Minecraft But You Can Upgrade Yourself

I lost my entire body and got left with nothing but my head now I need to upgrade myself until I get the most advanced body in all of Minecraft is it just me just makes a g Stronger Yeah I think so Guido wait what is that it looks like some kind of [Music] hor hey I I actually think I’m okay no you’re not okay spe what in the Multiverse my arms my legs my super cute but they’re all gone now I’m just this tiny little head I can barely move I can’t even jump like look at this I can’t even make it up this block and I’ve only got one heart this is the worst day of my life hey I’m basically just a floating head it’s not so bad once you get used to it oh that just makes me feel so much better Guido well now what am I supposed to do wait what’s that sound drones they’re coming from that factory up ahead ah this must have something to do with Mesa okay let’s just move from cover to cover here we cannot get cards I’ve only got one heart so if those drones spot me it’s over it’s a good plan to you but I don’t think we’ll make it my sensors are detecting something from underneath that tree if we can make it undetected then maybe we have a shot at getting our body B okay well I guess I’ve got nothing to lose Guido give me a ride come on let’s go oh no I think the drums followed us okay put me down put me down ah come on come on where’s the entrance where’s the entrance oh my gosh okay uh let’s see let’s see oh come on yes come [Music] Ono I got to see you thanks buddy wait a second is that an upgrade it looks like your arms yeah it kind of [Music] does could really use legs right about now but this is good enough all right I am now the proud owner of the little arms upgrade well that sounds weird yeah it does sound a little weird uh let’s go ahead and try it out I guess wow check it out so I don’t think this is going to be the only upgrade I get today looks like this can go right here oh come on quo I’m really struggling here listen These Arms may be short and stubby but at least I can break stuff now and look I’ve got my hearts back and I’ve got it myself stuck again I still can’t jump uh do you still have that fishing rod I may look like this but I’m the only one that can stop Mesa and besides the next upgrader is in this room which is just full of zombies Okay this may be really tough hey how’s it going oh not not good not good not good just keep moving Steve I’m trying my best quo but I don’t have any [Music] legs okay manag to get through this tiny Gap that’s one advantage I have over the zombies but it won’t take long until they find me oh weo I could really use a weapon on it let’s take down those zombies uh Guido I can’t reach you sorry take this foul creatures he may be small but you can still get the punch [Music] well that was terrifying indeed Guido but the next upgrade is ours the little legs upgrade once again doesn’t sound very intimidating check it out guo I can run I can Sprint I can J I can skip I’m so agile but you do look like there oh gosh it gets even more embarrassing well even with my legs it doesn’t look like there’s a way out of here let’s take a look around we do have these lanterns here which look a little out of place I can’t quite jump up but I think I did see some stairs around here so let’s go around let’s take out this gravel and let’s see if this is our way out okay uh oh wait yeah look there’s a little gap which is actually perfect for me to fit through I am ow kind of ow hitting my head every so often this is fine uh see are you okay what did you say talking dinosaur oh boy okay I’m feeling better now uh wait are we outside of some kind of factory yeah this is where the drones came from we need to be careful I bet that the next upgrade is inside but the only problem is I’m really low on health so I think the best option is to sneak here looks like Mesa has programed some robotic villagers a robots I hate robots hey we’ve also got the drones to worry about too they’re absolutely everywhere we’re going to wait for the right moment and then I’m going to fly you across okay sounds like a plan okay the coast is clear let’s go hurry hurry hurry go Guido go wao no no no not down there on the other side oh sorry I just wanted to take a look all right now put me down put me down okay the robots didn’t spot us and these guys are looking away so come on we’re going to sneak under here and going to find another way inside of this base there’s got to be another upgrade inside I just know it all right so far so good maybe we could like jump up here I don’t really think that’s possible um oh we got trap doors maybe this is some kind of vent and because I’m so tiny I can just walk in I guess being this small does have its benefits and we’re in but no upgrade just yet but we must be getting close okay let’s just all right this this is going to be really tough looks like there’s a lot of robots down there yep and if I want to get to the next level of the Drone Factory right there then we’re going to have to parkour across these lights with just one heart and these stubby little legs here goes nothing why don’t you just let me fly you across oh quo I’ve got to do this by myself besides If you flew me The Robots would definitely notice okay Steve you’ve got this don’t celebrate too early Steve we’re only halfway there yeah I know G I know all right up this way onto this light kind of looks like this area hits a dead end so we’ll take back this route and then across this light and we’re done I mean we’re done great job now let’s find the upgrade maybe I’ll get laser eyes or some kind of cybernetic horse or a hoverboard or maybe I’ll even get uh whatever that is I wasn’t expecting that yeah what even is that it kind of looks like one of my arms but I’ve got both of my arms I I I don’t want a third one I don’t think the upgrade is the arm itself I think it’s that device on there okay it’s an upgrade selector and I’m guessing it goes right there oh hey check it out I’ve got my original body B oh so we’re done right no Guido we still have to take down Mesa and with this upgrade selector we can pick any of the previous upgrades and use them at any time we want just when I got that nightmare image out of my head greetings Steve oh uh hi hey it just speak there is still one upgrade in the facility I could have told him that there’s only room for one cute companion around here no no Guido don’t get jealous this guy’s going to help us and listen he’s even making some kind of beeping noise so when we get further away from the upgrade it slows down but if we get closer it speeds up and the next upgrade should be right over here wait it’s it’s not even here no but it is down there in there are you sure yes I would advise preparing for your imminent death Guido we have to get down there okay hop on I appreciate the ride weo but I’m not sure exactly how we’re supposed to get inside of there well you’ve got your new best friend the upgrade selector why don’t you just change into your little farm again and try to find a gap that’s actually not a bad idea but you do sound really jealous now there is a tiny Gap there so in this form I should be able to squeeze through just going to watch out for the magma wo oh that was close and that guy wasn’t so lucky now we just jump across the lava and the next upgrade is my fine wait what the heck is it w Elemental upgrade okay my body is going to look better than ever before dude I’m so hard and so cold now I’ve got two brand new abilities I’ve got ice power and Firepower now Firepower isn’t going to be particularly useful down here but ice power well we can use it to do this we can freeze these metal Jaws nice new style Steve need a ride thanks buddy we’re getting stronger and stronger by the second oh yeah I forgot about the drones get back stay away drones I think we’re the ones that need to get back ah yeah you’re right quido come on out of the factory oh look how behind to you reinforc man yeah there’s too many of them we’ve got to keep going I don’t want to lose this body too come on Guido over to whatever the heck that thing is it looks like some kind of Village but it’s vertical I don’t really have time to think about it look these guys are still right behind me but if I use my firw yes there’s no way they’ll reach me now work huh what’s going on in here oh the upgrade selector is beeping again and it’s getting louder and louder because in here is another upgrade wait dude that’s like a grappling hook oh I want it so bad well the fir Powers haven’t failed me so far so let’s burn this cage down a SP nothing happened yeah I can see that buddy H it seems you must solve a puzzle for the next upgrade oh a puzzle of course um let’s see it can’t be anything upstairs it doesn’t really look like I can even get up there so it’s probably not anything on the upper parts of this Village but oh wait we got pressure plates right here so I’ll stand on this one and then I’ll run over to this side and stand on this one and open sesame H nothing could it have something to do with that creepy statue over there oh yeah good spot quido we’ll start off by burning these Vines down and now all we have to do is push the statue to the pressure plane well it just doesn’t seem to move what’s wrong but I do wonder what happens if we make it all icy and slippery no well that’s not right seems like the statue can only move in One Direction at a time and it just keeps going until it hits something solid so how am I supposed to get it from there onto this pressure plate I can help with that oh I see so now if I push this w w hold on you need to put some blocks over there oh yeah you’re right to stop the statue from from sliding any further you’re so smart okay now let’s see if this works come on okay and now this should be the last [Music] push come on come on come on yes and now I’ll just run over to the other pressure plate here we go I’m so smart that’s another upgrade Guido and I’m really looking forward to using this one check it out buddy the next upgrade is located on the Roof oh perfect okay let’s try this out oh W okay definitely works and then it’s just a matter of timing again wo okay here we go and nailed it woo I’ll be up here in a second yeah sorry Guido it was a little fast tell me before you go grab look away next huh what’s going on it’s a robo Golem and it’s blocking the next upgrade then we’re going to have to go through him yeah take this what wao what the wao okay yeah I don’t really fancy a haircut today oh quo he’s coming closer oh jeez you know what here goes nothing no no wo wo wo W nice work Steve let’s grab the upgrade it’s not going to be that easy Guido this guy is not going to let us through but I still have my firep Powers so let’s burn this Golem to the ground round yes buroh oh Guido this is really bad the Golem basically just absorbed my fir powers and is now using it against me L’s talking more R if I want to get that upgrade I’ve got to think fast how can I take this guy down uh wait the grappling hook we can just hook onto him and pull him down here here we go oh okay no we can’t get close going to have to do it from a distance come on on and now this upgrade is all mine wait is that two Steels that sounds like a nightmare oh come on dude it won’t be that bad besides we don’t even know what it does yet and that is the next upgrade installed but I don’t really feel any different time go mess with us wait is that dude that’s me I what oh check it out dude that must have been the next upgrade clones oh great do you guys want to help me find more upgrades sure sounds like fun right after we find out what that beeping noise is beeping what are you talking about uh-oh dude where am I uh no is this the Deep Darkness no no no I can’t be here wait Guido over here see you I don’t see you buddy wait that rock Marco Oho Marco Oho oh Guido hey Steve think you can get this Rubble off me uh yeah SE no problem buddy I oh okay I just got to do this carefully just L me out of here already I’m trying quo but every time I punch a block it makes noise and we really do not want to summon a warden when you got do something I don’t know how much longer I can last out here uh I’ll tell you what you wait right here I’ll call for help oh it looks like my grappling hook just isn’t working hurry up please okay okay okay there’s got to be somewhere I can mine you out of their Fester like if there was more than one of me of course I can use my clones that’s it team get my robotic friend out of there it’s working keep going that’s it guys keep going that’s it guys you did it he’s free he’s free and I think someone else is free too it’s the W run oh my gosh my clones you can make more of them just keep moving yeah but to where this is just one big maze I don’t have time to check every single Corridor for the exit yeah the W isn’t going to give us time to do that so what do we do well I think I’ve got an idea I can use my clone abilities to send out a bunch of mes to find the exit surely one of them will find it that’s the plan and it will also keep the warden off my tail I’ve got to find the exit before the warden turns their attention to me you’re never going to get me Warden yeah wait did you hear that that’s one clone [Music] down oh come on guys ooh shiny pressure plates uh-oh wait there’s TNT in here too we really have to be careful the Clones they’re gone behind you yeah I can see that I can see that we got a lot of traps coming up though these must have taken my clones out so I’ve got to really focus up here because if they could kill my clones they could kill me let’s talking more focusing wait another upgrade monster mouse now that scary and with this jaw I can have the wed foret M tastes like chicken did you just eat the Wen oh well we didn’t find the eggsit well maybe you could just eat your way out oh you’re right I bet I could eat through these rocks hey what are you looking at do you know where the next upgrade is he has it why else were he can running away wait all these robots look the same don’t think these are the robots we’re looking for because that was kind of a coward yeah he instantly ran away but we’re still going to have to deal with these guys luckily I’ve still got my fire attack ah but it didn’t seem very effective I’ve got to get back on track but with them chasing me it’s going to be really tough wait I think I could be small enough to fit in there if I transform into one of the first up I found this little guy here we go here we go yep check it out buddy they can’t reach me in here now let’s get back on track and try get to Higher Ground wait why well I think earlier okay maybe we’ll have to use the grappling hook I think earlier I saw the robot we were looking for stood up high on a tree but now he’s gone missing again there he is hey get back here quit running no I’m stuck in the cobweb this is a disaster come on little Robo villager there’s nowhere to hide you are going to tell me how to get to the next upgrade right now what what do you mean no you know what tell me where the next upgrade is now the Rings you have to light the Rings to the sky oh well why didn’t you just say that in the first place he’s not bling steeve I can see the Rings and they certainly look interesting yeah they almost look futuristic or something I bet that’s where I’ve got to go next so how do I use them tell me everything off find like upgrade in the point will open going to go wait what did he just oh the wings upgrade just one more upgr to go it’s on the other side of this portal he’s talking about let’s start with this first ring Guido we’ve got a total of five and that’s number one got the next ring coming up yeah but you’re being targeted but a giant gun yeah I can see the missiles don’t worry I can dodge them I’m much more agile with these Wings come on come on come on ring number two ring number three and now we’ve got some more missiles inbound but we should be good for ring number four and now for the last ring w Wait that looks like the portal that got us into this mess then let’s head inside and start Mesa I’m back Mesa oh and it looks like you’ve got another upgrade waiting for me c stay back and that’s it quido I’ve got every single upgrade and now I look like this no this isn’t how I was supposed to win well you should have thought about that before you took away my body m is leave keep rushing [Applause] away Guido I’ve got my body back we did it but what happened to NAA oh F the Multiverse one of my loyal minions wait where are you going don’t leave me here [Music]

Check out the CHECKPOINT WEBSITE and make YOUR OWN Character!: https://checkpointmultiverse.com/

This is Minecraft, but you can UPGRADE yourself! When Steve’s body gets destroyed and stole by Mesa, he needs to rebuild himself and UPGRADE himself by getting hearts, new body parts, mecha upgrades, and new abilities! Steve needs to learn how to evolve himself to absurd levels so he can use the amazing overpowered upgrade abilities! Can Steve learn all the secrets and abilities of the evolution upgrades, get all the tech and custom body part upgrades, and upgrade into the ultimate Steve? This is Minecraft but there’s custom upgrades!


‣ Check out our WEBSITE and make your own Checkpoint character!: https://checkpointmultiverse.com/
‣ Buy Checkpoint MERCH: https://creatorink.com/collections/checkpoint
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‣ Join the Adventurer’s Guild on Discord: https://discord.gg/rzXUDvt

~ G.U.I.D.O Animation by: https://www.studiogoblin.co.uk/
~ Music/SFX by Epidemic Sound: http://epidemicsound.com
~ Minecraft builds by Ambient Creations: https://twitter.com/AmbientTeam

Follow our incredible voice cast:
Carimelle: https://estherchristova.carrd.co/#home
Cyrus Rodas: https://twitter.com/CyrusRodas
Dallis MacKenzie: https://twitter.com/Dallisaur
Corey Wilder: https://twitter.com/WilderCorey
Brooke Johnson: https://brookejohnsonvo.com


‣ GTA 5 DIMENSION: https://bit.ly/35VAw0f
‣ MINECRAFT DIMENSION: https://bit.ly/3mKfUOL
‣ ROBLOX DIMENSION: https://bit.ly/2HquZVz


Minecraft is an open world game that has no specific goals for the player to accomplish, allowing players a large amount of freedom in choosing how to play the game however, there is an achievement system. The gameplay by default is first person, but players have the option to play in third person mode. The core gameplay revolves around breaking and placing blocks. The game world is essentially composed of rough 3D objects—mainly cubes—that are arranged in a fixed grid pattern and represent different materials, such as dirt, stone, various ores, water, and tree trunks. While players can move freely across the world, objects and items can only be placed at fixed locations relative to the grid. Players can gather these material blocks and place them elsewhere, thus allowing for various constructions.

#Checkpoint #Minecraft


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