Let’s Play Terraria | The BEST start to Terraria Hardmode EVER?! (Episode 26)

hello everybody my name is Python and welcome back to the let’s play last episode of course we took down the wall of flesh not just once though we took it down four times one with each class so yeah we took it down with a summmer class a mage class a rer class and of course a melee class so as a result we are now in hard mode in our let’s play we have the prehard mode areas filled in for our class Museum but since we are up the start of hard mode and we don’t really have any gear just yet I think what I’d like to do is temporarily go back to our Mage set here we’re going to whip back out the gray zapinator do we also want to have this bad boy as well yeah I think that’ be a nice idea and just so we’re squeezing out the maximum amount of damage we’re looking for a menacing sorcerer emblem because that my friends will give was a grand total of 19% increased magic damage as opposed to only 15% so 70 magic damage and 21% crit chance with the gray zapinator and 32 damage and 16% crit chance with the water ball might it be worth trying to get mythical on a water bolt I think so wow that took a crazy amount of time but there we are 32 magic damage and now 21% crit chance and now only nine Mana use usage so the first thing I want to do in today’s episode is something that was suggested by you guys and it’s one of those things where I’ve thought to myself why haven’t I done this sooner basically we’re going to whip out all of these Quest fish here wait can we that’s interesting I can’t do loot at all if we already have a certain kind of quest fish nor can I do shift click to put them in my inventory huh but something that I really hope they’ve thought about for 1.4.5 so yeah weirdly you can shift click these things into the chest you can shift click one of them out and then the rest of them you can’t that is interesting isn’t it but yeah I’m sure you guys know where I’m going with this we’re going to move all of these Quest fish over to the ocean and like I say it’s just one of those things I don’t know why I didn’t do it sooner there we go our Quest fish have now all been moved over to our little Beach Resort here okay so let’s see what the quest is for today it’s the Slime fish and what do you know we pop on into one of these chests grab one out hand it in and we get ourselves some crate potions so yeah a big thank you to those of you folks who have been reminding me that that’s something I should do and honestly yeah I should have done it way sooner really eh one thing I will remember to do though my friends is to say a massive thank you for all of the amazing support throughout these episodes in in this series I really appreciate all of the love in the form of the comments subscriptions and likes lately how about this for a big brained plan for today’s episode fishing for the crystal serpent hey that would be a pretty boss idea I mean it’s not like we don’t have ourselves a truly overpowered fishing load out and indeed a hallowed Lake why would we not do that for any of you guys who don’t know the crystal serpent is one of the alltime great Mage weapons that you can obtain early on in hard mode and in fact you’re encouraged to do so because it’s just so powerful it’s ridiculous I just realized we should probably make sure we’ve got some sort of summon on us as well right just so we can you know maximize our damage that’ll be a good idea so out come the Imp dudes now what we make our way over to the hallowed Lake I just want to remind you folks that if you are still enjoying these videos and you want continue seeing more do be sure to head down beneath the video and spend a second to drop a like it only takes a second to do it’s totally free as well it massively helps out the channel my friends it helps get these videos out there on YouTube and just all in all I’d very very much appreciate it of course hit the Subscribe button if you’re new around here and you don’t want to miss out on my future content if you do want to go on further with your support though don’t forget all through the month of May 2024 you can get a whopping 10% off my range of Apex gaming PCs when you head on over to python gb.com / PC and use code python if you on the market for some terrarian merch though head on over to Terraria do shop and use code python for a whopping 15% off your order so without further Ado we’re getting right on with this thing my friends I’m looking exclusively for crate prismite that’ll be a nice thing to get in plentiful amounts of course and of course the beauty that is the crystal serpent when you realize you didn’t put the toilet down nor have you switched on over to your fishing load out uh yeah that would probably work a bit better for us look at that prismite princess fish not too interested in the princess fish if I’m being honest now I am one determined Pythor here my friends I am not going to stop until we get the crystal serpent I want it so badly it’s such a brilliant weapon I like how my imp dudes are just Inside My Little Shelter here with me not even bothering to try and take on the uh Pixie out there I mean are you guys going to do anything maybe if I resummon them in we might endure better luck yeah now they’re going to town my friends well one of them is look at this guy stop being lazy man get out there oh and now neither of them are doing anything again Lady of the Lake I think we’re just caught a painting folks that’s kind of cool ooh a Divine crate 600 p.m. is rolling up we should get ourselves oh my God 254 fishing power that is insane oh my God Divine crate and another Divine crate and another Divine crate and another Divine crate what we just got four in a row what are the numerical odds of that happening that has got to be astronomic rare surely titanium crate yeah baby now we’re getting into the big time I don’t think I’ve ever been so hyped to be fishing in Terraria but when you’ve got upwards of 250 fishing power you just feel absolutely bleeding Unstoppable don’t you zepher fish pet [Music] yeah we’re done it my friends the crystal serpent is in our possession I think what we’re going to do is we’re just going to make usage of of the remainder of our potions here and then we’ll call it there for now and we’re back up to well over 200 fishing power for this next morning unfortunately I don’t have a great deal of potions left so I might do a little bit of a speed round leading up to 6:00 a.m. which I think will be the end of the highest natural fishing power so yeah we’re not going to have Sona but we’re still going to catch everything so here we go prismite what’s next more prismite uh ladies and gentlemen speed round about to come to a close and there we are fishing power has been reduced ladies and gentlemen we’ve not done bad though have we really we haven’t there’s the crystal serpent the almighty that’s what we’re looking for more than anything but check out the Staggering amount of crates we’ve got 40 52 what’s that 64 we got 70 crates from 16 minutes total of fishing that is some craziness so here we are my friends the reason why you catch prismite in your worlds to have access to these is going to make boss battles and taking down events so much easier 20% Max life on top of what we already have it’s not bad is it so how’s about a little bit of a speed unboxing we’re just going to spam open these things see what we manag to get a good amount of stuff actually good amount of potions we’ got ourselves an anchor in there a ruthless one coming in at a whopping 86 damage next up are the mithil crates from these are we going to get anything decent a few hard mode ores we’ got the Falcon blade I think we’ve already got that though and now for the almighty my friends titanium crat giving up a bunch of Adamantite 2 Life Crystals not too bad I guess but look at this 12 Divine crates let’s open these bad boys up and see what we get a fairly all right amount of stuff a few more hard mode ORS and bars Crystal Shards Souls of light that’s going to be a nice little Supply to be getting on with EH time to start our hard mode stuff’s chest starting off with some Crystal Shards and Souls of light you love to see it all right let’s see what we can make with all of the various awesome bars that we have managed to obtain so far check it out my friends we can actually make ourselves a mithil or oricalcum Anvil quite why one of these hard mode anvils takes more bars to make than the other remains to be seen but needless to say I’ve gone for the mythal Anvil so let’s go and put this bad boy down let’s quickly make ourselves a bunch more hard mode bars and now we can see what we can make with all of our fished up bars we got oricalcum bits and Bobs here oricalcum sword very nice ooh I don’t know what I want to make if I’m being honest with you I feel overwhelmed right now maybe a pickaxe ah I would have needed only one literally One More oricalcum Bar and then I would have been able to make myself an oracal pickaxe Ah that’s frustrating I could probably do a tiny bit more fishing but I could also go ahead and you know break some alters and of course don’t worry for all of you sort of older Terraria players in a relatively recent 1.4 update I don’t know which one it was they made it to the point where even if you smash Alters you will not have random evil blocks spreading through your world so you can smash Alters to your heart’s content now so you know what that’s exactly what I’m going to go ahead and do my friends why not wait wait wait hang on it’s a new daytime though let’s see what the next Quest is uh fishotron pretty darn sure I’ve got that no that’s a bone fish uh in this one there we are I knew I had one what do we got more fishing potions sweet so next little odd job let’s see if we can’t squeeze out a little bit more damage from the crystal serpent here ah that was Izzy there it is 67 magic damage and 21% crit chance now the reason this is far more of a competitive weapon compared to the gray zidor is of course you know it’s going to be that damaged no matter what whereas it’s only a chance that the projectiles from the gray zapinator will do a crazy amount more damage I mean to be fair I don’t know maybe they’re more on sort of level peggings I don’t know maybe we need to put up like some Target dummies or something here we are a little bit of a weapons testing area my friends I’m pretty sure that imps won’t make a difference to our DPS but I’m still going to get get rid of them nonetheless so we are looking at the DPS counter what is the gray zapinator capable of uh yeah like I say it’s sort of all over the place the projectiles but some of them will do an insane amount of damage but just looking at it in terms of averages I’m seeing I don’t know not a lot sometimes 350 to over 500 sometimes in terms of the crystal serpent so it has the best chance at hitting multiple targets I think we start from the middle here and go from there yeah look at that 700 800 plus 900 damage per second I think I saw that for a minute yeah it’s definitely a more consistently High DPS isn’t it the crystal serpent I mean for goodness sake the gray zapinator is a prey hard mode weapon and it can still nearly keep up with the crystal serpent that is mad isn’t it so then ladies and gentlemen it’s all smashing time let’s get this thing underway shall we what do we got we’ve got Palladium we’ve got oricalcum and we’ve got titanium the newer trifactor of ORS certainly plenty of RS hey I always forget you get a mass spamming of R spawns when you go ahead and bulk smash altars another alter and another alter did you see how far that wraith got knocked back wow another alter and another alter and yet another alter bring on the ravs loving the damage that my crystal serpent is doing it’s kind of gnarly isn’t it oh what’s that you need some more altars on top of those altars and now for the double conjoined antill here my friends wait you’re seriously telling me I haven’t explor the underground part of this double thingy that’s hilarious wow look at the size of the giant area we’ve got here I don’t think we needed to dig out that big old box Farm my friends this seems to be perfectly sufficient for farming for now though the goal is Crimson alter smashing so let’s keep it going with another five Alters taken out of the game one two 2 three 4 oh my God five oh we’re about to get swapped way okay we’ve got six seven and eight that is an insane amount of HS just for one little Avenue if we don’t get at least one hard mode accessory from all of these raids there’s probably something wrong look at the mor oh this is some craziness my friends some absolute craziness all right and time to finish them off and there we have it they’re all done and dusted I have definitely taken down upwards of 20 Alters so far and there is still another Crimson to go through quick little question before we wind up smashing some more altars do we or do we not have an alter that is nearby one of our bases uh yeah we do okay so the there’s actually one down there there’s one down there as well so yeah I won’t feel too guilty about going ahead and smashing all the altars in this Crimson here and ladies and gentlemen here we are probably the last alar I am going to break at least for now oh look at this my friends the underground hallow isn’t that far away from the farming box I made a few episodes ago so at some point I dare say this box is going to be overcome with Hall perhaps I don’t know I guess at some point we’re going to have to do some work down here huh maybe get the rest of the farming boxes made all right so here’s what I think I want to do just to finish off today’s episode I’m going to do another little fishing session with the goal of getting as many crates as humanly possible only I want to make myself an orac calcum or mythal pickaxe just from fishing only that would be kind of amazing eh to maximize our product productivity though might be an idea for us to finally do some fishing in the Crimson we can get heo piran which I believe can make was it rage potions and those bad boys give you 10% additional crit chance no matter what weapon you’re using I mean at the end of the day my friends if we’re going to do this we’re going to try and do this well all right so whipping out the iron bars I’m going to make myself a toilet for additional fishing power and then we’re going to get ourselves over there so let’s try and make ourselves a safe haven down there just need to expand this area here a bit and then it should wind up being a fly functional water body to the point where we don’t wind up catching junk items only we don’t want that to be in the loot pool here all right we’re sat on a toilet right now let’s buff on up and let’s do this thing he my piranha there we are oh a second one as well very good a third one in a row now I could be wrong when I say this but I believe Crimson tiger fish are used in the creation of what is it heartreach potions I’d like to say I’m 90% sure that’s right but you know it’s that little doubt in the back of your head it’s enough to make you doubt yourself isn’t it green jellyfish is that a jellyfish we already have or no I seem to remember reading on the wiki there’s three types of jellyfish that you can catch you’ve got I think a pink one a blue one and the green one the green one I think is the one caught in hard mode we can finally start populating our little fishing Museum thingy we were going to have a bunch of fishing related Critters in crates worker we in the ocean pylon build right so yeah maybe it’s finally time to stop populating that place huh random side note look at that fishing power again 224 it’s good you know what genuinely I don’t know if I’m just being like incredibly lucky here but I have only had bass pop up maybe 10% of the time the rest of the time it’s all been stuff by one like look at that we’ve got a pearwood crate a mythal crate bombfish I mean yeah sometimes I get it sometimes I don’t right now I’m not overly fussed but there we are we got a hemo pirana Crimson tiger fish you know all of this stuff it’s stuff I’d like turns out fishing in the Crimson might just be one of the all time best places to go fishing and here we are my friends about to come to a close our little fishing session here and there we are just about done so we captured and opened a grand total of 70 crates earlier we’ve got what 34 here that would bring up to 43 that would bring up to 47 so all in all opening up these next crates here we would have opened up more than 100 crates in today’s episode episode hey that is kind of Bonkers ah yeah so check it out pink jellyfish Blue Jellyfish and there’s the green jelly fish right was I right I was Crimson tiger fish for heartreach potions you got to love it and then here’s the rage potions as well hemo piranas fantastic so let’s quickly finish this thing off with again a mass unboxing mythal crat resulting in oh we got the tartar source and finally the tit tanium and biome crates let’s speed this thing along yeah oh I didn’t even notice it I was longing for this bad boy for a long long time we finally have it the enchanted sow capable of course of skipping days and nights looks like we’ve got ourselves some iore and Souls of Knight out of all of that as well so with all of that sorted out my friends it is time to see if we have the resources requ wow wait hang on is that enough orac calcum bats for a full set of armor let’s have a look shall we so it’s 12 + 24 that’s 36+ 18 that’s 54 we have enough bars for full set of or Calcom armor I wonder if I was to pop on over to the shimmeron and Chuck a few bars in here I’m hoping I might be able to get myself some Mythril if I Chuck the ores in there will they downgrade to mythal yeah they will oh no way oh we’re about to go big here my friends 17 mythal bars we needed only one more mythal bar I do believe in order to make ourselves the pickaxe so let’s get this thing rolling pop on up here and there it is the mythal pickaxe oh it only requires 15 bars huh okay that’s kind of cool all right and here we go with the full set of oric Calcom armor I am absolutely in disbelief that I could do this so question is what do we want to go for do we want to continue on with our Mage set I think so let’s go for it increases maximum Mana by 80 and we’ve got an 18% increased magical crit chance damn that is insane all right going from 32 defense up to 43 and look at that big old manaar now here we are a light mythal pickaxe this thing is going to be super Speedy at mining ladies and gentlemen to finish off the episode we have the comment of the day of course and we’re beginning to populate the class Museum now with comments of the day so for today we’ve got rogue rogue who simply asks the question how do you not get bored of this game well the harsh and honest truth is I do I mean I’m sure you guys have noticed recently that that there’s been a bit of a gap since the last terrari video on this channel and basically when that happens it’s usually because I’m trying to muddle through some sort of burnout I mean at the end of the day I’m human same as the rest of you folks so yeah I will get bored of the games that I play every now and again I mean for goodness sake I’ve been playing Terraria since 2011 13 years my friends if it was an entity in front of me it would be a teenager that’s insane to think about isn’t it so yeah do cut me just a teeny tiny bit of slack I know that running this Channel and indeed my Minecraft Channel it is my job but at the end of the day I’m Still Human I get burnt out I get bored of the games I play but at the end of the day my friends I always come back that is one thing you can rely on me to do I will always come back my friends so don’t worry about it so I really do hope that’s answered your question there buddy and really want to thank all of you folks for watching today’s video and indeed supporting this channel lately I really do appreciate the patience and kind words of support it truly means the well to me my friends if you have enjoyed today’s episode the first official episode in hard mode here do be sure to head down beneath the video let me know with a like I’d really appreciate it hit the Subscribe button and don’t forget to ding that Bell if you don’t want to miss out on my future content but for now thank you so much for watching have a fantastic rest of your day and I’ll see you guys in the next one bye-bye

Let’s Play Terraria – It’s the first episode of the Terraria Let’s Play in HARDMODE so let’s get to work on getting some decent gear… from fishing… like almost entirely from fishing!
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▶ Let’s Play Terraria World Seed
(Large World / Crimson World)
This works for Terraria 1.4.4 on PC/Steam. Unfortunately I can’t say for sure if the above seed will work on console/handheld versions. Please don’t spoil anything that’s in this world in the comments!

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This is Episode 26 of my Let’s Play Terraria series on Terraria 1.4.4!
#terraria #terrarialetsplay


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