Evil End πŸ’€ | Ep. 10 | Minecraft S0S

[Music] hey guys what’s up LD Shad here and welcome back to Minecraft SOS this week’s challenge is a mystery game of villager versus Pillager so to begin players enter the Hut one by one to be assigned a role as either a villager or a Pillager and for the rest of the challenge they must act accordingly secretly completing tasks related to their role then at the end all the villagers try to guess who were the pillagers amongst them this whole time so when it came round to my turn I entered the Hut pressed the button and my role was a Pillager so obviously I began freaking out immediately look at all these Pillager tasks I have to complete so I went home and hatched a foolproof plan okay one of the tasks I have to complete is cosplay as a Pillager around three other players without them noticing and I have an idea it might be a bad idea but I think it might just work so let’s grab this Pillager head I will also craft this Banner into a Pillager shield and now that I look the part it’s time for my cunning plan the entire server is gathering at pix’s hole to dig out the last few chunks and I thought with all the chaos going on I might be able to get away with completing this task so I hid myself in the crowd and dawned my my disguise okay so how this going work we have three team captains picked out already team captain number one mithical sausage who decided to build an entire church dedicated to the hle second team captain is Jimmy uh because he built a tribute to the hole and third team captain is Eloise as you can see everything was going according to plan all the other players were far too focused on themselves to notice that I was dressed as a Pillager that was until Eloise spotted me and I noticed her watchful gaze was getting a little too watchful so I tried to act really natural and peek over the side of the hall but when I turned around again she was still watching me but I just kept playing it cool and I think I got away with it because a few minutes later she picked me to be on her team minutes a win Lizzy get here yeah I proved myself I dig really fast actually Lizzy honestly did Super well the first time around only one death so not only had I gotten away with my disguise I had also infiltrated an elite team of whole diggers which was actually very lucky for them because I have a lot of experience digging this hole each team was assigned a chunk and the race began the team to dig out their chunk the firstest would win three fake coins and I desperately wanted to win so I put my Pillager nature aside and we worked as a team this is like so bloody fast yeah look at us go turns out the three of us made quite the Dream Team and we quickly made our way through the layers of stone meanwhile the other teams were making progress too well sausages team was making progress I’m not really sure what Jimmy’s team was doing but eventually every team made it to deep slate and it was time to deploy the Moss method it was beautiful everyone working together in harmony towards a common goal do this oh someone spawned a Wither oh my God but we were determined not to lose this competition so we just kept on digging people were dying all around us Joel died oh my God oh my God oh my gosh P died no orange just died to a weather you are kidding hurry we’re nearly done we were just a few layers away from bedrock and eventually we emerged Victorious and I worn myself a fate coin unfortunately though due to a prior arrangement I had with Owen you owe me the for the fake coins if I die I expect you to to get me back I had to spend four fake coins to bring him back to life these are the four fake coins that I owe you thank you so much and he’s and there he is welcome back and of course I used my last fake coin on Jo he is well and now I have no coins left so now it’s more important than ever for me to finish all of these tasks and what do we have here sabotage three villagers front doors that sounds like an easy one I could probably do that right now there are plenty of people online so let’s go find my first victim if I fly all the way to the other side of the map that will probably look a lot less suspicious than if I sabotaged one of my neighbors so let’s go visit the furthest away player Eloise and all I need to do is sabotage her front door without her noticing she doesn’t seem to be home so I’m just going to grab it and run get out of here wait is that her flying in oh my gosh well if she didn’t suspect me before then she definitely does now oh well on to the next victim I will Target Jimmy under the cover of Darkness I will steal his front door and there’s nobody to stop me okay there’s a bunch of people online to stop me but I’m going to try any anyway what’s this an iron golem I do not fear you and as a Pillager it is my great honor to slay you with my axe very slowly death to all villagers now if you’ll excuse me I have a door to take and an escape to make however like a fool I returned to the scene of the crime ow hey have you took my door no well come in apparently I haven’t got a door anymore think I will who’s that it’s Eloise what are you doing um what the hell’s going on here mate I well I’m well you could answer me this who took my door cuz when I logged in it was here and now it’s not what did it look like I walked over and it was just you and Lizzy so I’m assuming Lizzie stole it no I was fishing me and Lizzy turned up at the same time and it wasn’t here she being Shifty right no we’re going to you know what earlier she was flying around I don’t know what she was doing to the tower Jimmy Jimmy we’re going to the top of the tower she’s going to push me off list oh my God going to push me off right now right it takes a while to get up here by the way okay I need to know what they’re saying she could be telling Jimmy that I am definitely a Pillager I know she is but how do you know she’s a pill I’ve witnessed things I’ve witnessed things I’ve seen I’ve witnessed the right okay I understand now that we had to come up here right take a take a because yesterday come take a seat over hey hey hey get down okay it only took half my hearts Jimmy what was that you nearly killed me I thought you were going to fly right well I will leave you to your private conversation oh thank you thank you see you in a b right that has not gone very well obviously I think Eloise might be on to me I thought all hope was lost but then Jimmy turned up at my house and he did something that gave me a glimmer of hope where is where is this racket why have you got that one sorry sorry just listening to some tunes right I need to go um are you looking for you’re trying to pillage my what are you doing I need to um wait could it be Jimmy was a fellow Pillager completing the Pillager task to steal all my crafting tables there’s only one way to find out oh I’ll be right back I just need to go get something do I need to be here uh yeah just wait for me I’ll be like 30 seconds plenty of time but not too much time all right a few moments later and sure enough I returned home to find that Jimmy had disappeared and so too had my crafting tables they’re gone that means Jimmy must be a Pillager and it didn’t take long before the final Pillager also revealed themselves to me when Joel tried to steal my camel which rather suspiciously is one of the Pillager tasks oh he’s doing it he’s actually taking my camel well that makes one thing clear Joel is definitely a Pillager perhaps I should confront him Hello Joel hello Lizzy how’s it going funy seeing you here on this fine day fancy it indeed was what you been up to oh you know um I was just putting the nine Golem in Shelby’s home see uh I’ve noticed my camel is missing something happened to Reginald who’s you wouldn’t happen to know anything about that would you you wouldn’t be uh stealing a named pet from a villager and planting it on another player would you be doing that why is that worded so precise Lizzie well let’s just say I’m a well read person I read a lot of books maybe we’ve read the same book maybe we have Lizzy what similar interests we could have okay all right yeah I’m a Pillager are you a Pillager yeah I’m a Pillager okay good good good good Scott’s online oh my gosh I feel like we’ve been rumbled already just saying out loud it’s summon him hello he’s waving what does that mean Lizzy oh just act natural I’ll wave back yeah see here’s the thing Joel yeah I think I know who the third Pillager is what if we have a meeting all three of us and uh we can make sure that we have done all of our tasks for the greater good okay how many of tasks have you done I’ve done one so far I’ve built a secret base that would be perfect we should meet there and have a secret Pillager meeting okay it’s in subag is windmill okay I’ll see you there at Sunset now disperse in case Scott finds us together okay I’m sorry about your camel wait I should probably go retrieve my camel Reginald what have I told you about oh L I can’t you want to stay here or something what you trying to say Shelby’s a better pet owner than me wait you’re not Reginald where the heck is Reginald where’s my camel go this is shocking poor Reginald let’s go we have a meeting to attend now I just need to find this secret base that Joel built and it’s somewhere here in sausages area H now according to the rules of the challenge it must have a proper access point so somewhere around here is an entrance to a secret base and if I was Joel I would build it in the pond oh no okay no never mind not safe I don’t think it’s here maybe it’s here under the church or would that be too cliche it could be down here YooHoo wa this goes really deep what is this it’s a good job I have aqua affinity on my helmet because this goes all the way down okay nope there’s just an axotal down here oh i’ better get out I was wrong oh my goodness where else would you hide a secret base oh my gosh wait I remember he said it was under the windmill I was looking in the wrong place this whole time I’m just not cut out for this okay it should be somewhere around here hello hello oh oh this is very secretive oh my gosh welcome are you no way way I did not expect you Lizzy I had an inkling Joel you’ve hid that well yeah actually Joel you haven’t hidden it well oh no they know you’ve been rumbled and so have I I’m pretty sure I’ve been rumbled as well so uh we’ve all been rumbled we are probably the worst pillagers in existence oh dear yeah J what it’s harder than you think have you guys even done the tasks uh they’re going to go it’s you you you let’s all vote them and it’s going to be the pressing I think they have us fingered yeah so what do we do I think we show them what a real Pillager raid looks like boom TNT all dead wait are you saying that we rigged the voting Hut yes what if we accidentally kill the whole server though that would be kind of bad there’s no way everybody dies Scott doesn’t die it’s he doesn’t die so can never die he’s invincible so he can bring everybody back yeah yeah they probably won’t bring us back that’s a possibility that we might die forever that’s all right that’s okay at least we’ll go out with a bang so off we went to the voting Hut where it all began and soon it would all end should I do it under here do you reckon I reckon under this block here okay it’s going to be a very big explosion how big enough to kill quite a few people okay now we should probably get out of here so they don’t suspect anything good luck Gamers byebye good luck 2 hours later it is time for the vote we are going to go in one by one to the voting booth so nobody can mess with you you will grab three pieces of paper name three different names on them you can’t vote for the same person twice after that throw your papers into the cauldron and we will do the final vote tally after that and we will have the three people with the most voted for line up right here and then they can review if they were pillagers or villagers and we’ll see who wins so when it came round to my turn to vote I entered the Hut and I voted for none other than myself Jimmy and Joel then I cast my votes into the cauldron and awaited the results number one most voted for Mr solidarity gaming I knew it you Kidd me my gosh that’s number two most voted for L shadow lady I can’t I don’t believe it she was so innocent now number three smish beans no way coming in you guys want to go down the line and the bottom and reveal what you were I am a Pillager I am I am a Pillager we knew I hate to break it to you guys because you have really messed this up oh as I’m also a Pillager P the C oh wait did it kill everyone what happened what the hell and after that great betrayal unsurprisingly nobody wanted to use their fake coins to revive us marking the end of my Minecraft SOS

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Welcome to Minecraft S0S a new Minecraft SMP with my creator friends in Hardcore Minecraft but there’s a twist. In this episode, it’s Villager vs. Pillager week and rather predictably, everything went very very wrong.


#minecraft #minecraftsos

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Check out Joel’s gaming channel:


  1. 12:27 this bit reminds me of the TV show β€œthe traitors” lol when Jimmy walks in it’s like when all the traitors meet in the tower πŸ˜‚ it’s amazing I love it ✨❀️

  2. Nooooo I loved this series ❀❀ but this vid was amazing the way Liz said *pull the lever kronk * and made laugh uncontrollably β€πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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