Stardew Valley Multiplayer | Harvest Farm | Season 4 Part 17

hi everyone we are back in stardew Valley multiplayer good morning Tiffany how are you today I’m great um got to go put my clothes in my dresser though cuz I have way too many um outfits on my person oh I think we have a harvest but we do we could just do that tomorrow you know yeah wait oh there it is I was like where is my dresser um I do think now this is going to be a little bit controversial okay uh I’m going to go look at the house upgrades oh okay cuz like my plan is to change my basement into kegs because like we get so much fruit and veg and thect we get we get so much fruit and veg that I was like well I might as well utilize it have more kegs at least then we’re just throwing a bunch of stuff in there cuz wine sells a really really good amount anyway right so yeah I was thinking about doing that and then we could just like I could just throw a bunch of ancient fruits and stuff in there get a bunch of wine and then that will pretty much oh my God these aren’t salmon berries oh it’s salmon Berry season I didn’t get noticed notified about that I don’t think I did either um yeah and then like that will hopefully bring us a lot more income cuz obviously wine is going to be selling for a lot more right and the house upgrades might get the pricy so mhm yeah I should see about getting a new room on mine yeah you should oh what do I fancy today I’m G to have I have hearty Beams I feel like that’s what I had yesterday was good with some garlic I you know I do very much like garlic mushroom cream I guess this is going to be interesting like what goes with fruit I don’t know cave cero I got superfood cake I got one attack three luck and one mining I feel like I should do the challenge in the mines at that point a fish swallowed me rare golden bobber there’s 30 eggs for whoever returns it is it like in the water no idea ah I’m just going to do a quick fish and then maybe go to um the mines and see what the challenges are all right this is boring oh um I think it’s a fish ah I got a sandfish of course of course hi sir sure what’s the challenge okay say 10 purple slimes or reach level 30 which one did you get Monster Hunter 10 slimes yeah that’s what I thought the slimes is going to be so it’s so easy this is where we don’t see any right always I mean since I do have luck I hope I get some good oh I got the hole all right here’s a lot of a you also missed like a bunch of purple slimes oh I have a ton of purple slimes here oh gosh oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no I think it counts between us so I’m pretty oh I’m not doing too well oh gosh oh gosh stop stop stop stop what about the is it big purple slimes or like little purple slimes or any purple slimes I’m guessing any I don’t know we the PO there are like a thousand I’m not even kidding there’s so many monsters down this level I don’t think I’m going to make it I’m actually dying I’m dying I’m dying I got to leave oh my gosh no I got to leave I have no Health zero Health zero health I’m gone can I get more food I me you can buy some want to buy it but like um I’m just ask asking cuz this guy might make me some food oh he he is making me food again oh that’s nice of him I got another cake okay oh yeah I got 139 Health heck yeah all right let’s see here iron what what 30 to 45 damage wait a minute what are you doing no Haley just has a uh for sale a sword that’s her iron like her curling iron and it is actually really good but like not as good as the ridium thank you for fulfilling that cuz I didn’t make it because well we know oh I just you know what as I’m ENT this I’m going to flash back to the bit where you were like I’m going to do combat this maybe in the other mind um it’s embarrassing you did hand it in right yeah I got the eggs no I me oh yeah cool I don’t want any of that P stop trying to get me drink um heo Iron pink cake art photo are we ready for my new outfit reveal honestly I haven’t hated any of my outfits I have not lucky you okay let’s do mine I’m going to go you’re like a little baseball player I’m a skeleton oh thought you were basball player from the side oh there’s a new animal oh hey that guy’s really cute I’m going to bet on that guy feel like these pants are a little too baggy Cactus cor all right who do I need to see who else do I need to see it’s the last day like do I buy something I don’t know what to do um I mean yeah you might as well I mean I bought a scull I just don’t know what to get nothing’s really screaming to me like I really like Haley’s iron what I got carrot seed oh what oh can I get another Cactus oh he just asked me how’s the little guy doing yeah he didn’t he didn’t give me another Cactus the little guy’s fine oh hello who supicious guy eyes on the race kid we can talk later okay I got to buy something I could get mystery boxes I could get this mummy mask oh my God go chicken go go go I bet on you mag Rock cand lucky lunch did you get that statue Calico statue no I like the rug but it’s not screaming me I kind of just want to get the 10 mystery boxes that I don’t know if that’s going to be yay you won nice what do I get what do I get oh here’s your prize oh I get 20 of them okay oh I never turned it in when I won whoops we should have brought bat wings so we could have got this butterfly Hutch we can run home and go get them through I just need to figure out what I’m going to buy for this with this money what did you just buy uh fishing po a what a fishing what a cork bobber oh no don’t eat s uh all right I for real need to buy something I want to get the mystery boxes just cuz it’s like easy to get but also like maybe the mummy mask but will I ever use it no um get the fireplace maybe like I like my fireplace who knew spending money would be so difficult I know right I should have just used my stuff yesterday for Clint like ore true we get this I guess how many bat wings was it n it’s 99 or something hold on let me check uh maybe it’s it better not be 999 I don’t think it’s that much I think it was like 100 or something uh 200 we might not even have that much I don’t know that’s what I’m just going to go double check surely we do though surely don’t know everything is ready are you kidding me this blue we have 210 210 yeah what was that for that was for the butterfly Hutch oh yeah we never knew that okay um did you spend all of your money or all of your eggs yeah well I have four left I just end up going with the lucky boxes cuz I was yeah what are you coming back now yeah and who was it was it the person with the camel it was yes the person with the camel let’s go up here nice yeah I kind of don’t think there’s too much else to do yeah I think we like covered it I did quite enjoy this yeah it was a nice change up and I definitely think it’s one of those festivals that I will enjoy a lot in the future as well not like the repetitive ones cuz this one changes and the the the items change and you have the challenges and stuff I think that’s really cool [Music] I should get back soon you got the hutch I’m guessing yeah yay should put by our bees what is the rare seed I always do this I always forget what it is but I remember I planted our entire Greenhouse full of it um gem Berry or something or am I thinking of a different gem fruit gem maybe not gem I forget we’ve done it I’m pretty sure surely we have some of the the fruit or whatever somewhere all right I’m going home forget your challenge I’m done I guess I’m driving George and avelyn home they’re getting in the bus with me as I drive off what if fun fun fun time such a good Festival I enjoyed it quite a lot till next year or how often does it happen I don’t know oh well oh there’s the butterfly Hutch I love it oh oops oh no I just okay how do I oh oh no no no I didn’t want to I didn’t want to actually does it go up can it go here oh I wish it did oh it can go there that’s cute I don’t know if there was a plan anyway it’s getting late let’s go oh gosh I just have a bunch of random stuff in my inventory of course as usual I will worry about all of this tomorrow I guess and I am going to get in bed here in a second all right cool off to bed Alex are you still there I don’t know if we have the same problem again but it’s awfully quiet um I’m just going to go ahead and end it here I want to thank you guys so much for watching be sure to subscribe and we will see you next time

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