Terraria legendary mode is really awesome and not miserable

all right fellas there’s some pretty interesting things to note about this world number one is that when you chop down trees they’ll drop bombs on you so run away number two is that everything’s bad Sonic the Hedgehog this looks easy honestly Yeah man so easy can I get a demon Scythe right away um I don’t actually know anything about this world we need a house right away that’s what I’m I’m going we’re going up ah oh oh Ash Falls I forgot Nathan hurt me emotionally oh sorry can you not slay me [ __ ] I was doing it to the right and you just Happ okay this ash balls are homing Ash balls are homing what’s up guys why are you Sonic well we both got the nipples so what classes are we doing boys we we going to do all the same on this one oh skote you’re just trying to get me a million view video aren’t you we all have to I think I just got a collat I think uh melee would be fun oh my God guys the tree Dropped a Bomb I didn’t even notice it was a bomb I thought it was a fruit M fruit so good at the flavor is explosive why did the ash balls the ash balls literally do just home and kill you it’s not supposed to be fun you’re right it’s not we should be drunk when we play this or super high I’ll be right back he’s just been waiting for that I guess crispy honey that’s one Z’s fault if you crispy honey that’s your fault like that’s just embarrassing man oh crispy honey I was trying to go over it man you could have let me know that it was there you could have used the eyes that I used too you know first person to get a heart Crystal gets $10 from Nathan okay a chest dibs okay no dibs in uh this it’s uh every man for themselves dib I’m not seven so it doesn’t work on me I’m going to get something crazy from this chest ah ah I guess whatever weapon type this is what class we’re playing a spear okay okay melee hey if you guys run into like 16 ghosts in a couple of minutes uh just be aware that you know that might happen is this for like people that like uh Terraria and also are into BDSM I happen to be one of those pinky no no no no no uhuh no yo pinky pinky needs to pinky itself off I no no oh my God oh my God I’m a genius I trapped the pinky in a one block Square so it can’t hurt me oh guys by the way I think um I think there’s a chance in this world that heart crystals are actually Boulders or maybe heart crystals or Boulders I don’t remember oh yeah also if you stand in the dark for too long you die oh and also we have hunger this has the why are you telling us now as all of those things are happening to us cuz as they happen that’s when I’m remembering them oh my god dude this golden slime has 12200 Health hey water where’d that come from uh all the way up here I found a lake it’s a pretty big lake considering it’s still draining wow it’s actually the entire ocean I may have found the surface I’m the god of rope I have, 1400 rope want to share I’m the god of shooting ropes first heart crystal is mine baby did you find it I’m on my way bouncing Boulder they call me Lady Gaga he I found the first AR crystal that’s you have to have it I have it you have to ingest did you eat it no but I have it you have to eat it I ate it proof proof I can join a team you can look at my health or something that’s not good enough yeah it’s not my fault that I’m the goat it’s not my fault that I just got 48 gold what are you going to spend that gold on Nathan winning being a champion you know the usual how about my second heart Crystal I’m not going to spend gold on your second heart Crystal you want me to pay you for getting a heart Crystal exactly look at my health look at my health look at my health I can’t see it look at it still can’t see it yeah I got the first heart Crystal what what’s a heart Crystal yeah I’m not familiar with this term heart Crystal huh huh Sky Skyler you know heart Crystal man I barely know up from down I instantly it was a boulder no I got killed by something in the dark if I didn’t pick up that heart Crystal I’m going to bomb a school which one you want a name drop it hey Sky come here Sky come here Sky come here what’s up he’s going eat AAL in front of you is that supposed to be a flax doesn’t Nathan be $10 now first person to get a heart Crystal gets $10 from Nathan what no no why would I owe you $10 nobody got her Diner that to the tombstone I need to get my gold man but I know you going to try to steal it right about now I don’t care about Golding product just give me my gold do you not know how to drop items oh my God you’re dingdong you could have just tossed it to me I Skyler’s exploring my cave maybe you should have just tossed me the my money and went back up to explore instead of wasting both of our time I was getting a little bit of cooky with it yeah maybe you get less kooky and more coochie how about that there’s another golden slime there oh really yeah hold on watch watch watch watch watch this [ __ ] okay we I got places to be man I actually do too and it’s not wherever those demon eyes are I got a red potion but I think if I drink it I’m going to instantly die what’s a red potion it’s a Dev item from back in the day if you drank it it insta killed you yeah I would believe it might kill you then I’m going to find an ice chest and I’m going to get a frost blade watch this I found an ice chest and got a blizzard in a bottle that’s [ __ ] up which is cool but not a frost blade that’s effed to the up to the yo yo yo bro never say that again oh it’s filled with ice water ow my bathtub after I harvest your kidy oh and then a zombie one shot me br oh [ __ ] man I drank that red potion cuz I thought it was going to kill me but it actually gave me iron skin spelunker and heartreach for 30 minutes how did how did bro get up there he climbed the Rope he dropped down from above nuclear Holocaust huh I don’t know I want to have a nuclear Holocaust I want a bur how do you feel like if you don’t eat a burger like once a month you cannot be an American citizen like veggie burgers count yes okay so vegans can still be you’re like one of those trans Americans if you’re eating the veggie burgers though like you’re not a real goddamn you’re not a red blooded American yeah you’re a American okay I’m back in blue hair liberal American I think a nuclear bunker would be kind of the dopest place no windows pure dark like everything just wired the way I want it so we agreed that Jacob’s a goblin right something like that no he’s an ogre oh yeah he is an ogre but I want him to be a goblin what am I you’d be a human no like you’d be but humans always win at the end of the day care humans are lame I think humans are cool I’d be an elf no no you wouldn’t sit in a tower and you’d be a wizard that’s what we agreed on oh that’s true but what race of a race yeah Wizard’s not a race we’re talking about ethnic properties you be a human wizard okay I can live with that Jacob would be a uh an ogre Barbarian or something he’d be like me hit rock with hammer I’d be a human medicine man what race is known for medicine probably gnomes probably humans or gnomes elves or humans depending on if it’s like science medicine or like healing or like science science is probably humans or gnomes are gnomes known for smart [ __ ] yeah gnomes are tinkerers it’s more of a dwarf thing no it’s not you just don’t [ __ ] know your mythology I’m so right though I’m so right though you are not so right I’m so correct holy [ __ ] I just found two heart crystals right next to each other you should share with the class I’m melee I am too I don’t know how the Slime fit through that cap did you see that yeah I did see that it was very impressive and you deserved it well it is a slime they are malleable that’s not how you say that word I invented the word so I think I’d know at least me and Nathan are doing something for and together Jacob is not a team player I’m making progress fellas I’m a man of many progress they call me the progressor I’ll expand then why cuz I’m so Progressive you are the least Progressive one of us he is known for being so Progressive guys what do you mean I’m so Progressive he does like fan booys so maybe that counts so how’s your uh day Skyler I’m doing good you know ate some chicken and uh dumplings oh yeah I had kachis and donuts you should try eating a cockroach you should try eating a [ __ ] now shut up hey y made it here and it won’t be impressive to make it here soon excuse me sorry why did you do that interrupting official Jesus Christ Jacob boy you broke my path and you broke our wall yeah you broke our path and one of my things I have to write if I’m for or against gay marriage and I don’t know which one I want to write about like I’m for gay marriage but y’all’s elevator sucks there was like four eyeballs in it I wonder who let the eyes in huh mimic I’m going to kill it and it’s going to give me a really good weapon you’re not going to kill it what the f man what is going on what happened to the the elevator project is it going badly uh no we died once and I’m trying to make it connected so it’s a easy get up so Jacob isn’t a little complainy [ __ ] oh I see I see and then I figured it’ll make it quicker if we ever die again if we ever die again I like optimism sometimes guys who the Rope was not there when I need Sky h no Jacob’s a whole ass ho it was literally you shut your bleach ass up boy watch yourself of course lava watch Bo I’m trying to make it back up there before that ice I want to get it if I get get ice that’s like the best melee prehard mod coun terrorist win I’m making it back to that hard Crystal I found and I’m getting 200 Health 200 Stop Being Greedy I don’t want to hear from you I would never do something as greedy as that we need to make an alternate path if the lava gets redirected down so it doesn’t just I’m almost done with the lava genuinely it’s almost gone only 10 more deaths guys I queen bee I think we’re ready in the in the ice cave listen when I get a really strong weapon and I can protect everyone that’s my goal I you know that’s my goal really that’s my No it it’s not that’s my goal yeah he wants to protect all of us kler he’s doing this for us yeah I’m doing it for y’all and you use my infant structure you have the audacity [ __ ] what [ __ ] are you doing trying to get up he’s destroying the infrastructure do that’s all I’m saying do it again no that go that routes to the right this routes to the right I was supposed to kill Jacob not you it together Sky there we’re never going to forget what he did do us what I did Skyler dropped lava on us for like 20 deaths and then that’s cuz Skyler’s building infrastruct Skyler I’m also building infrastructure you are the one I’m building infrastructure no you’re not you anything why did you break that that’s not me oh that’s guy it’s okay what if you do it’s fine yeah infrastructure um actually I’m building infrastructure man you’re going to need hotline after I’m done with you should I summon queen bee that would be so funny you should do it you should do it you you should do it it would be fun that was really quick holy [ __ ] sky coming for us oh she’s here oh she’s here oh I forgot the spear goes through one block and I was stabbing an ice slime and it went through one block your whole thing on the spear your whole thing oning now I have an entire minute respawn time let me go cook a three course meal real quick okay Nathan oh here stroke on my dick I got lotion on my dick I’m just stroking my [ __ ] triple kill I put a door up so the ghost can’t get in guys don’t worry Obama the real [ __ ] a yes whoa you can’t say that about Obama I can say whatever the [ __ ] I want about Obama no Obama’s a massive Legend and he has a massive first off you don’t know either of those things are true trust him I think you’re just playing into black stereotypes which pushes he not no the his whole thing is he’s the first black pres everyone calls him the first black pres American mother and Kenyan father why is his middle name Hussein altright [ __ ] his dad’s Kenyon I swear to God I thought I swear to God I thought I read something wait I thought he had terrorist terrorism in him no no no we’re bringing color back to our home we’re not a Caucasian home anymore we got a piggy bank in the shop nice then we can put our gold supplies into uh savings instead of the floor I have one gold now there you go Skyler Jacob here’s your cut of the savings fund I found a cloud in a bottle which one of you can have cuz I have a blizzard in Bottle I’m going to give it to Skyler because he was an essential worker who helped me build everything Nathan are you ready I’m ready let’s go watch out for the dark trap I jumped over it man I did not I jumped into that though I’m the angler really yeah he was just chilling here you didn’t blow up the obsidian man I forgot I told you as you died this is going to be a delicate operation wait wait wait let me do this let me do this I know how to do this I do I’m going to go over to the side and I’m going to get water I’m just going to dump the lava over there that’s even better a lot of guys let’s go left a lot of guys right should we just start building up from here no hold I want to explore this area try to get some good stuff I blew up the obsidian what else did you blow up nothing nothing else my ass Jacob a shine potion [ __ ] the darkness I just bought a minor helmet you know what Skyler I have plan what is your plan s come to me I do not come for men so what was your plan sir um not I thought it was a great plan get in a cart jump thanks for having your Tombstone murder them all I was there in spirit that was a big help guy the heart Crystal for you really okay I got this just don’t get killed by that slime like I did I grab the hard Crystal for you wow what a homie nice oh that did 71 damage to yep wait hold on this guy a genius plan okay campire for faster region all right guys pre why am I for what your ice blade yeah what oh I got confusion it took me off the Rope oh no my Tombstone might help you oh it’s coming towards you now yes does that mean I can have your spear I found an an ice ice Boomerang which is not an ice blade but you know it’s still really good you can have my spear though cuz I will not be using it anymore okay Skyler follow me no no no no no come up here this is get above this higher lava pool and then we dig out and bridge over there man watch this I’ll be there in half the time he’s throwing bones I don’t want to do that anymore yeah you may be there faster but you might not be there alive watch out wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait do not dig Nathan why I got this move oh [ __ ]

legendary mode is the worst way to play terraria
My website – https://qwertysquarters.com/
Edited by
Daniel M


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