across the house back this way this is our bathroom this was the first 3 minute challenge room we got and I don’t think it’s that bad we have all the essentials like a toilet with toilet paper a tub with towels and we even have a sink with more towels soap a mirror and fairy lights obviously I probably could have added a shower and a couple other bathroom accessories but it’s fine it’s not my best bathroom but it’s cute heading back this way we have another 3 minute challenge room which is the dining room this is probably the most simple space but I actually really like this I did put a doorway here to get into the plant room but I realized you can’t actually can’t actually get out but you know it’s fine you can just kind of look at it but anyway back to the dining room we have a light blue accent wall with more Cubbies and then in the middle of the space we have a blue table with some matching chairs and a couple of plants and fairy lights oh if you noticed I did end up getting rid of that weird bookshelf Arch thing that I was going for before because I ended up moving things around so instead of the books that were going like this to possibly frame out a room I decided to use glass to frame out the dining room off the dining room we have the kitchen now I I actually really like this space and I didn’t even mean to do this but I realized that this whole like middle portion of the house is very modern and neutral in terms of like the color and style but then all of the rooms around it are colorful so like the plant room is green the dining room is blue the office is pink and the bathroom is purple but anyway this is the 10-minute kitchen we’ve got a cool ceiling I added a window over there we have lots of Cubbies with baskets and plants upper cabinets lower cabinets we got an oven a microwave a fridge and of course a large central island now on the last door behind me we have the six-minute bedroom this is a cute space obviously I made this room blue because it’s one of my favorite colors and it also has some of my favorite things but anyway we have this really cool kind of open closet situation here we have a big mirror around the door we have some our clothes on armor stands we’ve got some carpet a fluffy bed fairy lights wall decorations and plushies so what do you think would you try this challenge let me know which room is your favorite in the comments below and if you’re new make sure to subscribe

Building a minecraft house but every room has a random time limit!

For this Minecraft challenge video I built a minecraft house using a random number generator! The number generator decided the amount of time I have to completely build and decorate a room. Which room is your favorite?!

💜MERCH! https://katherineelizabeth.junipercreates.com 💜

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  1. Kathrine, Ive veen watching your videos for i while and i gotta say, your my favorite youtuber,Your personality and voice is just so calming and exciting!, we have alot of things in common to, styles,colours, and animals I hope you hit 10M subscribers one day<3!

  2. So cute I love when u do these build challenges,
    For another one u could do animals like spin a wheel for a
    different animal and build house for it ❤

  3. Hi K, it’s nice to me and I love playing Minecraft. I want to buy your mod but I wanna ask what mode is it and can you put it on marketplace is it possible? Thank you so much

  4. I would love to see you do one of these versus a friend. I’m just thinking of the absolute chaos of Sausage or Jimmy trying to build and detail a room in 3 minutes 😂

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