I Spent 30 Days On a Deserted Island In Stardew Valley.

to my dearest Haley it’s been 15 days since I was banished to this Barren Island 15 days of fighting surviving the island has this cruel Beauty to it the Golden Sands bring back memories of your suntouch blonde hair caressing your cheek on a warm summer’s day when the sunlet waves lap against my feet I dream to see the fleak of white in your gentle eyes once again truly my new prison is beautiful and in some other life I know you would love it here to my surprise the island wasn’t deserted I’ve made friends with of a boy who speaks with parrots an archaeologist and a mad old lady yet without you I am alone for the past 2 weeks I’ve been scrounging up these golden walnuts you find them everywhere on the island in trees in a volcano I even played music with some rocks to get them though recently my supply has run dry I’ve also built a shelter for myself a small farm similar to that back home but empty the voices on my head tell me you’ve moved on to another man that’s simpleton Alex but I refuse to give into these diabolical thoughts for if I give up the hope to hold you on my arms once again then I may as well be dead signed Your Love Nino Kito ladies and gentlemen welcome back to Ginger Island part two my heart may be broken but my soul is strong we have a lot to do today uh there is a lot going on didn’t you remember where we were up to of this I believe our overall goal was to unlock this area which means we have 11 walnuts left we need to figure out how to get to the 11 walnuts because like I said in my letter we’re running dry I’ve gone through all the areas that I know there are walnuts apart from the melons I think the other thing we go do you guys remember that dwarf Trader I think we should go to the dwarf Trader to see what they actually have because I don’t remember what they were stocking I remember the battery packs but I kind of realized we weren’t actually looking over anything else they had so I wanted to see what the dwarf was holding away from me also I want to make progress on this guy today because I think I know new ways to get things like I think we can get one more bone fragment from the bones here and we can go like fishing for some more oh wait there’s a chest here what all right dwarf man what have you got see I was more focused with these copper axe copper watering can which we need to we need to upgrade the watering can that’s what I wanted furnace this is our main object objective to get actually how much Stone do we have out here if we can just grabb a furnace straight off the bat that would be crazy 24 okay we one off let’s just uh uh uh uh uh we just need one stone we just need one stone we just need one stone leave me alone okay we got the one stone uh uh uh uh leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone do we need to pay for it too wait it’s 3,000 we only have 3,600 gold but I guess you don’t really need money when on a deserted island right maybe survival is more important than just gold at this point so let’s buy that wait what requires 25 stone wait you lying to me wait hang on cuz this says 25 stone but then down here it says requires 25 stone and 20 copper ores I need to get 20 copper ores how do I get 20 copper ores how is inflation hit me on Ginger Island I also think it said we can get one copper ore for six SATs so I guess that’s also an easy way to get things hey we got this one yet have we got this Walnut how have we missed this Walnut next thing you know there’s going to be taxes that’s how I ended up here just not paying the taxes we have 13 okay so we need to go cut down some trees so we can sell some sap right coconuts coconuts I can get these for Haley hold on to those for my love if we have 13 copper ores that means we need seven copper ores and every six saplings equals one piece of copper which means 7 * 6 we need 42 pieces of set wait golden coconut wait wait wait we need that of of of the ginger we need those cuz we can I swear we can break those open later oh there we go there’s 42 sap okay perfect so now tomorrow we can go where did I get this Lantern did I just pick this up from a tree oh that’s kind of cool actually it’s a little bit creepy wait let’s put this in somewhere better let’s put this like on our deck yeah there we go that’s creepy that’s pretty do we have enough time to go back up to the dwarf to trade these in you know what let’s do it what’s the issue if we pass out am I right what we have to sleep in the sand oh no it’s not like I’m not doing that already hello listen dudes I need a furnace what do you mean oh wait I didn’t trade the sap in for the copper oil yet now we could get the furnace perfect now we have no money but at least we have a furnace which means we can start upgrading all our tools cuz God I think the first things we should upgrade pickaxe or watering can what’s like the first things we upgrade to get through the volcanoes cuz the water and can means we can go further yeah I think the peck we have no copper whatsoever incredible which means we have to go back to the mines another lonely night without the love of my life did I wait did I water my crops I did oh my God I was scared there for a second once we get this melon we’ll be able to get the frog in and he’ll be able to tell us be like wow look at that pink juicy thing and I’ll be like thanks I grew up myself remember to heart not to harvest the melon chap you better [ __ ] scream at we when that melon is good hey we can sell this these are always good early game things to uh grab whenever I’m back or whenever I was at pelicant town I would always grab these on the ocean because they would make for quick early game selling I’m sure the muscles do too actually so we could grab these while we’re here nice okay so we got 26 muscles from that that sells for 780 bucks [ __ ] $780 profit I’m on that grind set on Ginger Island dude we got a bit of we got a little bit of luck today let’s head to the mines let’s try and get some copper I forgot the watering can so we have survival fish which is a new item that this mod added that I completely forgot about which is really good for energy and health and it only costs I believe one fish and one wood so we’re going to have to make a lot of these but first let’s get ow ow ow ow ow ow okay bad start okay bad start bad start bad start Bad start we might need a lot of survival fish that was a bad nice golden W up baby we’re only seven away is that copper oh my God oh my God we’re bowling I’m not scared of you I have fish okay let ow what the I didn’t think you could jump that far what the hell dude oh there it is do you think we can run past them no we better not because they and they’ll come after us here come here come here come here come on come on come on oh no you y that’s not who I was talking to Okay uh maybe don’t call them over to you uh if you don’t want three of them oh nice okay 600 p.m. we made it to level two oh a mushroom wait he of mushrooms what does this mean I can’t pick those up okay okay those are bad mushrooms they’re bad mushrooms oh this is where Walnut is right this is joural scrap number four so we’ll just be in between the trees by uh uh by the crazy old lady who lives by the water and I know sometimes you can get walnuts from these no no no no no hey do I have to click those buttons over there I’m just here for the copper I’m just here for the copper hey what’s that is that iron all that stress for 14 pieces of copper try grab more magma caps what do these do oh wow these are real wait wait these are really good for food well that was incredibly stressful beginning to stream oh my god oh oh okay okay how about a fishing day tomorrow level three combat Roots platter don’t know what that does for us but let’s see how much money we made 1,200 oh we’re one day off tomorrow you’re eating good the rhubarb is ready to harvest what does rhubarb do for us sells for 220 so if we just there it is oh wait what did we get a quality bobber boast the quality of fish that you catch dude this would have been so good except I can’t put it on my bamboo pole hey is there one here that I missed there was Oh wait we’re actually getting so close to tomorrow we will be able to unlock the resort because 100% tomorrow we’ll be getting some golden walnuts from the Frog for this big juicy ripe melon a rusty spoon this doesn’t help me in any way possible I think we’re making some good progresses with the fishing here chat now we got a Big Tuna we got some lion fishes that are all like gold wait what is this fish what is this fish oh bro it bounc let’s sell all this fish all these fishies and the snake skull cuz we already have one of these we we can keep the uh joa Cola cuz it would be a good little boost when we’re in the mines I don’t know if we need this rusty spoon but what we do need is another chest watermelon is like I actually go feral for watermelon like the the time that I’m at my most vulnerable is when a fresh piece of watermelon has been placed in front of me I’m just for the next like 10 minutes as I just the Devour the entire thing I imagine heroin addicts chase the high of a fresh cold watermelon on a hot summer’s day all right let’s go to sleep and tomorrow we can show off our freshly juicy melons to the Frog We Can Craft crab pots now that’s really good that might be really useful and we made an extra 2,200 bucks it’s actually really easy to get money on Ginger Island look we are cooking $4,000 and the melons ready to harvest Mr Frogman come look at my big juicy melons you must grow for me that sweet delight which is both pink and juicy I mean Haley’s back at town but I can show you this melon I have look at this bad boy bro yeah always don’t like the way his Sprite looks yes this is this is it oh bring me back to the old days sunny days when things were sweeter oh oh I could just take a oh I could just take a big dry bite but I won’t thank you for not eating my melons cor yes I’m very pleased here this is for you yes we have the resort which means we can go to the Pirate Cove which is exactly what what we want here I have these T [Applause] walnuts look at them working away like the Amish and there it is this doesn’t mean Haley will come to the island will she she can my wife can come to the island now but but I look awful I don’t look like how she will remember me my hair is all overgrown my muscles are just bulging and glistening and sweat and I’m wearing this tiny little skirt how is she ever going to love me where’s a dig spot someone said there was a dig spot did I miss one oh we got the fossilized ribs dude that’s actually perfect we needed that to complete a part of the archaeologist Mission have that perfect so now we just need I don’t know what these are is there a way we can get to the Pirate Cove is it this way along the right oh wait this is the starfish area I thought there was a mermaid here it’s on rainy days aha now I know we have to fish in this pool and this will give us like a golden Walnut I believe next we have to figure out what we’re on walking oh perfect that was really quick and one is here nice all right let’s go on the Pirate Cove it’s empty it’s quiet a letter from a past traveler who could it be I guess we’ll never know cuz we can’t click on it wasn’t there one around am I stupid I thought there was one around here oh this one right yes you guys couldn’t see me get it but there was a dig spot down there what’s our next bet on what we can unlock I’m like I didn’t think this far ahead we actually got here quicker than I thought we would wait this is a big waight no okay okay okay let’s go let’s go back I want to wait for the uh Pirates to arrive but they play they come in every even day after 8:00 oh there’s a bubbles down here amazing so if it’s 8:00 every day that the Pirates come into the Cove then we need to meet some Pirates because they might have a little something something for us I believe I read on The Mod page that the Pirates can offer you more like there’s more more things to do with the Pirates in this mod then there is base game which I’m pretty excited about let’s get this melon right now we can just yay now what do I do with this there’s something I thought about that I didn’t do in the last stream and I completely forgot about it this is possibly the most important thing I need to do in this stream wait how do I wait I thought you could fish okay so apparently my fishing level isn’t high enough I’ve heard rumors Through the Grapevine that if we fish in here we might be able to get another fossil now have pushed by matchbooks well there you go that’s the gra Vine was correct the grapes weren’t Whispering uh falsities to me a fossilized tail this tail has a club likee feature at the tip oh we’re getting one of those cool dinosaurs that used to beat people boom look at that wait what is this another Journal scrap what is going on why is our luck so good this way day 23 the local volcano holds many Secrets I’ve seen little men with glowing eyes skittering about in the dark like cats and in the night could these be the fabled dwarf men mentioned by m Jasper strange machines too uncanny not like anything known to man at the top I found a passage how did you get to the top do you know how much I’ve tried to get through those 10 levels I found a passage to the Caldera of the volcano and half submerged into the bubbling lava peculiar machine a kind of Forge I’ll investigate further tomorrow he definitely died after this skill issue okay yeah maybe he was just a goat gamer I haven’t even made it past level three I need to keep upgrading like all of our tools so we actually have a chance which I guess means get more copper but I wasn’t sure a snake vertebrae oh my God why are we getting so many fossils we need one more copper bar so that we’ll be able to upgrade our pickaxe which will be very helpful then when we upgrade the pickaxe we can go further in the mines get more copper bar and then get our watering can sorted so to do that we need to get more sap and the sap okay God this is so much math so if we need one more copper bar we need five copper ore which means we need 5 * 6 which which means we need 35 35 or 30 sap and another coconut dude when Haley eventually comes to the resort she’s going to be eating good she’s going to be knowing that I’ve been thinking about her this entire time nice okay so we’ll have enough sap tomorrow to trade for copper so we can actually upgrade our pickaxe will we have to wait 3 days for our tools to be upgraded cuz that would be really inconvenient if it could just be like straight away if the dwarf can work faster than lazy or Clint could I would really appreciate it another day another sleigh another Ginger Island get a also getting wild seeds would be great do we have any wild seeds no we don’t wild seeds is how you get wheat I’m pretty sure which will be the next thing that the froggy man wants oh dick spot Omni geode uh we kind of need that uh wait I’ll be I’ll be back Mr Omni geode please don’t despawn I’m going to go hand this uh snake vertebrae to the weird old man all right Bros here’s your snake vertebrae oh I need two of those okay all right Bros you got any fiber for me yo I got a mummified frog what the why am I fighting so many fossils ew I hate this e it’s so ugly looking it’s kind of C in a creepy way I would definitely keep a mummified frog on my shelf somewhere I love random creepy [ __ ] like this but oh God e it’s not it’s not even mummified it’s just bones ribbit ribbit I can’t hold it lost mummified frog now I already sold it with this donation we’ve got another full set piece complete it’s actually the first one we have complete I’ve got a little something waiting for you behind the counter when you’re ready for it listen I don’t I don’t I don’t trust old guys since the last time they told me to look about look look for the little surprise behind the counter a golden Walnut amazing oh a scrap Journal this is also good cuz this should be scrap Journal number six which is that dig spot that I tried to get in the first episode that I completely forgot that I completely forgot you needed this journal scrap for yes it is so now we can unlock that and we got another mummified frog you know what this one I’m just going to keep for myself like a little pet I’m going to name him too we’re going to call him Jerry you’re coming with us on an adventure buddy mix seeds no there wasn’t you’re lying how did you spot that all right well we can put this right here and hope this is something like a wheat it’s a pineapple okay hi Leo do I need to talk to you more I’m sad today okay no I don’t need to talk to you more TR dump he just said I’m sad he like do not need a trauma dump on me dude like come on chill trying to have a good time here hey we at the dwarf go it’s his day off it’s a Saturday we get days off and Sunday in this country all right well I guess we can just go get that other golden Walnut then I think it was in this area there we go wait a pearl oh [ __ ] oh that sells for heaps wait what can we I I think we just need to sell this right there’s no point keeping this for anything dude I’m finding more riches on Ginger Island than did at back home maybe birdie secretly like really rich I want to get an ostrich Co cuz I think that would be really fun I mean what I definitely want is more seeds because this is a pitiful Farm dude I do not know how we’re surviving this but this mod does add an ostrich cou so you can get ostriches earlier on but I don’t know how to get it so now we’re just waiting till 8:00 so we can go to the Pirates Cove and then see what they have for us cuz it’s an even day today and so I’m hoping at the Pirate Cove someone is able to break open the geod that’s like what I’m praying for also a backpack upgrade would I would cry and piss and [ __ ] my pants for a backpack upgrade right now dudes all right let’s head over to the Pirate Cove wait can I just like oh yeah oh yeah this is the life dude you know what I don’t need to go back to the Pelican Town dude this is it I just have Haley next to me I’d be sorted whoa dude oh you mes oh you woring tumbling there boys you mind if I you mind if I join in for a little bit of a wrestle oh no no that’s just me a little would have a wrestle in a smooch with my boys hello sir me we play a game of darts he’s in a stuper all right no need to insult me like that pirates you’re so real for that holy [ __ ] these guys are just just all bisexual Pirates like look at this guy hi who are you are you new I don’t remember you being here excuse me matey do you sell any wees for me treasure trips treasure eyet seeing the Seven Seas do you think he knows I’m not a pirate pist geod [ __ ] wait we’re actually in the clear here before we get ahead of ourselves what do you have in your shop the dwarf excuse me are you the are you the new dwarf I guess this guy’s replaced the dwarf and with my Ruby I can get iridium ore process my geod please we have two magma geod two golden coconuts and five regular geodes and it only cost me 25 that’s completely useless that’s not completely useless you don’t have enough room in your inventory [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] what do I do chat what do I do I should have built a chest here okay here’s what we’re going to do we’re going to play DTS you’ve got 20 dots to score exactly 301 points I actually love dots in real life this is probably harder than real darts we got to get the triple 20 20 okay okay triple 20 b oh [ __ ] okay all right we’re getting close triple 20 that’s it that’s the one boom there’s that 60 we just go another triple 20 there it is what yeah triple all right all right three da baby triple 20 come on boom there it is 180 we want to get a one nice double 20 double 20 okay we need to end it on a double 20 dude eight daughter an eight da oh well sink me boy that’s some good throwing I’m I think he’s coming on to me here’s a little something for you nice and we get a golden Walnut we need to process the geod so we need to go back and like leave some things before we come back I want a full night out at the Pirate Cove okay even if we pass out process these geodes nice before we continue I’m going to put this here and I’m going to put everything we collect from it in here coal we coal is good more coal is good all right let’s do the magma geod next I don’t even know what these are we can’t use these for anything these suck this is a lemon Stone I can’t eat that that put a sour taste in my mouth all right golden coconuts that’s what I like to see boys give me another golden Walnut come on a mahogany seed is that good I don’t know I don’t know how I should feel about that okay let’s go back to hey who are you you’re really pink shop thank you God there a was a weapon shop wait so what’s the blade we have now a level four sword and we can get we can get a golden sword level eight okay so right now we could get the copper sword but that’s actually worse than the sword we have now I’m pretty sure so I don’t know why you would get that what’s the iron sword level six or the gold sword I just kind of what do we do I just want the gold sword dude we already have golden ingots I want the gold sword then what does this guy down here sell um yo dot dot dot not convincing her sorry to tell you the truth I I don’t really want to be a pirate I’d rather grow Palms unfortunately there’s no money in the Palm business that’s that’s it okay that was a nice little backstory but um nice to hear but I’m going to go play darts before I pass out hit exactly 301 points within 15 dots and I’ll be impressed M okay starting it off bad that’s not good all right bad one to start bad one to start it’s all right get your eye in nice 60 that’s good that’s a boom that’s right in the middle nice 176 that’s perfect boom there it is okay 116 okay this is awful this is awful that’s a one all right 115 I think with 115 you could go triple 19 or triple 18 and get closer but I’m just going to do triple 20 because it’s all I know okay I’m not I’m not throwing this dude I’m not throwing this dude I’m not throwing this boom boom okay we’re back on track I just literally just need to get five now we need a double 15 double 15 is so hard but I hit it anyway 10 darts I feel like I could do better than 10 darts another golden Walnut we’re almost at 10 now which means we can unlock something else it’s good to see you again let’s see if you can s 301 with 10 DTS I mean I just did it but I don’t know if I could do it again it’s right a 20 is fine a 20 is fine a 20 is not fine oh no oh I’m ruining it there we go there we go there it is need like three more of those there’s one 6 double 15 right no wait 36 double 18 nine da for double 18 let’s go nine da baby how many walnuts can I get from this guy let’s go three so that’s that’s all the walnuts for him oh my God that was exhilarating chat that was oh I don’t think there’s anything else we need to do here so this guy is going to be our new salesman oh no I didn’t bring the I didn’t bring the sap so we have to go back and get the sap to get the copper do you think we can make it okay you know what I’m running back we’re going to make it I’m taking this I’m leaving all this here we’re going to run back if we pass out on the Pirate Cove we pass out in the Pirate Cove I just need the copper what I need one two okay just five now we have enough for a copper pickaxe but I’m just not going to be able to do it today if we’re going to pass out anywhere I might as well be looking over the beach look how much money we made so we know that there’s weapons we can get the dwarf has disappeared and been replaced by a pirate which is kind of annoying cuz it means he appears every second day now and not every day which is a little bit more challenging but that also Al means that when we’re at the Pirate Cove if we get a lot of money we can just buy the weapons like I think that gold weapon that gold sword is our is our end goal get that gold sword and we’ll be sorted in the mines ah it’s a rainy day today [ __ ] wait what does a rainy day do to us does that help us with anything mermaid Quest the thing is is we don’t have any flute boxes I believe the one we’re missing is I think it’s South no it’s the one on the farm while we’re on this side we’ll go to the pirate will pick up that uh copper I haven’t seen a beautiful woman in 21 days I haven’t seen a gorgeous woman in 21 days dude but you’re not Haley and you never will be also I don’t have flute boxes so I can’t get her to sing to me oh hello Mr J oh God it’s looking at me it’s scary give me give me give me let’s go dude oh my God the progress we’ve been making this episode has been crazy she’s literally a bad [ __ ] with blue hair what more could you possibly want I want a bad [ __ ] with BL blonde here and blue eyes that’s what I want and Freckle is that glisten with the shine of the sunlight reaching down over her rosy cheeks and says gross when I speak to her that’s what I want wait I went the wrong way I went the wrong way here it is finally after 21 days we’ve finally appeased the statue five dude where we are Bing I don’t even know what to do of five what can we possibly unlock further is the trader the last thing no the mailbox I get both yeah sure five walnuts deliver mail let’s do it and then I’ll go get the trader after there it is misile hats Okie pokei okay okay I just I they just got okay okay this is going to be a long list of may we haven’t checked yep thanks Pier thanks for that yeah joa the axe thanks Robin egg Festival great amazing no one’s helping me with anything you know they’re all sending me this mail but no one’s sending me anything helpful on this island yeah great jod no no help you know I’ll take the yeah thanks Mom I’ll take the cookies Nino you never showed up at the boat so went looking for you found you spra out in the dirt with a couple of parrots pulling gold out your pockets had to drag you all the way down to the boat me legs feel like too freshwater shrimp you know what the town’s abandoned me Louis has banished me to this island but at least I know Willie is a true friend man we’re unlocking the traitor hi little guy what’s up what do you have for me that might be new nothing really huh we’re hang on a second golden coconuts wait I have 10 coconuts but those were meant to be for Haley what if she arrives and I don’t have coconuts for her but but I could get golden coconuts and those could get me all walnuts I’m choosing between my wife and the grind we have 23 I’m sorry my love I have to do it for my survival excuse me Mr little creature man two golden coconuts please crazy how you hate her stop stop she still gets three coconuts you know the average person doesn’t need 23 coconuts okay just this just in Nino would trade his wife for money okay how much we talking I love my Golden Princess but I love the golden my back pocket even more no I think we needed five golden ores for the golden sword and like a stupid amount of money like $10,000 and to get golden ore you actually kind of find it reasonably easy in the caves so that’s not going to be too hard to find let’s get some more money and also make some more skewers for when we go back into the caves God I love fishing is there like ays place you can fish Pirates Cove for stingrays okay that could be kind of good yeah we could go there I’m kind of concerned we W be able to catch stingrays because our fishing levels only level three I believe so they might be quite hard oh oh God is that a stingray okay they might be kind of hard Chad do we think we were able to get these stingrays a flounder amazing chat I think we might be Out Of Reach of the sting rays yeah that kind of sums it up ww chat chat don’t w w me I’m trying my hardest here by bro we’ve been here for 3 hours and all we’ve caught is joas I hate fishing I’m taking this chest with me all right let’s fish here instead I guess it makes sense CU it’s like the second no what is the what the is this what if that was worse that was that was worse that was worse than the Stingrays have you tried locking in have you tried shut up I’m going back to the farm no how is it raining again I don’t need rain I actually need the Pirates should we just go fishing again I just have have all these fish what am I doing with these truthfully what am I doing with all these all right okay we’re going up to the volcano today to get some more gold you guys ever woken up after falling out of bed skill issue not everything I do is a skill issue sometimes I’m just a bit stupid no gold oh but iron though iron’s good oh Journal scrap forging table topaz defense Emerald speed Jade critical power aquamarine Critical Strike chance amethyst knockback Ruby damage Prismatic Shard enchantment note weapons can be forged up three times of gems and it can also be enchanted once with the Prismatic Shard remember ladies It’s always important to ask your man to read out loud cuz I really struggled through that for some reason 18 I mean eight wait can I make cherry bombs why have I not been making cherry bombs also there’s a ridium down there no go away please this is above my pay grade dude please please I’m so locked in right now chat I really hope it doesn’t where did you come from why a mo spawn come on there we go how was there I think I went I stop was there so many of you we’re out off one piece oh my God uh what do we get rid of let’s eat the rhubarb actually let’s just no not the magma cap rhub no not the magma cap rubab you can’t eat you can’t eat the rhubarb I like how all that struggle we got one piece of gold you actually kind of find it reasonably easy in the caves wait is this it chat can we make it to level four for the first time I need this golden sword so desperately I can’t keep going like this this thing the button we did it now run just give me gold this is all I need oh god I didn’t even think about the fact that I have to Gold no how is there three of them just tank it and then run back there’s so many there are so many run run we ain’t getting any further than that boys is that a mummified bat we actually kind of really need that the rubab oh it is a mummified bat it hasn’t been a complete disaster the mummified bat sweet so now we should get yeah yeah I know I yeah a golden warut for that nice just a singular golden Walnut but we will take it any golden Walnut is good please don’t rain tomorrow I really need it to not rain tomorrow foraging a charcoal kill hey that could be really useful [Music] actually okay um it’s finez cuz it’s the 23rd anyway so the Pirates wouldn’t even Rock up even if we wanted them to we need 12 more pieces of gold and the dwarf isn’t going to be there Dan know tomorrow we’re all going to be dancing together for the flower dance if you can find a partner you might even want to participate in the dance yourself you know every year I would stand by the fence next to Alex and he’d make inappropriate jokes about my wife and I’d look across stare down and I’d see the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on dancing in a flowy white dress knowing that she will be the flower princess Lois took that from me and I’m I’m going to kill him for it for the archaeology stuff we got the mummified frog we got the mummified bat we got the ribs we now just need is it a spine and tail and a fossilized skull and I believe the skull we get from the golden coconuts if I remember correctly which we need the pirates for so I need to go fishing pretty much one of them you can only get from panning how do I get a pan I’m locking in I’m locking in I’m locking in I locked in blue discus 2 in this is huge what is this okay so we have four gold bars which means I think we need one more and then I think we will be able to get the gold sword no then we need money so back to the caves we go yay oh aridium dude straight off the bat oh wow we got a really [ __ ] day for the mines the internet is so dystopian and that’s so true and if you agree with that guys please make sure to just subscribe with your um Amazon Prime it really helps the channel out oh golden Walnut nice and amethyst and some gold perfect wa wa level four still no gold though huh no I need one more gold hello who are you five walnuts I’ve only got three wait what do you sell diamond Hunter cherry bombs super meals pink ball why that’ be so cute oh no these ones are harder gold gold lots of gold I’m tanking this chat I’m tanking this so hard I’m getting these three pieces and we’re out we’re leaving we’re going home exit shortcut oh why did I get that stupid mailbox for Lewis to just taunt me when I could have had a shortcut we’re passing out we got there in the end though that’s what matters and if it’s not raining today the Pirates Cove will be [Music] open what the [ __ ] we can’t do anything until it’s not raining at least we got another melon okay today uh let’s make some cash money cuz we need $10,500 to get the new sword so how do we do that fishing baby we’re doing another fishing day gy bird oh yeah there’ll be another gym bird around here too which will be really useful sorry I’m shy today oh my God first you’re sad now you’re shy one hidden in the west where am I missing out west the flower dance has begun in the forest Lis bit count his days let’s go see if we can find where this like final dig spot is there’s a dig spot there what is this oh Omni geode we’re getting close to getting enough Omni geod to fix the boat is there one here is there one in between is this cuz it’s two starfish is this going to be a four but I can’t get this can I because my pickaxe isn’t strong enough no oh my God that’s really annoying okay that’s our last one to get though your speed your speed seed is just massively unlucky to be fair we’ve been very lucky about everything else we got all the muscle walnuts in one go never mind we got most of the muscle walnuts in one go so I think we’ve been pretty lucky with the rest of the seed okay okay we’re getting some nice fishies here we can sell these for a lot I begging tomorrow won’t be a rain day let me do the math here we’ve got $ 7,464 we need $10,500 so 7464 + 900 + 200 + 450 +25 + 150 means we will be $1,300 short where we get $1,300 what can I sell not Jerry I can’t sell Jerry feet picks you guys wish we’re going to eat this River jelly and we’re going to go fishing some more so when I’m in America there’s a lot of fast food I want to try cuz I feel like American fast food’s going to hit like insanely different Raising Cane specifically God that chicken looks ass as but I want to devour one of those pieces of toast like crazy bro 1,300 1,100 750 or something like that 500 we’re still short do I need bone fragments they’re so easy to get right I’m [ __ ] doing it I’m doing it I can get these so easily they’re really easy to get and I just got like 700 bucks for that oh the [ __ ] Pirates aren’t even in tomorrow okay please just be a good day please we got LEL four fishing praise for no rain prae oh my God where did all that money come from and I was out here wondering where I’d get an extra 700 from all the [Music] muscles there will be rain tomorrow what is happening what is actually happening I can’t I need the Pirates God has flooded sh Island do we just sleep the next 2 days oh yeah some of the terror rots already these are really good because apparently you can trade these with the trader for decent stuff a warp totem or oh it was a tropical TV oh to have 6 days of straight rain on Ginger island is a 0.019% chance well what if it’s seven farming level two that’s actually quite good we can use sprinklers [Music] now is LS just like on yoba’s side or something that’s great it’s nice now we got 8 days of rain in a row and now it’s sunny but it’s not aing even day so we can’t even do anything with this I need to go back to sleep God we can finally go I think it was 2,000 to upgrade the copper pickaxe and 10,500 for the gold sword so are we going to be just short should have sold before sleep you know back s before you sh hey is anyone else arrived here yet hello I built this whole Resort and no one’s going to come visit me should we actually just keep fishing until it gets 8:00 there’s not much else we can do until we get the Pirate Cove Fanboy fishing forever and then it’ll be the end of spring how much does this need this machine could be repaired with five battery packs bubbles five battery packs with eight Omni geodes costing One battery pack which means we need 40 Omni geodes we’re at 23 so we’re actually like halfway there to getting off this island and Louis’s with our maybe bleed that in the edit a I don’t know if I can actually say that on YouTube I think once we get the new upgrades we’ll call it it’ll be our last day it would have been officially 1 month stranded on This Island 1 month of Haley and Louis hooking up uh can you not speak about my wife like that let’s go make some upgrades chat first thing we’re going to do we’re going to crack open these gold coconuts amazing that’s so useful tarot tubers wait do I need this I do need this right do I need this I don’t I can’t tell if I can’t remember if I needed this one the gold sword is B than the copper pickaxe right like this is much more needed we need this definitely so now we’re just short I believe that’s so annoying oh my god oh I thought I could sell the copper bars and get enough back wait can I sell things to you then if you are buying this a copper bar will you buy other things if we can get the copper pickaxe tonight then we’re like pretty sorted so how much better is the gold sword 45 to 60 damage one crit chance and the one we have now is 15 to 25 oh my God that’s so much better you do take Cinder shards and it’s instant thank you God we’re [ __ ] winning okay to end this off I’m going to go test the new weapon at the volcano to see just how good this is I forgot the watering can ww don’t do that to me now we’ve been through the wws today let’s see how this works come here let me see how you go oh still not amazing but it’s like five hits which is better than what we were before God it’s so much better 3 4 5 6 it’s six for those ones and it’s going to do us much better in the next episode so if you enjoyed this episode please subscribe because this is an ongoing series like comment let me know what I can do better in the next episode thank you so much for watching God bless Ginger Island and Louis I’m coming for you [Music] you

This is the SECOND episode in a Stardew Valley series where I am trapped on Ginger Island and it’s my goal to escape back to Pelican Town, all in the name of VENGENACE.

Episode One:

I Film Everything on Twitch! ❤︎

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Edit by: ahvahh



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