Why Did Families Bury Mikey and JJ Alive in Minecraft? (Maizen)

[Music] wait a minute Mikey come quickly look here diamonds now we can make armor or Tools H look are you sure it’s a good idea to go after these resources H is this a cemetery I don’t like this place can we go home what if it’s a trap oh no the gate is closed so it’s a trap what do we do now what’s that sound it’s the sound of the graves it’s like a zombie we need to run how do we get out of here Jas the gates are locked what if these zombies Bight me I don’t want to become like them how could this happen it seems we can’t get out why do we always get into all sorts of trouble can’t we get out of here are they getting closer maybe it’s all a joke and they just made fun of us huh what happened seems like the zombies took pity on us and decided not to kill us I thought we couldn’t get out but I think we got lucky let’s go home Mikey yep I’m so glad the zombies didn’t bite us I don’t know but I’m so hungry when I get home I’ll have dinner it’s US Open the Door you have no idea what happened what happened to you you’re JJ I can’t let you in you saw yourself what’s wrong with you what is it why you closed the door let us in why don’t they let us in open the door we’re Mikey and JJ you want us to start at the door why am I so strong if you don’t want to let me in I will come Mike what happened to us have we become zombies but how could this happen I think I realized the zombies didn’t spare us they bit us how could this happen I thought we were lucky the zombies let us go now we are like them get out of our house now zombies we cannot leave you here We will bury you so you will never live again what are you doing we are not zombies this is a mistake don’t touch me we’re sorry JJ but you’re a zombie now you can’t live here anymore we’re really sorry but zombies can’t live with humans how could Mikey and JJ become zombies how can we live without them now looks like a good place here we’ll bu them here we’ll kill the Zombies who infected Mikey and JJ we are truly sorry but you are now the Living Dead we cannot leave you alive you would have infected us the Golem will guard this place if they try to get out of retirement at any cost don’t worry I’ll guard this place I promise you that if they wake up they’ll stay in their graves huh what happened I’m in a coffin H what’s wrong with my eyes why can’t I see one eye what’s on my face is that cloth why is there some cloth on my face I need to remove it quickly I kind of had scissors I need to check if I can cut the bandage my hands are tied too it’s so uncomfortable because one eye patch makes me almost blind great I was able to hold the scissors as long as I didn’t drop the scissors great I got it it wasn’t as hard as I thought now I have to get out of the coffin but how do I do it h like they covered the coffin with a stone maybe I can somewhere here Mikey it should be somewhere here H like we were buried in a cemetery so Mikey’s grave should be here great here’s Mikey’s grave hey are you there great untie my hands I’m tied up I’m so glad you’re here good to see you too Mikey our wives tied us up and threw us into these what are we going to do now how do we get out of these Graves I don’t know it’s like our graves are built with rocks we can’t break a stone with our hands h need to make a crafted table maybe I will make a pickaxe and can break the stone I just have diamonds I will make myself a diamond pickaxe here take the coal melt the diamond or maybe you’ll hurry up or I don’t want to stay in this grave we’d better get out of here soon H do you think we can cure ourselves I’ve never heard of anyone curing a zombie virus before maybe the witch can help us but there’s a scientist living in the village we can go to them for help we need to get out of the Grave first when we do then we can think about how we can cure the zombie virus don’t go I was told to guard you so I’m not letting you out H it seems we have a problem what happened Golem is standing near our grave H he said he will not let us out H listen Mikey I have an idea oh let’s bribe the Golem I have emeralds it’s a good thing we had valuable resources in our inventory yep all right I think these emeralds are enough what are you ready for Mikey yep let’s get outside okay I’m coming wait a minute hope the Golem doesn’t attack us at once H hurry up Mikey you shouldn’t have gotten out of the Grave why do you guard us here take your emeralds and do not touch us go and buy yourself something okay I won’t attack you listen Mikey I want to get into our house H what are you up to something again have you forgotten that our wives kicked us out of the house I’m annoyed that our wives decided to bury us they haven’t even figured out the situation let’s break into the house and parir at our wives it’ll be our revenge let them be scared let’s go to the doctor after we scare our wives I know the doctor can fix us so don’t worry okay I like your idea all the more how do you plan to get into the house as I recall the second entrance is also closed all the windows are closed so there’s no way to get into the house house H or did you think of something don’t worry Mikey we don’t need any getting into the house they’ll open the door anyway we will dig a hole and we need to cover a thin layer of grass so that it is not visible and then do it how does the pit get us inside I don’t understand anything the bait will be one Diamond I think it will be enough now we have to wait for our wives to leave the house and fall into the pit now I know they will see see the diamonds they will want to take it for themselves they will leave the house and fall into the pit it’s genius why I didn’t think of it I hope we won’t have to wait long hey are you sure they’re going to fall for that obvious trap it already worked and you said our family wouldn’t fall for it we are evil scary zombies and now we will eat your brains run they Panic so funny I haven’t frightened anyone in so long if I’m honest I’ve forgotten how much fun this is yes I liked it too it was very funny they were so loud I like the part where you started saying you were an evil zombie and that you were attacking them now and I could barely resist laughing yeah I liked it too scaring wives is fun come on Mikey there’s a window upstairs that can be knocked out so we can get in only I ask you Mikey don’t make a fuss I don’t want my wives to know we’re in the house I want to scare them I love joking around and what exactly do you want to do you know I get that you want to prank them well you already scared them imagine if a zombie set a trap and lured you into it I think you’d be scared hey how about a little decorating keep your voice down Mikey they can hear you what exactly do you want to do do you want to repaint the room I think they’re coming I don’t think they’ll see us what a strange zombie I was when I saw him H she didn’t recognize me okay I think I have an idea you might like Mikey oh let’s put signs all over the house and write something scary like I see you or I’m here I think they’re back upstairs H I want to scare them just imagine how scared they’d be if they went up to the second floor and saw the notes there while you’re at it think about how else we can joke around maybe hang a skeleton’s head on the wall for fear I see you it sounds quite scary we need to hang up a few more planks to make them really scared I came up with the idea to put pictures on the ground floor oh usually in horror movies in scary houses where there is a ghost hang paintings this is just fine they will definitely be surprised H like they are not going down yet we need to do something else JJ you’re a pranked genius after all of course I spent my childhood making fun of people so I’m so good at it I love horror movies and I take part of my pranks from movies you don’t think that’s too cool even though they buried you alive without even knowing what happened listen maybe we can do something else maybe put ketchup on the floor I think they’ll think ketchup is blood here I will spread the heads of the skeletons it looks gorgeous and very funny it is necessary to place these heads throughout the house I can’t wait to see their reaction I think they’re going to be very scared when they see it listen Mikey so you’ve come up with something scary why I’m the one making up all the scary pranks watch carefully I want to try something I’m not sure it will work but I want to see I can’t believe I became a ghost I want to see how the family reacts I wonder how my wife will react to the tablet with the mysterious message what is it why are there pictures hanging here this has never been here before is it that the heads of skeletons I don’t understand anything I see you what’s going on here is there any ghosts in my house how fun is it to watch her reaction she really believes her house is haunted how I love pranking people it looks so funny it just can’t happen it’s everyone’s joke H I think someone’s just messing with me it turns out she has not yet believed that there are ghosts in the house we need to somehow fix it h what else can you do to make them believe that their house is going on that strange JJ get in here maybe Mikey will tell me although usually he has no ideas H maybe it’s true to spray ketchup on the walls from the outside it may seem like blood although no it’s too corny finally why were you gone so long honestly I was a little scared when I turned into a ghost you didn’t say you could do it come on we need to get some groceries well maybe we’ll go to the cinema if you’re you’re good I hope when I come all this weird stuff ends H did you hear that Mikey H they’re leaving the house which means we have time to prepare oh she said they’re going to the movies so we can do whatever I’ve planned look Mikey I have a plan what do you want to do we’re going to put ghosts all over the house huh and you can imagine them coming home and seeing a ghost in their house it’s just a brilliant plan like I didn’t think of it before but it’s not enough they’ll quickly realize that ghosts are dolls H do you think they’ll understand that the ghosts are all in the dolls H well maybe but before that they’re going to get really scared can we put something else or hang it on the wall can we put chains on the walls I like your idea I would put more dolls but I only have a ghost in the joke shop I saw the dolls of spiders on the remote imagine how scared our wives would be if a spider like that got on them like I put ghosts anywhere I wanted or maybe put them somewhere else H I’ll put question marks all over the house make it more mysterious isn’t that scary just a question mark they’re not scary at all but if you smeared ketchup on the walls then it would be a little scary although I like it it adds mystery Mikey as you are tired with your ketchup we even have no ketchup in our house where we will get it especially by the smell you can immediately understand and the main reason why your idea is bad is banality it’s not even scary we need to scare our wives and make them laugh I think I have something else to do I’ll hang a zombie’s head on the armor counter imagine how scared they’ll be when they see a zombie in their house unfortunately I don’t have any extra clothes then you could put something on the construction site for the armor H now this place is a little scary I think we have succeeded it is very scary here I have an idea if I can do this perfectly I want this head to move H great it looks amazing it looks scary but if they open the door they’ll realize it’s just a head that moves with a lever I wonder when my wife gets here I hope I have time to fully decorate her house now the house looks amazing I love the way you Decor ated it do you think it will be enough to scare our wives all of a sudden they will not be surprised although it is unlikely H you decided to place more counters with armor well it turns out not bad I love it I know they’re scary sound dolls just imagine walking into the house and seeing a ghost move and make scary noises when it’s really a doll sounds good to shake that I didn’t buy a doll that makes noises H we have to put a web in the corners I think I need to put a web all over the apartment as for me it adds Entourage the house becomes more scary I wonder if we can get better I don’t want to be like this forever I love playing in the Sun and if I stay like this the sun will be deadly to me I think we can definitely heal there’s a scientist in the village I think he can fix us there’s a witch I wonder what what our wives are doing now they said they’re going to the movies but they’re long gone I can’t wait for my wife to come home I can’t wait for them to see this I think they’re going to be scared H they’re going home as soon as they go inside I already imagine how they will scream children send home I hope that our house is now normal what is it that the ghost great I knew they’d believe it after all it’s not for nothing that I decorated their house it was definitely wor it where did these ghosts come from I knew there was a poltergeist in my house what can I do they are everywhere it’s like a cobweb how it got here when I left here there was no cobwebs what the hell is going on here why is it always me that gets in trouble is that like a zombie where these monsters came from in my house why are they all in my house is that a skeleton build these dolls all these ghosts and zombies are just scarecrows I knew it wasn’t real I think I know who pranked me oh JJ did it all let him clean it up yes I did go outside it was my revenge for burying Us by the way why did you do it is that really you you see yourself you’ve become a zombie I actually thought it was a zombie just pretending to be you I’m sorry I buried you I have a potion that can turn you back into a human I knew there was a cure well hurry and throw it at me I’m so tired of being a zombie did you know that zombies stink so much I’m human again now I have to clean the apartment Mikey you will help me well help I’m so glad I’ve become myself again we need to be careful not to be bitten by zombies in the future I mean I enjoyed scaring our wives but let’s not do this again good we will never scare our wives again but if they promise that they will no longer keep us in the grave how glad I am to be human listen maybe we can all go get some ice cream of course I’m really hungry h

Why Did Families Bury Mikey and JJ Alive in Minecraft? (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg

NOOB vs PRO: STRONGEST FULLY AUTOMATIC SECURITY HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE in Minecraft – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQuJ8i2HfnE


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