How Mikey and JJ BECAME TOYS ? – Minecraft (Maizen)

today we’ve come to see a fortune teller who’s never wrong oh let’s get our fortunes told you do it too JJ I think I’ll pass I don’t want to end up with bad luck you’re just a scaredy cat JJ well I’m having my fortune told bring on the good luck 3 2 1 what terrible luck you’re kidding JJ it says I have terrible luck terrible luck mhm what do I do Mikey don’t feel bad this just isn’t my day h no use toing on it I should try to raise my spirit by looking for diamonds or something yeah diamonds will make you feel better I’m definitely going to find [Music] some all right Mikey we found a cave yep we have how about we search around here yeah let’s look for diamonds let’s find them I guess I’ll dig over here sounds good well I’ll be over here just keep digging I really hope we find some diamonds M we’ll definitely find some let’s keep digging Mikey keep digging I want those [Music] diamonds we have haven’t found any diamonds at all hm nothing so far Mikey we’ve dug so far already but haven’t found any diamonds none at all oh Mikey huh I found a diamond no way wao show me show me I’ll use my iron pickaxe oh wo that nice we found just one Diamond maybe look really isn’t on my side today Mikey do you want to try digging in my section huh if there was one Diamond here there’s a high chance there may be more nearby H are you sure JJ sure Mikey woohoo thank you oh but JJ hold on it doesn’t seem like there’s anything in my section that’s fine H I hope you find some diamonds Mikey yeah I’ll dig in your section and find some diamonds I hope you do all right might as well start here no way huh Mikey Mikey fell into the lava how bad must Mikey’s luck be to fall into lava I guess that fortune teller really is always right ever since my fortune predicted terrible luck I’ve been so unlucky I need to be careful mhm be careful I’ll keep digging where you were digging earlier H be careful I was just digging over over there so something unlucky might happen I’ll be careful mhm W what is this place are you okay JJ it’s amazing I landed in a room full of diamonds huh come here Mikey let’s split these diamonds wow diamonds all around Mikey wow wow wow you really split them with me woohoo thank you [Music] I guess that fortune was wrong I may have fallen into lava but I also got a ton of diamonds I hope you’re right you should still be careful just in case I know that’s why we’re going to put these diamonds safely into the bank once the bank has them there’s no way I can lose my diamonds well then let’s let the bank take your diamonds for you I haven’t had the best day so let’s Pi the diamonds into the bank right away okay I’ll be waiting here Mikey huh got it you can wait here JJ all right okay I’d like to deposit all these diamonds then I can rest easy I have had terrible luck but it all worked [Music] out h Huh what’s that what huh huh a bank robbery a bank robbery a why does he have to rob the bank right now this is the worst luck what hand over all my diamonds please spare my life seriously this is everything I have Mikey’s diamonds are being taken I can’t let that happen I’m glad I brought protection my trusty laser rifle SP me run for it in my gate W take this yes I got them all thank you JJ the diamonds that the robbers took from me are they [Music] okay huh uh I’m sorry Mikey the diamonds were destroyed along with the bank robbers my weapon was too powerful [Music] seriously well at least the robbers don’t have them anymore thank you JJ Today just isn’t my day I don’t want to deal with any more bad luck so I’ll spend the rest of my day at home yeah sure you have terrible luck so let’s go home I’ll spend the rest of my day quietly at home it’s for the best huh Mikey got hit by a car what terrible luck who’ have thought that so many bad things could keep [Music] happening okay we’re at my house yeah it started raining really hard too come inside my house you get soaked out there let’s stay in here I managed to make it home S I don’t want anything else to happen today so I’m not setting foot outside for the rest of the day I should be safe at home well it doesn’t seem like bad luck can strike you in your own home right you can stay here at my house for the night JJ it’s raining cats and dogs out there it’s quite the downpour outside I feel like the wind is picking up too uhhuh there are things that I need to do at home though oh really be careful out there okay I’m heading home be safe okay I should hurry the storm is getting worse Mikey really has had the worst run of luck today huh I’m still kind of worried maybe I should spend the night at Mikey’s place so I can watch over [Music] him huh what’s this a tornado Mikey’s house is breaking up seriously Mikey got sucked up by the TR tornado would a run of bad [Music] luck Mikey’s been hiding out in my secret basement let’s see how he’s doing an entire month has passed since he had his fortune told I’ve had him hiding out in my ultra secure basement to keep him safe I’m worried so I’ll check on him still my security is extremely tight so we should be fine I hope nothing happened to him he’s been hiding for an entire month but I’m still worried Mikey’s inside that tiny shelter okay I hope he’s all right hey Mikey how’s it going any bad luck oh JJ I haven’t had any bad luck since I’ve been here but I’m starting to think that spending my entire life in this tiny space might also be bad luck I wonder what we’ll catch h huh hang on huh what huh what’s wrong there’s something over there and whatever it is it keeps running back and forth what is that huh I don’t see anything come on JJ let’s focus on fishing I guess but I’m sure there’s something there are the fish done yet oh they’re done m yum yum yum that’s yummy these are good fish but like I can’t stop thinking about what I saw this afternoon oh anyways I’m still a little hungry so I’ll have seconds I’ll just cook one more you overthink things JJ you were just imagining it I didn’t see anything I wonder why you couldn’t see it oh [Music] well these fish are delicious Mikey oh Mikey behind you look behind you Mikey that’s it that’s the person I saw this afternoon no way I knew it I wasn’t imagining things I’m scared the way it moves is so creepy it can’t get inside the house right oh no Mikey this is bad we left the door unlocked hurry we got to lock it oh no hurry got to hurry lock the door before it gets inside one pad luck this should be okay nice job pH that’s better is that person still out [Music] there huh it looks like that weirdo left I wonder where it went at least the door is locked it can’t get inside our house now right well I hope you’re right about that huh huh what’s that noise the glass windows all shattered oh no miky this is bad the windows are all broken quickly we need to block them all off before it gets inside hey Mikey drink some wood use the wood to fill in the windows lock them off hurry up oh nice pH is this enough I think we should be okay now they’re all blocked up I’m scared it didn’t get inside the house right all clear Mikey that person definitely intends to attack us I’m scared let’s stay put we can keep quiet for now let’s make a run for it in the morning sounds like a plan h Huh what’s that noise there’s a hole in the wall what do we do we got to get away from from [Music] [Applause] here hey Mikey you wanted to show me something oh J huh my house has an awesome secret entrance to a secret room cool really cool look a secret room in your house uh-huh where here here’s my secret room M oh this is the entrance I made it so no one could ever find it follow me wo woah ouch here I go wo wo woah wo so this is your secret room look there’s a chest mhm this is my secret room’s treasure oh three diamonds awesome isn’t my secret room awesome what a nice secret room Mikey M I want to make one too Mikey let’s build a house with a secret room together oh sure [Music] mhm how about AA wood for the floor nice let’s make the room nice and cozy let do it wo this floor should make it feel nice and warm mhm I’d like to make lots of secret rooms I’ll put a secret entrance into this secret room which leads to yet another secret room okay something special H for here more TNT all right W wao let’s use drill Mikey’s using a drill so I guess that’s another option something like this yeah H this should be high enough I can use a drill too drills are so convenient all right this drill really is convenient W it makes digging so easy nice all right hm the room is really coming together it’s almost done in the end we were able to save so much time by using drills and TNT all right is it done it’s done Mikey wow it’s done now we’ll put another door over here wo how about this it’s really nice the first secret room wow it’s complete what should we put in here H I’ll put down some nice comfy red carpet this room uses warm colors after all nice W next I want this room to feel warm and comfortable oh yeah so I think I’ll put some lava around here excellent I want this room to be really cozy W it’s so warming here right it’s really warming up let’s set up some furnaces wow we can use this room to cook Mikey each furnace has a bucket of lava inside sounds good with plenty of furnaces we can cook super easily nice wow wow nice we can put meats or whatever we want to cook in these sweet I’m cooking meat awesome W what else do we need oh that’s right Mikey we’re forgetting something important what this may be a secret room but we need to create another secret room inside this one okay how are we going to do that I have something I want to make that’s perfect for a secret entrance and fits this room well I’ll use these to make it watch this H taada here like this what are you making you said it fits this room yep it sure will what well since I’m using bricks I’m sure someone out there will figure it out huh see a fireplace oh let’s put a fireplace here a fireplace that’ll fit right in yep a fireplace would fit right in all right it’s really coming together oh a fireplace I’ll make the fireplace go all the way back here wow hm all right now for over here oh you’ve got it awesome all right H this is really warm so warm oh now let’s Place some items that’ll make it easier to enjoy the fireplace oh chairs chairs nice this way you can sit and really feel the warmth from the fireplace it’s very nice nice indeed M so Mikey we still need to put in a secret entrance so let’s make it in the fireplace okay first let’s put out the fire sure put out the fire and here let’s make this section the secret entrance okay I’ll put some sticky pistons here sticky pistons H like this and [Music] this then the Redstone Dust woo goes [Music] here like this [Music] oh H like this [Music] oh the Redstone Dust goes there and now for the next [Music] part I’ll dig all the way to this side H and the lever goes here okay I guess I’ll leave it like this then wow I’ll bring the Redstone circuit over to connect it from beneath the lever there done it’s connected next I’ll clean this up okay I’m tidying up the back of the fireplace like so this will be where the passage goes h yeah I think it’s all finished pull the lever Mikey okay 3 2 1 wo yes awesome no one will ever find that secret entrance it’s totally undetectable wow no one would expect to find a secret entrance inside of a fireplace no besides the fire will be lit so I don’t think anyone will get past it wo wow cool okay wow that’s room number one we built a warm room this room’s the best oh the meat’s done W all right then let’s build the next room let’s go the last room was hot uh-huh for the next one I’d like to build something completely different we’ll put some distance between them H I’ll build a secret entrance over here let’s use TNT Mikey okie dokie that want to make a pretty big room oh let’s use TNT to make a lot of explosions sounds good JJ lots of it I wonder what kind of space it’ll make I bet it’ll get pretty Big W this will set off a chain of explosions uhhuh 3 2 1 slick how will it go wo I can’t wait is it safe awesome wo that looks good we made a really nice looking space wow it looks really good all right for this next room I want to make it a white room oh let’s use these blocks of quartz okay JJ I want to make the room look nice and modern using quartz yes let’s do it we’ll make the floor first that looks good looking good wo okay I think that about does it for the floor M all done let’s do the walls next let’s build the walls all [Music] right not bad yeah I want this room to be the complete opposite of the last one o I think we’re pretty close to finishing it wow H honestly we really are close to finishing already woohoo all right all done wow that was a lot of work but it looks like we have a really nice room oh yeah now I think we’ll put the door door over here I’ll use this really big door wow okay nice so now Mikey we made the last room warm uh-huh so I want to make this a cool room a cool room what could we build to make it cool the answer Mikey uh-huh is a pool a pool let’s build a pool in here oh nice okay let’s make the pool quite large yes that’ll make it cool in here you bet this will be the cool room with a pool oh yeah looking good it looks really nice wo it’s starting to look like a pool definitely wo uh now all we need to do is fill it with water okay here it comes wo wow all right sweet nice job yes it’s a pool the pool is done now we can even swim inside our secret room it’s the best and now we need to make it so that we can Lounge by the pool oh for example something like this some place we can lie back oh I’ll make this oh yeah well there’s no sun down here but a parasol will help it feel authentic yeah a parasol white and oh nice that blue parasol looks nice and cool not too shabby very nice nice parasol wow nice and cool next over here we could use a touch of nature in here so let’s make a flower bed here we go great idea something like this wow this is how we’ll make it how about over here too it looks pretty nice maybe trees let’s Place trees and stuff wait I think I’ll make a jungle tree oh a jungle tree like this plant it right here oh we can make one ourselves let’s do it we’re making a jungle tree all by ourselves o oh what a fantastic use of space wo awesome it has a coal and flowers and a tree it’s really nice down here with a tree and over here wo Mikey you planted so many flowers uhhuh W excellent there’s one thing we can’t forget Mikey we need a diving board o I want a diving board yeah wow you can dive in from here yes here goes all right wow nice the diving board is fun wonderful wo all right and with that our second secret room is finished we have flowers a tree a pool a diving board and a parasol this house is so great now this house is really nice now but we still need to build another secret entrance to a room no one will find that’s right where should we put it h oh a secret entrance H yep I have a good spot planned for it where in the pool a secret entrance in the pool how well watch this like this I’m digging a hole here and placing a sign Inside by doing so look w wow this is terrible quick open the door JJ h hurry huh it’s an emergency open up come on what’s going on wa Mikey check it out huh it’s a penguin you’re right it’s a baby penguin pretty cool huh yeah she says she’s looking for her mommy oh right you can talk to animals cuz you’re a turtle y now we need to take this penguin back to her mmy right in that case let’s bring this baby penguin home oh what’s up apparently your mom is on top of Snow Mountain oh I know where Snow Mountain is it’s pretty far away so we better get moving as soon as possible follow me Mikey I can lead the way okay let’s go over here Snow Mountain is in this [Music] direction at least I think it is come on let’s go we can do this snow mountain here we come I have some bad news JJ what’s wrong the baby penguin is hungry hear that one second snack time have this is that a carrot here huh take it uh hey Mikey huh Penguins don’t eat carrots try giving her a fish inste oh look we’re right next to a lake since I have my fishing rod I’ll catch a fish nice go this is a great fishing spot yeah we can’t let the baby penguin go hungry hopefully I’ll be able to catch something for her to snack on hey I caught one wo I caught a fish let’s feed it to the penguin try it here huh wait why isn’t she eating it yay there we go she ate it now that the baby penguin stomach is full let’s keep walking the Snow Mountain let’s go wow we’ve come so far but it’s still a bit further up H H hold on a second what’s this what’s wrong look huh the bridge broke oh no how are we supposed to get across yikes it’s the only way to reach Snow Mountain we never find the baby’s mother without a bridge there’s no way we can cross that gap on our own what now H hang on a minute I have an idea hm look what I’ve been holding a lot of different items in my inventory at first glance they seem kind of random but you can help us cross yep but the bridge is gone we won’t need the bridge I just need to build something what is it one sec interesting almost done check it out Mikey I just have a few final touches okay that should be good enough for now oh perfect I’ve loaded the TNT o now for the red stuff yes looks great thanks hang on did you figure out what I’m building here’s the water awesome I’m going to go across first to build a landing pad for you I wouldn’t want the baby penguin to get hurt good thinking let me explain what I built this is a person C here’s how it works the dispensers will drop explosives to launch us across the gap woo are you ready Mikey Here I Go activate as long as I’m standing right here I’ll blast off into the sky wow yes I did it Happ I’ll leave some water out for you to land on thanks maybe I should move it closer G for the water I’m ready good luck here goes [Music] nothing hold on penguin woo ches W good job Yes we made it yeah we did it even though the bridge was broken we crossed the Gap yeah let’s keep going sweet at this rate we’ll be there in no time we need to reunite the baby penguin with her mama it’s raining pretty hard oh wow wa it’s a thunderstorm that lightning looks dangerous let’s take cover nah we’ll be fine it’s just rain huh it won’t hurt us see come on fine wait was it this way JJ yeah this way I don’t like this lightning who my you got struck by lightning are you okay ow low wait Mikey o let’s get out of the ring okay follow me we need to find a place to take cover oh I found a cave ouch it quick dead inside run yes okay let’s wait here till the rain stops this is bad Mikey and the Penguin aren’t doing so well they’re in a coma from the lightning strike I have to help them there must be a way to save them I wonder if I can do anything with the items I have now let’s see oh I have some blaze rods I just had an idea I can make a potion to save them with my blaze powder plus I have a few gold ingots I bet I can make this work the only thing I’m missing from my inventory is a bit of watermelon I better go find some come on this brating is still super dangerous but I have to go outside all I need is one watermelon and I’ll be able to make a potion of healing there’s got to be a watermelon patch somewhere where could it be oh there’s one I found a watermelon why are there so many zombies protecting it I’d better hurry up and harvest it before the zombies get to me I don’t have time to fight them I need to head back to the cave to finish Brewing my potion I hope it’s not too late okay I made it back to the cave first I need to use a crafting table then I can combine the watermelon I found with my gold there we go I made a glistening melon next I’ll toss it into the brewing stand and wait for the potion to finish this shouldn’t take long yes I made a potion of healing if I mix in some Gunpowder I can use it to say Mikey and the baby penguin this splash potion should be able to heal them both yes it’s done I made a splash potion of healing now to Splash it over Mikey and the Penguin I hope it’s not too [Music] late oh wow thanks JJ you saved us wao I feel better now amazing I’m so glad you recovered let’s wait in here for a little longer until the storm passes oh you had beds this whole time okay let’s get some rest yeah good night all right let’s get started today we’re playing hide-and seek but not just any game of hideand-seek this version’s pretty unique unique how’s that JJ well we are going to hide among copies of ourselves whoever it is has to sit through all the Clones to try to figure out who is the real Hider look there’s a Mikey clone right there cool I’ll hide first and you have to find me sure I can be it go find yourself a hiding spot Mikey okay I’m off all right time to get seeking to win the Seeker has to take out the real Hider with a sword wa that’s a lot of Mikey standing around what about this one is he a copy let’s give him a whack [Music] oh it takes two hits that’s good to know H what about you uh suspicious but he’s fake I need to find the real Mikey I swear I just saw one of them move but which one who’s real only one way to find [Music] out they were both Banks boy this is a lot harder than I expected aw H this Mikey is kind of sus but I’m not sure what about him he moved and he won’t even look at me is it you are you the real Mikey H let’s see a he was fake after all h a bath house huh let’s check it out H there are a lot of Mikes in here M that Mikey over there is acting quite strange it could be him I feel like he’s just another fake is this one fake too H well are you buddy huh did he just run away from me that is really suspicious this one here must be a fake his movement’s off he’s trying to hop out of the water but he can’t get out yeah definitely a fake so back to the other one I think he’s the real Mikey where’d he go aha there you are how’ you know it was me you’re going down yeah I did it I lost I beat him you get a diamond when you take down a real one that was not easy great hiding oh and here you dropped it now then it’s my turn to hide and my turn to se [Music] H all right I’m off to find a hiding spot Mikey you go wait in those trees over there okay you can’t hide from me we’ll see about that oh sweet look at all these clones now where should I hide what’s over this way um I could stand around in the hallway like this or hang on there’s a button up here what happens if I push it huh whoa a secret door I’m going in I’ve got to see what’s [Music] inside M aha a ladder I wonder what’s at the top there interesting it seems like I’m in some sort of ventilation shaft and the best part is I can look down into the rooms below yeah ready Mikey I’m coming this spot is so awesome where are you you’ll never figure it out I don’t even need these clones so many JJs oh he’s coming he’s coming where do I start huh there huh what is it a I can’t tell which one is you [Music] a oh there’s another clone huh he’s moving he’s moving that must be him huh I guess not good guess Mikey I wonder they all look suspicious H which one is he h they’re all suspicious huh the JJ’s in the hallway yeah I’m sure you’re one of them I can feel it h I’ll keep watching him a why are there so many of you oh there’s another one that’s it oh it’s you uh it really isn’t I’m positive it’s not me Mikey then where are you watching me from um it must be you what Told You So Mikey maybe this one the one you’re standing right next to was another clone he’s not the real JJ wait a secret door I know you’re in here uh-oh he finally figured it out h a ladder oh no no no no no he’s coming there he is run you were here all along I’m going to get you I thought he’d never find me here duh I’ve got you CED no you don’t get them all not so fast you’re not getting away go go go Retreat I fell how did that happen the floor opened up run run run this is my chance hey come back where’d you go yes I’m losing him seriously where are you I’ll stand right here for you come on is this going to work this is impossible which one are you I think I lost him oh no he’s coming he’s coming stand perfectly still seriously where are you oh this is impossible you and your clones you all look the same there’s no way to tell you apart I should just throw in the towel I don’t stand a chance you’re giving up maybe but Mikey I’m really close to you huh really which one am I one of them there are too many of you hey Mikey yeah good guess but I was in the other direction JJ is that you yep it’s me good job this was really hard it was a close game though I thought I was safe in my hiding spot but you almost had me anyway how about another round sure but you’re it this [Music] time all right let round three begin Mikey was in the bath house last time I wonder where he is this time H which way should I go I’ll try his hallway again let’s see wo wo wo you’re suspicious did you look away because I got too close he keeps turning away from me I’m I’m going to hit him he’s acting too weird he’s not making a run for it if this were the real Mikey he definitely Bulls so this must be a clone right hey good morning Mikey how are you doing what’s the matter I can’t believe it it’s so sad Mikey tell me what’s going on I should get going hang on why is he ignoring me I better follow [Music] him hey buddy here I brought you some flowers H oh it’s a grave but whose grave is [Music] it huh oh JJ how could you leave me JJ it’s my grave but how wait I just noticed I’m see-through does that mean that I’m a ghost I must have died at some point H oh okay I see yeah I’m on the right track Mikey never comes to the library what could he possibly be reading about is this it huh Eureka I found it I found a way to bring JJ back to life you’re trying to do what right no time to waste I got to hurry can he really bring me back to life this is it this is the place there should be an orb at the top of this mountain that can bring people back to life wow no way Mikey’s really going to try and bring me back to life what a good friend there’s a terrifying monster top apparently I hope I can beat it well I don’t have a choice I have to try have to for JJ Mikey is so sweet I’m going to do everything I can as a ghost to help him reach the top what’s your plan Mikey yeah I’ll use these Vines to climb my way up I don’t know Mikey that looks dangerous okay as long as I’m careful I should be fine just in case something happens I’m going to put some of these down slow and steady hang on wao we have to the vines pH weird wo was there always slime down here H I don’t know but it saved my life I need to be more careful that was close I barely made it in time to save Mikey all right to the top hey I can do this just keep moving one stone block get a timee careful that’s hot aw he’s trying so hard to reach the top Focus I’m going to bring back JJ I have to actually reach the top yes that’s it yeah you’re doing great Mikey just a little further W I’m on a roll that’s super super hot push through the pain looks like he’s going to be okay maybe I should use this water to make it safer for him ready wooo little more okay wait where do I go from here oh I can’t cross this dab how am I supposed to reach the top of the mountain with this in the way yeah he looks stuck it’s up to me to help him out then I’ll make a stone path for Mikey to Walk On By pouring water on the lava there w pour some more what’s going on that’s enough seriously moving the Water Source I think you can cross now what just happened where’ all the water go and where it even come from in the first place so we that P did turn the lava to Stone which means I can cross now wooho yeah yipp onward the top that’s the spirit Mikey I’m counting on you I’m on a roll Bring Me Back To Life huh what the path splits in two which way do I go oh I see one of these doors leads the right way while the other is a trap H what should he pick I got to find out where they lead let’s take a peek hold up what’s this behind the door on the left it’s a super tough bad guy oh no it’s a trap pick the one on the right Mikey come on go right okay I’m going left yeah I’ve made up my mind this is bad that’s my ticket to the top this is really really bad oh I know I’ll use this to lure him towards the door on the right let’s hope he takes the bait cake M yes I think it’s working M actually I’m going right delicious all right my plan is working out he’s going through the door on the right woohoo that was lucky conward Mikey I’m so glad he went with the door on the right if he had chosen the other one he would have been a goner everything’s working out seriously that guy over there is bad news he’s just staring at Mikey all right I got to keep forging ahead he didn’t even notice the big baddy staring at him nothing can just distract him from his mission I’m getting close I just hope I can bring JJ back there’s the summit oh what’s that up ahead who are these people now guys I’m under attack you’re Mountain Bandits how do I get past them he need a weapon stat here’s a good one go go go go go help take this Mikey please notice it huh what’s this yes he picked it up wo oh not bad it yes that was awesome what’s all this he destroyed them maybe I shouldn’t have given him such a strong weapon oh wello and look at that Mikey looted the Bandit’s diamond armor no nothing can stop me I’m putting you back JJ go Mikey I can do this get that orb and bring me back you’re almost at the top hang in there I’ve got a good feeling about this this is it he’s made it to the top great job I see something that’s a scary looking monster we must be guarding that orb that will bring Gigi back to life I’ve come this far I’m not giving up now oh he’s still using the weapon I gave him go miky all right you can do this you’re dead meat get that hurt well take that wa it’s fighting back hang in there [Music] no I’m out of ammo seriously how am I supposed to beat it now Mikey needs help stop it I think I have to step in what do I do Mikey’s in trouble and it’s up to me to save him I’ll use this this energy launcher should do the trick stay back Mikey come on out of the way first I got to charge it up to the m then aim and fire yes I did it w that monster is out for the count it’s not getting back up I think I killed it but how wake up wake up it’s no use this villager just won’t wake up oh H something’s wrong but what about the others are they the same this villager is still asleep too this is bad oh but why what is this it’s like we’re the only ones in the village who can wake up why there must be a reason yeah for now let’s investigate Mikey sounds good JJ we’re home H now if we’re going to find the cause of this look in here my it’s where I keep all of my security items M look wow security cameras he can watch the entire village with these yeah got it let’s investigate okay and find out what happened the security cameras are in place nobody woke up at all today nope when it’s already night so they slept the entire day without moving I wonder what could be causing it Well for now Mikey yeah let’s check the security cameras before B okay all right yeah into the house let’s look let’s see what the security cameras show us H we can see the villagers with these this one’s still asleep and Yep this one’s asleep too everyone’s asleep this villager’s sleeping too everyone’s sleeping H let’s check the security camera looking over the village what’s going on on H everyone’s sleeping everybody huh seems normal nothing’s happening H hold on something’s happening huh what huh what is that what wait huh something what went inside that house someone’s there isn’t that a Reaper this is sad a Reaper put a curse on the villagers this is really bash where are it going it went outside huh what it’s coming for our house turn the security system on Mikey hurry got it pH that was close just in time wow that was a close call too close so a Reaper put a curse on the villagers we can’t let this continue nope grab your equipment Mikey right okay and your sword okay we’ve got our weapons and [Music] armor all right Mikey okay now yeah let’s go slay the reaper yeah let’s slay it okay let’s go oh got to turn off the security system first okay let’s go all right where to go go let’s slay it huh where’s the reaper where it’s not here is it over there it’s not in this house H it’s not in this house either huh h Huh there’s no one here if I were to take a guess I think the Reaper got away from us a if we don’t do something the villagers will sleep forever let’s save them let’s save them Mikey huh if the reaper can’t enter the village yeah then everything might be okay oh what can we do well if that’s the case h if that’s the case taada huh look oh check it out oh lasers wow these are security lasers let’s surround the village with security lasers okay then the reaper won’t be able to enter the village good idea do you have your lasers yep okay let’s surround the entire Village surround it with these lasers the reaper won’t even be able to enter the village in the first place mhm yeah all right then the village will be nice and safe it can’t do anything if it can’t enter the village true good oh nice work Mikey and thanks as for this [Music] side just a little more a little [Music] more oh are we done yes we’re done check it out the village is completely surrounded mhm with security lasers wow it’s completely impossible for the reaper to walk into our Village from the outside M all right now the villager’s curse should end yeah okay now let’s wait until Nightfall yeah it’s night think the for his show even if he does it won’t be able to get past the security lasers yep mhm I think you’re probably right I don’t see anything weird we’ve got this is it good he can’t get inside nope huh what huh huh the reaper just came out of the well a oh no this is bad oh no this is so bad Mikey the reaper broke into the village through the well how Mikey yeah let’s go sled it yeah all equipped yep okay let’s go let’s slay it yeah where is it let’s go it went inside M Reaper huh you got away again it’s gone what I think it escaped again Mikey how seriously it gone away again it came out of here huh you know what Mikey let’s seal up the well tomorrow yeah okay let’s seal it up yeah first we need to remove the water great time to drain the well first I’ll take water out how’s that wo it’s draining oh there it all goes it’s fast all right woohoo what let’s dive into the well see anything how’d it get inside anything strange anything where to get in h was here yesterday I don’t know wait H Mikey H this wall the coloring is off oh a secret entrance huh let’s open it what could it be huh what is this place uh it’s creepy okay let’s go NOP no no not happening just stepping inside gave me the chills I can’t do it what now you’ll get cursed let’s leave let’s seal the door with iron bars yes all right let’s seal it off lock it off seal it M this is bad can you fill that in okay M thank you let’s make a run for it run this is all too creepy just a sec up and out that was creepy I guess it’s okay now yeah now that we’ve sealed it off I think it’ll be fine it’ll all be okay hopefully yeah all right Mikey’s in a cell and ready to go I’m going to have Mikey attempt to break out yeah I’ll break out and 5 minutes talks oh really is that so what’s your plan I know what to do there’ll be something in this room that will help me escape I’m going to find it oh you’re looking pretty confident I wonder will Mikey be able to escape this cell I know oh huh oh it must be a around here with all this stuff crafting table enchantment table even furnaces it’s suspicious H interesting huh oh huh H well I’ve looked it all over and it seems normal maybe over [Music] here no nothing [Music] h a it’s just a toilet it doesn’t lead anywhere now what I don’t see any way out of here it’s hopeless any hints H let’s see okay listen up your hint is yeah the enchantment table huh but I just looked through all this stuff really well and there was nothing there h Mikey was there anything behind the enchantment table like gaps or anything no way now that I look again there’s a secret lever of course something seemed off about this area I know what to do if I pull the lever the exit will open up let’s see [Applause] Mikey oh vent let’s open now see good job finding the lever and opening up the entrance to the ventilation system go ahead and Escape through there oh I wonder where this [Music] leads what’s up ah it’s a maze good luck oh try not to get lost it’s dangerous it splits which way okay this way wo that was close wo be careful not to touch those you couldn’t warned [Music] me huh this way has lasers too what now H I guess I could sneak through the lasers this way yep be careful got it no yes I’m going a roll what’s up here a door let’s go 3 2 1 what’s this place place I hope you’re ready what is this place there’s water and lava but why you have to choose between a pit of water or a pit of lava and dive into one what is the right choice and the other is wrong what it’s a choice H water or lava I know H I choose water why well JJ I would burn up if I chose lava no matter how I think of it water is the answer it’s obvious the choice is simple water so here I [Music] goini huh huh there’s CBS no there’s creepers too uh-oh poor Mikey seriously I’m sorry to say JJ water no was the wrong choice really that’s a slow fall man too bad no these creepers can I get away there’s no way [Music] out Mikey a that means lava is the way to go is it really safe to just dive in if it makes you feel better I promise you’ll be fine if you jump in really I don’t have any other choice what huh I’m fine check it out there’s a layer of water right underneath so that’s how it works even your fall damage was taken care of by these slime blocks let’s move on to the next area wo is this lava parkour yep and there’s no water under this lava so be very careful on the course all right good luck Mikey I’m nervous it’s okay ouch it burns I was so sure I could do it you got this yeah I’ll make it this time nice that was awesome good job what’s next Mikey do you see a button it should be there I get it now okay yeah push the button to launch into the air I made it you have to walk across the pipe without falling to open the door good work Mikey thanks H there are two doors in here weird oh on the right you have the cat door on the left the pumpkin door huh you have to choose which one to go into n a Top Choice pumpkins have a scary face on them maybe a creepy ghost inside and on the other hand yeah the cats are adorable I choose the cute kitty door yeah this must be the right choice interesting choice I hope there’s kittens inside to what huh that’s no cat it’s a tune stay away out help me is that not the cat you were hoping for that was awful dudes are bad I’m sorry there was a kitty behind the cat door but it was a super dangerous one then that means the pumpkin door is the right one but it’s scary trust me it’s okay I hope you’re right 3 2 1 oh Snow Golems yep behind the pumpkin door is a bunch of snowmen with pumpkins for heads well Snow Golems are really nice and so cute totally all right Mikey let’s keep moving you’re getting very close to breaking out I see something STS ah exit must be at the top of these stairs I can do this sharp thinking Mikey good luck so many stairs what’s up here is that what’s up the exit but yeah there’s a big monster right next to it is that a mutant zombie

How Mikey and JJ BECAME TOYS ? – Minecraft (Maizen)

This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have a great day!

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