NOOB vs PRO: SECRET TOY HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft!

we’re stuck in a mutant Creeper’s bedroom with no way out we need to find a safe place to hide before the Mutant Creeper comes home hey guys look at this toy maybe we could build a secret hiding spot inside of it great idea I can use ghost do to make a secret entrance so that we can sneak inside but what if the creeper sees us Woodle we need something to scare it away just in case are you dumb axie creepers aren’t scared of anything well there is one thing they’re scared of cats so why don’t we build a kitty Shrine that’s a great idea take that creepers are scared of something I love cute kitty cats I’m going to train them to be the strongest kitties well then come on guys let’s make make our giant kitty cat Shrine right over here and what I’m going to do is grab some Japanese style fences so that we can make it look super cool oh wo woodo that’s such a cool detail we can’t let the kitty cats Escape but we need to make sure that they have a very very clear view of the entrance and now that they’re all placed down like this I can grab some cute little cushions that are little tiny kitty cats will sleep on a these are really comfy actually maybe I’ll just take a nap wait axie you’re not a kitty cat I’m going to spawn in the real kitty cat right now oh they’re so cute oh my gosh they look awesome not only are they super awesome but they’re going to be the thing that scares the creeper away from us so we won’t die hi hey woodo look at this kitty cat um axie that’s not a kitty cat those are lions those are really big kitty cats oh well they’re still kitty cats right no axi those things eat you they’re not going to eat us stop trying to scare axie what they really want to eat is fishies so why don’t I start hanging a bunch of fish from the top of our Shrine so they can stay full wo that’s a great idea woodo and what I’ll do is I’ll even grab buckets of milk so they can always drink it whenever they want kitty cats love milk I love milk too I don’t like milk it’s so icky I’d rather drink mud water wait what mud water that sounds like a terrible idea axie but speaking of water it would be really nice to have some water in here so the kitty cats can clean themselves and take a bath so why don’t I make a kitty cat river that does sound like a great idea Woodle but don’t be silly kitty cats don’t take baths they lick themselves just like me wait what you lick yourself axie well you’re definitely not good at it cuz you always stink hey I just meant that I don’t take baths either cuz baths are dumb oh God go do you hear that that’s probably why axie stinks like all of the time axie can’t call anything else dumb when she’s so dumb herself you guys are so annoying can you put something down that I can smack you with smack you with axie you actually have a really good point if somehow the creeper is able to deter these cats we need a way to defend ourselves and what’s like the craziest most strongest thing that cats are also really good at being uh aels no silly cats are super stealthy just like ninjas so why don’t I grab some Ninja katanas and I can also grab some shurikens H w’t I’ll put it in this section with cool cat ninja artwork oh my gosh MCO that is like the coolest thing ever these are such cute kitties let me put down the armor stands over here and then I can put down the spals with our katanas wa I’m going to get you with these guys I really hope the Mutant Creeper doesn’t search inside of his toy ha ha I know that would be really bad if he dieses but that’s why we need to armor up I’m going to wear this green Samurai armor it looks super cool guys we need to practice being ninjas that’s why I’m going to beat up this target dummy I’m going to beat it up better than you no I’m going to beat it up even more if you guys think that I’m the best ninja ever then comment wudo is a ninja no comment axi because I’m an even better ninja no comment because I can do ninja moves like this this wait what I can do ninja moves too monco they’re just a little groovier than normal oh my gosh she just dapped on us oh gosh forget this I’m out of here wait what where did you get that sick toy car monco and is that a rocket on the back of it wo that’s super cool what are you going to use it for this right here is my race car and I’m using using it to escape you guys your race car is super slow instead of racing like that what I think we should do is grab a bunch of ice so that you have a slippery surface where we can make a toy RAC track on wait what a toy RAC trck would be so fun exactly MCO so let me go ahead and add some laps over here and then how about you guys start adding the obstacles okay woodo the first obstacle is going to be my body taking a nap wait what exie stop trying to take a nap you know that creeper gets you while you’re sleeping right I wouldn’t do that if I were you I just want to take a nap Woodle oh yeah well you won’t want to take a nap after you see these bad boys check out how sick these cars look but we better put fences around the track cuz otherwise they’re going to slip and slide out of here oh my gosh you’re right woodo we need to make this racetrack look way better than it does right now let me just put some traffic cones up like this and then I can start putting down the obstacles too hey axie watch out for the cones I’m not going to hit the cones oh my gosh ax clearly doesn’t have her license good thing she doesn’t drive me to school every day because we would get into a really bad car accident you guys are such meanies no you’re just bad at driving yeah are you guys ready to have a real race so we can see who the best driver is okay and all our Axel and turtles are going to be watching it’s clearly going to be me no it’s going to be me so let me just add the Finish Line over here with these flags just like this and then we can see who will reign Victorious I’m going to take the green car too bad woodo I just stole it from you hey that’s not fair fine I’m taking the purple one let’s go in 3 2 1 race I’m going to turn around and instantly win um guys there’s something wrong with my car MCO your body is too fat to move through the obstacles I won guys oh my gosh I’m literally drifting through every obstacle this is so cool I just got to slip inside through here and squeeze in the tiny hole come on and guys I think my car is stuck I’m a terrible driver forget driving Woodle I have something way better wait what aie are you cheating with fairy wings yep why would you need a car when you can Zumer oh no she’s different this isn’t fair what does she get to cheat with that that’s cuz I’m a super special fairy princess and you’re going to build me my super special fairy princess bedroom oh gosh or else what’s going to happen axie or else I’m going to go tell that mutant creeper where you are oh gosh MCO we have no choice come on let’s grab some super magical BL BL like all these really amazing amethyst ones and let’s make her a fairy bedroom we have to make sure this looks really good wudo I don’t want to get eaten by a creeper me neither so let me just set this entire area to Amethyst is that big enough for your fairy bedroom axie it might be but it has to be really well decorated and I want a second floor with cool things oh my gosh okay fine axie I guess we can do that let me just put these blocks over here how do they look they look all right but there’s no decorations yet add them right now she’s asking for way too much wudo I know this is ridiculous but don’t worry we’ll get her back for this let’s just finish building this so she gets distracted I’m just going to set up a bunch of beautiful purple glass over here like this and then what I can do is I can grab some really beautiful flowers that look super Fairy like oh my gosh I love flowers MCO I have a feeling that you just might be a fairy yourself and you’re not even telling me well wo I was dreaming about being a fairy last night wait what so you’re actually a fairy what in the world that’s right my fairy name is dingleberry dingleberry fairy that’s such a bad name you’re such a goofball hey what’s your fairy name my fairy name is Princess axie Sparkle heart III a that’s such a cute name axie can I build you a little mushroom house where you can also sleep in okay wood but I’m allergic to mushrooms so I might start sneezing everywhere oh okay that’s fine because then we won’t have to build you this anymore hey that’s not very ni SW a chill wow axie what is wrong with you you just blew up our building oh no this is not good the toy it’s broken well that just means that you have to fix it woodo oh my gosh we have to get axie back for this you know what I’m going to do right now oh my gosh what are you going to do I have this potion of shrinking and I’m going to Splash it on axie so she can get a real taste of what it’s like to be a fairy okay that is so evil all right let’s Splash it on her in 3 2 1 Splash what’s going on taxie you turn into a little tiny fairy I’m not that tiny wood I can still destroy you if I wanted to you look like a fly there’s no way a mutant creeper would listen to now come on M go open your mouth and try to eat her hey you guys are meanies keep building my bedroom I order you oh yeah what are you going to do if we don’t build it wait don’t worry now that she’s half the size we can actually get rid of everything and just leave one block because she’s going to live inside of that hiy wait woodo I have a better idea are you ready she can sleep inside out of this hot dog oh my gosh that is so funny let me just put her little dumb mushroom over here like this and axie your tiny little fairy bedroom is done I’m going to get you guys back for this as soon as I turn back to my normal size well that’s never happening come on how about we work on our cool boys bedroom over here where there’s no fairies allowed yeah voodo let’s do it finally we can take control what do you think we should build bro I think I have a pretty cool idea what I want to do for our boys’s room wait really woodo what’s the cool idea well I was thinking that we can build a space themed room I love being an astronaut so we can play with a bunch of space themed toys whenever we want without any fairies having to bother us you know who else can go to space fairies because we can fly however far we want oh yeah axie I know what planet you would live on if you into space What planet Rood axi would live on Pluto cuz it’s so small no axi would live on Jupiter because she’s going to get stupider that’s so mean if you think my roast was so good then I want you to subscribe right now subscribe ah you guys are making me really mad now I might just destroy your bedroom you’re not going to destroy anything axie it’s going to take you like 10 million years to destroy like one block exactly especially because our bedroom is so decorated with stars and space paintings your bedroom is super ugly just like you hey Mongo’s not ugly take that back right now no I never taking it back until you make me big again come on Mona we don’t need to worry about that little fairy why don’t we try to build our own rocket ship that we can sleep in for our bed check this out that’s an amazing idea voodo we can make it look like an entire rocket ship oh my gosh this is 10 times cooler than living inside a dumb little mushroom right exactly voodo but if we’re going to be astronauts we need our astronaut suits astronaut suits you have actual astronaut suits that sounds so cool that sounds lame and your rocket ship bed doesn’t look like a rocket ship it looks like a toilet the only thing lame is your face how dare you exactly axie you’re probably just really jealous because you can’t go fly to the other planets look there’s Earth and the moon and Venus Mars and Mercury how awesome is that and check it out voodo we now have our space armor and I’m going to wear the red one because red is the best color in the world hey yo red is not the best color in the world green is the best color but unfortunately there’s no green spacit but at least I’ll be the first turtle on the moon wo we should add a telescope so we can look at axe’s little forehead and her hot dog bed oh my gosh mongu that is so funny and I totally agree let me put some other telescopes over here so we can zoom into her tiny butt wood I’m big again and you’re going to regret this uh how is axi Big again we have a problem at our hands I’m not just speak I’m huge oh my God this is terrible quick we got to make her happy um axie we were just about to put a giant TV in our bedroom so we can watch all of our videos on it do you want to watch them with us dude that’s not going to make her happy let me do this um axi we will do anything you want and we will not make fun of you ever again okay guys then what I want is a huge plushy party room so we can dance and play with our plushies a plushy party room are you for real right now don’t you love your turtle plushies woodo it’s okay to admit that you’re still a little baby at heart I’m not a little baby axie I just don’t really want to play with plushies because of my cool space real but I guess if you want to play with your little baby plushies we can check this out I’m making it super cool with these neon blocks I love plushies uh I thought you were super Spacey and stuff since when did you like plushies nope this room is way better h w even mongle agrees okay fine guys jeez how about this what we can do is put down a bunch of different color trampolines so you can pick up a plushy and you can bounce on the trampolines I think the red one should be the biggest No the pink one should be the biggest I made them all the same size guys but what you’re going to be able to do now is pick out which plushy you want to play with so let’s start off with the pink plushies axie why don’t you go ahead and put some of those on that table okay I’m going to get an axel lot a pig and then some other cool plushies I think I have way cooler options which is why my table’s going on the very top I just have to search plushy and look I can get green sheep green parrots and I can get even some scary monsters like zombies and creepers and even frogs they look so goofy little can I get a turtle plushy so I can eat it wait what no I’m going to take this Turtle plushy and burn it what the world Marco how about you go ahead and place a plushy let me see what the dumb red ones look look like oh yeah voodo you shouldn’t have tested me check it out we have the red sheep the rarest mob in the game really red sheep I think a pink sheep is way cooler oh my gosh a pink sheep no way a pink sheep the pink sheep is the coolest I’m going to bounce in the trampoline with the pink sheep and wait a second guys I just had the most genius idea you could possibly have let me grabb a table real quick and put it right next to the trampoline and what I’m going to do is grab a bunch of candy that we can snack on while bouncing with our Plushies that sounds awesome I’m going to get crumbs everywhere though wait what don’t get crumbs everywhere I’m going to put all the little candies inside the bowl like this and oh my gosh they look so good I’m going to eat the not if I eat them first wait what in the world are you guys doing I was literally about to put down some other sweets over here too like cake and even a cookie table oh I’m going to eat the table wait what stop it monco I got to put down these other sweets too now we can eat candy and play I don’t think we can ever eat candy with that guy there he’s going to get so fat H speaking of fat axie check this out what I’m going to do is spawn in the best red plushy ever a fat fluffy oh my gosh he’s so squishy I can bounce on his belly boing boing boing okay you know what forget this guys we have our bedrooms and we have this candy but we’re missing the most important thing what what could be more important than this dude if we’re stuck inside of this toy inside the creepers room how in the world are we going to record videos and upload them OMG I can’t believe it that’s like the most important thing I don’t even know if I’m going to be able to upload this video exactly so we need a YouTuber store where we can have all sorts of YouTuber like things dude that is such a genius idea how about I grab a bunch of gold blocks because in order to be a YouTuber you need to be rich really does that mean I can’t start a YouTube channel of course you can start a YouTube channel axie because we steal Mongo’s money all the time oh yay hey I’m not donating to broke people a you’re not going to donate to me I’m going to make the best content ever nope you have two pennies and three dead bushes to your name and I have a bazillion that’s so mean don’t worry axie we can make videos for really cheap too maybe one of our first videos can be about how we literally saved ourselves from this mutant creeper and look at this guys I’m adding oneway glass so that we can watch the outside too just to make sure that mutant creeper doesn’t get close to us while we’re in here that’s a really good idea Woodle what if I mess with this Toy’s face though a little he oh gosh axie you go ahead and do that cuz you’re a Brokey and you can’t afford any of the cool stuff that me and are going to put in here hey that’s so mean hold on wudo I think you have the wrong idea you really think me and you are on the same level bro I’m so rich oh yeah well then put down some of the gaming equipment you’re going to buy from our YouTube store I put four different aisles the first first one I’m going to put down laptops voodo do you really think I’m going to buy stuff from the store bro I own this store uh you definitely don’t own this store because I’m putting down the coolest laptops right now look at these bad boys they’re the latest edition iPhone Mac Windows computer 10,000s listen wudo I know you’re a nerd and you know everything about computers and you want to own this store but here I’ll give give you a promotion and you can be a janitor instead a janitor really what job was I before then you were just the customer service guy what in the world I’m not going to be the janitor you should make ax the janitor she’s the broke one axi come be the janitor no I’m busy turning the Steve into someone really funny oh my gosh I don’t even want to know what she’s doing I got to do something more important like put down all of these different gaming chairs they’re going to be so important because my butt needs to be comfortable while we record videos dude you’re forgetting the most important part of a YouTuber and that is the microphone if you have a super dumb microphone all you’re going to hear is you need to be able to hear their voice oh my gosh that’s actually facts let’s put a bunch of microphones here and then we can sing inside of them let but guys I bought my microphone for 2 cents isn’t mine pretty good that thing is absolutely horrible that’s why you always sound like you’re under the water and axie what the heck did you just do to the toy the M creeper’s going to see this when he gets back you know relax Woodle he won’t see it or if he does he’ll think it’s really funny what if he picks up the toy and then throws it in the trash and now we’re we’re going to have a toy in the trash and our entire build is going to be trash it’s okay it’s all your fault axi quick what I need to do is hide our scent guys because that creeper is going to smell all of axe’s fishiness I’m not a fish so I can’t smell fishy oh yes you can axie but don’t worry I just have to put a couple creeper fart bombs down and now we’ll be nice and taken care of because it only smells like mon go e hey it smells like you woodo no it doesn’t but quick let’s get back inside and leave axi outside so she get suffocated in the creeper farts let sorry axie me and are too busy putting down our cash register so we can get rich I will get revenge wo why do I need to get rich again I thought I was already rich well manga we need to get even more rich and steal all of axe’s money AKA her two cobwebs and her five dead bushes ring ring axie we’re ready for your purchase no woodo I don’t want to buy any of your dumb gaming equipment because I’m not going to be a normal YouTuber I’m going to be a superhero YouTuber what in the world where did you guys get this superhero armor from quickly ay let’s record a vlog okay reporting it and it is axy man axy man that’s a terrible superhero name your superhero name should be superfish and mongos should be super farts what’s your superhero name going to be then Woodle Captain turtle um that was the wackest name ever but as superheroes we need our headquarters okay fine I guess I can help you guys build your little headquarters but you guys aren’t real superheroes so I’m just going to make this your guys’ YouTuber room I’m a real superhero no woodo I’m a cactus I’m Cactus girl Cactus girl are you kidding me axie okay whatever how about Cactus girl sits in front of this green screen and then what we can do is I can set up a film camera so you can pretend like you’re actually saving the day when in fact it’s just a lot of video editing oh woodo I am saving the day Maro are you really believing that a is a superhero this is so dumb I don’t know I’m too busy being booger boy booger boy and what you’re going to be still super fish xie oh no no I’m not superf fish I’m Cactus girl okay guys I’m just going to grab my camera over here and I guess I’ll start vlogging for you guys go ahead what is your first mission going to be everyone spoom man over here told us to save the city so we have to save him from the evil smelly Turtle but in order to save him we need some gadgets and stinky woodo doesn’t know how to place down gadgets hey what why am I stinky woodo I’m just a cameraman cuz what kind of a headquarters doesn’t have any weapons for us we don’t need these laptops okay fine I guess I can go ahead and get you guys some gadgets let me just put these sea lanterns down over here and then on top of them I can grab some item frames and inside the item frames I’m going to put down something called a grappling hook wo that’s pretty cool but is it as cool as my Cactus sword a cactus sword axie this is 10 times cooler check me out hey you guys still haven’t seen the Ultimate Weapon the plunger wait what you have a plunger you guys should just use this grappling hook it’s like 10 times cooler and you feel like Spider-Man no woodo Mongo’s weapon is way cooler exactly or if worse comes to worse I don’t want to have to use this you could plug in a microwave onto their head what are you kidding me this is like the most trash superhero idea ever you guys are the worst YouTubers I don’t want to work for you guys anymore hey we’re not trash you’re trash exactly wudo if you’re going to talk to me you need to talk to my sidekick big chick what in the world mango you guys are ridiculous instead of playing superhero I’m going to go ahead and make my own amazing room over here oh yeah woodo what’s going to be in your amazing room more plungers we don’t have that much time woodo well guys something that you superheroes are too dumb to understand is that if we’re going to be stuck inside of this giant toy for who knows how long we’re going to need some food not save other little kids and superheroes and stuff oh yeah how did I forget about food I love food okay guys I think I know what food I should make you guys who’s hungry for McDonald’s I love McDonald’s I haven’t had a meal like McDonald’s in 3 weeks I need it right now well then go ahead and get cooking now you guys have real jobs because you failed at being YouTubers so instead you’re going to be flipping burgers oh my gosh are you serious this is the best job ever because instead of giving people their orders I can just eat their orders right axie wait I never thought of that W you get paid and you get their food you need to think 10 steps further guys that makes absolutely zero sense you do not do that oh my gosh I’m just going to get some friers over here so that I can start making the chicken Mc Nuggets you better hurry woodo cuz I can eat 10,000 of those hold on a second I’ve always wondered what fried axelos tasted like that hurts but it does smell super tasty what in the world MCO you can’t fry axie even though she would be a Del ious squishy fish we need to fry things like raw chicken so that we can turn it into chicken McNuggets oh my gosh rudo chicken McNuggets are the top 10 products of all time check them out I’m putting them down right over here and I’m eating them wait everyone stop as the McDonald’s police there’s one thing your McDonald’s is missing and what could that possibly be it’s the McDonald’s Sprite the McDonald’s Sprite oh gosh I guess I’ll put down the McDonald’s Sprite too let me just put down all these item frames and put down the Sprite yum yum yummy axie you’re eating way too many burgers look at your belly you’re fat wait I am no I amide this food is so good guys you’re really going to get obese if you keep eating like this wait what’s obese oh my gosh axie you guys are fat was this your superhero ability all along that’s right woodo I’m fat man I’m going to eat you oh gosh he’s going to roll over me quick I got to get a camera and put this on Tik Tock don’t put it on Tik Tok Woodle that’s mean that’s not mean it’s just so funny looking at manga’s Big Betty snap hey stop taking pictures of me I need to work out real quick let me just do 10 Jumping Jacks in a row one two three and wo I feel so much more buffed doing 10 jumping jacks I think everyone should exercise what in the world how did you just get so buff I’m going to hit you w guys stop arguing I think should try and hit something else instead the Mutant Creeper is here wait what there’s no way the Mutant Creeper is here and oh my gosh the Mutant Creeper is back quick guys we need to get our stuff and hide inside of our giant secret toy let time forever thank you guys so much for watching this video If you enjoyed then watch another video on screen and don’t forget to subscribe byebye hi

NOOB vs PRO: SECRET TOY HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft!
Wudo, Mongo, and Axy are trapped in a MUTANT CREEPER’S bedroom! They need to find a place to build a SECRET INSIDE TOY HOUSE, before the mutant creeper finds them! Will they be able to before its too late?

This video was inspired by Milo and Chip, Maizen, Mikey and JJ!

#Wudo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod


  1. Wudo is a ninja 🥷, I think if you guys deal with ninjas in Minecraft y’all should do a ninja house build battle, I bet ninja moves could work against that creeper he may be able to blow up but he might miss y’all completely!

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