Having an ELEMENTAL LIFE in Minecraft!

oh come on we need him to wake up what the who are you guys well you’re our son and we’re your parents oh look how small he is he’s so cute wait what son hold up was I just born where am I right now well you’re at our house silly duh welcome to your new room whoa wait this is my room wait why is everything so green and wait why do I have a green hoodie on huh oh yeah I forgot to mention that we’re Elementals I’m the fire Elemental and your mom here is the earth Elemental so that means you’re the Earth Elemental as well that’s why you’re green just like me whoa wait I’m the Earth Elemental wait wait does that mean I can do like cool abilities like uh cause earthquakes and uh erupt volcanoes and stuff not really you still haven’t got your abilities yet I had to ton down on that kind of attitude ah well I don’t have any abilities yet a you’re so excited that’s so cute okay okay but hold on a minute you said we’re in our house right wao wait this house actually looks awesome you guys own this house Yep this is our house it’s pretty big uh you should come downstairs and we should can eat breakfast yeah there’s a lot more to this house in just this room whoa wait breakfast okay okay breakfast actually sounds awesome I’m kind of starving right now I was kind of just boring let’s go and wait who’s that over there this is your sister Ruby say hi Ruby hi wait are you our new brother and I think so wait hold on is this my sister this is your sister Ruby she’s the fire Elemental whoa wait you’re the fire Elemental wait wait hold on hold on are you you’re like a bit older than me right can you use your abilities yet can you like spray fire and fire breathing stuff um no but when I sneeze I burn myself that doesn’t sound very good wait when do we actually learn our abilities and like are able to do cool stuff like you guys oh uh it may take like uh a few weeks or maybe even a year to kick in yeah yeah or you might learn them in school what a year oh man I can’t wait that long okay well hold on a minute you said we going to have food right I’m actually starving right now what do Elementals even eat oh I’ve got just the thing wait let me go get you some grass from outside wait wa wait wait grass hold on I’m still a human right humans don’t e grass I’m not a cow you realize you’re so funny you’re an elemental silly oh yeah different elements eat different things since I’m a fire element I eat fire stuff and since you’re a Earth element you eat Earth stuff oh that makes a lot of sense okay okay well uh I guess I’m down to try some grass maybe it’ll taste good since I’m in Earth elements Mom Dad we’re at a toilet paper and what who are you do I have another sibling wait is this my brother younger brother yo y yo hey hey hey hold on why is he talking so loud I’m kind of scared I’m kind of scared why are you hiding under the table what I thought he was going to eat me or something he was yelling at my face no I’m just super excited to see you Mom and Dad have been talking about you for weeks dad why is he hiding guys guys I’m not hiding I’m not hiding oh I understand sorry I thought you were like an intruder or something but whoa wait you’re my brother what type of Elemental are you take a guess take a guess take a guess um cotton candy no yeah you’re blue cotton candy comes in blue sometimes so maybe you’re the cotton candy elements no I’m not the cotton candy element I am the lightning element I can almost do it does he don’t have his powers yet either no he used them one time to turn on the TV but that’s about all oh man how old are you and yo yo what the heck was that I sneezed wa he just strike lightning over here okay that was actually kind of cool I can’t wait to learn how to use my Powers all right well your dad and I have to go get dinner now but you guys take care of your younger brother okay oh yeah we will all right all right sounds good I’ll see you guys later but whoa wait this is actually so cool I’ve never seen an elemental before in my life I can’t believe that i’ become one yeah being in Elemental is cool but you want to know what the coolest part about this house is wait what what’s the coolest part I have haven’t seen any of this house yet oh there’s so many hiding spots for hide and seek like I have one that’s on top of the TV and I have one that’s upstairs I I can’t tell you all of them because they’re secret whoa wait that’s actually so awesome we can play such big games of hide-and-seek over here wait wait hold on can I go inside of this wardrobe here uh wait I don’t think I can open it no Mom and Dad locked them after Ruby locked herself in there yeah that was my favorite hiding spot uh that is kind of unfortunate but wait a minute guys hold on you got to show me around the house I want to see what your guys’ rooms look like oh yeah follow me upstairs o all right all right my room was pretty cool have you guys seen it yet Mom and Dad set it up for me before I was even born yeah we helped them set it up but you should see Ruby’s room it’s super cool wait really okay okay but hold on which one of you guys is older who’s the oldest one here oh I am yeah that means his room is the lamest what no it doesn’t that means my room’s the first in the best okay okay well hold on hold on let me be the judge of that I’m guessing H this room over here is yours Ruby cuz you’re the fire elements and this is all orange Yep this is mine look at my bookshelf whoa that’s a lot of books wait hold on can you even reach the ones at the top over there uh wait no I don’t don’t read these I sent these on fire for fun what the heck um that sounds interesting but oh you have another wardrobe over here this could be used for hide-and-seek oh let me on I got to parkour to the top there we go no you can’t hide in there that’s mine yeah Ruby’s room used to be a lot cooler but she kept burning all her posters and stuff it was an accident o that sounds kind of rough but wait Kim can I see your room I want to see what your lightning room looks like what do you have in there oh I have so much stuff check it out my lightning room let’s go w Wait this kind of looks the same as ru’s room you got a bookshelf over here and then you got your word drop wait can I parkour on this let me on let me on I didn’t make it yeah but I have this check it out you have your own gaming setup oh this is so awesome wait guys we should all play video games one day yeah I’m kind of a pro wait guys we have to go to school like right now oh yeah we have 15 minutes until school starts up come with us wait wait what school hold on hold on hold on do I have to come I was just born today so I’m guessing I don’t have to come right um of course you have to come little brother school is really important yeah but guys I was literally born today do I even have a class yet or anything yeah Mom and Dad set you up for some classes before you were born but uh they’re really strict on this so we have to go yeah if we don’t go to school we’ll all get in trouble oh what okay okay fine fine I guess we can go to school wait hold on Elemental School actually sounds kind of fun though do we get to learn how to do our elemental powers and stuff there uh sometimes it’s mostly just reading and what 7 plus 4 and Science and stuff come on stop talking we have to go fine fine I guess let’s go to the elemental school hopefully I can learn how to use my earth powers there guys are we there yet I’ve been running for so long yeah we’re here we’ve got 2 minutes left we’ve got a booket come on and waa wait is that the school over there okay wait hold on this kind of just looks like a normal school I was expecting the school to be like super cool and Elemental looking a man what this is an elemental school this is an elemental Elementary School oh I see all right well what’s our first class oh uh I’m pretty sure it’s reading with Mr boring it’s over here oh what the teacher’s name is literally Mr boring that doesn’t sound very fun and oh wait hold on I think that’s him right there wait cam his name is not Mr boring sh that’s a nickname yeah we call him Mr boring because we always fall asleep in his class it’s always so boring oh oh I see I see okay well uh hello there uh teacher I I’m I’m a new student here yeah I’m pretty sure this is my first class right oh yes this should be your first class what’s your name and oh oh my name um I don’t think I really have one yet wait guys did Mom and Dad give me a name yet oh they wanted you to choose yeah what they wanted me to choose my own name um um okay well uh how about you call me Dash yeah that’s my name Dash that’s a pretty good name all right well go take a seat uh I think the only available seat is behind Ruby and next to cam only available seat but there’s like so many empty ones over here he’s really strict just listen to him you don’t want to go on detention on your first day do you no no no no sir I don’t want to go to the detention all right fine I’ll sit over here wait cam do we just sit back here and read is that what this class is all about not really it’s just called reading but he just reads off all these questions we have to answer them it’s super boring sometimes he suddenly calls us up to do presentations too it’s really really hard oh what okay well I haven’t studied it at all I was literally bored like an hour ago hopefully I don’t fail this class hey no talking to my class and what we weren’t talking I was just um uh I I was just uh opening my mouth why did I just say no talking to my class no I’m sorry I’m sorry mouth is zipped mouth is I I’m not talking good okay anyway welcome to raing class today I’m going to be asking you a few questions to get to know me and I get to know you and ooh wait you’re going to ask questions what I say what did I say what did I say what I say I’m I’m sorry okay sorry I thought you wanted us to answer your question no no stop talking what is he all right guys what the oh he just hit me what the heck Dash the only thing we’re allowed to say is yes Mr White oh um okay yes Mr White good okay anyway first question how old is everyone here uh I’m uh 1 month old I forgot um I think I’m like an hour old like 1 hour oh okay so we really got a newbie here well I’m not a newbie I was just born recently okay I can’t believe you just called her brother a noob am I really getting bullied in my first class can we just get on with the class Mr White okay okay I’m being quiet I’m being quiet all right anyways I’m going to draw a question on the Whiteboard and someone has to come up here and answer it what I hate these wait that’s not even a whiteboard that’s a [Music] Blackboard okay I’m sorry I’m sorry can you guys read that his handwriting is so bad think says 1 divided by seven no that’s a w r your head is blocking it I can’t even read it hold on let me let me get out of my seat real quick and hey did you just get get out of your seat you really want to go to detention don’t you on your first day you little I was just trying to see what the question said I couldn’t see with Ruby’s big head blocking it don’t worry I got the dash I’ll help you uh he just really really wanted to answer that question what I did not want to answer that question I don’t even know what it says it’s better than going to detention well Dash you got to answer that question now R you put you under the bus oh my gosh okay okay yeah sure Mr right I’ll answer the question excellent what is one divided by three oh that’s a three okay okay one divided by three I’m pretty sure is um 0.5 uh no no it’s not at all wrong what wrong how is that wrong okay okay what is it then the answer is three what three um I I I don’t really know how math works so man I guess I was just wrong all right well back to my seat H since you got that question wrong you’ve embarrassed me in front of my Clash you know what I’m going to put one more question up here and you have to answer it correctly Dash or you’re going to detention what I have to answer another question you just saw that I got that one wrong though I don’t know how to do math I I was literally just born I don’t even know how to do any of this stuff oh don’t worry it won’t be a math question huh wait what is he going to ask what other types of questions does he do guys dude sometimes he just puts like random gibberish up there like alien language and we have to try and decode it or like fun facts or he makes us have presentation about hot dogs what in the world are you serious yeah but after this class we have gym class and it’s super fun you have to come with us bro o wait we have gym class after this okay okay I can’t wait let’s just get this class over with though is the question done yet Mr White yep the question is done what what does that say how fire yep how fire what does that mean talking about my outfit duh oh oh your outfit oh um how fire is it I’ll rate it like a four out of 10 you I really like like the hobo style that you’re going for I think it looks pretty cool failed failed what what dude I I I was literally answering honestly what are you talking about that’s not the correct answer okay okay well guys when does this class end I just want to get out of here I don’t know we probably have like less than a minute left you guys have been disappointing me so much today that I’m just going to dismiss class early get out of my sight and oh wait wait class is over we can go we can go okay hold on why do I always fall underneath the chairs when I get out of this place I think I’m too short but guys let’s get out of here oh yeah we can go to gym early let’s go I’m pretty sure it’s this way if I remember I’m glad I didn’t have to answer any questions in that class yeah you guys got lucky I got all the bad questions but wait guys where’s the gym classroom are we going to learn how to use all of our powers in gym that actually sounds kind of fun and here’s the gym whoa wait we made it let’s go I’m actually super excited for gym class this class seems a lot more fun than the other class wa this gym is so big at this school yeah it’s awesome we get to play so many games here and who the heck is that wait a minute is that the teacher for the gym class hey wait why is he looking at me like that guys guys um is this guy mean like the other teacher hi my name is Wizard will yay uh Mr Wizard will he he understands English he can he can talk perfectly fine oh so I can talk normally yes yeah you can talk normally to me but wait hold on are you you a gym teacher yep name’s wizard will I’ve been an ice element gym coach for uh 20 years wa wait guys this guy seems old how old is he uh I’m pretty sure he’s like in his like 40s or something well I thought he was like hundreds of years old he’s so cool what the heck okay okay well hold on what do we do in gym class this is my first day at this school so I have no clue what to expect oh you don’t know what we do in gym class well I can learn you something wait you can what are you going to teach me all right well first what I’m going to teach you is a game of tag elements we’re going to play Elemental tag tag again I love this game wait guys what’s Elemental tag I’ve never played this game before you have to try and tag somebody with your element ah wait I don’t even know how to use my elemental power yet uh we barely know anything either but it’s still really fun oh wait you don’t know anything about your powers well I guess we could get started with that and wait wait you can teach me how to use my Powers Yeah please that would be awesome I have no clue how to use any of my Powers yet my mom and dad said I’m an Earth element but I don’t really know what I can do with that oh an Earth element that’s pretty unique and um yeah yeah it’s it’s cool I guess wait why are you getting so close to me dude I’m just making sure you’re the healthiest you can be uh uh okay am I healthy do I look good y you look pretty healthy for an earth elit to me uh do you eat grass this morning or leaves a no I didn’t eat anything this morning I was going to eat grass but I forgot don’t you know breakfast is the most important meal of the day anyway uh it’s time to learn how to use your Elemental abilities let’s go and ow ow what was that for dude sorry I just got excited okay okay well hold on how do I learn my Elemental abilities I want to learn this stuff ASAP I want to join into this game of Elemental tag well first thing first you’ve got to do some studying so read everything in this book what I have to do some studying oh what are you serious I have to read all of this book and I I I I I can’t even open this book are you sure the pages aren’t glue shut H well it seems like you’re not powerful enough to open it you need to unlock more Elemental energy what more Elemental energy okay how do I do that uh well you have to be nearby to your elements duh of course wait does that mean we’re going on a field trip oh we probably have to be around a lot of dirt or something yeah do we have to go outside do I have to touch grass a bit more than grass maybe trees few flowers what not uh but just follow me this way ooh I hope you get to see dashy dirt what I do not want to eat dirt wait is that really what I have to do did you guys have to eat your elements to get your powers Kim did you have to eat a lightning bolt don’t ask how a toaster taste what the heck okay okay well here we’re outside now how do we get started Mr will all right so focus on the energy coming from the ground and try and absorb it like it’s food are you telling me to eat the grass no I’m not saying eat the grass focus on the energy okay okay I’m focusing on the energy I’m just going to focus really hard on the grass M energy come on and um I I don’t think anything’s happening I still can’t read the book maybe we have to try something a little bit stronger you see those Bing over there yeah wait why are they next to the school for Earth Elementals to unlock their energy you have to go over there and fight them what I I have to fight those things but sure you realize those things are like twice my size right uh yeah well I mean you got to learn somewhere H well okay wait guys hold on are you serious is this really what I have to do to get my Powers is this guy like uh actually serious right now bro he’s the best of the best yeah Ruby head to eat like three gallons worth of hot chocolate and yeah she burned her tongue after it was the hottest chocolate ever oh what okay okay well um in that case if you guys can do your things to unlock your powers I can probably fight these bison um I guess let me just make my way over hey there bison oh gosh this one’s not looking very friendly oh he’s looking straight at me wait before you go what well they’re very dangerous you might want to take this you’re giving me a stick that’s all I get to fight these guys with are you serious yep that’s all you get oh my God okay okay well I guess I better get over this I got to face my fear somehow all right come here bison you guys are about to get um destroyed hopefully yeah I’m going Target this one first come here take that a he just launched me up in the air I never want to f a bison again that was so scary you’re not done yet come on little bro you can do it come on are you guys serious did you not see that he just launched me like 10 m in the air just remember to um stand shoulder width apart or something oh my gosh okay okay but wait a minute guys there’s a pigeon over here wait wiard do you think I can just fight this pigeon Instead This pigeon still kind of counts is like Earth stuff right oh wait that actually might work try it out okay okay I’ll take this pigeon any day over the Bison come here come here you’re about to go down oh gosh it’s kind of hard to fight though it’s like flying around it yo what just happened to wizard will oh I teleported with ice what the heck okay but hold on the pigeon is on the ground over here there’s my chance come here Fon you about to get destroyed let’s go a it keeps flying away come on dash you got this get it so close come on wait hold on I’m kind of scared of getting close to these bison again I think one of them might still be mad at me oh gosh are you kidding me the pigeon is like surrounding itself with the Bison B the bison are protecting him come on come on let me just punch this pigeon a few more times come on you got to get it boy I’m trying I’m trying hold on this pigeon keeps flying away D it’s down here come get it wait the pigeon’s back down here again oh my gosh Come here pigeon I need to whack you he must be super low by now yes let’s go I finally got him oh my gosh that was a tough battle and whoa wait what the heck is this ow accident you did it you’re Earth Energy should be able to open that book now do you feel different huh huh who wait actually guys I kind of do feel different I feel more energetic wo okay okay let me try opening up this book now let’s see if I can actually read it and wait a minute hold on I think I read the book whoa wait hold on what’s this on the left on my screen right now these are your abilities all you have to do is Select which one you want to cast and then boom there you go wa okay okay and wait a minute I’ve got so many of them I’ve got earthquake stomp poison spray oak skin and root wait hold on can I use the earthquake one first let me try it out on you guys real quick let me give it a shot and wao wait something’s happening something’s happening oh I just did an earthquake W oh wait guys hold on I don’t really know how to turn it off we should probably move we should probably move it’s a dance party this is so awesome that was sick yo wait hold on can I test out my other abilities too yeah but we should probably go back inside for this you do it in the Gil oo all right all right wait guys now that I unlocked my Powers we got to play that game of Elemental tag oh yeah that’d be so fun warning warning school going on emergency lockdown and uh what emergency lockdown h huh Intruder in the building locking all doors Intruder in the building huh Mr will what does that mean yeah wait will is the building getting intruded well that means it’s time for me to skattle see you wait is the wizard literally just leaving us wait wizard hold on you’re the teacher aren’t you supposed to like take care of us and make sure the Intruder doesn’t uh oh he’s he’s gone I think he’s gone uhh he I think he got scared and ran out oh gosh but wait wait guys there’s really any Intruder on the building we got to escape this place somehow I think there’s an exit over here let’s head out through these doors then um wait where where are the pressure plat to go guys why can’t we open up these doors huh uh the door’s locked uh let’s just try and find a place to hide uh yeah wait maybe back here behind the curtains oh gosh yeah wait the doors are locked okay I guess we can hide over here we got to hide somewhere really good we do not want to get the Intruder catching us okay stay quiet and just stay right there okay this doesn’t seem like a good spot I’m going to go find a different one wait no we should stick together there’s going to be a around here around the corner I found a good spot over here I’ll be right here oh gosh all right well guys stay safe hopefully the Intruder doesn’t come to the gym I found one they’re over here and wait hold on did the Intruder get into hold on did they just get Ruby oh no this is not good hold on I got to stay hidden over here they better not find me I found one over here too what no get your hands off me ah what the heck wait did they just get camped to oh no oh no okay well hopefully they just don’t um walk deeper into the stage and they don’t catch me who are you we finally captured the Elementals you guys are going to help us so much and wait what what’s happening where are we am I getting kidnapped right now no one will be able to find you here our boss is going to be thrilled and what where are you taking us hey what is this place let us go all right come on buddy come on let’s go and what okay hold on a minute where even are we right now what is this place no questions start moving okay okay okay fine fine I’m moving I’m moving ow stop hitting me let us go wait is that Dash over there guys guys they’re taking me down this hallway I don’t know what this place is my BS is going to be so thrilled to have you dud what are you talking about what you mean your boss is going to be sold through to have me keep walking buddy okay I’m I’m walking I’m walking dude what do you want I want you to get in this cell here what dude I’m not going into a prison cell I’m running I’m running SC hey hey get in that cell ow ow okay fine fine I’m getting in the cell jeez but what in the world is happening right now I was literally born just today how am I already in a prison cell all right come on you two let’s go hey stop shoving me around and wait what are K and Ruby being put in prison too and wait why is Ruby on a lead she tried to run away well I had to try something look we’re in prison and oh gosh guys I think we’re in a prison cell now hey let us out let us out why’d you trop Us in here I don’t think anybody’s coming Dash oh gosh yeah there’s no one around here guys what do we do I was literally just born today is this like a thing that happens often to Elementals it hasn’t happened to me this is crazy it hasn’t happened to me before either I don’t know what to do oh my gosh this is actually so bad okay well um guys I I I I’ve got this stick over here yeah maybe we can use this to uh pick the lock come on just got to pick the lock with the stick where did the stick go what why is it over here oh my I don’t think this is going to work I don’t think this is going to work dude we’ve got to try and find a way out of here though well well well it looks like I got myself some new test subjects and uh uh wa who are you what are you doing here my name doesn’t matter but I’m here to steal your powers wait guys did you hear that he said he’s going to steal our powers oh no are you serious I just got my Powers guys this guy’s creepy stay back that’s not even possible so Ste and wait is it not possible I I I don’t really know how this Elemental stuff works can he not steal our powers or or can he I don’t know how he would even do that we were born with this stuff oh it’s definitely possible here I’ll show you guys a little demonstration wait what what’s he going to do right now oh gosh yo yo there’s a bunch of lighting what is happening oh oh oh stop it’sing everything hurts oh gosh wait a minute guys where are we this doesn’t look like our bedrooms it feels like I ate a toaster oh my head hurts is this a prison still and wait what are we in a prison so wait a minute guys I remember what happened that evil scientist guy said he was going to steal our powers wait did he steal our powers hold on yeah uh uh guys I don’t have any of my Elemental abilities oh my gosh D I feel cold I’ve never felt cold in my life oh gosh yeah wait you’re a fire element that’s not good and oh no I don’t even have any of my Powers anymore a man I only had them for like an hour give us our powers back you evil stupid scientist yeah give them back give them back those are not yours to steal those are ours all give them back buddy I don’t think he’s here guys oh gosh he just stole our powers and he didn’t even let us out of this cell what do we do guys we need to find a way out of here maybe I can reach this switch to open the door it’s no it’s just too far wait maybe if we jump over here at just the right angle we can try flicking it come on come on and it’s no hope we can’t even fit out this little hole over here are you serious well you were just born so maybe you can squeeze through just let me push you and I really I kind of hurts that kind of hurts I don’t I don’t think it’s working we’re all kind of the same size oh gosh well are we really stuck in this prison cell now what do we do I guess we should just wait until Mom and Dad get here Mom and Dad don’t even know where we are we have to get out of here by ourselves and wait a minute hold on guys there’s a trapo over here hold on what is this I think there’s a vent wait is it uh it looks like a vent but none of us are tall enough to get there yeah wait hold on it looks like it leads to another vent over there hold on um neither of us are really tall enough to get there but three of us all combined are tall enough to get there hold on someone try getting on my shoulders okay uh um your shoulders aren’t big enough to stand on oh gosh wait hold on Kim let me try getting on your shoulders you’re the oldest one here right all right I’ll try it go on guys all right all right let me try getting on it oh oh I think I that was your head my bad I think it’s almost working guys it’s not working oh my gosh wait maybe we can parkour from this Twilight onto the vent oh let me on and it’s still not working are you serious wait uh Ruby come here just stand right in front of the door what is this for all right dash come on you got to help me squeeze we already tried this earlier I didn’t work but I guess we can try it on Ruby maybe you’re smaller than me I don’t think it’s working wait maybe I can use my backing stick wizard will gave this to me still not working stop it okay okay fine fine but wait a minute guys hold on we’ve got a bed in this room wait there’s three of us and we only have one bed that’s kind of messed up but guys hold on what if we try putting this bed on top of the toilet are we going to be able to use this to escape let me try putting it down over here and we can reach the vent but we can’t fit through though and yeah we’re a bit too small to fit through still but wait guys this is a wooden trapo over here I’m pretty sure we can just grab this wooden trapo and use it to get into crawling mode wait what do you mean let me just place it down over here and all right now if we go underneath this and close the trap door oh I just got to make my way inside of it this kind of hard can one of you guys push me oh I almost had it for a second I’m going to punch you all right guys just punch me just punch me this is going to work this is going to work just got to time it right and close the trapo just on timing guys I made it in let’s go no way that worked huh oh yeah oh yeah guys I told you it would work I told you it would work okay now you guys have to come through quick before any security guards or that scientist come back we’re coming we’re coming all right all right yeah you just got to make your way in and oh Kim you made it let’s go I got it too tall for this Ruby you just got to time it right you got to close the trap door right when you try to go in I’m trying come on come on you almost got it you almost got it am I in oh not come on you got this just squeeze I made it wait you did let’s go okay okay now we got to make it over here to this side it looks like there’s another vent over here and we can open it let’s go okay I got scared for a second I thought we weren’t going to be able to open that vent but it looks like we can and wait a minute guys we’re outside of the prison cell we’re in the hallway now we have to get out of here is the coast clear uh let me look around so far I look looks pretty good okay guys we need to get our powers back we are not leaving this place without our powers oh yeah you’re right that scientist still has our op abilities I need my fire back that’s stuff is really dangerous yeah I want my Earth abilities back I didn’t even get to use all of them okay um I guess we just got to look around here surely there’re somewhere around here maybe uh this door do we have to like press these buttons is this going to open the door I don’t think so that’s I’m not going to open that maybe we could just follow these like a patterns on the floor yeah but um just be careful not to get spotted yeah yeah let’s just keep on moving forward and exploring all of the rooms that we see wait hold on I’m going to try pressing this button over here is this room going to lead to anything and ah this door doesn’t open wait Ruby try that door over there okay let’s see H wait a minute it opened up a door hold on maybe this is where our powers are being held okay guys we got to check this out we got to check this out wait what is this place power room guys I don’t know if we’re supposed to be here wait wait hold on guys this could be good maybe our powers are here guys we got to look around for our powers are they around here hello our powers no no I think they mean like electricity power you know like the TV power wait your power is going to be here aren’t you the electricity Element no dash power to like lights and stuff oh oh that type of power oh gosh okay well um I guess our abilities aren’t going to be here we got to keep looking around come on we have to find something maybe if we just keep following the direction and oh what’s that over there it looks like that door over there is open okay okay hold on let’s move up over here maybe that room has our abilities in it we just got to sneak our way over this way I think I seen a sign on the door hey wait hold on you saw a sign what does it say cam I see the sign it says laboratory hold on I I think this is a lab no that says laboratory that’s the same thing well anyways what is this place I think this is the lab and there’s someone right there guys be careful and oh wait a minute hold on that’s the scientist who stole our powers I remember that face that’s the evil guy can’t believe I was able to get all the powers that easily I cannot wait for to use these for my experiments what the heck he’s trying to use our powers for his experiments okay guys we need to get them back right now we don’t have any powers but uh all three of us we’re probably strong enough to go in there and uh beat that guy up yeah uh I don’t think we’re strong enough to beat anybody up right now we have to get them out a different way we have to get them outside the lab so we can go in there and get our powers okay okay but how are we going to get them outside of the lab guys there’s literally no way we can get him out without us going in there and fighting him wait the power room what if we like just start trashing everything in there and he has to go fix it wait wait wait that’s actually a good idea wait a minute hold on that’s actually not a bad idea yeah we can just go in there and spam all the buttons maybe that’ll like mess with the lights and get him distracted okay okay let’s go let’s go come on come on we just got to sneak our way over here to the power room I don’t think there’s any more security guards around here they’re probably off shift okay guys just push every single button uh that you see and all right let’s go let’s go we got to spam all the buttons quick quick quick we got to hurry up we got to hurry up wait guys I think I did something over here wait you didn’t oh this box over here is smoking let’s go in the electricity room must need repair and wait hold on um did it just notify the entire building I didn’t think that was going to like broadcast a whole announcement we should probably get out of here and yeah we should probably hide someone’s probably going to be here soon go go go go go let’s let’s just sneak um over here yeah this should be good another technical difficulty nothing can ever go my way and oh wait a minute guys the scientist is right there it looks like he’s trying to fix the power room this is actually perfect come on guys we have to sneak past come on come on come on come on now we have to make our way over to the laboratory hopefully we can actually get our powers back over here and check it out the coast is clear we can go in this place looks crazy yeah what the heck is this thing over here is this a cage why does he have a cage in here oh gosh but wait a minute hold on it looks like there’s some Vault doors over here what do these say fire Vault and lightning Vault wait a minute guys hold on the fire and lightning that’s your guys’s Powers this is probably where they put our powers if I jump it looks like a fire tunnel look what the heck and wait there’s another Vault over here hold on hold on hold on I’m guessing this is where my powers are and yeah look at that Earth Vault okay hold on what’s over here it looks like it’s just some trees well we have to get in here how do we enter this and H that’s a good question it looks like the only way to get in is with this key panel over here um guys what do you think the code is TR 001 um the 00001 wait is your plan to guess all of the codes Kim do you know how long it’s going to take to guess all the combinations well it’s worth a shot okay okay hold on I’m on 00003 now 00004 so far it’s not working guys if we get wrong too many times there might be an alarm oh gosh yeah you’re right okay well hold on maybe we can look around this room maybe the scientist guy left the code somewhere around here any codes hello wait it looks like there’s some lockers over here let’s check these maybe the code is in one of these okay well let’s check every single Locker okay okay let’s just look around any code come on hello surely someone messed up and accidentally left their code in one of these little Cubbies um I think I just checked all of them though I don’t see anything wait guys over here what did you find something what’s inside of this chest over here password let’s go wait wait the password is 1 2 3 4 are you serious wow that’s the worst password ever but we got the password let’s get our abilities let’s go let’s go all right all right guys whose ability should we get first um maybe mine all right all right I guess we can go into the fir Vault first hopefully the codes are the same for all of the doors let me just try entering one two three four real quick there we go and check it out the door opened up let’s go and it just slammed in my face oh you got to answer the code again but wa where are we right now it looks like there’s some sort of like fire parkour what was that wait was that Fireballs yo wait why is there fireballs coming out of the dispensers what is this I can’t believe the fire actually seems scary to me I love fire oh gosh yeah now that you don’t have your abilities anymore are do you even have fire resistance will it hurt you if you fall into this fire what is all that on the floor uh it looks like lava and glow stone oh gosh all right well anyways Ruby I’m pretty sure the only way to get your abilities back is to go through this fire Vault and so far it seems pretty easy we can just jump on these blocks over here there we go okay um I’m on the way too let’s see all right I’m next come on let’s go all right but anyways I guess let’s keep on going and oh gosh guys we do not want to stop next to any of the dispensers be careful not to be stopped next to a dispenser but let’s do this next jump over here there we go and oh gosh there’s a lot of dispensers here um let’s let’s be really careful guys guys move so I can jump well we’re trying to watch out for all the dispensers I think it’s best if we just all get on different platforms and yeah yeah hold on hold on I’ll be on this platform over here I think this area is pretty safe I don’t see any dispensers around that could hit me R you got to catch up I’m trying to wait so I have more room to jump onto okay okay fair enough fair enough let’s jump onto this next part over here and oh gosh guys I think the jumps are getting harder and harder look the ones over there are on fire I think the dispensers are closer to them oh there’s a dispenser right in front of me oh gosh there’s one right up there too oh that one almost hit us that one almost hit us okay ow ow this one just hit me someone blow me I’m on fire it’s not going up oh oh there we go all right thanks that worked but there’s a few more jumps I think we just got a speedrun yeah honestly I think that might be the move okay we just got to be really careful not to fall off go go go go go go go go go he got to keep on jumping through these jumps let’s go and yes I made it I made it I made it I made it I made it okay oh my gosh that was crazy but whoa wait where are we now um Ruby I don’t think these are your firep powers are they this doesn’t look like the no this looks more like a maze it’s a lava maze are you serious oh my gosh how much security did this scientist guy add I don’t know we got to try and find Ruby’s Powers oh gosh all right well let’s just make our way through this maze this shouldn’t be too difficult right guys we just got to walk around until we find the exit hopefully we find it quick though yeah I’m no good at these Maes I get lost all the time and wait plus guys we don’t know when the scientist gu is going to find out that we escaped from our prison cells oh gosh well that means we have to be fast yeah here I think we should just all split up and look around this lava maze whoever finds the exit we can just all go to them I think I lost you guys but I think I’m going the right way I’m just going a random Direction I’m not going to lie everyone just keep on looking I’m just going to go this way yo any exits around here wait guys I think I found the exit and whoa Ruby I see your powers over here they’re split up in four different bottles why CU it in four different bottles I don’t know I guess the guy split them up for four different experiments but here Ruby you should probably drink these potions maybe you’ll get your abilities back okay I’m going to get all four bottles let’s try it all right hopefully this actually works and okay uh do you feel any different hang on I’m still drinking them okay okay how many do you have left that’s all of them that’s all of them okay let’s see I’m going to try using my Powers okay all right all right do you feel any different I actually do I feel kind of warm work wait I think you just did something in oh oh there’s Fire coming out of the ground let’s go what is that uh guys I think I have my powers back let’s go but wait guys we have to get back out oh gosh all right well guys time to do this lava amazing reverse I think we came from this way but wait since ru’s got her powers back can’t she just like drink all the lava and wait can you do that is that one of your abilities actually yes it is I’m actually kind of hungry right now so I’m just GNA what no way this actually wor what the heck you just drank that entire thing of lava okay you’re actually crazy I’m full what the heck okay okay but that was pretty useful now let’s just keep on moving yeah come on let’s get out of here yeah wait we have to go back through that parkour again oh gosh yeah wait hold on Ruby can you like spit that lava out again and then can you like make like a little Lava River for us and summon a lava boat so that we can get across uhuh I don’t think I can do that we just need to go through the parkour normally and oh gosh we have have to do this backwards now okay okay hold on let me just warm up my jump over here just got to warm up and go come on let’s go yes I just made that all right you know what I’m just going to speedrun the rest of the way through I better not get hit by any Fireballs come on come on come on maybe I should eat some of these Fireballs as a snack and yes I made it to the end let’s go I’m here with you it’s so nice in here I love the temperature it is way too hot in here let’s just get onto the Next Room ooh guys can we get my Powers next uh I I think we should get my Powers next you’re kind of new to your powers I need to get mine and okay okay fine fine we can get your powers next it looks like your powers are in this room over here the lightning Vault hopefully the code is still the same oh yeah it is all right everyone in let’s go and wait a minute hold on what is this room over here is this um just a free room that we can just go across I don’t think so wait what are all these pressure plates on the floor forward yo yo did you just step on One ow that hurts without no lightning elemental powers oh gosh okay well I think that answers my question every time we step on one of these pressure plates it strikes lightning it’s like aazing except we can see all of the walls wait hold on that should make this maze like super easy I tried to jump over and there was a block above my head it’s invisible you got to be careful where you jump okay dude the scientist are going to hear the lightning that’s loud so I guess we can’t jump over the pleasure plates oh gosh yeah there’s barriers here in okay this area over here is a dead end I think we need to go backwards a little bit oh gosh I think Ruby’s going the right way everything hurts okay okay but you should be good once you get your lightning powers back that should make everything stop hurting hopefully I’m just going to follow you guys I’m going this way this better be the right way I think we’re almost there B that that one in the corners he really misses lightning huh everything hurts I need to get my powers back ASAP yeah clearly you keep running over the lightning okay but hold on Ruby you made it to the end oh so did you Cam all right I’m coming I’m coming first try this scientist is not smart it feels like I ate an entire electricity machine how did you step over three other pressure plates and me and Ruby stepped over zero I don’t know okay well anyways let’s just get on with it is this wait do we just get your powers over here are they inside of this chest and um gam are these your powers is this what electricity Powers look like no I think it’s a puzzle wait what a puzzle and huh what are we supposed to do here I don’t know I don’t get redstone at all I think I know what we have to do we have to power this redstone lamp ooh okay okay wait wait hold on what are we working with here what do we have inside of the chest wait what was inside of it we got two buttons a lever and a repeater and what that that’s uh interesting wait hand me it over the lever I think I know how we can do this all right all right let me just uh put down the lever right over here and boom there we go um why did it not open the door because I don’t think we just have to power the lamp we have to power the Redstone down there too oh gosh wait we have have to solve this puzzle okay okay well hold on a minute let’s see what we’re working with here we got three yellow pieces of wall over here with some redstone and repeaters wait hold on can I see the lever yeah there you go huh all right well how do we do this I think we have to power this definitely okay okay wait hold on can you hand me over the buttons let’s try putting them on these yellow blocks over here and wait guys let’s try pushing all the buttons at the same time okay okay I’ll hit this one all right all right let’s just all hit the buttons wait no Ruby okay hold on let’s just leave this lever flick and then Ruby you hit wait no K Ruby you don’t do anything K you hit this button and I’ll hit this button no I’m not supposed to hit this button this button Powers it ah okay this is confusing wait what are we supposed to do with this repeater then and oh wait hold on I think I know what we’re supposed to do with this we have to put it down over here oh okay well if I break this then there we go it works and let’s go that wait hold on it only works for like a split second though but wait is that the room with your powers in it Kim yeah there’s three lightning power bottles in here I’m just going to Yo them and open the door again I’ll come back out let’s go we actually solved the puzzle oh that was too easy that was too easy come on hurry up we got to go finally I can drink my bottles of powers oh I feel strong already oh oh I feel so much stronger already oh let’s go let’s go wait can you do your abilities now oh can I do my abilities yeah what just happened did you not see the lightning bolt no this room is white it’s kind of hard to see lightning right here what about this oh okay he’s definitely got his powers he’s definitely got his powers back but anyways guys now we need to make our way back through the lightning maze let’s go ow dude dude oh oh he’s just running through game you realize that still makes a lot of sound right what if the scientist heard you N I think he’s too busy worrying about the electricity woo I’m home hopefully he’s still distracted with the electricity hopefully we messed up that electricity really bad yeah at least Cam’s Powers get charged up whenever he gets stuck by lightning yeah all right well anyways was that the end of this place are we back now and okay perfect I think we’re back in the main room let’s go ahead and open up the door again there we go and okay guys now there’s only one set of powers that we need to get left my Powers all right yeah your powers should be behind this door yeah let’s go let’s go I cannot wait to get my Powers again I really want to try out more of them I only tried out one of them before and let’s go okay okay time to get my powers back again um what what is this this kind of just looks like a planes biome uh I let’s hope it’s not another maze it doesn’t look like one this would be a really bad maze if it was a maze the walls are um too far apart from each other I think it’s just a a plan biome that’s it yeah wait where’s the door though yeah wait a minute in all of the other rooms there was a door there doesn’t seem to be any other door in this room hello any doors around here there’s literally nothing in this room huh I think I found where the door is supposed to be but it’s not there wait wait really hold on hold on I’m coming over I’m coming over what do you see what are you seeing wait a minute it’s just um a filled in wall wow that’s um useful we can’t even go through it or anything huh there has to be a way to unlock it somewhere let’s just keep looking around and yeah I think that’s the move and wait Kim what are you doing are you sniffing something I smell a button wait what you smell a button wait a minute maybe that’s what we have to do maybe we have to find a button somewhere in this room to open up that door okay um everyone keep your eyes peeled for a button I smell it it’s somewhere nearby uh yeah but there’s also lots of leaves to smell yeah K how do you smell a button how does one only smell the button and not all of the leaves and the wood and the grass and the flowers and the grass and the dirt and the stone and everything are you hungry or something dude but yeah that’s food is on my mind I’m sorry just eat the grass I can smell the button because it’s like electricity and it like talks to me pretty much oh I see I see okay well hold on if it’s talking to you then where is it can you hear where it’s talking to you from I I I think it’s over here somewhere guys can I just set everything on fire oh Ruby I don’t think that’s a good idea what if it’s a wood button what if the button lights on fire I think I smell a button over here and okay okay wait hold on I’m just going to follow cam he seems to know what he’s doing I smell it I smell it it’s right here H the nose on the DT and wait let’s go can’t get believe that actually worked all right well I guess now all we have to do is just press the button hopefully that actually opens up the door and um didn’t do anything bad let’s go check Ruby where are you um I’m trying to find where the door is again it was over here this way I remember where it was oh I found it is it open it’s open let’s go finally okay okay we made it to the next part but wait what is all this hold on there’s some iron doors over here earth powers guys look those are my Powers over there uh Dash look at this and wait what is this waa that is a big drop why is it um a vertical place by him it’s a dropper wait a dropper oh do we have to try to make it to the bottom over there is that how we get into that room with the iron doors this is so trippy okay well how are we supposed to get down there if we fall and hit any of these trees we’re probably going to take um a lot of fall damage who wants to go first oh wait there’s something to jump on right here wait what there is what is it don’t jump there look there’s water all the way at the bottom guys you got to hit the water o wait a minute hold on there actually is water we might be able to jump into that oh Cam’s going in Cam’s going in oh oh here we go oh he made it do I have to do this yeah every I know you’re a fire but uh I I think it’s the only way I’m going next let’s go oh there’s actually easy there is actually easy okay okay okay okay I’m going to go now uh 3 two 1 you better not fall in hit one of the trees Ruby and oh you made it let’s go and what wait a minut guys I think this is where we go up from uh Ruby I think you evaporated the water when you landed I have to swim no Ruby you don’t have to swim the bubbles will push you up but you have to hold your breath for a little bit and let’s go we’re in the room with my Powers now let me go ahead and grab all these grab them grab them grab them that was the water Ruby I think I drank some refreshing oh all right but anyways guys time for me to use my earth powers let’s go all right let me just drink all of these things hopefully I actually get my powers back from doing this yeah hopefully this works and wait a minute guys hold on I feel different I think it worked let’s go I got all my powers back again let’s go okay well finally we have all of our powers back but guys now we got to get out of here we got to get out of whatever this weird underground secret bunker thing is we got to go back home yeah I think I remember how to get out of here yeah we just got to get out of this Earth Vault room well well well you guys really thought you got smar than me huh um wait guys do you hear that why is there a voice coming on the speaker system is that the scientist guy is that the scientist guy well of course it is it’s me you guys really thought that you could get your powers without me knowing um yes yeah scientist guy we kind of did we already got all of our powers back let’s go you may have got your powers back but uh you’re a bit too late because I also got your powers wait wait wait guys we also got our powers huh I don’t know what that means I don’t know what that means either let’s just get out of here yeah I think we should just get out of this place guys let’s go ahead and unlock this door the code was 1 2 3 4 there we go let’s leave this place and uh hi there scientist you really want to mess with us we got all of our powers back now there is no way you can defeat us in a fight yeah yeah yeah you’ve got your powers back but uh did you not hear me whenever I said that I also have your powers what in the world why is he so big yo yo yo he’s got stuff glowing around him I think he actually did steal our powers oh gosh wait what okay well hold on a minute you got our powers back we got our powers back it’s a win-win right you can just let us leave now and uh we can go our our merry ways uh no I still haven’t harvested all your powers yet so I’m going to have to defeat you guys and take the rest of them what the okay guys we have to fight this guy everyone pull your powers go go go you’re about to go down weird scientist guy take that watch out don’t get hit I’m going to hit him with my lightning oh yeah oh yeah I’m going to ch I set him on fire I set him on fire here I’m going hit him with my stomp ability take that let’s go oh oh I think I missed I think I missed oh gosh fire Thunder ow ow I hate when you work together stop it wait wait guys I think it’s working let’s go let’s go okay hold on hold on I need to use my other abilities let me try using uh poison spray oh yeah oh yeah take this take this let’s go and sh I’m going hit him with some of this oak skin I have no clue what this ability does but take this yeah and oh wait a minute I think it gives me protection oh yeah oh yeah you about to get destroyed now no no guys please come we can talk about this and what if I just you know not steal your powers and let you go and oh no scientist guy it’s too late let me go ahead and equip my last ability the roots and all right take this let’s go hey hey let go me we can talk about this wait hold on I think the roots got him stuck all right you guys have to use your abilities on him now mining bolt and go go go yes let’s go we took him out let’s go but guys we got to get out of here there an alarm probably is going to go off him very soon yeah I want to go home yeah let’s go back to our parents let’s go we finally made it back home man that was a crazy first day of my life I was literally just born today and all that happened and oh Mom Dad you’re finally home oh well welcome home kids what took you guys so long to get home from school and what oh um it’s a it’s a long story oh uh well you’re home now let’s have dinner I’ve got your favorite grass oh man I can’t wait to finally have some grass that was pretty crazy and if you want to watch the next video then click on the video on the screen right now

Having an ELEMENTAL LIFE in Minecraft!

This video Dash, Ruby and Cam are living life as ELEMENTALS in Minecraft! How will their life be? Watch till the end to find out!

#minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash


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