MCDONALDS vs KFC House Build Challenge in Minecraft

we are building McDonald’s versus KFC houses to see which restaurant is best but what happens when villager Karen comes in to celebrate her 145th birthday CH V Karen is on her way with her family we only have 20 minutes to build her favorite restaurant and then get ready for her party I know Milo I heard villager Karen was turning 145 this year so this needs to be one of the best birthdays she ever had that is why I challenge you to a buildoff I will be building a McDonald’s and you have to build a KFC whoever villager Karen thinks the losing restaurant is will have to close down and work for the winner in their restaurant forever with no pay at all yeah well my KFC is going to be amazing because it’s really yummy what no way Milo your KFC will not be as good as my McDonald’s is going to be look I’ve already started I’m going to build the outline for my restaurant it’s about to be so incredible I also have a really cool design idea there’s no way you can come up with a better one I’m not worried at all I think I’ll definitely win this I can definitely come up with a much better design no way Milo design is kind of my thing I have a feeling this will be really really good okay now the design just needs to extend a little further back like this and I just need to wrap it all the way around the side I need to have a couple different spots inside this McDonald’s it needs to be fancy enough that Village of Karen will love it and normally Village of Karen is pretty bossy and really demanding but today she especially is she’s turning 145 that’s 145 years of being a bossy boots who always needs to get her way oh boy Milo we’re going to really need to try hard to build the best restaurant and I’m going to need to do even better than you do how did she even get that old that’s pretty ancient if you ask me yeah I think she’s the oldest person I know wow she’s so old but Milo that just means she’s really good at spotting little details if we make any mistakes in building our restaurants she will definitely see them and pick them apart okay I’m adding in a bunch of blocks here this is going to be the foundation but because I don’t want this to take too long we need to use weld edit to set this entire thing into Spruce planks boom that was so quick and easy now we need to make the rest of this McDonald’s and we need to make it really fancy Village at Karen will only eat at the most fancy restaurants she’s so crazy she’ll only go somewhere if she knows she’s about to get treated like royalty so my McDonald’s needs to be really really good that’s why it’s about to be massive it will have things that no other McDonald’s has ever had before it might even have a hotel that villager Karen can stay at just for her birthday maybe I can give her a bunch of stuff for free as well Viller Karen is very well known Milo for trying to get as many free things as she can she’s such a cheap skate even though she’s really rich and has lots of money well I’m going to build a pool in my place what a pool oh that’s a great idea but it’s not going to be great enough to beat out me my McDonald’s is going to be so perfect look I’ll even make the sides a really cool yellow color I’m so excited to try out this design I have a feeling a villager Karen will really like it this first floor is going to need to be pretty fancy but it’s not going to be the fanciest in the whole McDonald’s the first floor just needs to be a regular old McDonald’s but of course better than every other McDonald’s ever because I still do need to win this thing okay perfect now the outside windows are looking pretty PR good we need to lay out the inside on the inside here we’re going to need to have a spot for the kitchen I think the kitchen can be right here in the middle yeah that actually works out really good that way we can have a huge kitchen area where lots of cooking can get done that way villager Karen can’t complain about the wait times all the food will be made almost instantly to get to her before she can leave a negative review online next we’ll need to add a little area where everybody can order their food and I think we’ll just do that at the front of the kitchen area yeah that actually works really well we’ll make the kitchen area go slightly further out in each Direction then just to make sure there’s enough space to cook everything in there otherwise oh boy we wouldn’t have enough space to fit the food and we’d probably have to keep some outside I would not want to see villager Karen’s reaction to that she would probably be so mad I think the drive-through section can also be right here this way it can be right next to one of the windows where a bunch of cars will have to drive past actually I’ll make the window go out a little bit further just like that perfect next over here we definitely will need to have the freezer rooms yeah I think it’s good if we have the freezer rooms in the back here that way they can be out of sight out of mind and we’ll even add a little door so that you can enter them through the kitchen H finally we need a big dining room and I think the perfect place for the dining room is this entire hole oh yeah my McDonald’s is looking great now we need to build up the walls so that we can actually make this design two question a sure Miler what’s the question what’s your favorite thing on the McDonald’s menu wo that’s a really tough question Milo I love so many of the items H well I really do like Quarter Pounders because I love the way that they have ketchup and little tiny onions in them and the pickles too are so yummy but H I also really like the french fries too those are so good and they always come out piping hot I think my favorite thing though definitely has to be the chicken nuggets yeah the chicken nuggets are so young wait a minute Milo you like chicken nuggets from McDonald’s as well nuh-uh probably from KFC uh Milo that’s still chicken you realize yeah but it’s still delicious Milo KFC is chicken and you’re a bird are you sure you should be opening up a KFC yeah well I don’t really care what Milo that’s horrible are you really saying you get all the other birds just to make a restaurant yeah scr sh oh my gosh Milo you’re actually so crazy but what’s going to be even crazier is how epic my McDonald’s is going to be look I’m already building the back wall and I’m giving it such a cool design I see you’re making your KFC look like a giant chicken bucket huh Milo yeah because chicken is in my tummy Milo have you been eating the food from your restaurant already yeah I caught help myself it’s just so delicious and it gives me energy to build uh Milo if you’re eating all the food in your KFC how are you going to have any left for villager Karen oh man I didn’t really think about that I better stop eating just in case she shows up randomly yeah or when she shows up later for her party Milo she’s going to show up sometime and if she shows up and you have eaten all the food oh boy she is going to leave such a bad review you’ll probably be thrown in jail oh no I don’t want to go to jail I’m not a criminal I just want to win the competition yeah but I want to win the competition too Milo you’re going to have to ver a very very good Builder and that is me oh wow I’d be pretty worried if I was you honestly my McDonald’s is looking really good so far and I’m only just starting on building the first floor it’s going to look even better the more I build wow I’m so % worried 3% Milo that’s not very worried I don’t know you should be a little more worried than that why are you so calm right now because I just know that my build is going to end up being amazing and the Villager Kon is going to be a big fan of me H okay maybe she will but Milo what’s your favorite item at KFC well I really like the popcorn chicken oh yeah that is true I really like the popcorn chicken too and I also like regular popcorn wow okay you’ve got a pretty good menu to work with I am a little bit worried about you beating me but I’m not too worried my McDonald’s is already looking great so I have a huge headst right off the bat um I think you should look at my build because it’s looking really good uh Milo I’ve been looking at your build the whole time and wa you spelled KFC right good job Milo I’m very impressed yeah I’m getting better at my spelling yeah you totally are hm this could be a little more tricky than I thought no worries I’ve already finished the back wall now I just need to add a bunch of glass in so that I can start filling up the space of these walls now my restaurant will no longer be part of the outside and no random birds can fly in that is the first step of building a restaurant that villager Karen will rate very highly she is so picky and she does not like when restaurants aren’t properly built she’ll complain about even the tiniest detail she would probably even complain if one block was out of alignment that’s why you got to try really hard to make sure everything’s perfect and I’m kind of an expert at that so I’m pretty excited for her to come to my McDonald’s she’s totally going to love it besides it’s her 145th birthday maybe she’ll actually be in a good mood for once happy birthday let’s celebrate yeah we can celebrate over here at my epic McDonald’s H maybe I’ll even build a special McDonald’s cake for her so that she can enjoy her birthday right here and never have to go to any other restaurants across the road um chip are you talking about my restaurant yeah Milo I’m talking about your KFC what if I build my McDonald so good that she never even leaves that would be so amazing because then I’d be the only restaurant with a five star rating yours just wouldn’t get a rating at all no I’m definitely going to win and I’m feeling confident really oh Milo I’m a little worried for you H you have no idea what I have in store this first floor is only part one of the amazing plans I have to build all right I’ve built some pretty good glass windows here but I’m going to fill up this side as well once I fill all these windows in we’ll be able to start actually decorating the inside oh and this is not going to be a one-story McDonald’s no way this McDonald’s is going to have so many levels it will go really high up and it’s just going to look so amazing villager Karen might even lose her mind and become a nice person after she visits my McDonald’s I hope that happens but I don’t know I’m not counting on it villager Karen is still pretty crazy Milo remember that time we were eating in the other McDonald’s and she just came in and started throwing chicken nuggets everywhere yeah it was really r it was so mean the McDonald’s had to close down and go out of business forever oh boy I really hope that doesn’t happen here but I have a feeling it won’t look we’ve already built the outside wall now it is time to build the ordering counter first we’re going to need to place some quartz blocks up just like this the roof of this level will be one block above where I’m placing now I think the roof could go right here but we’ll build the inside first that way we’ll be able to fly up and get a really good look at everything before we install the roof okay this ordering area is pretty big but but I need to make sure we add some really easy to read signs that way Village of Karen will be able to read them from far away and it’s pretty important that she does she’s very old so her eyesight is not very good that’s why my signs need to be super easy to spot first we’re going to need to grab some terracotta so that we can build a burger bun then we’re going to need to grab some brown terra cotta so we can make the burger patty over here we’ll make a little drawing of a burger just on this wall hey this kind of does look like a burger but then we’ll need to grab a sign and then on the sign we’ll just WR a little note that says burgers are $1 will make the burgers really really cheap here that way she’ll be very impressed and very happy and rate my build super high next we’ll also grab some bamboo that way instead of yellow here we can place the bamboo so that it looks like real McDonald’s french fries H that’s still pretty dark looking but you know what I actually quite like it next we’ll add another item on the menu which is going to be chicken nuggets but we’ll just build a little box for them right over here we’ll use blocks of raw iron because those actually do kind of look like chicken nuggets wow it looks like aund pack of chicken nuggets I’ve never seen one that big I’m sure she’ll be very happy with this then finally for the last build we can just add some Coca-Cola um I don’t know what to put for Coca-Cola other than just red oh I know we’ll grab a mangrove sign because that’s red too then on it we will write Coca-Cola now right now it does not look like Coca-Cola that’s why we need to grab some glow ink sacks and just right click the sign boom now it is glowing and it does kind of look like Coca-Cola let’s start placing some more signs all around here we’ll say that the fries here can also be a dollar yeah this is going to be the cheapest McDonald’s ever H we’ll say the Nuggets can be maybe $2 because there’s going to be a hundred of them in a single package then the Coca-Cola can be I think $1 as well wow most things on my McDonald’s menu are going to be a dollar that is really cheap but nobody can pay for things if we don’t have actual cash registers let’s grab some anvils so that we can stop making them these anvils when placed like this actually end up looking like real cash registers then on the front of them we can just write a sign and I think we can put a bunch of money symbols on it hey this really does look like a cash register then if we right click it with our glow ink sack and then right click it again with a lime Dy we can click this sign and add it to every single one of these boom this really does look like a cash register hey this is pretty epic of course next to the cash registers we’ll need to add some buttons so that the employees can actually use the cash registers and we’ll also need to grab some paintings as well all right these paintings can go on the cash registers like this and we’ll use different paintings each time hey this looks so cool now we definitely need to make the kitchen let’s make this gray wool really really tall just like this it can go up to the ceiling oh boy I’m so excited to make my kitchen hey Milo what sort of stuff are you going to serve in your kitchen to villager Karen and all of her friends well obviously the KFC main things what Milo what is that that’s so unspecific well we’ve got the nuggets and we got the Wicked Wings and the buret okay that’s a nice menu Milo I really like the sound of that do you have anything else well we got the Pepsi wa that’s crazy I think KFC’s main drink is Pepsi but McDonald’s Main drink is Coca-Cola I wonder if villager Karen likes Pepsi or Coca-Cola better I actually know that she likes Pepsi better because one time I was drinking it and she stole it from me Milo that’s just Village of Karen being a village of Karen she steals things from everybody that doesn’t mean she likes it one time I was riding my bike near her house and she just stole it because she didn’t like me riding my bike I thought she was going to use it but the next day I checked she just threw it in the garbage what was it the same bike that matched with my one yeah it was it was really sad Milo but hey your KFC has Windows now that’s pretty cool I’m going to make some deep friers in my McDonald’s it’s going to have furnaces and some really slow cookers as well but it will also have cauldrons full of lava to cook things really really fast one thing about villager Karen is she hates waiting for things that that is why one of the best ways to make her happy is just to give her whatever she wants as soon as she asks for it that’s why my McDonald’s is designed to be as quick as possible talk about fast food all right now we have a bunch of different cooking areas we can add a couple more deep fryers here because a lot of the things at my McDonald’s are going to be deep fried all right we can use lava instead of oil because lava is twice as hot so it’ll cook everything twice as quickly all right we’ll grab more deep slate stairs and more deep slate we’ll just add some ventilation above the cooking areas like this and oh yeah this is looking pretty good so far honestly let’s make sure we add some in these sides as well because there’s lots of furnaces on each side of this kitchen area we’ll need to make these ventilators really big hey that looks really good let’s make sure we add one over here as well just for the lava cauldron area things could go pretty badly if we don’t have a bunch of ventilators here we’re going to be cooking so much so quickly we’ll definitely need them then finally in the center here we’ll just have a couple more furnaces and smokers that way there’s a whole extra section of the kitchen that things can be cooked in we’ll also have some more cauldrons and hm I think we definitely need to have a drinks vending machine we’ll put it over here and we’ll use trip WI a Hooks and lever to operate it all right the L can be here and H let’s grab some item frames so we can actually display the drinks we’ll put the item frames up here and we’ll put Coca-Cola in them hey this looks really good now we also should probably grab Fanta in them yeah that’s great I know McDonald’s also has Fanta on the menu so by having both of these drinks you can give anybody anything they want all right now we’ll also need to place more item frames all the way around this kitchen area that way we can have any of the items that villager Karen might end up ordering it’s very important that we don’t forget a single one otherwise she might get really really mad CH I got a question okay what’s your question Milo I’m really confused how anyone can live to 145 yeah it’s a pretty big number I honestly don’t know how she’s done it she must be doing something crazy like exercising every day there’s 145 more than free yes Milo 145 is way more than three oh okay that’s interesting yeah it is pretty interesting Milo I can’t believe you didn’t know that surely you knew 145 is bigger than the number three just learning new things every day wow okay even though you didn’t know that already and I’m a little worried for you I’m still really happy that you’re learning new things every day soon you’ll be able to count to five maybe even 10 oh yeah boy TS on the way yeah it totally is Milo I’m even going to add some more drinks to my super cool drink machine we now have four different options Sprite Fanta Coke and lipin iced tea oh yeah this is looking really cool I’ll add a couple more ventilators above the middle cooking sections because I totally forgot to add them all right I’m so happy with this but we also definitely need to have an ice section we’ll build a freezer room over here we’ll make the freezer room out of smooth quartz because it is white the same color as snow it also holds heat really well in so we’ll make sure this room stays super duper cold this is going to be one of the frostiest rooms ever Milo do you have a freezer room in your KFC I have a little fridge a little fridge oh boy Milo how are you going to give villager Karen any ice cream or any slushies or even ice in her drinks no that’s a really good point I’ll actually build the freezer room oh no wait I didn’t mean to give you any ideas I was just trying to tease you dang it oh gosh all right I guess we’re both building freezer rooms then whoever makes the best one will clearly win villager Karen’s support thanks for the idea barza you’re welcome Milo okay I’m going to add layers of snow into my freezer room that’s how cold it’s going to be in here wo it’s already looking so chilly wow I really like this design all right now that we’ve added a bunch of snow in it’s time to add in our McFlurries the McFlurries are the number one item that we keep here in the freezer room that’s why there are so many of them wow this is epic and we also do keep backups of each of the drinks in here we’ll have lip and iced tea then some Sprite and uhoh let me go grab some more drinks like Fanta and cocaa from the drinks machine okay we’ll put Coca-Cola here and then Fanta right here yeah this is looking pretty good let’s also add some trap doors on the side here that way we’ll add little compartments for each of the items hey this actually is ending up looking pretty good uhoh I almost broke that item frame by placing that trapo down on it luckily I managed to remove it quickly enough and the item frame is saved all right let’s just place that final trapo down and wow this is actually looking really good let’s add a couple more storage items of each drink on this wall that way we definitely won’t run out villager Karen is coming with a lot of her friends Milo if we run out of any one item oh boy she’ll probably give us a zero star rating and we’ll go out of business help me oh what Milo what’s wrong I’m trapped in my own freezer oh no don’t worry Milo I’m here to save you I can’t believe you’re stuck in your own freezer how is this possible oh this is bad I forgot to put a button on the inside oh my gosh Milo let me help you with that there you go now you won’t be able to get stuck in your freezer ever again thanks chip you’re welcome Milo you can also keep this button I will not be needing it where I’m going okay button yeah button indeed now I’m going to grab some kitchen counters I think the red and the yellow ones work really well we’ll also grab some of the ones with drawers too like this and we’ll just put them up over here this way we can have way more space to cook stuff with all right this is looking pretty good I’m super happy with this but we’ll also need to grab a sink I think the yellow and the red sinks work perfectly well together we’ll put one yellow sink here and one red sink over here now we’ll need to fill these with water that way we can wash everything at this McDonald’s and keep it super clean if we don’t keep this restaurant really really clean villager Karen will be so mad at us I want to make sure we stay on her good side though so we’re not going to let her get mad at all now over here we’ll need to add a drive-through section that’s why we’ll break these glass blocks so that you can actually talk to whoever’s in the car we’ll also add some yellow concrete here and just have some glass on the side that way we can shut the drive-through window if we want but most of the time the drive-thru will be open for business it’s almost open 24/7 we’ll need to add a little wall here that way anytime somebody in a car comes by and needs an item will be able to quickly give it to them no questions asked and no worries at all they will still need to pay but everything here is so cheap that they won’t have any trouble paying they’ll just give us the money or any Loose Change they have in their wallet and that’ll be enough to pay for everything all right the drive-through section here is looking good we just need a big wall full of items let’s add a bunch of Coca-Cola and a bunch of fish burgers ew fish Burgers I don’t like those at all luckily I’m not the one who has to eat them villager Karen is and she loves them for some reason I don’t even know why now we’ll grab some chests and we’ll put a bunch at the back of this room here is where we will keep any extra McDonald’s menu items let’s grab a bunch of ketchup and sauce to put in these ones and the burgers as well the burgers are very popular at the drive-through window so we’ll need to make sure we have lots of them now let’s also grab all of the different drinks as well as a mflu we’ll grab some Happy Meals and maybe people want some salt with their meals so we’ll make sure we grab that as well okay we’ll fill the entire chest with all of these items let’s make sure we add as much of it as possible so we never run out oh boy Milo do you remember that time that villager Karen went to the local Burger King and she tried to order something but it was sold out oh that was terrible she ended up destroying the entire building and multiple people were never found again I know I can hardly believe it yeah it was pretty bad but don’t worry Milo we’ll survive our restaurants will never run out of food at least my one definitely won’t I don’t know about yours I also will make sure that we definitely have enough seating for her and all of her friends we’ll grab some tables and we also need to grab a bunch of chairs okay I think I like this design we’ll have the tables made out of mangar of wood like this and then the chairs can be bamboo hey this actually looks really good we’ll make sure we add a bunch of them villager Karen is coming with so many people today that’s why we need to fill every corner of our restaurants with dining space Milo otherwise villager Karen won’t have enough space to fit all of her birthday friends and she will complain about that and we could totally be out of business yeah I have a request what’s your request Milo can you please make a fet o worm a fet o worm ew Milo that’s gross I’m not going to make a fileo worm at my McDonald’s villager Karen would hate that but that’s my favorite snack wait a minute Milo how many worm snacks do you have at your KFC well not right now but I think I’ll do some no Milo you can’t add worms next to your KFC villager Karen will hate it and she’ll rate your KFC super low although if she does rate your KFC super low that will just mean that you lose and have to work for me forever at my McDonald’s oh I definitely don’t want to do that so I guess I won’t put any worm stuff here I mean or you could I actually don’t mind as long as when you lose you come be a great employee for me Milo I will not be your employee you can be my employee what no way I don’t even know what I’d do if I worked at your KFC Milo would I fry chickens all day yeah and you’d work in the freezer so you all called hey Milo that’s really mean why would you put me in the freezer I wouldn’t even do that to you I’d put you in the drive-through section so you always have to hear people honking their car horns at you I hate that noise okay sorry Milo I won’t put you in the Drive-Thru I’ll put you at the front desk so you can talk to people and tell them about your weird Burger ideas like filo worm oh yeah boy front desk for Miler but actually never mind mind I don’t have to think about that because I’m not going to work for you H we’ll see about that I’m going to add some stairs over here that will take Viller Karen and all of her birthday friends to the second level of my McDonald’s oh yeah this is about to get really really exciting my second level is going to have so many amazing things like wa villager Karen oh gosh this is bad uh-oh um hello miss Karen what would you like to order I would like to order all of the food on the menu um well all of the food uh we’re not open yet I’m so sorry I would like 30 nuggets and 20 fries miss Karen I know it’s your birthday but we really aren’t open if you don’t give me my food now I will shut this place down oh okay uh sorry Miss Karen um okay what would you like I would like 30 nuggets and 20 fries okay 30 nuggets and 20 fries oh my gosh that’s a lot okay there’s one nugget um oh my gosh okay I need to go over to the freezer section to get more all right I really hope we have enough time to do this wait what there’s nothing here uhoh hurry up boy or else I’m going to give you one star no I need more than one star one second miss Karen okay run jump do a vault over this okay over here I’m sure we have a bunch of nuggets yes we do okay 30 nuggets I just have to get rid of three of them I’ll throw them on the floor and I’ll clean it up later all right here you go miss Karen 30 nuggets just in time let me see this is not enough what but you ordered 30 nuggets this is not enough I want Pepsi Pepsi oh wait we don’t serve Pepsi here are you sure you don’t want a Coca-Cola I want the Pepsi I am Karen and I want the Pepsi wait a minute how did you just reach that and why would you say I am Karen and also why are you obsessed with Pepsi like Milo is hang on a minute you’re not villager Karen you’re Milo pretending to be villager Ken to scare me a whatever how did you figure it out chip Milo it was really easy you’re not a very convincing villager Karen and you sound like a bird wow it was actually really funny your reaction was like oh yes Ken I’ll do whatever you want and that’s pretty much what you’re going to sound like when I win the whole competition uh Milo how will you going to win the competition if you spend all your time pranking me instead of building that just distracted both of us and villager Karen is still on her way with a bunch of her friends for her birthday I’m not worried I hope you’re ready to work for me soon Buddy oh no away Milo just wait until you see how epic my second floor is going to be it’s going to be even more amazing than the first and every single one of Village of Karen’s friends is going to love it for my second story I have a really cool design idea I’m going to make this look like a super fancy ancient building just like the Palaces that Village of Karen thinks she lives in I don’t think she realizes she just lives in a regular Mansion not a palace it’s probably because she’s always acting like she’s queen of everything normally I would not stand for this but for today we really need villager Karen to like our McDonald’s so I’m okay with pretending that that is true all right I think this is pretty good then the next level of the story above can be here okay this is pretty perfect now we’ll need to make the pillars of this super cool castle area I think we’ll make one pillar here yep just like that we’ll make the pillars all the way over here I think we need to leave seven blocks of space in between each pillar yeah that seems like enough I’m sure villager Karen definitely won’t complain about that and say that it’s not enough and that it’s too small that would be crazy of her we need to make sure we build these pillars really good so let’s add them all the way around this level of my super good McDonald’s yep you know how I was just acting as Callen yeah I do remember that Milo it happened like a minute ago yeah well it made me realize that I don’t know what it would be like to be 145 yeah that actually sounds insane imagine being that old you’d probably remember the times of the dinosaurs yeah the dinosaurs are really scary you know something what is it Milo one time remember when you told me that I’m a dinosaur uh I kind of do remember that but Milo I just said that and forgot about it have you been thinking about that this whole time yeah because you said birds are made from dinosaurs and that means I’m a dinosaur and So lately I’ve been thinking about eating Milo you’re making no sense right now well I think I’ll explain it because you know how some dinosaurs like to eat the trees uh yes I do know that like the brachiosaurus and stuff right yeah do you think I could eat the trees cuz I’m a dinosaur no Milo you’re not a dinosaur you’re a bird oh my gosh okay Milo do not eat the trees that would be really unhealthy for you Birds just live in trees you can’t eat them Milo get away from the tree but I’m thinking about it no Milo you can’t eat the tree you only need to think about eating the things you can buy with the money you get from when villager Karen and all her friends come and visit your KFC well if I’m a dinosaur does that mean I’m older than villager Ken H I don’t think so normally I’d say yeah but Village of Karen is just about the oldest person I know she is absolutely ancient Milo she’s been here longer than anybody and probably remembers when the pyramids of Egypt were built hey that’s a really cool thing to think about yeah it totally is if I was in Egypt I’d probably live in the pyramid what Milo the pyramids aren’t for people living in Egypt you only go in the pyramids when you die are you saying you’d be dead what oh no I don’t want to be dead yeah no that would be terrible Milo do you you want to know the number one way you could die right now um probably from villager cin destroying my restaurant yeah that’s exactly what I was going to say wait a minute Milo if you know Village of Karen is coming and that she’s super dangerous why aren’t you hurrying to build your KFC I am hurrying I’m going as fast as I can Milo you’re going really really slowly even I’m building quicker than you you only have one story I’m already building my level two my place doesn’t need more than one story what Milo everything needs more than one story I’m going to have so many crazy things on this level I’m even going to have an arcade and maybe even a go-kart track what the what that is so much cool stuff yeah it really is I think this just might be the coolest McDonald’s ever and it definitely will have to be if I want Village Karen to rate me highly I will need to place so many amazing things in this McDonald’s otherwise I’ll be rated really really low I don’t know what her favorite restaurant is but it’s probably something really fancy so I’ll need to make sure that this Donald’s is as fancy and cool and fun as possible if I even want a chance of getting a high rating I’m almost finished placing these stairs as well once I finish placing these stairs the second level of my McDonald’s will have a really fancy look to it wa that already looks so cool now we need to make sure we add the classic McDonald’s colors I think for these walls we can add big yellow circle Windows like this then for the other walls we can do the same thing except instead of yellow we should definitely have red concrete hey this looks pretty cool Milo have you seen how awesome my McDonald’s walls look they look okay what what do you mean okay Milo there’s no way your walls look better your walls are dirt and wool yeah and that’s a really good combination no it’s not Milo dirt and wool is so silly it’s also really flimsy and not very safe dirt is very dirty because it is dirt and wool is also pretty dirty you know it catches a lot of dirt when you harvest it from sheeps right does it I thought it was really clean no Milo it is not clean clean at all uh-oh I’m a little worried for you Milo if you don’t manage to get a really clean looking KFC villager Karen and all of her really old friends are going to come to your restaurant and complain about it all day long they’ll leave so many zero star reviews that all the chickens even leave M I can’t deal with the complaints yeah I know Milo you really struggle with them don’t you yeah it makes me sad don’t be sad Milo villager Karen complains about everything I’m sure your restaurant has really good things too like um I’m sure your chicken’s really good yeah and there’s chickens outside so you can see them what Milo nobody wants to think about real chickens when they eating chicken nuggets that’s the first rule of eating chicken I disagree what Milo are you saying you want to think about real chickens while you eat chicken nuggets yeah because they’re my friends and we have parties Milo that makes no sense that sounds terrifying what okay I don’t think Milo understands what chicken nuggets are because he is sounding insane right now um Milo do you know where chicken nuggets come from y they come out of the Watermelons wait a minute what watermelons Milo are you sure yep that’s exactly what I think okay Milo has no idea where chicken nuggets come from and for his sanity I think I’ll let him stay that way he does not need to know what those chickens in front of his KFC are for the best part about it though is villager Karen and all of her friends will definitely know where chicken nuggets come from they’ll walk to Milo’s KFC see the chickens out the front and become really really uncomfortable because it is kind of just an insane thing to do in my McDonald’s on the other hand no one will be going crazy except for going crazy over how delicious my food is look we’re going to add a bunch of Windows on this second story because this second story is going to be Carnival themed Ronald McDonald himself is actually a clown so it fits really well we’re going to have so many fun games to play and it’s perfect for birthdays everybody loves spending their birthday at the arcade or at a go-kart racing track so we’re going to add that to our McDonald’s the go-karts are going to go around and around it’s going to be so cool Village of Karen is going to have so much fun with it even though she’s pretty old I’m sure I can just make the go-kart track really slow for her yeah I’m sure she’ll really appreciate that she always takes the slowest speed to go through them that’s why it’s taking her so long to get here she only lives a couple kilometers down the road and drives a crazy car but she drives so slow it’ll take her all day to get here we don’t have a lot of time left though I’m sure by now she is just around the corner so we need to build the final parts of our McDonald’s really really quickly Milo also built his KFC’s and all of his builds really fast because he makes them so nbish that’s a big part of his advantage and why he keeps building like a noob even though I’ve offered to teach him how to build better he knows that if he keeps building really bad builds he can do it super quick so we need to make sure that we don’t just build super pro we also have to build really quickly as well to make sure Milo doesn’t have any advantage and that way I will never have to work for him working under Milo would be terrible hey Milo if I ever had to work for you would you really pay me nothing yeah and I have a really funny idea of what you could do oh no Milo what would you make me do if I ended up working for you I would make you put on a chicken costume and dance around what that would be so embarrassing Milo please if I somehow lose this to you you better not make me do that you better stop Ling the chicken dance buddy cuz I’m winning this Milo I would never learn the chicken dance but one thing I will learn is how to do some pretty epic target practice my McDonald is about to have a practice Bow and Arrow Archery Gallery all right this is about to look so cool you’ll have to shoot the bow and arrow in between a bunch of cool things like french fries and maybe even some burgers let’s get that terra cotta back that we had downstairs that was really cool H we’ll grab the gray terra cotta here because it kind of looks like a hamburger hey this is about to be so fun I bet villager Karen is really going to enjoy this and hey I can add some Birch buttons on top of this so that they look like sesame seeds hey this looks really cool like a real Burger wow I actually like this design a lot now we also need to remember to add a Target in the middle of the burger though or maybe because the burger is a little bit more meaty than the chips it can be a little bit more hard to shoot from even still I’m definitely going to get a bullseye uh-oh that wasn’t a bullseye that definitely was and I can also get a bullseye on the french fries too boom that hit right in the middle wow I’m so good at arery I just have Village of caran is too we’ll grab some redstone dust and just draw a line in the floor for here this is where she will have to stand to start the shooting gallery there will also be other obstacles like little mini french fries and maybe even a bunch of chicken nuggets we’ll grab the block of raw iron and start putting it everywhere these really do look like chicken nugget piles and if I grab some Mangrove trap doors they actually look so much like boxes of hundreds of chicken nuggets wow she’s going to find this so silly okay this is really epic but we can keep adding even more all right let’s just add some more chicken nuggets right over here this is going to be the most difficult McDonald’s theme giant shooting bow and arrow Gallery ever it also might be the only one ever either way villager Karen and all her friends are definitely going to love it now that we’ve built that though it is time to build the main attraction of the second level of my McDonald’s we are going to need to add a giant go-kart Arena oh wow this is about to be insane let’s grab some black stone and start building it out like this oh boy this is going to take a while oh no I don’t think we have time for this what if villager car comes back really quickly and sees us oh she’s going to be so mad that I’m not waiting to take her order she probably won’t even come inside the restaurant she’ll just be angry outside and I’ll get zero stars because she won’t order anything uh-oh we better build this go-kart track really really quickly all right this is looking pretty good I’m excited to see where this goes we that’s some really cool loop-de-loops but we also need to pick what cars we’re going to use before we fully build the track I need to quickly see exactly what these gokan are capable of hm let’s let’s grab some yellow and some red ones these are McDonald’s colors after all hm first I want to test if these are capable of climbing upstairs all right we’ll put them right here and we’ll build a staircase oh boy I really hope this can climb up the stairs whoa I can totally drive this thing look I can spin it around and I can even reverse now if I drive up these stairs I really hope I can and oh no I can’t wait a minute maybe if I add some smooth quartz stairs that are even smaller than the other Blackstone stairs the go-kart will really be able to drive up them all right we’ll go this way and we’ll also need to reverse so that we can go up the stairs and all right I hope this works yes it totally does oh I’m almost over the edge and wa that was so cool all right that is perfect let’s park this go-kart over here for now and break these stairs we don’t need this demo stairs anymore we can actually make the real thing we’ll just thicken up this Blackstone platform a little bit that way there’s no chance that the go-karts could fall off Village of Karen is pretty slow so she’s a pretty good driver actually but she still could fall off because she could be pretty crazy sometimes she might be too busy typing on her phone complaining to the manager to even see where she’s going that is why we need to make sure this track is really thick otherwise she could totally fall off and be really mad about it she definitely won’t be mad if we make it super cool though which is exactly what I plan on doing all right let’s make sure this goes nice and high up because then it will even out to a flat area that can then go into a loop-de-loop we can make this curve this way and then head right to the back of the McDonald’s Maybe we’ll even at a staircase here yep I think that’s a good idea that way it will end on the same level that it started at and we can have a fully even go-kart course I think if we didn’t make it fully even villager Karen would definitely complain Milo do you remember the time you looked at her funny and she wrote a 20page Google review article about you yeah and I was only looking confused not mainly don’t worry Milo I know you were only looking confused but she thought you were looking mean she called you Cuckoo Bird yeah it was so horrible yeah I remember that name stuck for a really long time it was actually very catchy and everybody used to call you cuckoo bird all chip that’s pretty mean sorry Milo I know I shouldn’t be bringing it up I know it’s a really sensitive subject yeah it makes me feel emotional well Milo I’m feeling emotions right now too one of them is fear because I’m afraid that villager Karen is going to show up at any second thanks to your little prank that you pulled and the other emotion is confidence because I have a feeling she’s really going to like my McDonald’s at least if I can finish it in time yeah hopefully that can happen yeah and wait a minute Milo hopefully it happens for you too right you want to finish your KFC before villager Karen gets here don’t you yeah of course it’s pretty much done what Milo how is your KFC already done because now I’m just working on the outdoor area oh Milo you’re making an outdoor area is that lava yep it’s a really good kids lava parkour Milo why would you make kids parkour isn’t villager Karen 145 isn’t that why we’re doing this for her her wouldn’t she want an adult poac yeah but she’s bringing her family oh true I didn’t even think about that uh-oh I’ll need to make some other fun things other than just a go-kart course because a lot of Village of Karen’s family can’t drive because they’re little kids y they’re little babies oh no this is bad uh-oh I’ve got to make sure I finish this go-kart track quickly so I can get started on the other fun things to do here come on I’ve got to build the staircas is going down why did I build a go-kart track this is going to take so long all right Milo do you have any updates on where villager Karen is right now uhuh and I don’t care to know where she is but she’s a nasty lady wao Milo be careful talking that loudly about Village at Karen right now we know she’s in the area and making her way towards us if you talk loudly about how she’s a nasty lady and how she’s crazy and always kind of smells a little bit she’ll be so angry if she hears you I don’t care if she hears me after you told me that cuckoo Bud story I’m feeling angry if she hears me I’ll just double down and tell that she’s a moomo a Momo Milo what’s a Momo just a really mean person Milo you can’t be insulting your customers I think villager Karen would be really angry if she hears you calling her that you better be careful Milo villager Karen is only getting closer so anything we say here might be overheard by her so we just have to be really smart about what we say okay I actually do really want you to work for me in my restaurant so I’m going to stop being silly what Milo I totally forgot about that you you keeping track of me working in your restaurant the whole time yeah oh my gosh no way Milo I’m never going to work for you that would be too silly um not silly actually really really serious because that’s what’s going to happen no way Milo I think the only thing that’s going to happen is you’re going to work for me that’s why I’m almost done making the go-kart area see here I’m making a little stop off station this is where everybody including villager Karen and her friends will get on the go-karts I’ll also need to grab some white caret as as well that way we can make a really cool Finishing Line and starting line all right we’ll make the starting line right about here yep I think she will definitely enjoy this then we’ll make the finishing line all the way over on this side we can even grab some bamboo fences and we can build them up right here this way there is a huge awesome looking Finishing Line section all villager Karen has to do is drive through the Finishing Line before anybody else and she’ll be able to make it through the super cool go-kart course I also do need to add some Road markings though right now it could be infused for a licorice rope but I do not want that to be the case that’s why I need to add some Road markings to this super cool go-kart area I also need to thicken up this road I can’t believe I almost forgot about this section luckily it’s pretty much really thick already so all I have to do is add a couple more blocks and then I’ll be able to complete this go-kart course we also need to give it a bit of a test drive and I’m so excited for that hey Milo when I finish this do you want to give it a test drive with me sure I’m a good driver so that’ll be a great idea Milo I want wanted to ask you because you’re a terrible driver and you always crash everywhere having you test it with me will help safety proof it in case anybody else is a really bad driver who always crashes well either way I’ll still try it thanks Milo I’m really excited all right let me grab some smooth quartz blocks like this and we can even grab some smooth quartz stairs now we’ll just need to make sure we draw the road markings out like this wao this looks so cool it makes the entire racetrack look a lot scarier doing it like this wow this is really feeling up high now that I’m making this into a regular Road it looks so much more intense and it’s going to be pretty hard to keep Village of Karen from wanting to do this forever I think that’ll be a really good thing the more amazing and fun I make my McDonald’s the more villager Karen will like it and the less she’ll want to leave and if she wants to say she’s going to have to rate this really really high especially compared to yours Milo if I see that my McDonald’s is rated lower than your KFC I’m going to be so sad of course I’ll be extra sad cuz I have to work for you but I’m putting in so much effort into my McDonald’s there’s no way she could possibly rate it Lowa well I actually have just rated my own restaurant what Milo you can’t do that that’s cheating no it’s not I just did it oh Milo okay what does your sign say I can see you’re still typing it Milo this rating isn’t done in what Milo this says five STS no it doesn’t it says five STS Milo that’s not a star rating because it’s not even the same word as the word star okay that’s pretty good because it means that doesn’t count and I don’t even have to worry about it instead let me just make the yellow and red checkerboard pattern that will go around my racetrack just like this hey this is looking pretty cool let’s make it go even further around alternating these blocks is so easy and makes placing them down so quick look at me Milo isn’t this a cool potty trick yeah it’s kind of cool it is so epic wow this go-kart area is so amazing are you excited to test this out in a couple seconds once I finish placing these concrete blocks Milo hold up but I just had a thought oh what’s your thought Milo no wonder a clown works at your restaurant cuz it looks like a circus what Milo why would you say that oh are you calling Ronald McDonald a crazy clown yeah I’m calling your thing ugly it actually looks like a circus on purpose because Milo in case you haven’t noticed my McDonald’s is meant to be really fun just like a circus is and besides villager Karen is coming here on her birthday and what’s a time where people would want to go to the circus that’s right it is on their birthdays too because I’m making my Donald’s really fun and super happy and a really joyful place just like a circus it’s the perfect place for villager Karen and all her friends to come for her birthday oh yeah I guess that’s kind of good uh Milo it’s more than just kind of good it’s super good oh wow this go-kart area is looking so cool the more I place down these blocks I’m actually almost done with it look how fast I can place these oh boy I’m placing these so fast and making a little bit more mistakes but I’m sure I can just go over them once we complete this race course oh gosh come on let’s go let’s go go wao this is looking crazy but wait a minute I didn’t add any support beams uh-oh we better add some really quick ones right now all right Milo I’m just going to add some support beams why don’t you start coming over and getting ready to race me on this thing yeah sure thing I’ve just finished building my big sign anyway your big sign oh wait Milo what does that say Milo that just says F yeah like is in KFC Milo why does this sign just say fried because that’s what’s happening what Milo that’s not going to make sense to anybody they’re just going to think you’re spelling for them which nobody wants they just want to eat chicken how about you mind your own business okay Marlo I’ll mind my own business my business being McDonald’s one of the most successful businesses of all time and because it’s so successful villager Karen absolutely will love it here and she’ll also love this restaurant more than any other restaurant she’s ever been to look I’m almost done with these pillars Milo in a couple seconds I’m going to be up there racing with you all right this is now the fin pillar are you ready to totally lose in this go-kart race Milo all right chip enough yapping more racing all right your go-kart is over there let me actually steer this one back for you hey get out of my red one that one’s my go-kart whatever I’ll be in the yellow yeah there you go all right the yellow one is yours and the red one is mine are you ready to see exactly who can win this thing I’m ready all right let’s go for a race in three 2 1 wow I’m going really fast wow me too look we racing all the way up and come on we don’t want to fall off the edge how come you’re going faster than me wao I almost fell off the edge but Milo it’s cuz I’m a really good go-kart racer and I win I fell off now I’m going really fast oh no Milo where are you uh-oh come back here quick help me Milo get off the roads that’s where villager Karen is going to come towards us if she sees you on the road doing all this crazy spinning around with your cotton wao you almost just hit me Milo if you hit villager Karen with a car she’s going to rate us both really low I’m out of control I need help okay wait let me think of a way I can stop you oh I know I’m going to place down a bunch of cobwebs into a oh no Milo you just crashed yeah now I’m on the crab Milo are you okay hang on let me see if I have a medkit to give you okay here’s something called a rat upgrade you’re a bit of a rat so here you go thanks you’re welcome Milo okay now I need to get this car and put it back in my fun area oh gosh this is really bad if I don’t get this back up in time and build some other fun things for Karen’s little family members to enjoy oh boy I don’t even want to think about what would happen y you didn’t help me out from under the tree Milo I gave you a healing pack what more do you want well I’m stuck still okay Milo hang on I’ll come over and help you out from under the tree like this is that better that’s a little better okay good luck building the rest of your KFC Miler you’re definitely going to need it thanks that was a really scary experience yeah I can imagine try not to crash your car again next time right yeah okay thanks Milo I’m really happy to hear it all right now let’s get this car back up here and build the next part of my super fun Second Story now that I’ve managed to get that car back up here we need to add the bouncy castle what is more fun than that honestly I can’t even think of anything this bounty Castle is about to be so epic everybody’s going to want to go on it but only villager Karen and her family will be able to maybe not villager Karen herself but her family members will really like it and they’ll try and tell her to rate this whole McDonald’s high that way they’ll get free access to go back on this bouncy castle wow look We’ll add slime blocks down here and hm actually maybe instead of slime blocks which are only a little bouncy we can add real trampolines yeah we’ll add a yellow trampoline inside this one which is so bouncy it’ll actually be amazing for everyone inside then we also can add a red trampoline inside of a red bouncy castle let’s put this one over here hey this is about to be so epic but H all this building time has given me a lot of time to think I can’t believe Milo pranked me earlier he was so silly with it and he wasted so much of my time not to mention making me really scared because I thought villager Karen had really just shown up I need to get Milo back somehow but how can I possibly prank him it has to be something really good and it needs to be something I can do sneakily and quickly that way I’ll still have time to finish my build before villager Karen gets here oh wait a minute I think I have the perfect idea of what to do earlier I got the idea when mil was over underneath the tree and I called him a rat we are going to prank Milo by putting rats inside his KFC or not really inside but we’re going to put them underneath it we’ll need to sneak over to a side where Milo can’t see me and aide that where the rats spawn they won’t ever walk over to my side okay this is pretty good I think we can now put a rat spawner underneath the ground let’s get some dirt and put it up here and we’ll start placing down the rat spawners now okay once we right click this with the rat egg it will start spawning them so we have to be really careful okay I think this will be absolutely perfect all right we’ll right click it and just check I really hope they spawn wa look one totally did spawn it’s a real rat okay I should probably leave I don’t want to be seeing around where the rats are although hm this is not enough rats let’s add a couple more rat spawners just like this oh not that many okay I think three extra is perfect now let’s put down some grass blocks and run before Milo realizes it’s us oh yeah these paintings are looking so good maybe I should put some on the outside of my building uh yeah I could probably do one here no way that’s bad idea quick let’s hide behind our pillar so we can see Milo but he can’t see us yeah I can put some around here that’s great oh yeah Chip’s going to be so jealous and what’s that hey Mis what are you oh my gosh it’s a those rats why are there rats in my place oh no they must be everywhere I need need to exterminate them now oh my gosh the rats the rats Milo what’s going on what are you talking about rats there’s rats in my restaurant oh my gosh Milo are you blowing up your KFC I have to get rid of all the rats oh my gosh wait Milo no don’t absolutely blow up your KFC that’s a terrible idea I will get zero Stars if there’s rats in my restaurants yeah Milo you’ll also get zero Stars if your restaurant is a crater oh man now I’ve got to rebuild everything but I think I got rid of all the rats uh yeah sure you did Milo there’s rats everywhere I got to set them on fire oh my gosh Milo this is crazy are you burning your rats I only just flew over now and haven’t been over your side in a while oh man there’s so many rats everywhere chip this is a disaster yeah it looks like a disaster okay Milo good luck with your rats I’m going to build the third story of my completely ratree McDonald’s I’m also going to add a little barricade at the front so no rat can get through a I wish my restaurant was rat free but hey after I’m done with them it will be rat free all right good luck Milo I’m going to get started on my epic third and final story on my third story I’m going to make a grand master suite for Village of Karen it’s going to be like a huge fancy hotel room that only she gets to stay in surely then she’ll rate my McDonald’s super duper high if she gets a big private Suite all to herself there’s no way she would rate it super duper low she might lie and say she thinks it’s bad but in the end of the day she’ll definitely rate it a five star I really hope that’s the case at least otherwise I could be toast the grandm suite is also going to be shaped like a giant McDonald’s M it’s going to be really really cool to see let’s make sure we build each one of these three blocks thick and we can also make sure that we build them nice and far out okay this is already looking really really good let’s just make sure we do the same thing on every single side it has to be symmetrical because it’s the big centerpiece of my McDonald’s it is going to be the number one thing that villager Karen will see when she looks at my build from the front if this is bad my entire build will be ruined and Village of Karen will be able to rate my build so low my McDonald’s never sees the light of day oh boy this better go really well let’s make sure we build this quite High because we want this private Suite to have really tall fancy ceilings villager Karen loves those honestly it might be one of the things she loves the most villager Karen loves fancy things even though she does sometimes complain about them it’s only so that she can secretly get more free fancy things she can be really tricky like that but we’re a little too smart for her tricks she will not be able to fool me like that there is no way I’m way too smart to fool for it look now we can place the final few blocks of this giant McDonald’s M and H this isn’t all I plan on building here now that we built the front McDonald’s M it is time to make sure it extends really far back and we could would place every block ourselves but that would take a really long time and I think we’re in a little bit too much of a rush to worry about that that is why we are going to use weld edit but a different kind of weld edit first we need to use a wooden axe to take a little bit of a chunk off the corner then if we build up with red and leave one piece of red Concrete in the corner here we can use our axe on this block too and type a little handy command I like to cool stack now if we type stack 10 wo the McDonald’s M instantly goes 10 blocks longer let’s continue but this time instead of 10 we’ll do about 17 okay we are only two blocks off that means we need to type stack 19 and the McDonald’s M will perfectly land exactly where we want it to wo this is looking so good I really like this now we need to get rid of that big red concrete line that we left in the corner perfect this is looking so good but right now it’s just two rooms we need to make one Grand Suite so we’ll need to dig a little bit through one of the m in the middle okay this is looking great now we’ll just make sure this is a nice super fancy Archway they don’t call McDonald’s the golden arches for nothing next we’ll also need to make sure we add a bunch of red concrete on the inside here this is just going to frame the m a little bit better to make it look so much more fancy and really complex villager Karen likes builds that are super duper fancy or builds that feel super duper fancy oh wow yes that definitely looks way better let’s do the same thing on this side to make sure that my McDonald’s m is perfectly symmetrical we’re just going to place a bunch of red stained glass in this window to make sure it looks really really good we’ve got to fill the whole thing up villager Karen does not like the outside or the inside but she hates the outside even more that’s why we need to make sure that this part of the McDonald’s stays inside let’s also make sure we add red concrete so we know where the walls of glass are going to be for every other part of this build H first before we build it though we are going to need to build villager Karen the fanciest bed we have ever made all right this bed is going to look pretty cool I think it’ll also have to be kind of towards the middle just like this we’ll also need to make a big McDonald’s M this is going to be an M made out of marble quartz which is so fancy okay this is looking pretty good right now and we’ll just add some quartz going either side like this hey this does kind of look like an M maybe we can make it look like a fancy m not like a totally realistic one that makes things a lot easier for me now we’ll place a little bit more quartz on the front side here just like that and we’ll also make sure to grab some beds for her I think she really likes red beds the most yep those are definitely her favorite now let’s grab some more slabs of smooth quartz and just put them along the front like this wo this really does look fancy but it can be even fancier let’s add some yellow carpets all the way around the edge because she loves red yellow and white that’s actually part of the reason why I wanted to build a McDonald’s instead of a KFC she loves the colors of McDonald’s so much it’s kind of perfect and she also loves book shelves not because she likes to read Village of Karen actually hates reading and books and most other things but she loves to leave negative reviews and she always goes back and reads her negative reviews after she writes them that is why we need to build her giant bookshelves where she can keep all of her evil negative reviews of every place she goes maybe she’ll be so happy from writing and reading all her own negative reviews she’ll rate this place really happy just as a thank you it’s a little far-fetched but I don’t know anything could happen when your McDonald is this amazing hey Milo what are you building is your last attempt to add something to your KFC to make sure villager Karen really enjoys it not telling what you’re not telling me Milo are you just keeping it a secret yeah big secret what about the fire outside that doesn’t seem very secret to me there’s fire outside oh man I forgot to put it out after I was burning the rats yeah I remember that Milo it just happened but now you can put the fire out to make sure villager Karen does not think your KFC is on fire yeah that would be pretty bad yeah it would be terrible she would absolutely hate it instead of burning down my own restaurant I’m going to spend my time adding some really cool decorations to mine I’m adding some really fancy cets and wait a second I just gave myself a really good idea here I’m going to place two McDonald’s M’s next to each other they’re going to be the carpet design wao this already looks really fancy but let’s make sure we do the same on this side too hey this already looks so cool let’s make this Archway a little bit bigger I want to make sure it is the same size on both sides so it can be extra super big and Grand for Village of Karen to walk through and rate super highly now that we’ve made Double McDonald’s M as the carpets on the floor we need to add a couple more bedside tables now I think the red ones work perfectly here we’ll add some over on this side and because villager Karen can never get enough we’ll add so many of them this is probably the biggest bedside table ever and we should also probably add some on this side villager Karen will definitely complain if there’s only one Direction full of bedside tables even though that’s ridiculous and nobody wants that many bedside tables she’ll probably just complain about it anyway we need to make sure our McDonald’s is so good there is nothing for Village of Karen to complain about even if she really wants to now let’s try and add some yellow lamps to the sides of these tables just like this and we can even turn them all on this way they’ll be really well lit oh wait I think they already were on and I was just turning them off whoopsies now they are all on exactly as we intended now we also need to add something that’s really fancy we are going to add real chandeliers to our McDonald’s and they’ll only be here in villager Karen’s very own personal bedroom okay we’ll add one over here and then we’ll need to make sure we add one on the other side we’ll just use these chains to bridge across and quickly place it I think here’s the right spot yeah that is the right spot now let’s just place a couple more chandeliers because you can never have too many chandeliers when you’re this fancy villager Karen loves chandeliers she likes them because she can sort of see her own reflection in some of the shiny bits on them and the brighter they get the easier it is for her to see her own reflection in mirrors she really loves the way she looks She’s always looking at herself in the mirrors oh that reminds me we need to add some mirrors in her room as well that way she’ll be able to see herself and the only thing she would ever rate higher than a perfect McDonald’s experience is her own reflection so the more mirrors we add the higher she will rate this place okay these chandeliers are looking really good we now need to add some mirrors but not just any mirrors we need to add Royal wall mirrors wow these are so fancy we’ll add some really high off the ground but then we’ll add some that are a little bit shorter villager Karen would never admit but these are actually the right heypee for her she just likes to pretend she’s really really tall next we will make a huge yellow carpet go around the corner of this room because we’re about to make a super cool pool in here let’s grab some smooth quartz slabs and some smooth quartz stairs and just start placing them around all right this is looking really good and we can just just line them all the way around the edge of where the pool will be oh boy this is about to be the best McDonald’s experience ever we’ll put some quartz slabs here now one thing about Village of Karen is even though she loves pools she can’t really swim she just doesn’t tell anyone and she wants to pretend that she can that is why this pool needs to be really shallow otherwise villager Karen will get very stressed and she’ll rank the pool really really low okay this is looking really good now I need to finish building these windows before we add the final element to our McDonald’s before villager Karen arrives at the front here we going to show villager Karen that our McDonald’s is organic she will only eat food if it is organic so if we don’t make everything into it oh boy she won’t even eat here that is a one-way ticket to getting a zero star rating so we’ll just add some nice Farms here that she will definitely enjoy walking by these Farms are going to grow things like wheat and potatoes potatoes are really important for McDonald’s fries and the wheat is really important for the Buns we also will need to have sections of these Farms where we have cows and chickens but unlike Milo we’re also going to need to have sections of these farms for cows and chickens but unlike some people we’re actually going to put our animal farms in the very back where people don’t really have to look at them at the front here though we definitely will still add our potatoes and our wheat Farms just like this okay this is looking pretty nice we’ll just add our potatoes too and we just need to add a little bit of red going all the way around these Farms this will definitely complete the look all right come on let’s add this conrete Milo I think villager Karen is about to show up I heard screaming down the road and it must be from her nobody likes her especially not on her birthday where she’s extra crazy oh my gosh I can’t believe she’s coming come on Milo we got to get ready we only have a couple more moments to build our final elements before she shows up look Milo see she’ll arrive in 5 minutes I can’t believe she sent out a notice to everyone she’s so crazy it is insane that she announces her own arrival to a McDonald’s oh man this is freaking me out I can’t believe it I don’t really feel very prepared yeah Milo you probably should have prepared instead of burning rats around your McDonald’s well it’s not my fault there were rats I don’t know Milo maybe if you didn’t build out of dirt there wouldn’t be rats all right I’ve even added a giant McDonald’s m to the front of my McDonald’s that way if she’s driving past she will know exactly which restaurant to go to First and we both have restaurants with a sign now I just need to quickly build some farms in the back here for some cows and some chickens all right this is really good now we’ll just need to make sure we actually spawn down the animals inside all right this can be the cow pen and over here maybe we’ll have the chicken pen let’s use the same design that we just did over there that one looked really really nice the chicken pen can be the same size as the cow pen because I think all the animals should be really really happy here all right this is great now we’ll spawn down some chickens in oh gosh I still need to make a birthday cake for Karen it’s not a birthday McDonald’s right now it’s just a party McDonald’s all right I need to go and make Village of Karen a big birthday present and I think I know exactly where to put it we’ll put it right over here in the middle of her bedside table all right we’ll add a couple more lamps over on this side so we can really make this cake absolutely epic okay hopefully this double triple Tea cake should be fancy enough for her we’ll also wrap some signs around it so it can have a nice little presentation all right we’ll put Cherry signs so it’s wrapped up in a nice little bow all right this is really good now we’ll also add one red and one yellow candle because these are McDonald’s cakes after all okay perfect we’ll also need to put down an item frame with a flint and steel inside this way we can light the cakes when villager Karen shows up to sing her her very own happy birthday now we also didn’t even get her a present so I’m going to make a sign saying that her present this year is going to be free food we’ll also need to make a glowing sign that has yellow ink on it that way she will definitely see it and she won’t miss the sign at all okay I think she’s about to arrive this is bad all right Milo she’s coming make sure you’re ready in your stations ready to serve anything she might want okay hi oh Milo Karen has arrived for her birthday party look there she is with her whole family oh my gosh they’re so intimidating oh no look there she is okay it’s time to be on our best behavior hello miss Karen happy birthday I see you’re 145 you don’t look a day over 140 all right now why don’t you come inside my McDonald’s with your family oh I see you might need some extra stepping steps for your kids let me grab some and put them down for you I want every single one of your family to be able to come inside my McDonald’s it’s a very excellent restaurant and there’s no need to speak to the manager I’m the manager around here all right welcome everybody now here is the ordering section there is so much to order and I have a feeling you will totally enjoy your time ordering here what would you like today miss Karen her husband wants a chicken nugget meal with a cocacola oh my goodness uh yes right away I can definitely get that for you okay what’s a chicken nugget meal okay I think it involves chicken nuggets and a fries and I think it also needs a Coca-Cola luckily I also have a Coca-Cola machine let me just warm this up for you miss Karen well goodness I got to rush though we’re running out of time all right now it should be warm all right here you go here is one fries one chicken McNuggets and one Coca-Cola for your husband to enjoy is there anything else I can get for you oh granny Karen wants three Burger meals with McFlurries yes right away miss Karen oh wow three Burger meals that’s a lot all right I think that means three fries I’ll need to pick them up okay I’ll set those three fries to be cooking while I go and grab some burgers H we need to grab the right Burger not a fileo fish we’ll throw that one away and is this the right Burger yes hamburgers that’s perfect all right we’ll grab three hamburgers we’ll just make sure we put them down here now we’ll pick up our fries and just cook our hamburgers a little bit now she also wants them with McFlurries we need to go over to the freezer here in order to get the McFlurries I believe there we go okay now every single one of them needs a McFlurry so we need to grab three okay this should definitely be enough all right here you go miss Karen here is your three hamburger meals with McFlurries of course I really hope your granny enjoys wow chip you just did that order really quickly yeah I totally did I have a feeling this is going really well now miss Karen is there anything else I can get for you before I give you a tour of the McDonald’s whoa her and her kids want 10 chicken burger meals three Big Macs five nugget meals and two Happy Meals that’s insane I mean yes right away miss Karen okay first we’ll get the two Happy Meals right over here okay that should be enough now how much was it 10 Big Mac oh goodness this is going to be crazy 1 2 3 4 5 oh no I think I’m losing count who I’m throwing smokers everywhere this is not good oh no come on I’ll put the Big Max down to cook a little more and we’ll grab three final ones okay this should be enough I think I have four here and 11 uh you know what she can get a free one although H if I count wrong she will get very mad let’s throw away these extra items and continue focusing on the meal hey Milo I’m struggling to remember was it 10 Big Macs or 10 chicken burgers that she wanted CH but was 10 chicken burgers oh no I can’t believe I forgot thanks for telling me that Milo and not letting me forget now I’m totally going to get a really high ranking let me throw away these extra Big Macs okay now I need a bunch of chicken burgers but uh-oh we have fish burgers do we even have chicken burgers oh no this is really bad quick chip she’s tapping her foot I think she’s waiting for so long oh no this is really bad let me check the freezer and see if we have any chicken burgers what okay no there’s none in there oh I know I’ll have to check the drive-through section oh boy this feels really familiar okay maybe there’s chicken burgers in here oh yes there are all right chicken burgers I think that’s 10 chicken burgers we need okay that should be a good amount and was there anything else I’m missing right now come on chip think it was something something chicken related oh I know it was five Chicken McNugget meals 1 2 3 4 5 okay that’s five nuggets but we still need to get five fries in order to make it a meal and oh no they didn’t tell me what drink they wanted I guess I have to guess exactly which one they would like I can’t ask questions to miss Karen otherwise she’ll be really mad oh no there are four different drinks to choose from which one would she like the most Fanta iced tea Sprite or Coca-Cola H I think I know exactly which one I’m going to get I’m going to give Village of Karen five coca-colas oh boy I really hope this is enough all right Miss Karen here you go five Chicken McNugget meals with fries and coca-colas as well as 10 chicken burgers not to mention two Happy Meals and three Big Macs I really hope you enjoy it and that I got your order correct what the what I can’t believe you actually got all of it CH wow I did that’s amazing well then Village of Karen it’s time for you to get a really amazing tour around this McDonald’s you were the first person to get this tour nobody else has been allowed here so why don’t you come upstairs I’m sure you’ll really really like it your husband granny and all your kids are also very welcome to come as well although they can sit down here if they like there’s so much food for them to enjoy he look all the little kids are coming upstairs wow this is amazing and Village Karen you’ll notice that there are go-karts here you can race any of them that you’d like yeah do you want me to give a demonstration uh yeah why don’t you and Village Karen race the go carts oh yeah boy this is awesome oh this is so exciting I can’t wait to see this all right now stand back kids these go-karts can be a little bit quick oh they’re on the road Milo you might have to watch out for them yeah all right I’ll drive around them all right on your marks get set go wow I’m saing W you guys are really good at this come on Milo you can’t let villager Karen fall off otherwise she’ll be really mad at me oh wow this is so close and oh no she totally fell off hang on Village of Karen don’t worry I’ve got you oh wow look she made it back up this is incredible she’s doing a bunch of drifts around the corner and look she’s on the final stretch she’s almost at the finish line and wa she came second but she totally did it good job villager Karen what chip what’s next next is the super cool bow and arrow section the kids are having so much fun playing in the giant piles of chicken nuggets but here you go Viller Karen a free bat and a bunch of arrows for you to use you just have to hit the targets over there and you can have so much fun doing it as well all right villager Karen why don’t you try shooting the french fries with your bow she’s really doing it check it out waa oh no she didn’t make it in the bullseye hang on let me just quickly fix that for her all right and wow villager Karen look you made a bullseye very good job oh my gosh uh if you would just look over there for one second there’s something over there okay let me fix this one too now I just need to hit a bullseye so she feels really good about herself oh wow villager Karen look you hit a bullseye good job you’re very good at archery now why don’t we put the bows and arrows back in the chest and I can show you what’s up upstairs what chip what’s upstairs I don’t even know what’s up there well wait and see Milo look if you come right up here you will find a very private Suite just for you villager Karen nobody else has ever been allowed up here your husband and Granny can come up too if they like here is your very own personal pool you’ll notice it’s very shallow so you don’t have to worry about drowning wow I think she likes it yeah she totally does and what she’s going to like even more is over here this is your very own Grand Master room in the McDonald’s you get to stay here for as long as you like and it’s completely free wow this is crazy yeah it totally is oh Milo stop turning on and off the lights you’re going to make villager Karen angry maybe that’s my goal no way well villager Karen because it is your 145th birthday I have a little surprise for you here is your very own triple story double birthday cake and we’ll light the candles happy birthday villager Karen W chip this is our awesome I’m going to eat all the food no way vill Karen you also have a present it is free food from McDonald’s as long as you like you also get to stay here forever what the what that’s crazy um I got to do something ah hey villager cin ah you should come see my KFC wait a minute Milo she will in just a second first she needs to rank what she thought of my McDonald’s oh no um you should rank it really low vill k no way I really hope she ranks it super high oh she’s trying to make her decision she’s looking around to see exactly what I’ve built for her oh my goodness it is All or Nothing Milo it all comes down to this oh my gosh what’s she going to say wao she says Chip’s final score is a five out of five wow that is the highest she has ever ranked any restaurant ever what the what oh man but it doesn’t really matter because I’m feeling very very confident about my restaurant I don’t know come on everybody let’s go see what Milo’s KFC is like I wonder if it’s going to be good enough to beat my epic score hello welcome to my KFC waa Milo this is looking um certainly something are you sure villager Karen’s going to even set foot in here yep look she’s coming inside now come on vill cevin oh Milo don’t rush her you know how she takes her time with things and oh she’s found the chickens uh-oh this is pretty crazy and oh Milo you made a birthday chest yeah I did but that’s F oh okay villager Karen don’t check out the birthday chest just yet instead what is this Milo this is my swamp Pond Milo why have you made a swamp inside your KFC well you see we had a little issue with the rats and then I had to blow everything up so I thought I’d just put a pond in instead of rebuilding Milo one of the frogs just jumped at Village of Karen’s kid oh that’s a bit bad but time to order the F okay I really hope you’re serving chicken legs and not frogs legs here nuh I would never St to frog legs okay perfect all right I’m excited to see how this goes I wonder what villager Karen’s going to order hell villager Karen what can I get for you at Myer’s KFC um she says her husband wants a burger and a fries H okay let me just get some things um yes that’s very good and uh yes that’s very good as well here you go Viller Ken wao wait a minute Milo that’s not Burgers and Fries that’s raw chicken and raw potatoes you can’t be serving that people that’s just what I have here um is there anything else you would like Karen she says that her granny wants a chicken bucket and burger with chips and orange soda oh man that’s quite a lot of stuff vill you Karen just going to check the furnaces real quick yeah that’s a lot to remember you better hope that you have enough stuff to give her for that Milo M I got plenty um ham with the potatoes here the orange soda and what Milo that is not orange soda that’s lava what that’s what she asked for pretty much no Milo she did not ask for lava where did you get that from there’s the bread and some cooked chicken what Milo she ordered a chicken bucket Burgers chips and an orange soda not lava potatoes and raw chicken and bread okay is there anything else you want cin oh wait her kids want three chicken buckets two Wings four fries and four Diet Mountain Dews oh my gosh that’s too much oh what am I going to do this is too much just take it all take it all Miss yeah oh my gosh Milo she’s not rubbing you why are you throwing ketchup at her oh my gosh Milo don’t freak out she’s going to rank you really low you haven’t given her anything she’s asked for M well it’s pretty much fine because this went really well actually in my opinion what Milo are you sure about that mhm and now I have a present for kin and also an extra present oh okay well why don’t we all take a look and see what Milo’s gotten for you oh no Milo the kids are in the trash hey that’s really annoying you kids are naughty well Milo I guess if you feed them raw chicken it’s probably safer for them to eat in the trash okay everyone time for the present first of all Ken would you like to open up the chest okay I’m excited to see what’s in here and Milo this is just seeds yeah that’s my favorite thing ever oh Milo that’s only your favorite thing villager Karen is a human and she does not like seeds at all uhuh Everyone likes seeds no M chip enough of the negativity Ken I’ve got an extra special surprise for you have a look at this Milo that’s wheat wait are you throwing wheat sugar and milk at her yeah it’s a cake Milo that’s a bake it yourself cake nobody wants to go home and bake a cake yeah they do and I think I won I’m really excited to see what my rating is because I’m feeling very confident oh I can’t wait to see what villager Karen ranks your KFC Milo a look she’s looking at my playground I wonder if she really likes it I don’t know Milo if villager Karen is not able to do your parkour she won’t rate your restaurant very high at all now Viller Ken can you give me my rating please oh my gosh I’m really nervous to see what she rates this I hope she rates it so low that I win I’m going to win I’m going to win Milo villager Karen rates your KFC a 0.5 out of five hooray that means I win a yay I’m running away so I don’t want to work for you Milo come back you’re going to have to work for me forever [Music]

McDonalds vs KFC Noob vs Pro Build Challenge in Minecraft! Who will win, Milo or Chip? And what happens when Villager Karen wants to speak to the manager!

#minecraft #minecraftbuild #miloandchip


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