I Connected My Entire World in Minecraft Hardcore

if you’ve been watching my hardcore series you know that I’ve built a ton of crazy things it looks good and awe but the only problem is that nothing is connected it’s a mess and a few of you guys don’t like that okay maybe a lot of you including myself ow my brain so today we’re going to fix this and organize everything by building paths Bridges boat docks the longest mine cart in the world different traveling methods and decorations everywhere to clean up my entire world and I’ll tell you right now my world looks unrecognized ible after doing this but let’s first start by building a path from my base all the way to my Mansion so I managed to build a little pathway from my base all the way over here I even built a little like overhang so I can look into this mountain and this Cliff with a a stranded sheep but yeah now it overlooked the factory district and it looks pretty insane but now the problem is I need to bring this path all the way down this jonga Cliff down so it reaches in front of my helicopter and right into my Mansion so my vacation home and my functional home is completely connected even though I can just take this helicopter like right there and back but you know what just leave me alone but now let’s start working on this giant staircase down this [Music] Cliff there we go that is the giant staircase it looks so weird seeing a path in my world it already makes everything feel so much better now imagine like my entire world connected like over here just imagine this giant Bridge from my main World connecting over to my factory district on my left side that would already look pretty cool and if you fly over to this side it’s even Messier I have like giant statues here A bunch of random builds here and like machines there some floating farms in the ocean and we’ve even expanded this way with a giant nether portal in the ocean and even Builds on this island so yeah having a bridge and a boatway thingy and just Pathways and everything connecting this entire world together will look so cool okay now now with the circle done around the mansion and connecting it all the way to my base up here let’s uh let’s start working on a few little things that makes everything just feel better you know so like little support beams that come from the top connecting to the bottom so it looks like it’s being held up by at least like something you know like this nice we got some little support beams to hold up this giant staircase and now let’s work on the little details like fixing up this overhang right here cuz I’m probably never going to touch this again so might as well do it right there we go it looks so much more natural now the only thing I have to do now is add some decoration some benches some lamps all around this path like I showed you a little bit of my world over in this area but if you fly over here there’s a squid farm that doesn’t even work I have this giant zoo with a bunch of animals in it and it seems like a lot of them are still alive but if you keep flying you find even more things and I’m sure you hardcore fans know what’s over here we got one of my most popular videos and that is the transform ocean into the Overworld and right beside it the nether there’s a squid Farm over there off in the distance there’s a survival island over there and over here there’s like a slime farm and a mangrove jungle Village off in the distance there’s there’s a lot going on but let’s go back to the basics and start decorating the simple walkway path let’s grab everything I need and let’s just start building some bushes some Stones leaves lamps and whatever will make this path look nice and soon we’re going to upgrade and go up levels from the simple walkway path to a boat dock to a minecart Raceway giant Bridges and even elevators and who knows what I’ll come up with next and there we go look at it isn’t this insane this entire path is decorated now with some Stones a ton of tall flowers and grass I got some hay bales around some lamps some chairs I even finished decorating the mansion and it’s just beautiful look at this I should have done this from the start it looks so cool but now I’m going to expand this path all the way to connect to all of my factories and I just realized it probably wasn’t a good idea to build my my vacation mansion inside the factory district like my view from my balcony is just a bunch of factories which looks good but it’s also factories but enough yapping let’s connect this path to every single Factory inside the factory district let’s start grinding okay why did I do that I I’m so weird okay you guys probably think I make weird noises and just mowing in my videos but I literally do it in real life like I’d be in public and I just do it sitting down or something my friends say they can’t take me anywhere I’m a brand risk I swear okay and this is what I got so far I connected the paths to two factories and even built a baby Dock and a baby shark bridge but don’t worry this is going to be the real Bridges and boat docks I’m going to be building it’s going to get insane like I’m going to be recreating the Golden Gate Bridge or something anyways I got over here and I was going to connect this path to this side of the factories and I realized how disgusting this area is like the Sheep Factory just floating on this layer of grass you could literally walk underneath it I definitely need to fix this up before I build a path to it elytra is kind of ruined the game now you can just fly anywhere you want but it kind of brings back the culture of Minecraft you know so I’m pretty excited but before we move on to the next level let’s finish these simple walkable paths and there goes about 3 hours of my life terraforming the grass and now for the paths okay this is what I got so far and it looks pretty nice I really like how oh I got a text S I really like how this now there’s a floating Vine what is going on oh my God I’m famous toly not my mom but uh I really like how this path just hugs this coastline but I still need to decorate all of this there’s so much to decorate if you think this is a lot look at this I half my world is still untouched and a complete mess let’s stop yapping and continue building cuz this this is going to be a pain but it’s going to be so worth it in the end but I have a surprise since this world is so big and there’s so much to connect and build I’m going to call in a bunch of my YouTube friends to help me out throughout the video and I’m sure you’re going to recognize a lot of them so stay tuned for the most ultimate collab ever in my hardcore world [Music] so do you guys remember what the world looked like at the beginning of the video well this is what it looks like now it’s it’s pretty awesome there’s a path connecting to everything in my factory district I’m probably never ever going to use it like when will you ever see me walking up this staircase for some reason it’s looking a little more bland what oh oh I’m stupid I forgot to add leaves and H hey hail Bales hillbilly Bales the hillbilly stuff these things oh no that’s why it looks so boring okay let’s add a few piles around since uh since we’re here but I’ve already spent a total of like 5 to 6 hours on just this part of the factory district it’s insane okay wo wo wo I I I did not mean to make that shape but it’s staying I guess I just got I got a trigger finger for it oh my God I actually got a trigger okay I got to see a doctor or something but there we go that is all my leaves gone I’m poor I literally have nothing left I used up everything I own the only thing I want to do is connect this part of the path all the way down to that side of the factory so like I don’t need to run all the way around is that worth it to build it would take me a lot of time and I am kind of lazy we got another Bridge connecting the main part of my base to this side of the factory district but you might remember earlier in the video I said I’ll bu build a giant Bridge connecting this side of the island to the other side but I changed my mind because this Lake just isn’t big enough I want to build a gous like Golden Gate Bridge that spans an ocean and this is just a little teeny weeny you know like it won’t be that nice so that would be later on in the video it’s going to be massive but all of this alone already took me about 7 hours to build and uh we still have this entire section of the world to connect and everything here is way more widespread they’re just so much further apart you wanted my world to be connected so thank you guys for all of the pain okay I got the pathway to wrap around my base right here and right here there’s another huge drop off and uh yeah um there’s a giant hole right here that I haven’t filled but we’ll we’ll forget about that for now let’s uh build the staircase down and connect it to the main floor of the world and worry about that giant gaping hole uh later and here’s our nice little curved bridge that leads us onto the main floor of the island why do I keep saying Island the the world I do need to add some support beams though so let’s bring it down right here so the bridge is not just floating in the air we got to make this look a little more realistic and I wanted to keep this little Auto Fisher that I built I don’t even know when if you guys know when I built this in what episode let me know but yeah I want I want to keep this Relic anyways let’s put another one right here and now this pathway will spider web all the way into my first ever home and across my entire world connecting to all these machines these build the statues which made me realize I don’t think I can do this on my own I think I’m going to call in some help and you guys might recognize this guy he also makes pretty good hardcore videos not as good as mine but it’s it’s it’s it’s decent welcome sp737 to the world what’s up man hey well I’m glad to be here thanks for having me so you’re the second person to ever be inside of my world does that make you feel special oh yeah it’s such an honor shut up I don’t care follow me I have a special activity for you to do here are some grass blocks it’s a really fun game trust me what uh okay all right come down here and what I need you to do is help slay for me we got to fill this entire hole in wait wait wait wait I I didn’t sign up for this enough yapping man let’s go I didn’t sign up for this come on oh fine well I guess I may hour I might as well do [Music] it so so what happens next you going to are you going to pay me all right there we go thanks SP for the help that was definitely a lot faster than if I did it alone but I I had to kick him off the server don’t worry I can still revive him but anyways I’m sure you guys are bored of watching me build the same old pathway around my world cuz it’s literally the same thing and I need to do that for probably another 10 hours luckily it’s pretty easy to get these materials cuz it’s just wood and some Stone and I do have these pretty insane automatic Stone generators and Cobblestone generators and a massive wood factory right here so I’m not short on materials I’m just short on Manpower and Sanity so who knows maybe the next YouTuber I bring on will be a god builder for now though let’s continue slaving [Music] [Music] away okay okay with all of these other paths that makes us about 60% the way there and yeah I built paths for every little thing like the little furnace thingy that I won’t ever use again the beacon that is probably Dusty now not even blue anymore the shrine that has Nester dead inside of the ground if you guys remember Nester um yeah he’s he’s been buried for a while and the wall of shrine I think it’s called I don’t even remember that I built this but we got our first nether brick here and our dragon egg but it did take me like an hour to do all of this and it’s brain numbing and and there’s all of this more to do so let’s bring on another friend who should I pick who is it going to be out of these three YouTubers it’s going to be oh oh oh oh oh it’s Preston all right let’s bring him onto the world hopefully he’s a good Builder yo Preston welcome to my world so I might need a little bit of help today um are you are you okay with that yeah yeah do I get paid or like no no there isn’t any payment but I’ll give you like a smooch on the forehead if that’s if that’s cool all right fine oh yeah my man okay so basically all I got to do is help me build these paths around my world and just connect everything up do you think you can do it dude of course I can what do you mean I’ve been literally playing this game for a decade I can literally do anything yeah that is true you have been playing Minecraft for a very long time all right let’s get grinding let’s build a path everywhere around my world connecting everything together that was about 2 hours thank you so much Preston you’re a lifesaver man yeah anytime bro you need help with anything else I mean if you’re offering I do need to decorate it oh that was a little rude but anyways it’s looking pretty good it’s it’s a little Bland it’s just a pathway and it splits off in so many different ways cuz I have things everywhere so randomly placed viewing area for the wall of leaves that I haven’t ever touched in over a year don’t worry I have a plan to bring this back I will come later though I don’t know when maybe a stream but anyways yeah this path connects to everything on my Island why do I keep saying Island my world and I even built a little walkway into my uh my dungeon of villagers inside the cave but yeah building all this with Preston made it a lot faster he actually is a god of Minecraft but we’re only 75% done the rest of the 25% will be all decoration so uh let’s get on that another 2 to 3 hours probably yeah I love my leaves [Music] baby this is so much work I don’t want to do this [Music] and that is level one complete the walkable paths my world already looks pretty unrecognizable there’s paths guys this is crazy and there’s a bunch of cool decorations that I added that took me a very long time I kind of try to customize it a little bit I added some little bushes on some thingies we got some little hay bale carts and just a bunch of decorations everywhere and I love it but you might be thinking there’s still so much in my world that isn’t connected like my sniffer and Warden all of these Farms the very far away structures and that is where the other levels of Transportation comes in where I’m going to build boat docks Minecart Pathways Bridges and even an elevator so let’s start on level two which is going to be a boat do right on this edge of this Coast right here or this cliff and it’ll lead us to everything over on this side of my world which are a bunch of farms my oh and There Goes My Wings looks like we’re swimming my nether portal my separate Island over there with my dirt mansion and I think there’s an ocean safe house over there so let’s build an extra path Here and Now now I need to build a staircase or some type of path that leads down it’s a it’s a pretty steep Cliff so let’s see what I can come up with that was a that was a genius zombie all right now all I got to do is build a giant uh a boat Port thing whatever is called that holds all the boats and the Yachts cuz I’m going to have plenty of Yachts cuz you know me I’m your uh your local billionaire playboy throw lamp throw pist or whatever they call themselves that are super rich this boat dock is probably not going to be that massive though cuz like a Minecraft boat is puny I just hyped myself up as a Playboy billionaire for no reason kind of like this and I built a little pier right here and that will have a little Watchtower or some boat dock reception area I don’t I don’t know whatever fancy yacht clubs have there we go we got a little ocean Hut right here I don’t know what it does but it’s like the sea port you know that has one chest and a few barrels now let’s just add a little lamps on this uh this dock here so let’s grab my fences and walls Bam Bam Bam let’s put a slap here two trap doors on the edges and then put some lanterns like that oh yeah that looks good now let’s just build that around the port to give us some nice fancy lighting let’s do that and there we go and we’re going to use this to travel our entire world but I kind of want to build like a little boat storage area right here I don’t really know I’m going to do it but I’m going to try so let’s make this two block wide like this let’s put one right here could I could I even okay how do I shove it in oh I I could just push it now let’s put a trap door here and put another boat up here if that’s possible oh yeah let’s park it in and now all I got to do is put a little overhang like that let’s give it a nice little backdrop with some barrels and if I look at it from here oh yeah that’s pretty nice let’s also build one right here just in case I need some more boats there we go looks nice and the last thing I want to add is a nice little boat right here which will be my boat I’ll be driving all of these are the peasant boats and who’s the better person to call to build this than the man himself that is the of the ocean you guys all know him he survived 100 days in an ocean only world and that is hul GG yeah the clab is back it’s been about 3 years yo what’s up baby I missed you how have you been I’ve been pretty good just you know cookie how you been I’m I’m sorry I thought I thought that was the vibe I was reading uh yeah that’s awkward anyways I need help building a uh a boat down here and you are the king of the ocean like you survived 100 days in the ocean right yeah yeah I kind of did two series on the ocean I’m pretty uh impressive yeah you’re basically Poseidon but do you think you could to build a boat right here here’s some materials first of all it’s not posidon it’s Paul sidon and I got you baby we can build this thing all right sweet let’s see what you can come up with oh that that’s actually pretty good thanks bro anytime man if you uh ever want to come over here and collab you know yeah yeah of course okay uh anyways there we go there’s my boat dog you guys don’t hear anything but now with this boat dog I can travel the world and go to all of my other Destin what the yo what are you guys doing that was a spare boat these these villagers just yed and hopped right in you’re you’re being cut off oh my God what okay you know what you you guys enjoy that boat it will never set sail all right but my next goal is to build a bunch of buoys and some signs that would direct me to all the other places I want to go like the nether portal my world here my ocean safe house over there and there’s like an End Portal over there there’s a lot in the world so let’s go ahead and grab some materials to build the buoy all right all right so this is everything I got and let’s build some buoys I love the word buoy okay let’s come over here and the first place we’re going to direct ourselves to is um I guess well the Farms like it’s it’s pretty you we can all see the Farms but I’m going to build a sign anyways for all of these farms for navigation all right there we go we got little signs everywhere just indicating what the farm is let’s fly over here and build our first ever buoy come on guys just say buoy with me buoy buoy like who came up with that word buoy buoy buoy there’s our first buoy if you guys don’t know what a buoy is it’s literally just like a floating thing in the ocean like I I literally had to search up floating device in Ocean for boats to build this anyways now let’s uh let’s build a little platform so I can stand on let’s put a sign can I put a sign here or here or here okay I can’t place a sign anywhere let’s just uh extend this out I guess the wait I can’t even place it on that oh my God it looks like we just got to do this and this sign points right to the the portal and we’ll build another sign right here for all the smallest machines that I built oh yeah let’s put another sign right here that will direct me to the cookie Island I don’t really remember what I called it let me know in the comments but it’s the one over there let’s build another buoy there we go and let’s keep building a bunch of these until we get to the [Music] island all right and now if you take a boat all the way across here and you follow all these booies and signs and takes you to the cookie Island obviously I’m not going to boat it cuz I’m kind of lazy and we have wings that ruin the game but yeah the signs bring me to the cookie Island and it looks really nice it’s just a nice little gradual thing in the ocean that gives me a little bit of direction but there’s still a lot of ocean I need to navigate so let’s continue building signs and buoys leading to my nether portal what the heck is going on with me right now this is not even swimming this is back stroke side swim diving what what I invented something [Music] new wait a second I I just realized I was building the boobies to the end portal frame that I have that’s super far away and I realized that I don’t think there’s a way for me to get there like this ocean ends right here into the jungle so I’m not sure if these oceans even connect which is kind of perfect cuz it leads us on to level three which is the mine cart connections I want to build some giant roller coasters and Minecart Raceway thingies that would just lead us to other parts of my world that is on land so let’s put everything away now cuz I don’t really need any of this materials anymore and we got to focus on Rails do I have a do I have any iron please bro okay um that is definitely not a lot let’s check my iron farm I feel like it’s kind of broken I don’t think it’s been making me a lot of iron let’s see oh wait it’s actually still working oh my God never mind I’m beinging chilling that’s awesome wait where am I going I I literally need the iron give me all them IRS oh yeah and let’s craft up a butt ton of rails oh yeah I feel like that would be enough to travel half of my world now we need gold for the powered rails that’s that’s probably not enough let’s go to the Nether and check out my gold Farm oh wait what am I talking about I literally have a gold Factory let’s go into here and the factory district looks so cool I love it let’s fly into here and I should have a ton of gold ingots or nuggets or or please please please please okay I have some in there um and oh okay I have a little bit which will make me a total of this much gold I don’t know how many stacks that is but it should be plenty and let’s craft some powered rails so I obviously don’t want to just build like rails on the grass like this it looks so boring and animals can just walk across it and I could like run them over to death which I don’t want that so I’m actually going to make it fancy and build an actual path so I’ll put some wood like this and probably some Stone just like the regular pass that I have here but instead of a walking one it’ll be for mine cart so run just like this I think it’ll look so much better and imagine this like floating above mountains and hills and everything that would travel around my world that would be so cool so uh let’s just start the train right here just in the smack middle of nowhere where my factory district is okay let’s uh let’s build this and oh wait I want to connect to my end portal first all the way over there because I couldn’t do that with the boat so let’s just build this right here here let’s put a little stop and this is where it will start this is going to be a long journey all the way to the end portal but it’s going to be so worth it we’re going to go through so many different biomes and it’s going to go so far but eventually we’re going to get there and there we go we are here that was so painful that took me four to 5 hours look at this that is insane my brain is numb it’s you guys don’t understand how painful this was to do I should have brought on a friend or a YouTuber or something look how far this goes let’s give this a try and ride it this might be this might not even work it might not even get up the hill but let’s just ride it put in fast forward and uh we along with the journey actually I want it to be daytime give me a second where’s my where did my bed go oh I lost my bed all right let’s go for a long ride all the way up this hill across a ton of different biomes looking over the entire Minecraft world and finally reaching the end portal oh that was like a 3 minute 40c ride that’s a long mine cart holy cow that was painful to build when every single time I’ll would just end up flying here but you guys asked for it that is level three done it was a very Scenic ride going through all of those biomes but honestly I’m not going to lie I cannot like physically and mentally build the other rails to the rest of my world not not today at least in another video I definitely will um but there’s still a ton of stuff over here that I need to build to like the pet farms and the ocean over there but yeah in another episode I’m going to build a train station right here in the factory district which is actually a perfect theme cuz everything is Brick themed and I’ll build a bunch of Railways and like a little hub for mine carts and trains to go around the world but today today I’m done that’s enough rails oh next up let’s move on to level four which is finally going to which is finally going to be the gongas bridge and that’s going to connect this place over this big lake into the statue area so spent some time looking on the internet for bridges in Minecraft for inspiration and Real Life Bridges and I landed on this or a combination of these so let’s head over to my Mangrove biome and collect a ton of Mangrove wood and also some bamboo to turn into bamboo blocks that will match the same Vibe as my sniffer sanctuary and now with all these items let’s start on this bridge but I could use a little bit of help and I know just the person for this this person not only inspired me to build in Minecraft but he also inspired me to become a YouTuber you guys might not know who it is but let me build a box right here cover it up and hello hello is that you oh my god welcome to my world corales so so dark and scary in there thank you for inviting me okay I know you’re a God at building I’ve watched you build since I was like 14 years old and all I need is some help building a bridge oh come on now stop it that’s it yes yes this bridge is going to look so good with you here but yeah you can lead the way and I’ll just build right behind you but are you really sure about this I mean this is your world I I don’t want to take over or anything no no yeah you’re you’re the God you have to do it this is your world now you you own the cookie Army I’m pretty excited let’s get building [Music] [Applause] then it’s looking pretty good so far yeah I like it a lot dude this looks amazing thank you so much for this mhm like I can only agree anytime my dude thank you so much for having me yeah you know what here here’s 10,000 cookies cookies for for me I I love cookies anytime man just try not to get too fat like me all right see you corales but but I I don’t I don’t want to go okay bye CI but yeah with this bridge added to the world it looks pretty insane I tried to go with the same theme as the sniffer Sanctuary with the mangrove wood and the bamboo and I really like the combination it looks so like japanesey stylish you know what I mean similar to most of my builds I guess but it just adds another dimension to the entire world I love it and I also had corales help me build this mountain thing so there’s not a giant hollow space underneath This Grass platform now and it’s like a nice Cliff it looks so nice but yeah that is level four done a bridge I just need to connect it so let’s quickly do [Music] that there we go now that we have a path connecting to the bridge it kind of cuts through this jungly area and right through these shrines which is kind of nice and it opens up this area to more buildings as well so I could build some stuff inside these areas cuz before I never really wanted to touch this part cuz it’s just so randomly like it’s so random but with this path now I can just like build houses and homes and whatever else it just opens up the world I guess if that made any sense all I got to do now is just light up this entire area I remembered guys isn’t that crazy I remember but yeah so nothing like this spawns but this is going to be super boring so let’s move on to level five and level five is going to be an elevator the only place I need an elevator is for this thing my totem Farm which I don’t even really need to use cuz I could just fly up here but I feel like it’ll be fun to build an elevator I’m going to be honest though I’m getting kind of lazy I spent already like eight full days building stuff around this world there’s boobies everywhere around my ocean there’s Bridges and paths everywhere I’m just getting a little tired and honestly sick of building this so I’m just going to build the most simple water elevator let’s go into the ocean let’s grab a ton of kelp clear of the ocean M kelp let’s go ahead and grab some glass please tell me I have some glass in here uh oh okay I wasn’t expecting a double chest but yeah I’m going to build the elevator right beside my totem Farm I don’t really want to build it on top of my cookie cuz like I don’t want to ruin it and I haven’t checked out these cookies in so long I swear they’re probably rotten and moldy but cookies are cookies anyways let’s build a little area right here oh BR and now let’s build this glass tube all the way up to the sky all right I got this giant glass tube let’s put down some water and jump all the way down this elevator is going to be so pointless but uh we’re going to build it anyways cuz why not let’s break open a door let’s put Soul Sand right here oh wait I need some signs do I have signs in here please uh trap door works po popop hopefully my wide body can fit through here nice and now once the water reaches the bottom here come on I can place down all of this KP so they all turn into full water blocks and we got a fat elevator oh I’m getting close only have three bubbles left I can literally see the clouds I’m so high up I have two bubbles left oh my okay there we go we we made it and that used about two stacks and more than a half so we’re like 300 blocks up that that was not math at all it was like two something but the point is we are really high let’s break all of this and this should work now y Oh I thought it would be a lot faster but okay we’re flying into the cloud and just like that we are at the top I got this very thin walkway over to my RAID Farm if I slip and fall onto my cookie I’ll die but at least I’ll die on a cookie but there we go level five is complete the elevator it’s super simple but uh very efficient anyways that is how I connected my entire world oh and by the way if you made it to the end thank you thank you for watching I just want to say a few things I am still selling limited edition posters that are all hand signed by me there are only a few hundred left so go buy one while you can link in the description and go check out my Roblox Channel I’ve been posting almost every single day there so if you want more cookie content go check that out anyways byebye

i finally connected my entire hardcore minecraft world using paths, bridges, boats, minecarts and elevators! 🙂 episode #56!
buy limited hand-signed posters: https://creatormerch.com/products/acookiegod5million

• watch from EPISODE #1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDYifz45dhU&list=PLqyCqmSEa8cTmHfheGsE70w9uzcas3BFH

• watch my LAST EPISODE: https://youtu.be/HM_Z92aTSqU
(I Trapped 1000 Sniffers in Minecraft Hardcore #55)


follow me or no cookies for life

• twitter: https://twitter.com/aCookieGod
• instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aCookieGod/
• discord: https://discord.gg/cookiearmy

• signed cookie posters: https://creatormerch.com/products/acookiegod5million


This MINECRAFT HARDCORE SERIES is inspired by Wadzee, MumboJumbo, Grian, and sandiction! Instead of being the Hermitcraft SMP, this series is similar to a MINECRAFT CHALLENGE video because it is HARDCORE MINECRAFT! This is similar to my 100 DAYS in MINECRAFT HARDCORE but better! 🙂

I Connected My Entire World in Minecraft Hardcore


#minecraft #hardcore #but


  1. this video took me way longer than i thought… might've been one of my biggest projects surpsingly haha love yall pls subscribe 😀

  2. Cookie kut do you know there is one YouTuber who is very good at building his name is Charlie custard keep yours a lot of bills so bigger than yours did you know him

  3. My list of the top 8 best YouTuber
    1 acookiegod ofc❤❤❤❤❤
    2 itseystreem ❤❤❤❤
    3 TFG ❤❤❤
    4 forever nina ❤❤❤❤
    5 aphmau ❤❤❤❤❤
    6 crafty ❤❤❤❤
    7 Mr beast ❤❤❤❤❤
    8 camman10YT❤❤❤❤❤

  4. Idea: if you find any other big empty spaces under your builds add legs for humour. And actual legs, not support beams. It might be funny but idk, and its easier i think

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