FULL MOVIE – Can you finish Terraria Calamity Mod while using Draedon’s Arsenal Only?

before starting this video I want to let you know that this challenge run has been live streamed right before the new Calamity update so a few things might be different Calamity mode but I can only use Tren weapons tracking disc frequency manipulator GSS rifle P rapper I swear to God these things were taken out of my signals and systems scores from college this challenge was suggested by some random lovely subscribers during a stream of mine so I decided to try this out even though I knew I had to defeat some bosses before I could get my hands on the first year of weapons luckily the same lovely sub subscribers mentioned that technically wol from weapons are considered Traden weapons too so I guess this is how I started this amazing journey Traden weapons only is basically a challenge where I can use different weapons from five tiers every tier being unlocked at a certain point of the game for instance after the hive mind or Providence I can also use the wolf from gear and the drops from the exox as well as the Mir Sama since it makes a lot of sense can I beat this challenge this is the wrong question the right one would be how fast can I finish this run well stay here grab some chips and enjoy this run also subscribe and if you did and want to be even cooler than you already are become a member so you can spam the BL Emoji in the chat I think three live streams are going to be enough for this but we’re going to see let’s see how this goes uh the game crashed because of fls and shadows I don’t know why that happens but here we go I guess dren weapons only you might be thinking how I’m going to get hive mind killed without any weapon the thing is is that I can use wool from weapons cuz they’re technically dren stuff so yeah let’s get started let’s open the treasure back get a lot of stuff that I’m not going to use most likely and also also I’m going to play on revengeance this time oh this block is missing a wall this room actually so you know what’s going to be there it’s going to be a desert temple uh actually it’s not okay I got scammed oh my God that’s annoying and there’s the first wolf from enemy let’s kill it with a pickaxe cuz we’re cool most likely I’m going to get killed but oh actually I’m fine imagine if I get the Rob driver that’ll be cool in the last let’s play like the one I did to practice I got it and that was great okay so now I can craft the knives and these are the weapons that I can use to kill some enemies and I’ll have to farm a lot of wood from enemies early on oh oh let’s go we got blue blue blue blue and the cool thing about this thing is if I right click I can just attract all the knives that I’ve thrown earlier so if there’s like a knife on the ground I just right click and there it is it’s back in my inventory might as well go to the snow biome and check some stuff right there oh Woolf from Battery that’s good to have a good way to get them to spawn would be to be at the very edge of the world what the [ __ ] when did you spawn dude and why do you sell stuff that I want but I don’t have money for it I’m so [ __ ] broke there we go we got a traveling Merchant in our inventory yeah the first few days in this challenge are pretty annoying and boring but trust me after get past one Mech it’s just over it’s just going to be a entire Speed Run first life Crystal oh my God there’s like a lot of gold let’s get it and a lot of Life Crystals what oh there is also the gun that I wanted to craft and the wol from controller so I guess I’m going to go for this obviously and have like a minion that is going to create a lot of annoying sounds all right so lucky horseshoe it’s good that I found the mushroom biome cuz as I said crabon is the first boss that I’m going to take on nice cloud in a bottle oh my God charmer foot not that great I want the magic conch oh life pistol let’s get it and oh God I’m going to die no okay I’m fine come on wolf from enemies spawn let’s use some more of these okay fortunate place to be in cool really good so I still need like two more Life Crystals for uh full HP then I need one more Life Crystal for the Shimmer then five Life Crystals for the Omni station so let’s go and get him okay here are the two life crystals for me okay lot of chests uh and uh I see Life Crystal I see a double life Crystal what is the temple around here I think not okay we’re done we’re done with the jungle guys let’s also make the shotgun Sapphire hook bombb CL okay so two crowns one for the king and one for King Slime I also need to farm some more wool from enemies so what I’m going to do is that I’m going to place a few platforms okay oh and there they are you see if I stay in here they’re just going to spawn on the platform and just look at them hey F the moster here bombo clot this this and this bombo CL let’s also make the Omni station semi station thingy so like if I was a set bonus I’m going to be transformed into a robot and I do this PE Pew po and you use like one of these every time you do this it’s a really cheap thing and it’s really powerful like this thing can easily destroy even slime God actually no slime God no it’s going to take more time to take down slime God but you can defeat Skeletron with this it’s going to be fine it’s going to take a while but it’s going to be fine trust me probably going to die to the Goblins but it’s going to be okay like this is not hardcore I can die how many times I want okay okay here we go first death oh my God no no you’re joking you’re you’re joking right now that’s not that’s not that’s not happening blood moon time and I hate it I hate early blood ones yo nice what were the chances of me getting blot a blot tier and also the shark with necklace from the same enemy hello bombo CL okay let’s make a arena for crabon okay yes we got B the magic punch and the desert Medallion here we go great told you the Shimmer is going to be right here cool no [ __ ] where I’m going to end up all right so um yeah time to go to the desert time to start the Rampage cuz uh we’re kind of ready actually we’re not we have to upgrade accessories but we’re kind of ready for the desert Scourge we’re always ready cuz that boss is just a joke you can actually kill me but you know what I’m saying don’t die horses when dogs want let’s do this here we go bring it where are my minions hold on I forgot to summon my minions I’m going to do that a bit later after this thing runs off I hope the IU will spawn naturally too kind of want that to happen okay it doesn’t cuz the night started yeah I might as well die a bit hopefully not come on let’s survive this come on I can do this yep we’re doing this I was born to do this fight okay here we go now to the sunen Sea yo here we go now we can start doing a lot of stuff okay so this and also this nice let’s do the first one oh no oh no [Music] that was really quick why do you not use magic storage I don’t like it oh it’s the clumsy slime yo we got it here we go he’s up there I don’t really have a lot of space but I should be fine jump I wasn’t fine crap I’m not fine at all I need more space but uh I think I might survive this actually or actually no oh we’re doing this we’re fine yep we’re doing this we’re really fine don’t worry nice there’s Doo too cool music as I told you if you get the armor set this is just a breeze like it’s just a Boss Rush [Music] oh my God that was so close the the star almost hit it there we go took like a few seconds my God the enemies there are just a lot I totally forgot nighttime corruption is such a pain in the ass oh my God if the star fell on it that would have been great oh no why I get adrenaline right now I have the cool down I cannot use the gun let’s try to dodge as much as [Music] possible really good that was really really good good we got aite now we finally we can craft some dren weapons but we need to mine aite and the problem is that I need the nightmare Pickaxe at least and uh The Ether of Worlds fight just takes way too much so instead of doing that I’ll do some fishing and get the river shark come on give me that river shark this do be taking a while oh my God I don’t have um the soner pots yeah we’re going home so we buy this thing with one gold and you um guys we’re getting hella Rich 11 Platinum hold D this is just unreal no way this is [ __ ] working um I found like an exploit infinite money exploit in Terraria hold on we’re going to get hell reach guys just look at my Platinum coins insane what the [ __ ] is this exploit dude 450 Platinum okay I’m just going to reforge every single thing that I have okay let’s do this so this is how literally the entire fire will go me just going to the right going down going to the left and so on [Music] okay so that was one adrenaline charge and he’s like around 80% of HP I don’t know come on just a little more and we’re done we’re about to get some really good weapons here we go now we can also get the rage and wrath pots now we’re going to get a lot of AA light cuz I also want to get the AR set let’s get the weapons guys we’re going to use this thing the taser and the tracking disc this is these are the weapons that I’ll be using the other ones are just really bad so the leggings uh the helmet the range helmet of course and uh the chest plate it was great using the wool from gear how many of these do I need for the armor set so 12 + 7 that will be 90 + 5 that will be 24 and also where is the what hold on oh I think I needed this things for the yeah oh okay we have enough for the set let’s go up let’s do the slime God I think this arena is more than enough so let’s do this oh my God I forgot to reforge this weapons but it’s okay I’m still dealing a lot of damage what the [ __ ] almost died okay tracking this for the win there we go easy this is just a joke like from now on this run is apart from having to defeat a mechanical boss with these weapons this run is just a joke trust me so pants chest plate uh Magic melee ranged and also the Rog one what the [ __ ] is this favor this item to prevent aquatic skirt from naturally spawning near you I don’t need that I don’t care if it spawns all right here we go let’s not use stealth I don’t need that I’m dealing a lot of damage just like that look at this I’m dealing like ones and twos and his hands are down already oh my God the taser is even better what literally what the [ __ ] is this takes like a few seconds to defeat a boss easy peasy yet another boss defeated moving on to um yeah getting the bundle of balloons I guess and I can also make the bundle of all balloons the bundle of horseshoe balloons the whatever the frost bar Boots the Terra spark boot bomb CL oh my God I cannot see anything oh crap oh crap well um uh what now I guess I’ll do this uh no I’m not going to go up [ __ ] off I guess I’ll just stay around here okay let’s do this like these weapons are just melting every prearm mod boss there we go Queen be killed that means I get the wi doctor and the flasks and now craft the winner item get ready to witness magic this oh CRA oh crap oh God oh my God why did I get hurt you s strikes for the win tracking is for the win really good weapon here we go cool we’re in har mode Less Than 3 hours let’s go I did more than enough almost 3 hours okay that’s good yep it’s time to do fishing unfortunately and uh that’s what’s going to happen tomorrow so I guess I’ll see you in a few hours probably good welcome to the stream welcome to the second stream of this let’s play Let’s just check a few seconds okay this Pyon is all right not corrupted at all okay we’re good so yeah let’s open the treasure bag and see that I get a [ __ ] ton of stuff and I have the ranger emblem which I kind of wanted I have four emblems what the [ __ ] that’s insane also let me buy some of these all right so uh fishing I need the mechanic for the mechanic Rod so I guess we’re going to go to to the dungeon where is the guy with cool hair that sells pots he’s not here I think he might be in the underground yep there he is so one dungeon pot let’s go let’s go check the mechanic and okay she sells it here we go let’s get 20 Souls of light then I should also go to the corruption and smash some alar so I get the souls of Knight as well the early har mode grind is the most fun in calamity the worst in vanilla yeah let’s deactivate the battle horn like oh my [ __ ] God it’s like 100 x spawn rates can I craft the wings yep lucky good bro remember being able to not hit the fight but he got like six bags for every fight yeah the Armageddon I think it was good it’s time to start the fishing process and it’s going to be boring and tungsten okay I don’t need tungsten I got okay we can get or chalum Anvil or chalum or calcum whatever okay no myril Seaside crate come on give me myril what the [ __ ] pants chest plate a helmet nice here we go time to do Prime okay I already have this I don’t need this anymore and let’s do Skeletron Prime oh my you got to be kidding me like this is not going to happen I’m going to let him kill me but cuz I don’t have enough time to kill it and it’s also a Blood Moon come on just kill me already so basically what I’m going to do I’m going to throw the tracking disc uh I’m going to use it uh until I kill all the arms it’s going to take a while so I might as well do this okay let’s not go into the space you know and after I kill all the arms I’m just going to switch between the tracking disc and the taser okay so I’m going to get adrenaline really soon let’s try to use it to destroy one arm no I mean it’s okay but I kind of wanted to hit the laser it’s good that the cannon and the laser are the most damaged things okay from now on let’s try to know hit this so I get another adrenaline charge to destroy the other arms too okay I got hit and I also forgot to get the rod of Discord but it’s okay I don’t really need it I need that for the Destroyer fight though like it’s not a must but I would like to get it okay we got rage let’s get it let’s use this good okay let’s be careful a bit let’s try to get adrenaline okay let’s try to dodge good we’re almost there okay here we go Prime defeated guys so from now on this is just a speedrun trust me mounted turet time you know time to craft some really good weapons the matter modulator and uh oh crap I totally forgot I have to get some more of these but it’s okay I have a [ __ ] ton of money I can do this um why can’t I buy a treasure bag from Prime what the [ __ ] uh might as well do this and also get the mounted scanner here we go my boy how you doing time to do the Destroyer it’s going to take a few seconds come up let’s try not to die actually cuz he can kill me with EAS well not anymore okay so now let’s craft some new stuff such as wait hold on I can only craft the Goss pistol I think I need the Sol of sight for this oh my God okay okay so I guess we’re going to do the twins cuz I thought I have to kill the Destroyer for that but it’s okay let’s do the twins I forgot to charge this weapon it’s going to be okay like this is not going to take ages it’s still going to be okay good that’s really good I love it he rer death now let’s let’s try not to die to crazy spazmatism oh God that was really close that might have been it now I have to pray that I’ll not die come on here we go that’s good okay so this is the thing the frequency whatever this is the weapon that it’s going to destroy every boss from now on okay Angel f nice bombo clot okay so for the roll class I need a mirage mirror Rog emblem ruin Medallion Titan heart armor okay okay electricians glove there we go got a Rog accessory don’t freeze me don’t freeze me yo okay there is another Atlas up there let’s make the armor set oh silent I skipped whoops I need 26 life rots and I’m out of Boom shurikens okay let’s get a [ __ ] ton of boom shurikens and let’s go back to the Jungle if you hate grind you can use mods like faros mut and then Alchemist NPC true like you see my game play seems incredibly fast because of these two mods like these boom shurikens are from Fargo the NPC which I did exploit with the money is from Fargo I think it’s I think it’s it’s from Fargo the architect I don’t know if it’s from Alchemist should not be from Alchemist it doesn’t make any sense good we’re done with the life RS tell GG goodw to make updated Calamity progression guides might as well make some I mean I can make them why ask get good when I can make them you you know so now just look how good this weapon is oh God I got frozen what the only thing is that in case I miss a hit it’s going to be so annoying cuz it takes some time to charge the stealth thingy oh actually I can do this I totally forgot I can hit the ground like the projectiles will chase the enemy so I can just stay close to the ground and hit the ground and deal a lot of damage yes that was really good good now to the underground oh I forgot spunker pots oh there is the laboratory that’s good bombo clot okay time to do AUM oros right now this is going to be interesting what I’m not really dealing a lot of damage I don’t know why I think I should get the umber field armor first and some more accessories then might try this again but let’s try to do it right now who knows maybe I’ll do it okay I’m going to get adrenaline let’s not waste it playing the RO class without using the Stell strikes at all oh my God I think the St strikes are way better yeah they I’m dealing like 3K damage per hit come on just die I think the steal strike would have been great back there and he’s done there we go I did this before planta so I would get like this thing the rage upgrade and that’s just it no nothing else let’s get rid of this stream let’s hope for the best I’m just going to use stealth strikes only come up [Music] yeah this is crazy just one hit and I got it to like 80% I really need to get some Rog accessories for better stealth cuz like it’s barely loading I’m waiting way too much for it to charge okay here we go let’s get rid of the tentacles the bond wizard is in here and I’m going to have to get him we’re going to rescue him mid fight yo I rescued him fun activities to do while fighting bosses in terrera rescue the wizard we’re kind of close to doing this as well and there we go nice okay there it is oh look who’s here the moon and oh God I’m dying oh no we’re surviving this guys we’re not dying all my NPCs died except I need this thing to craft the vampir Talisman bomb CLA then I need the hollowed bars to craft this thing this is a really good armor set don’t forget theps meter okay okay thank you for reminding me every time I’m stupid and I keep forgetting that’s right now let’s go down so I get to H the ground [Music] okay let’s Dodge a bit let’s try not to get hit let’s not waste this adrenaline charge [Music] good now it’s just a matter of time until we defeat Camas as well then we’re going to get the asgard’s Val a beast stuff and we’re going to do Golem after that it’s going to be the play bringer go yet to be defeated with this weapon as well then we’re going to get some new weapons a really good range weapon if I can say so let’s try to dodge this oh here we go oh my [ __ ] God I hate it when it happens here we go okay now we can go to the operator and uh get some more things such as death cells and lumino uh another brim Blade the ruin Medallion and I’m going to use it instead of the this thing what I want to do right now would be to go to the abys the place that I love the most and I don’t know why the diving gear was in the chest with materials what is this I think it’s the dep Crusher right yep oh ink bomb here we go abysal mirror yeah this is the this is the one and now I have a lot of stuff that’s so cool bombo clat nice really cool let’s reforge everything and uh move on to Golem Les okay these are good this is silent silent this doesn’t have anything let’s get silent on it nice let’s do this yeah this is extremely easy like the play Brer fight is going to be the same but with more dodging here we go this boy killed as well this bad boy here oh oh oh scoria give me that oh God that’s [ __ ] up I don’t know why that happens I’m still missing something okay some of these I don’t think I can buy them right nope okay we’re going to have to defeat the plaguebringer I guess and we’re going to do it right now I know she enrages on the surface but it’s okay [Music] [Music] [Music] oh so I said that I’m going to stop after I defeat Golem uh and continue with the plate bringer in the next live stream but since it’s just 6:00 p.m. for me and um I have to go at like 700 p.m. or so I guess I’ll continue and maybe defeat moreon or to come on five more hits or six or I don’t even [Music] know okay there we go there we go there we freaking go play ringer defeated as well now it’s time to switch to the range class the world class was amazing for sure but the range class would be even better trust me and this thing good I learned to craft new things yo that’s amazing so let’s craft the gaus rifle uh this one as well good time to do CST but before I do that let’s also do this boss that I hate the most this fight is hard trust me this fight is a bit painful this is loud but actually what this fight is okay oh I was using the rock weapon know my latest one now that I’m using this okay here we go that was it okay good fair enough I’m going to start moving when I’m going to get hit okay here we go oh no oh no I’m actually going to die oh here we go good that was close and I forgot the rod of Discord oh God now look at this weapon isn’t it really good I love it I guess I’ll see save adrenaline for the second phase when uh both brothers going to spawn Brothers worms whatever and there we go yet another boss defeated I’m getting so close to Moon Lord I am just speed running this so this thing this thing and also this thing yeah star Veil and this thing yes the theic amulet I’m going to have to reforge it now just look how you can destroy a pillar in a few seconds oh my goodness this is uh oh crap my game might crashed holy crap what is this dear God what the [ __ ] that just insane dude the Battle Cry is just insane like for real what was that 3 2 1 prepare for what comes next oh no where’s the pillar okay there it is I just killed every enemy in a second like there were way too many brains and I killed them all in the same at the same time oh God I’m going to die to this one yep so here’s the thing I’m going to stay here and wait for all the enemies to spawn then I’m just going to kill them all instantly so 3 2 1 ghost rifle is so silly huh I use the set bonus from the armor to do this thing he that was that was just great adrenaline plus the armor set that was just amazing I’m not going to die I’m not going to die to to this no I’ll not die to this guys I’m doing it I’m doing it let’s go that was close what the [ __ ] all right cool Moon Lord defeated nice let’s see how much time uh this took less than 3 hours in the Stream oh okay almost 6 hours almost 6 hours to get past Moon Lord this is the time like the last run this is the time it took to finish the Run let’s see if I can finish this run faster hello there fantasm finishing the playthrough today uh I hope I don’t know we will see we defeated MO Lord we’re in the end game stage we’re going to use the same weapons to defeat the Guardians and Providence and let’s just get started I’m going to open the treasure bag and um use the celestial onion yo look at this okay Celestial tracers here we go and I also need one more accessory which I don’t even know what it should be I think a destroyer emblem oh God I’m almost dying I didn’t even see my HP let’s disable this really quick oh God no no oh my [ __ ] god you’re kidding me no no yep I might die again guys or maybe not there we go that was kind of close good now before doing Providence I should also do dragon fallly oh yeah I forgot this fight is really annoying because of these swarmers oh my God they’re just the worst good adrenaline charge really good also with the stealth that’s just amazing got it to like 60% of its HP that’s good you see I’m not really dealing like a lot of damage he’s like a try to survive and get adrenaline fight and deal like a lot of damage with it I don’t have the rod of Discord [ __ ] oh my God I switched to the third slot because I thought I have the rod of Discord oh my God I’m stuck between these two beams oh not anymore for real I have to get R of Discord like I totally forgot about it way too many times and oh I might die no let’s do this let’s go all right let’s do Providence to this is just a Boss Rush like this stream is just a Boss Rush like I defeat Providence I get some new weapons I go defeat poter gas then I defeat dog I upgrade weapons again I defeat Yun I defeat the exox I defeat escal and that’s just it that’s the entire stream I I don’t really have to get a lot of accessories a lot of preparations you know I just upgrade some weapons maybe get two or three accessories and that’s just it this run is really easy trust me and it’s just like a classic Terraria run you upgrade things defeat some bosses upgrade things again be bosses again maybe do some events not really like a lot of preparations and special gimmicks for this run maybe except the Skeletron Prime fight which I did with rearmed weapons other than that is just nothing special where is it oh nice I T that oh no I didn’t see those things lingering on the ground uh I should get up like on the Sky Ridge and I cannot my fly time is reduced oh there we go I’m safe nice here we go we’re doing this the first attempt it’s not going to be a problem what you’re going to be surprised by in this run is the dog fight like the first time I did it uh I had no preparation done and I just tried to do it and like see how it goes and it was just incredibly easy I did it like in one attempt I got a lot of adrenaline charges I just destroyed worm and I hope it’s going to be the same right now for the rest of the run I might stick to using the range class and I’m going to use the melee class after the exox most likely ther than that is just the ringer class with this weapon and another one like the next one get we really that was really close to losing adrenaline back there [Music] he and I think this might be it there we go as the max drop count right yep they do use the spine of tonato that’s literally what I was going to use trust me yeah Sentinels we’re not going to do that so now it’s time to go to the jungle and M wiie boom and get a [ __ ] ton of stuff so the heavy laser rifle is the weapon of choice as well as um pul dragon is good but I’m not going to use it the Snake Eyes heck yeah and also the wave Bounder but I’m not going to use it and uh I also have to upgrade the thing the machine the the voltage regulation system bomla and also let me put this all right cool nice trust me I’m as brain dead as possible okay let’s go oh my goodness what the [ __ ] what the okay that’s that’s good actually I love this I’m going to do this until um I’m going to summon poter guas defe it and then continue with dog it’s just straightforward I I think the safest place in early hard mode is the regular cave or the ice cave other than that is just chaos even the hollow cave is a hard place to survive early on and uh the other world too the underw is okay too yep there we go or actually you know what guys let’s do dog hopefully I won’t die let’s do this okay that’s a great start that’s just amazing and uh this is not good actually crap ah okay okay adrenaline and uh and rage no what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] okay he ate me oh crap I’m stupid oh my God I really hate this thing no [ __ ] way dude all right hopefully this is going to be the one oh I can use this oh that’s cool that’s a lot of speed oh my God that Guardian almost ate me [ __ ] that okay come on okay that was close no oh my God the [ __ ] Guardians yep I’m going to die I’m not going to do this [Music] okay here we go d [Music] way better way better with them M oh God now he’s just doing this instantly without any breaks there we go I said it there we go 1 hour one hour for dog now I can say one word bombo clot let’s go let’s do this okay so it’s m summer time it’s time to craft some cool stuff play the Anvil and um craft nothing cuz I need some stuff so it’s time to do the events cool so let’s enable the battle horn and let’s start with this and let’s use the Barking weapon we’re going to make a load out for the melee class as well as one for the range class even though we’re going to use the range class for y then I’m going to switch to melee for spring and for the EXO I’ll still go for range okay the M Su just destroys the enemies that’s just great like oh my goodness this is lag as [ __ ] but we’re surviving this is so laggy holy crap but it’s amazing I love it oh I can also craft the god Slayer set I totally forgot so ranged chest plate a helmet and while batteries generate for the computer let’s do fter gas and Providence and then I might still have to wait for Batteries come on okay there it is this is just a joke what I not even get to use adrenaline cuz I’m killing it and I was using the oh my God I was using the range armor set this is cool oh there it is there we go Shield acquired nice and I think I have enough batteries for this feels like enough yep there we go these materials and let’s craft some cool [ __ ] such as now not this the pole wrapper then oh what the [ __ ] Tesla Canon pulse rifle what the [ __ ] I’ve never used this thing I don’t know how it is snail speed no thank you I’m going to go for the pulse rifle I know how it is summon the pole rapper and summon yaron and where is he okay there he is and know I’m using the wrong armor set yeah let’s try using the m s you know what let’s see how it is oh [ __ ] ah I mean it’s okay but I’m risking way too much cuz I’m getting hits so like I’m guess I’m going to use the ranged one I took some heavy K back there and I don’t want to die oh god oh yeah if he hits me I’m dead cuz I have this thing 2 good good again good again okay that’s that’s awesome not anymore cool music time too bad it gets with copyright issues unfortunately it should not but it is what it is YouTube you’ll be doing some amazing stuff that we all love and appreciate oh god oh no okay I didn’t lose adrenaline that’s okay there [Music] come on it’s over it’s almost over three more hits and he’s done four hits okay five hits six Hits come on okay that was really close game kind of lagged back there bom Bo clat really easy challenge or bars these two things these two pair of things the Magic Carpet and uh what else I am still missing something for the dragon fruit oh yeah one of that of course it’s going to be that material the ascendant Spirit thingy so the boots the chest plate diggings helmet for the range class also this one and um I’m still missing something hold on oh yeah 50 essenes of yeah solar fragments I don’t know why I got 60 it’s okay we’re ready to go for the last few bosses the last stretch but before I do that I need to charge my weapons Dron versus drayen Jr true they do be like that have waited long for this moment as I said before brao doesn’t know what gamer I am brao doesn’t know that he’s going to be destroyed let’s do this bro is going to get destroyed by his own weapons oh God I got hit that was not supposed to happen [Music] crap that was trouble I kind of get hit and that’s not good okay from now on Geometry Dash straight flying okay tanato [ __ ] off he almost killed me but it’s okay cuz uh I’m not getting hit right now I’m regening going to kill as well T is just trying to fight me oh God I lost adrenaline what I might die oh not anymore okay it’s this guy I don’t know if this is working but I’m trying yeah this is definitely not working I’m going to stick to using this weapon cuz it’s pretty good [Music] just summon the twins okay there they are yes I got adrenaline before getting hit and I wasted it because they were transforming oh crap I hate it when it happens f get melted and now it’s this lad and I think the murasama might work now no oh God that was laggy the dragon rage would have been great but it’s not a dren weapon and there we go GG dren defeated by Dr dren Jr oh my God stuttering a bit what difficulty you playing Rev Vance okay let’s get the spine of tanatos let’s reforge it as well as the dren heart which I’m going to use instead of probably instead of this time for the last fight I don’t have to charge this things cuz I’m not going to use them and yes I’m allowing Miracle matter items but I’m not going to use them cuz um just look at this the spine of tus which is great and I also have the mirama which is good let’s do this we’re going to use the dren heart uh for the third phase but up until I get to death just hope that I’ll not [Applause] die oh my goodness wasted that adrenaline hopefully I’m going to get one for the brother’s Bas cuz I don’t really like that great and there they are St crap I’m not dying to this oh there we go that was uh pretty close cool okay this took exactly two hours that’s amazing that means uh this run took less than 8 hours most likely let’s just check so oh my [ __ ] god less than eight hours I expected this to take like less than 10 hours like this is the first time I got this is the first run I did and this is the second one and look at the difference okay that’s just insane and I also died to dog and and not profan Guardian I I mean yeah profan Guardians too but Providence I died to Providence and dog and still got a really good time at this point I’m just speed running challenges what the [ __ ] but yeah that’s great great I guess that’s another challenge complete and I suppose I’ll see you in uh the next one which I don’t even know what it will be but we’re going to see guys thank you guys for watching have a good one see you don’t forget to like And subscribe become a m today and get the BL in the chat bye-bye

Somebody suggested that I should try this run one day so here we are!
Draedon’s Arsenal is composed by 5 tier of weapons that are unlocked after a certain boss has been defeated, for instance, tier 1 being unlocked after the Hive Mind / Perforators and the tier 5 being unlocked after the Devourer of Gods.

Since there is no weapon available before the evil bosses, somebody suggested that I am allowed to use Wulfrum gear since it makes a lot of sense, as well as the Murasama in the late game.

This challenge was more like a speedrun and I had a lot of fun with it!
Definitely a must try experience! 10/10!

The next challenge run will be a vanilla one, and, hopefully, will be uploaded during the next week.

In case you’re asking, here is a modlist for the run:
Calamity Mod (with music)
Boss Checklist
Fargo’s Mutant Mod
Ore Excavator
Recipe Browser
AlchemistNPC Lite

Texture Pack (for the font) – Cabin Font

The music used is not composed by me.

If you liked this video, don’t forget to subscribe and check my other videos as well. Stay tuned for more!

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