all right class everybody take your seats it’s time for a big spelling test wait what a spelling test I’m not that good at spelling guys oh me me either oh gosh I’m definitely going to fail don’t worry I’ll give you guys very easy ones to spell Johnny you go first oh gosh all right spell baseball baseball you want me to spell the word baseball um let’s see uh does it start with an a no Johny Johny start with a B wait starts with a B okay uh b c no d e d I’m just reading what’s on the wall well that’s not how you spell baseball well I don’t know how to spell it how about you spell it daisy b a s e b a l l that’s wrong teacher that’s wrong very good Daisy very good you get a point what how’ you get that right because I’m smart than you hey no my brain is way bigger I want to spell something too all right Gooby uh spell car oh yes car I know this one um car it’s a car um come on Gooby you got this don’t R [Music] me q q what all I thinking for one letter well just more letters too what is going on Gooby swallow your [Music] spit okay teacher he got it wrong he got it wrong give him detention no no time is up Gooby uh Johnny you want to try spelling car oh yeah let me spell car q u c wfy wrong hey how did I get it wrong again you know what I hate this spelling test clearly this is not going to work I thought this was going to be like a fun little exercise but uh you’re just all really bad at spelling except for Daisy she did okay give me a word to spell how about this I’m going to give you a little pop quiz no no I don’t like pop quizzes it’s got a bunch of words to spell on it so here you go here here’s a paper right here here you go Daisy oh my goodness there you go Gooby okay oh teacher it looks like you didn’t give me a piece of paper I don’t know where it went I’m pretty sure I gave you one here here here’s another one oh thank you okay so we’re it just disappeared again I just saw you break that what are you doing no I didn’t all right here here’s another one hey Mr grumples I think there’s a ghost in this room every time you place down a piece of paper it’s rejecting my desk and it’s going disappearing there’s no such things as ghosts you’re clearly breaking it in front of me but it’s going disappearing yeah cuz you’re breaking it what’s that outside it’s a hurricane what oops hurricane oh I just saw it you guys missed it oh make it I just really want to see that well you know that was my last pop quiz I’m out of paper yeah you’re out of paper so I don’t need to take the quiz anymore haha you guys need to take the quiz wait if Johnny doesn’t have to take it then I don’t want to take it yeah that’s not fail hey oh that’s not what it means that just means I got to go to the basement to get more paper oh wait you need to go to the basement yeah yeah it’s not a big deal it’s where all the storage is for all the supplies but I can’t leave you guys alone in here so everybody follow me we’re going on a little field trip to the basement yay field trip I hope we’re going to Disney World it’d be so much fun yeah that’d be awesome Mr grumples where’s Disney World at uh it’s in Florida Florida so it’s not in the basement no it’s not in the basement of course not a I thought we were going to Disney World this field trip sucks yeah it’s not even in the field or anything a field Gooby that’s not what it means well it’s definitely not a TP so it’s to be in the field you guys need to focus up here all right enough about the field trip it was a joke all I need is the paper from down here just don’t touch anything it’s all very dusty ooh like you right old and Dusty ooh you want detention no no no I take it back I take it back it was just a joke just like the field trip it’s a joke yeah that’s what I thought all right come on oh yeah field trip time oh yeah into the basement touch touch touch hey touch hey stop doing that touch touch touch touch touch touch touch I’m touching everything and you can’t stop me yeah I want to touch too touch touch touch touch touch touch touch touch hey whatever let me just get this paper oh guys look at this room wao there’s toilets back here waa there must be hidden toilets I bet this poop in here is super Dusty and old probably wao they at just weed me what the heck Gooby what is that look just like a mirror Gooby that is not a normal mirror it looks like there’s a poost or something staring at us wait with the red eyes yes there’s two red eyes a mouth and look at the head I think we need to get away from it that’s a wheel ghost that’s a wheel ghost right there ghost in the mirror grapples what what we found a scary mirror in the basement go look at it yeah it’s right there in the corner there’s nothing in there what just a dumb old mirror it’s not a dumbo mirror because look there’s a ghost looking back at us inside of it no no no it’s probably just some kid drawing a little Doodle on there that’s nothing I don’t think so Mr grumples look see I’ll prove it to you I’ll just rub it off here just get out of here there we go see normal mirror right there H I don’t know that looks a little suspicious where did the ghost go it was not a ghost jeez you kids ghosts aren’t real oh my goodness guys what happened to our teacher we need to get out of here grle ghost run run run everyone run upstairs oh no oh no no no we have to hide in the room oh my goodness Mr grumples is floating in the sky and he definitely turned into a demon ghost oh no oh no must be from that me I knew there was a ghost in the mirror and now I think it possessed our teacher we shouldn’t have let him get that close to it yeah you’re right Daisy oh no what are we going to do oh gosh the scary possessed Mr grumples is in our classroom guys guys it doesn’t sound like Mr grumes because he’s possessed Daisy a ghost is inside his body no actually listen to him talk yes I am your new substitute teacher oh gosh I don’t like this I do not like this I was trapped in that mirror for a thousand years and now it’s time to raise my Army of the Dead uh what do you mean by that I mean I’m going to teach you evil demonic things and then turn you into my Army of the Dead no I don’t want to become evil and scary and demonic and dead I actually think I’m getting sick so I think we’re all just going to go home oh it’s a good ide you’re never going to see us again go Daisy go oh my gosh oh my gosh what is going on no one shall leave you will become my Army everyone sit down okay guys come on we need to take a seat guess I’m going to sit here I both just pooped and and peed in my pants at the same time that’s disgusting I got poooo pee pee pants where do ghosts live where do ghosts live is that the first question um let me think oh I know uh in the sky yeah in the sky are live um in uh plants oh yeah in Plants yeah that too it was a trick question well Daisy where do you think ghost live obviously I think ghost live in the mirror because that’s where this crazy guy was oh yeah you’re right correct were we right teacher ghosts can live anywhere inside of plants inside of mirrors even inside of people yay we were all right guys good job this C is so easy yeah we need some harder questions teacher you freaking suck really okay how do you kill a ghost oh I know what you need to do is you need to get a flamethrower and you got to put it in their panch o um salt and pepper salt and pepper no flamethrower flamethrower you’re all wrong there is no way to kill a ghost because we’re already dead dang it I was so close it seems your intelligence is of adequate value to become my Army so it’s time for you to die wait what time for say die that is the way to join my Army and become ghosts forever so while I gather my tools you will have 5 minutes to figure out how you would like to die die I’ve got plenty of tools here hold hold on let me just find them it’s in my desk guys I don’t want to die neither do I but what are we supposed to do I guess I’m just going to put a flamethrower in my pants you’re going to do what I’m going to probably die by spping on a banana peel and just falling in like a hole Yeah that that’s probably the best way to die no guys we need to find a way to get out of here well Daisy there’s literally no Escape except the front door and he just almost lit me on fire before or we could go through the vent like they do in FNAF wait go through the vent oh my goodness guys this is genius and look the teacher’s focused on the desk everyone let’s go through the vent quick quick quick wao this like a Secret Vent tunnel come on Gooby yes yes we’re escaping all right yes we made it to the other side this is perfect he’ll never find us in here well guys what are we waiting for Let’s Escape through the front door come on oh uh oh that’s not good oh no can’t get through the fire oh let’s just go to the principal’s room we can spy on the ghost there through the cameras ooh yes Daisy all right uh I think it’s right here all right everyone inside quick quick quick no yes we have security cameras all right let’s check them all right I have one in the hallway no sign of a ghost yet wait I think there’s one in the classroom well look in there oh God oh God the Mr Grumble ghost is looking right at the camera guys this is not good I think he knows that we escaped through the vent maybe we should board up these windows so we can’t see us in here yeah I think that’s a good idea all right everyone quick board up these windows and done guys I am feeling super secure already but how are we supposed to save Mr Grumps we can’t let that scary guy just take over his body yeah we need to figure out a way to like unpossess him does anyone have any ideas we should just take like a bunch of bunnies and just SW him at his face and they all just eat him what Gooby what did you even just say to us I think it would walk Gooby that’s a terrible idea and it’s never going to work how about this what if we think of how he got possessed and try to like undo it like that’s a great idea so he got possessed by looking into a scary mirror oh we need to get him trapped looking at another mirror wait so you think that if he just looks at a mirror the scary guy will get trapped in there I mean I think that’s our best shot but we have no mirrors in this room oh no they on the basement oh gosh all right we’re going to have to scratch that idea then and just somebody goes on a boy heroic mission to the basement oh Gooby that’s I’m not doing that there’s no way I’m going out there alone and especially not into the basement uh-uh don’t worry because I volunteer Daisy to go I’m not going are you guys crazy come on Daisy I am a girl and I’m not going it’s just a little scary ghost okay that could like eat you and possess you just go into the basement why don’t you go um cuz uh o i I hurt my toe and it was really bad and it was bleeding so I can’t walk admit it it’s because you’re a scaredy cat I’m not scared all right it’s just that you volunteered I didn’t volunteer Gooby did no I I volunteered J show I was I was saying the volunteer P for you well I didn’t volunteer Gooby so you go what I can go I’m just a little kid if you go into the basement and you get those mirrors then guess what when you come back we’re going to have a bunny party and we’re going to we going to drink all the shrimp juice in the world for you waa WI yep all the shrimp juice and all the bunnies just for you gooby if you survive you promise yes and I’m going to be looking at all the camera monitor so I’ll be watching you the entire time yeah okay this going to be awesome bunny bodyy all right Gooby let me just break these go for it go for it I’ll let you know if the coast is clear why don’t see any ghost why Gooby I don’t see any ghost on this hallway camera so you should go all the way down to the basement run run run go Gooby go Gooby a goner no he’s not Daisy he’s going to do it well I already ported up the door because we’re not dying next all right Gooby perfect you made it to the basement now go into the room on your left that’s where all the mirrors were wait you no that’s me that’s me you just went past me I found in here A bunch of crafting tables other room other room go back to the front go back to where you came up yep yep yep yep yep all right to your right to your right hard right okay nice left left hard left hard left Gooby gooby Gooby gooby I don’t my for my wife oh my goodness okay behind you behind you gooby okay now to the left turn your head to the left too hard to yes yes that way no not into the not into the wall yes right there Gooby right there left left yes go in there go in there it’s blocked off open that little trap door open it open it yes go Gooby go okay I’m in okay now there’s a bunch of mirrors on the walls but check that chest right behind you I think there’s a bunch of mirrors in there right yes Gooby yes I got it no Gooby open the chest put it down open it any mirrors in there wa they’re all they’re brown mirrors okay take them all take them all we need every single one of them so also a bunch of people all right Gooby get all those mirrors and I’m going to check the hallways and all the other cameras to make sure there’s no ghosts all right let me check this um no ghost here I don’t think uhoh oh my gosh Gooby the ghost he’s coming in the room hide Gooby hide what you need to run get out of there behind you gooby no no what is going on he got me he got me Gooby no oh no oh no no Gooby is being taken away Daisy this isn’t good Gooby just got kidnapped by the possess Mr Grumple ghost and you wanted me to go down there well now Gooby is going to be trapped and we need to save him well how are we supposed to save Gooby oh gosh I don’t know we need to find where he’s at maybe you can look in the cameras Gooby gooby Daisy I don’t see them anywhere out here try checking the cameras all right let me check the cameras no nothing yet oh gosh oh gosh I see the teacher where’s he going oh he’s going right past where we are we need to get out of the window wait he just went invisible oh my goodness he’s roaming the hallways I think he’s looking for us oh no what are we supposed to do wait it looks like the teacher came out of this room the detention class is it there a camera in there no Daisy there’s no camera out there we’re going to have to just go into the hallways and walk into that room nope not doing it not going in there Daisy we need to come on do you want to save your brother or not I guess so but I don’t want us to die okay wait Daisy I have a genius idea okay what is it all right grab one of these it’s a shovel we could just dig under the floor and then get to the detention class from there I think it’s in this direction trust me this is going to work it better all right where’s going to go in this way we’re getting super close Daisy oh I’m so scared all right Daisy now let’s start breaking up I think we’re right underneath the detention class Yes we made it oh my goodness Gooby uh are you okay Gooby why you floating like that I think Gooby is possessed oh my goodness Gooby Johnny I think we need to get out of here he’s possessed yeah I think you’re right Daisy come on let’s go wait wait what why you not flying anymore I was just floating cuz uh the ghost rub my butt with ghost juice ghost juice I do not believe him you’re definitely possessed yes ghost are covering ghostes and when he picked me up he must have just Wubb some on my butt well tell us something that I gooy would know so we know it’s the real you um my favorite drink is swim juice and I love bunnies and Tails and the color blue all right yep that’s Gooby seems like Gooby to me let’s get out of here wait Gooby did you collect all those mirrors from the basement right before the ghost took you yeah I got lots of MS m m m okay give them all to me nice Gooby these are going to help us so much all right come on Gooby follow us underneath this underground passageway that we made wa this is cool all right guys now that we saved Gooby and we have all these mirrors all we need to do is set up the mirror trap but we need a lot of space so where should we make it maybe in the hallway yeah but I think that Mr grumes ghost will see us ooh what if we go to the gym the gym is massive we can put so many mirrors in there yeah but how we going to get past the ghost look in my hand I have a shovel let’s just go underground again oh yeah all right come on guys everyone follow me we’re going to go this way I think I know my school good enough where I could travel under the ground and know exactly where I am that’s surprising because we’re rarely here yeah I I know I skip out on a lot of school but I know where I’m going trust me Daisy are you sure you know where we’re going we’ve been trabing for a really long time oh gosh guys I think I’m lost I lied oh no well what if we just break up right here and see where we are oh yeah good idea all right let me just do a little bit of this okay we are in the middle of the hallway we still need to go this way all right let’s just cover all that back up this way this way oh God we made it to the scary basement uhoh uhoh I don’t think we should go in in there last time someone was in here they got taken away wait but this is where the ghost goes so maybe this the perfect spot no it’s not the perfect spot come on come on come on run Gooby oh no oh no don’t leave me I’m closing this up too all right we’re just going to dig over here I think we’re getting close guys I see the wood Yes we made it yes we did it we did it okay okay all right guys but the job is not done we need to quickly make this mirror trap all right everyone follow my lead all right there we go this is looking pretty good now on all these pieces of wood I’m just going to put a bunch of these mirrors just like this guys is this looking amazing or what yeah it’s looking pretty good so far all right now I’m just going to replace all the floor wait can ghost get cotton things wait cotton things what do you mean what if we put cobwebs down here wait Daisy that’s actually really smart then he’ll be forced to look inside the mirrors okay let’s do that I need to break it one more all right cobwebs I got a bunch of cobwebs now all right guys replace the entire floor with cobwebs oh yeah yeah oh yeah Johnny I don’t think this is going to work he’s not just going to jump into this randomly well Daisy what if we use me and you as bait you want to use this as bait yes do you know what happens to bait um it gets eaten alive exactly well no this is going to definitely work okay look we’re going to make two cages or one big cage that me and you were in and then what we should do is pretend that Gooby trapped us just for the ghost so he possess us next oh I no no Gooby do you think you can pull it off yeah I’m going to be like I’m M I’m part of your armies and I capture these well Gooby maybe you could use some of those floating Powers again just to really sell it oh yeah like this whoa yeah yeah yeah that’s really good okay Daisy we need to make this cage um let’s see all right I’m just going to use these there we go wait maybe we should use glass we need to use chains too yeah good idea we definitely need to use change those are scary ooh this is coming out so good all right let’s just chain this to the ceiling and we’re supposed to just stand in there yes we’re going to stand in here all right Gooby trap us you got to put something above us I’m a ghost wait let’s do this instead just so we have more room all right Daisy we’re being covered up oh this is so much fun nice there we go we all trapped in here so now we just wait yes Daisy we’re going to wait and Gooby go into the hallway go get the possessed ghost okay yeah all right go go go go go Johnny sitting here is doing no good look at your camera and see where they are yeah I guess I could do that let’s see oh gosh I see the teacher oh my goodness he’s going invisible wait there’s Gooby too they’re going to talk oh no whoa hey um Mr uh ghost I’m part of your army look at me oh I see Gooby you are my disciple now yes yes that’s me um look what I’ve got for you I got a present a gift for me yes follow me theyy they’re coming they are coming into the gym get ready prepare yourself prepare for what we’re in a glass box why this way K look I got you some more people to join your army oh no help us act scared Daisy act scared help us help us help us please yes Gooby you have done well I will now turn them into my ghost’s Army as well yum yum no no don’t come near us oh God yes yes it worked I trap Works what is this what is this no no oh gosh what’s going on oh my goodness oh what’s going on here why am I stuck in a bunch of webs Mr grumples he’s back to normal what are you kids doing up in there get down from there did you make this wait guys look that mirror right there has the ghost in it we need to destroy it for good Mr grumes I’m going to save you yes break all the mirrors quickly we be safe what are you kids doing we’re saving your life yeah it’s a long story Mr grumples yeah Mr grumples look at me goopy what are you doing you’re floating in the air well Mr Grumple actually Gooby touched ghost juice and now he has ghost powers and can fly o Mr gues I’m going to get you you mean ghosts are real this is crazy yeah a ghost possessed your body and it all tried to eat us but don’t worry because we saved you and we killed the ghost for good it was trapped in that mirror well uh ghost and no ghost I still got those papers from the basement so I think it’s time to finish that quiz no I don’t want to do more quizzes I’m scarier than a ghost oh no oh no everyone run get out of here by instrum P get back here if you want to watch another video then click one on your screen right now and also make sure to leave a like and everyone hit subscribe bye

Today, Johnny, Daisy and Gooby are at School! But what they don’t know is their TEACHER Gets POSSESSED In Minecraft! What will do to get their teacher back to normal? Watch to find out!

#johnny #minecraft #minecraftmod


  1. the only way to kill a ghost is Drop it where it used to be trapped then it dies because it been and it's twice asleep area so it gets double bed Focus can die they just have two lives like a cat but cats have nine lives which is just a myth

  2. and who votes with me for face reveal Johnny's face revealed and daisies goobies and Marty's and miss grumpels and Mr grumbles but miss grumbles and Marty is probably just the same person I don't know all I can just tell Johnny just one person voice acting

  3. do you want me to Tunnel passageway to every single room the whole way that art class and science class and gym everywhere in the school even principle it and I don't know

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