hello everybody waffle time here have you ever wondered if the power of music would be raw enough to blow the moonl Lord’s eardrums out I know I have which is why when I saw thorium had a Bard class I knew I had to indulge on my first time ever playing thorium bear witness to the musical expertise performed against giant bats do I just have to suffer oh my God no [ __ ] God no Serena the soul out of a gigantic spider I don’t know what way to go no what what hit me what what did it playing a gnarly downright Wicked lick against the Empress of light to really show her who’s boss oh my God okay no no no no no no no no what the happened what happened to me oh my god oh no no no no no 9,000 health no no oh dear God no it’s all here in one juicy musical collection for your enjoyment so without further Ado ladies and gentlemen Pro Gamers all round I proudly present to you all the full journey of becoming a b music Master a musical genius operatic where we definitely don’t get mad a single time thorium Bard class experience the movie so here we are in modded thorium land we got ourselves a family heirloom for some odd reason it’s a material I don’t know what it it makes a mu near okay it makes a mu near we’re jumping right in I guess we could throw this on as an accessory and get blinged the [ __ ] out let’s just start it out like we do any other playthrough you know chopping Tre trees cranking some crisp 90s on these trees in fact our first enemy getting slaughtered by one of the NPCs classic I’ve never played Thorium in my entire life so I’m I’m very excited to give it a spin big thank you to the main man Adrian for suggesting it we’re just going to start out with a starter base you know what I mean just just you know something light something wooden we’re going to need a place to put our chests as well as our crafting stations and I think this will be perfect son of a [ __ ] get ganked on Crafting bench to start us out we’re on a great great pace so far we’re on a great Pace we’re making tremendous strides we’re making tremendous what the hell a Bard class healer class I think it’d be very wrong if we went through the thorium mod for the first time and didn’t play The Bard class what the [ __ ] I’ll need inspiration fragments to increase my maximum inspiration which can be crafted from fallen stars into strange or underground very nice but one thing that’s not very nice is that we’re going to have to make these chumps of house I think the b class is the one that I see chippy using whenever he’s doing his Terraria news and he is playing the [ __ ] out of instruments all over the boss’s fat foreheads what is this consumable permanently increases maximum inspiration by one up to 20 very nice but it’s a material what in the hell okay so we have to use this 20 times I assume very nice oh my God I cannot wait to hear that for the rest of the playr let’s go ahead and crank out some houses for these chumps and get exploring as you can see here we’re making a beautiful beautiful Triplex the rent here I’m going to discount it to only like maybe 4750 a month it’s not going to be too horrible for these guys to deal with oh yeah let’s test this out come on buddy bring it on oh so if I run I’m running out of breath dude in between enemies my man is just [ __ ] catching his breath and then starts blowing the whistle hard as [ __ ] again I love it I love this mod already get whistled on baby get whistled on my reaction when I see a slime God forbid I have an IRL Meetup with Terraria slime I’m going to start whistling hard as [ __ ] just out of pure Instinct perfect we had enough time to make some beautiful beautiful Apartments just for our NPCs and a very very low price rent as well as a supremely incomplete house that’s just that’s perfect let’s get this adventure started let’s get this [ __ ] party started right now living trees great start great start let’s do this [ __ ] oh yeah topaz we’re going to need that as you can see here absolutely nothing of value so far oh oh aquamarine what the [ __ ] what does that do I have a lot to learn oh wow look at that okay cloud in the bottle damn shotty I’ll take it damn some gold already that’s good that’s good now as far as bar stuff goes you I have no idea about it so I’m going to have to abuse the living [ __ ] out of the wiki and I’ll keep you all posted with what I find I just realized we’re going to need stone for a furnace as well so let’s just let’s get to [ __ ] let’s just get to mining man and so we embark on our first epic gamer mining session plucking out all of the the good loot we could find we collect clay for clay pots at any chance we could find in case the desire to bad lands chugs 12 potions at once comes to our reality we even find yet another cloud in a bottle which we weren’t even upset about at all H okay all right that’s nice we collect all of the ores we could find and even have our first close encounter with a slime that attempts to detail his interactions with our mothers in a classic Modern Warfare 2 Lobby chat no no no no no no no no no no idiot had no idea I had a gills potion absolute [ __ ] buffoon had no idea we watched quick scope montages before this battle soon enough we feel as disappointed as my younger self felt when I found out I did not in fact win an iPod touch on my family’s computer by watching The Hub but instead won 27 viruses as well as an ass whooping from both parents because our cave caps off and ends rather quickly so we head back to the waffle wood workshop and prepare for our next Journey all right we got a furnace the hell is that thing oh here we go Frost wind okay gold bugle horn just eight gold what a steal 14 Life Shield I don’t I don’t know anything I don’t know a thing the hell can we do with cloth ah look at that we can get some criers stuff okay so we got to be on the lookout for a whole bunch of cobweb tambourine that would be nice oh wow we can make a harmonica look at that super sonic harmonica holy [ __ ] let’s try out this new Super Sonic harmonica shall we we are so [ __ ] oh it’s three of them that’s why it takes so much goddamn breath out of my lungs we could also make this Shield defense increased by one you constantly generate lucrative what the [ __ ] does that do oh wow that’s going to be very nice I didn’t even realize we got bombs too the demolitionist is going to move in very nice very nice there’s a cave right next to our house very stiff battle here it’s almost too easy being The Bard as long as my musical genius last throughout the ages then we’re just going we’re going to be in great shape Max use duration base inspir I don’t know what that is now normally I would be very very angry about being stuck in cobwebs but we need the [ __ ] be nice to find a [ __ ] life Crystal or two cuz I got to tell you I am already sick of having only 100 life 100 110 life for some reason oh my God we’re [ __ ] never mind we’re good ha what the hell are you doing down here the [ __ ] is this smooth coal what the [ __ ] is this life quartz that’s interesting oh my God we are so [ __ ] where the [ __ ] is my recalls God damn damn it that’s fine we’re good we’re good that’s our first death we are so good life Crystal of oh we can make other [ __ ] with it too look at this a grand piano allows you to rhythmically play on a big piano okay what the [ __ ] did it fart on me this piano farted on me I could not be more Furious right now I think we need to make armor first so we don’t have [ __ ] for armor so I guess we’re going to make this silly little hat and call it oh god dude let’s try this piano damn playing empowers players with bonus defense one it’s hard to aim and focus on that at the same time I swear I think I got to listen for the little ticks it gives you a little tick like a little metronome type thing you know the [ __ ] is that I like how we went through that whole day and oh it’s cuz I don’t have [ __ ] chairs in there oh my God that’s embarrassing stop farting and problem solved there we go now we get NPCs moving in maybe I think a elevator might really benefit us most right now but at the same time I really want to do more exploring we haven’t even touched half of our world yet ooh a mushroom biome very nice very very nice the [ __ ] is that thing is that Golem Earth and gollem here we go we better get some goodies over here or Papa waffle is going to be furious Godly get away from me I bet you we could take one of these guys out like nothing we’re The Bard class after all holy sweet mother of hell what am I supposed to do but I don’t have [ __ ] I don’t have anything leave me the [ __ ] alone leave me alone he’s still on my ass right now I’m not even there well great it’s night time again here’s a freebie and people ask me why I don’t play Rhythm games I still really want to see what’s in that mushroom biome so let’s just keep on pile driving our way back down cannot wait to crush the moon Lord with the power of music you know what let’s check up here first let’s just let’s see what we got okay let’s go down to the mushroom biome I bet this big [ __ ] has my gold there we go we’re getting the hang of this we’re becoming music legends it’s cool that there was absolutely nothing down here it’s not like we needed any good loot or anything so that’s good oh no way Billy meros what’s up baby what the [ __ ] wow I really wish I had my gold on me right now all right there we go we’ve sold enough we’re good we could get it all right oh you know what the guide said we needed some Stars maybe we could just run around and collect a little bit that’d be nice never mind what the hell’s wrong with him a biter blood I got blood from him what the [ __ ] we can’t make any sick ass beats out of it unfortunately so I guess it’s uh pretty useless to us skywar loot oh wow releases a rick Shing shooting star oh yeah defense to we’re going to need that [ __ ] mining by day collecting Stars by Night Waffle Time ink all around every time I [ __ ] up on the piano it takes away from my maximum lung capacity up there watch this [ __ ] that just means anytime I mess up or pluck something wrong on the old piano my man lets out such an audible gasp that it actually takes away my breath I’m like oh my God nope nope nope nope get the [ __ ] call potions get them put them in your hand drink it [ __ ] probably tastes like blue Raz look at it give me a [ __ ] break all right I guess it’s elevator time let’s see if we can make a better pickaxe this is already insufferable oh loud that’s good right that’s got to be good you’ve got to be kidding me oh yeah we were supposed to make a pickaxe we kind of forgot about that let’s just make some Cactus armor to fill in the BL okay no pants let’s do it let’s rock look at us we’re like Sonic the [ __ ] Hedgehog with mining now we’re going to get to hell in no no time so I think it’s about that time ladies and G okay I think it’s about that time ladies and gents to look at the old boss log the grand Thunderbird the [ __ ] is a grand Thunderbird we could get zephyr’s gripper that’s pretty neat we could get a [ __ ] diger do yeah we might have to take this guy on sometime soon I don’t I I don’t see us progressing at all as people as people of the internet if we don’t proceed onwards with a sick ass digadoo in our hands I mean just look at that thing it’s goldplated it’s got some blue using a grand flare gun with storm flares during the day in the desert okay we need Talons vultures have talons chickens have talons let’s go check for some Talons I cannot wait till we actually have some armor this [ __ ] is degrading my nuts are just sitting here flapping in the wind right now and everything else is covered and good show me your worst [ __ ] boy oh guess we’re just on the hunt for vultures now why did I do that oh yeah I didn’t know I was taking a one-way ticket to Vulture City if we do that and then we switch to the piano then we’re going to be in good damn shape unless we [ __ ] up every note like we just did let’s do one more sweep for tallenge on the way back home that way we have some backup just in case things absolutely go right like I’m completely anticipating them too we are on Master mode so I I don’t really know how hard this boss is going to be it comes before King Slime so I like how [ __ ] how hard could that possibly be for us plus you know there’s the fact that we’re pro Gamers and all that you know I don’t I don’t like to get boggled down in the details but all right now we’re talking and there we have it a boss platform I don’t know what to expect but I mean you know here we are I guess ah yes I see more Talons for the taken oh yeah I’m thinking we take this piano into battle along with this loud gold bugle horn cuz a bugle horn is doing [ __ ] work should we just go try it we only have like 130 Health excuse me you know what I like to say [ __ ] it we ball let’s go do it let’s just do it I think we can make the grand flare gun and we can make some storm flares I don’t don’t think we really have any potions we could take into this battle I don’t know why I’m concerned about potions when I don’t even have any pants on just got the dongus out slapping the kneecaps around but here we are we let our caucus Blow In The Wind with pride look at us we’re even jumping jumping for [ __ ] joy for it let’s get it started yeah bring it on what the [ __ ] is that was that from the flare oh my God okay we are not off to a very good start oh [ __ ] oh we are so not doing good right now we didn’t have a grapple hook we’re screwed we are so unbelievably screwed right now no no no no no no I can’t even do damage to him oh great dude just [ __ ] that’s exactly what we needed [Music] no great I can’t [ __ ] run man perfect that’s just a perfect [ __ ] time for a sandstorm Darude style to come in and sweep me off my goddamn feet oh put your [ __ ] piano away man now’s not the time it’s becoming increasingly apparent to me that our next two goals should be be not only to get more life but also to get our hands on some better armor and the only way to do that that I see at least is to get some cobweb a metric [ __ ] ton of it to make a metric [ __ ] ton of cloth to make some metrically goofy ass looking armor I mean just [ __ ] look at us this is degrading all right and we are out of rope that’s just that’s just [ __ ] wonderful we should turn this crack house into a crack home by throwing a bed down we should expand this housing a little bit yeah let’s do a couple things and let’s knock out and try and get some NPCs oh my God it’s like I need better gear right to do that I need to go down the elevator but to do that I need rope and more bombs but to get that I need to make more housing and to do that I need to chop trees but to do that more efficiently I need to make a better axe when does it end for a gamer and just like that baby we are in business 49 49 okay we can make a legs and a sash I think that’s got to be like the chest or something and we officially have a damn full set of crier we’re going to be crying to these bosses please don’t hurt me baby all that’s left to do is sleep the night away collect fallen stars as they come along and wait for the merchant to come in so we could actually mine down there hopefully get our hands on some actually good accessories such as Hermes boots we desperately desperately need Hermes boots or perhaps oh I don’t know a grapple all I know is that big ass chicken would charge me and I couldn’t do a goddamn thing about it so my brothers and sisters of Waffle Time ink we have some godamn work to do let’s go let’s go I see that the [ __ ] are you doing on the roof old man you’re going to fall down and break your hip what what and I also noticed that with fallen stars we can make some pretty cool stuff we can make this thing called a skywar loot which I am very interested in all it costs is sunplate blocks and fallen stars we can try the old shy do blunder and see if we could just find a puddle oh I am in dis [ __ ] belief right now if we die we die you know I’ll just take it out on my future family later that’s like a later us problem vanquisher medal what the hell was that quired from defeating contracted monsters there is so much about this mod I don’t know very interesting we got a grapefruit to do the grapefruit technique with oh my God oh my God oh my God get the [ __ ] away from me any second big boy is going to spawn in trying to eat our breakfast and nobody I mean nobody [ __ ] with our breakfast at Waffle Time Inc just when I think I’m getting nice with this weapon and I’m starting to get used to the old metronome mechanic I just hear the most crippling jaw-dropping ever heard in the history of mankind I it’s driving me [ __ ] crazy here we go here we go Showtime eat the grapefruit grapefruit technique let’s get it oh yeah Cakewalk holy sweet mother God damn what am I supposed to do about that he ate our [ __ ] breakfast [ __ ] this has been the most degrading day of my entire life how can I expect to beat the giant rooster when I can’t even beat the King Slime this has been awful anyways back to trying to find Sky Islands I guess that was miserable I’m going to [ __ ] lose it I’m going to lose it today’s the day today is the damn day thank God we need that skywar loot or whatever the hell it’s called we need to strum some [ __ ] strings and just absolutely hit the nastiest [ __ ] Leonard skard free bird solo hard enough to where our enemy eard drums [ __ ] explode Abraham I think you should leave otherwise I’m not going to be held responsible for my actions nothing is going correct and I’m going to shave my [ __ ] eyebrows off and draw them back on then only do face cam videos I don’t have time to do the grapefruit technique again I’m done I’m done with that I was excited and now I’m sick ah very intriguing we got the Crimson thought I had gotten enough of this on the legendary seed but nope here we are what the [ __ ] is that thing living hemorrhoid are you out of your mind W how how how did that happen man God damn it all right I guess we’re running to the right so the trick here is whenever you see like certain small pools of water kind of chilling on the floor like that it might be from a sky island that the water didn’t settle fully on whenever your map was loading and it fell right there on the damn floor oh and I’ll be [ __ ] look at that oh my God man come on I’m going to be sick I’m going to throw up oh oh oh another one okay and this one actually has stuff on it for us that’s very nice of it very cool indeed we need whatever is inside and we need skywar blocks let’s just get them all and how could we forget we got to find out what’s in this chest too a Celestial magnet all right I can’t use that I can’t I can’t at least we’re able to decorate the crib a little bit you know what I mean thank God there’s a whole bunch of water in my way that’s good so far we’ve used just about all of our bombs and have gotten absolutely [ __ ] nothing wonder if we could do anything with crimtan h Early Access crimtane you say okay so I guess we’re going to head back up and find out what we could do with crimtan we did that on purpose that was an expert strategist move habo take notes from the speedr running Strat ooh a tambourine it is here where we end up beginning our cave Adventure 2 Electric Baloo all in order to get some good accessories and loot since as proven by our Myriad of Super Sonic ass whoopings we took from every mob and boss in this game having three accessories into dream is simply not going to cut it while we’re on that note having a measly 130 HP to skate Us by all of the future bosses is also simply not going to cut it since it appears every single time we Face a boss or a mob we get our [ __ ] rocked so unfathomably hard that our head repl places our own ass cheeks and our ass cheeks are head it’s a rigorous brutal process so we take our ass heads down to the mines to see if we could find something to scratch our itch we collect all of the gems and ores that we could find eventually getting enough to where we can make a hook we also come across our first batch of thorium ore that’s right I’m as shocked as you all are thorium godamn ore what is that thorium [ __ ] ore like the mod we collect Life Crystals as they come along collect as much thorium or as we can and most certainly don’t get into a single sticky situation at all okay it’s getting too sticky I’m out I’m scared with our cave Adventure coming to a screeching cowardly halt we discover what sort of diabolical nefarious things thorium or is truly capable of thorium Anvil excuse me oh my God Perfect all right now we can make thorium [ __ ] bars the mod itself oh wow what is that blade a boomerang okay where’s the where’s the cool stuff Titanic bars but we can make these little notes so let’s go ahead and do that let’s get our stars and make some notes real quick a crimson altar you got to be [ __ ] kidding me let’s go to a crimson Al oh wait nope nope nope let’s make a hook there we go first hook baby let’s get it I could already feel our game progression swelling from our brains take that any which way you will it’s probably true either way very nice what the [ __ ] is that huh oh wow see now we could do this like twice as much dark heart and a panic necklace oh now we are talking 40 basic damage every 40 Ally life healed well I don’t even I don’t have an ally I don’t have any friends right now all right we’re back I forgot to [ __ ] make oh my God I forgot to make those [ __ ] music notes heading back and now we can make music notes baby wow look at that oh my God we’re stacked we need to collect more thorium ASAP increases inspiration regeneration by 10% that’s [ __ ] very solid actually we need five all right since we went down our elevator pretty far I’m going to just slam a spunker and we’re going to hope and pray for hermes’s boots that’s like the next key to success oh my God I just [ __ ] drank a spelunker potion so here’s the thing we haven’t discovered biome of sorts on either side so it’d be nice to get to a jungle where some chests are a lot more visible but at the same time it’s the jungle so I am not feeling very happy about that but then again we could get moonglows and moonglows give us potions but I don’t have any BL rout so I guess either way we’re [ __ ] in bone it appears as if we’ve come across the jungle oh cool the zoologist that’s that’s nice oh wow here we go this is the one I can feel it and let’s go it’s [ __ ] warning too holy [ __ ] let’s go what the hell is that oh dear God what is that oh man that looks [ __ ] up all right what do we get some pedals and some rich mahogany okay Ian I guess we could look around a little bit more in here but now that we have herm’s boots man the world has expanded ever I’m going to [ __ ] lose my mind I’m good and I’m well oh we can make some interesting little trinkets very cool we don’t even need a gravitation potion let’s just run and see if we could get one of those Sky Mills cuz that would be insanely insanely clutch let’s just keep gandering and keep pondering and [ __ ] and hopefully we could find something oh you can [ __ ] right off hemorrhoid you’re not touching me you look disgust he looks all sad why are you hitting me oh I’m not even in your biome dog leave me alone never mind let’s get the [ __ ] out of here climb climb climb climb it okay we’re taking the genocide route let’s do this what the [ __ ] is going on is this a [ __ ] Doom Eternal map what is that a clot [ __ ] yuck all right that was no struggle or no get oh my God I don’t think we’re going to find an island up here now I really really don’t think we’re going to find an island up there I think with our new accessories and stuff we’re ready to take on so many bosses just the thing is our weapon I want to get a better weapon so badly and I feel like that sick ass Sky guitar is the answer the [ __ ] is that thing a snowball what in what is happening in this mod what in the [ __ ] is this seems to be dormant okay perfect we made it to the beach sup [ __ ] what is that no oh my God I tell you guys what though I have an idea first we go to the desert second we make PC housing for the nurse and the Arms Dealer and you all know what comes next with them after that after that we shoot this [ __ ] in the sky and try and get ourselves a digo maybe that’s the weapon we’ve been looking for all along what the [ __ ] is a cobbler Cobble these nuts buddy oh let’s do inspiration regeneration let’s see how that goes movement Speed Run acceleration and jump height are increased oh [ __ ] yeah no no do not Cobble these nuts actually you’re cool you’re cool and fun let’s do it baby I feel [ __ ] ready let’s take out our first boss let’s do this [ __ ] bring it on [ __ ] [ __ ] you have nothing on me oh yeah we are doing work on it I may have [ __ ] up a little bit nice nice nice nice nice I think we just have to stick to this and just keep running no [ __ ] he real gangster till I get the super sonic harmonica going okay let’s get our iron Skin Potion and like our swiftness potion and let’s just bounce back let’s just do it and bounce back this has been a very degrading experience here we go let’s do this oh yeah give me that inspiration just murdered a small animal now we got all the inspiration in the world we’re already crushing it oh we’re doing good now no no no no nice nice nice I’m getting its attack patterns down I’m going to be good easy so easy oh [ __ ] me I oh my God nice we’re doing good we’re doing good we got to hit him with everything we got now come on yes yes yes yes yes it’s like the most easily Telegraph attacks and I somehow [ __ ] it up [ __ ] no come on get back to the arena quick and please give me the diger redo on the first try I know that may be asking too much but I mean come on it’s at least you could do after torturing me like this no how oh my God damn it this is the worst day of my life after brain what the [ __ ] is a patchwork ew we’re sleeping till day and we’re going to kill this thing I so sick and tired of this [ __ ] all right let’s take our silly ass little feathered hats back to the back to the desert and act like we didn’t get physic Ally and emotionally degraded by a giant flying rooster turkey drink our potions shoot that [ __ ] in the air we’re off to a great we’re off to a horrible start now actually we need this little orb floating around us that way we get crit chance and then this cuz we’re hitting three times we’re getting extra crits okay you guys see the [ __ ] process you see where we’re going with this [ __ ] nice nice nice nice that was like top five Dodges of all time forever don’t do this to me right now do not [ __ ] do this to me okay we need that hard no all right we’re good we’re good even if we’re moving slowly we’re doing okay maybe that’s the thing we’re just going too fast you know don’t we’re getting there what is he doing H dashed backwards idiot everybody stay calm everybody just stay cool stay stay calm just got to wait for our [ __ ] to charge we’ll be all right it’s the easiest [ __ ] boss is before King slim why am I having trouble we’re taking a different approach we’re not doing enough damage I’m not seeing enough movement it’s no help our shit’s doing like what [ __ ] one defense two defense two defense there nothing someone lost their kite in the background you see that hey maybe this will make for a good Arena you know down down the road maybe we could use it as an i of cthulu Arena maybe we’d be good I don’t have time for your nonsense oh oh there’s one here there’s one here I’m going to lose my goddamn mind when are they going to run out of feathers anyways and become a weird looking human Sphinx cat with wings dude we need more life too we just keep running out of life it’s a problem cool I’m out of platforms dude oh my God what other weapons can I make let’s see okay we can make a tambourine then we can turn it into a shadewood tambourine all right tambourine let’s go tambourine acquired baby oh that’s nice it’s just like a boomerang what the [ __ ] is that why does it have so much health what did we get from that all right let’s collect all the crimtan we could get our filthy grubby gamer hands on so I think we can make yeah here it is the shadewood tambourine off key let’s try it out if only it wasn’t so damn slow but that might be good because he kind of lingers behind us sometimes so if we’re able to get him in kind of a drag I think we could do a lot of damage all right here goes nothing yeah y okay we’re not doing very good I’m going to lose my [ __ ] mind let’s go down and try and get some Life Crystals oh boy I wish I had some spelunkers Another Life Crystal let’s go all right I don’t think we’re going to find anything down there what the [ __ ] is that allows you to triple hop super jump increases fall resistance and allows you to Auto jump wow increases damage by one oh my God we should hang out down here more often wa wa These Boots are nice so it’s every third jump we appear to LEAP into the sky extra large didn’t know we were taking a trip to Gold chest Central all right not bad not bad we have upped our life tremendously I think we have a ser serious shot at this now you have got to be kidding me I was basking in my AC [ __ ] straight chilling just waiting for the night to be up then all of the [ __ ] sudden look at that multiple hits I like it I like it just takes a little while to get back but that’s okay that’s nice I kind of like that jump I don’t know if it’s going to be a gift or a curse like if it’s going to like screw us over or whatnot like that like I just wasn’t expecting it cuz I’m I I don’t quite count my jumps you know what I mean it does give us crazy Mad hops though which is very very nice it is scary how little damage we’re doing to the guy right now but I feel pretty decently comfortable at least his defense will go down in his second phase we’ll be all right [ __ ] that’s a lot of damage all right here he goes here he goes I think I got to switch to just using this for some Precision hits damn damn damn let’s use a potion that might be our last potion for this battle wait for it to charge up boom boom boom get some hits in we’re doing so good right now we need to get all the Precision hits we can that was not good yes yes yes yes yes a million times yes oh dear God thank you that was so [ __ ] close God that was so stressful okay well that was unexpected that gives me very high hopes for the giant bird brain You’ got to be [ __ ] joking why does this keep happening oh my God we are so screwed well this is going to be fun Goblin Trapper oh my God we’re only at two % that a drummer boy okay if we quickly quickly quickly make a bucket then hul ass down here hear me out hear me out we can scoop up some lava just throw it on the floor somewhere dig a small hole and sit under it like a man God damn it okay we got to do this quick we just need some blocks to block it off we’ll be okay peep the super leap this a [ __ ] Michael Jordan was wearing mother of Hell NOP no [ __ ] chance God damn it yes yes yes indeed this will be the future sight of our coward pyam wonder what you wood does I’m going to [ __ ] freak out there we go now we’re talking 60% baby what the [ __ ] there’s like 12 of them give me a break dude actually give me a break almost there almost there yeah there I’m just going to keep it real there was no way we were doing that without lava get destroyed by the power of music buddy right in your [ __ ] ear all right well that was fun okay it’s like regular oh oh oh hey hey Arcane armor fabricator okay let’s see how the hell to make one of those we need to get some guy named the blacksmith and he’s going to move in and he’s going to sell us that [ __ ] now that that’s done let’s just sleep till day and get that blacksmith in [ __ ] finally oh dear God very interesting four gold what a steal okay now we can make stuff with you wood let’s make a uwood loot shall we oh I like that I like that a lot I think that’s going to do the absolute Works let’s sleep till day and go [ __ ] this bird up and let’s take revenge on the King Slime I’m tired of getting [ __ ] pushed around because of how sick my songs are man we’ve made songs on FNAF at Freddy’s we’ve made songs on uh I don’t know FNAF at Freddy’s too and let’s just say these [ __ ] are about to see the golden Freddy come out of a brother this is about to be A True Underdog Story and I can feel it h according to my calculations it seems like uh daytime to me let’s go let’s rock and let’s Boogie can you believe we let this turn into a graveyard biome going to expand this bad boy out a little bit oh yeah that [ __ ] hard all right now we’re ready let’s get this [ __ ] started oh oh is someone is someone having trouble is someone having trouble hitting me I’m so bored I’m sorting through my inventory during this fight I you’re nothing to me you are nothing not only did I pile Drive Your Mother Grand Thunderbird but also she talked about how much of a disappointment you were at home afterwards during pillow talk that’s right I didn’t just intercourse your mother I got romantical with her I showed her I cared and I’m never coming back ooh scary oh shiver me timbers oh yeah just count it down everybody that’s nothing yeah cry about it cry about it see if I can yeah fly away fly back to your mom and ask how she’s doing digo first time what is this what in the [ __ ] hold up to further decelerate your falling down to cancel slowfall you ask your mom how she was doing not well eh walking a little funny this morning oh you fell for it you stupid stupid idiot I can’t wait to tell King Slime about what I did to his mom and grandma for that matter you are nothing to me worthless pathetic sad oh oh oh so sad now it’s time for King Slime I’m here to bang King slime’s mother as well and defeat King Slime in physical battle and brother we already intercoursed King slime’s mom up let’s slap this bad boy down what’s up girl let me play you with song shotty yeah you’re feeling it huh dude you have got to be [ __ ] joking me while I don’t we’re ever going to need anything except for the uwood loot ever again through the whole entire game I’m going to keep the digo on me it’s King Slime time baby looks like he drops a whole bunch of throwing stuff which is not useful for us at all but we have a point to prove today I love this little Hook by the way I just noticed something when the turbo booster is ready we got this little charge up on our feets oh attack speed that’ll be very nice life regen and attack speed what’s not to love about that let’s head home shall we we have an appointment to make not only with King slime’s Mother’s rumpus but also with King Slime himself remember me pal remember me pal the king of Music the only bad part is waiting for your music to charge back up it’s almost sad to watch it’s a very sad thing because he had to listen from the other room as I put his mother on a cream comp and he’s frustrated reasonably right but at the same time look at him hey pal dig you do yourself a favor and keep the change feels good feels good A True Underdog Story um actually um it’s Sherman not Seaman Sherman and we got nothing of value as expected it’s like the classic Californian SL New York apartment setup you know just cram as many people in as you can worry about them later or never so I think what we could do is we can move noron and Walter White down to the mines below I think we can move the drad and Lorenzo into the jungle so we should we should get to work on that so obviously we got to go for brain of Pulu that’s next we got to go for Queen jellyish don’t know what that is then maybe we could try this weird fat bat thing I don’t I I I don’t know what capable of flight hot diggity dog we might have to tap into that I got to say the worst thing about using bards so far is looking at all the cool [ __ ] we can’t use releases bats at nearby enemies are you kidding me Sona oh wow never mind I take it back this looks pretty neat blood sausage sometimes the jokes just write themselves look at that all right let’s get to work I say we start with Lorenzo and yeah there’s the nurse oh yeah the nurse and arms dealer are here okay yeah let’s go to the what are we doing how about you dig a don’t pal there we go there you have it what a beautiful house setup what are we doing doing boss challenges man we should be teaching people how to build spreading the good word now we’re off to the Jungle I like that our JS spontaneously combust on occasion we got a big ass jungle but considering we’re ass men of the highest caliber this jungle had me at big ass let’s make them up here [ __ ] it why not $4,000 a month for rent utilities not include go excuse me this cooked fish is [ __ ] raw cannot wait to be verbally degraded by this guy Gordon [ __ ] Ramsey just moved in that’s insane all right so we got these guys moved in that’s pretty good I say we hight tail it back home then we make a spot for our homeboys down in the mines not only for the cheap discounts but for the sweet succulent pylon action baby you know we know it we have not gone down all the way wow that was embarrassing desert acolyte okay there’s so much I need to know what are you Grand immunity to status effect debu 30 second duration that’s it potent extract don’t do drugs wa holy [ __ ] holy moly what is going on right now just like a shine potion but I’m on crack see what this idiot has you got nothing you got nothing for us do you wait Dynasty wood do we need Dynasty wood for anything we can make that high quality read though it looks like it’s a material so as long as we have a bunch of that will be a okay now we sleep Tristan the tracker what whoa what’s stop you [ __ ] stallion what the [ __ ] is this hitting enemies will cause them to drop more money on death I’m so cool with that where do we keep our vanquisher medals at oh we only got three that’s a bummer the world Ender pinky wow whole new little mechanic I like it okay now we actually sleep till night let’s do it kind of forgot we need a forest pylon as well so we might as well move the furry as well as the merchant in over here cuz [ __ ] it why not know hey hey hey do I get a vanquisher medal for this odd timing oh yeah baby what now that that’s taken care of we wait for everybody to move in we pick up pylons waste all of our money but hopefully we have a little bit of excess cuz we’re going to need more bombs I believe just for clearing out that mine let’s make that magic storage this episode how about that that’s the stuff we need that’s the stuff we love and we like it’s going to be a cakewalk we have good stuff now our armor that’s good only does like you know five defense that’s fantastic here we go baby what an ABS absolute Cakewalk only had a little bit more breath I’ll cool some breath on the ground hell yeah he’s nothing to me he’s nothing he’s nothing to The Bard music Masters it almost makes you feel bad for the little guy doesn’t it all right we’re getting getting a little low on health as bad as we feel for the guy we can’t let him have a dub it’s all about timing music Masterpiece timing baby all right all right okay yeah good yep I wasn’t scared you guys were I wasn’t engrossing are the weapons we have are they actually going to be good enough for the brain of cthulu I’m I’m a tad bit I’m a smidge concerned yeah we’re going to need one of those might as well there perfect let’s go down the mines just use the bombs we have see what we could find hopefully we could find some emeralds down here get some emys you feel me and thus began our first epic mining session of the ages primarily we were on the hunt for better gear Life Crystals and some new things this mod added that would thoroughly and effectively tickle our nards in a way they’ve never quite been tickled before our side mission for this epic mining session however was to snatch up all the gems we could find in order to make a magic storage setup because my God magic storage is an absolute godsend when it comes to any and all modded terrar area playthroughs what a [ __ ] beast of a mod ultimate Q to the o to the L I tell you anyways we bomb our way down and manag to find a goblin tinkerer bound and left in the Dust by his wife and her boyfriend what up big guy what up cator 9000 how’s it going wife left you down here AP pal I would say I understand but I don’t sup idiot we of course purchase a tinkerer’s workshop and rocket boots from him ignoring his constant unnecessary desire to positively validate his wife’s back getting blown out by other men to everyone around him we find life quarts a metric [ __ ] ton of precious gems a ton more Ores even more Hermes boots and a flying Boulder I can’t be mad I God damn it that was a little counterintuitive and at long last we find ourselves back home to do some epic Pro Gamer crafting guess we could just leave this on the roof I guess boom Spectre boots let’s go that’s big time everything we need costs money and it hurts me a little bit inside just a little bit though just enough to keep things interesting we just really need like we’re like one step away from being so good nub okay man put on your mining helmet get numoon osis leave the wife and kids get to work sometimes it’s just how you have to do it it’s great that everything down here kills Us in like two hits oh my God emeralds let’s go guess we’ll use out the rest of our mining potion real quick and then we’ll go up and make magic storage cuz that [ __ ] is a godsend this is it right here ladies and gents Peete gameplay where’re you leading us pal God is there magic power finding the most inconvenient routes to take you on oh no look at that it’s pretty close actually not really I’d take it back I don’t want to support these things at all yeah come on ma let’s rock man magic mirror baby show me it h i don’t remember if we have one or not that’s either real good or real bad this might become a real different type of mining session if we already have one we might go exclusively for silt and see what happens 8 minutes left on the old mining potion let’s see how much we could get done man so far so good got us a life Crystal very neat there’s a chest up there everybody loves chesticles here’s the deal we could use our shadow diamonds kind of save these diamonds for something cool oh my God we could make a magic mirror I forgot might just have to do that man might just have to do that two of those guys and we need one of these one of these God damn it oh Jesus this is very exciting stuff this is huge let’s go ahead and do a little bit of this real quick let called we do a little silting oh it’s a thing of beauty ain’t it so much more organized so much more easy look at that magic mirror right into the pocket type of [ __ ] just make you want to blow up an owl huh and there we have it wait chairs and now there we have it I should really crank the rent up on these guys honestly I just wonder if there’s any better armor we could get well [ __ ] what do we do about this oh oh just great yeah our plan works phenomenally as usual as you guys know never once in any of my playthroughs has anything gone aai or wrong at all I don’t think I’ve ever even died in this game once which is just just astounding holy [ __ ] why is he wearing a little hat what’s his problem is he stupid ooh I see a fancy chest down there y’all peep that we’re doing really good on Life Crystals too let’s eat them up Spring hook sends you in the opposite direction of the hook why would I want that Hasty ring of unity okay all right cool stuff alert we got some new cool stuff everybody oh let’s go bones McGee you guys don’t even want to know how he earned that name back to the Grind baby boy oh boy it’s times like these where I wish I had money for bombs that would be pretty cool I want to try this out yeah I’m going to yeah we’re going to use that on the way up I took the risk I took it I took it I don’t care I don’t care what anyone says okay cool we’ve made it to Hell very awesome now what we’re going to do instead of digging all the way down is we’re going to dig a little bit to the left and we’re going to make these idiots some houses so we could teleport down here at a moment’s notice anytime we’ like oh great oh just [ __ ] great wait Escape R why didn’t I just teleport why didn’t I just teleport what what came over me God damn it you know what it’s early on in the video there’s no use Rhyme or Reason for getting this angry that quickly you know stupid [ __ ] thing it’s got to be the silliest [ __ ] I ever seen in my life let’s do it wow look at that very cool it takes two to hit space maybe we could use that in a battle I don’t know which one but maybe we could inspiration fragment I mean we we’re going to need more of those right let’s make some more thorium bars take them on over to an altar then we can also build an arena while we’re over there and we don’t have any platforms let’s go let’s go back down here and get our gold first I forgot you have something I want and this is where our pylon will go there you are Walter White I don’t know with the way the uwood loot like bounces around we’re going to be able to do decently well against the Brin of cthulu I think at this point damage isn’t a problem I think the biggest problem for us is definitely just not getting hit that’s a big issue because I have a I have a big problem with not getting hit because I’m not that good at the game no matter how ha get good comments hit my DMs hit my hit my YouTube comments so to speak it just doesn’t happen Okay let’s make a couple of these guys can’t use those anymore so what do we do with these so with these we can make this that cost a soul of light and a soul of night so we’re maxed right now we’re maxed solar Pebble the [ __ ] we can play our instruments much longer now which is good oh my God oh my God these things travel damn near infinitely though they travel really [ __ ] good I can’t get [ __ ] done around here I can’t I can’t do it Jesus Christ man oh my God you know I was going into this actually wanting to get [ __ ] done believe it or not it seems like that’s just not going to happen God damn it quick quick quick all right what a journey that was layer one complete there’s layer two layer three activated very nice pretty decent sized Arena can’t be mad at it so I guess this is where we’re fighting the bastard I’m not sure what else we can do to really really prep I guess we could reforge our [ __ ] real quick and see how it goes holy [ __ ] I’ll take it much better so we got to use these guys in tandem let’s filter weapons real quick and see what we can make not [ __ ] God damn the [ __ ] is all this some pills here buddy catch my healer throws me 100 pills and then I can’t feel my legs during the battle let’s go for it palms are sweaty knees weak arms are heavy just vomit on my spaghetti already mom spaghetti on the surface I look calm spaghetti to drop calm but I keep on spaghet y I don’t know when I was a kid I watched 8 Mile then I saw that Meme and I thought that was the funniest [ __ ] in the whole world I was like he didn’t he didn’t say that how what e why are you hitting me again oh okay let’s cap off this top real quick perfect perfect yeah that’s exactly what I wanted to do perfect oh my God I think we’re ready I think this is as ready as we can possibly be okay here we go here we go baby it’s showtime sure wish I didn’t have to waste all my breath on some [ __ ] slimes that spawned in at the last second holy [ __ ] [ __ ] God damn okay these things have a lot a lot of life we just have to wither them down baby wither them down some expert Pro Gamer dodging I think we could do it and we wait and we’re good we good oh no we already got a couple eyes which is very very solid dude we’re doing really good we are doing so good right now it’s okay it’s okay we’re good we’re good we’re we’re not panicking not panicking cuz we’re running out of breath or anything if we keep this up we’ll be all right please don’t do this oh [ __ ] me oh [ __ ] me sideways dude okay I want to make sure I have full breath before I really take out the last of these guys was that a Last of Us reference Pedro Pascal Pedro okay here we go maybe the OBO would be best for this so we could just hit him like once or twice try not to run out of gamer breath at all I’m totally running out of gamer breath just I have to give it time I have to give it time we have the max amount of breath right now okay we’re doing good we’re doing good at Pro dodging not really taking too much damage which is totally solid oh [ __ ] no please don’t dude I’m out of breath [ __ ] take an inhale inhale you know oh dear God okay we got the gamer Strat down we’re good no we don’t we are so not [ __ ] good oh my God I’m so godamn scared right now I’m out of breath no don’t get locked no no please yes yes yes I wasn’t [ __ ] scared I’m the man this guy spawned in thought he had [ __ ] then we hold out our guars and rip some cords so [ __ ] nasty on him that his whole brain fell out God damn it yes the hell is that thing unpleasant the stalker clown women my weakness I mean what oh my goodness this is not too bad it’s not too shabby at all so we need Jester armor okay dude that’s such a oh my God that’s such a gamer dub what can you be combined with greedy gobl oh wow now we need to make Jester armor why oh wait no I need silk how much silak would one need three seven and five we have just enough let’s go ahead and make the jester armor real quick [ __ ] finally critical strikes ring a bell over your head slowing all nearby enemies briefly that’s so good that is so good dude who who’s next let’s make a deathbringer pickaxe right quick let’s go it’s nasty it sucks toes queen jellyfish okay let’s see about Patchwork real quick randomly appears during blood I don’t want to [ __ ] queen jellyfish use a jellyfish resonator during the day at the ocean all right guess we can do that I don’t know how hard this battle is going to be is this the one I see chippy gaming fight all the time is this the one I see chipster fighting can I make a magic conch how do we do that guess we’re just hul assing it over there look at that we’re doing a lot more damage apparently we can make a meteorite OBO and I’m sure that’ll be cool as [ __ ] but we most definitely need a meteorite to land first that is imperative for making a meteor OBO meteoro met meteoro mete yeah let’s get us a pylon real quick please please give me a pylon on oh my God okay we’re doing this first try otherwise we’re going to have to run all the way back that’s going to be pretty degrading but I’ve never faced a giant jellyfish before I don’t know how this works let’s explore in here see if we can find anything anything that would sell for a bit what the [ __ ] sunflower mine cart okay let’s go what excuse me what the the hell was that about what is this area whoa very cool but I’m slowly dying aite oh [ __ ] yo is this a right ocean dog do we have have to go to the other one or something why am I [ __ ] dying yo let’s get the hell out of here screw this a [ __ ] man of war jellyfish was down here the hell was that about that was insane they like revamp the whole Ocean or something tell them to revamp the whole ocean was a good thing we went exploring I think we might be able to afford that pylon now I don’t know how this boss is going to go there’s like three layers of platforms enough I don’t I don’t know I don’t know how much I need I mean at least it’s out in the open I’m not trapped in a dank ass shed like I am in the Crimson so what we’ll do is we’ll finish up here we’ll grab all the components for spawning that queen jellyfish then we’ll try and grab that pylon so we don’t have to run all the way back and I think we’ll be in good shape I think we’ll be in business hey I’ll keep it real with you guys I think with this new armor I think we could take her on we could show that Gil queen jellyfish who’s the man around here you don’t need tentacles to Dom it up contrary to popular belief we need four coral one starfish one seash shell we have starfish and seash shells we don’t have Coral what the [ __ ] man we’re going need to get some Coral down here real quick it’s how Rick Grimes says his son’s name coral Coral dude what turn into a [ __ ] night hole oh my god oh [ __ ] that [ __ ] dude what do you how the [ __ ] did you get up here the hell is this depth scales what is this dude what the [ __ ] okay I guess we’re going to have to just hang on to that that sounds pretty neat no please what the [ __ ] is that about dude why is that the scariest [ __ ] I ever seen in my life [ __ ] that do we have enough Coral yet God I’m me get the [ __ ] out of here great Heavens oh my God God oh we’re so [ __ ] no we’re not so I’m pretty sure that’s all the coral we need let’s see if I can’t sell some [ __ ] off to hopefully be able to teleport to the Jungle sup shouty and we have enough I believe just enough so now we can just teleport on home throw in all of these damn dude I just don’t know what I’m doing ever now we’re going to need the queen jellyfish summon and that is a jellyfish resonator so we’re going to need that go and grab our jellyfish resonator here got it h it’s only during day so we’ll just sleep till day real quick and we’ll get right to it this jellyfish is going [ __ ] down I can tell you that much already oh wow okay change of plans let’s Traverse our entire world to get a meteorite right now cuz I’m very interested in that meteorite OBO we’re just going to have to run throughout the whole entire world who knows maybe we get this done before daytime and we have all the time in the world to fight this jelly monstrosity this thing looks [ __ ] up what is this it’s another Coral stack okay know what I like to say we’re heading back to the right anyways who cares time to get that meteorite now we know it’s on the right of our world we only had to run for 25 minutes to the left to just to find out you know Wonderful weather we’re having huh did a meteorite even [ __ ] land oh my Lord where the hell is it finally let’s do this smart oh yes indeed oh [ __ ] that was a UFO here already that’s unnerving I wonder if we can get something cool from him though might be worth the look see what do we get strange alien Tech well that’s neat let’s get the [ __ ] out of here star collar whatever man whatever we have a boss to kill and a meteorite OBO to obtain oh just look at that okay we’re going to have to reforge it wa interesting that’s very interesting dude please man dude I’m going to [ __ ] freak out on you so bad what the [ __ ] Jesus okay there you go how hard was that I mean direct line of fire attack we can’t can’t be mad at it can’t be mad at it we can be mad at the fact we have no money that’s pretty cool I really don’t know if I should make this Arena bigger or not I’m I’m scared I’m scared of this resource grab range that’s not the most important thing in the world but it does 21 damage it’s not bad at all I guess we just guess we just go for it oh oh oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh my God I have nothing I have no oh my God I’m so screwed I so screwed dude she just keeps spawning these things did your kind of going to work it’s a slow but steady process I just have to focus more on dodging than anything zealous jellyfish that’s a tongue twister more like a jealous [ __ ] more like a jealous uh zelish got him light them up light them up light them up light them up light them up light her up oh man it’s not even that much health it just [ __ ] takes so long going well though what is that a spit a spitting jellyfish oh my God so this is kind of like a queen slime thing where the Slime itself isn’t that scary but everything it summons is extraordinarily scary recharge recharge come on holy [ __ ] hell the [ __ ] projectile nightmare oh God let me out of this hell it’s hitting multiple times we’re not doing bad with this what is oh my Lord what is that what don’t get that away from me now do I have to go over it when that happens this is very nerve-wracking over and around over and around no the [ __ ] away from me I know exactly what you’re trying to do you [ __ ] freak you’re a freak oh it’s tried to grab me it’s trying to tentacle porn us this is the worst day of my life damn it is so [ __ ] immune to damage o ew ew e ew e ew stay away from me we just got to go for the source at this point this is this is crippling I guess this is like Optimal time to just try and take out all of our little summons whenever she’s doing her charge attack but we’re not doing bad what’s getting scary is when their health like any boss really when any boss’s Health gets low that’s when they start spaz Out full spazo style and I have to wait for this [ __ ] to charge back up here we go here we go this might be the one it’s taking forever but it might be the one all right we did what the hell is that thing dude kill it kill it quick what is this hi Neil air tank ooh interesting got some vanity very nice what the [ __ ] while mounted you could walk on liquids that’s pretty cool got a fishing rod we could buy shark fins and coral from him which is which is pretty neat what do we get from the treasure bag increases your breath by 50% and grants the ability to swim increases your damage by 10% when I’m wet oh oh look at that we got something what the [ __ ] is this supposed to do I guess that could be helpful it shoots in a real odd [ __ ] way but I you know imagine the wall of flesh is right here right oh the Wall of Flesh oh damn or pretend this guy is the Wall of Flesh bam bam oh my God okay well that’s that’s pretty [ __ ] solid I’m not going to lie to you maybe we can reforge it perhaps maybe what oh okay yeah that’s cool I guess why not off key refined let’s do one more muted ref okay well we’re going with that cool I don’t think we’re ever going to use this inspiring meteorite OBO however okay pretty good pretty good I say we do Skeletron next we got the jelly Viscount let’s do Viscount next actually use five Unholy shards at an underground blood chamber we got a lot to learn D I’m not going to lie to you with with Skeletron though this [ __ ] right here plus 10% crit strike chance too that’s so so solid I like that it goes through blocks too w w there we have it very beautiful yeah I think this will be good against a lot of bosses cuz I mean think about it how many of them just fly right above you boom boom boom well I guess to track down this dumb bat we need a grim pointer but how do we make Unholy Shar to the wiki tool that could be purchased from confused zombie the [ __ ] is a confused zombie patchwor has been defeated okay I guess we’re going for patchwork everybody I skipped him and I [ __ ] up big time let’s go for patchwor do we have a bloody tier yeah look we can make plenty so he randomly appears during a Blood Moon we might be able to get a battle potion and just go to work on some of these guys and see how it goes oh okay did that Patchwork where’s Patchwork oh dear God all right we did it we beat Patchwork that was a great gamer dub right there good work everyone what the [ __ ] was that about that was weird confused zombie is going to move in I guess we can sell this sell this what is suspicious moisturizer bottle oh oh oh dude no way yeah we’re selling that I mean we’re getting on holy shards from everything else which is really really nice I guess we’re going to have plenty to work with down there in the case that we in the case of our inevitable Doom against giant Batman the [ __ ] is that I love this weapon I guess here we wait this is the longest [ __ ] blood moon of all time thank God that’s over with now that patok is dead I guess we could go hunt for that giant bat so the confused zombie should be able to move in guess we’ll to sleep until he’s here oh very cool look at that we got a shark tooth necklace and a money trough too oh he’s already here okay cool thank God where the hell is the confused zombie at what oh my God he’s right in front of me bet Kevin has a big juicy brain dude chill ooh very interesting what the [ __ ] all right pointing Us in the right direction we just got to follow it any day now slowly but surely turning if we end up killing the bat dude we sound like an Arkham NPC if we kill the bat then nothing will be able to stop us if we manag to take out the bat bat nothing will be able to stop us from buying drugs and [ __ ] the second I get my hands on that bat I’m going to ring his neck out let’s keep going till it’s pointing straight down then we can just make a little mini elevator might be able to just go down this cave get it started what the [ __ ] is this about an enchanted sword Shrine eh pretty weirdest in the snow I thought I was going to be in Hell and Hell yeah baby enchanted sword we can’t use let’s go guess we’ll just keep on digging we have no other choice this bat has to go down the bat has to go so we can sell guns and drugs We Begin our treacherous journey of tunneling downward thinking that it would be a simple easy task to get to the bat’s layer little did I know at the time the bat decided to live in as deep and as dark of a cave as Twitter connoisseurs live only this count actually has hobbies and a love life we dig for what feels like 10 more billion years finding a chest entirely covered in lava for some unknown reason finding the golfer digging for 10 million more hours discovering the party girl moved in ew dude take a [ __ ] shower Dazzle take some Irish Spring and swallow digging even more collecting some ores and finding our last life Crystal that we needed oh yes indeed oh yes indeed looting a mushroom biome digging even longer until it long last a glowing castle in the middle of godamn nowhere appears indicating to me that we may have just found viscount’s humble abode what’s this about oh this is so cool this is sick the hell is going on here cool all the water is just piling right there that’s so good thank God that’s going to be in our Arena not if I can help it I guess that’s that’s just what vanilla plus is all about baby oh yes indeed hopefully this goes well let’s try it oh boy oh ew ew ew ew This weapon proving to be a little bit inconvenient maybe I’ll switch to this more direct attack you feel me so far this isn’t too bad okay all right this is pretty bad there’s not a lot of [ __ ] room in here to navigate if we play the smart we could like double hit him oh my God the [ __ ] was that about he’s got to jump off the ground when he does that I assume classic video game rhetoric when big round enemy body slammed on the floor holy [ __ ] Jesus Jesus then you have to jump otherwise you’re going to get stunned [ __ ] that does a lot of damage I’m very low on health I got to be careful oh no blood sucking bats Batman’s wh on my [ __ ] ass no please oh my God how long do I have 20 [ __ ] seconds we’re so dead dude God why did I do that damn it I got to go all the way to [ __ ] down there again guess we should go set a spawn in there I don’t want to leave till this thing’s dead I think the ricocheting stuff is working real nice but I just don’t there’s just not a lot of room to navigate in there all the way back we go cuz look as long as we set our spawn in there I we have Infinity tries we have so many of these Unholy shs just a [ __ ] to get back down here what the hell give me that vanquisher metal baby and we are back let’s quickly quickly set a home in here does that not count can’t set a home in there okay I’ll set one right outside then we’ll be in business look at how dripped out this [ __ ] crib is is oh my God spawn point has been set drink our Buffs I keep drinking all our spelunkers on accident trying to just use this weapon it’s not working out in my favor let’s try this one I’m already getting my ass beat dude okay what about the digo not horrible I think it’s kind of what we were using last time and it was it was working out all right it was going decent I just really like the Ricochet in here it’s really good damn do we need a better weapon kind of feel like we do [ __ ] me just jumped right head first into that one oh dear God oh no I [ __ ] was right in between it damn it man [ __ ] what if what if what if I keep him up here and I do that cuz these go through blocks so would he be able to would we null out his attacks by him being stuck up there maybe worth a check let’s try our epic gamer Strat though yeah look at that I think we’re ning out some of his attacks huh look at that except for his stuff that could pass through blocks oh wow this has become a much simpler matter think we got a good Strat going [ __ ] it’s really embarrassing cheating him and still getting my ass beat he is shooting the [ __ ] out of those things still isn’t he we almost got him down to halfway doing this epic sacred method it’s like the moon Lord battle on get fixed Boy 2 isn’t that neat isn’t that a fun reference oh he’s shooting him faster [ __ ] my god oh okay what the [ __ ] is this what is this what the hell is happening right now let me out of this hell now now what the [ __ ] is this holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was that at oh no what the [ __ ] what did he turn me into it’s a barrage I can’t escape no please don’t do that again please don’t do this let me out now the [ __ ] is this dude he turns me into a little bat how do I dodge that do I just have to suffer oh my God no [ __ ] God damn it no oh my God we were right [ __ ] there oh ah hey we have a strat we have a strat I can’t be mad I can’t be mad we have a strat [ __ ] God makes you want to [ __ ] kick a kid in the back of the head in front of his mom God I’m so [ __ ] mad we cheesed him and we still died you know how degrading that [ __ ] is let’s do that again let’s just not get hit oh Jesus already getting my ass beat this is [ __ ] degrading here we go we got the Strat going now just got to time it just got to time it perfectly really got to watch out for when he turns us into a [ __ ] bat for some reason we got this we so got this one this is the one I could feel it [ __ ] [ __ ] it’s like I don’t know if I want to wait for my breath to recharge or if I just want to keep on trying to fire it out slowly but surely [ __ ] 112 damage there way we got to be careful we’re good we’re good oh no dear God man please stop turning me into a bat please don’t do this unlimited flight capabilities not bad no AR wrench AR wrench in our plants yes yes God damn it oh my God yes [ __ ] finally thank the Lord in what the [ __ ] oh my God sonar Cannon vampire’s Catalyst transforms you into a bat capable of flight when transformed you’re smaller and immune to bat enemies can I fly forever that’s actually pretty [ __ ] helpful I’m not going to lie to you E look it o ooh ooh o o what is this about I’m very very curious about this sonar Cannon wa well that’s neat let’s go up let’s go home man that was a good good day’s work hot damn damn we could go like fly over to the dungeon now and [ __ ] look that’s so sick let’s get right into battle let’s go for Skeletron I can combine something with these right what can I combine with these boom now we got the survivalist boots very cool we can still keep the drip on that’s good we’ve upped our game a little bit I say we go over to the dungeon know we’ll go during the day and make the arena and then as soon as it’s night we’ll kill him I think we can take on Skeletron next I think we got this [ __ ] ah yes the traveling Merchant has arrived very cool how exciting is that zapinator that would be really cool too bad we can’t do that we’re playing that EDM on these [ __ ] so hard that their ears start bleeding all right here we go showtime baby Layer Two is in the works we’re going to grindvik good [ __ ] snowball scariest [ __ ] I ever seen in my life you want to know why so many people go missing on Mount Everest every year thorium knows too much ask thorium now we wait till night I think we’re already ready we have good potions good weapons good gear I think we’re going to take the term boning to an all new dimension we’re going to bone this bone like you’ve never seen in your life so I’m seeing a weapon a Bard weapon on the wiki called the nocturn it looks like it does 40 damage which is already awesome it tool tipe is releases a Sinister music note that explodes into a shadow flame on hit which is op for pre hard mode apparently though it’s obtained from Shadow chest so we’re going to have to go down after we beat Skeletron of course loot all the chests get some good stuff hopefully get a shadow key and then pillage hell just try it man okay this is working really good so far besides the whole me getting my ass beat thing it’s working fantastic please let me out oh this is going to work solid too got to regen got to regen damn he’s just catching up to us like nothing I don’t know what it is I feel so slow I feel slow and sluggish take his hands out around the same time that’d be good come on baby did you redo it no [ __ ] this one is not as bad as the bat I’m not even going to lie to you I think it’s cuz we’re nice and out and in the open I just feel like we’re moving so sluggishly I don’t know why got to recharge catch our breath wouldn’t this be the last thing you’d want to hear as a boss is just like w w w I’d give up right there he’s got to abuse the [ __ ] out of our grapple I guess I don’t know I feel like he’s really [ __ ] laying out this battle don’t do this right now just took a fat hit from his head not good oh [ __ ] we got to get that other hand out ASAP we’re going to be in big trouble not the [ __ ] snowball come on man get that okay cool cool cool cool cool oh Jesus okay I feel like we’re doing pretty good with this yeah I feel like we can’t jump for [ __ ] I don’t know why we just got to wait to regen okay good good good we’re on a good beat this honestly might just be the answer for this one cuz we’re going in circles around him anyway so it’s going to hit him like a bazillion times there we go look at that we got a good Strat going not too shabby not too shabby one bit do the spin try and give me head see what happens consider this a threat now it’s just a waiting game just a Race Against Time you know what I mean [ __ ] snowball wants us so bad it’s embarrassing I didn’t realize it’s standing right beneath him he kind of just sucks at hitting you we’re doing good I mean we’re doing really really solid right now this is just average run-ofthe-mill Skeletron you know get his ass get his ass almost nice nice nice nice nice no chippy couch so I’m going to have to hurt somebody but you know other than that nice what the hell was that thing I don’t want him I want the fish oh all right that’s another boss down for the count we got to do some dungeon exploring and we’ll be all good I think we could get another set of armor down here if I’m not mistaken Noble armor what is that about made from cloth and hellstone bars 36 cloth and 30 hellstone bars H the convenience of this weapon is either fantastic or it’s the worst thing in the entire world we need golden keys though real bad so far nothing the [ __ ] is that dude sludge the hell the [ __ ] is that thing dude yuck jelly I got jelly from that what the hell hell a shambler yeah there’s a lot of new [ __ ] in here I don’t know about uh oh hey look at that the mechanic get Tech note on pal what is that spirit droplet I think we could use that to make one of the bone guitars let me go the old ball and chain e hurry hurry hurry he’s going to get me oh God where all the thick ass mom slimes at where all the mil slimes at I need him so bad oh there it is what up baby you ever been with a young stallion before what the [ __ ] is that a dark steel Knight What The Hell dark steel ingots we’re learning a lot we’re getting a lot of cool stuff from the dungeon one could only imagine how treacherous the postplant Tera dungeon would be a lot of dark steel though see what we get first chest Cobalt Shield not bad can’t be mad at that one bit I’m [ __ ] stuck look BDSM is cool and all but Jesus Christ that’s annoying holy [ __ ] you’ve got to be kidding me oh my God oh my God yeah run away coward oh no oh my God he’s whoop my ass everything you got everything you got once I’m out of breath I’m [ __ ] oh yeah Vanquish metal let’s go Jesus Jesus nope out out out out out out out out oh my God round two baby only took all damn day to heal oh good God oh my God this is the worst [ __ ] way to start this out holy sweet mother of Hell let me out out out out out out God damn it what the [ __ ] are you doing just jumping like a [ __ ] buffoon jump use your leg the [ __ ] grapple the grapple gun you have use that try it it works great all right that was fun we need eight so we technically can go get one of those at any time I think it’d be better than our sonar Cannon I’m keeping it real with you what the [ __ ] is that big bone I’ll show you a big bone pal so big bone had no purpose other than to just be big in a bone get the key and go techno EDM him EDM him bad all right let’s heal up again rodri get out now you’re not Shippy you don’t have [ __ ] Waffle Time bed rights move move you fat [ __ ] what can we make with these dark steel ingots holy [ __ ] we can make a lot of stuff we can make a bassoon a bone B trumpet releases an incredibly startling D spikes and bones and we can make that are you kidding me you know many spikes I’ve been running into this time we can get rid of look at all this [ __ ] we were running into dying when a Minotaur was attacking us what the hell is that new type of sh oh Shadow key hot diggity dog so we’re going to be able to make a lot of cool steel which in turn would let us make cool weapons but at the end of the day we are going for one specific weapon and it’s one that’s down down in the shadow chest in hell I don’t know if anything else drops in here like if there’s anything else interesting and fun oh [ __ ] ha can’t get us now we sit and play the waiting game got him haha see how this goes oh my God what happened to me oh we’re good you guys can to have that gold it’s good I didn’t need it for anything you know reforging I’m not worried nah I’m losing my [ __ ] but we have a shadow key now we’re going to need hellstone which means we’re going to need obsidian let’s make the caleris and see how it works so we’re going to need to make spirit droplets out of those water candles going to need to make these out of these life Regen to and we got that so we’re going to need to go down and get hellstone but to do that we kind of need obsidian the hell are you what nearby enemies will be set on fire holy [ __ ] that worked out fantastic we have 556 obsidian an obsidian racket why not we can try it and we’re just going to go right down pile drive it on down to Hell mine as much as we can maybe we can sell some off and actually have some money for the first time this playr that’d be pretty cool grab this no chests in here first chest let’s see what we get didn’t get exactly what we wanted but that’s okay ooh there’s another chest over here no chest in here so it seems however we are getting a pretty good amount of healthstone the [ __ ] is this a sweet sweet sweet there’s another one over here good good very good much needed we didn’t get anything we need I’ll be real with you this weapon sucks ass the longer we peruse hell the more I’m beginning to think that the wiki might just be lying to us I don’t know I don’t know though all right I see another Shadow chest nothing man we’re getting nothing the [ __ ] is that spine breaker we already have over a thousand not what we need oh what is that what is that [ __ ] healer all right we didn’t find anything on the left side I guess we could take a gander over at the right and see how it goes is this a material ah how do I make an icy Piccolo eight icy shards how oh [ __ ] Song of Ice and Fire ah it’s a rhythm one though [ __ ] it man we might as well make it might as well why not let’s go to the snow and booty blast some mobs shall we M rubies what I’m wondering though is where all the fine ass mobs are at okay got some Icy shars that’s cool oh here we go icy Shard heaven baby look at that dark steel ingots we need 10 oh interesting Song of Ice and Fire vibrant how am I supposed to use this that’s that’s interesting that’s very interesting I think I’m going to put that first and throw this guy in the chest as much as I love that diger redo I think we’re going to put it back as well so in order to make that Noble armor right we’re going to need hellstone which we already have but we’re also going to need a [ __ ] ton of silk and simply digging around like an idiot in caves is not cutting it and I don’t think we’ve come across any spider nests around here anywhere but there is one above the dungeon it’s just quite the [ __ ] run it’s all the way over here huh yeah if I get used to that could be a devastating weapon but at the same time it’s just not I feel like it’s not economically viable you know when I can just Spam this I guess with this I don’t really run out of inspiration so I could use it as like a secondary to this I’m learning I think H ass buddy come on E look at him run so embarrassing of him think we just dig down right about here and we’ll be all good all right here we go hot dam is taking forever all this for some goddamn webs ain’t that a [ __ ] I’ll keep it real with you for a moment I think this weapon right here imagine me standing kind of right under the Wall of Flesh I think that’s going to be so good it’s going to hit like all three pieces [ __ ] finally here we go a little bit more down here we could get to that would be nice oh god oh yeah we’re stocking up now big time okay that should should should be enough cobweb very nice now we’ll make a bunch of hellstone hey we got a lot of that now Bongos huh we can make some bouncing Bongos very nice what the [ __ ] is that About Soul of plight the hell is that there we want to make that Noble set hot horn huh so we have the noble set boom bam and Bop Noble set obtained I like that set bonus go and make the hottest of horns real quick a loud one very cool a Noble’s what Noble’s jerking yeah this Noble stays jerking holy hell what is all of this about dear God that’s pretty nice now let’s go to hell and let’s look for that nocturn I think that’ll really seal the deal on our power grab it while we can next frat house nothing oh shenan another one of these bad boys come on dude getting everything except the [ __ ] we want o I see another one over there okay okay maybe this is it another one Oo we baby son of a [ __ ] here we go this is the one I could feel it oh yes indeed oh yes indeed where are the [ __ ] Shadow chests I’m going to lose my mind well I guess that seals the deal we don’t get a knockturn are we supposed to make it or something what the [ __ ] the deal ah everything except the the [ __ ] we want every single time I tell you I mean I guess if we were to fight the Wall of Flesh I would use this maybe for half of its Health right then as soon as it starts getting crazy on me I’d switch to this cuz it does it does Pierce to an extent so it might be real good I don’t know it’s a maybe it’s a big maybe for me guess we just see who’s next on the list corpse Bloom randomly appears in the post Skeletron underground jungle might as well grab some of these while we’re at it you know might might as well might as well wouldn’t mind that way we can hollow out an arena in a moment’s notice ew ew ew ew ew I do not like these stop spawning now what what what oh wait is that that thing we were looking for I think it is don’t know why we’re mining so slow but [ __ ] it we ball holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] dude we got to be careful we’re going to [ __ ] die Christ look at that Health the [ __ ] hit me this is [ __ ] ridiculous God damn it no that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine we’ll just run all the way back it’s cool [ __ ] balls dude ain’t it a thing of beauty this is [ __ ] ridiculous we should not have lost that battle if it weren’t for that jungle slime we would have had that [ __ ] easy the [ __ ] is [ __ ] where’d it go I lo where where where where the [ __ ] hit me what hit me where did it go what the [ __ ] are you talking about I was murdered by cor balloon it’s not even [ __ ] here what it was not there do not lie to me right now this is how ridiculous it is see that [ __ ] go down again I guess here here you go now that’s a strat we need a [ __ ] beor for this [ __ ] this is ridiculous and a nice walled off Arena holy [ __ ] it teleported what what the [ __ ] where what what the [ __ ] am I supposed to do about that this is getting so God damn ridiculous oh my God back to the Jungle let’s do it back to let’s go back let’s go back again what the [ __ ] is an army ant are you kidding me we’re looking for a hive but instead we’re getting a lot of chests which I can’t really be that mad at damn oh just great dude oh just [ __ ] fantastic that’s exactly what we needed we were looking for that please keep sending those our way not like we need a hive or anything the [ __ ] is this rambling Forest St Arena no where is it where is it got to remember it can tell oh there’s a Temple that’s good sick sick sick look at that just got to watch out for it teleporting directly into us we’re doing this [ __ ] my God man patience patience is key don’t don’t you [ __ ] dare yes yes yes yes yes let’s [ __ ] go quickly do a little bit of that action and we’ll be all good oh God that was a [ __ ] nightmare rotten meat summons a fly why would I want that summon damage healer class just great that was [ __ ] scary I’m glad that’s over with no Hive so far I would like Queen P down for the count oh sweet a hive all right hey all we got to do is not [ __ ] die down here and we’ll be okay wild Alo Leaf healer class I should have known start laying some platforms here things will be a little bit more manageable man how op is that going to be against the wall of flesh pretty op I hope please I hope this arena is enough clear out some of these little Strays dangling about where the [ __ ] is where is it we get the one Hive in the whole [ __ ] Galaxy without one you got to be kidding me a is it down at the bottom oh my God oh my God quick fix the arena no okay here we go it’s showtime baby we’re good we got this we got we got this we got this we’re so back look at how much damage we’re doing we’re doing a really good amount of damage just got to watch out for when she’s going full spazo style yeah Miss every shot that’ll be good here we go oh my go she’s shooting Stingers I didn’t even realize it holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] oh my God oh my God it’s good we had a heal we had a heal we’re good okay get your regeneration going buddy now’s the [ __ ] time oh thank the Lord all right we did it we did it we did it thank God man yes lot of these bosses have just been so [ __ ] stressful let’s get the [ __ ] out of here man oh Jesus that’s queen bee off the list and corpse husband we got his ass there it is we’re [ __ ] bossc crunching today we’re doing good this will be good honeycomb will be good so here’s the deal a lot of you creatures been telling me been hounding me all right been hounding me in the comments about getting the Bongos a lot of you been saying it’s quite overpowered all right 32 dude come on come on no way right no way a lot of you been saying it’ll wash so to speak the Wall of Flesh thus making him the wash of Flesh Bongos let’s see how it bong goes what the [ __ ] dude what is this doing damage to all nearby wow interesting I wonder if there’s a boss we could try it on I wonder I got to wonder spawn hotel is looking great as ever oh dear God it’s the same three things over and over okay I’ll take that last time we beat Skeletron and corpse Bloom corpse husband let’s do it how about The Illusionist huh who’s this what does he drop nothing really for us I mean I guess we could go we could go to the dungeon just try it just try it out this would be a great opportunity to test our Bongos you see as a certified ass man I love me the Bongos it represents a lot of things wholeheartedly however how it does in battle we’re about to find out so far I see nothing mid bro what are you talking about look at that that’s way better am I using it wrong or something with am I tripping nards or is this just mid I don’t know dude I don’t I don’t know I guess we’ll see if if it’s hitting the balls of Flesh several different times then I can see how it’s a real good weapon for it oh my God the double minitar bangerang we got to be careful okay I can see how this could be a powerful weapon now my bad my bad everyone it’s all right it’s all right I give it like a seven please don’t do this I’ll show you a big bone pal you better watch yourself mid bro God damn BDSM is cool and all man but that’s that’s too much that’s too much I’m trying to have fun here what Midnight Oil I know what I’m using that for I’m going to be totally wholeheartedly straight up with all of you we might just have to skip this boss he doesn’t even drop anything good for the old bars too for the music Master Legends he doesn’t drop anything good for us so I mean what’s what’s the point I was kind of just doing it just to test out our we oh my God Granite energy storm what the use an unstable core deep underground within a granite enclosure or find a defeat an unstable energy anomaly have we come across any granite areas where’s it at dude I don’t I don’t see one anywhere the bongo’s got to be nice on this guy drop oh barred okay oh it’s a o i mean unless that helps us I can’t see that being too great so we’re off to find a granite biome baby what the hell grants immunity to shambler chain balls oh my God we might have to we might have to invest I forgot we could turn into a bat that’s so embarrassing dude there’s got to be one around here somewhere I always always find one in the jungle was that a mini planta what the hell was that about nothing so far man the railways of Doom are bound to lead us to one if I can’t find what I’m moving to the next boss I’m not doing this all day I’m not okay see what we’re not going to do is go into the underground desert and that goes straight into lava that’s cool all right that was fun well who’s the next boss on our list huh wow he looks cool what’s his deal huh oh my Champion’s wings that sounds nice you get that preh hard mode are you kidding me no barred weapons from what I’m seeing use an ancient blade deep underground within a marble enclosure damn it what where do I okay have we discovered a marble biome we haven’t bro come on man a this is making me sick about to start another another elevator come on man anything dude I beg I beg I plead very wonderful guess we can grab stuff from the chest while we’re here I guess I mean we might as well not make it a completely fruitless Endeavor I’m not doing that I almost fell for it I’m not doing it all roads lead back to the underground jungle and it makes me sick nice everything hurts my body down here dude I’m just not down for it at all maybe down here there’s one no all right this has got to be an OSHA violation of sorts I want those damn Wings though why is it every time I build a plant Terror Arena I come across both of these biomes and it [ __ ] up my Arena but God forbid I look for the things I will never find them night vision will help us find the biomes better hopefully my oh my look what I found look man I can’t find this thing no matter what I do so I guess we’ll just make some lightning boots about it and cry a little bit high in the sky okay I could do that what is what oh look at that I can make it hell yeah that’s what I’m talking about baby will it work right here nope I got to do it a little bit higher is it going to despawn if I leave though oh oh [ __ ] okay okay okay we’re in we’re right in look at that that’s way better oh [ __ ] what’s it doing oh my God I couldn’t imagine developing as a civilization for years to make something that could travel through space and time and some dude with a pair of [ __ ] Bongos just rips me a new one I’d be broken I’d be a broken little alien what was that oh my God 103 damage not looking forward to finding out about a second phase with this guy as much as I hate to admit it think this what the [ __ ] oh oh [ __ ] oh my God I’m getting my ass whooped I thought this was an easy battle this is not good this is not good at all oh there we go it’s not too bad God damn it dude the C shell is about to go crazy this time around let’s make another one let’s get Buffs let’s let’s do it I’m not even mad I’m not mad Bring It On ding it what the what whoa whoa whoa okay it’s only hitting about 1% of the time which is kind of a bummer we got it now we know it attack patterns we’re good we got this [ __ ] we got it in the bag so easy come on regen dude regen please he does a stupid amount of damage [ __ ] me like that like that oh God he’s really starting to get on my ass oh no no please God don’t do this oh my God we’re good we got this we so got this in the bag the hell is that what the [ __ ] okay just got to be extra careful about that holy [ __ ] there’s a lot to deal with at once we’re doing good damage to him oh no oh what’s happening oh dear God dude this isn’t good oh this is not good go run run do something God damn it oh we were so close man we were so [ __ ] close love not making any progress I love it I love it so much awesome man where do I find those the Bongos are so lame dude the Bongos are so lame I don’t care what anyone says I think we’re at a very pivotal Crossroad right now where we could either try and take on the wall of flesh and see if we could find these guys later or if we could find these guys right now I think we can get better gear oh my God we were so close to killing Buzz Lightyear man we were so close look we can’t get The Illusionist to spawn we can’t find a godamn granite biome we can’t find a measly marble biome we get this guy to 1 HP and [ __ ] die right away so what’s left you know I’m wondering if there’s any other NPCs that we haven’t moved in yet maybe there’s like a music man or something like that that would be pretty nice cuz we have a shoe guy we have a chef we have a zombie and a damn mummy we have Neil we got Rambo I’m actually so hurt right now that we haven’t discovered any of the biomes we need to fight any of these cool and fun new bosses the Druid lignum lignum nuts or what perfect oh just perfect well well well look what we found here huh got us a nice little lava encased Granite biome you love to see it thank God this place is so small right above hell too fantastic know what we’re going to do so we’re going to do our best uh-oh well that worked fantastic an uncomfortable Truth for many maybe the Bongos aren’t so bad we’ve successfully expanded the arena quite a bit that’s good very good three things in life are certain death taxes and an arena that you’re scared to fight in oh what is that oh no focus focus everybody Focus everybody quit joking around trying to have a jolly good time here we go here we go baby yep Bon bong go Bongos let’s get it uh-oh uh-oh holy [ __ ] take it take it take it all okay BR cthulu clutch that’s good that’s working what the hell dude I’m out I’m out I’m out I’m out of inspiration man okay but look hear me out if I Pace it right we might be okay if I Pace it correctly we might be all right what does he drop for us again let me see here ah this thing yeah I would like inspiration regeneration very nice I don’t like that it’s not a material I hope it increases my damage by 15% too that would be very cool and awesome I think boomerangs only thorium and healing and throwing okay well yet again The Bard is scrutinized dryad 2.0 what the marshy Astro tur huh and ut oh wow let’s see how this works let’s see how it does see if we get a UT tree or not I’m very keen to find out I want those wings though I hope we can find a marble biome if we win this battle everything’s going to be okay can I get a break here why do you keep spawning I can’t even get down to where I want to go it’s driving me insane I’m going to lose my [ __ ] I really truly am it’s more and more dude oh dear God oh my God holy [ __ ] that was insane do a little bit of chopping here round off the edges it’ll be all right it’ll be it’ll be okay yeah even just one more layer I think is going to be all the more clutch one more little means of dodging and it’ll be okay we’re just going to do it we’re just going to do it we’re just going to do it where did did it not spawn all right let’s do it nice it’s making all the difference so far we just got to pace ourselves a little bit better you know oh okay okay getting our ass kicked that’s good don’t go in there dude 90 damage is [ __ ] insane to kill each of those things like 100 times dude it’s terrible extra careful not like that okay I’m going to die the hell was that thing great I love getting double hit like 30 [ __ ] times that’s just wonderful God damn it [ __ ] if I am able to take him down to a Hell Arena from there that is a game changer let’s try it this is so [ __ ] frustrating dude I get bullied no matter what I do I have a hellstone weapons help me God teleport you to last death location Fallen Beholder what the [ __ ] is that teleport you to a random location wow that’s pretty neat huh okay let’s make a big long hell Bridge boom like that oh look at that I’m kind of curious to see how we do is that bad of me is that mean of me is that evil let’s just try it I know we’re probably going to die but that’s okay we have lightning boots we have the fabled Bongos as you guys say it is full bar rating uh maybe like a six six or a seven this is like an eight right here though the problem is we only have 24 defense that’s where the that’s where the real issue come in but an iron skin should be saving our ass quite a bit and it’s truly truly not all right I think we’ve run far enough the wings that the Gladiator dude drops seem so unbelievably clut for prehard mode however when there’s no Marvel biomes in your world then it makes it a little hard to get them let’s just see how it goes let’s just see maybe it goes real good who knows okay dude okay that’s that’s really good I’m not going to lie where the hell did you come from okay that’s really solid all right so you guys got me all right I was just talking it’s it’s increased its way to like a nine all right a nine I’ll give you that I’ll give you that the only issue is the inspiration that’s the only only problem we seem to be running into it renders the hungry just [ __ ] useless dude I’m not going to lie I kind of want to try this and see how it goes Jesus okay enough experimenting need to try and go in for the kill on this one cuz we’re we’re actually not doing too bad at all that works really damn good too holy hell I might just do that so I stay away from him dude I’m not going to lie to you it’s like playing range this is going really good why couldn’t I beat any of the other bosses but I’m doing arguably better against this guy than I have against any any of the other prehard mode bosses okay I’m eating my words a little bit honk your horn buddy honk at the best you can maybe when he gets in close I should uh use the Bongos that might be good starting to take a lot of damage here oh I can’t hit him from that far I don’t think we got to get in close we got to do the deed got to get in close enough to hit him got to lull them got to go up and down come on on dude no we’re not going to do it oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God down to the last 1% of its Health it gets closer and closer every single goddamn time God I feel like we are one accessory away from greatness I don’t I don’t know what it is I feel like we are so tormenting [ __ ] close we almost had that let’s try the granite guy again man I got to use all these in tandem I think I’m just trying to use one and it’s not working out well for me if I get all of them going 20 movement speed 10% crit strike chance here we go please don’t despawn oh my God he’s not despawning oh it’s over fellas oh we won this battle thanks for watching okay well I may have gotten slightly ahead of myself I apologize for my Outburst I don’t know what I’m supposed to do to dodge that okay man okay okay what the [ __ ] okay man holy [ __ ] what am I supposed to do about that I’m getting so incredibly frustrated right now it’s not even funny let’s see what we can do about our accessories huh check it out that’s great dude all right I don’t know where Marvel biome is is we have the armored P paper and now we’re going to get some cork grease cork grease so now I can make the band kit which I think we’ll clutch it up hopefully I kind of want to try the Wall of Flesh again that went surprisingly well last time I think we can do it I’m going to lose my goddamn mind I’m getting close man oh here we go now we’re looking good the hell was that was that a a goblin I knew they all went to hell here we go see it’s doing good damage but it’s just like I don’t want to be close to him when he’s shooting a thousand lasers I think everything demands me to be a little bit close to him which is kind of rough it’s very difficult having to wait between attacks if that makes sense makes life a lot harder like that look now we just chill wait and Dodge I think we got it dude got to use everything in our Arsenal everything in our Arsenal gives us a little bit of a buff it’s starting to get a little sketchy brand of cthulu clutch please okay okay if we keep killing his little hungry we might get some hearts we might be okay okay going for the kill no oh my God we did it we did it really good that time holy [ __ ] we did it all right we’re in hard mode first try first try baby let’s get it let’s get it cool let’s see what we got ooh I would not mind that at all don’t mind if I do oh God thank God so we have a lot of a lot of new weapons and stuff we can make I’m really liking the brass I really like brass so far massive gamer W’s in the chat please supposedly marching band armor is the best we can get at this point that requires a lot of Souls and Knight we’re also going to need Wings 108 damage cool look at how little damage we do to everything dude oh my God this is going to be horrible takes a full force of calmer [ __ ] toss to take out one thing oh my God this is going to be so bad oh Jesus oh no oh hey the hollow you can’t get me you can’t get me you can’t touch me uh uh uh uh suckers okay I guess it’s time for an epic gamer mowing session of the ages baby after the shocking truly unexpected win against the balls of Flesh we had much to do and it all started with an epic gamer mowing session of the ages now that we’re in hard mode much more is unlocked there seemed to be a limitless amount more tasks for us to complete to get a plate full of succulent game progression we had to beat bosses but needed good armor for that but needed souls for the armor but needed a good weapon to collect the souls to begin with it’s certainly a grueling domino effect we had to deal with in our Timeless journey of becoming the ultimate Bard we worked our way up the various tiers of ores and got to work immediately on trying to come up with a game plan to execute once we had our hands on an actual hard mode B mode weapon to defend us from getting beaten to death by various mobs apparently with 16 spider fangs we can make a weapon called the Riff Weaver and I’m very curious about it a lot of HP man a lot of HP oh [ __ ] oh my God damn it all right let’s make the or calcum whistle so excuse me what is that hell’s Bell what guilty pleasure a wicked guitar solo defense two damage reduction two ey frames one that okay we have got to make that oh we’re getting Souls of Night down here too we can do some grinding hopefully make that armor we’ve been dying for oh my God we’re looking for that Ora calcum now baby what the [ __ ] is that I was about to ask if I’m in hell but I kind of am I look forward to having to deal with that a lot more how exciting we don’t really have a need for Adamantite as far as I’m concerned the [ __ ] is that an infernal Hound eh oh look at that he dropped a worm for us I don’t want the smoke I just want to mine holy [ __ ] Jesus a bone flare tail 90 [ __ ] no no I can’t go back I can’t go back I have to stick with Bard while grounded it rapidly spits out burning embers along the ground oh my God look at how cool that is nope I can’t use it where’s the oral man I can’t do this boom whistle obtained terrible modifier excellent what the [ __ ] okay that’s going to be interesting to work with I say let’s go down to the spider hell now let’s see if we can make that riff Weaver and it works pretty darn good too if I do say so myself considering these guys have an outrageous amount of Health okay I can do this good all right we’re good we’re good we’re good playing the long game with this one oh we got an Amar Rock I am so frustrated right now I’m going to have a meltdown maybe we should get that armor first before we try and indulge in any more weapons it takes full inspiration to kill one thing but yep here we go let’s ride deep into the anal crevices of the Crimson let’s do it that was on me that one was on me we need that marching band armor so bad that it hurts here’s where the problems come in not a [ __ ] soul in sight soul of night let’s go we’re back we’re so back Jesus man at this pace I’m getting one per every death so you know if we die I don’t know 24 more times we’ll be in business you know what let’s go get the spider thing let’s go do it let’s just do oh no the hell is that come up to my spider Destroyer 9,000 oh I bet you weren’t expecting that were you oh no our safe haven it’s been violated yeah yeah get me out get me out give me out oh my God this is mind numbing work I tell you oh we have enough look at that let’s go oh my god oh [ __ ] that’s [ __ ] metal I love it now let’s go get that armor does it pierce it does oh my God wa oh my God we do so much more damage how nice is that those like iore sides what’s the deal with that I don’t like that it’s wries and wiggles attempting to latch onto you I know what I’m doing with this thing dude wa oh my God we need a flesh horn so bad so looks like we need tissue samples to make this we might have to go kill the brain of cthulu again and that’s totally fine with me that’s totally fine I think we’re at a much better place than we were formerly imagine the Bongos on him this might be a real satisfying eyeball squishing ASMR for all of you folk out there with good ears oh no it’s a good thing we do no [ __ ] damage oh my God I’m going to die that was a bummer look at that dude that was so satisfying there we go there we go o we I can’t get a good modifier to save my own life am I missing something oh it has to charge well that’ll be nice we get damage to then we could use this and get damage reduction my celium is he coming oh Lord he’s coming all right here we go my celium this is taking so godamn long all right I think we’ve got him just about halfway which is pretty cool I wanted to know what was in the mycelium mimic God why why dude why every single time wait a minute melium a mushroom variant of biomimics sure wish I knew what it dropped that’d be pretty cool this game has a very special way of making me the most angry I’ve ever felt in my entire life hey let’s make one of these acoustic guitars huh let’s go inside a guitar store and play Stairway to Heaven or wonder wall I heard they all love that need a lot of this stuff some unicorn and we’ll be good I got to say if I ever killed a spider so big that I could hold one of its fangs in my hands like a football I think the last thing I do is make a sick guitar out of it but that just shows how creatively stunted I am oh excuse me oh my God that’s like my cat Tesla so much delectable nut here in the hollow biome there’s so much new stuff to this game and it’s so fun oh my God a hollow key all right see if we can make our acoustic guitar now huh you guys feeling acoustic I think all you guys are acoustic can I please please for once have a decent modifier all right we’ve seen some weapons like this not too bad not too bad but more importantly we can make this into a guilty pleasure where we hold down the fire button and consume inspiration and charge up a wicked guitar solo every half second of charge increases the Barr’s duration and damage yeah oh soul of sight I thought that was a flight oh all right I guess we I guess we’re just stuck with this for now time to go on the soul hunt what the [ __ ] oh my God it has so much health dude what the [ __ ] there’s two of them just don’t drop [ __ ] they just show up and annoy me oh no what is that there every time I find something interesting I [ __ ] explode where the hell did that come from well hopefully it’s still down there that’d be nice very curious to see what the mysterious life yeah now if it’s gone it was definitely a mob then God give it a rest oh there’s a solo Knight right there on the bright side that’s cool only 10 more at this rate we’re going to have a graveyard biome every single place we stand no I need to double back cuz I’m not in the [ __ ] biome better armor please God please at least my cat’s happy Oh yeah double drop let’s go no no no four souls away from greatness it’s everything everything flying in here is making me very mad there we go there it is now we can make our marching band outfit okay seven defense hot dog here we go wo we got it we got it dude has no idea what we’re capable of what is that about what is this What’s following me so the real question is what now clearly we need to up our accessory game a lot we really really need Wings let say we kill some wyvern huh how about that the [ __ ] are those okay here we go all right the hell was that what the [ __ ] was that about where did you come from a Lykan are you lying to taste of this fat dick this is so frustrating oh my God where did you even come from a y okay all right there’s one there’s one good thank God when I have wings we’re going to turn this world upside down please die please die please die holy [ __ ] oh my God how much you have 92 Health what is that why is there so much I’m getting so sick right now I’m getting so sick of this oh hell yeah that’s what I’m talking about okay so we have all the souls we need now we just need perhaps some pixie dust in the mix and I think we’ll be all good oh you know what it’s probably an armor set bonus I guar yeah I didn’t even think about that that’s what I’m talking about Pixie splattering spree the little music notes are kind of broken I’m not going to lie to you my God maybe our Bard is trying to die so much so his music is more valuable that makes sense to me does it make sense to you it sure makes sense to me at long long last finally look at that look at all of that action hey buddy what the what the hell oh rhythmically play yeah my ass dude I’ll see you later good luck I think I think I already have a mechanical worm we could probably just try the destroyer and see what we could get I believe there’s a set of hollowed B armor see if we’re having trouble against that right now against a unicorn dude I don’t know how good we’re going to be against the mechs you know what let’s see if we can make a little Sky Box build it a little ways away oh my God what the hell man get away from me you freak oh dear God my thoughts is if we built a cheese platform I’m pretty sure our acoustic guitar would be able to at least shoot down and Ricochet through a few segments I think it’d go well what the [ __ ] is that what is that holy hell what is that what is that a blood Mage is that why I’m slowed for 30 seconds he healed are you kidding me who that’s weird my god oh wait we need to fight this guy don’t we randomly appears during a blizzard or summoned with a strider’s tiar how the hell do we get a strider’s tiar doesn’t appear he drops say anything for a real real musician this is this is disgusting this is horrible I have no money no life no balls yeah we’re going to have to kill a Mech soon not a living hemorrhoid not again dude I can’t do this I still want to beat that borean Strider as soon as it starts raining I feel like we could run over make a quick Arena and fight him that technically is the first Dork on our list Fallen Beholder huh what the hell was that e still no bar stuff 10c Critical Strike chance one whole minute of 10% less damage yeah go [ __ ] yourself oh damn does he drop a bar weapon wow releases multiple tend of Gastly grasping Sound Energy killing blows against enemies replenish for inspiration that’s insane attack speed oh my God we got to get this thing all right well it’s just about night time I guess we could try the mech and see how it goes and summon him up see how it goes coming from over here huh good thing we do no damage oh God this is going to be a rough one get shredded get shredded get shredded on get him get his ass oh my God this is going to be bad dude this is going to be real real bad I think the acoustic guitar might be our best best bet right now but we are doing no damage virtually against this guy we have done no damage so far the night is already like a quarter over I do not think we’re going to be able to do this this is so bad oh no all right let’s go down screw it see how it goes the answer is not very well holy God oh no I’m sick of being bullied by everything okay well we need a better weapon real bad we need a better weapon so bad in fact that it hurts me inside oh my God we are screwed so I see a trombone it unleashes a beam of sun energy I’d imagine that’s quite good against any mob but we need forbidden fragments and we need Pharaoh’s breath holy Jesus holy hell all right oh I got a Pharaoh’s oh oh oh we need you we need you Jesus Christ this is becoming less of a b issue and more of a I can’t do any damage issue all right bring it on suckers I need one of those desert Elementals to come in and save me 126 damage just for fun h just for fun just to have a laugh I took 126 damage and you’re laughing oh oh my God no no no no no no no there you are bastard oh my God the nurse is here please Caitlyn yes yes we are so back why is there so much [ __ ] spawning right now now is not the time we almost got it it’s getting real pissed off I don’t need hemorrhoids right now man see how hard it is for a gamer to exist in this landscape almost got it yeah yeah baby that’s what I’m talking about there’s one there’s just a simple one that’s cool now we got to wait for another one oh hey you can move to who [ __ ] farted on me dude you sick bastards here we go then we’re going to get the fast Stacks double hand twister ballister discounts that’s great here we go here we go it’s my inspiration that’s given me trouble I tell you that much it’s not even that hard of a battle it’s just scary with all the other mobs that decide to show up he yay the the nurse is getting [ __ ] up we are getting a little bit low on health and it’s very very [ __ ] concerning if I survive like one more second I’ll be okay what am I supposed to do about that oh my god dude what the no come back well let’s go see if it’s there how exciting is this this is so much fun I love this game very much [ __ ] a oh my God oh my God another one we’re all right we’re all right everybody we’re okay everybody calm down everybody [ __ ] relax we’re we’re doing okay I think this extra platform is the the true answer very curious as to why we’re doing so little damage to everything in the world come on Weber up Weber up Weber up let’s go Spider-Man BDSM come on man the second platform was really all all we needed almost got it I’m just happy that so far nothing has come on this top platform yet from either side to defile us we almost have exactly what we need we have exactly what we need now that might be convenient it sounds like a rot of Discord that takes a little while to use but I’m curious about this I’m very curious about this all right let’s see about making a trombone shall we trombone and we got a good good reforge let’s go let’s go oh my God how far does that extend that’s not bad dude that is not bad at all oh my God that’s nice hey worth the grind worth the grind W’s in the chat uh I thought it would be a little bit better than that I’m not going to lie to you we’ll see about it we’ll see how this goes I’m killing stuff faster with my riff Weaver dude come on man give me something good give me a good do I have any money left oh [ __ ] it to hell why not I’m sick of getting farted on we already have a platform over here which is very nice for Skeletron so I’m wondering if we could use that for the Strider fella there’s also another weapon we can make called frostwind symbols 40 symphonic damage right pretty good holds a pair of symbols in front of you that release freezing vibrations holding them longer increases the vibration count speed and freeze duration gives a little extra jump height and flight times a problem with that is we need a frost core so we’re probably just going to have have to wait till it rains here we go it’s showtime baby prime time for ice Golems it’s a lot of stuff here trying to rock my body de dear kops a dude come on [ __ ] blizzard bat blizzard bat bats everywhere bats permanent man perade death bat bat hell lava bat cave bat giant cave bat oh my God he’s still alive this is so shabby so far he is it is oh my god oh yeah forgot you can’t go away from deerclops at all almost got him it’s not quite the boss I was looking for but hey you know what it happens happens to the best of us God I got a axxe got a radio thing an eyebrella so one problem we still need an ice Golem great dude there he is oh come on pick up some gold buddy pick up some n they’ve already ransacked it all he’s gone G Aria see you later he’s gone that’s great I don’t even know why I bought this thing man let’s try it man we ball doesn’t seem so bad hey hey hey hey what the [ __ ] is that holy hell we teleports rather quick that a snow spider that’s [ __ ] up oh we’re breaking his back we’re blowing his back out [ __ ] get me out of here I’m so slow just got to keep my distance be ready to dash at any moment like that let’s use his own weapon against him come on teleport no no what oh what come on man [ __ ] I’m throwing away the axe too it won’t shut up well I’m trying to work I think we’re ready for this I guess we just can’t run too too far from him it’s just attack patterns dude attack patterns are nothing to me okay our little music Trail is doing the work on him and I love it no please okay he’s immune to iore all right [ __ ] me to tears man I don’t even know what’s hitting me half of the time oh he broke his Hive or is it a mama spider you should not be able to teleport oh dear lord oh my God there’s [ __ ] flying she has flying spider babes this is not good dude this is not [ __ ] good just got to focus on her it’s like queen jellyfish all over again you know what the [ __ ] man Tel frag dude Tel frag not cool I don’t know what way to go no what what hit me what what did it oh my God man [ __ ] I can’t beat a single goddamn boss my God I hate this I hate everything oh well we still have a wrath potion come on waffle time where’s your music Spirit huh only usable during a blizzard only usable during a blizzard cool hot damn we have 28 defense what the hell do I do we’re going to double back we’re going to make that farm we’re going to collect mad Souls how about that how how does that sound to everybody we’re going to get some better accessories we’re going to be okay everyone calm down we’re going to be all right woo all right all right I’m not above it I’m not above it one bit ooh geod saxophone what the what the hell is that interesting shut up up Lucy I don’t have time for you oh my God we found a mimic we a even finished our farm yet we already got one look at that something we’re not going to use at all great while we worked on the farm we thought about all the possibilities hard mode Bard mode could open for us there was an outrageous amount of new weapons and gear that we only just started tapping into but the farm would be insanely helpful in gathering everything we need to craft it all we laid down everything we needed including a mob roasting pyramid and a spot underneath in order to degrade all the mobs from all in the safety of our own foul smelling gamer Hut we make sure to cloak the bottom in lava as well as ADD Dart traps to activate those derpix on specials we alsoo desperately need loot from and after a major gamer AFK session we were just about ready to get the ball rolling once more on our hard mode Bard mode Journey what the [ __ ] whoa whoa whoa whoa what is that what is that the [ __ ] what what a life Crystal with I of cthulu AI that makes sense that oh hello well I guess we just got to watch out for those things we just got one of the things we needed but now we also need a cross necklace as well as maybe a godamn star Veil then after we get the components we desire we are going to deck this place out and crimson and try and harvest a bunch of souls a night what can we do at this point we need both Souls we can’t even beat the first boss let alone a pre- hard mode boss what what the hell Prop Hunt can I pull a cross necklace out of my ass it’s the only thing I’m missing we getting a lot of money too look at that we getting a lot of garlic bread too back back to the mines I guess watch what we can do with these guys they’re nothing to us nothing come on come on God damn it and we get a magic dagger sure never get sick of this dude come on oh thank God finally holy [ __ ] oh look at this idiot oh scary oh shiver me timbers we can make this right here increases movement speed after being struck increases length of invincibility after taking damage now that sounds nice so I’m thinking we’ll make a safe heart then maybe just tuck that away for future use we also want to make a charm of myths what is that what the hell what the hell what well that is interesting I’d be interested to try the zpit sometime soon the zun pit however we need to kill a Mech first it seems like anything we do we have to kill a Mech let’s make a charm of myths the Sacred Heart how many metals we we have 60 [ __ ] Metals what is that well we want that let’s try that out better not leave it alone with a chest suspicious golden key it doesn’t even look like it does anything functions as a demon alter we already got one what is this oh it’s Tim oh totem CER what is this hags that roam the world looking to steal back their treated youth the underworld jungle ocean and sky are the most likely spots to find one I mean I guess we could go to the ocean let’s go try and find us a hag and see what happens I’m getting sidetracked that’s okay I’m having fun they ask no wyver and I’ve ever seen dog what is this that’s the ugliest wyvern I’ve ever seen in my life I thought maybe we’d get like a wyvern wyvern I mean this is are you kidding me we don’t even get unlimited flight no we don’t what kind of wyvern is this oh it’s picking up some good speed check that out bad dude this thing is so [ __ ] ugly holy [ __ ] why am I suddenly able to fly all the way up well we have that now that’s pretty neat we have a lot of reforging to do as well but I’d like to find a hag time to go to the beach baby hag where are you baby that’s not a hag oh great slime’s falling that’s cool so why are we getting oh wait I think there’s a weapon we could get from doing a Pirate Invasion see if we could grind out a few pirate maps cuz I think we can get some type of trombone or something where’s all the hags at and why am I about to die am I truly prepared to fight a hag right now I don’t think so is it in the water or something hi I don’t like that Giga clam oh [ __ ] beating fie oh what’s that holy [ __ ] serpents cry all right all right I guess we could work our way towards that excuse me I thought we already beat him get destroyed liberal maybe not all right worth a shot though it’s become quite the mess holy [ __ ] that scared the hell out of me dude hell is this guy’s problem huh another pirate map sick we needed that very optimal timing for slime rain the only problem is I think we have to beat a flying ship for it and that might be a bit of an issue still no sign of a hag around here another pirate map sick we’re doing good another one we’re doing fantastic okay I may have to make some type of coward pyramid oh blows enemies backwards I’m trying to get blown I don’t want them to get blown thing is I don’t I hope we’re well equipped enough to take on a a whole ship my hope is to kind of just ride out the event and just wait till the very end of the event when there’s hopefully a ship left and try and take it out let’s Hammer this bad boy out now we need a trap door and some lava I found some lava hopefully this isn’t too far away from Spawn I don’t think it will be we just got to watch out for pirates curses too those guys will [ __ ] up up I think that’s perfect look at that now all we need is a beautiful little platform shut up no we don’t I do all the work you guys want to know what the modifier is for Lucy the axe annoying and lava here and we start the event but I need the trombone from it that’s the thing I think they drop one weapon and I’m able to fire downwards with it or something I I’m not I’m really not too sure but it looks pretty cool shooting star turbo tuba what the hell is even that you guys got to believe me it’s a 24 Karat tuba I think come on fellas bring it on I’m not scared of you all right we’re off to a great start ladies and gents a fantastic start indeed we got to watch out keep our keep our stamina up a bit cuz this guy’s about to burst any minute bring it sucker [ __ ] by the power of music invested in me you are so so screwed Captain’s pogger wagger what is that about you know I was kind of just wanting the ship if you know any any fine ass thick ships want to come Rock My World by all means got a golden sink gold and sink these nuts in your mouth concertina whoa which releases wind bursts holding them longer increases the wind burst count damage and speed holy [ __ ] oh I mean it sounds [ __ ] up don’t get me wrong that damage is pretty [ __ ] nice ooh okay here we go here we go okay so the Pirates have been defeated got to be careful cuz he releases it we have to be careful for that oh no this is going to be rough if we could get him stuck on this building here that would be super we got him stuck on the building look at that Waffle Time strikes again as long as nothing jumps up and hurts my body [ __ ] we got a lot of cool stuff huh hey hey hey hey okay I’m calm I’m not mad cuz what if we spawn and he’s still there how cool would that be hey he’s still there how cool is that get oh Jesus oh no oh [ __ ] all right we’re good we’re good I’m not panicking I’m good and I got to be careful with it okay come on dude stay there please stay stuck we got a strike going dude if we don’t get it the first time I’m not doing this [ __ ] again that might be nice for the Destroyer all right defeat yet again yet again why you Moon walking on me like did you see that [ __ ] we almost got him though look at that down to about a six of his health matter of fact if you didn’t spawn Pirates every 5 seconds I think we be in a good spot come back now get stuck get stuck get stuck okay okay all right we have a means of Defending ourselves we’re good that’s two cannons down nearly three come on waffle time you’ve trained your whole life for this stay away from me you freak fly around fly around give it the little reach around we’ll be all right yes yes yes yes what did we get a treasure bag Flying Dutchman treasure bag where did the treasure bag okay it’s down here there’s a lucrative gold ring down here that’s so interesting let’s kind of make this the man cave down here need to keep this up here till we stay [ __ ] on the mobs there we go perfect this looks really good so far I’ll admit it I think I’ve really outdone myself let’s see what we got oh my God the one thing okay one we got one of them despite this being muted I’m very curious to see how it works ooh that might be [ __ ] perfect for the Destroyer man oh my God I’m so excited you got anything music related buddy midus gavel holy [ __ ] cop see the M charge that’s cool nothing for us we are quite possibly the ugliest thing I’ve ever [ __ ] seen in my life now we have more room for furniture I nice is that like these two chests where we can store our beer in video games and footballs and totally not a bunch of nerd stuff a bunch of man stuff more like I say we fully fully reforge our accessories reforge this 24 Karat tuba fabled very very cool we have like 30 weapons on us now let’s reforge our accessories all the way let’s go like full menacing and lucky menacing right away love it ooh inspiration that’s another dude I think the fountains do something for us what are you are you kidding me with a pokey jungle Spar on the end huh I wonder where that goes you sick bastard I think with these if I’m not mistaken I I don’t know if it’s our quality of life or if it’s thorium but I’m pretty sure we don’t need the blocks try doing Hollow and see if we get any Souls real quick okay we are getting hollowed mobs that’s cool please give me the souls dude oh my God yeah it does oh time to what the [ __ ] is that all right time to AFK a while I would argue that’s a pretty nice haul we are clogged up by bats as you can see now it’s time for the Crimson Edition God that’s so cool I love it oh dear God I am very very unnerved right now I don’t like this very much I would argue that’s quite the hul as well okay we can now make these which we will eat I think that means we are officially maxed out I believe don’t know how we get solar PEB oh the lizard people carry these in reverence of the sun Perfect all right I think we could throw this in the Shimmer let’s give it a try oh I’m sliding ah look at that an inspiration gem very cool get me the [ __ ] out of here okay I’m thinking we Tred the Destroyer we have so much more inspiration man I love what the [ __ ] let’s just sleep till the next night just so we have as much time as humanly possible but I think this fabled 24 Karat tuba is going to carry us to the top let’s give this a try huh let’s give it a whirl here we go here goes [Music] nothing okay okay we got we got a little something going for us it’s just mandatory for us to take care of the probes as they come along cuz they are going to be a huge huge problem look at that dudee I’m not jumping you can’t come up here nice so nice dude we are in a great great position right now and we regen so fast too it’s so good really got to take care of these probes and we’ll be all right man look at that this weapon was made for the Destroyer I’m telling you okay taking a couple of hits but it’s all right we’re regening pretty quick cannot believe how op we are now compared to 10 minutes ago in the video maybe I wonder if there’s like buff station specific to The Bard I’d be very very keen to have that if it’s an option you know how Wizards could be Clairvoyant and stuff and warriors could be all sharpened and stuff and little rangers could save on ammo I wish we could somehow save breath on music I know I’m going to get a comment like just wait till he finds out find out what we’re doing good man we’re doing good we about halfway taking out a lot of his segments which is just perfect the more segments we take out the less probe action we got to worry about I’m going to wear this thing once we’re through with it all I’m wearing the Destroyer take that as you will I love the idea that the probes here are lovely tuba solo and they come up to check it out and are greeted by doomy Turnal heavy metal soundtrack OST just before they [ __ ] die it’s the last thing they hear come on buddy I don’t got all day we’re probably never using this weapon again but oh man will it be missed great damage fantastic area of effect action just good all around dude now that’s a 10 that’s a 10 for The Bard music master and gone just like that gone reduced to scrap metal oh my God we are so nice let’s get our bag man I don’t even want this get out of my face ooh okay I’m pretty sure we can make something with this what can we make air strike Shield what the [ __ ] primes Roar we have enough for that what oh my God look at those stats crit strike two attack speed two damage two What a Mighty Roar that Tunes enemies increasing the damage they take by 10% that’s that’s so insane oh wow we can make a cyber Punk fit we need a lot more I dude wait hey hey what is this about okay I’m more curious about primes Roar I’ll be totally totally honest with you this has very slow speed though and this has very fast speed let’s throw this up we earned it what the hell okay we have primes Roar very slow speed though dude oh my God I wish I could make both that’s 80 damage though this guy does 59 so I mean this is going to be way better no matter what uh let’s do the midnight base boot Soul Forge how do I make a soul Forge oh you’ve got to be [ __ ] kidding me oh I was so excited dude come on man damn it okay well I guess we can’t really do anything with this just yet that sucks so bad we can make the zun pit can’t we let’s make the zun pit man we need a light Shard and a Dark Shard I think I know just a place to get him nice Dark Shard in there that’s what I’m talking about and a living hemorrhoid Banner autot tuner huh what the hell is all of this steam flail okay [ __ ] nutcase well give me that and then we’ll talk let’s try these veritone saxophone chicken bone holy that might be nice for the twins dude I’m not going to lie to you how about this thing the oneman quartet [Music] oh holy [ __ ] sign me the [ __ ] up let’s get a light Shard let’s do it you guys more of a fan or more of a head leave it down in the comments I simply wait and I yearn or a light Shard oh a light Shard sick get it and run shall we only cowards run men play death metal in the face of death my soldiers rage by rage I mean play death metal on the guitar really hard in a unicorn’s face thank thank you Commander irin okay let’s go home now we can make a little something something a little something so to speak called the zun pit right let’s make a zun pit zun pit let’s do [Music] it hell yeah that’s what I’m talking about I reckon we could try the twins tonight if we’re fast enough fabled let’s get it come on Waffle Time hurry up hurry up get away from me you freak I’m very busy right now don’t you know dude that’s nice we have a star shooter on our side now oh my God okay I think I think we have enough time I drank all my Buffs already I think I’m ready to go the only one way to find out let’s do it I’m missing everything dude not bad at all not bad at all baby we are losing a lot of Health rather quick though we should be [ __ ] careful what I say as I get hit right in the face so I think we should spend time dodging during this phase and then when he starts dashing at us that’s when we can just soak him in so much damage Sun’s getting a little bit low we got to be careful come on buddy I need you I need you I won’t in I need you see right here I can soak him we just have to be extra extra careful extra careful for his dashes I think we might have this one in the bag it depends on how good reater starts hitting [ __ ] hitting pretty good if I do say so myself come on come on I need another heal soon so bad that it hurts nice got it oh [ __ ] dude I hope I did not just screw myself over with that it waffle time to screw himself over not clickbait not clickbait at all oh so clutch yes yes yes yes and look at that he’s already pretty low too we just have to be fast with it and in order to be fast we kind of got to get hit which is a little bit rough we got this we got this run run run run run run run run okay we’re good we got to heal we got to heal we got to heal off we’re good we’re good we are so good we’re back we’re so back back on the break of death yeah yeah yeah baby yeah baby let’s go I think I can make something cool with this too let’s see what we can make oh my God we can make the guilty pleasure we might as well try let’s throw this up real quick we earned it we earned it hardcore here we are guilty pleasure I’m curious how this goes oh what holy [ __ ] hell dude that might be so nice against Prime what the [ __ ] okay man look I think we got this I’m just going to throw it all out there I think we got this it’s just about that time here we go it is show time baby let’s give it a spin let’s see how it goes Jesus I like this weapon again oh oh oh oh oh oh we’re doing good damage I almost want to try the other weapon I think we might have something going real good here wow wow wow wow what a [ __ ] weapon we’re getting all of his various appendages down very well very refreshing to see let do this to get his he appendages out it’s kind of widespread you know what I mean I think it’s a good look especially when I get this laser out we get a whole bunch of his appendages out dude we’ll be in [ __ ] business we’ll be so good we’re doing great damage to them all what a solo almost got his laser haven’t done too much damage to his bomb which is kind of a bummer I like that it pierces so much it’s so [ __ ] nice look at that it starts shooting in threes like little shrap Apel so sick almost got that laser baby almost got that laser all this but I couldn’t do the damn Granite Golem or whatever that bot the granite boss I couldn’t even do him I still want to do that hoplight Master whatever you call him Prime laser is down baby what a strat what a strat the circles of Doom on this bastard and we’ll be good honestly we’re saucing up his head real nice I wouldn’t be surprised we take him out before we get all of his various appendages out of the way what a [ __ ] weapon does it heat seek yeah they do kind of heat seek that’s so cool we’re just peppering them up real good time for The Buckshot fatal I almost just fell into my [ __ ] lava pyramid dude I would have died so fast doing good damage doing real real good damage we almost got him actually just the less of his various appendages that are out the better oh just soak him just candy coat him in damage oh yes oh yes indeed we almost got his Cannon he’s got his vice too oh we are in such good shape right now we almost got his ass we almost got his ass I love this I love this so much I really don’t know how much time we have left I got to be careful Canon is down let’s go get his other arms come on come on come on make him hurt make him hurt make him hurt Bard hurt him good Vice is down oh my God what a weapon so close so close come on man the saw is down oh my God Prime is down holy hell wow what a match what a match all around earned it and what do we get some more dubious doobies let’s go wait this isn’t Calamity strange plating I mean oh my God what can we do now we have so many options we have so many options I think we have to make that Soul Forge or something let’s make a pixa cuz we’re going to want it oh my God what a match what a relief we got the mechs at least but let’s get as much Adamantite as we can we might be able to make some cool [ __ ] with it later made that there it is soul Forge got it and now we can make all kinds of crazy [ __ ] I think the first thing I want to make is that cyber Punk armor cyber Punk armor let’s go let’s go everybody drop a let’s go in chat please we got the armor holy [ __ ] pressing the armor ability key will cycle you through four states you and your nearby allies okay you get flat damage two and damage two speed and flight time resource gen defense and damage reduction I think we’re dominantly going to be doing red and blue we have have a lot of weapons to make a lot of things to do we could get chlorop FY now we have we could do so much we could do so much but now we have bigger fish to fry and I’m kind of worried because if we take a look here at what bosses may or may not be next what the what is oh Godly well we haven’t really fought this guy yet I don’t think he drops anything for us I mean look we could try to take him on just for the hell of it just for the smell of it kind of looks like she drops the same stuff so we’re going to ignore her this is the one I’m really in fear about the Lich here he looks so incredibly menacing that it just it strikes the fear of God into my heart and look we we get the description for some of his stuff the amount of dark energy within this simple piece of cloth is unimaginable that sounds like something I’d say in a video after being really upset for a long time but the thing that intrigues me is this cadavers cornet 87 symphonic damage not bad it releases multiple tendrils of Gastly grasping hypert turbo grippy sound energy and killing blows against enemies replenish for inspiration that’s hot but if we look look at this look at the empowerments attack speed 2 crit strike chance 2 insane so I’m kind of thinking we take him on he’s before planta and all we really have to do is offer 30 pumpkins to the ancient philacter whatever the [ __ ] that is I’m assuming it’s this thing where all these tombs yep uh-huh that’s an ancient philacter if I’ve ever seen one I’m thinking if we summon him here we could always fly up run our asses off over to this Skeletron Arena and just kind of see what’s best so I mean no harm in going over and just trying it we could just try I’m pretty sure we could buy pumpkins from Walter White over here no I am not the guy I’m the dude I’m the one that knocks okay whatever beautiful we do get an unlimited buff stack at 30 so we might invest we might do a little bit of it’s called we do a little investing we might do a little investing I’m kind of thinking we just go over and try it I mean we can see see how it goes so I mean I’m hoping we could make it over in time oh oh oh get away from me you freak think we use the guilty pleasure a little bit we have this baritone saxophone chicken bone leave me alone where’s he at oh here he comes oh he’s pissed doesn’t seem so bad so far that’s working pretty solid working pretty solid I mean we might just stick to this it seems to be doing a pretty solid amount of damage he moves real oh my God 154 [ __ ] damage oh oh oh oh my God I really oh oh oh he’s coming oh Jesus Christ he’s coming oh oh okay the fight’s not going fantastic so far I mean Jesus Christ we’re one hit up and down WAFF it’s going to be one of those episodes it’s going to be one of those episodes oh just great oh just wonderful fantastic even let’s 30 stack some potions and I think we’ll be a okay okay round two sugar mama Bring it on I think we have ample space in our Arena I think the only problem is being good at the game I think that’s where a lot of our issues come in so I’m thinking if we just partake in maybe the funniest meme in the entire whole world of Simply getting good I think we’ll be a okay let’s give it a whirl okay okay all right I just flew right into that fantastic great start great start everyone get away from me you freak is this a boss I should be flying in circles around maybe I think so actually oh boy oh dear oh God absolutely wrecked chump why don’t why do I keep doing that why what am I thinking hey we got closer you know it’s it’s okay I’m not mad I’m not I’ve never been mad at the game before ooh Arena Buffs what am I thinking let’s do some Arena Buffs someone has also tipped me off that there’s a very special very beautiful buff station I could actually partake in that the merchant sells your instruments play 0% faster that’s what’s up man oh it’s for people who actually want to play music no I want to hurt people bad here it is Conductor stand increases various empowerment capabilities when interacted with so this is going to go right next to the old gooning station over here so we never forget it it’s tiny all right Barney it’s your time to shine get it B booties seeing as I’m an as man that would traditionally be very nice to have however I don’t think it’d be in our best interest I think we need better wings too these aren’t really cutting it while they are the manliest godamn set in existence it’s not really cutting it we are doing a fat stack hitter roonies let’s try all right let’s lay all these bad boys down real quick beautiful joyous Sexual Chocolate all right let’s do it I’m not even scared you are I’m not it’s hard when he moves at the speed of goddamn sound oh no that’s better okay hopefully he doesn’t get any new attack are you [ __ ] kidding me nice we dodged all of them that’s that’s fantastic we’re doing good we’re doing real good oh my Lord in heaven we got another heal off it’s good the hardest part is having to wait for our godamn regeneration to work oh my God what the [ __ ] is he doing okay okay okay okay he’s doing 30 attacks at once holy [ __ ] oh no we’re getting this idiot good right now that’s why he’s all upset oh oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the [ __ ] is this oh oh oh oh oh this is bad oh no come on waffle time you’ve trained for this into a zesty sauce are you kidding me I am not now what we can do is we can make one more Row for our Arena I’m so hurt right now make it right about here I think with a some more Arena space is going to be huge for us I think decent size no C in Sano mode gaps didn’t happen that didn’t happen either maybe dare I say we could even do one more and then we will take this one out this amount of prep for this boss is disgusting Saucy bossy glossy okay Papa waffle time time to go just hit him with a goddamn flurry real quick already working way better perfect that last phase is insane just got to get this thing to the five splitter and we’ll be okay nice way more room to Dodge I think maybe that’s been our handicap this entire time we’re doing good damage I I think I think we are I hope we are idiot’s never seen a circle in his life been too busy Ling around what a goddamn imbecile oh [ __ ] good damage I think he’s about to do his epic spazo style on us real soon he’s doing like nine attacks okay yep spazo style has begun we need to be careful oh we are so godamn nice at this okay here we go it’s showtime baby nice holy [ __ ] oh he’s pissed oh he’s pissed 200 oh my God oh my God that guy’s [ __ ] up our Dash game so hard God damn is it just me or are we just not doing any damage oh [ __ ] God damn wait he was regaining Health wait a goddamn minute he was at 11,000 how did that happen how did that happen this is [ __ ] this is ridiculous oh Godly we’re off to a great start this episode this has been a lot of fun this has been joyous we might be able to gather a bunch of Life fruits now that we’ve beaten all the mech I didn’t even think about that should we do that I mean we could get chlorified stuff right I didn’t even think about that we have a PIX on every what the what were we thinking what were we thinking I guess we’re going to bounce on over to the Jungle we’re going to look for some beautiful beautiful life rots no such luck so far I guess no B armor I assume the ma Bloom weave oh dude fantastic the Green Tambourine I guess we do have a Rhyman reason to get some chlorified let’s get let’s get that Green Tambourine first life Fruit beautiful oh my God one life Fruit we did get a lot of chloride though so let’s check out that tambourine right quick it’s called The Green Tambourine now we have ourselves a Green Tambourine baby ooh that’s going to be nice oh wow that looks really really nice actually okay Goblin Goblin these nuts wow okay let’s go back on life Fruit collection Duty and go try that boss again wow that’s nice new weapon alert new weapon alert everyone nice oh beautiful a moss wasp oh Jesus he was stacked biomatter nothing I don’t know what the’s problem is but that guy has a superiority complex unlike any other I’ve ever seen what are we an anti-life fruit City this is abhorent I’m AAG Imaging anytime I get hit he Regens a little bit and I I do not like that idea very much either that or his little minion helps him out this is terrible all right let’s quickly throw one of those in there bam let’s hunt for a little bit longer and if anything we could go try we got close already and now we have a better weapon so I’m hoping that’s going to be the thing to give us the edge that would be nice OMG he said edging edging confirmed Waffle Time edges no I don’t I goon okay I have no time for your small-minded nonsens edging Antics all roads lead back to the Railway Express I’m going to throw up well that’s the best we could do ladies and gents let’s go try the Lich again see how that works and then I guess after that we’re on to PL Tera which is just beautiful just succulent never happened never happened either this also didn’t happen this is going to give us the Buffs to make this do even more damage I think we are doing more damage I don’t know it’s kind of hard to tell he moves so awkwardly when our t tambourines start gliding through them we do extra bonus beautiful damage look at that ain’t that a thing of beauty okay oh my God okay okay he’s in the second phase I think we have to kill his little foot warshipping minion oh [ __ ] oh wow we got him we did it baby okay taking fatal damage will instead return you to 25% life every 4 minutes wow well if it was that simple I guess we could fight him again try and get our weapon fat stacking damage beautiful beautiful okay he’s extra mad I almost wish he’s pierced but it would be way too op I think try to dash through it I [ __ ] up that one’s on me okay he’s not healing he just healed for some odd reason okay cool got very lucky with that very cool cursed cloth what do we even use that for I wonder thrower class wonderful Cape of the Survivor the very fabric of this cape has been designed to guide you through the toughest days you quickly gain up to 20% damage reduction over time getting hit briefly reduces this bonus to temp nope not doing it diss track ooh your symphonic damage will burn hit enemies with Shadow flame ooh symphonic critical strikes cause a large eruption of shadowy music notes what how do I get that okay well we got to figure out how to get that we’ll be good come on man come on oh we could buy treasure bags what am I thinking completed discarded cloth oh all right you could hang out with us why not all right the mixtape is a b accessory that could be obtained from Scarlet chest and Scarlet crates what the [ __ ] are you you talking about let’s grab our spelunkers and hope to God we could get one but first let’s hit up our home girl Carmen beautiful let’s see about this let’s reforge it and test it out apparently it lets loose some grippers that gripple grapple our enemies to death what a way to go out though you know come on help put brother out come on buddy come on you can do it you can do there you go excuse me a what it heat seeks look at that what the [ __ ] is that thing a scissor stalker I wonder if we could get any special from this what the hell what the hell is Le phantome what is that thing okay well he’s gone haven’t gotten anything too interesting so far this is quite possibly the no staunch swamp rot oh that seems pretty cool if only hey maybe that means we need another playthrough a throwing only thorium playthrough okay okay now we’re talking now we’re cooking with heat this is getting out of hand is it gooning station I wonder what the hell Li Phantom did he seemed to be making music and so we sat on our happy asses lounging idly in our fantastic golden gooning station to see what the solar eclipse might be able to bring us at this point there was only one thing on our mind and that was absolutely Serena planta with our Green Tambourine it seemed as if we could get a new armor set after taking a route which is fantastic but were we well enough equipped as is what I found throughout my experience is that The Bard class is very interesting it goes from being incredibly underpowered to being supremely overpowered to being stupendously under powered again and now that we’re getting new gear and new upgrades we’re left in the gray not truly knowing if we were going to get our cheeks suers sonically clapped or if we would be the BS repeatedly capping those symbols at this point there wasn’t much else to do other than sit through the solar eclipse but soon enough something very enticing happened oh another leano we get some more cool stuff excuse me hang on hang on who whoa what the [ __ ] the sunflare guitar that seems badass oh I think only when it bounces off of walls it does a Ricochet I mean that’s that’s cool and all it’d be nice for stuff like the dungeon Le phantome dropped that for us very nice of him eye frames one defense three life regen one okay we could have it in the back pocket Lucy this is not about you we can definitely try and find some caves that might have the Scarlet chest maybe I don’t know how far they are from hell that’s the problem I would love a mix a marble biome oh but we already pass that BX oh my God man great marble biome in the middle of butt [ __ ] nowhere no luck man our ass is not getting a mixtape I guess we don’t have bars like that I thought we did but I guess we don’t same process to the right I guess we’re not getting to mixtape I guess I say we sleep a while and then Tri planta I guess an omni station from Fargo’s mutant mod the hell is a semi station that’s doable stop farting now look at dude’s statue over here cuz tonight will be the night that I will fall for you holy [ __ ] the Slime syndicates back goodbye bastards what the what is okay okay what is this what releases a bouncing drowsy Z which stuns hit enemies every time the Z bounces the stun duration and damage is increased not going to lie this sh kind of canned ass all right well it’s been about 3 days let’s go take a look over in the jungle and see if we can get any delectable yummy life Fruit succulence let’s go down here first screw it I don’t even care and if we get nothing we get nothing we’re going for planta I don’t care anymore I’ve waited long enough to see my plant sugar mama maybe there’s a secret Trove of them that I’ve just been missing this entire time maybe maybe I’m the problem nice oh my God wait a minute wait a minute mixtape please oh yes indeed well we have these crazy Rings that’s pretty cool and a magma locket oh okay hey this might be nice for in here look at that we’re going to take out the boss after all oh we’re going to do it I’m so proud of us it only took us until hard mode which is amazing I am so happy for us right now we did it ladies and gents we did it we finally we finally beat that boss oh how joyous I’m going to [ __ ] ring my computer out at least we can make a little quick deposit that’s nice what can we do with all these Rings the ring what is this Mullen combat Granite energy will slowly seep out and damage nearby enemies whoa okay earned this one hardcore he’s got a short spine syndrome don’t laugh at him you guys not funny well ladies and gents I think that’s is the best we’re going to be able to possibly do with life fruits for now at least hopefully we can Max them out later I’ve been seeing excuse me H you guys thinking what I’m thinking revenge tour is it time we just get involved maybe I think we can make something called a semi station and it should be good let’s go on our revenge tour of the ages shall we let’s get it done baby goodbye idiot you asked for this just remember you you did this you did this to yourself yep nice try Buster go ahead I dare you eat tambourine shump oh man that felt good oh yeah that felt good we earned that we earned that [ __ ] you Buzz Light Year go to hell no one likes you let’s open it up we get Omega drive we got a Healer thing and a range thing well anyways why am I excuse me get that goddamn thing away from me beautiful look at that so now we have that for our boss fights that’s very helpful I think this might be nice against planta though think about it think about it oh God I did see another bulb it was pretty far down it’s not too bad let’s quickly shape this up just kind of fix the bottom and lay some platforms down I think we’ll be okay okay we just can’t really go too high up and we’re boned hey that about does it for our platform so I guess we just put down down a whole bunch of torches probably get torch gotted but hey that’s all right it happens to the best of us what the [ __ ] is that the hag we found her Quest completed baby let’s put down our epic gamer buff stations all right well I mean we have our Buffs as well give it a whirl see how it goes we’re going to try and use this bad boy and see if we can get some work done with it okay awful damage so far that’s what’s up we try our shiny little tambourine maybe maybe okay that’s a bit better that’s a lot better actually if all else fails I mean we have the option for better accessories just don’t know how well that’s going to go holy hell come up here mama kind of getting our ass beat a little bit oh boy I wonder how throwing would do against planta okay second phase is active let’s switch to this a terrible Choice hope for the best I guess no this is going to be good this is going to be really solid for this phase oh my God oh my God oh [ __ ] we’re dead we’re dead we’re so dead clutch Waffle Time oh well she enraged God damn it not cool we got her down decently oh my God why now thankfully what I’ve learned is we can make something called pla’s fruit it just summons planta right up and we have a whole lot of chlorop FY to spare so I’m thinking maybe we could make an Avenger emblem why not I guess maybe we could replace this I don’t know I don’t know it’s kind of scary we’re going to be doing more damage but still kind of scary now the beautiful thing about this knows we can just drop right down into it apparently we can’t go too high otherwise we’re so unbelievably tormenting [ __ ] I mean the difference in damage is already very very noticeable I don’t even know if we should switch to that second weapon or not whenever she gets into her second phase I’m I’m not too sure oh kind of gave her a smooch right there my bad shouty we just have some of these kind of Trail oh yeah we can silak ear damage okay so I got to kind of throw past her oh no no no no no no no I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry holy [ __ ] Jesus I made this Arena I could use however much of it I want oh god oh yeah baby that’s what I’m talking about see what we get huh oo what is this super sonic vubu Zella green doubles in damage and ricochets upon killing an enemy goodbye cadavers cornet and hello suers Sonic vuu zaa green earn that going to goon on that what can we do with Bloom weaves who yo did we get a perfect amount oh I want to make the ma too okay how about this we make the ornate jerking how about we make the ornit set then we reforge this and try it out against planta again so we can make the Ma look at this all right let’s go through this helmet 5% increase in phonic playing speed and 8% increase Sy phonic Critical Strike chance increases inspiration regeneration of the nation by 15% 12% increase syonic damage increases the chance for inspiration notes to drop by 10% that’s pretty that’s pretty increases duration of symphonic empowerments by 3 seconds very nice very nice let’s see about these legs huh 8% increased symphonic damage 8% increased symphonic Critical Strike chance and 15% increased movement speed I have I have never critical strikes cause a random active empowerment to ascend to a fourth level of intensity wow so we could be doing pretty good damage and then suddenly do [ __ ] insane damage that’ll be very nice make another plantera’s fruit which I would eat personally oh my God what the hell doesn’t Pierce but God damn look at that damage oh no she’s going to get pissed okay at least we have a real direct line of fire attack that’s real pretty get juked idiot almost got her sick Dodges crisp Dodges waffle time thanks waffle time oh yes sir indeed what wait what what’s the difference they all do the same [ __ ] I guess we’ll use green just for planta lover speaking of which let’s make pla’s Ma so we could do unspeakable things to it fires off a grasping mouth that when channeled sticks to its Target oh my god when I tell you the amount of self-inflicted waste below wounds I’m going to have from this thing whoa I like it I’m going to do horrible things to this thing I think we could go right for golum might as well right might as well hey beautiful it’s me the mil Maestro what is that illumite what the hell oh the idols microphone we could be an idol we could replace the sunflare guitar and the Green Tambourine and see how it goes yeah you know what let’s try it we got that let’s reforge both of them real quick and test them out this one releases a captivating Harmony heart which is Defense 3 and life regen 3 amazing this one’s empowerment prolongation 3 waa that looks fantastic I like the strawberry heart okay holy [ __ ] well let’s take him into battle we are so back ladies and gents we are so so back all right let’s jump in we’re going balls deep buddy we’re going to collect all these as we go along carefully navigate our way through what the [ __ ] oh a solar Pebble what does that do oh and this maybe okay I’m down to try Golem but we’re going to have to grind these guys out quite a bit I believe just so we can max out our inspiration oh that’s Fant fantastic oh oh oh oh oh I’m panicking I’m panicking give me your Pebbles I’m taking out all the traps I’m not doing this [ __ ] God damn these gizzard Wizards have spells I love that I could just do this though we’ve arrived we got to clean up the bottom of this thing this is horrible this is a God awful Arena what the [ __ ] is this oh no oh no okay well let’s despike ify it real quick hopefully this goes well I mean Jesus Christ this thing’s tiny maybe I’m just used to Calamity or something I don’t know get gripped on Lucky Bastards don’t know how good they have it let’s block this off let’s put our buff stations down beautiful God our Arenas are Exquisite aren’t they I’m kind of thinking we don’t use this I’m thinking we use the ma maybe the guitar and then use this for the body only one way to find out to see if this Strat works or not I’ve summoned up the courage I am all that is man this is a pretty good Strat so far oh unless we run out of well I can see how this could be a problem let’s try this brother brother brother we might have a strat cooking oh yeah that pierces too oh my God oh my God Golem doesn’t catch a break no matter what mod it is no matter what mod Golem does not stop getting [ __ ] on just look at that uh-oh we’re in trouble this is might be where we switch to the m just so we can focus on dodging good Strat good Strat thank you I’ll be taking those hands please okay got that let’s switch to this and try it out we’re doing the fat stacks of damage right now and boy oh boy do I love it just pop off dude maybe the mall I don’t know this is pretty good at least the head’s stuck we almost got it we almost got it we almost got it yes Siri oh yes indeed oh yes yes yes give me that let’s see if we get anything cool oh beautiful Simply Beautiful we are we are on a Boss Rush of the ages right now let’s see if he drops anything for us I don’t recall him doing so nope we are out of here son we are so out of here H interesting interesting we have a lot of solar Pebbles however we’re going to need a lot more melee strikes collapse scorched Earth upon nearby enemies what the [ __ ] are we oh we’re going to have to revisit this mod we’re going to have to there’s no way we don’t also the puni let’s make some puni action let’s do it earned it dude we’re getting far in the game as a bar we are oh my God we are nice we are so [ __ ] nice fires off a melting volley of sun powered sound bolts that sounds insane holy [ __ ] that is really cool this has been a hell of a weapon this Vu Vu Zella the mall definitely definitely helped it definitely helped as I was sitting here planting these cool trees I got from dryad 2.0 all right lignum nuts it occurred to me that there’s still other bosses we haven’t really taken on yet even if they’re pre hard mode and I think we should look at them now this is the old ones Army all right it’s going to be juice up because we’re near end game I think so we’re going to save that for at least maybe after we’re done with the moon Lord probably that would go with that let’s do torch God Lucy I’ve had enough enough it’s been an entire playthrough I I don’t want to hear it I don’t I truly don’t so LoveHate relationship with this thing I tell you oh oh oh okay this is going good so far all right I know we might be a little bit better equipped than usual all right but it’s a thought that counts we’re going through with it excellent there’s a boss Down the Hatch so I saw if we weren’t really going to do you know the eclipse Pumpkin Moon the frost Moon Martian Madness all that good [ __ ] then we would have the Forgotten one three easily skippable bosses lunatic cultist and moon Lord and then the primordials whatever the blue hell that is so we’re going to spend the beginning part of this episode just going to grind town next on the list is The Illusionist and I’m a little bit worried because we’re now looking at a post planta dungeon I don’t really know I don’t know that’s going to go but we’ll see we’ll find out one way or what the this guy just having a dance party on his own I respect it I respect the hustle what is this dark matter well dark matter what can we do with the oh oh oh oh oh what is this about oh oh oh what the [ __ ] is this okay don’t mind if I do okay I hate how overpowered everything is still it hurts physically before you sits a rather strange mirror something seems to be calling out from it yeah touch it oh damn oh oh no bonely well that’s a wonderful start I say we just go right back down try and do it again is is this hell is this hell in real life God damn it oh I’m slowly dying and I’m really not too sure why what the [ __ ] do we have enough for this armor yet oh we should maybe cool Maestro’s wig perfect Maestro suit beautiful now for the Maestro’s leggings awesome before anything I kind of want to upgrade my wings so let’s see what kind of wings we could get the answer is not really why not just make some Beetle wings those are guaranteed to be at least post Golem think could of reforging all my stuff to menacing so let’s do that excellent we are now full menacing now I guess we bounce to the dungeon again see how that goes wonderful hopefully we find it if not we just take it out on our future family and we’ll be a okay what the [ __ ] was that guess we just got to keep looking we’ll find it eventually apparently we’ll find it God damn it this is getting so incredibly frustrating I I can’t it’s like it was in Arms Reach we summoned him all right we summoned him and we [ __ ] died to a bone Leaf flying through my urethra I’m stuck I can’t move I can’t move oh my God oh my God oh my God that wasn’t God’s name were we supposed to take out the moon Lord I I don’t even know who I am anymore more mirror mirror on the wall where is the goddamn mirror on the wall I’m going to freak out all this to get The Illusionist I don’t know why I waited for after planta probably the worst idea known to mankind oh oh o oh okay we gaze upon thy Divine mirror excellent aha gotcha oh we did it oh almost got him doing uh-oh to get all his mirrors oh we trying to find the real one maybe holy [ __ ] hey we did it all right all right well that’s seemingly the worst off the list let’s get the are you kidding me are you kidding me ew I got a what you wouldn’t catch me dead eating a cumquat okay perfect that’s The Illusionist off the list now here’s the Barry Champion I can’t wait to see this guy this should be a way you could get prehard mode wings and I really wonder how they are righto so here we are I say we make a quick Arena maybe lay down some platforms I think we’ll be all good maybe we could make this a little bit larger so we could actually see what he does all right time to use it where’s he at he has a lot of Health actually holy sh that’s some hard mode ass Health what’s the deal oh [ __ ] what’s he doing oh oh oh oh waa 112 wait a minute there’s no way we would have ever beaten this that was insane that was actually insane we have these Champion wings too go keep in mind these are preh hard mode Let’s see how they do not [ __ ] bad at all that’s the answer to that all right so there’s everything on prehard mode other than of course the old ones Army and dark Mage but before we pop in to slaughter The borean Strider go on our revenge tour how about we max out our life that’s something we’ve been neglecting very very greatly it felt like a thousand days and nights passed while I was suffering in the dungeons oh oh we are so back we are so so back oh there’s another perfect perfect one more one more and we’re good this might either be the hardest task we’ve ever faced so far don’t tell me that was the last life root in the whole world check it out final life ruit let’s get it boom bam bop so Boran shrider huh oh here he is oh Jesus Christ he’s here and there’s still so many mobs on me this is not good okay we’ll start off light with him all right we’ll start off light never mind we’re kicking his ass nice nice Jump Around jump up jump up and get down all right we got him thank godo that was kind of scary all right who’s next Who’s Next buddy Fallen Beholder we haven’t really taken on yet that bad knight from the marble biome has scarred me that was insane all right let’s try it holy [ __ ] Jesus Christ okay um um what do I do oh Jesus quick eat him more eat him more eat him more eat him more he’s getting real P off oh [ __ ] are we even damaging him I don’t think we are I think we have to kill his little whoa what the hell we have to kill those little minions for oh Jesus Christ well we got him that was insane you see him Making Waves tanal ball he seeks out items for you oh got to have my cat sorry bud I already grew aach to it I gave it a name someone’s a mountable Beholder oh we like a flame Chariot from elen ring the the the who hindera God damn how much have we been missing out on just by sucking at the game Queen slime we haven’t killed Queen slime yet this place is already hollowfied which is good is it hollowfied oh yes it is okay all right it’s showtime it’s showtime ladies and gents we do good damage uhoh run run run oh God here she comes holy [ __ ] the barrage is here bring it on sucker all right there’s another boss down for the count baby hey man just keeping it a buck a little Boss Rush never hurt anybody can I get a hash a little Boss Rush never hurt anybody in the chat please sorry streamer brain coming out there’s the queen slime Epic Forgotten one forgotten one now that seems interesting pick up three Abyssal Shadow which are dropped by aquatic hallucinations in the Aquatic depths n this isn’t good we’re going to have to we’re going to have to go to the depths okay well here we go grow some balls Waffle Time come on man wao what is this wao should we have gone down what the [ __ ] hey hey hey heyy hey hey hey hey this is so cool wow what is this thing permanently increases your base Mo how do I get that how do I get these I think we just have to find them down here those eels are fing decimating me a blob fish ew oh we find them on the ground so there’s three of them we got to find more There is five beautiful now I guess we just have to kill two more of those evil bastards that show up oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh here it comes here it comes oh this motherucker is not messing around where is he is he coming ew ew ew ew look at that oh [ __ ] there’s not really an open area for me is he going to is he going to stop oh this is still kind of rough [ __ ] he’s in defense mode oh we got to get the [ __ ] out of here I can’t swim oh god dude we didn’t make an arena for this we are not prepared okay we leave him stuck for a while regen oh no holy [ __ ] well I reckon maybe I wonder if we could bring him to the top of the beach that would be ideal or does he have to stay down there I I’m seeing a lot of the same spawns at the whale okay well I was killed by a Feeding Frenzy but the whale okay yeah we can oh wow that’s fantastic this is much better um we’re actually just going to need some blocks real quick to lay down kind of at the edges of our Arena oh this is much better Jesus Christ that’s insane well not really sure how to avoid that but we’ll see we’ll find out we got to get this bastard heat seeking [ __ ] maniacs I tell you Jesus Christ okay okay okay okay how the do I dodge these Jesus Christ how do I dodge those the hell happened apparently if I’m not in water I’m in big trouble so I guess we have to be in water I guess guess we can make a big water Arena okay not going too bad so far is that a [ __ ] water mimic time out do you see that look at that oh [ __ ] not now oh that’s not good okay there’s too much on my screen right now it’s freaking me out real bad Jesus Christ man it’s show time now baby oh I guess circle’s working underwater that’s nice except he does it forever kind of just have to planta him I guess he has a lot of Health man I don’t know how the [ __ ] we’re going to do the moon Lord ew look at him sticking out yuck I feel like as long as we keep doing super SummerSlam circles I mean we’ll be we’ll be okay unless our platform fre us up like it’s doing right now maybe I could do wider circles perhaps I could afford wider circles on this bad boy oh my god oh good grief he’s naked I would imagine that means his defense is down yep yep he’s going Real gross crab mode I I’m not I’m not the biggest fan of it oh my my God don’t do this what the [ __ ] hit me what hit me Abyssal strike are you godamn kidding me God God damn it f oh my God so now we can make a moonshell which is actually very helpful we’re becoming a scaly a a furry with scales I guess that’s cool the R34 mascot is coming at me oh Jesus the whale is here oh [ __ ] Blowfish blow me dude oh God they’re everywhere all right the whale is immortal oh nice what did we get how to speak whale this might be helpful except he’s slow as [ __ ] okay here we go here we go oh we are much better off I think let’s try and keep him in the middle-ish that way we could actually Dodge around him I’m kind of noticing the further I am away from him the better we do let’s try and keep that up at least and if we fail this time we’re getting the solar Pebbles dude I don’t care what anyone says I’m doing it look at that we can really drag it out from out here I don’t know what those things are that are striking my body during that phase but hey I don’t like it this works great for crowd control and I love it brother I love it it’s going a lot better than before I think now we can stick with this weapon and just hope for the best I think those purple beams were what was slaping our cheeks before let’s go let’s go goodbye bastard we got it we’re back what a goddamn relief okay woo okay let’s throw this up earned that beautiful love it that guy was terrifying I’m glad he’s passed away though so the Forgotten one is gone wonderful ooh what is that about let’s just do this till we get it I guess forgotten one mask that looks disgusting Jesus Christ it appears as if we’ve obtained it that’s good releases a forceful siren’s whale critical strikes unleash additional siren whales toward your cursor H I saw it was a material too what does it turn into call of cthulu I really want to make that call of cthulu though that seems insane releases an insanity bringing Melody damaged enemies begin harming other nearby enemies on contact wow let’s open more bags to see if we can’t get another one wonderful wonderful so we’ll put that and this into here and then we’ll make oh only at an ancient manipulator wow okay I see how it is I kind of want to see if we could beat the Empress of light is that evil of me is that bad if we have Infinite Flight that solves 90% of our problems I don’t know how we’ll do though it might be a little might be a little rough man what would really help with some type of really good flying Mount I think the witches broom might be really nice for that so maybe maybe we could do that see what happens summon a bunch of them oh this is going to be really bad isn’t it I really love that ASMR it’s fantastic this is not looking good for us we might need that juicy post Moon Lord gear to get here let’s try it we do great single Target damage but not very good multi-target at all this works too just do this forever I guess we almost got him did we get the witches broom another charan’s Beacon that’s great that’s fantastic where are where is all the fine ass morning wood at I don’t need you I need him did we get it what what what what is this what is this oh yes indeed we just need the witches broom man come on please please oh my God this is taking so godamn long oh oh just great that count as us beating it oh cool holy sh we got it when the when did we get it that’s cool there we go looking good Fellas looking good guess we go catch us some Critters we’re catching plenty we came home with the grand total of seven which is not too bad at all I guess with a fight like this damage helps but it’s our skills and capabilities that help us the most and brother we have no skills see how it goes man see you on the other side brother oh this is not going good so far she moves so goddamn fast oh we are so we are not doing any damage oh Jesus oh god oh Lord in heaven we’re doing good at dodging at least we can hit her when she does that attack come on do your star attack do your star how did we miss all that oh this is so bad dude how are we going to do Duke Fishin this is not going to be good second phase is not going to be pretty dude Lucy now is not the time I’m very busy you know we’re able to dodge pretty easily I don’t know how we’re going to do in the second phase though oh sh okay second phase is imminent at any given moment just got to take it slow and steady this fight’s uh slow you know and any second she’s going to turn into her second phase man this is not looking good for us I can’t even get a hit dude this is so bad the odds are stacked against us I’ll I’ll admit it I’ll be the first to admit it okay we got to go down a bit we’re hitting space we get hit like every single time consistently on that attack that’s not good our healing is pretty solid though we’re getting there kind of low I’m I’m scared I’m scared oh sh oh my god oh great oh dude the attacks are getting quite clustered we might be able to do it it’s very very very iffy right now okay we got to heal we are very very lucky we’re very fortunate thank you Oba brother what can’t just do that that’s illegal oh my God okay no no no no no no no no God we’re what the [ __ ] happened what happened to me oh my god oh no no no no no 9,000 health no no oh dear God no please why why so we have some other weapons we can make I don’t know the bassoon we have the Gastly French horn I guess I let’s try it try it you get it is it sucks off enemies and then explodes after hitting an enemy that might be good we can see how that goes clearly this guy isn’t doing for us anymore kind of a shame it does high damage but it I don’t know I don’t know what it is man I can’t [ __ ] believe we lost that I’m so hurt right now I’m so hurt we can always do the cultist first do the pillars suffer through them then see what weapons we could make maybe uh I don’t know what we should use probably the probably the punung guy we ain’t dodging [ __ ] on this who am I kidding I think we do the most damage with this weapon when we crit Max but we’re not quite crit maxing now are we I can’t believe we got that close to the empress I’m so [ __ ] hurt right now letting out the Heavy Hitters Now ladies and gents we got to be careful this works good too I mean don’t mind if I don’t mind if I do here we go not bad chew him up chew him up see top yes he is okay we got it we got it we got it we’re doing good we’re doing good just got to chew his ass up and we’re good oh what am I thinking this whole time we could have gotten the solar Pebbles I kind of forgot okay we got him oh we can make that cthulu thing now let’s see let’s throw the ancient manipulator in here let’s throw this up cuz we earned it beautiful then we need to make the cthulu nator 9000 here we go call of cthulu okay we could see how that goes I don’t think the French horn is going to be doing anything for us let’s get it to fabled real quick cool let’s try it out shall we this is going to be beautiful I just know it is whoa what the [ __ ] okay that’s going to be interesting very cool well I kind of forgot about the inspiration fragment ordeal then we need to make these guys so we have to make more inspiration fragments we need these guys to 3 4 okay we are maxed out I guess now we could go with the pillars I’m not really sure how this is going to work so I mean you know wish me luck I think this fabled call of cthulu is going to be our best bet for the pillars at least we’re still getting the beams let me just to oh no we are not we are no longer getting the beams almost got it beautiful what the [ __ ] what is all of that about okay what is this B Class fragments what shooting star blast guitar oh my God we can make armor with it sound sages lament shooting star turbo tuba allows flight and slow fall hell yeah brother let’s do it doomsayers coin what the shooting star blast guitar sounds pretty goddamn sick so let’s just go make that real quick I guess what the is that shooting star blast guitar baby okay well we can’t make anything with solar fragments so why don’t we make that Superstar shooting far shooting Guitar let’s give this a whirl huh I’m actually really excited to use this holy [ __ ] okay all right found a new weapon I’m [ __ ] get in the trash I don’t care if you’re claustrophobic or not shut up let’s go take out another pillar see if we get more more yum yums I guess that’s fing crazy oh my God okay well don’t get me wrong we still get hit like a bit but wow that does insane damage that is absolutely insane good Christ I really want to see what they have for like the throwing class and the Healer class so I think it’s upon colliding with blocks that it does that little extra rainfall which is kind of a bummer I was hoping it did it all the time but hey you know what that’s wishful thinking I love me some cheese baby I love cheese oh my god dude that’s like Zenith damage that’s insane let’s try nebula next I don’t think it’s going to go very well and we’re back at it like a crack addict baby oh dear God we do so much damage watch this releases a five Stave surge that grows in power as it travels I don’t see us using any other weapons brother that’s just keeping it a buck with you oh killed the last two pillars I guess I don’t think the moon Lord’s going to go super well we’re just going to Raw Dog it the first try and see how it goes cuz after that I want to fight maybe the Empress of light and Duke Fishin and hopefully it goes well oh my God that hits so godamn hard that is so good for that’s like off our screen that’s how far we want to be from the Moon Lord so that’s that’s perfect but this does so much damage it’s insane it’s actually insan we just have to be extra mindful because as much as I love these weapons they’re going to drain inspiration like crazy I guarantee it oh Jesus Christ all right quick collect everything let’s TP home and just see how we do I guess see how it goes man God I’m so excited should be spawning in any second bear in mind I’m not expecting this to go well at all wow this is going well we do such a [ __ ] insane amount of damage oh my dear God we almost have his top eye out God damn our damage is insane oh God run here they come it’s not looking good for us brothers and sisters it’s not looking good for us oh [ __ ] let loose hope for the best expect the worst oh my God we actually [ __ ] did it holy hell we did it first try are you kidding me holy [ __ ] oh my God we did it God damn this weapon’s sick Bard is the best class in the entire world I just come right out and say it it’s the best class known to mankind Moon Lord down ladies and gents moonl Lord godamn down that’s [ __ ] B do I even want a new weapon let’s open up a moon Lord bag baby oh and we got it let’s go so we need the cap the shirt the boots and the Turbo tuba oh my God we’re going to need a lot more of these aren’t we that’s not good can I buy these sold by operator okay yeah yeah yeah let me buy some let me buy some oh beautiful all right now we can make this stuff oh my God this has to be so good right this has to be so good I’m so excited right now oh my God I want to hurt I want to put the hurt on the Empress of light so bad whoa that’s cool I don’t know if it’s as cool as that but I guess we’ll have to find out won’t we let’s try the Empress of light okay all right well I want to use this oh sh took a fat hit just being silly just like that garia oh yes indeed oh my God I cannot believe we did it let’s go to a mushroom biome and take on Duke Fishin just for the hell of it just to see what happens got it by some Divine Miracle we got it let’s just uh let’s just try it oh Jesus Christ man kind want to see what this does when it’s full am I going to die here okay we did it that was scary earned it it’s going on the earned it pile what other bosses do we have I wonder we have an ogre an eclipse I mean we could we could maybe just buy some asphalt and do Old One’s Army see how it goes oh that works great actually this might be the best bet right here though this thing is so godamn nice thing Aang is so clean holy sh so I believe there’s seven waves we’re officially on Wave five baby swiggy Swooty I’m Coming For bets’s booty baby with a palm full of that mullet I’m going to ride my way into Victory oh last stage let’s see how it goes okay not going super well so far okay going pretty good now got to kill these guys for some more inspiration almost got her what a baddy we got her let’s get it baby let’s godamn get it goodbye bastards my God we’ve done it so we do have more event bosses I believe like Eclipse I don’t even know how we beat an eclipse we just have to wait it out I mean I could do that so we have the frost Moon we could do kill an everscream Santa nk1 and Ice Queen then end it right away same thing with Martian Madness we just kill a martian saucer then last but not least there’d be the primordials so apparently we can make something called the terrarium surround sound so we have to make this devil subwoofer then we need terrarium cores which as you may be able to tell are a nightmare to make cuz I’m just very curious about the surround sound thing cuzz look increases syphonic damage by 10% doubles the range of empowerments which is cool you know if we were playing with anybody it’d be even cooler but it’s still pretty cool and we have a chance to elementally backlash enemies when attacking I don’t know what the [ __ ] that means but I like the sound of it I mean it’s just about halfway through the day I guess we could do that and see what happens this is just Zenith for The Bard isn’t it this is godamn gorgeous get out of my lap Dr manfly you don’t know me like that yeah we might just have to wait it out any second now oh see if we did it or not not okay that worked all right perfect we got the eclipse now it’s time for the frost Moon baby we need a naughty present wow that show you a naughty present it’s time to get naughty ladies and gents okay we got an ice queen we got to wave 15 so I mean I guess do we cancel the event now does that mean we won well it doesn’t say we’ve beaten the frost Moon I think we might have to wait it out unfortunately so it’s going to be another long night look at this dumbass going to be hanging out till 4:30 in the morning I wonder if I change the time is that going to [ __ ] me up does that mean we did it oh my [ __ ] god hope we’re going to have to wait all the way till daytime okay we’re going to have to make another naughty present unfortunately then we’re going to sleep just before it turns daytime summon it and then it should go through and then we should be good okay 3:30 do it like now okay uh oh all right there was a spike on the ground I couldn’t see it between the muck between the various carcasses we’ll see if that means we did it I hope okay Frost moon has gotten got now it’s time for for a martian Madness oh beautiful holy sh okay here we go I passed away hey that’s all right we only get better from here I’m thinking maybe we turn down the goddamn spawn rates maybe maybe that would help us smidge we did the event so hopefully that means we can summon one just crunch through that like nothing that was awesome whoa what did we get okay a summon can’t use it see if this guy sells it maybe no he doesn’t we got to go do it again we’ll just keep it as regular as possible around here see if we can hopefully squeak one out oh [ __ ] I’m out of inspiration okay we got him thank Christ what did he drop oh a treasure bag how exciting just have to finish up this event real quick then we’ll bust open that treasure bag and see what we get I don’t know where he is I don’t know where he is cool got another treasure bag why not why not martians have been defeated ladies and gents we did it let’s open up this bag and see what we get oh wow holy [ __ ] holy crowd control whoa that’s insane the primordials oh dear God we have the primordials so we got to make a doomsayers coin I’m so scared right now I think there’s no better way to do it than to just do it do it hello oh at night okay see I worked on summoning up that courage and it just it it didn’t work oh [ __ ] not bad so far we’re doing good damage we have Infinite Flight so it’s not bad oh my God we almost got him oh okay so it has to be oh it has to be a no hit Runner we’re screwed let’s actually use this a bit this will be nice get some fast oh Jesus okay oh my God this is [ __ ] scary we almost got one though we got one we got one I’m imagining they have a oh oh oh oh Jesus Christ that was insane okay we have Infinite Flight we just have to no hit that first fireman otherwise we’re boned we’re and we’re boned Jesus that was brutal thousand prayers every everybody thoughts and prayers see how this [ __ ] goes who’s first who is it first huh oh sh we did a lot more damage that time that was fantastic if we could get him out in one Fell Swoop that would be so beautiful nope almost though stay away from this dude this guy is insane okay he’s all right this guy isn’t too bad he just kind of dashes at us a little bit which isn’t horrible by any means I think the worst part is just waiting for our inspiration to come back oh [ __ ] special move okay we got one oh get away from him okay okay we got him we got him we got him oh he’s oh he is getting ped the is this what is this oh [ __ ] the fabric of reality is tearing God damn it the fabric of reality was tearing at the seams for a brief moment for all but a moment we have a good system going I think we got to regen regen regen we could almost get him in one Fell Swoop which is beautiful just got to heal our inspiration damn it damn it damn it oh damn we are not in good shape right now we just got to heal up a bit I think our timing is a bit off oh a little bit of heart action okay got him then I think we could get him on this try I hope oh [ __ ] oh my God that attack is in [ __ ] insane Jesus Christ oh it is just It’s Hard Out Here for a Pimp tell you that much okay not too bad so far almost got him real nice real nice this guy’s Super Attack demolishes us this guy does such a crippling amount of contact damage you got to be careful this guy is coming in hot any one of these runs could hypothetically be the Run holy sh are you kidding me what the oh my God oh my God so it’s become very apparent to me that running out of inspiration running out of breath so to speak is going to be the absolute downfall of us so I think I can make maybe five of them would be cool and then we need to hook them up to quarter second timers and scatter them all across Arena that way we could attack more with less pauses I think that would hopefully do the trick I think I hope I pray oh my god it works oh my god it works I’ll just put a few of these down all right should have done this from the beginning what the hell were we thinking let’s give him a sec to juice up and we will give it a try let’s try it let’s see if it works let’s try and stay far away from this guy continuous attack that is fantastic oh my God one Hall I think that’s going to be a huge huge help okay let’s try and soak this guy in a lot of damage cuz he is going to [ __ ] us up hopefully we can get him in one swoop that’d be pretty cool almost got it we were so close Okay got him and now oh my [ __ ] Lord in heaven oh Jesus Christ I think this weapon’s the answer dude I want to keep it totally real with you this weapon is not in fact the answer oh here comes big boss got to make sure to get around his ass that’s the problem is we run right into him like that like that we do okay it’s better we take our time with this stuff all right it’s better we take our time oh my [ __ ] Lord dude why am I so bad at this game okay it’s a final boss it’s a final boss why am I getting mad who me I don’t get mad at games that’s juvenile that’s stupid that’s imbecilic even oh my God oh my God why did he go ham bone that time what the happened run stay away from this guy up and around doesn’t matter if we miss Hearts doesn’t matter okay got him now he’s coming for us it’s all good oh Jesus Christ that was brutal get him out of commission fast cuz oh my God okay okay here we go here we go my armor oh oh oh oh oh oh I just keep running from it maybe doing good damage oh sh oh my God holy hell oh my God run run the arena is no more the world is our Arena brother almost got it almost got it almost got it almost got it where’s he at where’s he at where is he at he’s oh Jesus Christ he’s freaking out what killed me what oh my God I’m alive we did it my God what the hell does he drop whoa oh my God I cannot believe that worked thori and party hat all right we’re wearing it as well as the rapidus chest the rapidus boot boots of course as well as The Soloist hat sweet Mother of God we actually did it let’s see what this armor does baby prove to all that your talent is second to none holy [ __ ] 10% increased playing speed 12% increased crit strike chance inspiration regeneration of the nation increased by 15% wind instrument homing speed increased by 10% string instrument projectiles bounce in additional time endless inspiration for the armor ability oh my God that has 15% increased inspiration note drop chance 5sec longer symphonic empowerment this has 20% increased movement speed which is insane 10% increased symphonic crit strike chance and plus 12% symphonic damage but there are weapons we can make so I’m seeing one called the edge of imagination holy [ __ ] whoo whoo okay holy hell I want to make all the other weapons so we can make some other stuff I want to try it all out there’s something just called the set rhythmically bang on a set of drums not going to be my favorite each timed hit increases the set’s damage by 4% up to 120% oh my God okay well let’s make that and there is also the hollow boner right click to create up to five mind runes that duplicate your attack so let’s try it all out we’ve kind of already seen the guitar but I’ll just do it you know I’ll do a quick demonstration why not here’s that guitar here’s the sopone whoa okay that’s insane wow okay now this is a timed one we either [ __ ] our pants or get it apparently we do this and our damage goes up greatly supposedly who oh my God so you know what this means we got to try it again let’s try this guy oh Jesus Christ that’s brutal oh my God that is insane actually I’m curious about the drums still not good at using this [ __ ] huh a [ __ ] farted on it okay oh my God that is insane such a spammy attack I love it let’s bring him down into the C Zone real quick just demolishes them let’s try out this stuff with our brand new armor this was doing insane damage against him kind of broken kind of broken come on come and get me buddy oh he got me heal up get this guy I think this might just be the best weapon in the entire game I’m going to keep it real with you that Dam damage just is just absolutely godamn nuts insane I tell you I love that we could fly soing fast too I think that’s really saving our ass in this fight let’s get that full Destructo phase look at that look at that action just watch him crumble beneath the B’s feet he has no goddamn clue what just hit him that’s with the armor bonus oh my God that is absolutely insane that is [ __ ] cracked let’s let’s just make sure let’s make sure 100% 100% baby oh that’s what I’m talking about oh my god well ladies and gents that one’s on the house that solo was for you guys I’m certainly speechless thorium is by far one of the best mods I’ve ever played that is phenomenal that was just the game progression the bosses everything all the fun items the exploration still being a huge key part of the game phenomenal this is definitely definitely going to be a mod that I want to to run through multiple times I think I want to try throwing class next it seems really cool but with every single boss being crunched off of our boss crunching list and with the primordials being put back in their godamn place by none other than the Bard music master all right The Bard godamn music master and God damn it that just about concludes this series now if you one of the people who tuned in all the way to the end of the series thank you so godamn much I appreciate you very very much a huge special thank you to the thorium creators for making such a goddamn badass mod and another cheeky special thank you to you guys thank you guys very very much for tuning in Waffle Time music legend rock legend Bard music Master out

Today, in our full collection of MASTER MODE Thorium episodes, we make the fatal mistake of only using the Bard class on our first time ever playing Thorium! Our main goal is to become the ultimate Bard music master, but the road is atrocious. The Moon Lord and Empress of Light must fall, Plantera must be ogled at from afar, modded bosses must be dealt with. Will we be able to find our way as a Bard in this blind playthrough? Will we be able to take on the Empress of Light with a tuba? What comes after the Moon Lord?
Thank you all so much for watching the FULL MOVIE! If you enjoyed, drop a like and subscribe, as well as leave a comment to let me know your thoughts on this video! Also if you’d like, follow the Instagram and Twitter for future stream and video updates!

PARTLY EDITED by EMMET BRAMLEY: https://twitter.com/emmetbramley

#terraria #mod #rage

AlchemistNPC Lite
Fargo’s Mutant Mod
Boss Checklist
Recipe Browser
Thorium Mod
Magic Storage
Ore Excavator

Credits for Absolute BANGER Thorium Tunes: smxfoxtrot

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  1. Waffletime gets me barded up all the time.

    I just be doing shit and then bam !! Barded tf up. Damn you Waffletime, this was a very awkward funeral

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