i cooked EVERYTHING in stardew valley (Streamed 5/20/24)

everyone welcome back it’s good to see you I have not streamed in about 3 hours it’s been so long um snap’s in here she’s covering her eyes CU she doesn’t want my lights on and um we’re going to play some stardew Valley I think hello hello Snappy and definitely not Kayla what okay Christine it’s good to see you too that’s mean Kayla I haven’t seen you in ages yeah it’s been so long since I last streamed you know let me get my stury Valley scene open um and I’ll get the game ready so that we can play I thought we could work on our Perfection save a little bit today my hair is kind of bothering me hold on um and then we’ll I don’t know how long will be live for I I didn’t sleep last night really um because of the Stream so I don’t know how today’s going to go the idea here is that I I have this thought that if I don’t stream right now I’m not going to stream at all I’m not going to make it so I stream now and then if I want to go to bed at 5:00 p.m. I can go to bed at 5:00 p.m. you know how was it it was fun Jazzy um we had let’s see there was like 20 something something woohoo uh we had like six people die um from getting struck by meteors it was actually kind of wild I’ll make a YouTube video to cut down the stream um well I’m going to like make a highlight reel basically from the stream I’ll like do a voice over and explain what happened and then we’ll put in clips and stuff from the stream um we’ve also raised a lot of money in the past couple of days um overall it’s been really fun so feed the cats at 700 p.m. and then pass out like a Sim yeah well I think Dan slept a lot more than me Dan went to bed at probably like 3 like I did and then he woke up at like 8ish and then again at like 10: so he Dan got a reasonable amount of sleep so he can feed the cats and I can sleep at 500 p.m. no I won’t I’m going to try and stay up till a reasonable time tonight but it was definitely fun it’s just you know being live all night even if I’m not actually talking is still kind of stressful yesterday oh my God also I at one point I was babysitting the stream on my laptop the whole like I watched the whole stream on my laptop basically cuz I was downstairs working on the letters um like my charity incentive letters which by the way if you donate $150 I’ll send you a cute card and I’ll send you four stickers wait for it wait for it wait I’m trying to get them I got too many four don’t stand up sit back down the people want to see you stickers um but I was working on sending all these which by the way way I have officially mailed all of them now so that’s good all the ones so far I mailed them um after I got off stream earlier um but I was like sat downstairs on my laptop working on it and watching the stream back and then I went to go get in the shower I’m in the shower and then the chat start cuz I had like on my phone I had it up still so I could see and the chat starts like panicking cuz there was like some weird noise playing and I was like I’m I’m in the shower I got like conditioner in my hair I shaved one leg and the whole chat’s like chaos chaos help us it wasn’t great but it’s like of course that happened at that time you know of course that happened at that time anyway um we’re going to play a little bit of stardo like I was saying um Snappy’s here she’s hanging out you the way that her tail is was just really confusing to me also I think she’s got like a little fuzzy in her face hi worm sorry you got like a fuzzy on you I fixed it sorry I was trying to help I was just trying to help okay oh wrong thing there we go now we can Farm um donating a dollar a day thank you for the donation to St to that’s really generous of you um you’ve never played stardew before really Katie oh my gosh well you’re in luck I think you’ll uh enjoy this I do so that’s how I know um we the last time I played this save was last weekend uh last Saturday um and we streamed for 12 hours playing stardew all day um we’ve been working towards Perfection slowly I’m trying to finish cooking everything right now I’m missing one recipe and I don’t have enough tomatoes so we’re trying to grow tomatoes we’re trying to get the last of our achievements um so we have a lot of uh things like that to be doing at this current moment in time so uh but we’ll we’ll play through it a little bit it’ll be kind of fun I think I I’m pretty sure oh maybe I didn’t I thought I picked a quest but I guess I didn’t pick a quest so never mind that’s fine that is fine we also have to start trying to get money that’s like the next big thing look at 12 cave jellies 12 oh my God that is so much um this is I can change the stream title we’re in um spring of year three right now um I should probably put that in the Stream title um let me see I’ll save it is that too long No it should be fine um it’s summer I’m in summer of year three I’m in summer of year three not spring listen I didn’t sleep last night you’re not allowed to judge me I can fix Shane with the donation we got Robin Wing um you missed the end of the 24-hour stream so here’s your dollar for each baby thanks for the $9 meeing of night thank you so much um oh you had you played stardo for the first time in over a year because of the 12 hour stream and you had a wild set of weather I haven’t had a meteor in a long time in stardew that’s kind of fun that you had that happen I love that um and Z thank you I I’m I’ve been thinking of you Z I hope that um I hope that you’re able to find your cat soon I really I’ve been thinking about you every day um yeah I’ve added golden animal crackers to the fish ponds that’s why they’re doing thatz we have the golden animal crackers there um so that helps having the golden animal crackers helps because uh it doubles the yield of what they give you so okay well we were going to work on this I was planning on trying to reorganize inside of here a little bit today um as you can see I have expanded my shed and I have not done anything to uh like actually decorate it yet or fill it up with more things so uh L lady thank you for the $20 to same dude also thank you so much um okay so I’m trying to remember what I was up to for the most part I guess we’re trying to get the Obelisk um so that’s probably like step number one I think for the Obelisk I was trying to get the beach one and I was so annoyed the water Obelisk you need 10 clams I think I have nine clams so I didn’t have enough clams to make my thingy yeah I have nine clams okay maybe we should start there do you want to go run to the beach and see if we can find a clam and hope and hope um yeah Venus it looks like your sub is not uh is not on right now so it probably expired that’s why you got an ad um which is kind of annoying um and and thank you for the $50 um you need to catch up on the 12 hour starting Valley Stream first that’s wild good luck with catching up on that that’s going to be a process and thank you for the donation um I have not slept no KJ I have not most certainly I have not um I’m good I’m fine I feel okay right now for the most part um but no I did not sleep I slept for like 40 45 minutes probably total two times I slept for like 20 minutes last night so but I have to I I will stream today I’m I’m not going to go to bed right now I’m not doing it so I have to do something to pass the time and I want to farm so I’m not going to hear it from you twitch chat I’m going to farm okay there is no clams here so that really stinks I was really hoping that there would be there is in fact not so um I already did those should we just go to the island here let’s just go to the island maybe pick a quest and see um and see okay yeah exactly Brew if I if I mess up my sleep schedule too much then we’re not going to thrive for the last week and a half two weeks of the fundraiser so we’re making it through power through it’s going to be fine um there’s horses yeah it’s kind of fun isn’t it there are horses do I have oh Cowboy Poncho cool I don’t have my Horse flute I’m really mad at myself for that that’s okay that’s okay I’m working late cuz I’m a simmer I was thinking that yesterday as well when um when I was like at 3:00 a.m. writing my letters it was going through my head too I was like I’m working late cuz I’m a simmer that is so silly um okay I’m going to grab all of these while we’re here am I really zoomed out yeah I was really zoomed out I can zoom us back in I was really zoomed out cuz we were in the skull Caverns um I can put us back to a more reasonable zoom level um oh gosh mess so I don’t know if you heard we had to change the day of the shell tours um we were meant to do the shell tours yesterday but we had to change the day of the shell tours to be on Thursday instead cuz we have to shave my dad’s head and the only day that my dad is uh not working Andor um having to go to his treatment is tomorrow um and I don’t want to interrupt the shell tours with shaving my dad’s head um so we’re going to do the shell tours on Thursday instead um just because that way we can uh appropriately dedicate time to both so we had to do a little Switcheroo um that was not a part of the original plan I did not realize that we were going to hit that Milestone so quickly so um yeah I post the stream schedule in the Discord um I posted the correct one this morning with the uh this week’s plans I know it kind of sinks that it changed around so please don’t be mad at me but um the main problem is that my dad has cancer treatment on Thursday um so we can’t do it on Thursday and you’re not allowed to complain about my dad having cancer treatment on Thursday cuz that is messed up so there there you’re not allowed to say anything about it and it’s good cuz it gives you some more time to finish the shell right so it’s probably for the best okay I’m going to sell most of that stuff um and then I’m going to go see if I can check my little Quest um okay okay I’m ready Ellie thank you for the donation I really appreciate um your kind words too thank you so much um you deleted your progress on the Shell by accident no oh I’d cry okay here’s our progress so far 75% that’s really good okay so we have 88% great friends we’re almost there obviously we don’t have monster Slayer hero yet we’ll work on that today we need to kill more dinosaurs for that still that’s what’s holding us up um oops don’t have a golden clock obviously don’t have all the obelis obviously 8% left to go of both the cooking and crafting recipes um and that’s everything so we’re getting somewhere um G I can’t I don’t I just did this one I don’t really want to do it again I’m disappointed by that Anonymous thank you for the 10 to say June thank you so much what do you think should I just not pick it I can’t do junimo cart I’ve never tried flute oh my gosh you got the clown roll there’s only a couple of like a handful of people that have the clown Discord roll somebody else got the clown roll this morning yeah you know what it is it’s the 24-hour stream the points the points congratulations a million points is wild that’s so cool I’ll I’ll take this Juno cart one cuz I’ve never done that before and I’ll try it I’ll try it I’m so brave can I gift something to Leo today or have I already given him two gifts I have not okay I will give him one that’ll be good all right don’t mind me I’m going to chop these real quick and then we’ll go give Leo his gift and then go back to the house okay thank you you’re just thinking about you miss me streaming stard I know I love streaming stardy Valley I’ve been really trying to prioritize and I think you can probably understand this I’ve been really trying to prioritize um streaming a lot of Sims this month obviously CU we’re trying to like have these big ticket streams to encourage donations to the fundraiser so um we’ve definitely been streaming a lot of uh not stardo um but it’s fun to to play for a little bit um Brooklyn I’m sorry you’ve been having a hard year thank you for that huge donation to St Jude thank you so much um it’s really it means a lot to me to hear that we’re able to be like a nice distraction for you so thank you for sharing that um okay I talked to him like a million time same thing over and over I need to talk to Alex still I think I can’t remember the ones that were missing um is today going to be all star yeah I know you said not complaining just wondering I’m I don’t even know how long I’m going to be live for I I did a 24-hour stream last night um ended stream at 10:00 it’s now 1 so I don’t know how long we’re going to make it for today this is not a two game kind of day it already is a two game kind of day I guess Kelly an oh my gosh thank you for the $150 donation to St Jude you donated last year during the 24-hour stream I wanted to do it again oh thank you for donating again that’s so cool um and Sylvia uh your boyfriend and you you rescued a three-month-old Tabby from your friend’s car engine this weekend you’re now a proud mom to four kitties oh my God I could cry you know I am I am a sucker for a kitten rescue story that is so sweet that is so sweet oh my gosh thank you for sharing that with us I love cats I love cats yeah we passed 300 Ken we we passed 300,000 on um Saturday we were doing a long stream um and we we raised like $40,000 or something on Saturday alone it was absolutely wild the past few days have been absolutely wild um this cat this cat D’s name is snap um she’s hanging out with us right now she’s asleep um she’s uh 16 years old I’ve had her since I was a child and um she’s a little tabby cat she’s just a baby Daily Dollar from Lisa thank you so much for the donation um you’ll post a picture of the rescue cat in this in the Discord thank you I look forward to seeing it you know how I feel about cats um okay okay oh Tomatoes yes see Christine did you hear that look how nice I just was to you I said Tomatoes yes so you have to be you can’t be mad at me this time okay I’m going to keep uh trying to build myself some more Pathways while we’re doing all this we can just chop stuff down and fill things up I might get another shed or two over here we’ll see not big enough boo wolf thank you for the donation uh Wendy Kitty you graduated with your associates degree congratulations that is amazing news you should be so proud um okay we’ve got that all laid out that’s a good start I’m coming in here cuz I want to grab all of these truffles next thing to do and I’m probably going to sell a bunch of the eggs that we have also okay so I think what we should probably go for in the next couple of days is a skull Caverns run um cuz we need to try and kill dinosaurs so we were trying to do a little bit of that towards the end of my last stream playing stardew we went on two separate days and I think we found a total of like like three dinosaurs or something like it was really bad um but I think that we should probably try and do that again a little bit today and see if we can grind the rest of the dinosaurs um cly Simone thank you for the donation to St too um oh ostrich egg okay great um I’m probably just going to sell this one I think it’s worth a lot of money um you’re over 99 999,000 points away from clown oh my lizard okay chat we’ve been naming them all cute things like after like various flowers and plants and stuff um if you have any ideas for the lizard the my little dinosaurs name um we have one called Clover already Daisy Aster I think I have Daisy already I think we have ivy too I could try Ivy oh we don’t have Ivy oh good okay let me say hi to everybody and then I’m going to move my little dinosaur friend over into my little dinosaur house cuz I’m keeping all my dinos in here that’ll be good oh oh dear okay I need to sell some of this stuff you still don’t have Auto pets I have one Auto pet Ally I only have one though I know it’s devastating but I have I have just the one Auto Petter sell sell sell sell please keep any and all um tomatoes that you have Kayla you still need those would I ever stream the stardo board game you know I said that I would do that a while back um I have a better setup for it now because I bought um stuff for my Lego Stream So I have like more another top down tripod and stuff um but M was supposed to do it with me and M hates the sty board game drama M doesn’t like [Music] it so M doesn’t like the sty board game we played um we played it like off stream obviously with M and her boyfriend and discovered that they don’t like it I like it but they don’t like it so have I seen the new cookbook yeah yeah I actually bought it um I pre-ordered it like ages ago um so I do have the new stardew cookbook okay sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell good very good should do a cooking stream where I make sty recipes that might be kind of cute I don’t I know um what from we would do I don’t know so there’s a lot of vegetar recipes I don’t actually know I don’t actually know boom me I just was excited about stardew content so I bought it um it probably has a lot of nonvegetarian recipes in it but um okay I’m going to save these little guys so we have a few more recipes to cook I need need an eggplant and a tomato I need bread and oil in a tomato Periwinkle muscle okay hold on muscle perwinkle this guy okay I need to get an eggplant as well what was the other one bread I think I have enough stuff to make that already so I can do that I’m trying to like slowly cook as many of these recipes as I can when I have the things I have stuff for that I got stuff for that shrimp shrimp and wild horseradish there okay I had to like take a step back and look at it I couldn’t tell Peppa fact um I did know there’s a Peppa Pig amusement park yeah actually unfortunately um okay so I needed let me check again before I mess things up it’s I need the eggplant parmesan I need this too okay make one bread eggplant Parmesan there we go I have one more it’s for my fish stew right okay okay chat we only have two more things to cook we have the squiding gravioli and then we have the thing I need to get the recipe from Leo still for that I’m not close enough with Leo yet for that this is really good I’m feeling extremely extremely relieved about this it’s like so nice to be close to being done with it you know yeah it’s the mango sticky rice I think but I I’m not close enough friends with Leo yet I need to talk to him more still so he won’t tell it to me Cece oh my gosh your birthday party was awesome I hope you had the best day thanks to you we just passed $323,000 raised for St Jude happy birthday um you had a prom themed birthday party and you’re in your mid-20s I actually love that I think that’s so silly and fun um I’m kind of jealous that we all didn’t get to come why didn’t you invite us what’s up with that where’s our invite do I have the golden clock oh my God no not even close not even close I don’t even have all the obelis yet so we definitely don’t have the golden clock definitely no golden clock not here not yet um soon no not really we need so much money for the golden clock um we have the desert Obelisk and the mountain Obelisk I think I need the water Obelisk to go to the beach and the island Obelisk still um I don’t have a stupid clam I’m missing one clam I’m not kidding I need 10 clams I only have nine to make the the water Obelisk how annoying is that clam clams the island Obelisk I don’t have enough to make yet um the island Obelisk we have to get more Dragon’s Teeth I’m pretty sure for that um cuz it’s 10 right and I don’t have enough for it the wiki is not loading it um yeah we don’t have enough uh Dragon’s Teeth to do that at this current moment in time so the island Obelisk is going to be holding us up the dragon’s teeth are hard to get I was going to check my luck today hold on cuz if we have a decent luck day I’ll go to the skull Caverns oh they are okay good I’m going to go to the skull Caverns today cuz I need to try and kill dinosaurs um that sounds so bad I’m going to go to the skull Caverns cuz I need to kill dinosaurs but it’s true I need to kill dinosaurs um oh my God am I out of desert oh I have I don’t need him anymore I have an obelisk sorry I was about to get upset Anonymous thank you for the $40 donation to say dude thank you so much um ssy is a mass extinction event yeah apparently um okay well this will be fine I’ll get my cheese I’ll get my bombs save that as extras um I’m actually going to go to no I’ll trade a bunch of quarts with me when I get over there for more of them yeah hi shella how are you yeah see I have six Dragon Teeth which isn’t really enough but it’ll do okay to the desert I’m ready you’re great because you’re also going to farm today are you really I’m glad shella what time are you going to go live okay I do not have enough bombs why did I think I was going to have more than that no I fumbled this day I fumbled this day probably in a few hours okay I’m just wondering because Lil siy doesn’t know how long she’s going to be live for um because someone not Nam any names did not sleep last night so again not naming any names but somebody didn’t sleep okay cheese bomb bomb spicy eel cheese I’ll craft a few and then I might buy some more um yeah I might make myself like let’s get some Mega bombs you know [Music] 20 let’s try with that many and maybe I’ll bring myself a couple of staircases too all right that’ll be good for now we have Variety in our bombs chat I’m prepared squishy thanks for the $10 to say Jude thank you so much yeah like I say CH stream relay basically yeah that’s kind of fun um oh I forgot to get my my bonuses I’m sorry I fum with the day again one more time last time redoing the day okay this time I’m going to get it this time i’ I’ve got it under control okay I need to get this I don’t really need that one but I wanted this greater chance to find ladders Isabella oh my gosh thank you for the $150 donation to St Jude that is so generous of you thank you so so so so so much oh my goodness that is so generous okay um you keep that there that there all right I’m almost there now I’ve got my bonuses so I’m ready there I made extra that’s fine now okay sorry chat third time’s the charm thank you so much it’s good to see you you picked up Animal Crossing for the first time since 22 because of the Lego Stream really oh I didn’t bring any stairs I don’t really need them we’ll get enough bombs it’s fine I’ll be fine we’ll we’ll be able to like blow up enough stuff where we’ll have things for them I’m not worried about it it’s okay and we are off this one’s already pretty good okay mostly we are literally just looking for dinosaurs so that’s why I had it zoomed out so much cuz I wanted to be able to see if there were dinosaurs I don’t think there’ll be on one on this level but I just want to do a little uh look look around you know to find out the answer is no dinosaurs not to brag but you have a dinosaur shella I have multiple dinosaurs I’m trying to finish the adventurer Guild I have to kill eight more dinos to finish the adventurers Guild and that’s all I’m missing so we’re looking for eight dinosaurs chat eight of them that is the plan she said okay I was trying to flex well it didn’t work sorry awkward awkward no dinos probably not no dinos okay look I’m not I’m not surprised we had such bad luck with the dinos last time it’s going to be the same yeah I flexed on chat how does it feel um I I really liked it shella okay I’m going to do a little run down and see if there’s any dinos even though it’s kind of a waste of time I just want to I just want to find out okay I just want to find out cuz I don’t think there will be but worst case is we run past a dyo no dinos okay okay I’m going to go in this sometimes there’s like a random dinosaur we could also the thing is using the holes is maybe a bad idea because you can accidentally skip a dino level that way but I don’t know I feel like are we going to go all the way into the middle of this do you think that’s worth it no it’s not sometimes I feel like I’ve seen them in the middle there but it’s a waste of time because it’s so long but anyway I’m worried about going in the holes and skipping a dino level yeah we tried monster musk last time um it didn’t really work like how you would hope that it would so we didn’t it didn’t help we didn’t get any extra dinos um we’re on a good luck day right now but that’s not going to affect the dinos any dinos there’s some iron you’re somewhat of a musk connoisseur really shella interesting um okay good for you words that have never been said before together in a sentence uhoh okay I’m just going to go in this hole cuz there’s no ladder dollar for dadsy in the chat nice Dad type again type again the people are donating because you spoke you should type more good stuff okay this level sucks use that one okay open we’re on 31 it’s only 10:30 no dinos yay oh my God this is the best day of my life hold on let me eat some cheese I just got done saying no dinos instant Dino level okay so that’s one I need eight here we have two please don’t hit me three no that’s two sorry this one’s three three four okay we only need four more dinos that’s pretty good I can handle that all right let’s look and see if any Dino on this level I don’t think so please don’t hit me you say is you kill them yeah I know it sounds bad but only I’m allowed to hit them I don’t think this will be that bad I’m really glad that we got a dinosaur level because I was starting to get worried cuz we didn’t get one we had two tries last time um and we didn’t get a single dinosaur level in the last stream in two different days in this SK Caverns um why is my game so zoomed out it’s not a um it’s not a mod you can zoom out with your settings in game I’m zoomed out on purpose a lot I can show you my monitor is also big so that helps but I’m zoomed out on purpose a lot cuz I’m trying to see as much of the level as possible because I’m looking for dinosaurs and I don’t want to run past one by accident so um I have it zoomed out quite far on purpose just while we’re in here um you think if I leave and come back level 32 will be infested again oh I got a head scar cute if I oh oh my god let’s do that then okay maybe I’ll get four dinos that won’t be bad at all all right hopefully we can get back down to it kitten thank you for the $28 to St Jude and Ash with the $24 for your 24th birthday and in honor of your sister currently remission from inoma thank you for the donation thank you so much um that is really generous of you thank you for sharing okay and happy birthday happy happy birthday okay we’re on four uh CN you oh my gosh you donated 14 inches of your hair to the little princess trust charity in the UK to help make wigs for children with cancer you’re doing great work Kayla oh my gosh that is amazing I really appreciate you doing that that’s so cool that is so cool um why is Cayla falling asleep at 1 p.m. cuz I streamed for 24 hours last night um so I got off stream at 10:00 a.m. this morning it’s now 1:30 I’m trying to stream so I can stay awake cuz I’m not trying to go to bed right now so that’s where we’re at that’s what’s happening right now I think the wiki is down purple cuz I just tried to use the wiki too and it didn’t work for me either it might be down um okay you’re still away from the stream too nice nice yeah Dan went live too okay I think we should be able to use this we’re trying to go to 32 so a hole should help us eight levels we got to be kind of careful because we want to get to exactly 32 if possible um I Seven Levels okay we’re on 24 25 26 no I did not mean to I was oh my God I wasted one that’s very bad you’re just on the wiki yeah I was too and then I tried to load up the island Obelisk thing and it didn’t work I was also just there and it didn’t work okay you waste so many bombs yeah I do that too I’m really bad about um it’s like it’s like the misclick especially when I’m streaming I think it’s because I’ll sometimes look over at chat or something um and it’s really easy to misclick in the process while I’m looking over at something else in the chat you know um cupcake thank you for the $25 to same Jude oh we got Andy with the $10 as well thank you so much oh my goodness all right yeah thanks shella I I was just trying to check how many uh dragon teeth it needed I was pretty sure that it needed 10 but I wasn’t certain so I appreciate the answer oh my God I can’t do that I’m trying to get to exactly 32 so I need a I need a ladder I think this is taunting me I’m not getting in the hole just in case just in case okay just a couple more chat we’re almost there oh here we go 32 oh no the people were wrong it’s not the same it’s not infested oh I saw somebody say doesn’t that only work in the normal mines but I trusted the person who told me I’ve never tried that in the skull Caverns before um well it’s okay maybe I’ll find some dinos elsewhere was it 30 2 or 34 oh was it 34 maybe it was 34 I don’t know no it wasn’t it’s okay I will continue I got a layout that can’t be infested is that why so if I like did it again maybe it would be it would be infested that time I’m not trying it again I don’t even want be the school cameras right now maybe it only works in maybe he changed that in the update maybe that’s what happened is that the update changed I don’t know I’ve never again I’ve never tried it in the skull Caverns before I’ve never left and tried to reload into the skull Caverns so that is new to me it’s worth it’s worth experimenting with I’m not mad it’s like still worth testing you know it’s how you learn de Kay thank you for the $10 in honor of your mother thank you for that donation to St Jude thank you so much um I’m going to check down here and see if there’s any dinos no we only need four more if you missed it chat I’m going in the ladders on purpose cuz I don’t want to skip a dino floor by accident so I didn’t use the hole just then okay maybe this one uh any dinos up here maybe dinos no dinos okay no dinos it’s fine we have all stream to get dinos it’s going to be fine it’s going to be totally fine maybe Zoom back out a bit I am zoomed out aren’t I yeah I’m 75% um so we’re as zoomed out as we can get I’m not looking for any items from the dinos I’m trying to get the rest of the adventurers Guild completed mostly um I to finish the whole adventurers Guild I just need four more dinosaurs so I’m trying to to find the last four so we can finish the adventurers Guild um that’s all I need Edna with the $100 to St Jude thank you so much that is so generous of you um all right let’s go down Lily thank you thank you thank you for the $25 s you too I’m really glad that I’ve been able to be there maybe it’s a distraction for you thank you for sharing that with me um okay anything down here no snap looks like a chicken she kind of does a little bit I can see that you never found din are they rare um I wouldn’t say that they’re rare uh they’re not like a common they’re just a monster in the skull Caverns they’re not like the most common monster in the skull Caverns but I don’t I don’t think of dinosaurs as being rare it’s more just that like right now I need them so they’re they’re not showing up they’re like uncommon maybe is better um and of course you know it’s like as soon as you’re looking for something that’s when you can’t find it you know so I’m looking and now I can’t find it okay oh really Ed thank you for sharing that with me that is so cool did I try monster musk yeah we tried monster musk last time it I don’t think that it worked we didn’t get any extras um and and it just made it harder for me when I got further down cuz the bats were like so so excessive um so yeah I don’t know if monster musk is the way for this um just based on like our experience last time we played Jude lemons dollar a day day 19 and 20 thank you for the donation to say Jude that is so generous um okay yeah the last thing is it’s just the dinosaurs to finish the adventurers Guild then I have everything for the adventur guild done it’s open down there this is why I have my thing zoomed out and I’m supposed to be looking but I wasn’t paying attention fool simy you are a fool okay Prismatic Shard what should I get rid of maybe summer squash yeah I have so many Prismatic shards now I think we have like 20 plus or something in our chest at home I don’t remember exactly how many now I’ve not really been keeping track you’re tired simsy not a fool okay fair enough that’s a better way of putting it I’m not a fool I just didn’t sleep last night it’s different yeah see like these things with the monster musk oh my God it was bad it was real bad you can imagine it oh my go kitten thank you so much for that huge donation to St Jude I am so grateful to you um twice you donated a huge amount to say Jude thank you so much you did not have to do that I am really really grateful um ah okay well I guess I’m going into the ladder cuz we don’t want to skip a dino level by accident right I don’t really feel like I’m going to see any dinos on this floor but I’m going to run down and check just in case Oh no you’re totally fine don’t worry kitten thank you for donating um okay oh dark cowboy hat I’m pretty sure I already have [Music] that I’ll take it just in case you can tell if there’s leav the wall and Jazzy that’s for the dinosaur levels um I know I know what the dinosaur levels themselves look like um we’re we’re checking to see if there’s any Rogue dinosaurs um so there’s two ways to find dinos it’s like the dinosaur levels and then sometimes you might just see like one Dino in the corner of a level and I’m I’m checking to see if we get the random one dinos we’re not only trying to find Dino levels right now so that’s why I’m running around looking I’m going to skip this one oops oops no okay why do we want to die now I’m trying to finish the adventurers Guild hendy I have to kill four more to be done with the whole adventurers Guild um so I’m I’m hopeful that we’ll be able to find a couple more today well we had to find eight and I found four um so oh Jazzy I found random dinos more than once we we found a bunch last stream with the random dinos so don’t worry I I know what I’m looking for um it would uh be a real waste of time to run through and hope for only Dino levels you know not if we’re in here specifically looking for dinos you know no dinos saying that we haven’t gotten any Rogue dinos today but last stream we got three and I only need four so that’s got to count for something right okay no what’s my least favorite mob I don’t I don’t know honestly the annoying little blazes in the island so agitating I hate those guys um oh no no no it’s not good Soul this isn’t the I’m not using that sword this is the Galaxy sword that’s been forged with the meow sword um so it looks like the meow sword but it is a Galaxy sword you can forge them together and it like gives the appearance of a different one but it functions like the better one it’s a Galaxy sword um okay I’ll just go down whatever whatever um yeah it’s like a skin basically like a weapon skin so um designer May um you thought story production ones were like perfect from day one is it actually a list um yeah no so don’t worry about how the speedr runners play this game um when the people that do speedrun Perfection runs they have to do it like Perfect by the day because they’re trying to speedrun it when normal people do it there’s a in-game feature where you can check your Perfection percentage and it’s like you have to get all the achievements you need to um like befriend everybody you need to do all the things and there’s like literally a percentage that’s like you’ve cooked 92% of the recipes and stuff like that so um you can take your time you don’t have to do a speedrun for Perfection um speedr Runners do that because they’re speedrunners um but just a normal person who’s playing the game normally can achieve Perfection it’s it’s just like finishing the game basically 100% in the game so that makees sense um where do you find that the tracker you have to get to the island and then into the Walnut Room and then you can find it it’s a dino level but it’s just one that’s so cruel this is infested as well but just with slimes okay well we need three more dinos that’s not that bad that’s very sad for me actually very sad world’s saddest dinosaur level it’s okay it’s okay the game knows what I’m trying to do and it’s taunting me how long am I staying live I don’t know Bessy I don’t know I don’t know I usually stream for about 3 hours um I did not sleep last night cuz I streamed for 24 hours got off stream at 10:00 a.m. and then came back here at 1 p.m. so I do not know how long we’ll be live for we’re going to see how we feel I got to play around a little bit first um any dinos with my luck it’s just going to be too late I can’t kill one that’s fine we only need to get three more that’s not that bad that’s not that bad we got that level or that day we got lucky we got five the first day that we dinos dinosaur hunted we got three so all evidence points to you can get like three a day so it should be fine when we go back again I don’t really want to go back straight away but we could the spirits are in Good Humor today we could go back right now if you want to I have infinite energy and a greater chance to find ladders H shall we just go back right now I know like seriously the the way that I am like cursing myself forever running past a dinosaur cuz I know I’ve run past more than three dinosaurs and been like oh I’ll just get them eventually like I don’t need to kill that right now now now look at me three away terrible absolutely terrible I did this to myself all right we’re back let’s go you like my SS content really noodles thank you so much that means a lot to me all right I YN for the dinosaurs and if you can learn one thing from me chat if you’re going to try and get perfect ction kill every dinosaur you see and save up enough Tomatoes um should I go in there or no no let’s not do it we’re sticking to ladders cuz we don’t want to skip any floors no floor skipping today on our great dinosaur hunt day why Tomatoes cuz you need a ton of tomato to cook all the recipes for Perfection like so many tomatoes and I was out of tomatoes um I ran out pretty quick so my advice to you would to be make sure you have enough before you start cooking unsurprisingly tomatoes are used in a lot of the recipes in game I’m going to run down just to see um I don’t think there’s going to be any dinos but just in case yeah no you need eight but it feels like 100 it feels like 100 to me cuz I only had three feels like I had no tomatoes I wasn’t think it it’s summer now so we’re going to have plenty of tomatoes but okay well that’s the thing shella I am too I save like so much stuff in this game but for some reason I didn’t have enough tomatoes and I was like shocked when I discovered that I had no tomatoes okay I had to use one of them to make a like tomato seed to plant I don’t have enough clams either I can’t believe I don’t have enough clams that’s so dumb the fact that I’m being held up by a singular clam as well ridiculous absolutely absolutely ridiculous okay oh it’s open already thank you why don’t you collect more shells I love shells well I thought I was collecting shells is the problem turns out wasn’t collecting them enough very sad you think you know someone Dino see this is what I mean by Rogue dinosaurs chat we need two more dinosaurs we’re almost there I don’t think there will be one down there so I’m just going to go yeah I’ve got crab pots at the beach Dino two Rogue dinos in a row oh today is going way better than yesterday finally so we just need one more I think and that’s assuming that I remembered correctly how many dinosaurs I need so hopefully it is actually just one more and I’m not wrong is the ladder open on the left oh my gosh it is that’s so embarrassing let me grab this real quick Dino probably not I’ll stay down here and wait any dinosaurs no okay that’s fine I believe that I can find one more dinosaur I believe it in my heart and I think it’s going to be easy no the dinos on your farm won’t look like that when they’re full grown the dinos on your farm they stay tiny cuz they stay like fitting inside of a chicken coop so your farm dinos they won’t get big like that I feel like the dinosaurs cannot spawn on mummy levels am I wrong in that assumption it’s only on the regular ones I don’t actually know you don’t think so yeah I don’t think so either I also feel like I’ve never seen one on one of these big giant rock levels like these it’s like kind of a oh there we go open again we just going to run down and look and see no mummy levels and none before floor 7even oh good to know this is what you got to ask the speedrunners for tactics for the speedr runners know Chella said chat we are so close to 24K we we are we are sha yeah mhm we actually are really close to 324,000 I said that if we get to 325,000 I would play The Sims 1 I’m going to try and get it set up to play The Sims 1 at some point on stream um so if that is something that excites you at all I don’t know we’re kind of close to unlocking it I’ve never played The Sims 1 before so I think that would actually be really fun I’m going to have to ask for help from some of my friends who have streamed it before on how to get it set up I don’t want to use the hole I want to use a ladder there we go I love getting to use mega bomb for this thank you very much never played Sims one I mean it came out when I was 6 months old and we didn’t have a computer for a very long time when I was kid so um I definitely did not play The Sims when I was uh that young a lot of people had older siblings and stuff that introduced them to the Sims I’m the oldest I didn’t have that um yeah I didn’t we didn’t have a computer when I was a little kid anyway I didn’t really even play The Sims 2 when it first came out I played The Sims 2 as an adult but not when it first released or when I was young so okay Sims one is pain and suffering you’re going to love it yeah I know it seems like it’s right up my alley I feel like I’m going to really enjoy it no no dinos you weren’t simming at 6 months old you know shockingly I wasn’t this may come as a shock to you but I did not know how to play The Sims that young um okay bad this isn’t going very well I’m just going to craft I think a couple staircases and I’m going to skip skip skip skip skip skip not a true simmer are you oh my God don’t get me started people actually think stuff like that oh I have news hold on wait let me see if I can pull up the link first before I shella is dming me um let’s see I want to pull up I’m lost in my own Discord DMS there we go um so um any of you that maybe have been keeping an eye on that game Life by you hello everyone after much consideration we regret to announce that we have decided to retract life BYU’s Early Access release date previously set for June 4th this was not an easy decision especially since we understand the anticipation and excitement that many players have for the game however we believe that additional development time is needed well we would have preferred to commit to a new release window we believe it is more prudent to hold off while we plan ahead rather than committing to a new date that we cannot be certain to meet we will provide more information as soon as possible until then we want to sincerely thank you for your continued support and patience this is the third time that they have done this third time that they have postponed The Early Access release and it’s supposed to come out in two weeks I can I tell you something I was previously contracted to do some sponsored content with them um to post like around uh the release of the Early Access but I pulled out of it cuz the game started to freak me out a little bit um and then I was like really stressed about it coming out on June fourth because with my big fundraiser and stuff oh my God I am so glad that I pulled out of that because could you imagine if I had been working on that early access content and then I wasn’t allowed to post it so if I had to spend all of these hours working on this just for them to be like oh sorry you can’t put it up no that would have pushed me over the edge to working on that like in like amongst the charity event um and then have it like get oh that would have sucked but I didn’t I pulled out because it was freaking me out and I think I was right to do that I’m still curious to play it but I was um I was like oh I don’t really want to be uh in a paid capacity involved with you on this so um a few of my Sims friends are uh they’ve been working on it so that stinks um but um that’s not paralives that’s that’s not paralives that’s a different game this is for a game called Life by you different game um confusingly the the um publisher of this game is is called Paradox which is not paral lives um but yeah they’re different games different people um okay I still need one more dinosaur it’s only 3:20 p.m. yeah Paradox is a big publisher as well like like kind of a big timey publisher so um oops go away do you see any dinosaurs on this level I’m going to run down just to check just in case I don’t think so you’ve never heard of Life of you before now really I’ve been following it pretty closely um it’s they they’ve been getting a lot of push back um because of how bad it’s looking right now they the the community is kind of like oh man um you might want to be uh working on this a little bit longer so I think it’s probably a good thing that they pulled back on it and they’re not going to release it in Early Access right now um but it’s not good to change your release date three times because now your community is really mad at you so that’s not really great yeah they’re the ones that have the kind of creepy Graphics yeah um with like the really really bad textures for The Sims hairs and clothing and stuff those would be the ones oh this is open already thank you yeah they definitely overpromise a little bit which which stinks um I think also the the game’s going to have like all this AI integration and like all these things that I was not really expecting when they first announced it and now that I hear about it I’m like so I don’t know I don’t know it’s just I don’t think I’m really the target audience for this and that’s not a good sign because I am like big Sims fan and if you’re making a life simulation game and and I’m not interested in uhoh I’m like the the uh I don’t know like I’m like the picture of the simmer you know the kind of things I like or what other like you know the majority of Sims players like right we’re kind of like the average simmer I guess is what I’m trying to say so if I Sims obsessed person who shares a lot in common with the rest of the Sims Community doesn’t really feel too thrilled about your game uhoh you know um same with a lot of you all in chat you might feel the same way but we’ll see um I do not like this level so annoying um signer May oh I think you already did I sorry thank you again for the donation though I said it twice um that’s fine by me what game oh it’s it’s a game called Life by you it’s a work in progress life simulation game so um okay it’s Snappy cold she might be Lolly I think it’s also um partially to do with my lights being on I have these big bright lights in front of she’s sitting right here on the floor next to me and I she likes to cover her eyes when the lights are on um I don’t think she likes my big key lights um okay this one sucks very sad give me some rocks love Sun hate lights yeah I know I get it though these are kind of bright so I understand where you’re coming from snap Tristan thank you for the donation to say Jude I thought this thing was a dinosaur dang it um Tristan thank you so much for donating I need to pause the game um my my stupid tiltify dashboard does not not load um Tristan Tristan wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it there we go thank you for the $100 you’re an ICU nurse you deal with cancer patients all the time thank you so much for what you do thank you for what you do Tristan thank you so much um oh my gosh I think that’s why I was confused my thing wasn’t loading my I’m I’m behind on like a bunch of donations because my thing had to be refreshed and I didn’t see them oh I’m terrible in my defense they weren’t loaded I didn’t know I didn’t realize um near and far double donation again with $150 you’re matching it with the iwk healthcare center uh a children’s and Women’s Hospital here in Nova Scotia thank you for doing that um uh can I spill the tea on why I didn’t want to be a part of it is it the graphics um it’s not just the graphics it’s more I mean it’s like the graphics and the AI and the game as a whole so um and also I don’t really they wanted me to do like a sponsored uh YouTube video like like dedicated YouTube video and I was not super down for that I’m okay with playing it sponsored on stream but if I’m going to make YouTube content on it I want to be able to have like review content on YouTube um and I don’t really want to have like oh they paid you you know so it’s I’d like to like review it first and then maybe if they want to sponsor me for a YouTube or like a twitch stream or whatever then maybe it’d be fine that was kind of my thought process but anyway um Gina Kelsey a dollar for every time Paradox has postponed The Early Access Wesley Lisa Choo Cho dollar train Millie Sunshine Sarah lemon lime uh dollar train to 324k and simsy fact if every person who follows simsy on YouTube donate a dollar oh my God we’d have $2 million I’m sorry I didn’t see those literally it wasn’t loading my my tiltify this usually live updates it hadn’t loaded any past this and so I didn’t know cuz there was none there so that’s really bad and I’m really sorry but I didn’t realize I wasn’t ignoring you I swear I had to manually refresh a bunch like two days ago I didn’t have to manually refresh yesterday but I had to manually refresh a couple days ago so that’s bad I hope it doesn’t keep doing that cuz that’s very inconvenient for me now we know that that’s happening I’ll have to keep an eye on it um how rude tiltify how rude um okay no nothing there either oh it’s open in my defense the little guys were blocking it o I can use Mega bombs yes yes I just need one more dinosaur that’s so sad okay oh yeah chat if you’re just tuning in I’m not using the holes on purpose cuz we’re trying to get one more dinosaur because we want to finish the adventurers Guild so I don’t want to use holes and accidentally skip a dinosaur level our goal right now is not to get down super far it’s to find dinosaur um if you want to see like a super far skull Caverns run I got to like level 250 or something in a recent stream um that’s a different Strat um that’s a different Strat I’m looking specifically for the pepper rexes right now I’ll do one of them oh my gosh suuki thank you for the offer to match chat Zuki has offered to match the next $300 of donations to St Jude so if you’ve been thinking about donating now might be a really good time cuz your donations going to get doubled so if you’ve been thinking about it you might want to think about it now cuz it’ll be doubled that is so generous of you thank you so much um I hate this one I’m literally just going to skip it I don’t even care go away okay I’m just going to go in there too I I really should not use the holes the holes are I’m going to regret that I probably just skipped like seven dinosaurs all right eat cheese eat cheese what’s the reward for getting all the dinos I don’t actually even remember to be honest I don’t really remember what the reward is all I know is um I want to finish the adventurer Guild fell past five Dino levels you’re probably right I probably did we got so lucky we got two like Rogue dinos on their own level earlier today and now I haven’t gotten any sense okay that’s fine few more levels perhaps moom thank you so much um I really appreciate the donation autum we got K llama as well with the donations thank you so much um you don’t have to donate 10 bucks Mister if you click through it um you’ll be able to change like you you just press it and then put in your details that’s where you can change the payment amount a lot of people get confused by that but it lets you donate um you you have to donate at least $1 it can’t be less than $1 but otherwise you can donate however much you want um you don’t have to donate $10 okay should I bother I’m going to see if I can get a ladder yay okay good need to eat this again um change you found while cleaning you found $21.28 in change yesterday while cleaning up that’s actually like a lot of that’s really good I’m extremely impressed that reminds me of like being a kid and and like trying to scr up change in my parents couch and maybe getting like you know 75 cents if you’re lucky that’s really cool though um you like gave yourself a gift from the past you know pip and Trixie thank you for the donation I really appreciate that those are really cute pup names I love that oops oops Ruby the rough collie thank you for the donation too I hate these people stupid bats I’m going to go in eight levels chat I probably just skipped eight dinosaurs I guarantee it I don’t want to have to waste all my bombs looking for a l oh that wasn’t that bad sorry that was actually fine sorry for the Panic yeah actually all eight of those were going to be infested Dino levels and I skipped them all um okay I’m going to skip this level cuz I know that no dinos spawn on that kind Kristen thank you for the $25 to St Jude thank you so much um okay it is 12:40 no dinos on this kind I may skip this real quick I’m willing to just use whatever I can skip for smaller ones what do we got here one maybe one no just go just go you stole my last Dino shella did you that’s kind of messed up though like you know how hard I’ve been looking for a dinosaur and you took the last one wow wow okay we’re on 130 I at least got’s level 100 crystarium that’s good are there any dinosaurs up here watch I’m going to see one and it’s going to be too late to kill it cuz I’ll pass out oh never mind we’re fine I’ll just wait lost missing with the $40 $40 for each or sorry $1 for each minute of sleep that simy got from the 24-hour stream thank you for the donation a as well with the donation uh Maddie who said you went to St Jude for several treatments as a kid and the kindness nurse once gave you Snow White p a snow white puzzle as a gift because you were so scared that makes me want to cry I’m I think that’s amazing that that story like really stuck with you um that is really special thank you for for sharing that with us seriously um okay well we have a lot of stuff now so I guess that’s good too I’m not going to go in there again today I cannot bring myself to do it today I got to do some gift giving is my next plan six cave jellies okay one two three four one two three okay probest ever got was around 50 really it takes some practice to get good at getting deep in the skull Caverns um you’ll get better at it with time and like the more you get more comfortable in there the farthest I’ve gotten is it says it on my profile right 252 is the farthest I ever got with it which is a lot I’m going to come back for those in a sec okay um qu thank you for the donation ink Crossing um thank you for the kind words too thank you for sharing um Lauren you graduate four days congratulations to you as well that’s so cool um okay and take this and both of those okay okay um I’m going to take both of those for a sec sell sell so yeah that’s fine um so with the $100 so no more kiddos have to go through what your dad is going through so thank you for that huge donation to St Jude um and and zuki’s $300 match just came through they said I never cease to be amazed by the generosity of you and your community this is for my grandmother and aunt who both beat breast cancer and so that maybe someday we can say freak you to cancer thank you for that huge donation that is so generous of you um I really really appreciate that okay poppy honey that should be good for now 500 gold found me face down in the mud Ari thank you for the $150 um congratulations on your graduation that’s amazing and thank you for that huge donation that is so cool and so kind of you you are all so cool this chest is empty I’m going to break that all right just put one more thing in there yeah that seems fine to me now I’m going to go and hope emphasis on hope that there is another one of those stupid clam things cuz that’s what I’m looking for next wait I need to put a chest in here there okay when will I write a new Legacy challenge we’re not going to start that yet I was telling chat how um cuz we know that there’s a new Sims expansion pack coming out in the summertime cuz they teased it already I feel like uh I’d rather wait until we know what comes in that pack before I write the new challenge just because I I think it would be fun to get to include some of the stuff from whatever the new pack ends up being so um I don’t think I’ll write it until the new pack comes out cuz I want to be able to see so anyway that’s my thought process process all right well it’s a Monday bad day to forage but I’m going to go look and see if I can get any clams that is my next plan oh how many hearts wait let me look at that too so friendship wise dwarf big problems Leo big problems kobis less big problems and last Clint so I wanted to see on here you want me to ship 100 pineapples I think I might do that anyway just for the ticket because look in here we have this thing coming up so if we can get a couple more tickets that would be helpful so we’ll try that how close am I we’re at like 78% or something clams sorry Alex I’ll watch it I’ll watch it I’m not going to skip it I I can watch it it’s worth it oh Kayla you saw me crying I’m sorry it was today 12 years ago that my mom died oh somebody in chat said I don’t care about Alex’s dead Mom we need clams that’s horable I still remember her well she’d make salted radish sandwiches for lunch and toss the grid ball with me in the backyard she took good care of me and I was too young to really say thanks now she’s gone forever oh my God I can start crying this is the only Keepsake I have left her secret music box [Music] I feel bad I haven’t seen this cut scene in a long time I think I I forgot about this this makes me want to cry actually the little a on the baby’s [Music] shirt oh so what are you thinking right now Kayla um get over it life is hard for everyone get over it Alex your mom died 12 years ago that’s horrible um I don’t know I don’t know what to say to him oh my God oh my God that’s why I’ve been so determined to be successful with my sports stuff make it or not as long as I try my hardest I think she’d be proud oh I should have just said I’d be there for him I don’t know why I clicked that one there’s no sense sitting around sniveling let’s head back to town oh my God uh Kayla don’t tell anyone I was crying okay oh um Alex I told about 3,000 people already sorry that’s my bad I didn’t know it was like a secret so um someone said donate to find a cure for all the future Alex moms oh thank you for the donation um clam’s greater than Mom thank you for the donation Leah with a donation who says we’re so close to 325,000 Bella donated beefy donated wesy for your incredible partner who’s donating bone marrow at the end of the month that’s amazing um that is absolutely amazing um and and uh oh my gosh uh B said last year you urged us to see a doctor if we noticed anything uh that strange that might be cancer and I want to thank you because it was the last push you needed to take an appointment and you’re waiting for your biopsy results I I am thinking of you friend and um I hope that goes I hope that goes well um I know that’s really scary but I’m proud of you for like taking the step and like making the appointment with the doctor cuz I know it’s really unpleasant and scary and and I’m just proud of you so um okay well good news is I got my clams chat Skyler you got accepted into a FastTrack Masters program oh my gosh that is amazing congratulations congratulations I have my shells now too I’m good to go all right we’re gonna go probably talk to the wizard now so I can buy my beach Obelisk I think that will be nice star drop that’s terrible hello hello goodbye okay let’s go up then back to the house and around basically you got new cold yummy water but you drank it all already did you Tilly you got to get some more it’s time okay so for the Obelisk I believe that I am going to need save like honestly a bunch of that stuff um let’s take all of those I will put this on there and then also for the Obelisk is it 10 of these corals do you remember and then I need the aridium bar too it’s 10 aridium bars right I think so I don’t remember can anyone see this message I can see your message I can see it I need my fish dang there okay let’s go I’m getting another Obelisk and then the last thing we need is the stupid island one but that one’s going to take ages oh I have to harvest all of these too I’ll get that when I come back okay off we go oh what is what do you guys want right now dried cherries cactus fruit jelly okay I’ll have to keep that in mind I’ll be ready for you um hey have a good meeting CK Bagel I’m sorry you got to do it Yogi the yellow lab my mom left me at home while she went to work so I took her card to donate love Yogi the dog oh my goodness and Abby Renee with a huge $250 donation said this is my third year Watching and donating I work with pediatric cancer trials and this fundraiser truly warms my heart thank you for giving the kiddos a voice and providing a platform for people to fundraise for such a good cause oh my God thank you for what you do thank you for that incredibly generous donation we just passed $325,000 now I’m going to have to figure out how to do a Sims 1 stream I got some thinking to do so we can get that set up that’s going to be kind of fun though I oh it’s only five Oh I thought I needed 10 well that’s fine that is totally and completely fine do I want to buy anything else from you probably not I don’t really I didn’t really organize my farm to have Judo Huts this thing is killer this is horrible yeah the local ones are 500k it’s the island ones that are a million um okay can I say when I’m going to do it oh I don’t know when we’re going to do it yet it won’t be in May I have my stuff my my streams all figured out for the next like week and a half already so um it won’t be in May but we’ll do it at some point in probably June or July it depends on I’m worried because I’ve been having so many PC issues um so I don’t want to be like I’m going to do it on June 7th and what if it doesn’t work um cuz I’m going to have to get it like running on my computer cuz it’s very old old game so I don’t know what day it’ll be but I’ll give you ample warning I’ll give you ample warning for it don’t worry all right I think that we should probably go to the island now we need to kind of grind for the um oh maybe you know what before I do that oh did I take the I think I took the Judo cart thing and then forgot I’m going to go to the island and pick up another Quest um and then maybe try and get in the skull Cavern thingies I’m going to try and get some of the um not skull cover the volcano some Dragon’s Teeth we need more Dragon’s Teeth cuz that’s what’s holding us up from finishing the Obelisk okay and in we go yeah Sims one was released in 2000 it’s kind of wild um it would be fun to do you know what cuz um the anniversary of the release I guess it’s not for a while oh I’m getting a cut scene came out in February right so never mind we passed it already but coming soon um can I recap the 350k Milestone reward oh my God you’re going to make me say it out loud I promised that if we got to 350,000 I would do it another Just Dance [Music] dream Alicia thank you for the incredibly generous donation too thank you so much um sorry I’m G to watch this cut scene real quick Snappy she is curled up real weird hello Leo my name’s lius I’ve heard all about you and your parrot family it’s really something special lonus lives on the mainland with the rest of us after hearing your story I wanted to help so I talked to lonus here and hatched a little plan go on Linus tell him I’d like you to come back with us to stard Valley it’s a beautiful place not as warm as here but still full of life and I live right in the middle of it I know the lay of the land and many things about the waters the trees the animals and more you see I’m a child of nature too you might say we’re birds of a feather but I’m getting old and I’d like to teach someone all that I’ve learned before moving on Leo will you come back with us oh my gosh leave the island I could take you back for a visit any time but lad you can’t live here forever you know there are other children back home too I’m sure they’d love to meet you other kids what do you think Kayla I think it’s a great idea I want him to come live near us let’s not forget the choice is really up to Leo did the 24-hour stream already happen yeah Coco I finished that this morning we started it yesterday morning and streamed all the way until this morning um and then I’m now I’m here doing this I’ve been awake for a long time I’ll go Leo I’m so excited I love him but my family she says I clicked too fast she says the parents are all happy for me and that they want me to start the next chapter of Life wherever it may lead and is a wise parent and no matter what happens they’ll always be my family forever that’s really sweet it’s your second ever stardo stream no idea what’s going on I’m sorry this probably is confusing for you I’m ready he’s a special character um that you unlock late in the game a new arrival to the valley it seems our little town is growing oh I bet Leo does get a winter outfit now oh my god well now J and Vincent are here Leo’s not oh poor kid okay I was going to bring these cuz I’m going to go into the thingies oh you know what I’m going to do first actually never mind hold on I’m going to go talk to the Walnut man we’ll start there miss Moxy you’re too having a negative pet skin I’m so glad to hear that thank you for sharing that with us um and I am sending you so much love somebody else said dollar train to Just Dance Lolli be the angry Dino Hunter you got a dino level that had nothing but one single bat in it no that’s just cruel this is the Perfection tracker we speak of by the way 76% we’re getting somewhere um hungry skull Caverns 100 of each I can do the hungry skull Caverns CU I have to kill a dinosaur so that’s fine oh Stephanie thank you for the $50 um at the concert last night he made a speech about how you all need to be there for one another and help each other and it made you think of you being amazing every year and the wonderful work I do what thank you for being nice to me that’s really kind of you and thank you for the huge donation to St Jude um we got Lula as well in in memory of your dad thank you for that donation to St Jude also chat you’re going to make me cry this is a lot you’re all really nice okay I think my next plan is that I want to go um into the volcano cuz we’re looking for Dragon’s Teeth so that’s what we’ll go try and dig around well not dig around we’ll go try and kill the little monster Blaze guys in the front not Blaze guys the lava guys what am I saying I know what I’m trying to say it’s just not working this thing he can sometimes drop a dragon’s tooth and then we’ll run through and see if we can find any okay no Dragon’s Teeth great perfect I already got all of the these ones so I don’t need to kill them anymore this is a very complicated level today I must say um Kyla thank you for the donation squishy cuddle thank you for the donation um thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you I really appreciate it um $12 oh you thought that the during Alex’s this cut scene you thought it was somebody’s mom like somebody in chat’s Mom oh no that would that would be really bad if if we were making jokes about it and it was somebody in chat Hi V how are you oops oh my God I went the wrong way I can’t even chat I’m going to die like actually going to die how do you get I probably can just go over there on my own can’t I wait hold [Music] on can you oh no you cannot I don’t really remember how you probably with the thingy I’m not going to try and get it it’s fine I want to get out of here there’s three Dragon’s Teeth I’m stuck though oh no hold on oh no oh my God I’m actually like fully stuck in this level I need to use the lava down there real quick and I need to come back around this way this is really bad let me eat one of my snacks real quick um three Dragon’s Teeth is really good those are quite rare so I think I have six so I think I need I think I only need one more after this Squire’s helmet whoa golden coconut okay and around I look a bit silly in this but that’s okay I like to look silly I’m so glad we came into this this thing today cuz that’s so lucky one two oh this one might even give me one I’m going to grab this quick first though three come on oh I’m behind it’s behind my face cam sorry no Dragon’s Teeth no Dragon’s Teeth from either of those all right well that’s fine I got three yeah the dragon SE are a slightly rare item that you need for a lot of crafting in this game um I need them right now now because I’m trying to get an island uh Obelisk so I can warp to and from the island and I need to have 10 I think I have like sorry for yawning I think I have like eight or nine now total but I’m not actually sure I said sorry for yawning as if I haven’t been awake for like two days straight it’s going to be fine please stay away from me I think we can just leave straight away from this one no I cannot I need to find a ladder ah I mean a button whoa I had six okay I had six and I just got one more so now I have nine I wasn’t sure if I was imagining that I had six at home but I I wasn’t so that’s good do you see the button anywhere am I being silly it’s already 900 p.m. too which is really bad is the spreadsheet still up yeah I’m not going to get rid of it um we can link it it’s exclamation point update it’s down there exclamation point update in the chat to see the spreadsheet from earlier can you all please stay away from me I’m trying to like avoid having to kill everything cuz it’s slowing me down uh Mary I I usually do go live at 4: um it’s it’s only 3 right now but the problem is I did a 24-hour stream last night and I didn’t sleep so I don’t think that I think that starting at 400 p.m. is a little bit late for me dragon’s tooth no two dragon now we just got so lucky these are way rarer than you’re being led to believe based on what I’m doing right now those are not that easy to come by we’re on a roll that’s so good I’ve gotten six today and I had six at home that’s so good okay let me come grab this real quick I can get my Obelisk now pineapple Prince the cat you had dental surgery and now you’re toothless oh snappy had dental surgery she’s not Toothless but she’s she’s semi toothless if it makes you feel better is there a second button did I miss this one it looks like I did I’m being really slow on this day but that’s okay you still need money for the Obelisk oh yeah but we’ll we can make the money really easily we have a lot of stuff uh in the works you know so the money I’m not too worried about if I can just get out of this level that would be fine by me I don’t really care about getting stuff from it okay you got six Dragon te yeah I got really lucky just then I’m not going to go there I’m going to get out the link to the charity is not working for you uh that the link works when I clicked it just now I can put it in the chat again maybe the pin comment is having it be hard for you to do um okay take the teeth and head out I’m going to sell some stuff that we have over here too we’ll see what all we can find I don’t really need anything from you I’m just kind of curious yeah now it’s working okay good okay good why is there water in a volcano I don’t know about volcanoes I’m just a simmer couldn’t tell you okay I will take these because I would very much like to sell some things from them tomorrow if there’s anything else that I can sell I would very much like to do that I’m going to grab a bunch of things and sell like all of them while we are here some of those will do okay let’s go to sleep I’m going to give Leo actually I don’t know if Leo is going to be on the island or not I’ll give Leo a gift I think he’ll be at home so I bring it to him at home imagine if I sold the Dragon’s Teeth stop I think I might have to quit I think if I sold the Dragon Teeth by accident I might actually have to quit all right that’s a little bit of extra money once our wine is done again then we’ll be all set okay so next plan take this I guess I’m just going to go home and hope that Leo’s at home okay we’ll see we’ll see I’m not sure but I’m going to hope okay bad news is um one of my things looks like it got struck by lightning so kind of annoyed about that all right it’s Tuesday the 9th did I miss anybody important birthday no Leo’s birthday is the next big time thing that we need to worry about okay I actually don’t have any mods no patty cake I’m playing vanilla right now we don’t have any mods installed at this current moment in time okay oh really thanks for coming by it’s your first time catching my stream I’m glad that you can make it to the stream today I I’m a little bit biased but in my humble opinion I think we have a lot of fun over here on streams so I’m glad you could make it yeah hopefully Leo will be up there by lonus today cuz it will be very inconvenient if he’s not I didn’t put any scarecrows over there okay in my defense when I was building out this section of the farm um like when I was working on all that um there’s like I have no surely I have more rare crows than that whatever when I was building out that section of the farm um I had been live for 12 hours so I feel like I get a pass for some slightly foolish Behavior you know put one like right there I don’t really know if this is like the most effective way to lay this out but I’m going to hope I’m going to hope all right take all of these too now I have enough um tomatoes to save which means I can finish cooking everything I have the recipe for so far okay very nice very nice thank you I’m doing great thank you I don’t really feel like that like it but that’s very nice of you to say don’t sell any Tomatoes okay I done being a menace okay bye shella have a good rest of your night um sell those I will keep couple of those things in there okay I’m going to craft with those two Tomatoes cuz I have one more recipe to make the last well no I have two more to make but I can’t make one of them yet cuz I’m missing it but we need squid ink and wheat flour for this one and I can do that right now cuz I would like to be done so let’s go set it up Squid Ink ravioli all right chat officially oh also we need to do this hungry challenge too I was going to say officially we only have one more thing to cook and this is the like whatever it’s called pudding and we don’t have the recipe yet cuz we have to be friend Leo more and then I will have it all done completely so yay I’m excited about that we’re almost there um we have to get to level 100 in the skull Caverns without eating anything again um we did that earlier like well last stream I guess not earlier today but last stream we did that last stream um and it went pretty well uh we oh we now have to do it again and I guess that’s fine we’ll do that on the next good luck day and I’ll hope for dinos okay how much is that worth 30,000 already okay when will I shave my dad’s head tomorrow we’re going to do it tomorrow so stay tuned it is coming up soon dad said what Dad you better remember that you said I could do that tomorrow cuz I told everyone that you said I could do that tomorrow so you better be pretending when you say what because you said tomorrow so I’ve told everyone I posted my stream schedule and everything so that is that true um would I set a donation in incentive for Sun Haven I think we have a lot of incentives going on right now I don’t I mean we could maybe think about one but I haven’t really considered playing Sun Haven too much yet um we’ll have to think about it I guess um he said of course okay okay good it’s happening let me up oh my God my cat’s I’m trapped yeah I think I would like Sun Haven I’ve seen some people play it um I haven’t tried it yet though this is the thing there’s so many games that I want to play that I haven’t had the chance to play yet it’s very sad we have a lot to do um oh my gosh tar thank you for the donation from your two voids and your Calico Tabby oh hello from your cats um do I have a 375k and a 400k inste of chosen yet yes but I’m not going to tell them to you yet I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself okay I was just going to see if Leo was here I don’t know if he is or not okay but he’s not I got to keep some tricks up my sleeve chat I’ve got to keep some tricks up my sleeve otherwise we’re never going to be able to surprise anybody with anything you know I mean we can check on the wiki where he is um the wiki is like wrong a lot if he’s on the island I’m going to be sad but it’s okay it’s a summer Tuesday oh he’ll be by the museum the wiki says at least all the the judge of that yeah I know Christine I would probably like it too how long have you been streaming today um Sienna you know I streamed from 10:00 a.m. yesterday until 10:00 a.m. this morning and then I got off stream did some work and then went live again I don’t see him over here I think I was lied to okay well is he inside the museum I think it said he’d be standing south of the Museum oh no it says at 2: p.m. he leaves to go south of Museum so he’ll probably be back there now hold on he should be coming out any second the wiki is a liar summer Tuesday and Wednesday 9:00 a.m. in the Museum library 2:00 p.m. south of the museum 4:20 p.m. stands to the right of his Treehouse the deviations oh the 9th and 25th of any season when you have fewer than six hearts with Sam but I have more than six hearts with Sam so that’s not I think he’s probably on the island um he’s probably been on the island this whole time but it’s okay we can give him a gift later on this week that’s fine you want me to slay a squid kid I don’t really want to but I guess I probably should work on some of these little quests I’m trying to get another ticket so I can get one of those stard drop te’s yeah it’s um the schedules are kind of different now on than what the wiki says I walk past Sam I’m not looking for Sam I’m looking for Leo I was reading you one of the deviations in Leo’s schedule is um when you have fewer than six hearts with Sam on the 9th and 25th he does something different but I have more than six hearts with Sam and we’re talking about Leo he was there Leo no Sam you saw Sam um you misheard me I’m looking for Leo to give him this mango so why is Sam mentioned in Leo schedule I bet it has to do with um Sam working in the library or something I don’t know nothing to show you look I’m pretty sure yeah 49 out of 50 pepper rex that is extremely sad not the museum on the island then um no because it’s talking about Linus’s tent so I don’t believe so okay let’s go in here I’m going to go to like level 90 or something I’m trying to kill one of those little squid kids that’s our next plan do you remember what level do you all like to reset to get the squid kid have I missed your donation I don’t think I’ve missed any donations but do I have to refresh tiltify no I read I thought I read every donation did I did I not did I did I not yeah I’m on 91 right now let’s just reset 91 I missed yours I missed yours how I don’t understand why is my tiltify not reloading itself that actually makes me want to burst into tears and I’m not kidding I cannot handle things not going right right now I don’t understand if that happens you got to tell me sooner you got to tell me sooner than 20 minutes ago cuz I thought I had read all of them but my tiltify is like not loading everything correctly and this is happening to shella last night on stream too um but I’m really sorry thank you so so so so so much um for your donations Amanda I’m so glad to hear that it went well um I think that’s one of the ones that I maybe missed Lena as well um final exam’s coming up Kyla squishy cuddle thank you um okay okay you put it in chat after it happened oh oops that’s my bad see this is my problem I’m sleep deprived and my tilt toi is broken so there’s no need to stress there is to me sometimes people get like genuinely mad when that happens and that’s valid I guess cuz they spent good money you know but they also it was a donation to Charities so um but sometimes people get genuinely mad so I don’t want to like upset anybody my intention is it to make you feel like I ignored you it was an accident it was an accident um I’m doing my best it’s been a long day okay well I’m just going to constantly reset this then I guess and hope for the best um okay 1290 again squid kid maybe I don’t like looking for the squid kid I really do not enjoy this hunt Okay let’s go see um I mean I get it Tilly I understand people want like to be they often times are donating because they want want to tell me something and stuff so I get it um I get it but um I hope that there’s a mutual understanding of sometimes is an accident okay okay uh 90 again 90 again em have I still not read yours I literally don’t oh you asked okay 30 minutes ago I got a distracted by someone asking about the 350k Milestone mem asked uh they they want to cut meat out of their diet and wonder wondering what my favorite recipes are um you know I feel like I’m bad for giving people recipe suggestions but here’s here is the suggestion that I will maybe say to you um if you’re trying to cut back on eating meat I think a lot of people I don’t know what your experience is but a lot of people are like G beyond meat so gross impossible meat so gross and they try to like cook a lot of things that they already cook but with Alternatives and then they have like possibly a worse version of a thing they already like um it might be a better idea to do that sometimes yes but like maybe try and find fresh recipes that are just plant-based by default because then you they aren’t like you know missing things and feeling like a poor substitute for a thing you already liked um uh as far as like easy stuff goes I don’t know I eat a lot of tofu cooked very various ways you know stir fried I’ll put it on pasta even sometimes not everybody does that but I do um beans are good so but a lot of Asian Foods oftentimes don’t have meat already so that’s a good starting point sometimes um peanut and Lola thank you for the $150 donation thank you so much and Ashton thank you for the donation too I really appreciate that um yeah it’s kind of funny people are like G genuinely shocked about like what uh meatless eaters eat like when I talk about dinner last night me and Dan made tacos okay there were people in my chat being like tacos how how are you going to have a taco without meat in it like it’s it’s so ingrained in people’s minds that they can’t imagine a world where there’s no meat in a taco but there’s so many did snap Lea oh she ditched us there’s so many different ways that’s like one of the I think one of the easiest things that you can make without meat like I don’t know I just um beans people make cauliflower tacos they make potato tacos sometimes you can even get like potato tacos at Taco Bell like um I don’t know it’s uh kind of funny but people just don’t really think about it because they’re so used to me as a default you know um yeah it is it is coming from a place of curiosity Christine but like sometimes with the way they word it it’s like how are you going to eat that and I’m like what do you mean or chili it comes up a lot when I say that I’m cooking chili and I’m like I know that people often put ground beef and chili but like doesn’t everybody put beans in chili isn’t that like the you know um at least growing up my mom always did so um it’s very Regional what do you put in chili if not beans Regional what’s what region has no beans ground meat what just meat Texas okay just Texas Chili is meat but I know that people put like like growing up my mom would make chili with like veggies and beans and ground beef I I can’t imagine I I guess it’s possible I don’t know I’m just I don’t eat meat so I don’t think about it like that but interesting I finally found a squid kid Mel Cy thank you for the $10 to St Jude thank you so much oh I need two squid kits oh yikes um anyway three bean chili me and Dan make that a lot sloppy joe that is kind of what it sounds like Texas is an interesting place huh fascinating oops oops you only put three beans in it yeah one two three just three little beans in there that’s it that’s what it is it’s like Sloppy Joe’s without bread that’s so interesting good for you as a Texan please disregard Texans okay okay I can do that you like beans in your chili do you okay I’m I’m glad I feel like my little monster killed that not even me I have to talk to the wizard still now that’s so annoying I’ll do that in the morning I get it though Texas I’m from Florida so I know all about uh disregarding other people from your state does Cincinnati chili not always have beans in it either really I don’t think I realize that people made chili without beans I I feel like I’ve um I’ve unlocked some new information here it’s fascinating okay you save those no you go in here I want to keep that too yeah it’s it’s interesting because to me beans are like an essential part the essential part but everybody’s got different um thought processes I guess really yeah aago it’s interesting I have like the opposite texture problems of you probably cuz I am an extremely picky person with a lot of texture issues in food which is why partially when I was younger I stopped eating meat not the only reason but definitely part of it um okay I will not accept Cincy chili slander it’s chili and pasta two delicious foods in one I’m not going to comment Christine I’ve never had it I’ve never had it so I can’t say the spirits are neutral today I’m not going I have to go to the skull Caverns again but not today not today oh big day big big big big big day okay well now I’m going to have enough money to buy my Obelisk so maybe I’ll sell these to Pierre I’ll sell them to Pierre I’ll get my Obelisk money and then I’ll go to the wizard um and I can have him help me uh cuz I need to finish the like little Quest too oops okay Mia for your Grandma thank you for that donation to St Jude gremlin from your three cats thank you for the donation to St Jude also thank you so much um am I after last night I don’t know I wouldn’t say thriving but we’re we’re managing we’re definitely managing today okay I’m glad that I’m streaming right now cuz I don’t I I’m thinking like if I were to have waited oh my God um um that’s $2,000 uh Poopers Joy just donated $2,000 and they said it’s my birthday happy birthday and thank you again again for that absolutely massive donation to St Jude that is unbelievable thank you so much I don’t even I don’t even know what to say I hope you have the best birthday thank you thank you thank you for your incredible generosity that is so cool of you thank you so much I’m like I’m truly speechless at this moment in time thank you so much wow I was just talking about how I if I wasn’t live right now I don’t think I’d make it until 4:00 because of um how tired I am from last night I’m glad I made it to the stream today I’m glad I made it okay okay okay okay okay for the Obelisk chat I need to get um is it in here yeah okay I need 10 of these how many aridium bars is it do you remember Island Obelisk Obelisk stardo oh my God the wiki won’t load it is 10 is there anything else that I need cuz my Wiki doesn’t load them so I can’t 10 banana and 10 coconuts don’t you need fruit yeah I think it’s just the bananas okay I have six bananas that’s not enough bananas I hope I have more bananas in here okay I in fact do not have enough bananas so isn’t it 1 million gold oh yeah that’s fine though look we’re going to get 20 1,000 from this I’m going to sell these to Pierre in a second that part’s no problem that part I’m not worried about I have to go to My Island I have some more um trees on the island that we can use I will do that it’s fine oh tomorrow is the luau okay that’s fine too um save those I guess I shall save those let’s go to Pierre I’ll sell my things and then we’ll go and get some bananas we’re going to be rich am I going to get the rest of the wine yeah I need to go back and swap the rest of it um I have some more down lower too that I need to grab still but I’ll do it in a bit oops hello here that’s for you and as I told you I have enough money to buy oh wait can I sell these to you Pier no I didn’t think so um I have enough money to buy it now we do need to go get more bananas though I have two banana trees on the island so I think I should have two more bananas which is kind of ridiculous that I have to go all the way there for this but it’s fine Lord AR thank thank you for the donation jet thank you for the donation too thank you so much um okay let’s go oh can I sell you these just while I am here okay and wasting 1,000 gold but this is the last time that I have to pay Willie for this mark my words I’m going to be done I just need my bananas okay I probably want to make some more kegs to bring to the island as well but we’ll get there okay so that’s two more [Music] bananas plenty of bananas okay I’m going to really quickly run and see if Leo’s on This Island right now you think I’ll forget I have the warp Tower at least once yeah probably how did I get all the teeth you know hope we actually had a really lucky run in the volcano earlier today I got six in one day in the volcano earlier so that definitely helps I don’t even know if he’s here right now and the wiki is wrong he could be at my at like at home um in the valley but I don’t think he is oh he’s right there he not in the valley just as I suspected be careful in the volcano yep i’ I have been I have been careful and I’ll keep it up anyway you can also kill those little lava boys in the volcano and um the stingray in the fish pond I haven’t gotten any Dragon’s Teeth from the stingray in my fish pond yet but I hear that you can do that it just hasn’t happened for me but apparently it’s possible mine asked for a dragon’s tooth or even two maybe but they haven’t given me any it’s like an eventually sort of situation but depends how long you’re willing to wait it is annoying getting them very annoying you got a cat ad on my stream that’s fun yeah I think they always ask you for a dragon’s tooth I think they need to have one before they can like expand their population enough but you’re started giveing that like candy once you no longer needed them oh great of course as soon as you don’t need them anymore then they start doing that for you okay I’m going to purchase my Island obelisk that is so annoying I’m going to go chop down all those trees now out of pure rage there was like a little sapling in the way so I couldn’t place it where I wanted it to go at least I’ve bought it now so that’s our major like big time expenses now we just have to get 10 million gold only 10 million more gold you know it’s totally fine like we’ll be able to do that no problem yeah you can move them it’s not hard to move them after you bu them so it’ll be fine um I can literally go straight back and move it now if I want to I want to quickly grab cuz I wanted to go in and put some more of this ancient fruit on some of these other kegs can Robin move those I don’t actually know what’s his face is open later than Robin so I’m I’m going to make more kegs before I do this hold on um the wizard lets you move those and he’s open later so it’ll be easier for us to have the wizard do it but Robin can move anything I think um okay well I’m going to make some more kegs and we’ll go back to the to Robin later I mean to the wizard later sorry backwards can you get it on Steam this game yeah it’s only $15 as well which considering how much content it comes with is a really good price and extremely good price um okay I have no copper bars that is very annoying I should probably go back now and maybe have him move it now and then um I will fix around it afterward okay yeah the copper I don’t like having to I keep running out of bars and forgetting to smelt the like copper stuff I keep smelting so much radium but forgetting about copper smelting which is my bad my bad all right wizard I’m back cuz I need to move my thing okay I’m also going to want to put like a little bit more in front of it when Dan did his he put them like this and I didn’t super hate that but I I think if I’m going to do that I might want to put them on top of like a bunch of wood so I might might just leave them flat for now I’m going to put one more row right here that’ll be good too did yours in an arch oh that’s cool I like that well I say when Dan did his I don’t think Dan has actually bought any of them yet I don’t know but he was doing his little farm plan yesterday so those are warp totem Obelisk things warp obis not totems they when you click on them it teleports you places so we just spend a ton of money and effort trying to get one that will teleport us to the beach and like to the island and stuff which is pretty cool I’d show you but I don’t want to get teleported right now I don’t really want to be teleported at this current moment in time otherwise I would show you what I mean by that okay return scepter when I mean we can still start saving up for the return scepter next the return scepter is probably like objectively not the best I’m out um I don’t know we we can try and get a return scepter I’m being dramatic we should try we should try it’ll be worth it all right I made 16 more kegs save all that that’ll help yeah I haven’t had a return scepter in one of my saves recently so it might be kind of fun if we got one but okay not quite full but you know what I feel like it looks good and we’ll get some money off of that which will also be good last time was like 2019 with Dan do you think so oh my God if so it’s been a while since I had one um buaron thank you for the donation to St Jude thank you so much um do you need it for Perfection the return scepter I don’t think so um I haven’t been making truffle oil no um Brew well I also I mean I picked the like farming rewards on this save cuz I wanted to try and play with them cuz I never play with them promptly realized uh there’s a reason you don’t play with them little simsy um my baby lizard hatched what do you want to call it they’re all named things like Ivy and clover and stuff so if you have another idea um let me know um L I haven’t seen any donations um so I don’t know why that’s happening I think we we already have Daisy I think we already have Hazel I don’t know if we have Fern we don’t have Fern okay that’s a good one I’m trying to get a okay I can’t talk to them I’m trying to get only dinos inside of this one it’s going to be so good okay oh no don’t worry about suggesting Daisy I just mean like we have so many of them already like so many animals already that I was pretty sure we’ve already used Daisy but it’s not bad to suggest I just wanted to let you know that I thought I already had it okay I need to do my cheese too um anyway bugoni thank you for the donation and congratulations on finishing your master’s degree that is so huge you should be so proud um okay save that take oh my God I’ll just sell all these for now I’m trying to get myself some extra money just by scrounging up every little bit that I can tomorrow is the luau I haven’t really considered what I want to bring um so we’ll have to decide that now I can bring pretty much anything so if anybody’s got any ideas we can just bring like a gold star cauliflower and it would be fine so I don’t know okay you don’t go in there you go in there cuz I don’t have any bananas saved you always bring aridium truffle yeah I think that I have and a rium truffle that we can bring that’s an easy one save cheese sell that I don’t want to do the mayor shorts I’m still trying to be like Bes everybody so I don’t want to like ruin anything by accident so I got to be careful um big days with the dwarf and Leo’s birthday’s coming up we got to be on the lookout for those all right 34k plus the 46k that’s good we got a little bit of money back we had to spend a lot of money on the warp totem thingy but now we just start saving I didn’t miss maru’s birthday I gave Maru a birthday present already did I sell the dino egg yeah I sold the extras um I have four dinosaurs right now and two more being incubated and I’m selling the extra ones on purpose all right one two one two three okay hi snap you came back what do you need you need to yell is that right can I help you yeah what what she’s so loud hi worm do you want to sit with me you can jump up or you could go inside of the St Jude box that that’s good too oh my goodness she she has opinions and she makes them known I think she’s going to try and get up oh she got up on her own oh good job Kitty I didn’t have to get you that time sometimes she can get up on her own sometimes she can’t Snapper the yapper oh snappy they called you yappy it’s because you scream so much she doesn’t realize how loud she is she can’t hear she doesn’t know she is very loud she is very very very loud okay I need to get some seeds for that unfortunately I don’t think I have any but we’ll check we shall check um yeah save some of those extras I might try and save some of these extras too do I need any Spangles I don’t think I have any of these yeah save some okay um I do have some star fruit I have 16 red cabbage the star fruits to be planted later I think I’m going to use some of these for now I think that would be good front page hype am I on the front page thank you twitch I’m on the front page back field right now because of my charity fundraiser thank you very much twitch there we go not planting cool I did not know that we were going to be on the front page today that is news to me did I make a flower chest I did not make a flower chest I guess I could make a flower chest um to have them separated from all the crops but I can probably just save some of them in there for now right I don’t know I don’t know all right the luau has begun at the beach I will sell pretty much all that stuff let’s just go to it I am ready we got to give gifts and we have to go to the skull Caverns we need to do a skull Caverns with no food so lots to think about lots and lots to think about oh wait I should touch the statue in case we have the friend blessing that’s true sorry I have to go back in case we have the friend blessing I’m going to just do that real quick I could use the Obelisk oh I could touch my statue and then use the Obelisk there you go friend blessing no okay that’s fine I can use my water Obelisk to go to the beach cool now here I am all right I added a truffle to the soup I don’t really think I want any of these jungle decals or anything but I will talk to the people that we have to talk to specifically I will talk to clunt Oh The Blessing doesn’t work on events anyway oh that’s good to know that’s good to know hello I will talk to Leo I’m sorry can you say that on the front page can I call him that on the front page of twitch I I was it’s I was copying shella my friend shella calls him that I don’t I know what it means it’s just a a silly nickname right that’s all Snappy do you want to lay down so that I can actually play my game no no no don’t leave oh that’s so messed up worm she’s probably going to scream in a second watch yeah I told you are you going to need now okay if there’s one thing about snap is that she’s predictable banana milk thank you for the $100 to St Jude I really appreciate that massive donation um it’s your 30 your donating thank you thank you thank you that is so cool I really appreciate that um all right I’m ready let’s begin the event yeah her fur is growing back pretty well this side that she’s laying on is covering it but her fur is definitely growing back pretty well um well folks it’s time once again for the potluck ceremony oh if you missed it um she had like a cancerous mass remov from her hip um a couple months ago so she had a big surgery huge scar like this big um and a big bald spot so um that’s uh what the the chat is talking about but she’s doing a lot better so do you love me the best soup you’ve ever tasted yeah it is yes it is yeah in this camera angle it’s not just the camera angle you can see how she’s like on the complete edge of the bed and it’s like coming up in the back yeah she might roll out of the bed doing this you can tell she’s like lifting it up because of how she’s making it’s kind of funny but she’s busy biscuit Factory is open all right let’s see how our relationships are doing I think we’re good we have 10 hearts with Clint now huge help we still have six with Leo I have eight with kobis only four with the dwarf so those are our problems kobis Leo and the dwarf are our issues today I’m going to bring them gifts tomorrow I think I’m just going to go to bed right now unless tomorrow if it’s a good luck day I won’t if it’s a good luck day I’m going to go to the skull Caverns Cosmo is one heart yeah but you don’t need to Max hearts with your own kids for Perfection so it’s okay um my children we can ignore I mean you I’m not ignoring them but like they’ve been around for less time so we’ve had less time to build the relationship with them okay fortune teller the spirits feel neutral today boo how long do I have 3 days okay oh did you decide to help I have infinite energy and bombs cannot damage you oh you know what we so the task that we have is to get to level 100 in the skull Caverns without eating the infinite energy and the bombs not damaging me that is like recipe for success that’s like perfect for no food I think we might actually be fine if we did it like that okay um should I bring one of my magic rock candies or no I don’t have the fairy trinket unfortunately um I still don’t have a fairy trinket so I cannot bring it cuz I do not have it I’ll have to make a bunch of bombs um that’s this is the same Quest day it’s the same Quest we have the vampire ring is one of our things I’ll use my magic rock candy I’m I almost feel like I don’t need it but I’ll use it anyway um okay staircases it’s the candy food yeah but you eat the candy when you get into the mines um so we eat the candy like before we get there and then you go into the first level so it doesn’t count cuz you ate it before you got there does that make sense last time I did not use this many staircases so I think that we be okay um with with like this many I’ve done it before so we’ll be fine um thank you for the donation Lily Pad placing an order for three chocolate chip cookies snap did you hear that the orders are rolling in you better get working oh I guess we could also bring food for after the quest cuz if we finish it we’re allowed to eat and I might still want dinosaurs so I’ll bring some food to eat at the end for dinosaurs okay I think I’m good to go now to the desert um someday we we will live in a world I can’t speak oh my God somebody said someday we’ll live in a world where kids will be astounded that cancer was so serious in the past thank you thank you that can make me cry thank you for that donation to St Jude thank you so much um okay wow our goal today is to get to level 100 without eating rock candy implemented and also to get one more dinosaur so we cannot eat anything so I got to avoid taking damage from people um but my bombs cannot hurt me so this will be good that will help us today oops I take all the cheese then well so that’s what I was just trying to say is we’re we’re trying to finish the quest for the um what’s it called the adventurers Guild to finish getting all the dinosaurs I have to kill one more pepper Rex to finish the entire adventurers Guild so when we finish getting to level 100 without eating I can stay in here and I can keep going um so the idea is to bring food for after we finish in case we want it to keep going further down does that make sense um so that is why yeah people use the fairy trinket to heal but I do not have a fairy trinket so I cannot do that um they do have these little like slimes that have hearts in them um you can use those to heal too which is pretty helpful and I have a slime ring so I don’t get attacked I don’t I didn’t have any damage taken yet but I have not found a fairy trinket yet so um you kind of have to balance that cuz I just took damage from going into that hole but we fell a bunch of levels so I think it’s worth it but the fairy trinket it heals you while you go Dino no don’t hit me oh my God I hate you Dino well I finished it now we’ve got our monster sler our our whole thing is complete now for the adventurers Guild even further along okay I am in fact taking damage right now so that’s no good we’re only on level 19 oh Prismatic Shard that’s fun I love that okay finding so many spicy eels I can’t use I know I know it’s very sad all right Theo thank you for the donation you’re currently Furnishing the Mansion neighborhood really I’ll have to you’ll have to let me know how it goes and if you like it or not oh more bombs I know I have the thing where the bombs can’t hurt me today and I still run from them I can’t help it it’s like such a force of habit to run from the bombs even though I know full well they cannot get me right now I still run I still run I don’t even have to kill that extra dyo cuz I have all my dinos now we can’t use spicy eel cuz we’re doing a quest right now where we have to get to level 100 in the skull Caverns without eating anything um we did this the other day it’s not that bad we shall be fine um that’s why I can’t eat the spicy eel because of the quest another one cherry bombs okay okay sleeping at 1 p.m. is s tier yeah I did a 24-hour stream yesterday uh hence the need to stream right now otherwise I won’t stream um cuz I’m going to fall asleep I really really am uh dying inside deep down okay I’m going to Skippy this level please that was pretty bad actually um yeah I’m really committed and determined to stream every day even like today after that because I want to stream every day for my fundraiser um so I am still alive 24-hour stream yesterday like you didn’t finish it this morning yeah okay I did a 24-hour stream that ended it 10: a.m. this morning so but I want my sleep schedule to be normal I got my health back up that’s good and we’re on 36 also good okay okay yeah and then in June the schedule will return to normal but for now it’s not normal early bedtime tonight yeah I think me and Dan are going to make pizza um and then probably go to bed at like 8:00 maybe earlier than that we’ll see we shall see I really like getting to use the mega bombs it is very fun for me me how chaotic do the stre end up being you know this stream was chaotic in a way that’s like different from how they’ve been recently like the last one we had way more death and way more fires in the last one but this one we had like twice as many woohoo so it was chaotic in like a a different way which was kind of fun oh my God don’t hit me don’t hit me okay sorry yeah way more woohoo so it was it was chaotic in a fun way I think I also I think I emotionally handled this stream a lot better than last year last year I was really anxious I think um not necessarily just because of the stream but just like in general and I was like letting the stream get me extremely anxious and so I was having like chest pains all night so stressed out of my mind over the stream and I didn’t feel that way about it as bad this year so that’s good um but it’s I think it’s just uh you know when you’re doing one of these sorts of big events you want it to go well and like you know you overthink at least I do so I have a tendency to overthink as some of you may know please don’t hit me please don’t hit me thank you yes I did get the dinos we have officially finished the venturers Guild now so that’s huge we’ve gotten actually quite a few dinos today but I haven’t even had to kill them all yeah I know the bombs don’t hurt me today I keep running away even though they don’t hurt me today I need to remember sir Magic Pickle thank you for the donation to say Jud thank you so much that is very generous of you overthink us who me overthink no don’t be ridiculous dark boots oh those better plus four defense only two immunity well I like how they look better so maybe I’ll use them anyway all right we’re on 52 we have not eaten anything oh I didn’t need to do that this is not that bad yeah it actually went pretty well we had I had to close and reopen the game a handful of times the Sims like completely froze and broke a handful of times but really not that many times in the grand scheme of things so it wasn’t actually that bad uh M you can see the level up here in the top left corner it says 65 up there I’m on 65 right now we’re getting to the levels with the little scary bats those are bad I am not looking forward to them go away this one has hearts in it okay yeah for a game that was trying to run for 24 hours straight it was actually going pretty decently so that’s good yeah I made a spreadsheet Allie I was live updating a spreadsheet all night um we could probably put put it in the chat for everybody if one of the mods can grab the link it’s exclamation point update is what it should be um okay oh did she leave again that’s actually messed up snap I got a hole she’s just sitting behind me I’ll turn it off she’s been in and out of here all day yeah there’s the link if you’re looking for it um that Google spreadsheet I got another Prismatic Shard all right we are on 73 we have to get to 100 I think that’ll be no problem at all if you’re just tuning in we’re doing the quest where we have to get to level 100 without eating um but as you can see it’s it’s mostly fine right now um oh dinos now I’m getting a dino level I’m actually going to skip this just for the sake of time but unsuitable location um I was looking for one of those for the longest time I finally got my my uh dinos for the adventurers Guild though so we’re done there okay bad news is our magic rock candy has worn out and I have oh I took some damage just then I do get some back by hitting these guys so is my dad being nice to me hardest working person I’ve ever known I’m so proud of all these incredible unselfish and caring accomplishments you are continuing to achieve you in this amazing Community that’s a really nice thing to say Dad that’s really sweet you’re going to make everybody cry oh my goodness thank you so much oh gosh um someone donated they said their mom went to the ER for anxiety chest pains it cost almost $600 we told that she was anxious I so sorry that is horrible I it’s it’s such a nightmare the healthc care system in this country $600 just to be sent away like that I’m so oh my God sorry sorry I misclicked I thought I was going to die just then I am in trouble Mega bombs that’s good we’re 180 right now okay okay this is a rather stressful event in the skull Caverns there we go 82 where is the 24-hour stream I it was earlier today I got off stream at 10:00 a.m. today um after streaming it for the last 24 hours so if you are looking for it mat his where just on my twitch Channel I guess good this is open oh and I I don’t even want to know an absolutely disgusting number probably million dollars maybe maybe a few hundred thousand I’m not sure I don’t know expensive 112k oh my god $112,000 without insurance isn’t that horrifying absolutely vile I was awake the whole 24-hour stream yeah my dad’s uh medication dad do you want to tell them how much it costs every month your medication you are going to be sick to your stomach when my dad tells you this uh my dad’s on like a a maintenance um like chemotherapy and and steroid um and without insurance it’s like $20,000 a month and I’m not kidding that’s how much the insurance get gets build for that stuff more it’s more than that it’s like $1,000 a pill isn’t it Dad isn’t that what you said lovely stuff huh I’m going to die this is not going that well anyway it’s absolutely sick disgusting evil that that’s how people are treated in this country it’s like downright like extortion and robbery because what what’s the alternative it’s it’s life-saving medication like it’s horrible that this is the world that we live in so anyway sorry to bring down the vibes okay um one of the cool things about St Jude by the way um the hospital that we’re fundraising for they pay for the cost of treatment for all of their patients the families do not receive bills for anything from St Jude um I have to get over there so I can kill that slime cuz then I can get some health back from it hold on um so they’re a research hospital but but they also pay um for for all that uh treatment thanks to people like you so it’s really amazing okay and then the money also goes obviously to research because they’re a research hospital and we just unlocked another Prismatic Shard I’m on level 94 right now this is not going that well um but I guess we could if we wanted to just get past a few of these Valley Rider thank you for the $100 $100 donation in honor of young Yousef who passed from brain cancer last week your mother-in-law who passed from ovarian cancer and your high school teachers I’m so sorry valy for your loss I cannot even imagine what you were going through thank you for sharing that and for donating on honor of those folks um thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you um ah okay well 98 we’re almost there chat just a couple more levels as long as we don’t die oh and we should actually I’m going to not use that hole cuz I want to get to oh no I’m going to 100 it puts you on 100 automatically doesn’t it never mind I’m really silly I was like I don’t wanted to skip it by accident that’s 200 that it can do that too I’m only on 100 right now I’m silly all right we made it I got a blue green frog egg I got another frog egg I think I might continue on until um cuz we’re allowed to eat now at this point so I might continue on for a little bit we’re already down here we just had to get to level 100 first and now we’re allowed to eat so yay um Kristen and Kenzie thank you for those donations St Jude um Brey thank you from a chronically ill child thank you so much oh my God oh my God oh my God I hate these little things I got to pay attention I got to pay attention to what I’m doing I’m sorry I’m like not doing a very good job of talking to chat either cuz I’m trying to play this game you have three parrots and two fairies that’s so funny cuz I have all these frogs but I have no fairies isn’t that funny how that works out um something else uh interesting about St J that is like when I hear this it’s just like a horrifying reality of the world that we live in but so St Jude is a a research hospital right um and and they do that research and intentionally share it freely with the world because that’s how we benefit from this is from like collaboration and working together but they have to like patent it first and then share it because they’re like I will give this to you but you are not allowed to profit off of it obviously um because what happens is these companies will take it and then they’ll try and make a profit off of life- saving research like that absolutely revolting that stuff like this goes on um oh e yikes yikes um yeah things like insulin right that is just like they’re robbing you with the cost of it so um exactly the same situation all right it’s 12:40 we this is not a terrible skull Caverns run another Prismatic Shard jump in three levels um okay couple more couple more oh really n you know what that is a wild thought too what day did we do the crowd control last week was that on Thursday oh my God that is amazing how much money we’ve raised in just the past few days let’s go down it’s open okay I got a creepy little doll I don’t really want that though oh I don’t know if I have an extra one maybe I should take it just in case I don’t have an extra one you know we also honestly barely had to use any of the um staircases that I brought with me in here so that’s good okay oh my gosh you saying you got back from a trip and one of your cats is like mt I have a really funny picture you want to talk about mad cats wait let me um send this I think I have it actually on Discord I’ll let my sim pass out first um oh yeah I do keep running away Tilly I keep forgetting that I have no damage from it look this is a picture from this morning when I was laying in bed watching the um the unpaused stream waiting for me to come back and like fix it um I don’t remember what time this was but this made me laugh so much I wish that I could show you the live photo of this because it’s even better I was laying there strip was on my lap and snap’s kind of a bully at times this is this picture is snap walking up and just smacking him for no reason like Snap walked up screamed and was like for no reason he was just laying there and she just walked up and hit him and he just takes it the kitties are fighting over me I’m I’m very popular clearly Frey another gift card thank you for the donation also why is he so big I know he’s huge he’s literally like twice the size of snap he’s like twice the size of her he is very very large you can see like his paw just how big it is really Sage yeah he’s he’s very gentle he just he takes it whenever snap messes with him and for the most part like they’re friends a lot of the time but not all of the time which I think is confusing to him and I I can see why that would be confusing to him you know um cuz like sometimes they’ll like kiss each other on the nose and then she’ll scream at him and it’s like what do you want um but anyway um he just takes it when she’s being weird he’s like oh okay you’re being weird right now that’s fine I get it weird day for SNAP all good okay um I’m going to take my stuff back I put my cheese I did not mean to do that I’ll put my cheese away and my bombs away all right um really my cat of the same Dynamics as yours with the angry old cat and then the huge children yeah yeah I never thought of snap is being that small until shrimp became absolutely ginormous and now I’m like snap’s tiny she’s so little like I don’t I have to show you a picture I’ve shown you this one before but I’m going to show it to you again because this to me is the funniest picture I have literally ever seen there’s a little bit of like perspective warping the photo okay so I’ll warn you but this is so so funny this is a picture um of the two of them uh snap and shrimp next to each other this one makes me like cry laugh when I see it because of the tails I cannot so keep in mind snap’s tail is like slightly pointed down and shrimps is slightly pointed up so like that perspective difference is making it look even smaller but her tail is a lot smaller than his like it’s not that off her tail is Tiny I never noticed that her tail was so tiny before and then we got these kittens and they have like freakishly long tails but like the size difference in general snap’s tail is like this big and then shrimps is like the size of your arm he looks like he’s like part Panther or something like I don’t know what is going on with this creature but he’s so much bigger and you can kind of tell that he’s taller than her too he looks to me like if you just sized up with like the brackets key in The Sims a cat that’s him oh the donation notification has an error hold on let me see if I can fix that I should be able to refresh the donation alerts um but anyway I think this is really funny and it’s really funny that we named him shrimp and now he’s like this ginormous cat like oops zoomed in too much um size up sunny and you get shrimp yeah he’s just so funny this picture makes me laugh so much and of course he’s right next to snap because he wants to be her best friend so bad K thank you for the $25 donation to St hude um thank you so much when you were 11 You’re Now 23 you were diagnosed with Crohn and Colitis these are diseases that have no cure and doctors still know very little about I connect immensely with the work that you are doing and appreciate you so much for it thank you for that donation to St Jude thank you so much um that is really kind of you and yes Owen shrimp weighs 14b and snap weighs like 8.2 lbs he’s like so much bigger than her and he’s still kind of lanky like you know how um like kittens when they get to this phase he’s like just under a year old he’s kind of in that like lanky teenager phase so he’s not even like really that filled out he’s kind of like awkwardly long and skinny still so he’s going to he’s still going to grow so he’s already 14 pound he’s going to be so much bigger than her that’s just ridiculous he’s so big he’s always been big like the Vets when we had um all three kittens we would bring them into the Vet like all together cuz I found the mom and the three sewer babies all together and we’ bring them all into the vet and there were times where like the the other two were 3 lb and shrimp was 5 lb when they were like really young and the vet was like oh my God and they made jokes like do you know who his dad is like who is this thing he’s so much bigger than them it’s so weird um but yeah he’s just he’s just bigger like taller bigger anyway um I think he’s part Panther I really do my we joke um we joke about how we think they’re half chicken and half Panther and that’s how you get extra large house cat because they kind of have chicken energy um so that’s what I think they are he looks like he’s a regular house cat I think what he’s actually is half chicken half Panther so he might have a different dad that’s I I honestly think that could be possible because um with with cats it’s common for them to have not necessarily common I don’t really know but it’s not uncommon for the mom to have babies from multiple different dads all in one pregnancy um like that happens a lot and so it’s entirely possible that shrimp is different like from a different dad um who knows um but I think that’s really interesting I’ve never really thought about that with him but it is possible it happen with a lot of animals but happens with cats so it’s kind of cool um his father was huge his father was huge um yeah I don’t know who his other parent was um deadbeat cat dad is what he’s got so um okay I’m going to put these things away take this um I’ll grab all these things I’m going to try and start getting some more money from it all Next plan um hope shrimp hangs out with us tomorrow dad shrimp might come up here to um observe but the problem with shrimp is that he’s a real scaredy cat chat like shrimp is absolutely terrified of everything and everyone that is not me and Dan like he’s so scared he’s scared of the door he’s scared of noises he’s so scared um so he doesn’t usually hang out with my family when they come over like Snap loves my family Sunny hangs out with them too shrimp hides in my bed he did come out when um cuz Hope was over he came out and and like looked at Hope um so he’s doing better but he’s a he’s a big scaredy-cat um so my dad wants shrimp to hang out with him so bad but shrimp keeps hiding in my bedroom so we’re trying to we’re trying to like plan we’re like okay dad you can’t come in through the front door cuz shrimp doesn’t like the front door you can’t come in through the back door shrimp doesn’t like the back door we got to do the garage door at a time when he’s not paying attention it’s like we got to we got to plot this how we’re gonna have my dad come in so that shrimp doesn’t get scared okay sell most of those potatoes keep the mango too there we go um just jump through the W window it’s like a secret mission yeah did beat cat dad with the dollar pain child support and Jess thank you for the for the donation as well oh my my god um I don’t need these Tomatoes anymore cuz I have them um outside so I can toss them did I say potatoes what did I say look I don’t know what I’m talking about chat I don’t know um [ __ ] thank you for the donation too you saw Taylor a few days ago in Stockholm I’m so glad you got to go oh my gosh I am so excited for you that you got to go that’s so cool um one of my friends Tilly I think til’s here right now um got to go see as well which was pretty exciting um also in Stockholm okay thank you I should probably grab these and then we’ll put our we need to get some new melons okay I know I have some over here uh also I saw somebody ask if I’m going to post the VOD of the unpaused stream I will I have to post it in three separate parts though cuz it’s longer than 24 hours and uh I can’t upload things that are longer than 12 hours onto my more simsy Channel it doesn’t work um so I have to post it in three separate parts on more simy um so I will be doing that I will be doing that but um yeah bear with me cuz it’s going to take us a bit to to to get them up I’ll post them all in the same day though I don’t think anybody’s actually going to want to watch it back all the way people like to watch back parts of it so it’s nice to have it saved on more simy for uh the future and you’d be surprised people watch back long stuff like that all the time for like background noise and stuff so um it’s not uncommon for people to to want to watch those things back so we’ll get it up for them put on in the back backround yeah exactly um it happens a lot okay star fruits all planted um it is the 13th I have a very small amount of melons don’t I wow everything with star fruit interesting I guess I’m trying to get rich so that checks out um I’m G to save all of those good melons yeah no I get it Lacy I get it it’s it I it’s a It’s Kind of a Funny thought for sure um but it’s not uncommon um okay I have to fix a few more of the fences and then I’m going to go to the island I think no oh my God I have to give gifts I didn’t give all the gifts today silly silly silly simsy I need to do kobis Leo and the dwarf all right um kopus dwarf Leo all right got it let’s go I’m ready you missed the end of stream oh did you I’m glad that you got a chance to rewatch part of it though I love how many people were like so excited about the unpaused stream it’s like such a fun Community thing um cuz you know how I don’t know it’s just a fun like bonding experience I guess because everybody’s like so committed to this genuinely weird concept like if you are not a fan of the Sims you’re probably coming into that like if you like clicked on it from the you know recommended or something you never seen it before you’d look at it and be like why does anybody why would anybody watch that but like so many people that were here were like this is the best day ever it’s just kind of fun um I love that about it so okay I don’t know if Leo is going to be here or not so we’ll have to check and find out but um Steph came while you were watching and you were just sitting in silence watching and she was like what are you doing sitting in silence staring at like the screen because we have this Sims fish bowl going on it’s fun oh you sell pizza cool okay I’m going to go check and see if my little friend is in um his treehouse on the on this place and then if not we’ll go to the island it’s like a baby sensory video it literally is it literally is no I don’t have any clips of the babies being taken away it was very hard to tell if they did get taken away cuz they were mostly like out of sight and there was no noise that played so we didn’t know when it was happening um I told Matt last night that I couldn’t go to bed until I saw the hot dog give birth and he thought you had lost it no that is an absolutely ridiculous thing to say I know cuz I saw you in chat typing that I was like out of context this makes no sense what am I doing up here oh I was going to go to the Leo’s tree I already did the dwarf um I’m going to go get my last of the adventurer Guild stuff too cuz I’m over here I’m over here so I might as well hello night’s helmet yes do I need any of these things probably not right if I wanted to buy like a Galaxy Hammer I could but I don’t think think I will you told your husband you weren’t going to watch the whole day and then you did yeah it really sucks you in though it’s so easy to to watch for a long time cuz there’s like this suspense of waiting for something to happen and then there’s like the joy of when things do happen he’s not even in there so I get it I really understand okay we’re going to the island now I’m going to use my teleporter um I never fixed my fences like I said I was going to that’s fine I get to use my Island thing for the first time I’m so excited oh my gosh all right let’s see if Leo’s around and I can gift him this I don’t know if he is is the only problem oh hi are you back you’re going to scratch my chair even though you have a scratching post right there yeah you are it’s fine it’s basically her chair at this point I bought it for the cats so it doesn’t matter but hello Leo I know you love it you’re welcome I’m sad today you go on have fun okay sorry Leo love you Leo we’ve got officially seven hearts with Leo we’re getting there we’ve got birthdays coming up so the birthdays will save us I’m ready for it I think that I should have um a bunch of ancient fruit that we can Harvest today too um oh no hope yeah my cats um they kind of kind of destroy my rugs too um she’s scratching the scratching post right now see um thankfully I kind of just don’t care I sort of here’s the thing I live in a house full of cats and I know what I’ve gotten myself into and I despite the excessive amount of of scratching post cat trees toys they have it’s a cat house so if they want to scratch the rug they’re going to scratch the rug it is what it is so it’s fine okay loads of ancient fruit I’m going to probably just save the blue the regular quality I mean and then we’ll sell all the rest they should get us some good money um hamy you’re watching the V where I’m in Winter year one oh my gosh yeah we’ve gotten so far uh since that winter year 1 VOD that’s kind of fun to be like looking back on it we’ve played a lot um okay Christine but only a little bit so don’t be rude snap oh my God she’s trying to get into my cardboard box that I have over there she’s in like slight chaos mode right now I guess I can’t say I blame her the thump yeah that was her trying to get in the Box she’s busy she’s busy is all okay I have to ship 100 pineapple I’ll ship all of that for now big houses are meant to be houses are meant to be lived in even with cats and sauce exactly exactly it’s fine okay any goals to finish oner Island it’s mostly just that I came here for money and I’m going to check another Quest um that’s the main thing just trying to get our goals we’re 88% complete oh my gosh we are so close so close to this we have only one recipe left to cook the cooking recipe um we’re almost done with all the crafting I have to buy a couple more recipes still 91% great friends um we have all four obelisks and then it’s we have monster Slayer hero now so it’s just the golden clock on the farm that we’re trying to get still okay I can’t pick another one I can spend these though cuz I need to buy recipes um maybe I’ll buy the hyper speed grow recipe or did I already buy that if it’s if it’s there I didn’t buy it right can we confirm I want the Blue Grass starter but I still don’t have enough for it so won’t show up okay good I’m just checking that’s fine we’ll start with that one oh I can spend all my extra walnuts oh good get the magic bait recipe too okay so we can go back home and craft those that’ll also help us Auntie tank $50 um for your dad who’s two years cancer free and for your mom who’s two weeks cancer free today auntie tank thank you for sharing that with us that is so special thank you so much for for the update and that huge donation to St Jude um what’s on my character’s head oh I have like a night helmet and um also my character has uh my my horse everybody always panics about this but my horse it’s wearing a a chicken hat so that’s what it is all right all of that is covered I’m going to go back home now you liked the bow oh yeah I know I just unlocked the hat so that’s why I put it on it was new I just got it and we go back home and we go back home okay so next stuff that we have to do um one second I’m message Dan back um we got to put these things away quickly and then I guess we can just sleep I don’t know there we go I think I’ll play a couple more days I should probably get off stream relatively soonish just because I’ve been live so much today so I probably should head out soon but um it’s been a lot of fun what day is it Alex’s birthday he’s fine I need the dwarf and I need Leo that’s it still um but I’ve really enjoyed getting to farm today I needed this it’s been really fun I’ve been having a great time tomorrow we’re going to play Sims we’ll work on our build and then then we’ll shave my dad’s head um will be the plan for tomorrow I’m going to see if my star fruit’s all planted Farm warp totem all right it’s star fruit time chat it is star fruit time we’re going to have to keep all of this I think cuz I’m going to slowly slowly try to process all of this star fruit in kegs um so we’re going to keep that on purpose there’s a moth in your room oh no oh my gosh and we are really close to $328,000 what that is so so wild so so so so so wild I cannot run my head around that um will my mom come too I’m not sure if she’ll be able to I’ll have to ask um my mom does not want me to shave my dad’s head so I don’t know if she’s going to want to participate she doesn’t want me to do it so Ella thank you for the $100 donation um for your auntie uh who beat breast cancer a few years ago but is now starting aggressive chemo for her lung cancer Ella I’m so sorry to hear about what she’s going through thank you for that huge donation we just passed $328,000 that doesn’t even feel feel like a real number oh my goodness it’ll grow back that’s what I’m saying I know exactly that’s what I’ve been trying to say oh my gosh this is so much starf fruit I’m very excited about this how much is the Shaving like razor like no I’ll use the um his I don’t know his like electric one and we’ll shave it I’m not an expert so don’t ask me for specifics we’ll figure it out tomorrow we’re on summer of year three right now um capacitor we’re on summer of year three okay finally we have a backlog of some starf fruit for us to start processing okay around when he’ll join the stream I don’t know yet I have to ask him he’s going to have to get here so I don’t know what time but I’ll let you know once I get it figured out okay star fruit we may have to buy more of these so it’s good that it’s only the morning oh I’m harvesting with the Scythe cuz I have the aridium Scythe unlocked that’s a 1.6 thing I don’t know if you want me to spoil it for you um but it’s it’s a special thing that you can get with the 1.6 and only with the aridium Scythe can you harvest with the Scythe it’s kind of a game Cher you can do a lot with it okay almost done and Tow this part hopefully these don’t get attacked by the Scarecrow anymore cuz I last time when I planted this star fruit it was like the end of my 12-hour stardy Valley Stream I was not thinking straight and I didn’t put a scarecrow down here so I lost two but I have scarecrows now so I think we should be okay I’m planting without the mouse cuz I’m holding click and just walking and it plants wherever my character walks basically that’s how that works okay okay hoping it’s later in the Stream I think it probably will be I feel like that’s probably what’s going to end up happening so little bit more but I’ll have to ask him tonight and then I’ll let you know um Sims for lover with the $150 donation thank you for your incredibly kind words too thank you so much sorry I thought I saw my cat out of the corner of my eye I didn’t thank you for your incredibly kind words and that huge donation okay that’s already yeah now we’ve kind of reached the point of perfection where we’re just trying to grind for the golden clock that’s kind of the whole thing you want to play stardew but you need to clean the house so you’re compromising by watching this and cleaning that’s that’s the spirit that’s a good idea I was I meant to do a little bit of cleaning yesterday but then it took me so long to get all of my letters sent so I’m sending out these letters by the way if you donate $150 I’ll send you this really cute card and four stickers four of my emote stickers um and I was trying to catch up and get all of them finished and sent out yesterday took me this is the third day that I’ve spent all day on it because it’s been two Wednesdays plus all day yesterday until 2: a.m. and the Wednesdays I was doing it until like 10: p.m. but I finally finished them all and I mailed them this morning I brought them um and and dropped them off uh so they are sent now officially um actually that post office the the post box they pick it up at 5:00 p.m. it says so they’ll get mailed soon but they’re in the mailbox ready to go um I brought them to like the mailbox at the store so that they’re all sent and ready so we’re caught up officially we’re caught up officially now which is really good um I am glad because I now we have like a bunch more to keep up with throughout the rest of the month so it’s good to have this many done you know I haven’t sent any of the pulp postcards yet cuz I I wanted to buy them all at once cuz I didn’t want to over buy them um I’m usually okay with over buying like stickers and stuff but I didn’t want to over buy the pull postcards um so I’m going to send those all at once on like June 1st is kind of my idea or well I guess probably like June whenever they come so the the postcards going to take a little bit longer to get there just because I don’t want to over buy them um so I haven’t sent any of those yet there’s less of the postcards um there’s like 200 and maybe almost 300 now of the postcards that people have redeemed okay is there such a thing as over buying something with pulp on it I mean I guess not but I still don’t want to spend too much that we don’t have to on them you know you’re back yeah okay thank you oh no that’s not supposed to go there snap is really speaking your mind right now do you want your cat Canam back on I can do that for you yeah she’s being very chatty today it’s kind of cute okay I was going to put these up like that just because that seems like a good way to have it be nice and even okay well I probably want to have a gate here right like that I think so I think so okay night owl celebrating completing perfection in your first ever stard do save oh congrats night owl on finishing it that’s honestly like quite the accomplishment you should be proud that’s really cool that is really really cool um if I sell these we’ll get 106,000 should I just sell the gold ones to have them now or should I save them to process them I should probably save them to process them I just I want the money now I will probably sell this ancient fruit cuz I have too much star fruit now you sell yours yeah I don’t know always sell your gold star and keep the rest that’s kind of how I usually play mango sticky rice oh my gosh chat that is the last recipe that we needed that is the final recipe we can craft the final one oh we should do that right now okay let me put all these things away real quick I have some stuff to go in there too okay okay okay okay okay and seeds go in there to make the mango sticky rice the final recipe mango coconut and rice I could do that I could do that coconut mango and I’ve Got Rice inside the house okay mango sticky rice Gourmet Chef achievement unlocked yay we did it we cooked everything I’m so glad bad that’s so cool um as far as the other other achievements go um we haven’t crafted every item we have not helped our forest neighbors grow their family and we have not obtained the most powerful weapon I need to go do this I think it was dried cactus fruit and something else I heard and I could be wrong but I heard that you could use like any jelly and any it’s dried cherries and what kind of jelly hold on let me make the dried cherries so dried cherries and then it was the cactus fruit jelly right that it wanted no I’m no cheater I’ll do it for real I can get those but I think you can use anything technically I just want to do it right now I’m wasting fairy dust just because I want to finish it cactus fruit jelly I am not a cheater miss miss you had your first ultrasound for your baby their heart is looking perfect wanted to spread the positivity and celebrate oh my God thank you for sharing that what a special moment when people share good news like this with me it makes me want to sob I just think that’s so special um congratulations that is so cool all right I’m going to help you now little friend I have this for you and this for you which are you going to give me take this mystery boxes oh my God just ridiculous it’s not cheating if the game lets you okay fair enough fair enough did I give them gifts this morning or was that yesterday oh no it wasn’t it was yesterday okay I can give them gifts again today if we really wanted to do I need any of these no if I wanted to plant rare seeds I could but um I don’t understand how she’s not seeing me um I didn’t see your message until just now so have a good birthday just so you know there’s a lot of people here and like I’m playing the game so impossible to see everything and read everything out loud um I wasn’t ignoring you just so you know happy birthday um uh good news train your grandpa had surgery recently and it went great oh I’m really glad to hear that it went well that is such a relief um okay I think that we have like no hay so that’s bad I need to get some starters to put out here for these little guys I should probably make them some cuz they’re eating all the hay in there I can also destroy a little bit of this just for now what happened to the birthday song with the harmonica I haven’t done that in a long time people used to get really upset about um if I didn’t see their message saying that it was their birthday um and then they would tell tell me things like you ruined my birthday I’ve been waiting all year for this and like you you’re ignoring me and you ruined my birthday and um long story short that really really made me anxious so I said you know what let’s stop with the harmonica thing I I know they didn’t mean any harm they were just excited and then like sad when I I didn’t see their message or whatever but I mean there’s a lot of people here so it’s hard to see everything so when they were upset I was like okay if this is turning into a negative thing I probably should stop with the harmonicas alog together um so that’s kind of where where we stopped with them um okay I’m going to put some of these down it was fun but I think that like our stream kind of outgrew it which isn’t a bad thing it happens um it happens but yeah it was just I felt like I was hurting people’s feelings and so I didn’t want to be the case that was not The Vibes that I was going for at all so um we stopped okay I think oh we also had a lot of people lying about it which was kind of funny to be honest but like I would look at their chat history and it was like their birthday in April and then it was their birthday in June and then it was their birthday in August your birthday was four days in a row and I said have birthday every day it’s kind of funny how they do that though it was kind of funny um again it’s harmless but I just felt like it was hurting people’s feelings so I didn’t want that to happen um I did not want that to be the case okay I think I might play one more day chat I think I might play one more day mostly cuz I want to open mystery boxes tomorrow okay I will put this stuff away look how many mystery boxes we have we got eight golden ones um I have a golden coconut so famous last words yeah well I think I mean it for real this time I think I actually mean one more day and then tomorrow after we do that I’m going to check our our Perfection progress too so we’ll open things we’ll check Perfection tracker no I’ll I’ll open things I’ll give a gift and then I’ll check the Perfection tracker um after we’ve done that oo 208,000 um 208,000 okay we’re back at 665 that’s pretty PR good I feel good about that hello to my child I almost didn’t see you there cuz you’re like tucked behind the bookshelf okay we should have a bunch of battery packs lonus got me a gift I’ve got these thank you oh my God I keep trying emphasis on trying to have all of my fences fixed but it’s like as soon as I fix one another one breaks terrible okay the mystery boxes are new they’re one of the things that are new in the 1.6 update they’re pretty cool if you ask me okay and those just get the golden clock real quick and your fences will will be fine oh yeah okay easy let me just real quick grab a golden clock you know no problem no problem um I’m going to take all of this row cuz I want to put it in there okay and then I will sell some extra use basic water deor item as your fences no more repairs yeah that’s smart that is smart I need to like probably start replacing them with hardwood too but I don’t want to waste that much hardwood yet still no that’s the wrong spot uhoh okay and one there one more right there simsy that was a complete fail I had the exact right amount of them though okay so as far as relationships go it’s the dwarf Leo and kobis so I have to just get three more gifts um you’re having torini with an artichoke cream sauce ooh I’m actually getting really hungry I’m kind of jealous hope that you’re you’re talking about all that okay crus you know what I might even sell like half of those who is the other person oh there go yeah I’m going to sell loads of these diamonds cuz I have way more than I need get some extra money get some extra money okay um let’s check on these little guys I don’t really need them and now we can go give out gifts two people um oh that’ll be fun hope dog shampoo um oh no wait a few years ago um you asked for a birthday song and then twitch crashed you assumed that I hadn’t seen it and then you asked me again and then I said I thought I already did one for you and then did it again and you felt that ever since no don’t worry you don’t have to feel bad I’m sorry that that made you feel bad that’s very unfortunate timing huh uh of course that happened of course that happened classic classic timing all right I’ll give this one to my little friend kobus first um here you go I know you love my diamonds are we friends yet still eight hearts that’s okay once we get a birthday we’re set we are set you got a birthday song Once really yeah the good old days I don’t know where little Leo is going to be I don’t even know if he’s going to be at the house or like on this island I don’t know he is right there it’s a good thing I saw him cuz I would not have guessed you would be right there thank you Leo for that final recipe by the way I really appreciate it I really appreciate it okay I’m going to go put this inside of the um the mines and then we’ll go to the island is the next plan didn’t even know he comes here uhoh sorry for the spoiler hope sorry um you can have kids in this game yeah you can after you get married it’s a random chance of your spouse being like hey do you want to have a kid and then it takes two weeks and you can have a child it’s okay you still don’t know how that’s true that’s true all right to the bus stop and then I’m going to go teleport use the teleport thingy what do you mean I am going to I had to get back home first I had to get back so I could actually use it okay to the island so first step I’m coming here cuz I want to get a quest and I also want to check on my perfection tracker cuz we’ve made quite a bit of progress progress today so I want to see what the tracker says so that’s our goal we finished the recipes too now okay ready set it’s still 88% we’ve got everything shipped we have all four obelis we bought two more obelis today great friends 91% farmer level 25 monster Slayer yes all star drops yes cooking recipes 100% crafting recipes 92 so it’s it’s the crafting recipes uh the friendship and the Obelisk the Obelisk is what’s really holding us up we need um not the Obelisk I mean the clock the clock is what’s holding us up give 50 love gifts in one week I just gave out gifts today we could do that one though that’ll be fun I should have checked this first um no we finished the Tomato we got all of it done already we finished getting all the tomatoes um oh really s for lover my brother’s birthday’s around Thanksgiving too I’m sorry about that timing um the clock is 10% the rest is 2% yeah I know the clock will be like the 90 to 100% um so next time we stream we can try to get all those gifts given out which will be like a fun side quest um yeah I think once we finish this save we’ll probably play with the expanded mod again moom I would like to do that um okay your birthday’s on Thanksgiving this year birthday cake and birthday pie oh my gosh that’s going to be fun um I think we should be good though then now that we’ve done all this so we can go back to the house unless we wanted to try and craft I know that I just got two more recipes let me see if I can craft those too just as like one final thing I just got magic bait I haven’t crafted that yet and then what was the other thing that we got I bought two recipes from him today from what’s his face do you remember it was a fertilizer right hypers speed grow I think that’s it now I’ve crafted one of those okay good let’s save our magic bait and I’ll save my hypers speed grow okay okay should we start you know what I should start is maybe getting some more um dehydrators maybe we should try and invest in some more dehydration money that might be good okay queer Fox thank you for the donation also thank you so much one two three four five oops wrong spot 1 two three four five those are poorly placed that’s fine oh my God the mystery boxes I almost forgot that was like my whole goal for today I can still make it I can still make it I can still make it I can still make it it’s fine it’s fine thank you for the reminder that would have been very sad if I forgot did I sleep okay last night no I actually slept for probably like 40 minutes total mallerie um but we’re good it was worth it it was worth it um okay nice Mystery Box I in fact did not sleep at all but again it was for charity Lobster bis cool coffee coffee mix seeds no I only have one Auto pet I’m hoping that I’m going to get an auto pet from from the these because we have eight of the golden mystery boxes and I would really like it if we could get an auto pet um but it’s you know luck of the draw so I got another one of the books that’s fun all right quality sprinkler summer squash life Elixir mystery hat Treasure Chest mystery shirt quality fertilizer and lucky lunch I mean they’re all good things but it’s not really what I was hoping for um CER Fox for your grandmother and your aunt I’m so sorry for your loss thank you for that donation to St Jude um thank you so much and I think on that note we’ve got everything opened I’m probably going to end the stream here so thank you for um hanging out with me today chat it’s been a lot of fun I really enjoyed it I needed this today um I’m probably going to go make dinner literally right now and then probably go to bed I’m so tired I won’t go to bed this early maybe around like 8 sun sets I’m in bed that’s my plan and then tomorrow um tomorrow we’ll play this Sims again we’ll shave my dad’s head lots of fun stuff going on I posted the full stream schedule in my Discord server if you want to see it um I always posted in there LS thank you for the $25 to S you too um thank you all seriously thank you so much for hanging out with me you know I love to farm I needed this today it’s been a lot of fun um I will take any excuse there is to farm in this game and I really like doing this I’m just getting my last little things put away oh wait that’s right I was get do um cranberries on this just get a little bit of extra money why not why not Hercules from Iceland uh love watching you on YouTube with my newborn baby boy oh thank you for sharing that that is so so so sweet thank you for sharing that with me um and and send love to him for me the baby that’s so sweet with your newborn we’re going to do the shell tours on Thursday we were supposed to do them tomorrow but then we had to shave my dad’s head um and and my dad can only do it tomorrow so we had to switch around the schedule just a little bit um but that’s okay all right Chad I think we’re good you’re still live I’m not anymore Brew I’m leaving look at the baby hello all right good progress It’s been a lot of fun um I shall see you all tomorrow for our games thank you for hanging out and I’m going to go see who all is live I was actually thinking about um raing shella today um because shella I know is playing stardy Valley and she’s also raising money uh for St Jude so this could be a really good time for us to do that I might go start the raid and we can go watch some more farming yeah um thank you so much for everybody for hanging out um I also owe shella a donation to her campaign because I promised that I would pay her for the emotes that she Drew in a donation so I got to do that that’s part of my inspiration for going over there today but thanks again for hanging out with me I will see you tomorrow everybody um thank you for being so kind it’s been so much fun today I really enjoy streaming and I will see you later okay bye

We’ve got 88% perfection now!

I’m live every night at 4pm EST! Don’t miss my next stream! https://www.twitch.tv/lilsimsie

I post daily Sims content on my main YouTube channel! https://www.youtube.com/lilsimsie

Our fundraiser! https://tiltify.com/@lilsimsie/simsie-play-live-2024

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– Origin ID: lilsimsie

Business Inquiries: teamlilsimsie@unitedtalent.com


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