FANTASTIC NEW Cozy Game, Stardew Valley IN SPACE ! Little Known Galaxy First Look

oh what’s going on every here welcome to another First Look a first 30 if you will a little known Galaxy now before you get into anything before you say anything this game looks like a stard valley in space and I got to say I love some stard Valley and I love face some space so we’re going to hop in check it out hopefully you’re all having wonderful day I’m having a fantastic day this game this game looks pretty adorable right now there’s a free demo you can check it out I’ll have link down below but let’s hop into a new game and let’s see what we got going on here so like I said it gave me the stard valley and space Vibes and I’m like that is a good combination for me in the near future humans have traveled into the universe uh Starships have expanded the horiz our Horizons and have brought friendships to new galaxies as a new captain in training you have just been given your first assignment to join a rundown Starship orbiting a desolate gray Planet your mission is to discover the secrets behind a mysterious Relic found on the planet surface but with the ship falling apart and no clues left to investigate the crew has lost hope of ever solving the mystery it’s up to you now Captain all right we got to do the things remember to support your crew follow your heart and always take care of each other oh such a wholesome cozy game you know cozy games are great for the soul they really are all right CPU hey there I’m CPU the handy dandy charismatic central processing unit for this very ship and what is your name oh it’s it’s it’s Z1 of course are you happy with this name yes I am welcome board Z One what a great name uh I’m just terrible I remember don’t be offended if I forget though I’m just terrible I remember names oh the ship has a name too what was it again uh Shippy mhip face oh it absolutely is Shippy mhip face tell me yes 100% what a wonderful first name yes absolutely absolutely I’m happy with that Shippy Mak ship face now that’s a spaceship all right let’s going straight into the data base also um I should store what you look like in my invent oh we get a little bit of a oh character customization oh this is super cool okay let’s see can we have a beard oh my God facial hair yes all right there’s our fancy looking person oh my gosh we got the hair we got the mus we got the beard we’re good to go save absolutely apply the changes fantastic looking great you know what thank you CPU I’m glad I’m glad you think so oh my gosh look at this Tada welcome to the bridge oh look at us looking at all the fancy things this is one of many deck levels on the ship if you find yourself at any time you can uh if you find yourself lost any time you can access a map of your ship in your space pack all right oh where are we going here’s a command center including your very own Captain chair you can use the captain chair navigate uh the ship to new destinations or check our progress while we’re in transit super duper comfy too so looks like we can move from place to place so it looks it sounded like and it looked like from what I saw that there were like uh basically like you could go down to the surface of the planet and do like some missions you know kind of like how in I’m going to compare a lot starty Valley I’m sorry it is what it is but you know how when you go like to um in the mines and stuff like that in starty Valley like it’s kind of like the same thing but you’re going like down to the planet surface and do and stuff so it’s kind of what it looked like I thought but I’m not 100% sure this elevator can be used quickly to move it to deck levels we have a lot of deck levels including okay all right I’m ready to get into this um lots of chitchat here I excited to check out everything that we have to offer though oh look at this welcome to the plaza deck the heart of a crew community so this must be where oh my gosh there’s things in disrepair over here so there’s like there’s like Community buildings and shops that we need to fix up get things going again for them oh this is cool Robert runs the General Store for purchasing supplies and most things you’ll need to keep the ship in Ship Shape all right Robert is expecting you later he wants to give you data on buying and selling items but I can wait on with the tour this must be our food place looks like a food place this is the chips canteen uh you can grab a bite to eat or spend time with the crew here chip should be here soon to open register and get things cooking I hear food is great but last time I tried it uh steuart had to Reser re circuit my processors since then he said I’m not allowed to join in anymore but moving on okay oh my goodness here we are the cargo hold oh look at that there’s like a little basketball court there there Chief mechanic uh runs machine jop is a great place for upgrading your tools and buying mechanical things he can also help you with larger upgrades to the ship when you want to make improvements oh cool so we can there’s like some ship upgrading too uh this is the this path right here leads to the shuttle Bay where your shuttlecraft is docked your shuttlecraft allows you to visit the surface of any Planet we’re orbiting I think you’re getting a sense of things uh yes okay cool oh what is this this looks like absolute disrepair and terribleness there’s like Farm stuff those are little farm plots and water and stuff oh my gosh this is your very own Captain’s deck it is located on the top of the ship next to the bridge well I guess it’s a bit of a mess right now this is just uh General wear and tear of what we’re looking at here we haven’t had a captain stick around for a while now so the area has seen better days uh any who uh now that you’re here you should Spruce it up a bit and last but not least why don’t you check on our new Captain’s Quarters oh my gosh so like this is like essentially like our farm if you will um but there was like some plots and stuff like that oh look here’s a little room okay what do you think it’s nice and clean uh I even had fresh sheets put on the bed feel free to get a pack check out your new digs just pop out of your quarters when you’re ready to start this fun okay cool um all right so there oh look at that okay here we are wow I feel like I’m super zoomed out though uh let’s zoom in a little bit okay I’m I’m in Zoom I’m Max zoomed now so let’s see what we got here oh this is super cute hope you’re all set in ready to get started I know your deck has seen better days and so I thought you could use this a handy resta restoration Ray yay we got a restoration Ray this tool can be used to clean up small uh damaged areas quickly to use it press and hold using tools takes energy so keep your on your energy bar uh and don’t overexert yourself in one day give it a try for yourself let me know if you have any questions when you’re done here head to the bridge next to meet our senior science officer she’s been eager to oh this is super cool okay so oh oh that makes I I think I like the sound but I’m a little worried about okay what is this planter does not accept this item oh my gosh I can’t wait to get into this stuff okay so what about this thing I’m going to guess that means they can’t fix it okay oh that’s just cool it sounds so funny it sounds so funny all right so I guess what we’ll do is we’ll just get this as much of this area right here cleaned up as possible and then um we’ll go to our our senior science officer and talk to them and we’ll try not to exert oursel oh it says right there upgraded tool required for the bigger boxes oh no we can fix that little hole in the deck right there okay this is this is adorable yep upgraded tool required okay we’ll just do what we can right here for now so there’s also a power thing here uh we’re drawing five power and we’re getting four so maybe that’s something we’re going have to look for in the future as well like you know some kind of power upgrade or something okay all right close enough on the power or on our energy let’s go and talk to what is this the bin bot station is empty oh is that where we’re going to sell stuff are we going to sell stuff there maybe um okay where does this take me does this take me to the bridge are we going to talk to our senior science officer now oh you must be our senior science officer wonderful I’ve been needing to talk to you uh I’m kayada Chief science officer and you’re second in command awesome glad you’re finally here because I can really use your help see that things on board are getting a little out of control progress of their mission is not going very well and the ship has been falling apart more and more every day we even had to close some areas off for ship safety and reasons uh the crew has been losing patience and are starting to believe things will to get worse as second command I believe uh a second in command I have been staying motivated but it’s harder and harder to inspire others why don’t you introduce yourself to the crew and see what you can make of everything uh you can find details on the crew in your crew tab when you’re ready come find me once you’ve had a chance to meet everyone thanks Captain talk to you soon okay so now we got to go talk to everybody and introduce ourselves the whole You Know M the town kind of thing um so now we should be able to hop into here and grow to Plaza this is adorable this is an adorable adorable game already this must be chip all right I’m going to go through and talk to everybody real quick all right so I’ve got three people left I need to meet and that’s it trying to see if I can figure out where they’re at um okay so we already talked to this person U there’s also these little shiny things around the ground that you just pick up and randomly just get stuff which is pretty cool uh so let’s go to the bridge of Captain Z I haven’t been there since we like left so maybe okay we already talked to him him there’s tons there’s 18 different people that we need to talk to um so I’m not going to go in like in depth or whatever whoever it is but you know we’ll just we’ll just we’ll figure them out how long we go um okay so there’s all of that that is okay what happens if I do this like what do we do here do you want to open the star map yes okay so like um okay there’s no there’s nowhere else to go right now but hey that is all right so our missions uh your Captain’s deck is looking rough us restoration to clean up the stuff goals complete return to CPU so we need to do that and then um I was trying to like I said trying to find the other three people but it’s kind of it’s kind of a trick um let’s go back to the plaza and see if we can find these three people I don’t even know who we’re looking for but I uh oh I don’t think I talked to her did I talk to you Lynn I don’t think I talked to you okay so you’re the botanist um hold on and then let’s see two more people I need to talk to Shinji and Sprout I already talked to you I already talked to you you talk to to you talk to you Shinji and Sprout H you’re the yoga you’re the fitness person who are you hey there’s somebody I’m not really part of the crew my family my family paid for my room to be on board so I’m just studying remotely no offense but I wish they would have picked a last rundown ship U okay so the last person I need to talk to is Sprout um I have no idea who that is I have absolutely no idea who Sprout is oh good evening Captain sorry for the intrusion but it’s 8:00 p.m. I forgot to tell you that every day at 8:00 p.m. we enter a night mode on the ship to mimic the daylight cycle for the crew and save power I’ll let you know when it’s officially lights out later though bye till then simulating night mode oh that’s cool so now it’s getting like dark that’s fun oh wait no that was that was the girl that was jump roping right I think so uh let’s go to Recreation I got to we got to find this we got to find Sprout you know what the problem is though it’s night everybody’s probably at home all right let’s go talk to CPU and let’s see if we can continue on all right let’s see H job fixing up the deck so far to restore areas that are too large for the restoration Ray check in with Edward in the Machine Shop uh you got 50 credits and 10 recycled Parts wonderful um introduce yourself to the crew okay so we we just have to do that all right so I’m going to go ahead and do some more cleaning up since we have a little bit more energy for the day and then um let’s see we do have a bin bot now as well which is where this stuff like we can put put whatever in here but I want to kind of figure out I don’t want to I don’t want to get get rid of anything yet because I don’t know what we need okay my energy is like immedi it’s terribly low so let’s go ahead and let’s sleep for the night and see what happen oh we have a message okay uh space alignments Captain assignment okay um thank you welcome on board thank you for joining the T family okay so Bas death death is super crazy what’s in here oh soft floor lamp recyc Parts oh this must be my is this a storage what does this do oh that enables me to just to click on that okay cool so now everything’s in there we’re going to go ahead and sleep and we’ll see what happens tomorrow binbot deposit active missions one gray Planet continue okay okay oh what do we got we got a new message all right let’s see what we got here uh Robert space pack just a reminder that space pack upgrades are still available at our shop uh you can add more oh the backpacks okay cool backpack upgrades are still available all right so let’s see what we got going on out here oh okay I want to know how we get more power up here and like can we move these things and stuff I’m curious I’ve been looking forward to meeting up with you with Captain’s deck as an abist and agricultural specialist on board I’ve been growing the bulk of the ship’s food crops to be honest it’s a big task but with your help I think we can do it together uh do you think you’ll make a good spaceship farmer yes I’ll help uh in any anyway can oh thank you so much well to produce anything you’ll first need to build machines which we have right here oh machines and decorations can be crafted on your workbench there are indoor machines like planters that will be marked with an indoor icon and outer hole machines like solar panels that will be marked with an outer hole icon these types of machines must be built on the outer hole [Music] oh here is a basic planter but Planters and machines won’t work with power you’ll see a power icon flash when it needs power let’s head to the outer hole and I’ll show you how to generate power ooh we’re going to the outer hole oh there’s like a the top area to generate more power uh just build another solar panel to collect all the solar energy around us the ship’s HUD power display will also help you keep track how much power you are generating how much power your machines are requesting here you can have the solar panel to get started what the heck are these these things you got a solar panel let’s head back inside and I’ll tell you more about plants this is cool all right now that your planter is powered just press on it while holding some seeds Okay see how it easy it is now you can have the rest of the potato seeds I just harvested this morning Lynn gave you five potato seeds planted seeds will need to be watered every day until they are ready for picking okay see the difference between a watered plant and a dry plant yes I see that has like a little little water thing on it now this is the watering pack I usually use all right you can get new sea types from Robert in the General Store also any extra crops you grow can be sold to gain credits as well bring me some of your potatoes when they’re ready and I’ll know you have the hang of things and thank you oh that’s super cool okay so now can I move them and organize them uh okay cool so hold on how did we get how did we get to the hole how hold on that was my bedroom um okay so what do we have in here we have aha solar panel planter recycler compost machine a furnace oh my gosh let’s go this is exciting um is the outer hole in here um okay so it’s not there it’s got to be it’s got to be over here somewhere okay how do we get how do we get to the outer hole is it this way space sh gravity boots human sizes only okay so if I go this way do you want to suit up and go to the outer hole yes okay this is what I want to do cuz we need power oh this is cool there’s like a little star stuck in here what are these needed an upgrade for that okay so let’s just do this let’s get this guy and I guess we’ll just place it hold on um actually can we fix this one we’ll start by fixing that and we’ll just place this right here plus four power oh that’s so neat wait can I take these down aha so that’s what I want to do I want to get things cleaned up and organized here yes I like it I like it okay so we have two these plant things are all weird all right so we got two of those guys what is this watering pack okay hold on can we move that to right here uh do I have an inventory i tab b c space pack put that right there okay uh ready to go back inside yes okay that’s so cool that we have like an outside area to like play around with that’s so neat I love it uh um so now we also have hold on actually can we I want to pick these Planters up and I want to move them all I don’t like how they’re just randomly placed you know what I mean um okay so let’s get that one there there okay so we’ve got those so now one 2 3 look at that and now we have to water them oh look at that happy little plants and then we can probably fill up here is there like a bar I didn’t notice a bar when we were Min when we were doing that stuff though all right so we got some potatoes we got some little little potato plants now what do we need for uh hold let me go back in here let me grab all my stuff that we thrw away into storage and I want to see what we get for um all right so we’re going to take stuff out so I don’t need that all right I don’t have a backpack yet so the backpack will give me another thing right here okay um so let’s go out here and let’s see what we can do I guess what we want to do is grow I guess we just want to grow stuff right now oh soil sample I don’t have that I guess we’re actually not doing anything right now okay never mind let’s go throw that back in storage um soil sample maybe we have to go down to the surface for that should we try to go down the surface and see like what’s up with that and then we also have the um there’s a backpack upgrade as well should we go down let’s go down and see what we got let’s see what we can do here um what’s actually what’s our mission right now introduce to the crew use a planner to grow seeds Okay so we’re working on that still working on introducing ourselves to the crew I need one more person uh let’s go to Plaza and see if we can find that one person all right I’m looking for sprout looking for somebody named Sprout I haven’t that I haven’t seen before oh let’s go in here and see what that backpack up the space pack upgrade is so let’s see space pack must be right here oo 500 oh not quite ready for that yet okay so Sprout I don’t see a sprout anywhere let’s see if we can go to the surface and see what happens because I feel like if I’m going to get well was I don’t think there’s soil samples in there wait I think this is my guy I don’t think I’ve talked to you yet no this is Stuart H interesting all right we’re going to to see if we can how do we go to the planet so what is this hey guys I’m looking for a few things real quick I’d rather now ask my dad can anyone help me out give me give one metal Locker to Jimmy D complete five oh that’s the okay so that’s like our board oh hold on a second actually what do we need to do to fix these things up does it if I click on these will it tell me what I need uh broken living cords maybe this can be repaired someday okay that just doesn’t that just says that hologram simulation facility looks very highte and broken maybe it can be maybe Edward can fix it bust the store Front Liv quarters maybe this can be repaired someday too okay yeah so it’s going to we’ll probably get missions and stuff like that eventually all right let’s see if we can go to Cargo and shuttle Bay and then we go this way I’m guessing to our shuttle and then if I go in here shinji’s Racer oh note Captain I’m L I’m installing the L firware update on the shellow craft it should be available soon Edward oh okay so we can’t go there yet it doesn’t want me to go to the surface quite yet it wants me to do some other things first gotcha I guess we’ll go and grab this stuff three hardware parts yay wait who’s this is that Sprout no um darn that’s not Sprout you’re not Sprout we already talked to you I feel like that would have been Sprout let’s go in here this is like the little botney lab area is Sprout in here is there anybody named Sprout I already talked to the robot H I wonder if we can buy soil samples from the General Store guy I didn’t even look to see if there’s soil in there so he’s got different types of seeds but I don’t see anything in the ways of soil I wonder if that’s what those like composter or something machines do let’s H let’s go back to our crew let’s go back to our quarters and look and see if we can do anything up there if not we can clean some more stuff okay so hold on let’s see recycler the perfect machine for converting unwanted junk material into new resources Place one forged item microb or piece of garbage into this machine adding 10 soil samples to this machine will allow the beneficial microbes to break down the material further and convert it into plant fertilizer ah okay so we must be able to get soil samples easily somewhere extraction reveals items found within a meteor right oh that’s cool what is this H to station uh see we already have okay do I get soil samples from Footprints maybe or from from something in here Dark Matter scrap metal is there anything in here that looks like it would give me soil I don’t see anything in here that looks like it would give me soil samples I feel like we need to go down the surface for that oh what’s in oh this is how to get back up actually wonder if there’s any other resources up top cuz there was a couple other things uh that I didn’t like Harvest up here so let’s see if we get anything from these guys about like this little thing right here no it’s all like just dark matter and stuff like that okay great a tool required for that okay all right so nothing up here darn I was hoping I was hoping all right we got this area cleaned up right here a little bit uh I was try to basically get everything like from these this like little top row done cuz I feel like this is probably where we’re going to be putting everything to start with so we get all this stuff cleaned up here oh night mode all right so we got some stuff cleaned up we got our potatoes watered for the day uh let’s see should we just go to sleep see what happens let’s just go to sleep see what happens see if we get some potatoes in the morning I don’t know how many days it takes for potatoes to grow but I guess we’ll find out didn’t do anything in the bin we have two active missions continue okay hopefully we get a message saying we can go to the surface of the planet now okay so no messages nobody’s talking to me okay so let’s get um water all right well everything’s watered for the day that was it so now I guess it’s back on to find Sprout and then maybe do some more cleaning see you know I thought this was Sprout too we’re gonna go talk to him again that’s pilot hello all right where is Sprout wait is this Sprout no this is the say that’s Lynn she’s she’s dressed differently she tricked me Bamboozled uh I already talked to you H I’m I’m confirmed Sprout doesn’t exist Sprout is nowhere to be found so uh I was wrong this changes the color of the chest uh and then just clicking on these brings them back and forth so I was wrong I was like what the heck it changed the color of it wait is this this isn’t Sprout is it that’s not Sprout okay wait what if I water that I don’t know if that needed water or not there was like a thing to click on it though I can’t find Sprout anywhere I have I have no idea where Sprout is Sprout is just like non-existent um Sprout is I don’t know where Sprout is I can’t find Sprout Oh my gosh I figured out what Sprout looks like Sprout is right here a child that lives in these crew quarters we are on our way we’re heading there right now uh crew quarters Sprout I have to I’ve got to talk to you it’s got to be the plant guy’s kid or person plant person’s kid I don’t know is this it right here who that Sprout are you in here oh well darn it where’s Sprout Sprout maybe he’s in the school it’s sprout in the school okay I don’t see Sprout over here anywhere oh we got a shiny over here we better grab it all right we’re going to go check the school Sprout are you in school today that’s sprout right there yes oh my gosh finally we found the Sprout okay now let’s go turn let’s go turn this in see what we got next um meet the crew oh it’s it’s about time then growing crops use a plan grow crops okay cool we’re still growing crops but we’ve met the crew we’ve officially done it we’ve met the crew we can move on from that all right where’s my where’s my where’s my science officer actually is does it tell me where they’re at right now um crew quarters okay no it doesn’t say where they’re at right now let’s go to the plaza oh you know what she’s the chief science officer I bet you she’s in the science area that would actually probably make sense wouldn’t it um um Hello Steven that’s Medical Science over here maybe you you I’ve done it remember to check in your crew often they may need your help from time to time in fact Edward just mentioned your shuttlecraft should be up running yes you go down the gray planet and start investigating The Relic yes um let me give you some tools to take with you the shovels to dig up Sandy areas on the surface that’s our soil maybe laser Blaster to break up rocks and defend yourself from aggressive Critters you may run into we got a laser Blaster and I’m going to say I’m going to continue my research in the lab head for the shuttle Bay oh my gosh finally let’s go to the surface okay hold on let’s go drop off all our stuff that we have cuz we have like a lot of uh Jun Leo right here that we need to get rid of and then we’re going to go to the surface and then we’re going to check this out I am ready cuz I’m going to guess that’s where we probably get our soil stuff from we’re going to leave the watering pack here but that should be good okay and then we’re going to go ahead shovel wait Ray shovel there we go okay let’s do it here we go it’s happening Edward hello there you fixed it want to welcome to shuttle this is your personal shuttlecraft right here feel free to take it down the planet surface whenever you’re in orbit going down and Gathering materials found the surface is necessary part of the of our community so you’ll probably be doing it a lot these new fingle shuttle modules are sure look spiffy don’t they click uhoh oh my she packs quite a punch huh you see an off switch click it’s like ready to go P like a kitten doesn’t it uh anyway uh the great plan is waiting for you feel free to like exploring the okay let’s go I’m ready to explore it let’s go The Relic okay oh look at [Music] this cuz that’s how they sound in the future you’re right oh my gosh look at this little PL wow oh okay this is not exactly what I was expecting but I love it even more it doesn’t oh my gosh okay we’re on the gray Planet okay so what is so is this about this not that what about these things no okay so we got Stone where’s the soil that is what I’m looking for the absolute most right now um okay we got scrap metal what is this a space Alliance mobile research pod stand an issue for on-site testing needs okay so let’s go this way this is The Relic so what’s going to happen when we get close to The Relic oh there’s G to be a thing it’s going to happen something’s going to happen it’s going to speak to us oh yeah okay maybe it didn’t speak to us oh I touched it oh okay interesting not sure what that’s about um okay so what do we do from here we found some Stone so we have like Stone here there’s no soil though how do we get down to like the next level okay so what is that what is that what is that uh what the heck there’s like a little a little dude thing there I don’t even know what it is uh looks like we have a cave right here though should we try to bust in there might as well oh my gosh this G this Ray is super cool all right so what’s in here oh Captain where are we it’s kind of dark in here wait who’s that it’s an alien Captain look this may be our chance at first Contact oh no watch me I can’t handle introductions hello greetings inhabitant of the great planet we are travelers from a oh no we scared it wait I didn’t mean to scare you um sorry captain Oh I know let me try something different language patterns programmed Okay click click clickity click beoop bark bark gr Grumble giggling suit suit Captain I think I did something I might as well covered in dirt wonder why this little one’s all alone garble suit pop suit garble BR SL slop slap plop no uh I think it said something about suit wait what does that mean is it name suit or did you covered in suit suit suit uh oh he’s hungry I think we can help him uh what do you think should we help him yes let’s help uh okay how do we do this maybe with a full belly can help us learn about The Relic we should start proding some food right away but let’s report back to kaida first she should have more useful information on help to get started hang tight suit we’ll be back soon okay so it looks like oh my gosh the shuttle going around here it looks like that’s how many days has been here it’s a very long time um what is this a few gray radishes and an empty food sack oh look it oh he has little family oh wait there’s a little family and then there’s like something going on a portal and all of these going and there’s like flowers and stuff a poor little suit suit oh gosh now I need to know what happens in suit suit we got we can’t just leave suit suit alone all right so we need to produce some food um how do we I’m I still don’t know how we get uh what is this a scrap metal and stone I still don’t know how we get dirt is there like there is there is nowhere to mine dirt that I see yet wait what is what about this stuff what about this oh a space radish I mean this gives us some stuff what is this thing should we go get a suit oh we got a we got a dirt should we go get a suit suit a a space radish I feel like we should go give Su suit a space radish suit suit we’re coming for you I’m going to give you a space radish Grumble Grumble can I give you this gray radishes and empty food sack okay so maybe I can’t do that right now okay so apparently we get dirt from those random things um what time do we have to go to bed by I don’t know if we know yet um I want to go through and try to get some more some more soil so we’re going to through right here we’re going to try to get some soil definitely could use a better shovel that does like you know more spaces at once okay oh look it we got a lost sock that’s hilarious all right let’s head back it’s 11:15 we return in the ship yes uh we got some soil we got actually quite a we got a little decent a decent little amount um Shippy mix ship face that’s so funny I love it all right new day let’s see what we got um oh we got a message okay Healthy Living did you know that you can replenish your energy by taking one of my medicine tonics just by pressing on yourself while holding an item these tonics can boost your working uh keep you working late if you need extra boost just don’t overdo it okay cool very neat oh we actually got one of the tonics too all right let’s go ahead and oh we can’t water right now cuz I don’t have I don’t have the watering can on me let’s go and drop some stuff off and then uh let’s see let’s drop that we’ll keep the space radishes with us um you know what actually I do want to water stuff real quick I want to water stuff before I forget all right so those are all watered how much we needed two soil I think per per Garden right it was like yeah eight scrap metal and two soil samples like that’s actually not bad at all we could probably get we get what three more of those going that’s not too shabby let’s let’s actually you know let’s craft this let’s craft that and then Hardware ports scrap metal okay let’s do that let’s get three more uh and then we we need some seeds as well one 2 three and I’ll place um one there two and then three that’s eight of eight power and then I don’t think I can I plant these does not accept this item okay so we need some seeds um let’s see let’s drop off let’s drop those all off and then I guess let’s head back to let’s our missions right now oh uh we got to go talk to suit we got to go talk to her about suit suit and then we need we need seeds okay we got to figure out what doing suit suit oh she’s right here all right we got we found we found an alien what do we do with it it’s a little child alien it’s so sad yes um what do we do chips updated with his food recommendations if you need more materials uh to build Planters I recommend scanning the gray planet and find new Uncharted areas that are sure to be useful I have programmed these new areas under your shuttlecraft so feel free to start exploring ooh creting Planet exploring available you can now use your shuttlecraft to explore new areas of the great Planet your shuttlecraft will save checkpoints as you explore no way grow deliver some food to help um three corn three soybeans and two food rations oh my gosh three corn three soybeans three corn and two food rations so let’s go to the plaza let’s see can we even afford the seeds that we’re going to need for this um I did just build three new planters that have nothing in them so let’s see if we can get corn I guess let’s see what is what is the cost of a corn seed uh 34 my gosh all right so 102 yes and then we also need three soybeans which I’m guessing these are soybean seeds yep so we’ll buy those oh my goodness and then we need food rations I don’t even know what food rations are going to cost but we have 44 credits total right now it’s terrible um all right let’s go back nope that was wrong thing all right so let’s get corn going throw that in there there and there and then let’s go and water those so those are the only thing we can do there so we’ll get these potatoes then we’ll go ahead and do the soybeans there um and then we got to do two food rations as well not sure what’s required for that but that is going to end this first look first 30-ish hopefully you guys enjoyed if you did like subscribe all the fun things this is a really cool game I’m really enjoying it already uh little known Galaxy very very cool so link down below like I said there’s a free demo I’ve been playing with the free demo this entire time so not sure how much you can do um but very cool I’m loving it so far so leave a comment let me know what you think if you want to see more definitely let me know and uh I’ll see you in the next one bye everybody [Music]

FANTASTIC NEW Cozy Game, Stardew Valley IN SPACE ! Little Known Galaxy First Look

Join Space Alliance as a new captain-in-training and work with your crew to solve the mysteries of an ancient relic found on the Grey Planet. Little-Known Galaxy is a cozy single-player RPG space adventure full of friendly characters, exploration, crafting, and farming.

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