I Solved All of Minecraft’s Problems

Minecraft mod creators have been creating custom features for Minecraft with one simple goal. Solve problems or perhaps create new ones. But why do this? Because Minecraft is uh… illogical. I’ve already made a few videos on some of the things in Minecraft that just don’t make any sense. But I’ve never really solved those problems. So today I asked you on my community tab for features in Minecraft you wish would be fixed and through the power of the Minecraft modding community I found solutions to a bunch of them. Like for example this comment from MagloresMallows. The Pillager Outpost is asymmetrical. Let’s see… Um… Hmm… Mm-hmm… Mmm… You’re right. It is asymmetrical. This block is missing. That’s all right. I’ve got just the thing. You’d probably expect me to find a mod that you know fixes this up nicely and just makes everything symmetrical again, but uh… That’s not how I work. Why stop there? We need to take this further really show Minecraft who’s boss. I think the ultimate solution for this problem is just to entirely remove Pillager Outpost from the game. Yup, this is a mod called No More Pillager Outposts and no matter how hard you try you just won’t find one. I placed this one here. So if I use the slash locate command, it doesn’t see any of them in the world because they don’t exist. Now you don’t have to worry about the asymmetry of the structure because the structure just doesn’t exist. Oh, don’t worry about that warden back there. Uh, we’ll get around to that. And now you see my approach for this video. I’m not going to remove every feature with the problem, of course, But like I said in the intro some mods create new problems. So with that being said let’s get right into it. By the way, all of these mods or datapacks featured in this video will be linked in the description if you want to fix your own worlds. Go download them, support the original mod creators. They’re great. They do cool things or crazy things. Who knows? I support both of them. The fact that wardens are too easy to kill, make them flyable or something. I told you we’d get to the wardens. You remember that phrase "strength in numbers"? Yeah, uh, so why don’t we replace all of the hostile mobs with uh wardens? I’m sure that’ll be great. That’ll up the difficulty for the warden, right? That’ll up the difficulty. I uh, I might have turned down the hostile creature sounds because it gets uh, It gets a little bit crazy. And when we’re underground where there’s mobs that spawn, uh, yeah, you hear the heartbeats? Oh, yeah. You can hear them all over the place. What the heck? Okay, so there’s one over there and there’s one right there. There’s another one way over there that just killed something. What? There’s a lot of them. Let’s set it to nighttime. Now we can watch as the overworld slowly gets taken over by wardens. Yep, there’s one out in the middle of nowhere. Oh, yeah, there’s another one. Here they come. They’re slowly, they’re slowly spawning in. Yeah, creepers. They’re all wardens now. Uh, zombies, all wardens now. Yep, skeletons. Yep, all wardens still a warden. Wardens? Still, still wardens. I don’t know what I expected on that one. Oh, hey buddy. How’s it going? Hey, hey, hey. Let’s just say that I’m a poor wandering survival player here in the plains because I’m looking for a village or some structures or something. Don’t worry about that extra bar above my hunger. We’ll get to that later. And you’re wandering around and you see this. Uh, this? This is scary. Oh jeez. Yep, you immediately get the blindness effect. Oh boy. Oh, hey man. Hey buddy. Okay, okay. I’m just looking for a village man. I don’t know what to tell you. I’m just out here looking. Okay. Okay, okay. Oh jeez. Oh jeez. The sounds. Oh the sounds. Need to get away from all of the wardens. Oh see, there’s a cliff. I could have just jumped right off a cliff if I wasn’t careful. This is so, this is just absurd. This is just regular Minecraft now. Oh jeez. Oh, hey guys. Hey, we can talk about The thirst bar. Heck yeah, more difficulty. I told you we’d talk about it. People always say that, you know, Minecraft is too easy. You can get to the ender dragon way too easily, way too quickly. There’s no challenge. Well, the combination of all those wardens plus the uh, the thirst meter here on the bottom are probably a good way to change the difficulty. And I actually don’t know how to do this. Do I just, do I use a glass bottle or something? Oh, that’s a glass pane. Nope, that, hold on. Glass bottle. If I drink this, yeah, that does that. What happens if I get too thirsty? The thirst bar will slowly tick down as you’re running around doing things. Kind of just going about your day, you know, just being a normal person, just walking around. And if you’re in a desert like this or a warm biome in general, it’ll take down even faster. So make sure you carry a water bottle around. Although I’m not going to use it because I actually want to test this thing. I have a pretty good feeling of what’s going to happen. Water. Can I drink your crops? Please, please. I’m thirsty. Water. I need water. Please, please. Whoa. The north star. Water. Anyone. Water. I’m dying in a thirst, man. I’m dying of thirst. This is terrible, guys. Please, please get me water. Please, man. I’m dying of thirst here. I’m dying. You! Iron golem. Do you have water for me? What? I’m holding a water bottle? What do I do with the water bottle, sir? All right, he’s not very helpful. There not being an option to subscribe in the main menu. Man, this is so annoying. Yeah, man, that is annoying. That sure is a sad thing that they don’t have that feature. Check it out. No way. Look, they did it, guys. They put it in. It’s right there. See? And if I click on it. Wow. Look, it’s the it’s the it’s my channel. You guys should subscribe to my to my. Wait, hold on. Subscribe to the chan–. This is the right channel. Anyway, that that wasn’t actually there, but you should still subscribe. You should do it. Please, please do it. Thank you, editor, for doing your best. I just want you to put the most janky, like really like poorly done, like overlay of a subscribe button. It’s my fault. I blame myself. But it’s funny when you can’t stack unstackable items. Ah, yes. The classic story of just one diamond pickaxe in your hand ever. That’s all you can have is one. But today that all changes. I need to set the thing. 64 diamond pickaxes. Oh, yeah. Yeah. You can just do 64 of anything here. Yep. That’s right. Yep. 64 64 64 feel limited by the ender pearl cap. Not anymore. 64 under pearls want to carry more suspicious stew. 64 suspicious stew. Feel like you want to stack those totems of undying. Sure. Now I’ll never die. Oh, geez, that came out of nowhere. It’s fine. I’ve got a stack of totems. There’s nothing you can do underground warden. Stack of totems to the rescue. Yeah, this literally There’s literally nothing this guy can do. This is a great idea. I’m going to summon a few zombies, you know, just just regular old zombies. Just gonna take take this, you know, no big deal. Yeah, there’s nothing you guys can do. Yeah, I’m immortal now. There’s nothing. There’s no problems here. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I’m just getting launched out into the ocean. Don’t mind me. Oh my gosh. Look at them swimming. Coming over this way. Don’t don’t worry about it, guys. Oh, my gosh. I’m just digging. Haha. Oh, geez. I’m fine. Stack of totems, man. Stack of totems. Oh, geez. There’s nothing. I can’t see. I can’t. All right. Enough of that chaos. I got one more thing with stacking things. You know how usually you can only stack one armor trim on a single piece of armor? Well, today I found another mod that changes that. This is stacked armor trims and I’m just going to grab a few of every trim here. Cool. Very nice. Just going to grab some ingredients here and just a single set of netherite I think I’m about to make the most decked out set of netherite you’ve ever seen with this. You can stack up to 100 armor trims on one piece of armor. Obviously, that’s completely ridiculous, but it’d be awesome. This is the ultimate flex. Look at this. And we’ll do rib and netherite on the very top. Nice. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. This is the ultimate armor set. This is ridiculous looking. Oh, yeah. Look at that. Ever wanted to tie dye your Minecraft armor? Here’s your solution. We figured it out. It’s actually this is kind of legit. Like, you know, this is kind of cool. I play with this, you know, stack armor trims. You could probably do some crazy combinations that don’t look like just pure chaos. But obviously, I’m here for the chaos. So we had to do some pure chaos. This is great. Stacked, super stacked. I think I solved this problem. I think we’ve completely flipped around the unstackable items thing in multiple ways. Yeah. Now try and defeat me. Hole of wardens. Now what’ll you do? Nothing. You that the Fletching Table works. You mean doesn’t work. The Fletching Table not working has been a thing for ages. And I feel like we got to fix it now. So I found a mod that did. This is called Additions Z. And it is a great mod with actually cool features. To be honest, I don’t even know how you would craft potion arrows, like tipped arrows. Yeah, I have no idea. But this, this starts to make sense. Take a look at this. It starts with just the regular recipe for arrows. And you get six arrows from that, which is different from this because you only get four arrows from this. So that already gives the Fletching Table a use. But now if you take a potion and you slot that into that slot, and then make some air, I did that wrong. Make some arrows. Arrow of invisibility. Heck yeah. And now you’ve got all the tipped arrows you could possibly want. I really shouldn’t have made wardens invisible. That is such a bad idea. But it works. It’s cool. It gives some functionality. This mod also adds some other cool features like that little guy that we saw earlier. The North Star, I think. Yep, this is North. Yeah, that’s cool. And it’s even cooler because as the night progresses, it just gets higher in the sky. It goes around. As you can see, it’s like starting to just slowly rotate around. There it is. It’s still, it’s like full daylight, but there it’s still there. There’s also an enchantment called block piercing, which does exactly what you might expect. You can go right through blocks. So if I just shoot through these trees here, it goes through a bunch of blocks. Where’d the arrow even go? Oh, it’s all the way over here. That’s kind of cool. But if you shoot it into the ground, oh, it’s, oh, it’s fine. So it’s really like if the block has something on the other side, then it stops. But if it doesn’t, it goes right through. That’s actually super cool. You can also now enchant spy glasses with something called the eagle eyed, which I don’t actually know entirely what this does. I think it helps with finding ores in caves. So let’s say if I’m in this cave and I’m like looking around, seeing what I can see. Oh, look at that. There’s some ore. That’s cool. It like glows a little bit with particles there. Oh, that’s neat. I think it only does it with like specific ores though. So like redstone, it doesn’t do it. Oh, oh, oh, oh, I didn’t even know that iron was there. But now, now I know there’s also a bunch of other ones that you can go check out. So go download the mod with the description. It’s really cool. It’s a neat little, neat little combo of a bunch of cool quality of life features. It just happened to also include fletching table functionality. So we fixed the problem. We fixed it. It’s cool. There’s more things. It’s great. I’m going to stop doing this so I don’t get sick. I wish they would fix the non-existence of fireflies, but BudderyShloofy if that is your real name, fire already does fly. *booooooo* I just lit the forest on fire. I’m just kidding. I’m going to put this out before everything burns down. There is a mod that I do already know of that does add fireflies back exactly the way that I think Mojang should have. We just have to go to a swamp for it. Here we are. A beautiful mangrove swamp. It’s gorgeous. It’s amazing. And it’s exactly where the fireflies should have been, but they’re not. But if I set the time to midnight, you’ll start to see that they’ll appear there. There’s one right there. There it goes. Look at it flying around. Look at him go. Look at him go. This is effective by Doctor4t, and this is an incredible mod. If you haven’t already seen this, it does a bunch of really nice things. Visually, this looks so much better. This looks so good. And you can even adjust the density of them. I think I might have turned this up a little bit. Oh, oh yeah. Oh no, I definitely turned up this density a little bit. I’m going to get myself night vision. As you can see, these little fireflies float around in places like mangrove swamps. I think they do also float around in other random biomes, but like you can see here in the desert, they are not around because that makes sense. They wouldn’t be in a desert, but the mangrove swamp, they definitely are. I wonder if they’re in the jungle. Oh yeah. Oh, that’s cool. Yep. They’re totally in the jungle. That’s cool. Look at him. Look at these little, just a little pixel just floating around doing his thing. Oh, he’s gone. RIP But this mod also does a couple other really cool things like this. Look at this. Look at it. Look at it go. Bloop. Oh, and me too. Oh yeah. Little splash. This is the little trailer splash effect that showed up in one of the Minecraft trailers and then was recreated for this mod. And it looks really good. Like, look at that. It’s just a little like a little sploosh and it changes based on the velocity of the mob. So if I summon a mob really high up, it’s really cool. It’s a nice little effect. Hence the name effective. This also overhauls fireballs and dragon fireball, which I can’t punch. Sad. And it’s also the reason the screen shakes whenever these guys roar. That’s really cool. Neat little screen shake effect. Uh, Rip Cow. Okay. Well, my favorite feature of this entire mod though is this golden allays and allay trails. Look at all these guys. If I just give all these guys little blocks. They’ll follow me around. Come here. Yes. Come with me. My little allay friends. Look at them go. Look at them go. Wow. They’re beautiful. It’s glorious. They’re amazing. I love these. This is so cool. Super cool mod. Definitely worth checking out. Uh, I, I highly recommend it. Also Doctor4t’s cool. So go subscribe to him! Vertical slabs. Yeah. Yeah, that’d be nice. This, this is great. You can’t, you can’t put this on there. Yeah, but the slabs themselves, we love slabs. It’s a great little building mechanism. They’re even in Minecraft builds. That’s crazy, but they don’t go up. They don’t, they don’t turn. They don’t, they just, they’re always flat. This has been something that people have wanted for years. The ability to place a slab this way to be able to make even cooler things. Look at this. Like what’s not to love about this? You know, like what isn’t there to love? Look at that. Look at it. Look at this. This is also really fun because you can do things like this offset blocks. Oh, that’s weird. You were already able to do this with, uh, this like vertically, but you’ve never been able to do it like this horizontally. And this could look really cool for like a wall, you know, like do this for like a, you know, a wall around a castle or like just general diagonals. This would be sick. This is just genuinely cool. There’s no catch to this one. I just genuinely want this in the game. This mod specifically is called enchanted vertical slabs. And it’s not because there’s enchantments. It’s because the guy that made it has enchanted in his name and just look at them all. Look at all these slabs. I think for every vanilla slab, there’s a counterpart here. This is great, dude. Now we just need slabs to be able to stack on top of each other. You know, so good. It’s so good. So good. It’s such a simple change, but it would be so nice, dude. Someday, someday we’ll get them. I might’ve placed a few too many over here, but never enough, never enough, never enough. Banners becoming wonky when you put them on the shields. All right. Let me just put a little, uh, little banner together here. Man the loom has functionality, but the fletching table doesn’t. That’s weird. All right. A little thing there. Then put, there we go. That’s a nice banner. Yeah. All right. This is our banner. This is the banner of choice. Looks pretty good like this, but the moment we put it on a shield, boom. Oh, it just gets, gets a little, just gets a little compressed. Look at, look at this comparison. It’s a little bit janky compared to the original, but there’s actually just a resource pack that can fix this entirely. This is a resource pack called HD shield banner patterns, which is actually a selectable option on vanilla tweaks, their website. And as you can see, it’s right back to what it’s supposed to be. Look at this. It looks so much better, but just like everything else, why stop at just that. Banners are great, but they, you know, they could be like flags, right? You can use them as flags, right? That would be great. That’d be cool if you could turn them horizontal, huh? Wouldn’t that be really cool? Wouldn’t that be so cool? It works. Using banners as flags makes a ton of sense. Like, look at that. This is so nice. This looks great. You could make so many flags with this. That would be so nice, but instead we’re limited to just this sad, but why also just stop at flags? I’ve got another cool feature. If we just put down a bed and put this down at the base of it, you could change the covers. And now you’ve got custom bed sheets that you get to make yourself. You customize whatever you want. That’s pretty cool. I like this. This is such a cool feature. These combinations make banners so much better, so little that you can do with banner. You’ve got all these extra things where you can put them and use them. This just makes them so much better. This fixes everything. There’s no problems with it. I love it. I love it so much. This might be better than vertical slaps. No, no vertical slaps are still better. Make minecarts faster, please. Also, love your content. Thanks, penguin15. I love my content too. Also, I appreciate that. Thank you. All right, I need to make a railway. Alright, we’ve got our railway. It stretches off into that wall. So let’s start with a regular old minecart, right? This is the standard speed for a minecart. This mod doesn’t touch that standard speed like that. It’s already pretty fine. This way, it also doesn’t break any farms. Kind of nice. Same with a hopper minecart. Pretty much the same speed. Same speed as normal. TNT minecart, still kind of the same speed. All right. Yeah. But the, uh, the moment you get any sort of mob involved, come back here. The moment you get any sort of mob involved, though, bye. Yeah, that’s quick. That’s, uh, that’s way faster, including me. Yeah, this is fast. This is considerably faster. This is actually like a viable transportation method now. Oh, oh, oh, did it hit the TNT minecart? Oh, rip pig. Just gonna, oh, oh, warden, warden, better warden. Watch out. Oh, he’s good. He’s fine. Oh, he’s going in the tunnel. He’s going in the tunnel. Oh, I’m going to have a collision. Uh-oh. Anyways, moral of the story. Minecarts are faster now. It’s pretty cool, but there was also one other thing that I think, uh, we need to think about. Launching your minecart from the standstill. This is usually something you have to build a contraption for. I’m– but I’m also going to, I’m going to be launched by this, these minecarts. I’m just going to be launched. All right, bye. Usually you got to have something starting the minecarts or, you know, there’s a little contraption at the end of the railway. What if you could just use fireworks? You know, elytra can do it. Why can’t you do it with these? That makes a lot of sense. This is a mod called Rocket Minecart and it makes a lot of sense and it even works on non-powered rails. Like it’s just brilliant. That’s so smart. Check this out. You could start it like this, you know, slowly ramp up speed, but instead just go full speed right away with a firework rocket. This makes a lot of sense. This is great. Once again, this is actually a good feature and I think we need it. Anyways, that’s my th- oh, there should be Emerald Amethyst and Copper Armor. It just doesn’t make sense that there isn’t any. I mean, to be fair, uh, Emerald Copper Amethyst. No, I’m kidding. You’re right. I think that’s true. And sure, there’s a lot of mods out there that could add armor, right? There’s, you know, you could get new armors. You could actually legitimately add in stuff, but like, why not just wear everything? Like ancient debris. Don’t want to cook up your netherite. Sure, that’s fine. Just wear the ancient debris, right? Yeah, that makes sense. Here’s your Emerald Armor. Just- That’s awesome. I look so bushy. Can you see me? This is the ultimate mod for hide and seek. You’ll never know. I am a fern. This makes sense, right? It makes sense. Yeah. Why not be able to just pick up a block and then immediately put it on? You could do that in real life, right? Copper. I can also be a spaceman. Okay, this is actually kind of sick. I’m actually kind of loving this right now. Like this is kind of meant to be a joke, but it’s also just kind of sick. Also, there’s a few items that have like Easter eggs built into them. I don’t know if you know this, but if you put an end rod on your head, you become a unicorn. That’s a Minecraft feature. There’s no way to actually do that without commands or anything, but it’s great. It’s hilarious. I love it. Super Knarfy. That’s actually, that’s actually awesome. Emerald. Uh, yeah, this is from the Sims. Hey, that’s an anvil. I’ve got Elvis hair now. Yes. Incredible. Yes. Good feature, I must say. Indeed. He slapped me. They slapped me and it stayed. It just, it’s still there. There’s nothing I can do. I’m stuck in a cage. Anyways, that’s a cool feature. I love it. I’m a fan. I definitely think this should be in the game too. I think you should be able to just wear everything. Also, I am sand. Thanks for watching. Download the mods with the links in the descriptions. I’ll see you next time. What happens if I like activate myself, you know? Like what, what, what happened? Don’t tell anyone, but I like you the most out of every single viewer. All of them. You’re the best – Subtitle Knarfy <3

Today I asked you for your problems with Minecraft and found solutions to each of them. Maybe they’re not what YOU would have chosen, but hey! They solved it right?… right?…

Mods Used in this Video:
► https://modrinth.com/mod/additionz
► https://modrinth.com/mod/all-stackable
► https://modrinth.com/mod/banner-bedsheets
► https://modrinth.com/mod/banner-flags
► https://modrinth.com/mod/darcenos-minecarts
► https://modrinth.com/mod/effective
► https://modrinth.com/mod/enchanted-vertical-slabs
► https://modrinth.com/mod/firework-minecart-mod
► https://modrinth.com/mod/no-more-pillager-outposts
► https://modrinth.com/mod/simple-hydration
► https://modrinth.com/mod/stacked-armor-trims
► https://modrinth.com/mod/wardens-challenge
► https://modrinth.com/mod/wearthat
► https://vanillatweaks.net/picker/resource-packs/

Edited by Eddie
Finalized by Knarfy

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#knarfy #minecraft #solutions


  1. Me: drinking coffee and scrolling through YouTube recommended
    Knarfy: Might I interest you in a “fixing Minecraft” in these trying times?

  2. Hi knarfy, I really love your vids and i just stared making mc youtube vids and am trying to find someone to collab with, if not that's fine, I know that because this is our job you don't play it for fun a lot.

  3. The irony of the thirst bar is you can take it even further by mimicking real life. Oceans–and some lakes/seas–are all saltwater, which will NOT help your thirst at all and make you even more thirsty. If you wanted, you could have it so water from all oceans (in Minecraft) will actually DRAIN the thirst bar, so the only way to actually satiate thirst is through small water pools and rivers.

    Also I think there's an irl way to have salt water be drinkable but why bother when you can just drink from little water pools and rivers in Minecraft? 10/10

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