The most FOOLPROOF Terraria weapon…

Let’s be honest, Terraria has tons of underratedly fun weapons. We have launchers, we have grenades, we have the Venus Magnum, we have the pooper duuper from the land of Xeno, we have this, and we have that… BUT… we also have the glorious Life Drain. Life Drain is a magical marvel in Terraria, it’s your ticket to health regeneration during combat. Providing a seamless blend of offense and defense Life Drain introduces a whole new mechanic to the Terraria experience. I hope you enjoyed this very innocent intro… Well, that’s over now. Dropped with a 20% chance by the one who didn’t care about their partner’s blood moon, its primary benefit of course is the ability to regenerate health with each successful "POW!" offering a sustainable source of income that your dad couldn’t… and of course healing during combat. You receive a buff that heals you 1.5 points per second, and plus 0.5 points for every two extra enemies that you spank. Not only that but it also greatly increases your natural health regeneration, don’t ask how I know but it honestly sounds like your wettest dream. The weapon also goes through walls like an OP sucker and it can be used with Target Dummies to cheese your health back. When your friends start putting Dummies everywhere in your world, don’t blame me though, it’s not my fault. If you’re drunk and the only thing you can successfully do is paint the bathroom floor and walls yellow and brown, this weapon is a godsend for you as it’s very versatile. Not only we can obviously demolish groups and groups of enemies, we can also suck the living hell out of those behind walls. I think I’ve seen that before somewhere. Anyway, since we are good with damaging large groups of enemies we also slow them down a ton, can stand still and additionally, swallow a ton of glorious Mana Stars of course. While with real wet dreams you wake up in a bed of mess with Life Drain it’s not that bad whatsoever. Sure the limited range kind of makes you wish for something better, damage against a single enemy is you know…. mediocre, and it does feel somewhat underwhelming at moments as it’s quite bad against bosses, I think all of this can be shoved under the fridge like the food you did dirty back when you were younger for all of the reasons stated before. The pros definitely cover the mediocre aspects of it and make me feel like this is not only a very underrated weapon but also an extremely fun and satisfying stick to stroke and brush in your free time… Terraria time of course. Life Drain may not be the go weapon for every situation, but its advantages make me feel like you should definitely free some space in your pocket full of toys. I have a Terraria expert with me here actually, what do you think about Terraria Life Drain? [A mysterious woman speaking] There’s a sure drain in my life, I’m not sure it’s Terraria, but you know, I’m spiraling down into an empty hole… [Is the Life Drain GOOD?] [Is it FUN?] [What do YOU think?] [Music] English subtitles written by: Svings Russian subtitles written by: Svings Spanish subtitles written by: Dani <3

Terraria’s phenomenon item. It’s simply worth having in your pocket, it’s simply too good, it’s simply… it.

Special thanks to Daniella, Sano Manjiro, Tanatorn, and Jasper van Houdt for being Golden and Platinum Bunny supporters!

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#Terraria #LifeDrain #Magic #LaborOfLove #Update


  1. welcome back! bit of feedback: I’m not sure I like the moving mouth in its current state. I found that because there was no lip sync I had a harder time following what you were saying whenever it was on screen as my brain was instinctually trying to read them.

  2. Also if you have not made a video on this than here is an idea. You could Make a video about the console exclusive bosses and enemies. RIP Ocram

  3. Not the best weapon for stalling due to bad range and no knockback, but sure can shread crowds.

    The intro is funi

  4. it's good against destroyer and other multi target bosses (maybe plantera and golem??) but it falls off hard after destroyer
    also you can stack 200 dummies to get your ultimate sucking i meant draining power

  5. The lifedrain is a good weapon for early hardmode, but right before the mech bosses (except for destroyer) it just doesn't really work. You can still defintley use it for groups at times but especially for bosses it isn't a go-to pick. However if you do use the stacking dummy trick in your arena then it can be a really good way to get health back during a bossfight.

  6. Лично я использую его когда строю что то, что бы не ломать случайно траву (или тыкву, и тд). Так же он не загораживает своими атаками пол экрана( как зенит например) что довольно удобно

  7. Best uses for life drain
    -use it for make volcano traps wayy more efficient (just make a room under vocano and use it)
    -for whyvern hunt (when wyvern do that "o" turn you can almost 1 shot it in mastermode)

  8. i remember life drain as that one weapon i spent too long farming crimson mimics in a corruption world before mechs just to add it to my magic weapons collection and never use it again lol. welcome back, it's nice to see you again! how are you doing?

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